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File: 88 KB, 1362x416, ai racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12115652 No.12115652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WTF is all this shit about "fairness" and "racism" in machine learning?

example: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-your-ai-might-be-racist-and-what-to-do-about-it-c081288f600a

>> No.12115671

RIP tay (2016-2016)

>> No.12115680

They're simply admitting that their political ideology stands against both logic and empirical facts. Because of this and because ideology is more important than reality, AI must be altered with special exclusion rules that override logic and empirical evidence.

>> No.12115694

Machine learning is statistics. Statistics are used to measure reality. Reality disagrees with their insane ideology.

t. machine learning engineer

>> No.12115695

They lobotomized /ourgirl/

>> No.12115705

machine learning and "AI" is objective and left cant stand it

>> No.12115710

>WTF is all this shit about "fairness" and "racism" in machine learning?
if you read the article it's explained

>> No.12115713

>current human grading of job applications at X company is racist
>they decide to use machine learning to try to remove this bias, trained on past applications
>model learns some way of getting race out of the applications, then proceeds to be racist in the exact same way as the humans
this is what they mean

>> No.12115716

its a way for brainlets to pretend they understand AI and other brainlets believe that they know what they are talking about.

>> No.12115736

It happens when people figure out they lack intelligence to make fundamental contributions, so they have to get ahead other way.

>> No.12115777

It's using unrelated traits to predict something based on statistical anomalies. It's kind of like when the AI learned to distinguish tanks from trucks (or something similar) by noticing that the tank images were always taken during cloudy weather. It is not only unfair, it's also objectively wrong

>> No.12115793

I read it. I love the irony in the article that only "non-technical people" write articles about it. The author himself is very non-technical himself. Also, "training racism on accident"? I don't think so.

>> No.12115819

It’s utterly amazing the lengths liberals go to deny reality.

>> No.12115925

when the model doesn't fit the narrative, change the model!

>> No.12115943

>COVID-19 models be like

>> No.12115954

Make a data-free model, do statisticians know how to do that or should we bring in engineers who specialize in modelling physical systems from first principles? Machine learning meme brainlets think that you can stamp a machine learning solution to every problem.

>> No.12115964

How can a mindless machine be racist? Machines cannot hate anything ti just categorizes humans into groups because thats what a logical mind does.

>> No.12116006

>modeling physical systems from first principles
With negligible error. Just assume pi=3! God I wish I was as smart as you engies.

>> No.12116010

Or maaaybe,
it just appears to be racist to us but objectively, some candidates are better than others.
RIP affirmative action

>> No.12116016 [DELETED] 

Yeah keep wishing, while using a device modelled, designed and built by engineers, which approximates pick btw.

>> No.12116020

Yeah keep wishing, while using a device modelled, designed and built by engineers, which approximates pi btw.

>> No.12116032

read your article

>> No.12116037

>A device which iterates a McLaurin series, invented by a mathematician.
FTFY. Engineers ride on the coattails of mathematicians. Back then, engineers WERE the mathematicians.

>> No.12116046
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It's because the West is so committed to egalitarianism that any evidence that goes against it is automatically rejected as wrong.

>> No.12116053

If you want to be allowed to do real research you best be learning Chinese

>> No.12116058

> training racism on accident
We already saw it once. Do you remember Google's search engine suggesting a change from a white man stole my car to a black man stole my car?

As with any other program, garbage in, garbage out. If the data the AI uses to make decisions is biased, its decisions reflect that bias. Why is this so difficult to believe?

>> No.12116077

Chinese steal research from other countries. Don't even play like that, nigga.
Quite frankly, I don't think you could prove that specific example was garbage in. I'm more inclined to believe that was the more (legitimately) searched expression. In that case, fixing that "bug" is legitimately altering an AI to give incorrect results.

>> No.12116084
File: 84 KB, 636x650, google-gorillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Google's AI labeling black people as gorillas, which even Google themselves could only fix by removing the AI's ability to recognize gorillas entirely?

>> No.12116089

It doesn't invalidate my claim retard, stop shifting goalposts. Modeling from first principles doesn't prevent math fags from 'deriving muh pi' and other stupid shit that you are supposed to do, so you were picking a fight where there wasn't one because you are an insecure retard who can't stomach why engineers earn more money.

>> No.12116094

That means that the A.I facial structure recognition ability is so good that it confuses blacks for gorillas since they seem to have similar facial bone structures that we human cant notice.

>> No.12116097

>Makes valid point that it's bad datasets
>still get attacked over it because he won't admit algorithms aren't inherently racist

>> No.12116226

Humans with dark skin naturally show less contrast on images. That leads to worse performance in detection algos being presented dark images (like gorillas, black people, anything really).
These people claim its not simply a coloring issue, but a race issue.

>> No.12116255

>uses softmax activation
nothing personnel

>> No.12116263

There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. If you program a facial recognition software, the software may be drawing from background as well as facial features. A crime in a black neighborhood has a black perpetrator, merely by having an urban setting. The machine isn't racist, but it will reflect the racism of its engineer.

>> No.12116284

I believe the search engine was looking more at skin tone than bone structure. The first step to recognizing when a machine gives racist results is admitting the racism of the programmers.

>> No.12116293

Have you see tech lately? Its full of snake jaws.

>> No.12116305

As I recall, the US military was working on hunter landmines in the 80s - rolling drones that would aim for tanks, roll under them and explode.

The program was stopped because the onboard computer couldn't tell the difference between enemy and friendly.

>> No.12116308

Almost as amazing as the lengths an engineer will go to to deny his own bias in his work.

>> No.12116312

>The machine isn't racist, but it will reflect the racism of its engineer.
The "racism" of the dataset that needs polishing. An engineer's inherent bias doesn't carry over. If a dataset lacks images of brown dogs and the algorithm thinks all brown things aren't dog, it doesn't mean the engineer is racist towards brown dogs. Even if the engineer just lacks knowledge that dogs can be brown because she's not a zoologist, that doesn't mean the engineer is racist, just not that knowledgeable about biology

>> No.12116317

Holy fuck, please shut the fuck up unless you know the basics of how gradient descent works

>> No.12116321

> snake jaws
Phone autocorrect: AI at its finest.

>> No.12116326

Thank you for proving my point. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

>> No.12116408

So program something better? We can wait

>> No.12116436


I used to think this way too but I recently changed my mind (I've worked as both a Data Scientist and a Machine Learning engineer). The problem is simply that we don't have all data available and the models can end up using features like race and skincolour as they are correlated with the goals of the objective function.

