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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 450x448, 24771639777_c053614594_b-450x448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12116102 No.12116102 [Reply] [Original]

Announcement tomorrow. Films about this feel.


>> No.12116103

Problem Child 2

>> No.12116104

Poor Little Earth Guy

>> No.12116105

>microbes are life and labcoats render the entire planet off-limits
>3rd term unborn children are just a clump of cells and should be free to kill
I hate science

>> No.12116106

I'm still stuck on asexual being a sexuality and not a classification of reproduction.

>> No.12116107

Awkward feel. On one hand it's cool to know aliens exist, but on the other it's disappointing that life isn't special to Earth.

>> No.12116108

>Announcement tomorrow
I'm not sure whether you were trying to shitpost or not, but that's an article based on a theory. It literally mentions that phosphine molecules can be recreated ARTIFICIALLY. Ergo, it can also be an inorganic reaction.
Venus is a literal hellscape. Microbial life would be impossible at global temperatures of over 900°F, continuously. Read a book.

>> No.12116109

yep better throw away your Bible

>> No.12116110
File: 230 KB, 1228x1150, 1599105799183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd trimester fetuses are never aborted out of hand; that's only done when there's a serious threat to the mom's life, there's a serious problem with the fetus, etc. Extraterrestrial microbes aren't protected for the same types of ethical reasons - they're protected for scientific reasons, and once we've learned what we can about them, scientists would/will generally grudgingly stop being so anal about contamination. Stop being stupid.

>> No.12116111

>implying Venus isn't the garden

>> No.12116112

What did they eat?

>> No.12116113

We all know it's obvious there is life on other planets. It's a 100% chance statistical guarantee.

>> No.12116114

Mac and me

>> No.12116115

There are literally bacteria made of arsenic on our rock


>> No.12116116

>He doesnt know about the floating balls in the venusian atmosphere

>> No.12116117

Funny, yesterday I rewatched Contact.

>> No.12116118

Even if it were artificial it would still need life to have created it.

>> No.12116119

You fucking moron its talking about the ATMOSPHERE of Venus, which has been known to be possibly life sustaining for a long time and where the temperatures are very reasonable. If you had more than skimmed the article you would know this.
Also the annoucement is very real that article leaked and broke the embargo, hence why it's archived.

>> No.12116120
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The Expanse.

Btw, it's not life (yet), just a biosignature. Still very exciting.

>> No.12116121

Creating complicated molecules artificially are often done through complicated processes that can't plausibly happen in natural settings.
>Microbial life would be impossible at global temperatures of over 900°F,
t. doesn't know about the relative habitability of the upper atmosphere, not the surface

>> No.12116122

The upper atmosphere of Venus is the most terra life place in the Solar system we could live there in floating cloud cities . Its is possible there is life in the atmosphere flying microbes

>> No.12116123
File: 496 KB, 1600x900, Venusian Aerostats - (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balloon cities over Venus' atmosphere are far more viable as colonies than Martian underground complexes. Change my mind.

>> No.12116124

this is proof that even intelligent people can have buttfuck retarded opinions

>> No.12116125

link sauce hit me up I am not pressing the link in the OP its properly a video of a Mexican getting his head chopped off or an untreated STI infection

>> No.12116126

Let me guess, organic "compounds" like the ones we've found a million times in moons, planets, asteroids, and every place in space

>> No.12116127

That biosignature is conclusive as fuck. The only way that shit is in there is because either there's life or there someone producing it artificially.

>> No.12116128

As crazy as it sounds there is an area in Venus's atmosphere that is cold.

>> No.12116129

It could still be formed by yet unknown processes. Venus is very different from Earth. But yeah, very promising.

>> No.12116130

Fuck off air boy. Enough with your faggoty dreams of air cities be a real men and get to making those underground colonies. Ohh you think a floating city is actually sustainable? I tell your head is filled with more hot air than those balloons!

>> No.12116131

>The upper atmosphere of Venus is the most terra life place in the Solar system we could live there in floating cloud cities .
Doesn't mean it's breathable for humans. Having a floating "Cloud Cities" is something a s o y boy would say. It's the stuff of fantasy. Grow up.

>> No.12116132
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x399, havoc_slider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to go take a look then.


>> No.12116133

Why are we getting excited about this?

Isn't this a bad thing since it means that the emergence of life can no longer considered to be the "Great Filter".

>> No.12116134
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>> No.12116135
File: 45 KB, 800x467, 1de3d5c0cb5c494c088723a84f550a953a16098c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a book.

>> No.12116136

If there's life in a shithole like Venus that means life is VERY common in the universe and we don't just have to look at exoplanets that look like earth to find it. It also means that most likely Europa and other moons of our system have life as well.

>> No.12116137

Mars Based and Redplanet Pilled

>> No.12116138

It could be that life in the solar system still has a common predecessor, so it does not really disprove it.

>> No.12116139

So this is considered life but the fetus isn't?
Bravo science.

>> No.12116140

it proofs nothing
life on venus could have come form earth panspermia

>> No.12116141

only if you want to hold tightly to the idea that humanity is special.

>> No.12116142

But if you put any stock in the Great Filter hypothesis, that means that it outs "apparition of life" as said filter. Meaning it only increases the chances of the Great Filter being something ahead of us.

This is awful. We are all going to die.

>> No.12116143

It means we have friends underneath the surface of gas giant moons like Europa or Enceladus because those places have liquid water :)

>> No.12116144

>metal hunks will never fly, just give up, they're much too heavy

>> No.12116145

Funny, yesterday I rewatched Uranus.

>> No.12116146

Interesting, panspermia.

>> No.12116147

It would be as easy as having a balloon with breathable air in the upper atmosphere. You could even potentially walk around in the open air with just a mask gas since the pressure and temperature would be just like on the surface of the Earth. Of course it would be easier than living on Mars.
Hello, Elon.

