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12110837 No.12110837 [Reply] [Original]

Let me get this straight: Most physicists unironically believe you are living out every "moment" of your life simultaneously forever?

>> No.12110840


>> No.12110843


>> No.12110853
File: 50 KB, 881x424, block-universe-diagram-data-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a "now" moment is incompatible with special relativity, thus time as we know it is a wholesale illusion.

>> No.12110856

>Apparently a "now" moment is incompatible with special relativity
apparently not

>> No.12110859

Tell that to physicists.

>> No.12110860
File: 361 KB, 461x665, 1588637586862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what the german idealists figured out a few hundred years ago but alright

>> No.12110866

Just did
They ask for a source for your claim

>> No.12110870

Kant's refutation of the reality of time makes no sense either.

>> No.12110878
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suck my balls lol

>> No.12110881

That it's supported by physicists? Well, I'm not sure if it's most but it appears most philosophers of physics are B theorists and I believe Einstein was a supporter of block universe.
>Relativity of simultaneity is often taken to implyeternalism(and hence a B-theory of time), where the present for different observers is a time slice of the four dimensional universe. This is demonstrated in theRietdijk–Putnam argumentand additionally in an advanced form of this argument called theAndromeda paradox, created by mathematical physicistRoger Penrose.[19]

>> No.12110886

multiverse =/= many-worlds

>> No.12110901

Sounds like philosophers arguing over semantics and unfalsifiable claims

>> No.12110916
File: 203 KB, 440x363, 440px-Andromeda-paradox2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penrose and einstein are philosophers

>> No.12111595

No, we believe time is dimension you can travel, like all hills aren't constantly everywhere.

>> No.12111686


>> No.12112248

I want to visit the dog galaxy.

>> No.12112283

oh yeah ?
why didn't u travel back in time and stop me from fucking your mom you fucking nerd

>> No.12112357

That literally has nothing to do with what OP is talking about

>> No.12112359

Yeah.... the best way I can explain it. Is with dejavu.

Your brain is a radio. And each day is a radio station. When your awake you are turned to that radio station.. but when you are asleep. Then your brains pops back and forth through radio stations. And that when your ina routine. The days will run
together... and when something out of place happens. Your brain tries to compare it to all past experiences and possoblenfuture experiences. Try to wrap the mind around that noticable difference. And if it finds a memory similar. Then it feels dejavu like.

>> No.12112385

Doesn't time move at different rates when you get closer to a large mass? How does that work into all this?

>> No.12112554

Doesn't four-dimensionalism imply eternalism?
I don't know, that's why I came to ask the physicists.

>> No.12112568

God is everywhere. God is infinite. Hence everywhere is infinite. Hence there is no becoming.

>> No.12112597

KEK didnt even notice the pooch in the top left corner

>> No.12113031
File: 9 KB, 234x216, AIPEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're misunderstanding space-time, is not that you're living them simultaneously, because that implies that there's "another" time for each "You" to live, when there's no such thing.

>> No.12113042

Language fails to adequately describe the situation but it's somehow equivalent to that, that's why it's called eternalism which implies an infinite stretch of time when it's more like the denial of time (meaning real change).

>> No.12113065
File: 37 KB, 595x515, time reborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe is a 2013 book by the American theoretical physicist Lee Smolin. Smolin argues for what he calls a revolutionary view that time is real, in contrast to existing scientific orthodoxy which holds that time is merely a "stubbornly persistent illusion"

>> No.12114391

>Doesn't four-dimensionalism imply eternalism?
No. QFT is special relativistic but is non-deterministic, as it's a quantum theory, so events cannot be predicted beforehand. This is all airy-fairy nonsense, though. What does it mean to say that the past and future are as "real" as the present? What does "real" mean here?
The only things that are real in QM are things you've actually made a measurement of. Most of the past and present aren't real, and nothing in the future is real.
>Smolin argues for what he calls a revolutionary view that time is real, in contrast to existing scientific orthodoxy which holds that time is merely a "stubbornly persistent illusion"
Lee Smolin is a crank who has no idea what he's talking about. No serious physicists think time is an illusion, though the vast majority understand that time is relative and differs between observers, but the same is true of space: you say I'm 1m in front of you, but someone else says you're 2m to their right.

>> No.12114443

>Smolin is a crank
Well here's Einstein
>For us believing physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
And here's a contemporary cosmologist:
>The majority of physicists believe in the block-universe view, because it is predicted by general relativity
Do they just not understand QFT? I don't get how block universe works with QM either but I'm a total layman.

>> No.12114459

Einstein didn't really believe in QM, so I can see why he'd say that. As for this cosmologist:
>She collaborates on this subject with Lee Smolin

>> No.12114468

So she's making it up and it's really a minority view?

>> No.12114539

It's not time that's the illusion retard, it's the passage of time. Why is this very simple distinction such a mindfuck for you retards?

>> No.12114546

Wasn't there an episode of Doctor Who where Earth is trapped in a time bubble and all of its historic events are happening at once?

>> No.12116078

Time is stochastic, but due to your perception being dependant on in, you can't see that.