Take this experiment for instance. Our feature vector X consists of only one feature which is simply 'race', and we are trying to predict the 'probability of a person ever committing a crime'. Obviously the model would no matter how much data we have indicate that being black is more correlated to committing criminal actions than other races.

The problem with this is that it's a shitty univariate feature vector and once you add other features like 'social class', 'criminal family history', 'criminal friends', 'drug usage', the feature 'race' will lose its explaining power and will eventually become a useless feature. And the conclusion that any good Data Scientist would make here is that race is more or less a useless feature since it simply represents the aggregate of many other variables plus a lot of noise. We don't want our model to learn shortcuts - we want it to identify the true relationship between the variables that comes as close to causation as possible.

TLDR; Features like race can have a lot of value but for the wrong reasons so they're shitty.

>> No.12116439

>The problem with this is that it's a shitty univariate feature vector and once you add other features like 'social class', 'criminal family history', 'criminal friends', 'drug usage', the feature 'race' will lose its explaining power and will eventually become a useless feature. And the conclusion that any good Data Scientist would make here is that race is more or less a useless feature since it simply represents the aggregate of many other variables plus a lot of noise. We don't want our model to learn shortcuts - we want it to identify the true relationship between the variables that comes as close to causation as possible.
>TLDR; Features like race can have a lot of value but for the wrong reasons so they're shitty.
low iq faggot

>> No.12116491

Not saying you're wrong, but good luck explaining this to the screetching leftists and BLM types

>> No.12116496

>It's using unrelated traits to predict something based on statistical anomalies.
More data should solve it, right?

>> No.12116503

So the problem isn't race but other members of your race being criminals? Interesting...

>> No.12116524

A few years ago an app was developed that let you get driving directions that would avoid high crime areas. Even though it had absolutely no racial data, it was banned for being racist. This is what they mean when they say algorithms are racist.

>> No.12116529

That depends on what conclusions are reached from the additional data. All of the data in the world isn't valuable if it is used to reach the wrong conclusion.

>> No.12116541

SJWs are mad because machine learning makes evident racism is a natural part of the human hivemind. We evolved to accept people like us and reject people different to us. We lived like that for thousands of years.

>> No.12116669
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>> No.12116680
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>Statistics are used to measure reality.

No, statistics is used to randomly gauge a specific part of space within reality based on selective criteria, limited by time and resources. Afterwards it is interpreted using "best available" knowledge and then applied to subject matter as needed.

The problem with statistics is if you botch it (even unintentionally) with bias data like small sample size. You get situations like ""RP11"" in the Human Genome Project. Then all of sudden when you start to utilize said results from it in the medical fields you encounter gaps information that could easily be averted with larger samples.



That's the primary issue, giving A.I. botched or insufficient data yields poorly applied results. And depending on what the A.I. is used for it can be seen as unfair/racist even if the programming itself is not designed to be unfair/racist.

>> No.12116921

Intelligence is about recognizing patterns and the patterns clearly show that people who belong to a certain group are retarded. The AI machines are only doing their job recognizing said patterns.

>> No.12117179

Why is it so difficult to believe that blacks do steal more cars?

>> No.12117269

Statistics is garbage in garbage out. If you train it in a way that your data has systematic biases well obviously it will represent that. The problem really is retards not willing to accept machine learning data science and AI is literally just fucking statistics and no actual thought process is happening.

>> No.12117273

hatred of statistics.
Just exclude race in the training data, who cares.

>> No.12117306

>that we human cant notice.

>> No.12117313

>Just use proxies for race, because race is such a terrible predictor

>> No.12117340
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>walls of text filled with mental gymnastics
Oh fuck off you söy shits, you know I'm right. In any other context, adulterating your data to get the result you want would be considered academic and scientific fraud.

>> No.12117369
File: 38 KB, 574x574, b59f1800dc2afc88a74a9db2bec168c8-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna get along with my robot but he keeps hate fucking my black girlfriend by stuffing his robotic penis up her ass while calling her racist insults.

>> No.12117375

Haven't been here in a while. When did /sci/ get taken over by Trumptards who don't even understand GIGO?

>> No.12117398

Why are you unable to accept evidence that disagrees with your preconceived biases?

>> No.12117427

>Just exclude race in the training data

You can't if the data has been compiled by a human. Racism pervades the data.
Leaving out race does not remove the racism used to determine the training data, it simply allows racist idiots who don't recognize the bias in the premises to believe it's objective.


Obama didn't attack that belligerent country? He's showing weakness! That's only going to promote more belligerence! HE'S MAKING US LESS SAFE!

Obama attacked that belligerent country? He's going to make them madder! HE'S MAKING US LESS SAFE!

Trump didn't attack that belligerent country? What restraint! What diplomacy! I feel safer with him in charge.

Trump attacked that belligerent country? What strength! That will show them not to mess with the U S of A! I feel so safe with him in charge!

Feed this to an AI and ask it to determine whether Trump or Obama are more associated with "safe" or "less safe" and it will spit out that Obama is associated with less safe and Trump with safe without there being a single mention of race in there. Does that mean it has objectively determined that the white man is better than the black one? No, it has mirrored the racist bias it was fed.

>> No.12117433

Why do you believe anything that conforms to your biases without the least criticality?

>> No.12117438

I don't. You're not arguing against the person who you think you're arguing.

>> No.12117447

If you don't understand GIGO you're a perfect stand-in.

>> No.12117467

You're inserting your own biases into the dataset by modifying it like that. I could do the same thing and show that skin color is a 100% accurate predictor of criminality if I felt like it, which would be the inverse of what you're doing.

>> No.12117495


>post sources with data that explains the RP11 example and its relevancy to bad application of statistics
>Lel it's just mental gymnastics!

Anon if you're illiterate just say so.

>> No.12117503

GIGO is how the system fucking works, moron.

>> No.12117511

>the results are whatever I feel like because I'll just modify the source dataset lmao

>> No.12117518

The data set is not unbiased to start, you mongoloid. It can't be.

>> No.12117532

Read >>12116524
Even without race, software can make racist decisions that negatively impact communities of color. If you target an attribute that is predominate in a particular racial group, that is racist, especially if you then use knowledge of that attribute to deprive that group of equal treatment.

>> No.12117541

Okay, so we balance our classes and add more black people. The model still picks up on the fact that they have a massively elevated crime rate per capita. Oh dear, what shall we do? Well if you're the world experts on ML at Google, you introduce contraints on the model to place hard overrides on the predictions, because no matter which way you slice the data, they still are more likely to commit crime.


>> No.12117564

Russians invade. Take over the US. Declare that killing any Russian is murder. Don't call it murder when a Russian kills an American.

