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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 201 KB, 440x540, NPCAREBAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12100346 No.12100346 [Reply] [Original]

>6 months economic shutdown
>.06% mortality rate and only if you are old af with a pre-existing condition
>sweden never did any preventive measures never had any problems
>there are people on this board who are still sacred to go outside and will defend this retardation
This is a live run of the stanford prison experiment. As long as any MSM outlet tell these retards to be afraid of something they will. The NPC meme is real wtf are we going to have do to these mindless drones to get them to fuck off, are we gonna have to delete them all?

>> No.12100363

>muh morality rate
>why yes I think if the entire workforce is sick nothing bad can come from it because they’re still alive after all

>> No.12100381

I was a bit scared in January and February. but then I realized that it was just a flu.

>> No.12100387

>sweden never did any preventive measures never had any problems
World's CFR: 4%
Sweden's CFR: 6.3%
Sweden is 55% worse off, it's a shithole, all of its neighbors refuse to let them enter.

>> No.12100392

so what you're saying is: its pretty much nothing either way.
great news!

>> No.12100399

The main thing to be afraid of is the lemming stampede. The lemmings saw a bird and now they're panicking. You could get caught up in it and trampled to death.

>> No.12100410
File: 80 KB, 600x600, covid-19_911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12100435
File: 40 KB, 750x623, 1569376906778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I got my step-sister pregnant. So what? We aren't related by blood.

>Mortality rate

I wonder if OP actually thought their own thoughts through.

What even is a work force? I've never had a job so workplaces may as well be fucking narnia as far as I'm concerned. You all make shit I enjoy from machines to art to science to whatever, I benefit, and I've never been punished for not needing to be gainfully employed. Maybe it's some secret society thing that is working really hard to keep me out of the work force because I'd be TOO efficient and put everyone out of a job in true NPC style.

Who the fuck would be scared of lemmings? Next you'll be saying that hamsters and gerbils are secretly quantum time-travelling death ninjas.

>> No.12100440
File: 13 KB, 480x360, Barb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know about the time traveling hamsters and gerbils

>> No.12100444
File: 43 KB, 573x1013, 1585514088966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the 10 or so that my parents kept buying for me as kids but kept somehow inexplicably dying in myriad in different ways out of happenstance and mystery and not through my direct neglect, abuse, or desire to witness the cessation of their heartbeats? What about them?

>> No.12100448

>a deliberate attack is comparable to some not-so-dangerous natural phenomenon
you need to start using your brain

>> No.12100455
File: 12 KB, 194x259, 1582147565278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is anon
>doesn't use brain
>asks other anons to use brain for them
>world peace

>> No.12100461

>millions of deaths due to car wrecks every year
>ban guns!
You are stupid and should be shot on site

>> No.12100464

>>sweden never did any preventive measures never had any problems
Wrong. They never forced the measures by law, but that doesn't matter if most people listen and adhere to the distancing measures.

They're doing ok right now, but they were hit quite bad earlier, see >>12100387. The Swedes are also rather careless right now: barely any distance is maintained (masks were never a thing there. Masks are overrated, seems better to keep distance if you can) and all activities go on as usual. Not sure if that is warranted.

It's a bit of a curious case what's going on there. I'm a bit skeptical about their claims of >60% T-cell immunity. Maybe having small immunized isolated pockets in their urban centers helped. (Immigrants didn't really adhere to earlier advice and had a high amount of contact, so herd immunity just there seems plausible)

>> No.12100466

>deaths happen
>bans life
*phew* there we go, problem solved.

>whole medical economy collapses
>untrainable workforce floods society as they have nothing to do
>I laugh as those lemmings try to convince people that death is real and that their profession matters

*shrug* oh well, can't satisfy everyone I guess.

>> No.12100471

who the fuck cares about sweden or what any other country does? hahahaha how much of a waste of your life are you?

>> No.12100473

Mostly due to suicide.
that is why guns shouldn't be banned.
so I can kill myself once my job gets automated.
t. code monkey.

>> No.12100475

>economic shutdown
How does this affect me exactly?
I was scared to go outside before chink flu.
this has been nothing but good for me.

>> No.12100478
File: 567 KB, 445x875, 1589479045487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, cool. Uh, well all a programmer actually does is simply present a moment of user interaction and attempts to make a minimal click or input field path for a given security <-> service ratio and all we use the internet for is essentially to signal to like-minded individuals the availability and current 'health indicators' of a given service or provisioning that they enjoy.

Which is really just a glorified menu.

Hm, to remove programmers that can be automated would essentially be to remove whatever economic sector they are servicing.

So if we take economic sectors as the primary concern then we have energy provision, food security, and logistics (space-filling algorithm or any sort of cube sort algorithm would suffice).

So long as we reduce the keywords to a prime semantic minimum then yes I could essentially write a 'brute-force the program that would achieve this result' and simply approach it as a race condition script template construct because memory management is already a solved problem.

Or I could just do the UBI algorithm and it would reduce the need for a lot of people to be employed merely to retain their arrogance or ignorance.

>> No.12100493

If you want I could reduce it to a lambda calculus expression with a variable memory width input variable for however many arguments someone wants to throw at it.

>> No.12100496

>oh noes, real data

>> No.12100499

>oh noes, words on a screen that you have to justify as being worth other people's time and interest because the only person that cared about light, love, laughter, and learning was you and only you!

>> No.12100504
File: 36 KB, 635x219, snowflake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12100508

>still being a basement dweller
>in 2020
uhh bro....

>> No.12100510

I wish I understood why anon's post their immediate life and circumstances and even more why the present it as memes or whatever. It isn't really cringey but it does make me wonder why the arrogance they present as being the moment most worth inspecting, and that moment being themselves and their posts, is to them something they feel as a valued thing.

I don't know if I've even ever been in a house that has a basement and I've been to that many different countries, including 4 different states in America.

