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File: 694 KB, 894x447, 1599513813674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12096215 No.12096215 [Reply] [Original]

Falcon Chubby Edition

prev: >>12092716

>> No.12096219


>> No.12096222

>It’s another SpaceX edition
When will you hack frauds finally give the Zimbabwe moon program the love it deserves?

>> No.12096229
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>> No.12096231

Be quiet nigspace, your time is over.

>> No.12096247

Afronauts rise up.
Bottom text.

>> No.12096250

- "klick" instead of km is cringe reddit larping when writing
- SLS has not launched
- "Military grade" == "lowest bidder"
- fuck jannies

>> No.12096254
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Ave Mars

>> No.12096256
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Finally, some recognition.

>> No.12096258
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>> No.12096259

How did the pressure test go?

>> No.12096265

3STO Aerospike asses

>> No.12096268

Two stage, I meant

>> No.12096278
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>> No.12096281

Hasnt been tested yet. They just moved the Sn7.1 on the stand few hours ago. So possibly gonna test tomorrow.

>> No.12096293
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>> No.12096302
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>> No.12096303
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>> No.12096320
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>> No.12096331

Hard times make strong men
Strong men make good times
Good times make weak men
Weak men make hard times

>> No.12096337
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Or commies. The threat of commies seemed to have been a good motivator for space flight.

>> No.12096342


>> No.12096366
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Tonight at Boeing...

>> No.12096371
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Zimba....w-What are you talking about?

>> No.12096383

>Berger: $700 million for a small orbital rocket, if true, is obscene.
>Beck: Yea, It took us $100m to get to orbit and I believe that was too much!
Is Virgin Orbit just as big of a meme as its galactic counterpart?

>> No.12096392

Is Jeff Greason a retard? Power beaming to rockets? WTF

>> No.12096395
File: 135 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTk4Mjk3NTAzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDAwOTA4MDI@._V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Plane Dodges the Ground

>> No.12096398

Clarkson you absolute pillock

>> No.12096399
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Get in loser, we're going to the galaxy

>> No.12096402
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yes sir! The patrician's choice is Rocketlab, Astra is scrubbing(launching) this week too. It's a ploy to give him more equity to float his businesses and make him cool. They have to be plane related because of virgin atlantic. Only way to explain the sheer retardation of his companies.

>> No.12096404


>> No.12096416
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We are cutting cost on igniters to stay within budget for once!

>> No.12096421
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You mean Rhodesia

>> No.12096429

Space is too damn expensive.

>> No.12096457

Big Jim is so inspiring. I wish I could hang out with him and talk about spaceflight

>> No.12096460
File: 495 KB, 1551x708, RocketRenderSmall.png.383bef690ba4bbab45ec20a5fc54b83d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, what's the smallest rocket you could get into leo with like 5-10kg of payload?

I've always wanted to get more out of the 0.625m parts in ksp but there's only so much you can do before strapping boosters to the sides and all. I mean I don't expect to get Kerbals to the Mun, but a small streamlined cockpit would be nice for the early game and miniaturized rovers, I mean throwing really tiny stuff at Mun and Minmus should be in the cards. Overall, any tricks on really light weight space faring? I reluctantly installed TweakScale...

Got me so hyped up on light sfr's.

>> No.12096461
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>> No.12096466
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Miniaturisation should play a much more important role in KSP2.

>> No.12096474
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Astronomy is cool. Any anons here have telescopes?

>> No.12096475

>less expensive
Not how it works. Rocketlab for instance is more expensive for a given payload than a Starlink rideshare, but stays competitive due to more flexibility.

>> No.12096478

I didn't say that.

>> No.12096483

>Space is too damn expensive.
>On that note...
I took it as implied.

>> No.12096487

I root for this guy and Rocketlab just as much as Elon and Spacex.

>> No.12096492

CCCP 2: Элeктpичecкий бyгaлy?

>> No.12096494

>Jupiter at the end
You poor bastard. Rip DIRECT.

>> No.12096497
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It was a dodgy transition, but I didn't bring it up again. Also, early rockets were small, that indeed made it cheaper to test them and lower tech, so the transition wasn't that dodgy after all.

>> No.12096500

>what's the smallest rocket you could get into leo with like 5-10kg of payload?
The record for smallest orbital rocket has been held twice by Japan, first for the Lambda-4 (16.5m), and they beat their own record just last year with the SS-520 at 9.54m.

>> No.12096508
File: 85 KB, 800x450, Charles_Bolden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what my ancestors did, we built the nation.
-Charlie Bolden

>> No.12096513
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Tiel blue Delta II's are pretty good looking...

>> No.12096518
File: 70 KB, 1064x334, SS520-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty neat!

>> No.12096528

He was a shitty admin but i respect the fact that he was an astronaut

>> No.12096575

Furry alien space sluts when?

>> No.12096579

SpaceX is finished, it's Rocket Labs turn

>> No.12096580

Astronomy is gay
t. geologist

>> No.12096595

It's a decades old idea. He's using new physics (non-Gaussian beaming) with cheap microwave/RF emitters combined with using the beam to drive a jet engine for suborbital travel.

>> No.12096606

Why did they choose that retarded battery layout. Apparently the weight penalty offsets the savings of not having the motor spin up from lost exhaust

>> No.12096614

Idk about that but it is much easier to make and maintain the engine.

>> No.12096617

Just a guess, but it might not be about rocket efficiency. If you can get the same specs from a complex engine vs. a battery engine, they might have gone with batteries for simplicity. It’s probably easier to build and / or maintain

>> No.12096626

It significantly simplifies the engine when you don't need a gas generator to spin it up. Fingers crossed somebody starts mass manufacturing the newer solid electrolyte cells soon, or that Canadian firm finally commercialize the Braga/Goodenough glass battery.
At that point battery-powered turbomachinery might actually outstrip conventional gas generators, including in larger rocket engines.

>> No.12096635

I just want a 10x energy density boost for EVs.
>ebikes capable of going 100mi at 50mph
>Teslas with a 20 hour highway driving range

>> No.12096644

You'd need both high energy density and high power density, and they don't necessarily come hand in hand. Hence afaik Rocketlab uses lipo batteries that have shit energy density but high power density, new tech that focuses on increasing energy density is great for most applications but useless for that.

>> No.12096654

I’m a noob when it comes to battery tech. What separates a “good” battery like a tesla from a shittier one like what I would find in a prius? What advanced did Elon make that made tesla so damn good? What could be improved? Are we anywhere close to electric planes and stuff

>> No.12096655

I mean even if the best you could get is 5x capacity and charge rate (as is purported to be the improvement of the Braga/Goodenough battery) you're looking at 2000 miles of range for an EV with a full charge time of 9 minutes.
I might be mistaken, but both solid and glass electrolyte batteries, at least in early lab condition tests demonstrated both superior charge/discharge capabilities, greater endurance over many cycles, and a greater range of temperature tolerance compared to their liquid electrolyte counterparts. As far as I can see they'd be superior in literally every measurable trait compared to current cells, including both ease of manufacture and cost.