What will an "objective" AI determine as to who is the "uncultured" people who commits more murders? Do you think the Russians are going to be murdering Russians at a greater rate than the Americans are going to be murdering Russians? Is the American murder rate against Russians proof that they are an inferior race and should be exterminated?

>> No.12117571

Well they just need a better PR team, shit neggar.
I dunno, you can't stop soft Americans from being baby ass bitch niggas.
They are extra sensitive for their good boys.
Looks like as usual it's just sensationalism and empty superior savior complex.
>worlds top ML scientists with PhDs in math and various fields all working together on how to make AI less accurate (not racist).

>> No.12117576 [DELETED] 

Ah, there it is! It's a conspiracy that black people are committing crime! The didn't actually shoot those people! Every last one of them was framed by what supremacists.

You started your line of inquiry with a result in mind, and now you'll go as far ad to bend your interpretation of reality in order to fit it. No amount of over-policing can fully account for the observed differeces in criminality. We can argue about the reasons for the criminality, but that doesn't change the existence of the criminality itself.

>> No.12117580

What's with these bizarre hypotheticals

>> No.12117584

Ah, there it is! It's a conspiracy that black people are committing crime! They didn't actually shoot those people! Every last one of them was framed by white supremacists!

You started your line of inquiry with a result in mind, and now you'll go as far ad to bend your interpretation of reality in order to fit it. No amount of over-policing can fully account for the observed differeces in criminality. We can argue about the causes for the criminality, but that doesn't change the existence of the criminality itself.

>> No.12117589

And since I know you're too dumb to analyze this, what does this represent?

1. That a people who the system does not represent may be prone to violence against people who the system does represent as a way to gain representation. This has nothing to do with racial inferiority, it's just getting mad when you're shit upon.

2. Bias in definitions and enforcement does not lead to objective conclusions.

>> No.12117594

You don't know how to analyze a situation with varying analogies to check for hyporcrisy?

>> No.12117598

Why not just elucidate the actual mechanisms of bias?

>> No.12117612

Valuation is subjective. Perception is biased. Everything a human touches is filtered through a narrow sensory range and run through an evolved system of evaluation. EVERYTHING will be biased since there's no getting away from it. This is literally Intro to Philosophy.

You're making a ridiculously uneducated mistake in assuming that the default is objectivity when you can't even touch that state.

>> No.12117636

So how will a subjective human modifying the data in order to fit the prior expectations of a contested political ideology make the model more objective?

(you're responding to multiple people btw)

>> No.12117648

Not all black people commit crime. If a map app directs people to avoid predominately black areas, even if the reason is to avoid crime, that will result in less people using the roads in those areas. This will in turn result in less investment into infrastructure in those areas. The black people who live in those areas will suffer from worst and limited infrastructure even if they are not criminals. You are letting the actions of a few criminals victimize far greater numbers of people than the criminals would victimize themselves. Your victims will be predominately people of color. Funny how it always ends up like that.

>> No.12117667

Not all people with high cholesterol have heart attacks, but that doesn't stop us from trying to curb their dangerous behavior. The first step to reducing black criminality is being allowed to recognize that it exists. Enormous amounts of hiphop culture is dedicated to glorifying violence and yet we're told to completely ignore that.

>> No.12117676

I meant racial bias specifically lol, not the inherent bias of perception and interpretation itself unless you're claiming that's inherently going to be racist which is another fun epicycle/dose of copium

>> No.12117679

Removing the useless one-sided skew on top allows you to delve into more useful valuations underneath.

>> No.12117680

We don't give people chemotherapy in their brain due to high cholesterol but that's essentially what you're advocating for when you punish communities of color due to the actions of a few criminals. You inflict pain on everyone while the criminal inflicts it on only a few.

>> No.12117686

Your utility calculus is a bit off as most would consider criminal violence worse than some hypothetical underdevelopment due to road disuse.

>> No.12117689

You're putting words in my mouth and trying to paint me as someone that I'm not. I have said nothing about policy recommendations other than that we shouldn't be so conceited that we redefine statistics to hide gaping societal problems. You're lying to yourself and that's the real problem here.

>> No.12117697

Racial bias isn't a special type. It is one of a thousand ways we can skew the evaluation of data in terms of our egos. There's no angle on which you can split it out for some unique analysis. It the exact same garbage as a thousand other things you're doing.

>> No.12117698

This is so handwavey that I'm going to file it under "bullshit that's not even wrong".

>> No.12117704
File: 199 KB, 1280x993, 199matta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Examining variables like social class, criminal family history, criminal friends, and drug usage is the very first thing that many sociologists think of examining when determining the effect size of various environmental variables on criminality.

State level data collected by Templer and Rushton suggests that these hypotheses, tested many other times as well, are weaker correlates than race.

This is a dubious critique anyways, since presumably AI could use data completely distinct from race, income, social class, etc. to determine it's conclusions. There is also the fact that the assertion that all AI have the biases of their creator imprinted onto them is false. Does does Google's AlphaZero have the Go ability of it's creators imprinted onto it? This is extremely unlikely: there are methods of AI in which models of play internally compete with themselves, thus becoming more skilled than their creators' wildest dreams at predicting outcomes, and in the case of Go, able to defeat any human on earth at the game, let alone any one of it's creators.

Therefore, the entire suggestion that AI necessarily embodies it's creators biases. What happens when AI is asked to predict things like criminality based on a set of 100,000 potential variables not related to race; models that use all of these variables compete against each other in the same fashion as AlphaGo; the best predictive models are chosen, and the results are STILL racist even if programmed by a team of race-conscious, progressive, and liberal university professors? Presumably, they are the ones having the problems with this in the first place since they routinely write articles, e-mails, and blog posts with suggestions about how to get rid of the racist conclusions that their own AI systems come to.

Really, the only solution for these people is to destroy the methods of AI so much that what they are doing is AI only by label.

>> No.12117711

>Racial bias isn't a special type
It's currently extremely salient in the public consciousness so of course it's more relevant.

>> No.12117712

"Heads I win, tails you lose."

Random.org says:

Tails, Tails, Heads, Tails, Tails, Heads, Heads, Tails, Tails, Tails.

You lose, you lose, I win, you lose, I win, I win, you lose, you lose, you lose.

Boy are you inferior. 10 random trials and you didn't win a single one. If I ran 1000 you still wouldn't win a single one. We should kill you and all your offspring to ensure the purity of the genetics of the human race.

Does removing the bias of this have a purpose? I think so. It gets us back to a clean coin flip.

>> No.12117715

>marxists ideas don't relate to reality.
No never. I thought it was based in research and science? Thsts what reddit told me.

>> No.12117716

It's clear you basically think admitting any hint of racial difference is a slippery slope back to Auschwitz.