>> No.12100530

I live how I like. I could always do my job at home. I hope this never changes and that the second wave and reinfection causes a total shut down.

>> No.12100611

Is telling people how you live part of you liking how you live? I personally find having to provide any information on how I live to others as the biggest waste of time ever.

>> No.12100659

>.06% mortality rate

The US’ case fatality rate is 3.04%, you lying shit. It’s now the leading cause of daily deaths. The mortality rate for >65 is 13%.

>> No.12100679

stupid nigger alert

>> No.12100683

>hurrr if i use the pro gamer word it makes the facts not real! durrrr

Do you have brain damage? Did your mother drink a lot while you were in the womb?

>> No.12100690
File: 279 KB, 387x449, nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12100742

My mother literally did everything to try and abort me but how does a woman kill the God of Time? By failing to do so, that's how!

>> No.12100944

>is contradicted
>haha who cares amirite
Weak. Consider trying to make an argument next time. Also, please remove yourself from the gene pool in the meantime.

t. Kees

>> No.12100954

I'm a different anon so the contradiction you're trying to identify does not exist.

>> No.12100988
File: 16 KB, 363x272, us_cfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.S. cfr is 5%

>> No.12101120


>> No.12101122

>reaction to 911 was way worse than 911 itself
That's true.

>> No.12101125

>apples and oranges
next, with cases/deaths per million

>> No.12101128


>> No.12101129

>The US’ case fatality rate is 3.04%
Wow, so 10 millions of American already died from evil Covid?
>b-but it's case! almost no Americans get this disease, so total fatality is lower!
No shit?

>> No.12101132

Small-lettered spammer is destroyed by his own link.

>> No.12101134

Then why did you post >>12100410? Amnesia?

>> No.12101138

Democratic-led New Jersey has three times Swedish deaths. Democratic-led New York has six times Swedish deaths. That's what you get with Democrats.

>> No.12101139

Literal viral marketing from the toilet roll industry.
We were fools to underestimate their influence.

>> No.12101141

Covidists are just sadists (if they are highly placed) or sadomasochists (if they are common people).

>> No.12101142

>The mortality rate for >65 is 13%.
Why won't they STAY THE FUCK HOME?

>> No.12101147


>> No.12101149

>destroyed with his own link
>destroyed even after moving the goalposts
A reminder that Democrats will literally kill people to jail other people after that.

>> No.12101150

More people will die from the economic impact than would have died from the virus

>> No.12101155

>Going against the grain makes me feel special
Anyway covid is great. I went outside once and there was nobody around, which is great because I hate how many people there are

>> No.12101158

this is the science board? i thought this was supposed to be full of intelligent people.

>> No.12101161

Intelligent people don't get involved with science, didn't you know this already? All social narratives are ultimately for those that need society in order to feel valued or like they are worth other people's time.

>> No.12101165

Why won't you use some capital letters, o Intelligent Person?

>> No.12101166

sweden CFR: 6.8%
NJ CFR: 8.1%
NY CFR: 7%


>> No.12101168

I went out every single day after the lockdown began. It was somewhat emptier only during the first week, after that everyone just ignored it.

>> No.12101171

this. Brainlets know nothing about viruses. This shit could hide in an organ or your bones for 10 years and come back with a vengeance. No one really knows what we're dealing with. This shit could cause like birth deformities for all we know. 6 months is fucking nothing.

>> No.12101174

>Sweden 5838 deaths
>NJ 16120 deaths
>NY 33102 deaths
Small-lettered idiot strikes again.

>> No.12101175

Basically you can defend anti-covid measures only with conspiracy theories now.

>> No.12101177

It matters not, you still failed to provide anything approaching an argument. Go complain to OP for caring about Sweden, that is the fag that brought it up.

>> No.12101185

>The Swedes are also rather careless right now
They have barely any deaths now, so that's a very sane decision. Can you explain the stopping of the covid in Sweden?

>> No.12101186

so size doesn't matter? is that what mommy tells you?

>> No.12101195

deaths are down all over the 1st world.
only 3rd world and shithole US die in big numbers.

>> No.12101202

Wow, let's look at their sizes. Is New York six times more populous compared to Sweden? No, just two times! Now let's look at New Jersey, surely it is way larger than Sweden? Wow, it is actually smaller! Congrats on self-destructing once again.
You are an absolute idiot, my small-lettered friend. Do you at least enjoy the muzzle?

>> No.12101204

>deaths are down all over the 1st world.
Another proof that covid was just a seasonal cold, not a Humanity-Destroying-Plague. Here is a useful link for you, my small-lettered friend:

>> No.12101205

The fact that your contradiction was self-generated through your own narrative separate from any external truth doesn't matter to you? Amazing.

>> No.12101206


>> No.12101210

what are you, a parrot?

>> No.12101216

You spam the link you don't understand and self-destroy yourself in your own post. But then you immediately forget the contents of your post and continue arguing. Guess that's connected with your inability to use capital letters.
That's why showing you your link again is very helpful: it nicely shows that covid was just a seasonal cold, that wearing masks is malignant and other useful stuff.

>> No.12101218

Wait, so now you argue that New York is doing better because it has more covid cases than Sweden? That's the most twisted logic I ever saw, my spammer friend.

>> No.12101234

having more cases is because it's a tourist attraction, same with london and paris.
CFR is what measures how well the situation has been managed
sweden 6.8%, nj 8.1%, ny 7%
sweden does a bit better, but your 3x claims are just pure bs

>> No.12101236

Ikr? What is wrong with people? It’s scary how easily most of the population falls for social control

>> No.12101247

>CFR is what measures how well the situation has been managed
Wow, so if some place had 100 cases and 1 death, it does worse than a place which has million cases and 9K deaths? That's just another proof that covidists desperately want more deaths. Can you understand that, or is your small-lettered brain too small for that?
>sweden does a bit better
No, my spammer friend, it does not "a bit better", although doing a bit better with no lockdown-mask dystopia destroys your ideology too. But look, now you actually argue that if some country has more covid cases, it is doing better! That's absolute self-destruction.