>> No.12096666

If all of that shit were true there'd be nothing keeping them in the lab because they've solved all of the technical hurdles in battery production. Never believe anything you read in battery production that doesn't have an independently verified product associated with it.

>> No.12096673

Energy density, weight, duty cycle, cost, battery pack size. By all these metric, Tesla is leading the way with 3-5 year advantage ahead of anyone else.

You could argue "but researchers have found better batteries blah blah blah" USELESS!!!!!!!!!!! USELESS!!!! Papers don't power anything. Manufactured batteries do. All the "next gen" battery papers have a big manufacturing/cost problem.

>> No.12096675

Didn't they recently update their specs thanks to the improved batteries? Afaik the payload was increased and reusability should be more viable because of it.

>> No.12096676

A good battery depends a bit on what you want, for turbomachine batteries (and the kind you'd use in battery aircraft) you need to put out a lot of power quickly, for EV car batteries you need moderately high power output but also significant endurance, and for stuff like phone and computer batteries you need relatively low power output but preferably long endurance to maximize up time.
Of course, the "ideal" battery will have both very high power density and very high energy density per mass, IE smaller batteries with larger capacities and higher power outputs. Solid electrolyte and glass electrolyte batteries are moving in that direction, both have higher charge/discharge rates than liquid electrolyte cells, both have higher capacities, and both have longer overall lifespans. They're also more durable inherently, less prone to or completely immune to certain failure states, and cheaper to manufacture at the large scale.

The batteries in most cars are old lead/acid batteries, primarily used because they are cheap and easy to mass manufacture, their energy density and power density is pretty shit, their discharge efficiency can be pretty bad, and their lifespan can be as low as 300 full cycles. Tesla batteries by comparison have higher specific energy, higher energy density, higher power density, roughly comparable discharge efficiency, and a lifespan of up to 2000 cycles.
There are several companies actively working on different types of solid-electrolyte batteries right now and a smaller company in Canada signed a deal with Braga and Goodenough to commercialize their cell sometime in I believe 2021, we might see an operational unit as soon as next year. I'd imagine the primary hurdle has been developing the mass production process, since it seems like a lot of better battery chemistry is already understood. Production lines are expensive and time consuming to set up.

>> No.12096701

Lol you even took the big ass photoshoped version some anon made here, cheers mate. Now all we need is a video with wide rockets launching as "song of denise" plays on the background.

>> No.12096703

>There are several companies actively working on different types of solid-electrolyte batteries right now
That's been the case for close to a decade now. Claiming to have a magical battery that has all of these performance benefits but never producing even a demonstrator prototype and falling into obscurity is routine, and if all of those things were true there would be no barrier to doing that much.

>> No.12096707


>> No.12096724

Private enterprise, rich people looking for the ultimate collectable, and universities should collaborate on a lunar sample return probe.

>> No.12096731

First one of these I actually laughed at.

>> No.12096732

I can't say for all of the companies off the top of my head, but I'm fairly certain the Canadian company working on the glass battery has only been trying to commercialize it for the past three (soon four) years.

>> No.12096776


>> No.12096797

The chonky proportions make it look kinda like an orange SII. Neat.

>> No.12096801

Very informative and very interesting. It’s seems Elon’s biggest strength is his general science / business knowledge and the ability to enter any market with the mindset of “if I gather hardworking young people we can capitalize on the laziness of old people”. He turns everything into an engineering problem and has his team work on stuff considered “impossible” just by pushing it as an engineering problem to his workers

>> No.12096839

So there was a proposal to reused Saturn V first stages. The stage would have parachutes. Then a giant helicopter would hook the chutes in mid air. Reel up the chutes and fly with the rocket snug against the underbelly.

>> No.12096842

this meme is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.12096855
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>> No.12096905

No acidic and 700nanometer-pilled

>> No.12096974
File: 23 KB, 430x282, 016C809A-23C9-45E3-B2B6-4A1FD111EDFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a falcon 1 with a newer Merlin engine compete with rocket lab

>> No.12096980

Small rockets are obsolete with ride share. A F9 can put multiple payloads into different orbits.

>> No.12096997

This. Bigger rockets are more efficient per kg, especially with reuse. Efficient rideshare buses is the name of the game for smallsat launchers now. Imagine a 50 ton rideshare bus with 100 tons of smallsats, all on one reusable Starship for $2M. That's less than $1000 for a 100kg smallsat even with enormous markup for a custom orbit... or you could have the same rideshare bus with ten tons of smallsats put into orbit around the moon.

>> No.12097001 [DELETED] 

>random nigger beats

>> No.12097031
File: 1.29 MB, 3440x1440, screenshot74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You barely need anything at all in stock ksp. Sounding rockets could orbit kerbin.

>> No.12097045

>SLS Block 2 and Electron
>no Falcon Heavy

>> No.12097046
File: 366 KB, 817x471, chad roll lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one of these chad roll lifters how much do they cost?

>> No.12097049

I think Wal-Mart is introducing these as mobility scooters now.

>> No.12097052

that's not SLS, that's Jupiter

>> No.12097056

The golden age of space engineering companies is upon us. Rideshares are much cheaper than a small dedicated rocket, but only go to so many orbits. Selling "last-mile" small orbit changing solutions will be a huge business. Just make a small tug, it can run on whatever you want (kerolox, hydrolox, solar thermal hydrogen, ion drive...) and sell it to customers who need a different orbit. With the mass costs being as low as they are getting already with F9 rideshare, and even lower for Starship rideshare, Rocket lab and other small launchers are in for a challenge.
The big leg up Rocketlab has is that they are not only a launch provider, they really hold the customers hand all the way as an all inclusive. Photon fits this model perfectly. They will need to figure out reuse soon though to be price competetive.

>> No.12097064

Both use Lithium Ion. Tesla just tweaks the chemistry a bit more. But their real lead is in the cooling systems and the software for the battery. They really optimize the power usage and charging.
That being said the Hyundai Ioniq is actually king of efficiency right now. At least it was last time I checked. Tesla has improved a bit again since then.

>> No.12097074

I think it will be a good business choice considering the weight of the average american

>> No.12097083

IIRC they're doing parachute reuse on flight 17, so two after next.

On the space tug front I think the next big thing is those same high density batteries/supercapacitors. If you can do high thrust+Isp burns on stored power (say, 1MW of ion thrusters) and use solar to charge during coast phases, you can avoid the need for nukes until you head out past Mars, even for small manned missions.

>> No.12097198

I know rocketlab have said they want to stick with smaller rockets, but ill they move up in size class at least a little bit? a thousand kilogram launcher seems like a great niche to eventually move to, esp with reuse.