>> No.12116148

Life on Earth gets weird when you realize the water on our planet came from the interstellar space.

>> No.12116149


>> No.12116150

Mars is a garbage place to build a colony, probe me wrong

>> No.12116151

Turns out life is nothing special and we’re all just retards on a rock

>> No.12116152

Last place I would have expected

>> No.12116153

>Microbial life would be impossible at global temperatures of over 900°F
Microbial life as YOU know it would be impossible. Retard.

>> No.12116154
File: 102 KB, 1168x722, screen-shot-2017-02-24-at-90941-ampng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to VENUS!!!!

>> No.12116155

Yur moms stinkhole

>> No.12116156

Its nearby so thats good enough for us. If only fucking Venus rotated faster it wouldnt be so hot.

>> No.12116157

The whole "filter" thing is a huge meme. You shouldn't take it so seriously. Also, if anything the biggest filter would be the emergence of multicellular or complex life.

>> No.12116158

So then, it's just a random ingredient for life. It's practically nothing. No idea why you people are getting excited over a blueprint of what could be. Unless it's a swimming/floating autonomous microbe, it's nothing worth creaming your drawers over.
>"B-but it means that Venus may have had life at some point!"
>"B-but it also means Venus could still have life beyond our current comprehension!"
>"B-but it means Venus could have life again!"
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12116159

It's pretty obvious that the Great Filter is a combination of niggers and a population too empathetic to cut off a gangrenous limb.

>> No.12116160


>> No.12116161

Women come from Venus
Men come from Mars

We have always known there was life on Venus, are scientists just pretending we never knew so they can spin this as a big discovery?

>> No.12116162

>So then, it's just a random ingredient for life.
That's not what biosignature means.
>"A biosignature (sometimes called chemical fossil or molecular fossil) is any substance – such as an element, isotope, or molecule – or phenomenon that provides scientific evidence of past or present life."

>> No.12116163

It is. I wonder what the economic incentive is. Maybe there is something to mine there.

>> No.12116164

Neat if true, and certainly a great finding to motivate followup missions. But to temper expectations, these sorts of rare bio-signature gases have been found in the solar system before, most notably with methane on Mars. If history is anything to go by, it's possible (probable?) that interest generated by this finding will drive researchers to discover novel ways in which these gases can be produced naturally under the planet's unusual conditions. Even if such processes elude us, it'll likely still require multiple Venusian missions to follow up for more direct confirmation of whatever is producing the gas. So assuming additional evidence doesn't rule anything out, we're probably going to be in limbo over "is this actually an indication of life?" on the order of decades.

Still, cool result if true. Gonna be a fun one to follow.

>> No.12116165

...you do realize that biological compounds are commonly found throughout the Solar System, right? It means nothing.

>> No.12116166

Show me statistics on how often and why third trimester abortions are done, schizo.

>> No.12116167

Apparently, prokaryotes to eukaryotes is an even bigger jump to make and more lkely to be the filter.

>> No.12116168

They are talking about the high atmosphere where the pressure is 1 bar and the temperature around 70°C.

>> No.12116169

This. Bang on Anon.

Mars is a meme. Upper atmosphere of Venus is the frontier to explore.

>> No.12116170

No, not this one.

>> No.12116171

Aliens have black people too?

>> No.12116172

He's literally talking about post-birth abortions. Making the baby comfortable after it's already been born until the parent decides if they wanna keep it. Kill yourself.

>> No.12116173


>> No.12116174

>using an outdated model
I can't imagine being you for a day.

>> No.12116175

That's what God said.

>> No.12116176

black people aren't niggers
niggers are niggers

>> No.12116177
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So Florida?

>> No.12116178
File: 105 KB, 1200x628, surface_-of_venus_as_seen_from_soviet_venera_probes_1981_fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shithole

>> No.12116179
File: 25 KB, 300x300, eric-butts-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know the solution to the fermi paradox , advanced civilisation simply fade away as they get distracted by gadgets, electronic entertainment and stuff , its happening right in front of us ,

>> No.12116180


>> No.12116181


>> No.12116182

Why couldn’t the great filter be behind us? Like going from bacteria to more complex form of life

>> No.12116183

Yes, sapient lifeforms are more likely to behave like blacks because blacks are the most prehistoric sapient mental design. Dolphins torture things for no reason and gangrape for sport for example. Chimps literally behave exactly like blacks only on steroids.

>> No.12116184

What's the point if you can't exploit resources from the surface though?

>> No.12116185

Its amazing how one element is the only reason we fucking exist right now good old Oxygen-sama

>> No.12116186

Still safer than Detroit

>> No.12116187 [DELETED] 

>be me 2096 AD
>space marine on a cloud city in Venus
>Uprising breaks out in the brothel district.
> spend day killing whores and chucking their bodies overboard
> awarded 70 credits and medal by GEOTUS Baron Trump

>> No.12116188
File: 26 KB, 368x733, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I meant to said that. Brain fart.
It's mind-boggling how long it "took" for eukaryotes and multicellular life to appear.

>> No.12116189

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.12116190

It could still be behind us, but now the chances are lowered.

Taking "emergence of life" out of the equation means it's now only that we passed through:
>prokaryotes to eukaryotes
>unicellular life to multicellular
>emergence of consciousness / intelligence life
So not a lot left.

>> No.12116191

Can you show me evidence of that actually being done? It's always the same with you conservatives - all you can do is point to your crazy YouTube videos instead of citing actual statistics.

>> No.12116192

I cant even pass Pre Calculus :)

>> No.12116193

Doesn't mean Venus had life at one point. You're not making your argument stronger. You don't need organisms to produce phosphine. It's not mutually exclusive.