>> No.12101254

People are not installing lockdown on themselves and businesses are not closing on their own. They are forced to do that by the government, so it's not social control, it's just raw power.

>> No.12101266

are percentages too advanced math for you?

>> No.12101268

The British government has little ability to undertake hard enforcement of a lockdown for we have no military/militarised police. That is why they gave up early on. Police do nothing if you aren’t wearing a mask/socially distancing. It’s now social control because they continue to enforce it through social shaming instead. Also plenty of communist style “hero worship” propaganda

>> No.12101270

>>Going against the grain makes me feel special
this, special snowflake retards are so proud of having le non mainstream ""opinions"", internet was a mistake

>> No.12101271

Since capital letters are too advanced for you, it's not a surprise that percentages are beyond your grasp too. But notice that now you actually argue that more cases = better. See, I feel rewarded: of course arguing with covidiots is hard, but when they start to finally understand that lockdowns are malignant, it's a joy for a decent /sci/ visitor.

>> No.12101272

>intelligent people.
>on 4chan
anon, I have some news for you...

>> No.12101274

Isn't that why you avoid capital letters? Nice self-reflection.

>> No.12101278

I'm going to laugh these fuckers when they get damaged by vaccines, my friends and family included.

>> No.12101281

It’s gonna be you as well. Need a job or an apartment you need to be vaccinated

>> No.12101285
File: 47 KB, 270x290, 1599184210882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you die of covid-19 after being hit by a car because you couldn't cope with the pain of alcohol induced stage 4 cancer.

>> No.12101286
File: 1.25 MB, 2445x1701, smugwater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live with mother
>tfw terminal neet that doesn't need to apply for jobs to recieve welfare.

>> No.12101287

Why is /sci/ so split on this? I thought you were all the same nazis.

>> No.12101292

Same but it’s still concerning.

>> No.12101298

/sci/entific board encourages /sci/entific discussion!

>> No.12101321

>Isn't that why you avoid capital letters? Nice self-reflection.

>> No.12101335

>can't do math
lol, go back to >>>/x/

>> No.12101350

It's pretty cute how a covidiot like you ends up arguing that more covid cases is better. Do you get what CFR means now, you small-lettered dunce?

>> No.12101375

Perhaps. I think slightly more caution would be appropriate (in the sense of mostly business as usual, but now with more distance, less people, good ventilation and desinfectant, like we do in NL), but we'll see hoe it goes.

>Can you explain the stopping of the covid in Sweden?
The "small herd immunitized communities" of immigrants in urban centres that did not adhere to distancing measures is my pet theory. If most other parts of the country adhered to effective measures, that can explain why Sweden's stats are good now while they seemingly did so little. But this is just an hypothesis, and maybe that insane Swedish virologist is right and there is a 60% T-cell immunity amon their population. Time will tell.

>> No.12101383

It’s amazing how sci manages to blame everything on immigrants

>> No.12101404

Mainstream media is the biggest threat to a prosperous future.

They spin everything to fear and anti-human sentiments.

>> No.12101427

We know people get organ damage even when asymptomatic. Every few months some new horrifying effect is revealed. Colds and the flu don't do this shit.

>> No.12101430

Note that I blame the immigrants for the Swedish success! In my model, the acquired herd immunity of the immigrants protects the rest of Sweden. I wouldn't normally involve immigrants, either, it's just that I don't see any other highly urbanised, segregrated, non-distancing groups that are likely to have achieved herd immunity in Sweden.

>> No.12101467

I think of an even simpler explanation: majority of Sweden already got covid in light or asymptomatic form. The initial death surge is explained by a few fuckups when covid got into more vulnerable places like nursing homes and did certain damage. But then it was fixed and it circulated in people who barely notice it. That's why deaths dipped in June-July and then went almost zero in August-September.

>> No.12101477
File: 274 KB, 720x960, 1595279476907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>muh morality rate
>>why yes I think if the entire workforce is sick nothing bad can come from it because they’re still alive after all

>> No.12101510

>entire workforce comes down with mild flu like symptoms.
This would not happen, only 5% or whatever will be infected as they are every year with the flu. 100% is a ridiculous assumption that is completely divorced from reality.

>> No.12101531


>> No.12101541

>That's why deaths dipped
no, it happened to all 1st world countries, except u.s. (who's the shithole now?)
sweden is not special at all:

>> No.12101567

Small-lettered spammer strikes again. Have you learned how to do division and what CFR is?

>> No.12101599

>Colds and the flu don't do this shit.
They do.

It's not just hyped to shit by a media hellbent on selling fears and lies

.t MD

>> No.12101611

Isn't that roughly the same theory as the "Most of Sweden is immune but we didn't notice" theory, only with instead of T-cells explaining why we didn't notice, you propose it was asymptomatic cases?

>> No.12101641

Yeeah, possibly life long fucked up lungs / other innards, can contract it again, maybe die this time eh just a flu mate eh no biggie lets go party

>> No.12101647
File: 527 KB, 3400x2400, total-covid-deaths-per-million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within Europe, Sweden's per capita fatalities are only below San Marino, Belgium, Andorra, UK, and Italy. Compared to its neighbors, its fatalities are 5-10x worse, and they are worse than those in the US. What is it a good example of again?

>> No.12101698

A good example of the fact that
a) Covid death rates are not "black plague" and not "famine", but a "somewhat worse than average seasonal cold"
b) That if you implement total dystopia and crush your economy, your death rate does not become orders better...
c) or several times better
d) or you are even guaranteed to do better than someone ignoring covid, as your example perfectly shows
Additionally you can note that deaths are concentrated in a small subgroup of people, so if instead of protecting them you torture general population, you don't destroy covid, don't reduce deaths, but gain every negative from the countermeasures.