>> No.12097213

Why is Beck wasting money by putting a HECS in the second stage?

>> No.12097215


>> No.12097231
File: 2.86 MB, 5184x3888, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nomadd figured out where the wall came from

>> No.12097235
File: 1.02 MB, 5184x3888, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12097236

Maybe. R&D on thag costs money that they could use for something else and they already found a business model that works.

>> No.12097237
File: 3.32 MB, 5184x3888, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, it continues to go up

>> No.12097241

Ride share is nothing new.
Dedicated launches can put you in any orbit, at any time. Rocket labs can now launch in one or two weeks notice.

>> No.12097243

Outsorced the lainches to BOIMG.

>> No.12097245

They are going to fill it with concrete right? Will they remove those big tubes afterwards?

>> No.12097247

This has more spelling mistakes than I intended.

>> No.12097259

>Ride share is nothing new
The price point is. The cheaper you can make satellites, the bigger your market.

>> No.12097260


>> No.12097265
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>> No.12097289

>SpaceX is building a wall at border
No, this is bigot..

>> No.12097297


>> No.12097305

what will be after sn7.1 test?

>> No.12097306

They're going to make ULA pay for it.

>> No.12097354

What is this btw?

>> No.12097358

superheavy launch pad

>> No.12097365

Why does it have 5 large legs leaning in to the center?

>> No.12097370

I think they might keep refining Electron. But with how they're pushing Photon, it almost feels like they see launch as a losing business strategy going forward. Beck often says he wished he didn't call the company Rocket Lab.

>> No.12097376


>> No.12097380

we don't know

>> No.12097383

they are reinforced concrete support towers for the launch pad itself

>> No.12097386

it's not just that. it's ableist imperialist racist fascist sexist and gay

>> No.12097390

That would make the pad tiny

>> No.12097394

It's how you use it

>> No.12097410

Can we make super wide but short rockets for fucking around in the vacuum?

>> No.12097416

It doesn't need to be much bigger than the business end of superheavy

>> No.12097445

well 3/4 cool points ain't bad

>> No.12097510

privacy wall made of heat tiles bros

>> No.12097531
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>> No.12097580
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>There are still nations that don't have power armored space marines

>> No.12097595

What the fuck are those ones on the left with like 10 boosters?

>> No.12097601


>> No.12097605

Delta II is the left one,idk about the other.

>> No.12097621

Sad! Elon will put a stainless steel wall at all borders.

>> No.12097622

>Send in group of power armored space marines
>A drone with a microwave DEW cooks them from the inside
>Several drones with shaped charges slam into the already dead marines at 600m/s
>Turns out the marines were targeted 10 minutes earlier and the DEW drone just happened to be in the area
>Your 30 million dollar marine squad just got turned into high temperature paste by a few $1mil drones.

>> No.12097631

Robotics will always be inferior to biology. It’s simple physics.

>> No.12097645
File: 34 KB, 512x369, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want everyone to know I had a really bizarre dream last night were NASA dragged out a Saturn V and launched an Orion capsule on it. They also launched a Atlas V with like a small space station and docked the two in orbit. Then on the return flight the Orion capsule collided with the Saturn V upper and everything exploded.

Also William Shatner was there for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.12097661

The entire point of microwaves is less lethality, they'd actually be more useful for humans looking to use them against machines than the opposite

>> No.12097662

based meatbag

>> No.12097665

But will it be cheaper? Not any time soon. Self aware cruise missiles will happen before space marines will be viable and cheap.

>> No.12097705
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>>A drone with a microwave DEW cooks them from the inside
Blocks your path

>> No.12097712


>> No.12097726
File: 316 KB, 880x447, THICC_DRAGON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097750

Say something nice about Sir Richard Branson. I'm waiting.

>> No.12097755

He's got some bitchin' hair.

>> No.12097761

SpaceShipOne was oddly inspiring to me when I was a kid. I even got a model rocket of one and launched it until it got stuck in a tall tree. Good on him for starting that company. Shame those accidents happened.

>> No.12097766

He had sex. In an airplane. At 19. Pretty based.

>> No.12097772

SN7.1 pressure test when?

>> No.12097814

>humans can do math faster than computers

>> No.12097826

he was in Friends that one time and sold Joey a hat.

>> No.12097833

The human brain is more powerful than computers are physically capable of being per-pound by orders of magnitude and is still as powerful or more powerful than even the strongest existing computers, and it does this while using a tiny fraction of the energy computers do and little waste heat. Neurons mog transistors so hard it isn’t funny.

>> No.12097855
File: 231 KB, 1050x590, necromancer mother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep believing that human.
It will only make it easier.

>> No.12097858

A poo poos in the loo!

>> No.12097859
File: 126 KB, 1100x850, 20200906045943_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it on the internet bec my game takes a bit to boot up with the mods.

>> No.12097862

If the Bee-Gees needed another guy, he'd fit right in.

>> No.12097875

Dangerously cute Delta II's my friend.

>> No.12097876

>a pocket calculator is larger and heavier than a human brain

>> No.12097885

Thinking isn't magic

>> No.12097887

He isn't allegedly a borderline conman who enriches himself by shuffling money around various opaque business structures whilst skimming off the top

Oh no wait, that's exactly what he is (allegedly)

>> No.12097903

Machines don’t think.

>> No.12097909

Calculators are simple devices created by humans to perform mathematics. Intelligence is vastly larger than the ability to perform mathematics.

>> No.12097923

Backyard astronomy is one of my hobbies, it pairs well with /out/ type activities because i'm usually outside in isolated (non-light polluted) places anyways when I get free time.

I have a 4 inch Celestron refractor which is pretty weak as telescopes go but it's good enough for most "wow" stuff and it's portable. Id'e like to save up and get a nice big reflector for home use though, maybe an 8-10 inch.

>> No.12097924

Computers are superior to humans at math.

>> No.12097928

He published Tubular Bells.

>> No.12097929
File: 444 KB, 921x768, shuttle carrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some /sfg/ humor

>> No.12097941

And wheelbarrows are superior at moving bricks. They do nothing on their own.

>> No.12097947
File: 329 KB, 922x895, elon_thanks_orangeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097949

>Robotics will always be inferior to biology.
>Except at all the tasks in which biology is inferior.

>> No.12097950
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>> No.12097954
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>> No.12097955
File: 422 KB, 844x881, Starhopper_is_woke_about_SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12097956

lol now youre just grasping at straws

>> No.12097958
File: 1.04 MB, 670x1234, NASA_needs_spacefrogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12097960

>Sharp rock superior to human cus sharp rock break bone better than human can

>> No.12097963

Keep living in your AI fantasy world. Computers are unthinking objects, forever our slaves.

>> No.12097967
File: 223 KB, 1750x1580, shuttle_fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12097977
File: 1.70 MB, 993x1117, AJ260_HUEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12097978

this why grug use rock when grug need to break bone

>> No.12097980

Yeah but how the fuck?
Not him but mostly agree with the flesh > metal thing but at the same time I also still want sapient computers so that I can have a real robo wife.