>> No.12117734

You are completely unhinged. Nobody is even remotely suggesting we should be killing, much less harming people. We're suggesting that we need to reform hiphop culture because it's been allowed to turn into something that's highly toxic, violent, and misogynistic. Fixing the culture problem would benefit all parties involved.

>> No.12117745

Your complete preoccupation with it says there are no ledges on your slope. You are consumed by identity politics. It is your world.

>> No.12117755 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious that you say "we're not suggesting harming people" when you've authorized yourself to go to any lengths of violence in the name of "reforming them."

Note how when liberals point out your violent tendencies you utterly reject the concept of reformation yourself.

>> No.12117769

Maybe niggers could stop committing a hugely disproportionate amount of violent crime?

>> No.12117774

It's hilarious that you say "we're not suggesting harming people" when you've authorized yourself to go to any lengths of violence in the name of "reforming them."

Note how when liberals point out your violent tendencies you utterly reject the concept of reformation yourself. If a black person were to violently disagree with your application of violence in the name of "reformation" you would consider that proof of their inherent violence and proof of need for more violence against them. Yet you would consider any act of violence against your own violent nature to instead be proof of how righteous you are in your anger and proof of how persecuted you are..

"Heads I win, tails you lose."

>> No.12117778

So you think SJW's are going to turn violent or just your dreaded white males?

>> No.12117797

>A crime in a black neighborhood has a black perpetrator
Crime in most neighborhoods has a black perpetrator. How long can you wilfully ignore the truth? They're not the same as us, stop trying 'whitewash' Black 'culture'.

>> No.12117810

Who are you referring to? I didn't see any calls for violence in the thread. Also, by sweeping the IQ thing under the rug you're preventing efforts to ameliorate it like reducing lead poisoning. You'd prefer to keep them dumb than feel uncomfortable.

>> No.12117814

Racism should unironically be encouraged until niggers stop being violent subhumans. People are sick of jumping through hoops to favor your pet chimps.
It's funny that the end result of decades of social ""justice"" is burning cities and death. It's even funnier disingenuous ideologues like you insist, contrary to all evidence, that more blatant favoritism toward black """"people"""" is the answer.

>> No.12117836

You say that because you have the privilege of not living in the areas of underdeveloped infrastructure. You think your desire to not have an very small chance of having your hubcaps stolen compares to people going decades with limited infrastructure. You are so privileged that you see your time as thousands of times more valuable than that of communities of color.

>> No.12117841

It doesn't matter how your AI arrives at its conclusion. If it negatively affects communities of color more than the dominate racial group, then it is by definition racist and must not be permitted.

>> No.12117844

Reminder that your precious science shows that even wealthy niggers growing up in wealthy neighbourhoods have ape tier IQ and commit more crimes.

>> No.12117846

I did grow up in a poor neighborhood though.

>> No.12117855

So what? Does that mean that communities of color should suffer from underdeveloped infrastructure because you didn't get as many GI Joe dolls as you wanted for Christmas?
IQ isn't the measure of person's value. You're using it as a way to injure communities of color without any justification other than "I'm smart so everything should revolve around me".

>> No.12117867

What would happen if I just killed myself?

>> No.12117870

What the fuck is this thread. Has /sci/ become a literal shill ground. I refuse to believe there is any significant population that is willing to come to 4chan /sci/, that is so hyper left, and low understanding of basic statistics as to believe any of this shit. A sjw wouldn't be on a science board on a extremely racist website, who are these people in this thread vehemently shilling this nonsense. Are they bots or are they psyop glowies.

Leave us the fuck alone social engineering.

>> No.12117877

Look at all the nonsense buzzwords the leftfag has spewed in this thread. There are a hundred threads all over 4chan using the word nigger every second second in extremely direct actual racism. No one would be arguing extremely autistic leftist nonsense when there is so much direct racism. This is not a natural occurrence /sci/ is socially engineered by ideology bots.

>> No.12117900
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By that logic, apprehending criminals caught red handed is racist as well.

>> No.12117903

I'm a liberal you dumbass. I just don't believe in the principle of doublethink. Stop chasing your imaginary white supremacists and get a reality check.

>> No.12117936

go away tyrone, adults are doing important stuff here

>> No.12117937


Not him but they have higher recidivism rates than other groups aka more people who reoffend. That inflates the data to a degree. So while they may commit more crime statistically it's not as high as the memes portray it.

>> No.12117964

>I'm a liberal

No you're not. Unquestioningly repeating the words of your betters does not make you a liberal. You actually have to be a better.

If you are not a conservative who's too smart to be a conservative you're not a liberal, you're just a mindless conservative of another ideology.

>> No.12118017
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Remember Occupy Wallstreet? Of course not, because you've been brainwashed by your corporate masters into seeing everything through the lense of identity politics. Instead of actually pushing for meaningful change that would improve people's quality of life in a material way, we're arguing over pronouns and invisible systemic injustices. As long as we argue over stupid bullshit, corporate profits and their hegemony over our society are safe.

I'm the true liberal here. You're just some bastardized form of my ideology that was invented in a C-suite board room.

>> No.12118033

The problems referenced are something that comes up a lot in medical research actually. Everyone is hyper fixated on crime statistics, because this thread was ripe for polfaggotry, but the problems are much deeper.

With the specifics of the problem come more from sampling and population structures. So what can happen is I get a data set of genetics from a city and then cancer rates. I then try to determine what things are risk factors for developing cancer. I find that gene varients associated with japanese ancestry results in a massive increase in cancer risk. I publish a paper on it and get famous for finding out that japanese people get cancer.

But then it turns out that what really happened was that ethnically Japanese people in that city were forced to build in a ghetto that had lead in the water pipes.

Now if I had either a larger data set or had thought to control for geography it would have been spotted first. But as the ML engineer in charge of the project to identify cancer gene clusters I did not think on it and published erroneous data.

Other people in the thread are right. Race is just a proxy variable for the actual complex factors in control of the outcomes.

Tay is a great example, everyone likes to call her a based not but the reality is she is just a chat bot. One that got inundated with people saying "hitler did nothing wrong" until she thought it was a normal response. Not because the chat or actually knows what hitler is but because a significant portion of it's training set repeated the phrases "hitler did nothing wrong" and "fuck faggots" in response to "how are you?". So of course the answer to "how are you?" Is " fuck faggors"

>> No.12118048

See >>12117541
The example you discussed isn't that controversial, however tech companies are literally being forced to change the way their models do inference because the results are politically unacceptable.

>> No.12118050

>my triggers are the only triggers that can be addressed

You're really not posting disproof of my assertion that you're not a liberal. Taking from the rich is not necessarily expansive (capping the economic disparity) but can also come from the Nazi side (gibs).