>> No.12101702

Based off-brand Walmart Tooker.

>> No.12101744

>a) Covid death rates are not "black plague" and not "famine", but a "somewhat worse than average seasonal cold"

In the 2018-2019 influenza season, 505 people died
That's 352/100,000, or 35.2/million - about 6% of their covid deaths so far. I guess you could call that "somewhat worse than the average seasonal cold"

>b) That if you implement total dystopia and crush your economy, your death rate does not become orders better...
>c) or several times better
And yet the most affected Scandinavian country next to Sweden, Denmark, has only about a 5th of deaths. Sounds several times better to me

>d) or you are even guaranteed to do better than someone ignoring covid, as your example perfectly shows
You aren't guaranteed anything by any single intervention and timing as well as demographics and location matter. That doesn't mean shit, in no disease outbreak are you guaranteed that anything alone will make the outbreak better and you don't just cross your arms and let it happen for that reason.

>Additionally you can note that deaths are concentrated in a small subgroup of people, so if instead of protecting them you torture general population, you don't destroy covid, don't reduce deaths, but gain every negative from the countermeasures.
Is this not exactly what Sweden tried? And their death rates are within the range of Italy's, which had one of the first and most poorly controlled outbreaks, and worse than Spain's, which also made headlines for its deaths.

>> No.12101776

>We don't know what we're dealing with !
>We don't understand the virus
>5 vaccines going through clinical trials right now
>omg just take the vaccine goy

>> No.12101791

Yes, that's exactly "somewhat bad seasonal cold". Nothing several times is still nothing and statistically irrelevant value several times is hardly noticeable trouble, not plague or an excuse for dystopia.
>And yet the most affected Scandinavian country next to Sweden, Denmark, has only about a 5th of deaths
First, see the argument above. Second, if you will cherrypick a country with zero deaths (ignoring examples you don't like) , it will be infinitely better, but such an infinity is pretty meaningless. Third, even if we'll accept such a cherrypicking, Scandinavian countries are all ignoring masks, so at least their uselessness will be proven.

>> No.12101822

>You aren't guaranteed anything by any single intervention and timing as well as demographics and location matter. That doesn't mean shit
If shit is meaningless, then adding additional lockdowns is purely meaningless, even if your examples will be better, right? You don't implement dystopia because it can sort of possibly work.

>> No.12101833

Sweden death rates are better than Italy, Spain and USA (and deaths basically stopped, so that will not change)

>> No.12101842


Edge master supreme.

>> No.12101855

Mortality rate is .6 not .06 retard

>> No.12101925

yes. have you?

>> No.12101940

sweden cfr: 578/8493=6.8%
italy cfr: 589/4659=12.6%
spain cfr: 633/11431=5.5%
usa cfr: 587/19685=3%

>> No.12101979

Judging by "y" and "h" you did not.

>> No.12101989

>Yes, that's exactly "somewhat bad seasonal cold". Nothing several times is still nothing
Just to remind you, you said "somewhat worse than average seasonal cold" for something 20x worse than that.
But even forgetting that, COVID has killed in less than a year about the same amount of Swedes coronary heart disease kills in a year (https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/coronary-heart-disease/by-country/).). It's pretty significant

>not plague or an excuse for dystopia
>I had to stay home for 2 months and now I have to wear masks and keep distance from other people so things didn't get even worse, therefore I live in a dystopia

> Second, if you will cherrypick a country with zero deaths
I'm picking countries with similar populations, median age (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_median_age ), latitude, and urban population ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urbanization_by_country ) - i.e. countries most similar to Sweden. I hope I don't need to explain why these variables being concordant make for better comparisons

> it will be infinitely better, but such an infinity is pretty meaningless
The deaths of thousands of people aren't meaningless, or at least their meaning is subjective and dependent on the value you ascribe to human life (or lack thereof)

> Scandinavian countries are all ignoring masks
False. Those countries, which closed their borders earlier in the year, have had varying rules since May, and they've only become more stringent as their caseloads begin to rise
>Sweden death rates are better than Italy, Spain and USA
Of countries you mentioned, only Italy and Spain are worse than Sweden (632/1M, 588/1M vs 578/1M respectively) - US @ 573.04/1M

>> No.12101991

Not bad of a drawing till you get to eyes and nose, what in the hell happened there?

>> No.12101997

Wonderful! Now mind sharing what 578 589 633 587 numbers mean?

>> No.12102003

Hey buddy, did he just set you off? Common, man, this is 4chan we're talking about!

>> No.12102010

fatalities / 1M
and no more spoon-feeding after this

>> No.12102014

Don't feed the troll buddy, he's just looking to get his fix... Trust me

>> No.12102024

Yes, that's correct. What you have here is a statistical fluke and a somewhat bad seasonal cold. Great to mention coronary disease, since no one introduces house arrests because of the coronary disease or anything else.
>I had to stay home for 2 months and now I have to wear masks and keep distance from other people so things didn't get even worse, therefore I live in a dystopia
Yes, absolutely correct! Your stay home for two months is a grotesque abuse and no corona is worth such a rape of population (not even mentioning the economic damage here). If you have such standards, then you will swallow everything with the same cute handwaving. Not to mention that it is also useless.

>> No.12102031

I'm takin a break, be back soon

>> No.12102035

Wonderful! How does it feel to absolutely self-destruct with your own numbers? You just posted fatalities per million, and Sweden is doing better than USA, Italy and Spain. Just as told before. You just can't stop, can you?

>> No.12102043

>I'm picking
Correct, you are cherrypicking countries because you didn't like what your previous examples showed.
>The deaths of thousands of people aren't meaningless, or at least their meaning is subjective and dependent on the value you ascribe to human life (or lack thereof)
Correct, just like freedom of billions. Especially if their loss of freedom does not prevent the said deaths, but cause others.