>> No.12116194

That video is literally a fucking governor talking about it.

>> No.12116195

Sulfuric acid clouds beg to differ.

>> No.12116196

If you were actually thankful, you'd stop eating it every waking second of your life.

>> No.12116197

Life in earth is very special, you dunce. Microbes are the most you could hope to find on other planets. There's probably, at the very least, only 1 in a million galaxies that has anything even close to lifeforms as complex as jellyfish.

>> No.12116198
File: 135 KB, 360x394, 1599984918097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think space is real

>> No.12116199

I still think not being able to use our ressources without killing the planet and/or leaving it while we still can is the great filter of any civilization that wants to move on to type 2 or 3.
I thus agree anon, we are all fucked

>> No.12116200

B-but anon, you don't understand! The atmosphere of Venus is COOLER than its surface, and there's deh bio chemicals! ALIENS, ANON! ALIENS! I want to impregnate one!!!

>> No.12116201

Viking already found life on mars in the 70's plus the WOW signal

>> No.12116202
File: 256 KB, 619x511, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you first heard the historic news of extraterrestrial life on /tv/

>> No.12116203

>we found something that MIGHT have been created by lil tiny niggas
It's ALH84001 all over again, literally nothing

>> No.12116204

That's a good one. I mean by modern estimates, some forms of space travel to neighboring stars would require more energy that is currently found on Earth.

>> No.12116205
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I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.12116206
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>I want to impregnate one!!!
This but unironically

>> No.12116207

Does this mean I’ll finally be able to leave this shithole and become a comfy space farmer like I’ve always dreamed of?

>> No.12116208

>Phosphine is a promising biosignature gas, as it has no known abiotic false positives on terrestrial planets from any source that could generate the high fluxes required for detection.


>> No.12116209

>tfw it doesn't even excite you

>> No.12116210

is the link in the op safe?

>> No.12116211


>> No.12116216

Clarification: it's not just a "biological compound", it's a gas that is currently thought to only be produced (1) artificially in the lab, or (2) by microbes. This is a very good indicator if the detection is indeed accurate, but there'll be a lot of work in coming years trying to work out novel ways by which the same gas could be produced under natural conditions in plausible Venusian conditions. It's a cool result, but temper expectations, as with all big discoveries.

>> No.12116217

Why do the jannies do this.

I'm traumatized by the news and now they drag me to a board that's even more alien that the life found on Venus... /sci/ brrrrr

>> No.12116218


>> No.12116219

>films about this feel

Mods fuck up once more

>> No.12116221

I watched the video; all he's talking about is making third term abortions legal - and where third term abortions are already legal, they're not done except under extenuating circumstances like serious threats to the mom's health or serious problems with the fetus. That is statistical fact. So again, I ask you, can you show me the evidence of third term abortions being done without good reason? Oh right, you can't.

>> No.12116223

this is the kino for this feel guys

>> No.12116224

Microbial life doesnt really obey our notions of what good for life, there are literally microbes that eat electricity on this planet for example.

>> No.12116228

>is the link in the op safe
Yes, but it's just s o y tier click bait. It's a liberal sensationalist farticle. It means nothing.

>> No.12116233

Embryos and microbes are both life, but they're insignificant life. You don't feel bad about killing microbes.

3rd term is rarely aborted unless in severe cases to save the mother's life b/c both would die if nothing's done

>> No.12116234

fuck off mods go dilate your wound

>> No.12116239

first time i saw a mod post in years tbf

>> No.12116240

>So not a lot left.

A (sci-fi) route like in the 2001 book would be:
Animal with tools
Animal integrating tools into body
Animal becomes the tool, replacing the body, becoming machine
Drop the machine body, transcend to another plane of existence
Become virtually immortal and not confined by time and space anymore

>> No.12116244

It's a reference.

>> No.12116246

Fuck jannies

>> No.12116245

Holy based

>> No.12116248

This is on top of the unexplained dark clouds...very suggestive.

>> No.12116254
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Aliens!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be aliens, becuase bacteria is not cool enough to get media attention.

>> No.12116258

Way to kill the thread, god forbid people learn about life on another planet.

>> No.12116259

Lets consider that an atmosphere full of oxygen would be rare in the universe because most planets start off with volcanic thick Venus like atmospheres that either stay like that forever or are absorbed by the rocks on the surface. The point is oxygen just stays at the top of the atmosphere due to how density works so the microbes at the surface nor ocean can use it to go from single cell to multi cell so remain single celled for a very long time about 3 billions year to be precise. Oxygen on this rock is due to life generating it as a waste product overtime.

>> No.12116265

Could life develop in the clouds? That sounds retarded. Imagine we meet intelligent life one day and they just sort of fly around.

>> No.12116267

Maybe this the last hum of venusian life

>> No.12116269

Why does this read like a /tv/ thread?

>> No.12116270

It'll be like
>Sorry no time to chat gotta FLYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy.........
so disappointing

>> No.12116273

Because it is.

>> No.12116277

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

>> No.12116278

>Films about this feel
should be a giveaway

>> No.12116279

Microbes can live anywhere, they even found microbes extremely deep in the crust which contradicts our theory that life began in the oceans.

>> No.12116280

>3rd term unborn children are just a clump of cells and should be free to kill
That's not for science to decide. To be fair, neither should politicians, the realm of life is the matter of medics.

>> No.12116283

I post on /tv/ sometimes when I feel braindead
They are all braindead over there

>> No.12116288

Bit rude. But /tv/ has really taken as a nose-dive in the past year, not helped in the least by the fact there are no longer any big movie releases that at least channeled /tv/'s "creative potential".

Now we're just politics and bait threads.

>> No.12116295

I go there to share hentai. People get really excited for sauce sometimes and I enjoy sharing very much. Kind of feel bad doing it here though.