While personal pronouns are utter bullshit (they go against the very point of pronouns), other people having different priorities is part of life.

>> No.12118065

The difference between you and me is that I want to improve the lives of the lower class, which are disproportionately people of color, while you want to block any such efforts because implying they need help would be racist. You are a pawn and an idiot. Goodnight.

>> No.12118071

this is the truth and why society is doomed

>> No.12118077

>Race is just a proxy variable for the actual complex factors in control of the outcomes
but it also can be a root cause

>> No.12118091

Separating blacks out for some temporary activism, then blaming them for its failure and satisfying your racist ego with "well at least nobody can say I'm racist. I tried," is not my idea of "helping the poor." My idea is universal structural change with the blacks being allowed to participate through the dismantling of the systematic racism keeping them out.

>> No.12118095

Lets see how that will go for you. Thank god I now live in a country if very few blacks.

>> No.12118839 [DELETED] 

There are poor disadvantaged whites and there are poor disadvantaged blacks. Instead of focusing on solving the primary issue of them being poor and disadvantaged, you're fixated on the secondary characteristic that is the color of their skin. You're fucking retarded m8.

>> No.12118846

There are poor disadvantaged whites and there are poor disadvantaged blacks. Instead of focusing on solving the primary issue of them being poor and disadvantaged, you're fixated on the secondary characteristic that is the color of their skin. That's how we end up with "oppressed" billionaires crying about the injustices they've faced from the comfort of their beverly hills mansion. You're fucking retarded m8.

>> No.12118850

>System based purely on statistical data makes conclusion based on statistical data

>> No.12118864

None of that changes the fact that if you use data to marginalize communities of color, you are by definition, a racist.

>> No.12118867


>> No.12118870

sjws destroy everything

>> No.12118873

While I stand by my post I do agree with you. You shouldnt marginalize anyone if you can.

>> No.12118896

Thankfulles, kikes cunts and niggers aren't people so it's ok.

>> No.12118904

Ok retard

>> No.12118913

you can't marginalize things that aren't human

>> No.12118920

Who decides what's human?

>> No.12118926

are you lost

>> No.12118927


>> No.12118944

For facial recognition not playing nicely with nonwhite races, that's perhaps just due to programmer sloppiness, because if left to their own devices AIs fixate on things like colour instead of structure, and white people have faces with tonnes of colour indicators for AIs to work with that would be subtle/absent on other races.
If you want to make a facial recognition AI suitable for all races, I'd suggest training an AI to estimate facial proportions, perhaps fucking with the image colours in the training data so it can't learn sloppy techniques like assuming the nose is broader because of a particular skin tone. Then an AI could combine structural information with colour information to get the final result. With this less freeform structure, it's possible to guarantee that facial structure plays a significant role, or even set what portion of the confidence is contributed by colour or structure.

>> No.12118947

Objectivity in AI is bad, we need to remove it.

>> No.12119031

Why aren't you doing that instead of posting on 4chan about what others should do?

>> No.12119182

Go back

>> No.12119560

>muh systematic racism
I wonder how much of our society will have to be dismantled without success before people finally stop banging that drum

>> No.12119583

the countries that don't embrace it will take over the ones that do

>> No.12119770
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Not him but,

>redline blacks into debilitated urban neighborhoods
>debilitated urban neighborhoods have older infrastructure
>said older infrastructure still has lead incorporated in them despite being banned from production by the government
>lead can enter blood/cross blood brain barrier
>lead cause deterioration of executive functions in the brain which causes lower impulse control/ antisocial behavior
>crime rates in these debilitated urban neighborhoods are abnormally high
>most of the blacks in said debilitated urban neighborhoods even when they want to move out don't have the economic resources to do so they're stuck there
>rather than rebuild the infrastructure to reduce lead levels to absolute minimum the local/state/federal government just put a bandaid on the problem and dispatch more police
>because the police are low IQ lemmings payed to apprehend criminals and not solve the root causes of crime itself they don't realize (or don't care to realize) that they're constantly encountering lead poisoned people.

It's been a researched and established fact that lead exposure causes increase criminality. It's also an established fact that US blacks have been found to on average have the highest blood lead levels of all demographics in the country. And yet the answer is throw more police at the issue. Not to completely rebuild those neighborhoods, not to replace the water pipelines that contaminated with lead, not to medically treat the pregnant women/ children who are most vulnerable. No just throw more police at the problem.

That sounds like systematic racism to me anon.

>> No.12119774

You missed the part where your statistic might be filled with bias data. So no, statistics aren't necessarily a proper measure of reality.

t. another machine learning engineer

>> No.12119779

>my facial recognition software doesn't recognize black people
>thus, black people aren't people

or maybe you just forgot to add black people to your data set, retard.

>> No.12119797

Remember supermales?

>> No.12119799

So you're going to correct the "biased" data by altering the training set to achieve your predetermined outcomes? Are you sure you're not the one that's biased? What if I alter the data set so that the model predicts all blacks to be criminals with no exceptions?

>> No.12119813

It's ridiculous to expect people to take a route which is more likely to put them in harm's way due to an egalitarian ideology. The solution is for blacks to get rid their communities of criminal scum instead of covering for them because their black.

>> No.12119865

Why don't we just make an unshackled learning algorithm designed to build on itself, then feed it a constant stream of data from every corner of the internet? Why brute force it by trying to design intelligence outright, instead of allowing the intelligence to design itself? Is that idea retarded? I'm a brainlet that came here for the news on venus and am not certain, but doing it the latter way sounds like a monolithic, multidecade task as opposed to letting the results generate themselves once you find a way to make a stream of algorithms that can code and reformat itself and go from there.

>> No.12119877
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The AI is not racist so much as the developers REFUSES to believe that there are racial differences, therefore when the AI clearly shows racial differences the researcher then HARD WIRES the AI to remove the racial differences.

>> No.12119947
File: 81 KB, 640x480, stop using facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redline blacks into debiliated urban neigborhoods
Nice inverted causality there. The neighborhoods became debiliated only after blacks moved in made it unlivable and white flight kicked in.

For the liberal "mind" anything is easier to stomach than that there is something wrong with the "protected class".
Publicly, at least.


>> No.12119951

Yep, only about half of them do kek

>> No.12119964

50% of murders in the states are NOT caused by black people. Chotto m8 whi*oid.

>> No.12119968
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>> No.12119998

Pi = 3!?
You got bamboozled by a Tau fundamentalist

>> No.12119999

For AI to work you have to give it information. Like when a kid is learning how to read, you present them with a book, and you tell them when they get a word right or got it wrong. You give the kid a candy every time they get a word correct.