>> No.12102054

>Of countries you mentioned, only Italy and Spain are worse than Sweden
That's old data, you can see the small-lettered self-ownage for the newer data. Which also reminds us that Sweden now is doing incredibly better compared to USA and covid is stopped there.

>> No.12102062

True. Just like in Sweden, maybe several percents of other Scandinavians wear masks.

>> No.12102161


>> No.12102188

>US’ case fatality rate

>> No.12102189

That's true, my small-lettered friend, you just brought the data which shows that fewer Swedes died from corona compared to Italians, Spaniards and Americans. Thanks for your contribution!

>> No.12102194

>6 months economic shutdown
yikes. where? not in the united states of based america

>> No.12102199


stfu pussy, if you are scared go to church bitch.

>> No.12102201

NPC detected

>> No.12102208

hysteria and denial are two extremes and both are wrong. no need to be reckless and no need to hide in the cellar for the next 50 years. that said, if there is a golden mean, the corona skeptics are closer to it than the corona nazis. in my opinion of course.

>> No.12102237

6.8 > 3
your welcome

>> No.12102250

if you use the term "conspiracy theory" unironically in 2020 you are either a glow nigger or really, really,really stupid

>> No.12102264

>a statistical fluke and a somewhat bad seasonal cold
20x worse- not somewhat bad by anyone's definition other than yours. Repeating "it's not that bad" doesn't make it true in anybody's mind but your own.

>Great to mention coronary disease, since no one introduces house arrests because of the coronary disease or anything else.
Ischemic heart disease is the #1 killer of people in the West, I thought that would be obvious enough that I wouldn't have to explain it to you. If something is killing No duh it's not contagious so you don't isolate people for it.

> absolutely correct!
If avoiding restaurants and studying/working from home sounds like oppression to you, you've obviously never lived in an actual totalitarian state. I'm sure you're just like the North Koreans.

>Not to mention that it is also useless.
Repeating your ideas without any supporting evidence does not lend any more strength to your arguments. It just makes you seem stupid.

>Correct, you are cherrypicking because you didn't like what your previous examples showed.
Read my sentence above. Just to recap, I told you why Scandinavian examples offer better comparisons and you gave no argument against it. If you're just gonna restate your opinions and keep the discussion static then there's no reason for me to keep responding.

>That's old data, you can see the small-lettered self-ownage for the newer data.
The title says September 9, so it's not old data. If you're referring to >>12101940 - it's describing the CFR, which isn't the same as mortality. Do I need to explain how deaths/million people and deaths/cases are different for you?

>True. Just like in Sweden, maybe several percents of other Scandinavians wear masks.
Again you offer no supporting evidence, you've posted absolutely none of it in response and keep pretending it's no big deal when evidence is presented against your ideas. You sound more like someone who needs a therapist to listen to their rant, so I'm done with you.

>> No.12102342

Yes, my small-lettered friend! 6.8 is more than 3 indeed! But you already realized that more Americans died than Swedes. You even provided the proof of that. Now shall we continue? Maybe you will realize what division is.

>> No.12102370

6.8 > 5.5

>> No.12102386

Indeed, my friend! Compared to Sweden Spain experienced worse covid mortality! Thanks for noting it too.

>> No.12102402

>The title says September 9, so it's not old data. If you're referring to >>12101940 # - it's describing the CFR, which isn't the same as mortality. Do I need to explain how deaths/million people and deaths/cases are different for you?
You are absolutely correct! Sadly you can also take a look at the first column which describes deaths per million and notice that Swedish number is 578 and American is 587.

>> No.12102424

>is anon
>can't read OR use his brain
As expected.

>> No.12102441

dumb redditor

>> No.12102448

turns out America did a good job destroying itself anyways

>> No.12102451
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1597616671991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shill thread again

>> No.12102457

>reddit spacing

>> No.12102462

>OP is a baby ass bitch about needing to stay inside cause now he can't candidly jerk off to women in public
>I say it hasn't affected me and prefer it
cool bro, good for you.

>> No.12102532

I literally cant decide what to believe wtf?

>> No.12102863

>20x worse- not somewhat bad by anyone's definition other than yours. Repeating "it's not that bad" doesn't make it true in anybody's mind but your own.
It is, most importantly, in Swedish chief epidemiologist mind who managed to save Sweden from most of the abuse other countries imposed on its citizens.
>Ischemic heart disease is the #1 killer of people in the West, I thought that would be obvious enough that I wouldn't have to explain it to you. If something is killing No duh it's not contagious so you don't isolate people for it.
Anon, if you are really worried that people are dying, you should go to the transhumanist/antiaging threads. Because if they will not succeed, your dreams will fail miserably. Meanwhile you can stay home because this way you will not get anything contagious.

>> No.12102872

>Read my sentence above. Just to recap, I told you why Scandinavian examples offer better comparisons and you gave no argument against it. If you're just gonna restate your opinions and keep the discussion static then there's no reason for me to keep responding.
Anon, if you feel like you are losing, you are absolutely free to stop responding. Meanwhile let me remind you the initial posts: >>12101647 >>12101698 Let me even cite:
> or you are even guaranteed to do better than someone ignoring covid

>> No.12102885
File: 117 KB, 1500x880, masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again you offer no supporting evidence, you've posted absolutely none of it in response and keep pretending it's no big deal when evidence is presented against your ideas. You sound more like someone who needs a therapist to listen to their rant, so I'm done with you.
Bye, anon. It's an anonymous board, so you are free to end the discussion whenever you feel like you are losing. Meanwhile enjoy the chart. See the bottom?

>> No.12102895

>Repeating your ideas without any supporting evidence does not lend any more strength to your arguments. It just makes you seem stupid.
Correct, that's why you clinging to your misconceptions and ignoring the data will only result in
>there's no reason for me to keep responding.