>> No.12116299

Aaand the thread is dead. Go kill yourself mod

>> No.12116302

>the realm of life is the matter of medics.
No, God already decided. Human life is precious as we are made in His image. So abortion is wrong since it is murder, and God said those who murder are doomed to die by murder (this applies to societies as a whole too). As well, by the covenant with Noah. Humans have dominion over all other life, so we are allowed to squash a few bugs here and there. End of debate.

>> No.12116304
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God confirmed it in a patchnote on /v/ 4 years ago.

>> No.12116307
File: 55 KB, 250x190, The_Critic_-_Hurricane_Neddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a BRAINLET

>> No.12116309

Plebs filtered by the ninth gate

>> No.12116313

Yeah, it’s not saying much, but /tv/ was the last real creative influence on this forsaken site. But in the past year or two it has become borderline unusable.

>> No.12116315


>> No.12116318

i blame home schooling

>> No.12116332
File: 117 KB, 736x610, 1599847474562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already two threads about this on /sci/
>asking about films

Fuck you you masive fgt Mod. Come and ban me but know this you are a twat.

>> No.12116334

It's worse than that. It's indicates that there's not a lot opportunities if any of interstellar expansion.

>> No.12116347

That's a nice looking planet

god i want to fuck that planet

>> No.12116349

I'm sure it would be easier in terms of pure science, but what's the point? Is there any resource that would give us a good reason to live on venus for reasons besides tourism?

>> No.12116355

These things are abominations before the face of God, can we use nukes to wipe them out?

>> No.12116354

First Chris Evans' penis, now this. 2020 is already going down in history as the best year on record.

>> No.12116362

People like you hold back humanity. What's the point of saying somethings not possible when no one has even tried it?

>> No.12116369

>go to venus
>unwittingly bring earth microbes
>earth microbes eat all the venus microbes
>no more extraterrestrial life

>> No.12116370

The great filter is just cause aliens all went inside VR worlds and neglected space travel. If we went to their planet we would see a bunch of alien dudes in vats hooked up to virtual worlds

>> No.12116376

Larping as a cringe Christcuck for yous

>> No.12116578

I don't think he's trying to mislead anybody, he's just making a joke

>> No.12116588

Christianity explicitly considered life elsewhere in the universe hundreds of years ago.

>> No.12116591

back to pol fascist retard

>> No.12116592

>he doesn't know about the alien labs on venus theory

>> No.12116596


>> No.12117205

Absolutely no water to be found anywhere.
That's also why these ayys are a nothingburger too.

>> No.12117233

If the ayys will not give willingly, we will take what is ours by force.

>> No.12117235

>This means either this is life, or it’s some sort of physical or chemical process that we do not expect to happen on rocky planets.

>or it’s some sort of physical or chemical process that we do not expect to happen on rocky planets.

There's your answer. We know extremely little about Mars, the planet we have studied the most aside from earth. We know far less about Venus. And they're already jumping to "microbes on Venus!" instead of the orders of magnitude more probable abiogenic chemical process resulting from the vastly different environment?

This paper is nothing but funding/grant bait.

>> No.12117409
File: 397 KB, 643x605, herewego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Given the inevitability of the private sector in influencing future crewed missions both in and beyond low-Earth orbit without universal standards of operation or similar standards of accountability, it is essential that the science community prioritize and continuously improve standards of safety, mission assurance, ethics, planetary protection, and especially anti-imperialism.

Oh boy

>> No.12117790

>based on a theory
This is a science board

>> No.12117793

>instead of the orders of magnitude more probable abiogenic chemical process resulting from the vastly different environment?
like what

>> No.12117798

I have been saying from day 1 that the filter is multicellular life since it is way harder to evolve

>> No.12117801

>mfw ethics is the Great Filter

>> No.12117811

Nah, complex and intelligent life is rare, life itself is common

>> No.12117815

You need to build cloud cities on earth first dipshit and demonstrate that its actually possible, try launching a rocket from it, untill then shut up.

>> No.12117820

multicellular life itself isn't a huge barrier, the transition from unicellular to multicellular and various states inbetween has occurred independently a fair number of times on earth
the jump from prokaryotes to eukaryotes or whatever equivalents might exist is likely a really big one though

>> No.12117821

Then why arent they built already here on earth where techology and resources are available and in case of emergency you can just jump down with a paracute? They dont exist here and on Venus you need to being resources from earth and if you jump down or fall down on venus you are goner, no one will save you.

>> No.12117859

they aren't built for the same reason submarines don't float in the sky on their own accord. We don't have a hyper dense atmosphere

>> No.12117864

Anon posts a video of the governor of a state admitting it and you think that's not enough proof? Do you need to take part in the "abortion" yourself to be satisfied?

>> No.12117866


>> No.12117872

>Mods move thread to /sci/
I understand that it wasn’t TV related but I think the most important news since 9/11 deserves to be posted wherever

>> No.12117873

I can't believe it. Other life in the solar system? This is amazing.

>> No.12117921

Nigger, in space there is no one around to imperial.
Fuck these people

>> No.12117925

This. It only happened on earth do to a freak accident that only happened once and took 3 billion years to happen and only survived to do earth having a very specific environment

>> No.12117951

what fucking time is the conference and paper release supposed to happen bros

>> No.12118004
File: 831 KB, 960x960, 20633252_255374354976602_1328259339693064192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life found on another planet
>I still don't have a GF

>> No.12118015

Rather be a Chad human than a filthy Venus micronigger, honestly we should just drop a hand sanitizer filled nuke on the filthy cesspool or whatever the fuck it’s brewing in and then drop another one just to get the parts the 99.9% the first nuke didn’t get and be done with the whole thing. I can’t imagine anything worse than being such a filthy organism on such a shit tier planet.