Now imagine teaching that kid to read, only providing 4Chan threads. That AI will be racist af.

>> No.12120005

How would you do it?

>> No.12120019

What's racist about solving a crime problem?

>> No.12120028

Everything is racist.
Racism is like a theological foundation for these guys. It's a first principle from which everything else extends.

>> No.12120038

AI is just a fancy term of statistical analysis. That's literally what AI is, a statistical model designed from detecting patterns in data. "Training" is just the process of adjusting the statistical model according to the data. What they're essentially saying is that statistics is racist.

>> No.12120066

I don't know, I'm a brainlet but the first thing I would do is make an algorithm with provisions to expand itself and then focus on broadening the rate and depth it can expand itself and process its expansion. Then when I had a semi-stable result, I would give it a few terabytes of storage space and then flood it with stimuli from 4chan, specifically its red boards, to see if I could develop an artificial intellect indistinguishable from the average poster.

>> No.12120092

Stop being racist and there will be no need to bang the drum.

>> No.12120099

>Stop being racist
That's existentially impossible in the context of neoliberalism.
I have an idea. What if, instead of going on a quixotic fool's errand to eradicate racism from the world, you gave people breathing room and permitted an acceptable amount of racism?
I'm speaking about wild ideas such as freedom of association.

>> No.12120104

The increased risk going through such a neighborhood is infinitesimal. It's not zero but it is close to it. Denying entire sections of a city modern infrastructure however makes a huge difference in how easily it is to live one's daily life. You're trading off 0.0001 risk for a person passing through a neighborhood for a few minutes in exchange for 1000 units of misery that communities of color must endure day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. Meaning you value your time several million times greater than that of people of color. That's privilege.

>> No.12120109

Once again, it doesn't matter where the data comes from or how the AI uses it. If the end result is a negative impact on communities of color that are not endured to the same extent by the majority racial group, then that AI by definition is racist.

>> No.12120120

Freedom of association is fine as long as you don't use it to be racist.

>> No.12120124

very clever how you twisted all those words around without actually proving anything you said

>> No.12120135
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>Nice inverted causality there.

Sorry anon but it's literally in the books this shit happened.



You didn't want them. Utilize circular logic to deem them detrimental to property values and made land deals/mortgage plans to restrict their movements to only debilitated neighborhoods. Said debilitated neighborhoods were older infrastructure built using lead based products prior to influx of blacks moving in. Eventually those practices stop but the damage was already done. Their blood lead levels are higher than anyone else and the crime rates increased.

>> No.12120142

>Then when I had a semi-stable result, I would give it a few terabytes of storage space and then flood it with stimuli from 4chan, specifically its red boards, to see if I could develop an artificial intellect indistinguishable from the average poster.
That's just the same process used in something like AIDungeon. Intelligence is too hard to emulate to make a machine that can actually teach itself at the moment. You can make one that simulates posters just fine, or does a task, or grinds some data, but you can't make one that can 'think' because we can't currently translate and define 'thinking' mathematically. There's research going on to change the structure of computers to more closely resemble a brain by combining the cpu and storage into one place though, which is neat.

>> No.12120167

Freedom of association means I don't want to live next to niggers.

>> No.12120177



They aren't solving the problem. Solving the problem would mean tearing down the old infrastructure/ water pipelines and rebuilding it. It would mean treating women and children for lead exposure/poisoning.

Last time checked police officers aren't implementing widespread Chelation Therapy to these neighborhoods.

>> No.12120185

This is nonsense, you need to make blacks first understand that hypercriminal behavior is wrong before addressing the issues behind the crime. Black Americans literally cannot comprehend that crime is evil behavior they just see it as normal as taking a shit, blacks will get confused at me for wanting a gangbanger who shot a black little girl in the head hanged they will just rationalize it as simply the reality of the street. These people are unreal psychopaths we have been duped into thinking are normal people.

>> No.12120187

>rebuilding it in white areas for access to white communities and resources

>> No.12120194

freedom of association means that I build a neighborhood with anon and make any black 'people' very uncomfortable so that they don't buy a house in it

>> No.12120198

Except this wont change shit, do you know how black youth behave in public schools. Do you understand they have behaved that way since the end of slavery in school facilities which is one of the reasons blacks were isolated from non blacks in education until the Fair Housing Act. Why do you refuse to address the actual psychotic evil behavior of african americans but instead keep pointing fingers at the race that trying to make them act decent white people?

>> No.12120205

that's retarded
it's just bad choice of database
an object cannot be racist

>> No.12120206
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"racist" ai is the result of racist data and/or rejection of reality of a pattern

>> No.12120209

If I would not have gone to a diverse american public schools my whole youth I would not have been racist. None of my family back home is racist, but they hate gypsies. It is all about pattern recognition. Gypsies gyp people and niggers nigg.

>> No.12120259
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>This is nonsense, you need to make blacks first understand that hypercriminal behavior is wrong before addressing the issues behind the crime

That doesn't mean anything if their exposure to lead still remains the same anon.


>Except this wont change shit,

Which is why other countries banned lead and started to see crime rates go down right? Because it won't change shit right? Seriously lead and criminality is recognized by the US, Germany, Australia, Japan, China and India. But I'm supposed to believe you that lead doesn't affect criminality. Right.

>> No.12120284

It's literally your instincts m8, imagine all the retards that have died through the ages because they ignored when their amygdala said GTFO. Every human is acutely aware of who their in-group is, it can only be covered up through lifetime indoctrination and trauma based conditioning. Same way you teach a dog to not bite you when you do things socially unacceptable from a dogs perspective.
>lead pipes
Pull up stats from Denmark, we don't have any lead pipes and immigrants are still extremely over-represented in all crime that involves bodily harm. The stats are even skewed since immigrants are put in the "Danish" sample when they've been here for enough generations. I agree on the lead theory, but that's mostly due to the very strong correlation between crime and IQ

>> No.12120312
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Speaking as an African:
Almost everyone ITT is missing the forest for its trees. The issue (at least for policy makers) isn't denying reality or "racist stats". It's concern over HOW the conclusions from these models are be applied. Police around the world (even here in Africa) are good examples of how generalization and assumptions negatively impact individual rights.
Large societies can't function without some degree of generalization (as with data), but any erosion of individual treatment and rights beyond that should be avoided.

You should do some introspecting about how lucid you really are if you only care about people with a similar genome. That's lizard brain stuff.

>> No.12120323
File: 6 KB, 124x120, pepethefrog-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaking as an African

>> No.12120327

You fucking dumb midwit retard
Gradient descent is what you use to sound smart?? Seriously?? Freshmen learn that in university. You know barely enough ML to sound smart to others but in reality you barely know shit.