>> No.12102924

>If avoiding restaurants and studying/working from home sounds like oppression to you, you've obviously never lived in an actual totalitarian state. I'm sure you're just like the North Koreans.
And that's probably the most ridiculous part of your post.
Yes, anon, you banning others from visiting restaurants is oppression and abuse even if taken alone.
Yes, you putting others under house arrest is a vastly more grotesque abuse (of course that's not literally you, you just want to pretend that you are with those who are in control).
No, being better than North Korea is not a high bar to pass. There are myriads of forms of oppression and abuse which are still somewhat better than North Korea. If you are better than absolute dystopia, that's not a high achievement. Although North Korea supposedly has no corona deaths. You covidists will probably be happy to transform everything into NK.

>> No.12103346

>being better than North Korea is not a high bar to pass
yet they manage to fail

>> No.12103463

>asked a question
>someone put their hand in their pants, pulled out a fresh smear of fecal matter, and started smearing their face with it as they screamed incoherently in native american indian
I was hoping for an actual answer but I think humans have forgotten how innocent a question is and simply project their presumed chain of questions onto the conversation instead of letting the other be an actual individual with a query.

>> No.12103822

The case fatality rate is the ratio of deaths over cases, not deaths over total population. What are you smoking?

>> No.12103847


>> No.12103896

>he watches the daily show
>literally lowest tier mkultra manipulation for literal droolers, the "jokes" arent even just a laugh track over overt political manipulation
Jesus fuck son, you are fucked, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.12104346
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>> No.12104428

>oh noes, real data
just clips from fox, nk
no narration

>> No.12104523

i know several people who tested positive for covid 19 one of which is extremely obese and has breathing problems. after a couple weeks they were all fine.

>> No.12104658

your statistician Field prize is in the mail

>> No.12104671

>It's just duh flu I swear
People still claim this? You were wrong before and you're still wrong.

>> No.12104683

Anon, try to read the posts you answer:
>b-but it's case!
Here is your post already.
> almost no Americans get this disease, so total fatality is lower!
Here is your next argument.

>> No.12104702

That's correct, covid-fearers are basically North Koreans.

>> No.12104752
File: 221 KB, 285x450, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, it's retarded

>> No.12104768

What shithole are you from?

>> No.12104890

Don't forget, covid deaths are being marked up due to all deaths unrelated to the disease being marked down as having been caused by covid.

>> No.12104966


>> No.12105501

America. Say that again to me cuck and i swear to god ...

>> No.12105527

pythagream thearum and surface area.
pythagream thearum and surface area.

If you look at my channel. It is kind of my journal sort of speak. And then. Random people. Try to explain to me how I am wrong
And what relevance does anything I say have to do with anything. I could ask the same thing about Harvard/yale students/professors and they're math skills. Or anyone else. If someone can question my information. I can definitely question the information of the people who are teaching.. at colleges I may want to attend one day. Or dream to achieve one day. These are the people who dictate rules and and the government.

Ei. If the united had bumped. 2.6trillion to 3.trillion. in the first place. Every accounted for citizens in the united states. 300million. Could have gotten between 8,000-10,000 dollars.

But only people "effected" qualified for 1,200. And not everyone qualified.

And big business took chunks that were meant for mom and pops stores.

But then the mom and pops would have gotten between 8,000 10,000 for each family member in the store.
And big company owners would only have gotten 8,000 to 10,000.

So everyone would have been treated fairly..

So where has all the extra money gone? And their about to do it again with 1.5trillion. And the debt is ser on the people. And our children/grandchildren.

How would you like I take a 100,000 dollar loan in your name. And give you on 12,000. Because i need to help those effected. .. but you where the only one effected in your house

How is this any different then identity theft/ponzi scheme.. the government is literally robbing everyone. Before their eyes... and no one is saying a damn thing about it.

>> No.12105536

The US has an almost unlimited reservoir of obese sickly people for the virus to kill. It'll be a long time before that's exhausted and their numbers start to decline significantly.

>> No.12105562

Swedish deaths came to almost zero. Of course they don't torture their population with lockdowns or masks, but even with them America will soon gain immunity. Sadly it already overcame Sweden in deaths.

>> No.12105570

>I personally find having to provide any information on how I live to others as the biggest waste of time ever.
I take it you have no friends?

>> No.12105576

pythagream thearum and surface area.
pythagream thearum and surface area.

If you look at my channel. It is kind of my journal sort of speak. And then. Random people. Try to explain to me how I am wrong
And what relevance does anything I say have to do with anything. I could ask the same thing about Harvard/yale students/professors and they're math skills. Or anyone else. If someone can question my information. I can definitely question the information of the people who are teaching.. at colleges I may want to attend one day. Or dream to achieve one day. These are the people who dictate rules and and the government.

Ei. If the united had bumped. 2.6trillion to 3.trillion. in the first place. Every accounted for citizens in the united states. 300million. Could have gotten between 8,000-10,000 dollars.

But only people "effected" qualified for 1,200. And not everyone qualified.

And big business took chunks that were meant for mom and pops stores.

But then the mom and pops would have gotten between 8,000 10,000 for each family member in the store.
And big company owners would only have gotten 8,000 to 10,000.

So everyone would have been treated fairly..

So where has all the extra money gone? And their about to do it again with 1.5trillion. And the debt is ser on the people. And our children/grandchildren.

How would you like I take a 100,000 dollar loan in your name. And give you on 12,000. Because i need to help those effected. .. but you where the only one effected in your house

How is this any different then identity theft/ponzi scheme.. the government is literally robbing everyone. Before their eyes... and no one is saying a damn thing about it.

>> No.12105579

/pol/itical cartoons as arguments on /sci/. That's a pretty good symbol of what discourse here has become.

>> No.12105581

>but a "somewhat worse than average seasonal cold"
And eating 10 bags of potato chips in one sitting is only somewhat worse than eating a single chip.