>> No.12118018

I'd gladly give up any chance of getting a gf for the next 3 years if it means tomorrow they confirm extraterrestrial life.

>> No.12118027

To be fair, homo sapiens life is worthless by supply and demand.

>> No.12118035

maybe shes waiting for you on venus

>> No.12118036

This desu

>> No.12118046

It was /v/ for me

>> No.12118052

But those microbes could evolved into a sentient being! Oh wait...

>> No.12118053

Has an official article or the paper been released yet?

>> No.12118057

I think it's supposed to be in a couple hours, but I can't find anything on the time anymore so I'm not sure now
sometime today at least

>> No.12118059

That yellow sky is so aesthetic

>> No.12118062

It's 3am there.

>> No.12118066

Jesus you are one sick retard.

>> No.12118069

No niggers

>> No.12118072

I need to hear Tooker's take on this

>> No.12118073

>tfw went to the gym this morning
>looked up at the moon
>could see Venus shining bright next to it
Is this a sign bros?

>> No.12118076

twitter says 15:00 UTC for RAS announcement so like 8 hours or so i guess

>> No.12118080

It means you will get a very cute and loyal Venusian GF.

>> No.12118083

Why the fuck is the only thread about this here a leftover from /tv/?

>> No.12118085

But I already have a terrestrial gf and she won't be too happy if I got another one.

>> No.12118087
File: 456 KB, 1428x1652, 1531772743142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how big of a deal is this if it's confirmed? What happens next?

>> No.12118088


>> No.12118094

Venus for faggots

Mars for Chads

>> No.12118097

>What happens next?
The only logical step is that we nuke Venus and destroy a potential extra-terrestrial competitor.

>> No.12118102

This. Now that we know, we better not take any chances with other fuckers.

>> No.12118111

IF it is confirmed... wouldn't hold my breath the chances are astronomically low (hahah funni), then we would most certainly be sending probes into the atmosphere and start serious development on a venutian rover. We could even send humans there to be in balloons which may be more feasible than sending the first people to mars. It would revitalize space exploration for the foreseeable future and I am hoping very much that they confirm something. But even if they do we will need a great deal more research to prove the existence of life over there.

>> No.12118114
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All according to plan

>> No.12118124
File: 12 KB, 320x263, 00EF4BB7-CB83-4419-9A05-07DC85009343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No idea why you people
>you people
You people? What you talkin bout anon

>> No.12118126

>Phosphine is a near 100% indicator of life
>lol it's also found on Jupiter and Saturn

Can someone rationalize this for me

>> No.12118133

the phosphine route that occurs on gas giants requires high temperatures and pressures and also abundant H2
venus has temperatures and pressures just barely reaching into that range on the surface, but it doesn't have any hydrogen floating around and even if did it would also be difficult for the amounts required for detection to make it up into the atmosphere because the lower atmosphere doesn't mix much with the upper layers and you need a big constant source of ti getting into the upper atmosphere because it gets broken down quickly by UV up there

>> No.12118136

(((They))) want us to think we are from Jupiter so that we’ll assume we are stupider

>> No.12118144

Hydrogen does not occur in our atmosphere because neither our gravity or our magnetic field is strong enough to keep it from being swept away with the solar wind. Venus does not have a significant magnetic field, has slightly lower gravity than earth, and is closer to the sun.

>> No.12118148

Sounds like a Monday night to me

>> No.12118155
File: 389 KB, 750x409, 8D7DE80A-4C0A-492C-A401-554A00B70C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks they are real

>> No.12118160
File: 88 KB, 286x340, 2CCF340C-96CA-4B6B-85B9-11FA01DD72A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey son I was thinking we could grab a- BWAAAAH

>> No.12118176

Nothing ever happens

>> No.12118178


>> No.12118182

>high temperatures and pressures and also abundant H2
Uh so what if there are volcanoes spewing out H2

>> No.12118186

>woman led study
Dropped. There will be faulty methodology asspulls and fucking with data all over the study. Not science.

>> No.12118187

Life needs oceans to evolve, sorry. Not possible for life in a gas cloud

>> No.12118188

Even if they did release H2 the phosphine would break down quickly, hence a sizable source is needed.
I swear people don't read the papers before commenting on this.

>> No.12118195

What if the volcanoes are sizable
We don't know shit about venus, there could be constant vulcanism.
Anyway this paper is just a citation mill. They're guaranteed hundreds of citations our of this.

>> No.12118198

Venus had oceans for two billion years

>> No.12118200

>he's crying because a woman has better scientific credentials than he does

>> No.12118211

the only thing that's guaranteed is me fucking your mom hundreds of times

>> No.12118213

Oh yeah? You were there to see it, or is it some bullshit assumption some scientist pulled out of his ass?

>> No.12118216
File: 158 KB, 300x450, 1598552254017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Mars lobby in NASA was using methane anomalous reading on Mars as an excuse to fund so many mission and studies. And methane isnt even so definitive smoking gun. Now that Venus mafia managed to get this very convincing biosignature in their arsenal, how many Venus bound mission will they get? How many studies will be funded, how many new Venus related technologies developed, how many documentaries and movies filmed about life on Venus? We are in the begining of the loooong way.
Remember: phosphine > methane

>> No.12118219

Go back, schizo.

>> No.12118222

Calm down, the lead author won't fuck you.

>> No.12118230

Phosphine is for phaggots

>> No.12118232


>> No.12118234

What are odds an early crypto sporidae with a 1000 degree resistance, survived the greenhouse death of the planet , coming to earth, where it settled to the bottom of the ocean and thrived around thermal vents? Any sci guys tell me off hand if there are any similarities between the venus atmosphere/surface and the oceanic vents?