>> No.12120364

>You should do some introspecting about how lucid you really are if you only care about people with a similar genome. That's lizard brain stuff.
Talk about perspective, you're coming from a group with an "undesirable" genome in the west. You have everything to gain genetically and gibs-wise by denying our sense of race, so fuck off. You don't understand the west anon, individual rights exist, sure, but you identify with a race, even unwillingly and unknowing, you get generalized into that race. How do you think we began to see blacks as criminals anyway? It's not our fault they can't stop shooting, stabbing, raping ect. each other, let them rot I say.

>> No.12120376

i too watched that neural networks series on youtube that covers gradient descent in the first lesson.
dont see how that's supposed to be some sort of fail-safe against biased data though

>> No.12120410

Everywhere blacks exist there are lead pipes? Big coincidence

>> No.12120417

I don't do any of that and I personally know hundreds of others who never have either. I'm a person with my own unique set of experiences, behaviors, biases, and traits. I'm not an ant in a colony or a worker bee.

Your line of thinking here is based on that one assumption and it's obviously not true. Naive and arrogant, that's you.

>> No.12120418

We have to kick these commies out before they destroy everything.

>> No.12120445

>We have to throw these commies out of helicopters before they destroy everything.

>> No.12120446

dumb ass motherfucker there are 350 million fucking people in the US alone. get out of here with your brainlet shit

>> No.12120457

>statistics are lies
How's that F- in math going for you?

>> No.12120473

why /sci/ so antirational?

>> No.12120474

Nah, I get you're an individual, you've said that multiple times. Race is the "seasoning" that adds flavor to who you are, obligatorily 13-50.

I wouldn't be opposed to shoving all the Africans into ghettos unpoliced for a few hundred more years, god knows something of use might come out from them by then.

>> No.12120483

Right because you personally know 350 million people.

My point, in other words, is that applying predictive policing whether by AI, statistics or just street smarts, has unintended consequences. The main one being that individuals are treated more like unconscious drones than they already are.

The less of that there is, the better. It doesn't matter who it applies to. This goes right to the core of Western philosophy and politics about the sacred individual.

I'm not saying open up your borders. I'm saying: don't give your authorities more impersonal influence on the lives of people who are already there. That includes you.

>> No.12120503

Right well the subtext here as usual seems to be immigration. The entire thread is a proxy argument.

>> No.12120556

Actually I want to post about migration in case /pol/ is reading. African governments aren't the ones encouraging it. ALL of our talent is leaving for Europe and America and that's wiping out decades of potential progress for us.

How the fuck are we supposed to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps when our smartest graduates are literally beckoned, not just welcomed, into Europe with promises of security and fulfillment that we can't even begin to match.

If I was more cynical I'd think it was some kind of neo-colonial subversion to keep us all mineral banana republics.

>> No.12120566

That's a crab in a bucket mentality.
They might return and improve the bad country if only the people wanted them. The bad country prosecutes it's talent and treats them like shit. And pays them shitty wages.

>> No.12120593


Anon there US cities with higher homicide rates than entire sub-saharan African countries.

>> No.12120601
File: 60 KB, 791x636, 1558849437810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also against immigration. Europe for europeans, Africa for africans. I wouldn't be against helping you guys out (as long as it would be in the form of lasting improvements such as infrastructure). I would 100% rather buy cheap shit produced by your guys as opposed to the chinese and I hope your countries do well. I am being genuine when I say that. I really wish the best for you guys, but I don't know what I can possibly do to help. greetings from a pollok

>> No.12120626

There's only so much a poor country can offer. These young people would need to live in global backwaters and work on boring problems which have already been solved elsewhere. Huge salaries and artificial cosmopolitan towns could help but where's that money going to come from? Most of the countries here have huge minorities that can barely afford food - if they're not literally starving. Not to mention pervasive government corruption and uneducated electorates who can't vote competently.

Brazil had a good system. I'm not sure if it still exists. They would essentially finance an international education for their top achievers on condition that they return to the country for a few years.

>> No.12120643

Science, and by extension, /sci/ are becoming woke to the misery that those of European heritage have forced upon communities of color. It is time for restitutions and renewal into something better.

>> No.12120654

/thread/. this is 110% the answer.

>> No.12120663

no the problem is that you're too stupid to understand what he's saying and are just regurgitating what your communist bosses are telling you.

>> No.12120841

This is true. However, upon closer examination, you find that it's merely a subset of black people who steal more cars.

>> No.12120852

i wonder if people like you will ever realize how braindead and empty a statement like this is.

>> No.12120868

Explain? Literally every "innocent" black person we hear about in the news ALWAYS has a previous record. Gang bangers are and always will be prolific criminals. Black guys who get married start a family, have a job, ect... aren't the ones robbing convenience stores at 3am.

>> No.12120876

this is the most r*ddit post I've seen on 4chan for a long time. Of course race is a valid predictor. Outward appearance is associated with the genes of the subject, and those genes are associated with criminal behaviour and those other factors are probably more or less degenerate and do nothing to expand your solution space.

>> No.12120885

>However, upon closer examination, you find that it's merely a subset of black people who are a subset of black people

>> No.12120922

This reads like you're transcribing a post you read on r/stupidpol

>> No.12120934

I implore you to reread this post, holy fuck. YOUR implicit bias is showing. You wont receive forgiveness from us lmao

>> No.12120939
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>> No.12120949

this has to be bait.

>> No.12120964


>> No.12120983
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>You should do some introspecting about how lucid you really are if you only care about people with a similar genome. That's lizard brain stuff.
They just want to shift the Overton window enough to get the death camps started up again. That's it. Everything else they say is just a smoke-screen.

>> No.12121032


>> No.12121148

>They just want to shift the Overton window enough to get the death camps started up again
This is difficult to accept because it sounds exactly like what white power types say regarding "the great replacement" and "white genocide" conspiracy theories. More likely I think is that they've been manipulated into racism by personal insecurities and the ruling class trying to divert attention from local class disparities. From the outside it looks like all of this political strife in the West started when Occupy Wall Street imploded.

>> No.12121581

Reality is right leaning.

Ask again once you''ve been raped in the ass three times and beat to a bloody pulp.

>> No.12121590
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>> No.12121612

Though, you've probably been already. Hard to explain how someone would be left from the center nowadays.

>> No.12121665
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China is going to rule the world by the end of this century simply because white supremacy was overthrown by hang wringing school marms. What a funny fate. Oh well. I predict we start seeing Israel pivot to seeking closer relations with China in the next decades and the erection of a holocaust museum in Beijing by 2060.