>> No.12105617

Just some advice, save your sanity and don't bother with the person you're arguing with. They're in every covid thread. It's easy to identify them, they'll reply to your posts in 5 different posts, claim all your data is cherrypicked, and tell you that it's just a mild cold and that something more than nothing is still nothing.

>> No.12105639

The death rate has varied quite a bit throughout the US. My county had two deaths, one in April and one in June. The number of cases has pretty much plateaued at under 100. Almost no one wears masks here but they do honor social distancing because they already did that naturally before the pandemic. It's difficult to stress the differences in everyday behavior between the coastal urban centers and "fly-over country". Urbanites don't believe that restaurants in rural areas don't set tables so close together that sliding out your chair prevents those at the next table from doing so just as they can't imagine that people grocery shopping aren't pushing and reaching over each other like happens in their urban bodega.
Of course it took longer for the virus to spread out into the more rural areas so the urbanites who fled to rural areas, bringing their infections and inability to social distance with them, insisted that the were smart for being "MASK! MASK! MASK!" with no regard to personal hygiene or social distancing. They'll ignore all of the death and destruction they left behind in their urban centers while criticizing rural areas for rising infection rates caused by the urbanites bringing their infections and their habits with them to rural areas. I can see why some have started slashing the tires of vehicles they come across with license plates from outside of the local area.
Seriously city folks, wash your hands and don't force yourself upon strangers. These two things will do far more to prevent the spread of the virus than your magical talisman masks.
P.S. Sneezing and coughing on each other is pretty gross too. Just because you're wearing a mask doesn't mean it's ok to keep having this terrible habit.

>> No.12105719

...and then they post this in the hope of winning by suffocation.
nice try

>> No.12105725

go back

>> No.12105730

sweden has more deaths than china

>> No.12105731

Oh, I left out that anyone who agrees with you will be accused of being you.

>> No.12105794

thanks for the blogpost
where's the unsubscribe button?

>> No.12106435

and north korea

>> No.12106440

ok chang

>> No.12106503
File: 4 KB, 200x197, 1588153006998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can, if you want to be presumptuous and inaccurate about others based on a single sentence.

Holy shit are you okay?! This is 4chan, not a blog. There aren't any subscribe or unsubscribe buttons. If you are posting from a mental health facility please signal to one of the staff that you may be experiencing some sort of hallucination or difficulty concentrating as you seem to be getting your internet activities confused.

>> No.12106526

How is it presumptuous? You just said you find it to be the biggest waste of time ever to provide information to others on how you live. Friends talk about their lives with each other, otherwise they're just colleagues or acquaintances.

>> No.12106536

no u

>> No.12106577
File: 7 KB, 201x251, 1589057513266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your friends therapists or just really boring? What sort of culture do you live in that they talk about their lives instead of enjoying making up bullshit stories for a laugh, working on projects together, doing shit together, and helping each other out when asked?

>> No.12106597


6% mortality rate, I don't know where you got your 100x percentage lower number from?

And Sweden didn't shut down and it had one of the worst cases in Europe, I don't know what you're talking about? The infections per death cases in Sweden were so much higher.

>> No.12106627

>6 months economic shutdown
>Literally nothing happens
>people still have jobs and consoomers consoom
Woah, why did the brainlet mean by this?

>> No.12106631

Because the main transmission is through fomites, i.e. food they buy in the supermarket.

>> No.12106717

You sound incredibly autistic.

>> No.12106720

Fascinating. When you read words you hear sounds? I've never met someone who does that.

>> No.12106726

Most people hear a voice when they read. That’s normal, anon.

>> No.12106731

Huh? How does that even make sense? Why would perceptual interpretation involve auditory processing? The only people I know who 'hear voices' are schizoaffective.

>> No.12106738

What is wrong with you?


>> No.12106748

Then is it constantly just sound in YOUR head? How the fuck is that even possible? Can't you read and listen to music at the same time without getting confused?

>> No.12106755

Seriously, are you autistic?

>> No.12106757
File: 379 KB, 480x800, TIMESAND___prettyquick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is COVID only something in Antarctica or do they have it everywhere?

>> No.12106761

No, you fucking retard. I am fucking confused as to how you would HEAR a voice in your HEAD without it being an EXTERNAL stimulation. Do YOU know the difference between hearing something and imagining something?

>> No.12106775

Is English you native language? There’s nothing confusing about what the other anon said, unless you really can’t grasp hearing an inner voice, which would put you in the minority I would think.

>> No.12106777

Sweden didn't shut down and it is not many times worse than others and not even first, but is better than quite a number of lockdownists. Also covid is basically over in Sweden despite no lockdowns and no masks, so your "infections per death cases" seem to fail.

>> No.12106781

I can grasp auditory hallucinations, which is what you are all describing. Having to 'hear' the voice indicates to me nothing but an extremely slow thought process. That's like having to speak out loud whatever you read in order to understand it better. Are you all kindergarten students?

>> No.12106793

You really do sound like you are on the spectrum. That’s not an insult, by the way.


>> No.12106811
File: 750 KB, 728x408, 1579694926733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beyond fascinating. I've not actually bothered to read any links you've posted because, well, that would be outside the scope of basic conversation.

So you 'hear' a voice in your head when you read? The words that I am writing, which you end up reading, actually cause 'sound' in your mind? What does the voice sound like? How do you differentiate between that sound and anyone else talking to you?

This is literally extremely interesting to me. It's like discovering that there is this subsection of humanity that genuinely just creates sound in their heads that they can hear as clearly as if someone is talking to them. How do you minimize cross-talk or any sort of signal interference in general? Does the voice also provide tooltips or opinions on what your visual spectrum interprets? Like if you see a meme does it 'speak' to you somehow?

I just literally am so blown away at this point. Why would anyone put up with such a slow thought process as to hallucinate sound in order to provide context clues or focus. It's like I'm hearing retards speak (<- imagination/expression) vs reading someone who doesn't seem to be able to realize that they are actually experiencing some sort of limitation to their own thought processes.