>> No.12118236

seethe Mars tranny

>> No.12118239

bull fucking shit

>> No.12118240

>unicellular life to multicellular
>emergence of consciousness / intelligence life
Considering it took three billion years for the first step after life had already existed for eons, I'm still pretty confident that the Great Filter is already behind us. The only realistic options for a Great Filter ahead are some extremely fucked up suicide pact technologies like Hard AI or fundamental physics research that always results in blowing up the solar system the aspiring interstellar species resides in.

>> No.12118242

>This is awful. We are all going to die.
nah, we're the ones who bought bitcoin at $1.
we made it, bros

>> No.12118250

Space station in Venus orbit when? From there people could remotely control drones, planes, swarms of robots in Venus atmosphere below.

>> No.12118254

Uh GRB? Unseen supernova? Moon sized asteroid?

>> No.12118262

fast radio bursts are civilizations annihilating themselves

>> No.12118267

It's looking like either Earth seeded Venus, Venus seeded Earth, or life evolved independently in two different places.

>> No.12118280

Unless you find something profitable to do there, that's pointless.

>> No.12118283

Venus atmosphere has the same temperature as earth, go figure

>> No.12118286

Exporting N2 to Elon on Mars

>> No.12118290

>Earlier Venera missions detected elongated particles in the lower cloud layer that are about a micron long, about the width of a small bacterium. These particles could be coated in ring-shaped polymers of eight sulphur atoms, called S8 molecules, which are known to exist in Venus’ clouds and which are impervious to the corrosive effects of sulfuric acid. Furthermore, S8 absorbs ultraviolet light, re-radiating it in visible wavelengths. If the particles are microbes, they could have coated themselves in S8, making them resistant to the corrosive effects of sulfuric acid. It has even been postulated that the S8 exists as a result of microbial activity. Is this then the key to life on Venus?

>> No.12118292

will this make headlines? when is the announcement

>> No.12118296

15:00 UTC

>> No.12118297

The great filter is time and space fucking retard

>> No.12118299

>The great filter is time and space
t. midwit

>> No.12118300

I bet you there is multicellular life on europa. Like actual little critters visible to the eye.

>> No.12118303

I doubt there will be a happening but I will be watching.
I am not sure, but I can't wait for a probe to land there or on Io. Some of the most interesting spots in the solar system.

>> No.12118305

you're looking at those critters under a microscope but whoops, plot twist. i switched the samples and you are looking at my cum instead

>> No.12118306

Lets be honest. The great filter is probably democracy

>> No.12118310

Neither work as Great Filters because they aren't nearly frequent enough to annihilate all fledgling civilizations. A Great Filter is only a Great Filter if it happens to (extremely nearly) ALL forms of life.

>> No.12118316
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I just had to post this

>> No.12118323

What profit is there on Mars? But if we study those lifeforms, we could advance biotechnology. I dont believe there is single life form, there are probably dozens if not hundreds of different species. Different genes, different survival methods, different chemistry paths and toxins and enzymes.

>> No.12118327

/pol/ for me

>> No.12118330

Great filter doesnt exist then, its combination of medium filter that work for different life form on different planet. What could be a filter for civilisation around Red dwarf star is not a filter for us, what could be a filter on water world for inderwater life form is not working for terrestrials. Trying to find one fit all Great filter is a folly.

>> No.12118370
File: 60 KB, 520x397, 9ab62c_7484b979c4ba465fb5ee437974c51649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no filter.
Make your own calculations, there are higher chances of alien with femtotech, picotech, etc. already among us, watching us, than no alien life whatsoever.

Why is this so hard to understand?

There could be an alien telescope the size of a soda can in Pluto watching us with more detail than Google Earth.

>> No.12118383

what the fuck is the point of that? how is it not inferior to regular space stations in every way?

>> No.12118391

you can open your window and sniff the microbe braaap

>> No.12118417

When the fuck's the announcement already? There's nothing on the RAS website.

>> No.12118422
File: 443 KB, 540x554, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u blind?

>> No.12118425

that's an ugly nasty snatch there.

>> No.12118427
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>> No.12118429

The point is so you can spit upon your Venusian microbial slaves.

>> No.12118430

Graat movie with a horrible ending. I wanted to see the aliens. But instead we got nada.

>> No.12118431


better than being a commie

>> No.12118438

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12118440

The more important life is the mother.

>> No.12118443

Not him, but I can't find anything outside of the archived link.

>> No.12118447

There's nothing. NASA cancelled everything.

>> No.12118448

ayy lmao

>> No.12118453

>What profit is there on Mars? But if we study those lifeforms, we could advance biotechnology
There's a high chance life exists under Mars surface

>> No.12118459

Just like what happened withthe "disclosure" everyone was touting from last month. This is about as hysterical as those articles that freak out over time we detect FRB's and heavy-handedly suggest that it's ET in origin

>> No.12118462
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1586225990324s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fetuses are alive. So are microbes. Whats the inconsistency?

>> No.12118464

You cannot pay me enough to spend any amount of time on a balloon floating in the Cytherean atmosphere
Build an artificial mountain and put your colony on top and we'll start talking

>> No.12118472
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 1583353088923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to write a plot for titanic like movie where big venusian cloud city starts falling down slowly, while people deny its happening at first and then everyone fights to sustain its flight by dropping nonesential cargo and people off board.

>> No.12118476

5 hours till info dropped on normies.

>> No.12118479

>against abortion

/sci/fags shouldn't have political opinions

>> No.12118480

>while people deny its happening at first and then everyone fights to sustain its flight by dropping nonesential cargo and people off board.
Sounds like Earth in a few more decades.

>> No.12118493

will it be on the major headlines? in 1997 when they found these bacteria prints on Mars it was a huge deal but i kinda thing this will be a footnote tier announcement

>> No.12118494

See? You can even sell this script to Jim Cameron.