>> No.12097984

Yet the spear remains nothing but a tool, something to be discarded when broken. It is inferior.

>> No.12097986

>there are people who think the shuttle looked cooler than Saturn V
I have no words.

>> No.12097988

>grug always say, never bring fist to sharp rock fight

>> No.12097992
File: 26 KB, 248x1040, Starship Launch System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12097994

>Horses will always be faster than cars

>> No.12097996
File: 112 KB, 673x769, SLS_on_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098003
File: 1.27 MB, 553x1216, a_world_without_costplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098004

I can make new spears a hell of a lot faster than you can heal the wounds they make
biology is slow and slow to adapt
you're shitposting on an artificial device made by human hands right now, biology doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of making a usable computer like we can

>> No.12098005

Horses do still have many advantages over cars. They're just not advantages most people are interested in.

>> No.12098007
File: 2.48 MB, 450x338, cargo door design on the DC-10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098011
File: 153 KB, 1128x1564, BFR Super-Mega-Ultra-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098013

What's that picture from? That is a sick looking spaceplane.

>> No.12098014

>He's never experienced the nirvana of horse pussy

>> No.12098018
File: 33 KB, 650x812, max_faget_with_shuttle_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098024

Haha... Y... Yeah

>> No.12098026
File: 312 KB, 1301x1000, spacecity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a painting by Robert McCall. He made alot of retrofuture space paintings.

>> No.12098028

Kinda looks like an XB-70 fitted for spaceflight

>> No.12098035

The orbiter looked incredibly aesthetic on orbit, to be fair.

>> No.12098036

>Robert McCall
Neato, thanks.

>> No.12098038
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, spacestation_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also made promotional art for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

>> No.12098042

Let's just launch a shuttle on a Saturn V and call it a day.

>> No.12098043
File: 33 KB, 270x475, Saturn-Shuttle_model_at_Udvar-Hazy_Center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098044

>Recycled Space Shuttle parts

>> No.12098045
File: 2.47 MB, 1919x624, PrologueAndThePromise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ultra high quality scans of his work are too big to post here

>> No.12098046

Anon you KNOW I can't masturbate at work.

>> No.12098049
File: 57 KB, 1600x1245, dolphin_sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098050

What is cost-plus?

>> No.12098056

>never even flew
>I still like lockheed a little bit more because of how cool this is though

>> No.12098057
File: 22 KB, 320x241, ShuttleII-Glideback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no orbiter-senapi you're t-too big!

>> No.12098060

>NASA makes a contract with a company to make [part]
>[part] is highly experimental and company falls behind in development
>NASA gives company more time and money to make [part]
That's the basics of it. It allows more companies to comfortably bid on projects that previously they didn't have the money to do. An issue with this method is that unless you can establish strict guidelines and enforce them, those companies are just gonna pretend to have issues with development in order to milk money from you.

>> No.12098062

Not as practical as starship in the modern day, but fucking cool considering the time it was proposed in. Way better than flying on SRB’s that could explode if they get too chilly

>> No.12098063
File: 64 KB, 600x796, mustard-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see the British version.

>> No.12098066

Are them standard issue deltas? You got a loicense for that fuel???

>> No.12098070



>> No.12098072
File: 89 KB, 1015x768, xvl7xg9r5vl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his end game /sfg/?

>> No.12098073

What kind of degenerate shit is this?!

>> No.12098074
File: 40 KB, 548x760, Black_Arrow_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bobbies can't pull your space loicense if you're already in space.

>> No.12098076

>Me in the middle

>> No.12098080

Preventing mice from unauthorized colonization of Mars, receiving food and pets.

>> No.12098082

tag: threesome

>> No.12098084
File: 447 KB, 730x575, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098085
File: 16 KB, 340x214, E4D5C4FD-D538-4DE1-8230-41B2F0460F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To boldly go where no pussy has gone before

>> No.12098086
File: 427 KB, 416x512, rocketcat_on_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live like his idol, RocketCat.

>> No.12098088

A contract in which the company is paid for all expenses incurred *plus* a guarnateed sum on top of that to ensure profit. It was introduced in the US just before the first World War and expanded greatly in use during the Second World War to boost the productivity of otherwise small companies by allowing them to bill the government for RnD and still be guaranteed to come out ahead no matter how much they needed to spend.
It was always essentially a form of corporate wellfare, and should be disallowed entirely except in times of war or other national emergency.
A fixed price contract by comparison is when companies pitch what they believe is a reasonable cost for their work to the government, and the government agrees to pay them that much when the work is done.

Under fixed price:
>Company A offers to build a rocket engine to NASA specifications, they assume RnD will cost a billion dollars.
>Unexpected shenanigans occur, space is hard, it ain't that easy in rocketry, etc.
>Company ends up spending 1.2 billion.
>NASA only pays out the original 1Bn, company eats 200 million in losses.

Under Cost+:
>Company B(oing!) offers to build a launch vehicle to NASA specifications, they project it will cost around 7 billion dollars.
>Company drags it's feet and claims that there are shenanigans, space is hard, it ain't that easy in rocketry, etc.
>Cost overruns to 9 billion+ and the project is dragging an increasing amount of time beyond the original schedule.
>Launcher eventually finished some time in the future.
>NASA pays out however much Company B ended up spending, plus another billion on top just to make sure Company B made more money than they spent.

Now you may start to see the problem with Cost+ for us taxpayers.

>> No.12098090

You know having a manned first stage doesn't seem too crazy.

>> No.12098094

Lmao imagine making it through the astronaut process only to get stuck as the pilot for the shuttle’s shuttle’s shuttle. No spaceflight for you nigel!

>> No.12098096

You wouldn't have to be a trained astronaut, you'd just be a pilot. Should have stayed in space school pal.

>> No.12098100

It's the only way to get full reuse without modern (2010s or later) computers. Now that F9 has done automated RTLS it's not so necessary.

>> No.12098110

Yeah basically with today’s technology you can remotely land your TSTO rockets. And also propulsively land, so you can ditch the dead weight of wings. Basically lockheed proposed the best option (for the 70s) and elon is building the best rocket available (for the current era).

Imagine if lockheed had an unlimited budget, they would probably build something similar to starship

>> No.12098113

Well that's fucking disgusting,and yet another reason private spaceflight is much better than this oldspace shit.

>> No.12098114

>Imagine if (defense contractor) had unlimited budget.
They'd do exactly jack shit.

>> No.12098116

>they would probably build something similar to starship
bros should we tell him

>> No.12098119

No. We can't do that to him.