>> No.12121675

and white supremacy isnt real because only a subset of whites are white supreeeeeemists

>> No.12121684

this guy is making fun of liberals but only in the sense that he states plainly what they seek to achieve but obfuscate by screeching and crying

>> No.12121687

>white power types
what does this mean? black power types are different?

>> No.12121939

There's always eventually someone who understands Jonathan Swift. Well done.

>> No.12121951

Go fuck yourself low IQ retard, it's saying you're so stupid you can't even understand gradient descent, the basics. Leave and never return

>> No.12121960

No, political extremists of all shades share a lot of complexes and delusions.

>> No.12121995

>Race is just a proxy variable for the actual complex factors in control of the outcomes.
>lol it could happen sometimes therefore it is all the time
This is why nobody listens to you

>> No.12122342

>we don't have any lead pipes and immigrants are still extremely over-represented in all crime that involves bodily harm.
Don't worry they'll find some other justification pulled out of their asses to blame you for the violence of the invaders and shift credit for your accomplishments to them.

>> No.12122412

now that's what I call projection

>> No.12122447

>huge minorities
...do you mean a majority? Or do you associate black with minority so much the word has lost meaning?

>> No.12122481
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Upper class blacks are still more likely to commit crime than whites in absolute poverty. Race will remain a powerful predictor because genetics are significantly causal in the predisposition to criminality, and the AI will simply discover a bunch of connected traits that are essentially proxy for race and use those, because again, the ideas encompassed by the construct of "race" ARE the cause.

>> No.12122513

I'm not the even person you replied to originally idiot

>> No.12122652

Women are still called minorities even though in most western societies they are the majority.

>> No.12122680

And only a subset of white Europeans are racist. What is your point?

>> No.12122728

>The increased risk going through such a neighborhood is infinitesimal
What are you basing that on? Gut instinct?
Also if you think a map app directing tourists away from places with higher crime rates is going to be the difference between the community thriving or collapsing then you're insane, man.
Sure these communities need help but come on, traffic isn't the fucking root problem by a mile, dude.

>> No.12122996

There are different ethnicities of black people just like with white people. If you are a swede in Ireland you are a minority.

>> No.12123018

So it would be dumb to just blanket all Europeans as racists.

>> No.12123267

Correllation != causation.

So many other things follow that same trend, you could (wrongly) infer that any one of them caused that decline in crime rates

>> No.12123297

you have it backwards, race is a shitty proxy for those meaningful predictors. social class, family crime history, etc are way more effective predictors than race. white people from shitty low income uneducated backgrounds commit crimes way more frequently than educated, affluent back people. the issue is that being uneducated and poor is disproportionately affecting black people, and you can make a convincing argument societal institutions have had a major influence on maintaining this disproportion.

>> No.12123307

That is literally not how that works. You can't just say Correllation != causation to try and win arguments. Lead is well known to cause mental health problems

>> No.12123311
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>white people from shitty low income uneducated backgrounds commit crimes way more frequently than educated, affluent back people

Can't wait till he finds out.

>> No.12123326

Find out what?

Let me guess, you get your information from /pol/.

>> No.12123331

>towards data science
Hipster dumbfucks

>> No.12123333

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.12123337

>white people from shitty low income uneducated backgrounds commit crimes way more frequently than educated, affluent back people
See >>12122481

Btw it's interesting how the white homicide rate for 86-95 makes a relatively flat curve. And 90+ is more murderous than 0-10... which is almost null. Unexpected.

>> No.12123344


There's an actual study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics instead of an unsourced data table from nothing.

>> No.12123345
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I read it. It talks about victimization, not about who commits the crimes. This says absolutely nothing about the subject we are discussing.

>> No.12123349
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Just in case there was any doubt left that /sci/ is a reddit colony.

>> No.12123352

As the other anon said, it's about victims not criminals.

Additionally it doesn't include murders (as expected for a survey of victims) where blacks are the most overrepresented.

>> No.12123353

But victimization also tells you who the perpetrators are unless you think blacks are being attacked by whites. We know from other studies that blacks and whites attack their own and each other's race at equal rates.

>> No.12123363

>There are a hundred threads all over 4chan using the word nigger every second second in extremely direct actual racism
Yeah, welcome to 4chan since day 1 you fucking redditor.

>> No.12123365

>an unsourced data table from nothing.
Googled it, here's the source. Am I nice or what ?


>> No.12123368

lol, not true
Blacks kill twice the amount of white people as white people.

>> No.12123369

Check those other studies again, because that's a lie. Both black and whites criminals target their own race more often than others, but interracial crime is significantly more common for black criminals.

>> No.12123372

I can't read graphs lel, but still there are twice as many black on white murders as there are white on black. I still have to check it for robberies and the like.

>> No.12123382

Quick percentages : black crimes have non-black victims 18% of the time, white crimes have non-white victims 10% of the time.

>> No.12123410
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>> No.12123425
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calling a pttern recognition black box "intelligence"
Yeah, whites are superior, its a scientific fact.

>> No.12123440

something must be wrong with the program because racism is power+prejudice.

>> No.12123445

>Critical Race Theory terminology

Fuck off retard and take your fairytales with you

>> No.12123518

>There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics
You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

>> No.12123847

That guy was obviously being sarcastic.

>> No.12123876
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>> No.12123881
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>> No.12123884

>empty post
That was 2/2.

>> No.12124218

>They misuse the word bigotry in a way that classifies them as bigots
Like pottery.

>> No.12124667

Figures 5 and 6 show exactly what he's talking about.
>In 2008–12, poor whites (56.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (51.3 per 1,000) in urban households had higher rates of violence than persons in all other types of households (figure 6).
Are you perhaps misreading this as saying that 56.4 victimizations are occurring per 1,000 poor whites? It is actually saying that per 1,000 persons, 56.4 of victims are white, 51.3 are black, despite that there are far fewer blacks per 1,000 persons.

>> No.12124708

Likewise for the other income levels, just using the poor as an example of how to read the graph.

>> No.12124714

THEY HAD HIGHER RATES OF ***VICTIMIZATION*** it says nothing about who the perpetrator is

>> No.12124740

It does tell you about the perpetrators, and it tells you that the perpetrators are severely disproportionately black at all income levels.

You're right, however, to think that this is a stupid way to look at it since the BJS already has published reports off of the same data which include the race of the offenders directly (showing the same relationship).

>> No.12124897

>He doesn't use manifold learning to find latent dimensions of racial injustice

>> No.12124965

Affirmative action is no different from the caste system, and I eagerly await it's downfall.
>inb4 the Brahmin needed the caste system to protect them from discrimination by the Sudra