>> No.12118495
File: 60 KB, 788x774, sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musk has a return probe mission ready within 12 months screen cap this post

how complex the life is, we will find out within 2 years.

>> No.12118496

Reminder that us UFO fags told you disclosure would happen in 2020 with the first stage being microbial life.

>> No.12118498

I dont know, but expwct speculations and arguments from this and other threads be repeated on more mainstream formats and platforms.

>> No.12118499

imagine the citations bros

>> No.12118503

how did life even form in the atmosphere?

>> No.12118504

What if there is life in atmosphere of Mars too and we were sending rovers to surface, diggung in the wrong direction?

>> No.12118511

Current thoughts are that like terrestrial life, it might not have. Venus may have been more conducive to the formation of life at some point before it became what it is.
Or. In a similar lieu, it would spread there via panspermia from our own planet, which would make it ocean origin still.
We don't really know how the fuck life formed in the first place and it could well be that OUR first life came from venus and spread here instead.

>> No.12118513

/x/ reporting in, fight me nerds

>> No.12118516


>> No.12118517

>/x/ reporting in, fight me nerds
Go there.

>> No.12118528

okay but we have literal proof that mars was once a nuclear civilisation that destroyed itself and nobody ever talks about that

>> No.12118534
File: 683 KB, 1119x1670, TIMESAND___rpp5g45gr3ccccccccccccccccccccwncvbzcntssjub3537s7shh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person in your picture is Helene Leah Gutfreund. She owns the 5759 unit in Sunrise Pointe in Tucson, AZ, she raped me when I was a child and as an adult many times, she expelled me from college wrongfully, and she is the current Director of the CIA, she is one of my primary gangstalkers, she's in this picture, and her DOB 06021953 was the day of Queen Elizabeth's coronation after she was already queen for a year because they wanted to wait to take the coronation photos until after Elizabeth stopped being pregnant with Helene who is called "the Whore of Babylon" in the Bible.

>> No.12118536

Tooker, this is extremely schizoidal, even for you.

>> No.12118539
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>> No.12118542

you leave schizoids out of this

>> No.12118544

filterfags moving the goalposts again who didn’t see this coming

>> No.12118546

>okay but we have literal proof
No we don't. We have speculation by one scientist and a lot of /x/ schizos who lapped onto it.

>> No.12118551

Remember to hide and report schizo posters as they do not belong on /sci/.

>> No.12118552

phosgene on venus when bros

>> No.12118554

What if these microbes came from Earth via the soviet probe?

>> No.12118556

it's only going to get worse once sociologists take notice and start doing their thing

>> No.12118557

Very unlikely as that would imply they survived long space flight and entering through Venus' atmosphere, and being exposed to high surface temperatures.

>> No.12118560

They’re fucking microbes

>> No.12118562

from reuters schedule:
14 Sep 11:00 ET / 11:00 GMT


Potential indicator of alien life detected on inhospitable Venus

Scientists have detected trace amounts of the gas phosphine in the clouds of Venus, a potential indicator of life on Earth's inhospitable neighbor because on our planet this molecule is produced by microbes that inhabit oxygen-free environments.

>> No.12118563 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 2128x2596, TIMESAND___esa77r1a84aqz1qqzaqaqjjabybiollllq2q33skir557257457qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helene, I know you think you're ready to go into the torture. You might be. Are you ready to die today? Are you ready to cease to be?

>> No.12118565

reentry isn't even the problem, the problem is that they would probably have to live in droplets of 85% sulfuric acid and earth microbes don't fucking do that

>> No.12118567
File: 64 KB, 462x572, TIMESAND___esa77r1a84aqzuuuuu1qqzaqaqjjabybiollllq2q33skir557257457qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helene, I know you think you're ready to go into the torture. You might be. Are you ready to die today? Are you ready to cease to be?

>> No.12118570

do you have a better explanation for the xenon 129 on mars?

>> No.12118572

There is space.

>> No.12118573

Space whales from Venus nuked Mars

I figured it all out

>> No.12118574

>>microbes are life and labcoats render the entire planet off-limits
>>3rd term unborn children are just a clump of cells and should be free to kill
>I hate science
3rd term fetuses are rarely aborted unless both lives are at serious risk

And plants are way more complex than microscopic life and early stage fetuses. But almost no one cares about killing a plant. Many amoeba are likely more complex and intelligent than fetuses and this distant life as well.

If we do ever kill hypothetical life on Venus, accidentally or intentionally, it wouldn't be an ethical concern. It would just impact scientific research.

Also, there's still no proof life is there. It's just a potential indicator. We're very far away from confirmation.

>> No.12118575

This is Helene doing her "tough guy" face. That thing she's doing with her mouth there is 100% Helene. She says, "Oong!," with that face, or, "Oonga!"

>> No.12118576

Look up the explanation given by scientists in response to him.

>> No.12118580
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>> No.12118582
File: 27 KB, 267x400, TIMESAND___rpp5g45gr3cccccccctgtccccccctwercrvtb3537s7shh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118590

>>unicellular life to multicellular
>>emergence of consciousness / intelligence life
>Considering it took three billion years for the first step after life had already existed for eons, I'm still pretty confident that the Great Filter is already behind us. The only realistic options for a Great Filter ahead are some extremely fucked up suicide pact technologies like Hard AI or fundamental physics research that always results in blowing up the solar system the aspiring interstellar species resides in.
There are probably lots of filters and no one single Great one. We're surely past a lot of them, but there are very likely more ahead. We might make it through them, or we might not.

Once we disperse very widely past the solar system, then we probably win. There isn't really anything that can be done at that point, barring some crazy universe-wide event propagating at the speed of light (or maybe faster in practice due to space reshaping/contracting), in which case everything's fucked. But I suspect it's unlikely, or at least incredibly far away.