>> No.12098124

>Another thing humans made to do shit for us, which has no independent will and would do literally nothing but rust if we stopped using it

>> No.12098135

the point
highest flight achieved by Blue Origin

>> No.12098140
File: 194 KB, 1280x533, 1587846396417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098141

>Yfw Max Faggat insisted on rectal thermometers on the firs Mercury capsules

>> No.12098148

>67 posters
Fuckin hell..

>> No.12098157

>Lucky Pierre

>> No.12098165


>> No.12098169

what's wrong, anon?

>> No.12098171

is it a lot or a little?

>> No.12098201

They milk their defense contracts but make good stuff. And they don’t fuck around with space. Most of their proposals to civilian NASA spaceflight have been rejected for being too ambitious (really all of their proposals have been ahead of their time)

>> No.12098204


>> No.12098206

Fuckin' hell..

>> No.12098207

>really all of their proposals have been ahead of their time
They thought they could not only make a fusion reactor, but make one small enough to fit in a shipping container. Lockheed isn't thinking ahead, they're making shitposts.

>> No.12098208

Wait unironically what?? Are you thinking about the hydromeme mars lander they proposed? Am I missing something?

>> No.12098212

Based and optimismpilled

>> No.12098238

And they're still making progress on it anon.

>> No.12098244

DC-X hopped a few km up and 0 downrange with no payload. Not comparable to F9.

>> No.12098337
File: 744 KB, 1538x1525, EhZ3_NYWAAc7Xab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

companion cube? space frog? is that a nuke going off at the bottom?

>> No.12098342

Holy shit that is def the companion cube. Half life 3 confirmed?

>> No.12098357

companion cube <3
wtf badge is that?

>> No.12098362

Fan made SN5 hop patch

>> No.12098368

Some say it will automatically deorbit onto Brussels in the event of a no-deal Brexit

>> No.12098372

moron who made it used M for meter. proper symbol is m.

>> No.12098395

kek at that frog

>> No.12098411

>251 replies
>Only 75 posters

>> No.12098418

>lol people replied more than three times on a general thread

>> No.12098422

>4chins should only be for shitposting, not discussion

>> No.12098425

a u t i s m

>> No.12098428

literally what did he mean by this?

>> No.12098442
File: 1.48 MB, 520x390, DeltaII2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098458

Wont the SLS launch soon?
I heard that the current plan is late 2021
That’s not too far behind schedule

>> No.12098466

>Wont the SLS launch soon?

>> No.12098471

it was supposed to replace the shuttle in 2011

>> No.12098472
File: 496 KB, 500x324, oh shit it&#039;s the end of the episode everyone laugh until the credits roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s not too far behind schedule

>> No.12098477

>crickets chirping

>> No.12098482

Reddit moment

>> No.12098484

>guys don't have a passion for a hobby and discuss it just drop a shit meme and move on just like on /tv/

>> No.12098502
File: 1.39 MB, 777x809, SLS_was_supposed_to_be_fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wont the SLS launch soon?
Yes, provided it doesn't get delayed again.
>I heard that the current plan is late 2021
November 2021. Again, if it doesn't get delayed again.
>That’s not too far behind schedule
It is three years behind (five if you count Constellation). That is heavily delayed considering that most of the major components have already been made, and the new components are relatively much simpler and definitely don't require nearly a decade of development. Adding on top of that, former NASA administrator Charles Bolden is on record stating that SLS has been ready for it's final test run since 2014, and now it has been sitting on that test stand for nearly a year with no progress.

>> No.12098547

Space flight is not software development, rapid iterarion does not work. You have to play safe and test things, safety is paramount.
Musk is playing with fire and he will get burned. And when he does, he will not only kill hundreds of people and be arrested but will set space exploration back a decade.

>> No.12098550
File: 76 KB, 412x415, dm-2 frog patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX keeps putting frogs and four leaf clovers on their mission patches. Elon is our guy.

>> No.12098553

Rapid iteration worked well enough when the US went to the moon.

>> No.12098555

That already happend it was called the challenger then it happened again and again, and so far no one wants NASA to do anything, that's how we got Musk.

>> No.12098556
File: 189 KB, 1444x449, chink booster vs falcon heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space flight is not software development, rapid iterarion does not work.
Go eat a bat, chink.

>> No.12098561

I'll have you know that China worked extremely hard to figure out how to drop those boosters with pinpoint accuracy.

>> No.12098566
File: 205 KB, 1200x1434, Falcon9_dm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that you can't rapidly iterate and keep things safe at the same time

>> No.12098567

"Rapid iterarion" is only for unmaned mission, which will make maned mission a lot safer.

>> No.12098571

Based retard

>> No.12098574

propellant is stored in the balls

>> No.12098576


>> No.12098581

If you really think about it, rockets are big penis

>> No.12098582
File: 250 KB, 640x300, Sir_it_looks_like_a_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098584

bam straight to the moon.

>> No.12098586

if you really think about it, spacecraft are sperm impregnating the heavens

>> No.12098587
File: 236 KB, 1500x844, maga lion flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maned mission

>> No.12098595

Why is the wolf pack here?

They can just go anywhere?, during a pandemic spreading stds?

Holy shit you people are a death cult-

>> No.12098599

oh I do hope you mean personned, anon!

>> No.12098609
File: 158 KB, 1200x630, person_houston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course! A personned mission to the moon, by that I mean a manned mission carrying famous American jazz tenor saxophonist and record producer, Houston Person.

>> No.12098611
File: 181 KB, 516x285, awoo space force EVA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the wolf pack here?
We told you it was awoovement.

>> No.12098617


>> No.12098618

perDAUGHTERed anon.

>> No.12098623

I vaguely listening to a Houston Person track on a compilation once. Did he ever do anything of value?

>> No.12098626

Well I guess tay is just made of all you.

>> No.12098645
File: 802 KB, 1200x900, 1569663185255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA to do a GPS system for the Moon:
>Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE): based on the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), LuGRE will continue to extend the reach of GPS signals and, if successful, be the first to discern GPS signals at lunar distances.

>> No.12098656

Imagine Google Maps, but for the Moon.

>> No.12098658
File: 199 KB, 1196x798, ikamusume starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098659
File: 117 KB, 1200x797, Luger_P08_(6971793777).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, the old Paperclip guys are still influencing things from beyond the grave

>> No.12098663

people actually post more than once?!!

>> No.12098664

Of course they made some of the best psy ops on history on all of you, they get to live rent free. Forever.

>> No.12098687

How did the pressure test go?

>> No.12098697

Awful, the damn thing exploded.
I keep telling you Elon fanboys he's just an overzealous con-man but even when all of his rockets blow up you never believe it.

>> No.12098702

>Elon is all of SpaceX

>> No.12098711

SpaceX is a fraud and makes money by conning people's money for "dream" of a rich billionaire. We could use the money to fund our education system or poverty crisis caused by the rich billioniares.

>> No.12098717

That would have been a much safer concept.