How SLOW do you think? Like, genuinely. If you have to hear the voice can it go faster as you read faster?

>For example: How does the attached .gif animation 'sound' in your head? Does the voice speed up to accommodate?

>> No.12107047
File: 349 KB, 320x192, wearelegion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you downsy motherfucker

>> No.12107058
File: 19 KB, 300x250, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the level of quality of discourse you engage in? Uh, my American isn't very good but let me try using a meme. Had to pick one with text on it to help you.

>> No.12107059

random person responding here
the voice can be set to mimic anyone, thus the morgan freeman "you are now reading this in my voice"
Go take a musical IQ test I wonder how you'd score. Do you ever get songs stuck in your head?

>> No.12107074

Reading is literally sight converted to sound deriving meaning.

>> No.12107079

I've never heard Morgan Freeman actually say those words so it take active effort for me to hear those words in his voice.

Never heard of a musical IQ score before. What does it test for? Just curious.

I do get snippets of a song that repeat in my mind which I usually take as a queue to listen to it. Doesn't happen that often though and mostly only if I have been listening to said song a bit too much recently.

>> No.12107082

So deaf people can't read according to you?

>Here. Take all my keks.

>> No.12107119

You sound like an npc lmao. Is your head filled with nothing?

>> No.12107140

How the fuck would I ever have enough time or energy to at any given moment be able to express or explain everything in my head to an external communicator?

>> No.12107142

>So you 'hear' a voice in your head when you read?
Often, especially when reading novels. I can read in chunks without a voice if I care to do so.

>the words that I am writing, which you end up reading, actually cause 'sound' in your mind?

>What does the voice sound like?
Nondescript male voice usually.

>How do you differentiate between that sound and anyone else talking to you?
By not being insane, just like most people can visualize things without being schizophrenic.

>Why would anyone put up with such a slow thought process
>If you have to hear the voice can it go faster as you read faster?
Doesn't seem slow to me. I'm a very fast reader, listen to podcasts and lectures at 3x or 4x speed, scored 50/50 on a Wonderlic. I consider processing speed to be one of my strengths.

>> No.12107153

Amazing. Could you please provide me your definition of insane? I only ask because this is a new concept I am trying to self-integrate and need to resolve the initial conflict of new vs old information.

>> No.12107234

Because its not that hard faggot. If you cant even make succinct abstract analogies you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.12107250

I had to presume the definition of insane in the sense of behavior that prevents social interaction because I got super fucking bored waiting for a reply. However with that interpretation insane would be anyone that society has been able to exclude without accepting any responsibility for predicate or past trauma.

What does visualization and schizophrenia have in common btw? I've never seen that comparison been made before so again am curious.

Why would I bother holding any opinion about myself when the world is so willing to provide me any and all possible interpretations about myself to myself? If anything is held in my head it is primarily what someone else needed or wanted in terms of information or entertainment or psychological/spiritual relief, however I only hold that in long-term memory. My working and short-term memory primarily focuses on imagination (I work with artists and am one myself) and, if I'm not allowed to provide a specific example in this moment without making someone give another butthurt reply, is more like a conceptual stew that I add stuff to and usually offer it to my limbic system in order to contextualize and help refine the emotional flow of the narrative or static piece that I wish to present to future or current audiences.

>> No.12107272

I read some comments left on one of the posts in http://www.microbe.tv/twiv/ that said that in sweden they literally let old people die and wouldn't even let them enter hospitals. the commenter said that swedish authorities were basically criminals for letting that happen. their argument was something along the lines of "people will die anyway".

>> No.12107280

retarded phoneposter detected

>> No.12107282

Show us the cure you've found in the past 6 months! Surely you must have found one if you assured us that a 6-month shutdown was reasonable and necessary! Thanks to this based anon here finding the cure, we can all go back to living our lives tomorrow.

>> No.12107314

wut. do you really think having 5 vaccines means that we know what we are dealing with? AFAIU, 5 vaccines is nothing, and that shit means absolutely nothing.
also, clinical trials are a thing for a reason.

>> No.12107336

are you retarded m8? you are comparing a nordic country against city with a high floating population, high pop density and literally tens of millions yearly tourists. wonder if you are baiting or just retarded

>> No.12107375

>Sweden didn't shut down and it is not many times worse than others
sure bud

>> No.12107379

>U.S. Deaths Above or Below Normal
>246,600 excess deaths from March 15 to Aug. 22

>Nationwide, 246,600 more people have died than usual from March 15 to Aug. 22, according to C.D.C. estimates, which adjust current death records to account for typical reporting lags. That number is about 70,000 higher than the official count of coronavirus deaths for that period.

>> No.12107384

>6 months economic shutdown
only hawaii has a stay at home order still
i don't care about random asian islanders sorry.
use better scare material

>> No.12107525

>new york times
You are legit retarded arent you little fella?

>> No.12107529


>> No.12107541

>New CDC report shows 94% of US COVID deaths had contributing conditions.
so what?

>You are legit retarded arent you little fella?
did you even read those articles or even the quote I posted?
>The conditions included high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, as well as problems that are caused by COVID-19 itself, such as respiratory failure and pneumonia.
>A death isn’t excluded from the COVID-19 tally just because the person was obese or had diabetes or dementia. Someone with heart problems can still be killed by COVID-19, and the death certificate could mention both as contributing.
>Nationwide, 246,600 more people have died than usual from March 15 to Aug. 22, according to C.D.C. estimates
who's the retard here?

>>new york times
>hurr durr NYT bad orange man good

>> No.12107565
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>> No.12107572


>> No.12107888

the latest flu strain could sit in your bones and kill you in 10 years by super diarrhea

>> No.12107891

Always excited to hear how Death keeps itself so unique and creative.