Maybe some crazy murderous galactic empire could also be a threat at that point, but seems pretty unlikely, and if we've really dispersed for long enough then there'd probably still be pockets of holdouts for a very long time, or forever.

So we just need enough of the species to survive maybe the next 500 to 1000 years, and then we're good. Or honestly, if we spawn sentient superintelligent AGI, I say that counts as us, too. If they survive, then we'll have created resilient intelligent life just like having children, so I'd count that as winning. It's about the abstract mind, not the nucleic acids or squishy tissue. If the AGI survives but some of it also unintentionally or intentionally kills all humans, I'd still call it a win, though I guess it'd be a Pyrrhic victory.

>> No.12118597

>there are probably millions of sentient civilizations
>literally not a single one has made it through the filter
>they think humans are any different when they've already considerably fucked their planet 300 years after coming up with steam

we are pretty much 100% guaranteed not to make it

>> No.12118602

Holy shit can you ban these faggots? Please mods?

>> No.12118608

Does anyone have a link to the incoming briefing?

>> No.12118609

>Tooker, this is extremely schizoidal, even for you.
He truly went full, literal John Nash. Even with the same obsession and conviction over the Riemann hypothesis. Sometimes the sorts of processes that open the door to high cognitive ability also are prone to causing a breakdown of the regulatory and stability systems that keep the brain pointed in the direction of worthy goal-oriented behavior. It's classic schizophrenia or closely related, and not in the meme sense of schizo. He clearly is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia or that family of psychotic disorders, and has been for a while.

He might not be beyond hope. Antipsychotics might temporarily kill the beneficial aspects but I think they're necessary. He's talked about wanting to kill people who disagree with him so many times that I truly wouldn't be surprised if he tries to do it at some point. He might think anyone who doesn't totally agree with him is trying to hurt him, so it's rationalized as self-defense. It'd be a shame if someone as actually smart as him has their life thrown away.

>> No.12118613

the final redpill is that halo is real and bungie was trying to warn us

>> No.12118617
File: 571 KB, 600x908, TIMESAND___egr1a84aqzy522uuu1gqzaqaqjjabybiollllq2q33ski2227257457qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118621
File: 2.80 MB, 600x338, TRINITY___PrettyMuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I truly wouldn't be surprised if he tries to do it at some point.
This is definitely going to happen. I will succeed when I try. History will record me as the killingest man that ever lived.

>> No.12118630

that's what robots are for anon

>> No.12118634

once a space industry is set up orbital habitats will be the best choose for living

>> No.12118656

send a jar of my sperm to venus pussy brother

>> No.12118662
File: 1.36 MB, 754x1024, TIMESAND___egr1a84uuu1gqzaqaqjjabybaqzy522llq2q33ski2227257457qqq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new story of Passover

>> No.12118682

So, we knew about this shit since the soviet missions from the 70's and 80's? Why the fuck did it take so long to confirm whether it's true or not. For fucks sake, you just need to send something passing through the atmosphere.

>> No.12118683

And I believe you. Most people have things that block them from ever taking that first step, but I don't think you have the same blocks. You could probably have a very successful and notable career running a company that does something practical (like machine learning or some shit, just as a random example), but instead you're stuck here with the rest of us thinking about numerology and grand missions and murder all day.

It's such a waste of valuable brain cycles which so few other people possess. You could likely have a really fulfilling and good life if you were to just bite the bullet and take some kind of antipsychotic for a bit, even if the side effects end up being miserable. I know they're awful, but it's a trade-off. Though of course one can almost never convince a psychotic person they're psychotic or that they need at least a temporary inhibition of their current state. If you were to do so, you'd probably retroactively recognize the value of taking them, even if it may seem like anathema to you now.

>> No.12118769

It's not murder when I do it.

>I know they're awful, but it's a trade-off.
Man! When you find out about the side effects of making psychiatry memes when you (((you))) me, you are going to think those other side effects are basically nothing! It's a trade off, I agree, but if you knew what you were trading you wouldn't do it, or if your programmers and operators knew, they wouldn't do it either! You've heard the saying "world of hurt?" It's going to be like that. I'd call it the X-rated version of that, but really it's the version where if you make a video of it you'll get kidnapped and hidden, and no one will ever hear about it. Wait and find out and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.12118800

Is Venus flat as well?

>> No.12118814

I've never told /sci/ this before, but there's just something I like about the flavor of cock.

I can't quite put my finger on it though.

I'll need to increase my sample size.

I've currently tasted only a few thousand cocks, but there are over 3 billion cocks to taste.

>> No.12118936

Not necessarily - we could have seeded Venus through ejecta from Earth (or vice versa).

>> No.12119059


>> No.12119150
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>> No.12119403

ur chance was already 0 tho ?

>> No.12119458

Musk is only interested in getting his fat ass to Mars because he believes a science fiction book prophesied that he would be Emperor there.

>> No.12119509
File: 120 KB, 645x773, IMAGINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12120287

Not even wrong, beyond wrong is your thought.

>> No.12120340

What if the soviet probes weren't decontaminated and they release these microbes on Venus' atmosphere?

>> No.12120720

Even the most extremophile organisms on Earth couldn't survive both being on Venus and the stresses of take-off, spaceflight, and atmospheric re-entry. And any microbes that would've accidentally wound up on the probes weren't going to be those super extremophile organisms anyways.

>> No.12121040


Why do you consider spreading organic meatbags that have roughly the same blueprint as yourself across the stars or creating intelligent machines as 'winning'?

>> No.12121050


40 years is not enough time to create this much phosphine.

>> No.12121520

Were the soviets building their probes in the crater of an active volcano, or hot sprint?