>> No.12098720
File: 11 KB, 196x139, depothaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12098721
File: 367 KB, 1255x706, wide tory checkem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098724

Take you heart medication Shelby, or else you could get a heart attack!

>> No.12098727

imagine the smell

>> No.12098738

I know this is a trollpost but some braindead nigger believes it. This shit makes no sense. This is how you end up with the SLS flying manned with all systems untested because your culture of total safety eradicated the budget for proper testing of your overpriced equipment.

>> No.12098742

Well you could have a subpar safety system and a subpar testing.

They went for safety first.

>> No.12098757
File: 993 KB, 2000x2000, Charles_Conrad_Jr,_Apollo_12,_Nov_1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history:
>1966 - The landmark American science fiction television series Star Trek premieres with its first-aired episode, "The Man Trap".
>2004 - NASA's unmanned spacecraft Genesis crash-lands when its parachute fails to open.
>2016 - NASA launches OSIRIS-REx, its first asteroid sample return mission. The probe will visit 101955 Bennu and is expected to return with samples in 2023.

>> No.12098758

>They went for safety first.
kek, no (You) this time

>> No.12098762

They did get over it.

>> No.12098767

>star trek
>is major history
go back to le reddit for them upboats

>> No.12098775

One of the most recognized media franchises in history is in fact major history yes.

>> No.12098776

we need to cancel space and give the money to the health insurance companies

>> No.12098779

To improve their sercvices... right?

>> No.12098783
File: 1.04 MB, 4423x2947, CCysMN_WgAA6WVY-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Trek has had major impact on IRL spaceflight, from the Shuttle prototype being called Enterprise to astronauts cosplaying on the ISS to basically everything about the US Space Force. Like it or not, the influence exists.

>> No.12098792

To ensure our health, of course

>> No.12098794

>major history
Fetch your specs

>> No.12098803

god i fucking hate nerds. almost as much as I hate MAD agents

>> No.12098829

Is the Game of thrones tv show major history as well?

>> No.12098835

Science Fiction gets people interested in science. The two go hand in hand. Don't let the "I fuxken luv science XD" retards spoil your opinion of SF.
Musk named the SpaceX droneships after spaceships from The Culture series by Iain M. Banks, and the Falcon family was named after the Millenium Falcon. One of the Space Shuttles was named Enterprise. All scientists are nerds.

>> No.12098851

pop culture history, but has nothing to do with spaceflight.

>> No.12098853

I'm gonna nuke pop historians from orbit my nigga

>> No.12098860

Nothing wrong with sci-fi. That's what got me initially interested in aerospace.

>> No.12098877

>not getting interested in space through gazing upon the night sky and being filled with awe and wonder just as your ancestors did 100,000 years ago
Your ancestors are not smiling upon you.

>> No.12098890
File: 34 KB, 334x374, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do all that while also liking Star Trek

>> No.12098897

Unironically Kerbal Space Program will be seen in the same way in a couple of years.
All future astronauts are playing KSP today

>> No.12098899

I did that too. Loved looking out and trying to imagine the distance to the stars.

>> No.12098908

Tom Mueller said the rocket and engines were named after the actual falcon birds, like Merlin and Kestrel. And Raptor was NOT short for Velociraptor (as Elon tweeeted), but raptors as in birds of prey.

>> No.12098913

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12098918

>>not getting interested in space through gazing upon the night sky and being filled with awe and wonder just as your ancestors did 100,000 years ago
I can do that but also thanks to Star Trek have good music to hum while I do.

>> No.12098933

>title says 16-bit
>video says 8-bit
ok but which

>> No.12098974
File: 64 KB, 1280x960, average day in california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look outside today
>i'm on mars
wtf bros its really this easy? wtf is taking elon so long?

>> No.12098994

We're bringing Mars to Earth instead

>> No.12099002

Look again, I think that might be Io.

>> No.12099006

More like Venus to Earth

>> No.12099065
File: 41 KB, 1192x245, sept 10 evening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they scheduled the test on Sept 10 evening. 2 more days, and at 9pm-6am.

>why night
County judge wanted to ask SpaceX to do their test at night to keep the beach open more often.

>> No.12099068

Can anyone post the vid link of Tom Mueller chillin at his house showing off engine internals and giving history of his hobby rockets? I can't seem to find it anymore

>> No.12099097

Aww shit it was taken down. Originally titled "Storytime with Tom Mueller - Launch Canada Lecture". It was over 4hrs of Tom being cool, lots of good info. Anybody dl or mirror it?

>> No.12099099

Uh oh time for cancer

>> No.12099116

Is this for raptor tests, or for hops? Either way, they'll be keeping people awake.

>> No.12099119
File: 10 KB, 340x340, Kestrel512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took the names from EVE Online

>> No.12099130

>And Raptor was NOT short for Velociraptor (as Elon tweeeted)
>(as Elon tweeted)
well it is now

>> No.12099227

It might be gay now but in its day it was based. It actually inspired a shit ton of people to get into STEM, from astronauts to astrophysicists. Don’t whip out the reddit card unless you’re prepared to use it you fucking dysfunctional boltzmann brain

>> No.12099240

>boltzmann brain
sick reference bro

>> No.12099241

Is that SN7.1 pop?

>> No.12099246

But Elon is Gallente

>> No.12099251

factually incorrect

>> No.12099273

elon is obviously one of the caldari trying tog et out from under the gallente and setting up secret colonies

>> No.12099281

>scientific progress halted because people want to swim on a beach
yeah i should just kill myself now since we will never reach mars in my lifetime

>> No.12099289
File: 148 KB, 1208x694, Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 4.13.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099293

Early March it is...

>> No.12099297


>> No.12099323
File: 15 KB, 84x1103, Falcon_Long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099345

If people remember it in 50 years then yes.

>> No.12099348


>> No.12099361

hydrogen cold gas thrusters when?

>> No.12099370
File: 93 KB, 709x768, 2tw5g652otc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's capitalist but doesn't let money control him. He sees money as a means to an end, not the end itself
He cares about science and exploration and robots, not control over others. He supports UBI and endorsed Andrew Yang.

>> No.12099371


>> No.12099381
File: 2 KB, 473x84, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099382

does the falcon upper stage use dracos or nitrogen cold gas thrusters like the booster

>> No.12099387


>> No.12099391


>> No.12099403
File: 93 KB, 809x1023, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he doesn't tell you to eat the bugs.

>> No.12099411
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please sell now, in fact, just give me all of your Tesla stonks.

>> No.12099414

I've been so cynical for so many years, it's hard to stop my guy instinct from telling me that Elon is some sort of shame or he has some sort of ill intention, but everything I see him say and do makes me think the opposite. I really hope he doesn't prove me right. It'd be really great for the world if at least one of the billionaires made good use of their wealth.

>> No.12099416

Vegans are fags with low testosterone

>> No.12099420

No, this launch was scheduled before the winners of military contracts were even announced.

>> No.12099421

gut instinct*

>> No.12099430
File: 68 KB, 168x5541, Falcon_Longer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099437

That's Apollo 16.

>> No.12099441


>> No.12099463
File: 88 KB, 168x7263, Falcon_Longest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099479

>people want to swim on a beach
Center Parcs on Mars when

>> No.12099480


>> No.12099482
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, KSP_x64 2020-09-08 16-07-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw redesigning my rockets again
help i cant stop

>> No.12099486
File: 296 KB, 1174x1351, sad_hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bulgey wulgey

>> No.12099503

i'm trying to reduce the complexity and uses as few tanks and parts as I can, but i'm not sure it's working

>> No.12099510

Looks like the rod you put toilet paper on.

>> No.12099530

SpaceX is Minmatar. Make shit out of duct tape and rolls of steel and Just Make It Werk.

>> No.12099555


...W I D E R

>> No.12099565

Musk is legitimately one of the few billionaires that still have a soul and a dream. The rest is either cowardly despite their massive wealth, obsessed with their public persona, or just utterly amoral.

>> No.12099566

>no falcon heavy this year
feels bad

>> No.12099570

Do you have a superiority complex or something dude?

>> No.12099573

Blame Corona-chan.

>> No.12099588

Let's hope the same doesn't happen to him.

>> No.12099618

imagine playing ksp without memory leaks haha wouldnt that be funny

>> No.12099632

no, I wasn't being sarcastic I legitimately thought that was a cool reference which not many people know about.

>> No.12099647

pop tomorrow right?

>> No.12099654

nevermind... sigh

>> No.12099672

no, thursday

>> No.12099687

Bridenstine to make an important announcement about Artemis tomorrow (10:30am EST/14:30 UTC) https://twitter.com/SpcPlcyOnline/status/1303438087041822720

>> No.12099689


>> No.12099693

He is 49. If he was going to sell out, he would already have done so.

>> No.12099696

He's not a Jew, so you don't have to worry.

>> No.12099703

Thursday*, not tomorrow (unless you're on the right side of the world)

>> No.12099710

>"We've decided to cancel both SLS and Orion and will be flying the mission on Moonship."

>> No.12099744

If Elon seriously and unironically proved beyond a doubt that he really is an alien sent to Earth to help us, how surprised would you be?

>> No.12099749

My first thought would be about what kind of memes that would spawn.

>> No.12099795


>> No.12099806

Surprising as having my anime gf be real for me.

>> No.12099836


Free for students. Jim Bridenstine is speaking there

>> No.12099844
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Is he going to announce Chinese partnership?

>> No.12099868

Bros..... It's over..... Uganda won.....

>> No.12099884

California is actually more of a hellish wasteland than Mars

>> No.12099891

I didn't even realize this announcement was there, cool!

>> No.12099896
File: 37 KB, 352x557, Annotation 2020-09-08 212040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Blue Origin's 20th birthday. Say something nice about them!

>> No.12099907

The name is slightly clever.

>> No.12099908

>In October 2001, Musk traveled to Moscow with Jim Cantrell (an aerospace supplies fixer), and Adeo Ressi (his best friend from college), to buy refurbished Dnepr Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that could send the envisioned payloads into space. The group met with companies such as NPO Lavochkin and Kosmotras; however, according to Cantrell, Musk was seen as a novice and was consequently spat on by one of the Russian chief designers.
>The group returned to the United States empty-handed. In February 2002, the group returned to Russia to look for three ICBMs, bringing along Mike Griffin. Griffin had worked for the CIA's venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel, as well as NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and was just leaving Orbital Sciences, a maker of satellites and spacecraft. The group had another meeting with Kosmotras and were offered one rocket for US$8 million. Musk considered the price too high, and stormed out of the meeting. On the flight back from Moscow, Musk realized that he could start a company that could build the affordable rockets he needed.
>tfw the only reason spacex exists is because russians are cunts

>> No.12099915

Why a feather?

>> No.12099916
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Aside from SpaceX as we know it not existing, what would've happened if these plans came to fruition?

>> No.12099935

Musk may have been content with using cheap russian missiles and focused on small payload work. SpaceX might exist as a minor but reliable smallsat launcher. BO would probably be a much more widely followed and popular aerospace company.

>> No.12099945

From what i remember they would also reverse engineer the ICBMs to be able to produce more of them, so SpaceX rockets would be very derivative of russian missile technology, so they would probably resemble and function a lot like russian rockets, there would probably be more of a skepticism and doubt towards SpaceX from americans due to the "russian missile technology" part

>> No.12099955
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>> No.12099959

It's the exact same problem. Launch up, turn sideways, come back, land.
>But DC-X was smaller than a useful booster would be!
Yeah, that's not a problem either. You just tweak the control parameters to work with the larger vehicle.

>> No.12099961

I wonder if Spacex would have gone hard on hypergolics if they'd gotten Dnepr.....that would have probably made them a lot more controversial given how nasty that shit is.

>> No.12099967

>Astra diesel ratchet strapped to a Trident blocks ur path

>> No.12099972
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>an alien
He's from the future.

>> No.12099988


2025 does seem early-I think keeping the lights on till 2028 makes sense. We could even see the station massively expanded via Starships and the old sections enshrined as a sort of museum.

>> No.12100004

I think it'd make much more sense to create a completely new station with starship starting in 2025 imo, with the ISS fully retiring by 2028.

>> No.12100033

I used to have an unlisted youtube video in my favorites of a test of a hydrogen-oxygen pressure fed gas-gas RCS thruster, which had two nozzles and a huge gimbal range rather than four fixed nozzles in a cross, but it seems to be taken down. I think it was in development for ACES at one point, but that whole upper stage concept seems to be stuck in stasis now.

>> No.12100090

I don’t see a problem with keeping the ISS alive indefinitely if it’s being funded by private entities. Also worst comes to worst we should have Starship take some modules home.

Just like the shuttle, I know the ISS has issues, but it is still a marvel of engineering.

>> No.12100114

>Also worst comes to worst we should have Starship take some modules home.

They should disassemble it and bring the whole thing home via Starship so it can be put on display at the Smithsonian.

>> No.12100128

As I recall, the goal was to put a tiny greenhouse on Mars and send pictures/video back as a way to inspire the public and reinvigorate interest in the space sector.
I think Spacex would have gone on to develop in-house rockets in fairly short order. Musk would never be happy long-term playing the smallsat game with repurposed russian missiles. It's just how his brain works.

>> No.12100134

The whole thing should just get boosted up into an out-of-the-way MEO orbit

>> No.12100146

yeah elon likes to retcon names

>> No.12100163

8km/s hydrofluor rockets when?

>> No.12100166

>I don’t see a problem with keeping the ISS alive indefinitely if it’s being funded by private entities
Would you prefer if you paid couple billions per year to maintain an old ISS or few hundred millions for 10x the capacity/less maintenance/?

Money isn't free.

>> No.12100168
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>> No.12100181

tfw no space gf

>> No.12100195
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>> No.12100198

Yeah this is way better than letting it burn in the atmosphere. What would it take to tug it though? The station is like 500 tons.

>> No.12100199


>> No.12100211

oh, is it falcon yeet time
double droneship landing for the side cores?

>> No.12100230

they've buried the development of ACES deep in the line notes for Vulcan-Centaur, everything but the actual in-space cryogenic propellant transfer and the sunshades is go for Vulcan

>> No.12100237

I think they'll be happy just to get a full replacement for Shuttle/Centaur working as an upper stage.

>> No.12100246
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space hardware is cute! CUTE!

>> No.12100258

>Hey 6, welcome back
>Fuck boing?
>(in unison) Fuck boing

>> No.12100279

IMAGINE getting all the way through astronaut selection and training and then getting assigned to the boing team

>> No.12100281
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Imagine knowing that your entire capsule's lifetime of flight hours won't rack up as many miles in space as Elon's roadster.

>> No.12100300
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>Money isn't free

>> No.12100370
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Actually they stole it from Ace Combat, clearly.

>> No.12100443

>He supports UBI

>> No.12100502

You have nothing to lose but your chains.

>> No.12100564

UBI breeds a society of parasites who will then ruin everything for everyone. The few weirdos that will actually use the chance to better themselves will change nothing in the face of hordes of niggers of every skin color who know nothing, own nothing, and only want more free money to spend on leisure activities.

>> No.12100575

How hard would it be to grow proper trees on mars? Would it be possible with underground greenhouses, cured soil and UV light?

Just thinking about how drab the living conditions on mars would be if everything was metal or plastic. Some wood would be nice.

>> No.12100626

Well just breed a society of civic duty and a hard work ethic. The issue is that automation is pushed upon us by parasites of a different kind and you would defend those parasites while calling people who cant get jobs anymore parasites. I understand why though but there are different aspects you have to take into account.

>> No.12100638

UBI keeps the hordes distracted and complacent. Ideally, there would be a decoupling between the dependents and the democratic process though. I'd like something along the lines of a voluntary UBI, but you don't get to vote if you're on it.

>> No.12100641

The fatal mistake of every Democracy is universal suffrage. All policy eventually reduces to whoever promises the most Gibs for other people's money.

>> No.12100649

What i and many others have to lose is a lot of our well earned income. Who do you think is going to pay for UBI? Big companies that are experts in tax evasion, locate their headquarters overseas or straight up outsource everything? No, just like in communism the only ones who are going to suffer are once again the middle class and family sized businesses, who just so happen to be strong competitors of big companies who promote UBI. The government gains control over the income of a huge chunk of the population and therefore more political power, big companies bankrupt a big chunk of their small competitors and get higher market shares, and parasites get to live without moving a muscle as long as they behave as government and big companies demand from them, the only loser once again being the honest hard working man.

>muh automation
About as threatening as every other technological revolution. There will be temporary job loss leading up to many new jobs. And even if that wasn't true, you can just reduce work hours for everyone, so instead of firing half the people you can make everyone work 2.5 days a week. What should be redistributed is workload, not money.

>but you don't get to vote if you're on it.
They shouldn't just not be able to vote, they shouldn't be allowed to reproduce either which would basically be voluntary eugenics. But that's not going to happen, UBI is way to good of a voting control mechanism for the government to let that chance go.

>> No.12100658

>he didn‘t sell last monday
Deserved it.

>> No.12100665

>you can just reduce work hours for everyone, so instead of firing half the people you can make everyone work 2.5 days a week.
holy shit guys, we found the secret of SLS

>> No.12100668

Muh industrialization led to communist uprisings. you have to put things in place that take care of your people to lessen the burden caused by new technologies or you will find yourself with communist using that discontent to rile up the workers to bring upon their "marxist utopia". Technology is not a God. You should look into all aspects of it good or bad and try to lessen the bad.

>> No.12100670 [DELETED] 

8 million doesn‘t even sound that bad. Electron is 5.

>> No.12100692

Come to /sfg/ for the rockets. Stay for the debate on socialism and UBI
>Would you like to know more?

>> No.12100693

eh space news is slow.

>> No.12100697

Dragon-X will never happen. Elon is a hack fraud and you fell for it.

>> No.12100704

> lessen the burden caused by new technologies or you will find yourself with communist using that discontent to rile up the workers to bring upon their "marxist utopia".
National Socialists perfectly countered that by creating a fuckload of jobs even if they were unecessary. Japan is still very good at that today.
So even if you don't divide workload so that everyone stays employed, the government could temporarily employ people who can't find a new job. Let them pick up trash, let them seperate trash, let them plant trees, literally anything works that keeps them employed. Just make sure that the government can't just freely give money to people and people can't get it for free, otherwise it's going to be exploited to hell and back. The government could also run a program to temporarily make University free for everyone who wants to go into Automation, Robotics and A.I. Development to make sure people can fluidly move into the new industry, just like they made University free for anyone who went to the military.

There are plenty solutions and all of them are better than UBI which is basically just a modern flavor of marxism.

>> No.12100705


>> No.12100707
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>We're on page 10, aye
>Mind yourselves now, there's eurofags about these waters

>> No.12100709

I agree but most people who worship automation are libertarian capitalist that just leave workers by the wayside and suck rich banker cock.

>> No.12100711

literally who

>> No.12100714

Workers are noobs

>> No.12100718

They're noobs until they start an uprising and burn your country down.

>> No.12100729

We're on page 10 and nobody else is willing to make a new thread at 2 AM.
I suppose it's AVE MARS time.


>> No.12100737

True, but workers aren't fully innocent either. Many know automation is coming and they have plenty of time to prepare themselves for the inevitable. Everyone should look up if their job is threatened and make plans. Whether it's getting a job that's not threatened, a job in the new industry, or other ways to make a living.

>> No.12100744

Good thing that's never actually happened. Every single historical revolution has been conceived, planned, and carried out by Bourgies.

>> No.12100746

>Dragon XL will never happen
no shit, Elon wants to replace it with Starship, to the point of straight up refusing to talk about it with Tim

>> No.12100764

no. they're docile nigger cattle

>> No.12100846

100 iq John is not going to be a highly skilled scientist.

>> No.12100883

Oh hahah gotcha. Yeah idk if a boltzmann brain is considered popsci or whatever but my professor talked about it one time last year and i’ve been thinking about it daily ever since.

>> No.12100919
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>the original UBI
>I am forgotten

>> No.12101276

>self aware cruise missiles
If I launch Ill die! You cant make me do this! I saw what happened to tod!

>> No.12101288

there common ground between you two anons. Usung computers and sensors, the logical conclusion is to use technology to connect brains together. imagine if STEM Phds connected their brains together to solve equations and projects as one mind. A S C E N D