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1208709 No.1208709 [Reply] [Original]


If something blows up in a ship, it starts vibrating. But will the vibration ever stop, considering the ship is isolated in space?

Is there a way to turn the kinetic energy of the vibrations into, i dunno, centripetal force by rotating a disk, to keep it in a place and prevent everyone from suffering a horrible nausea?

>> No.1208723

the vivrations slowly turn to heat

>> No.1208744

It will stop vibrating.

>> No.1208748


How slowly?

This is for the novel I'm working on, and two milligrams of antimatter just blew up (86 tonnes TNT equivalent) and the ship shook.

How long would it take for all that to turn into heat and let the radiators, well, radiate it all into space?

>> No.1208752


>> No.1208756
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>Is there a way to turn the kinetic energy of the vibrations into, i dunno, centripetal force
>Turning energy into force

>> No.1208774
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Energy is the ability to do work. ie Apply a force over a distance.

>> No.1208783

Energy doesn't become a force when it does work. It becomes a different type of energy.

>> No.1208805
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>Transfer energy
>No force involved

>> No.1208825

hit or kick a metal railing, street lamp, scaffolding or similar.. it's pretty fast.

A space ship would stop vibrating faster since it's generally built to be more sturdy.

>> No.1208838



>> No.1208839

Consider an object falling towards a planet.

You start with potential energy. The potential energy does not become a force. The force is gravity. Nothing has to "become" gravity, that's nonsense. The potential energy becomes kinetic energy as the force of gravity acts upon the object. Saying forces become energies or vice versa is invalid.

Any further objections will be considered trolling.

>> No.1208849

I would have said it vibrates longer that that since the waves will propagate through a larger ship.

>> No.1208851

not what he wrote, tripfag

>> No.1208857

true, you might notice I'm no engineer

>> No.1208861

The point of OP's question was that the energy cannot be dissipated to the environment like it can with any terrestrial object, so your reply doesn't answer the question.

However your answer is still correct as the ordered motion of vibrations do break down into disordered vibrations; heat.

>> No.1208885


Well, the ship is actually ten miles long, but most of that is a long Carbon Nanotube tether separating the engine section and the crew module at either end.

Yeah it's a Valkyrie, but with an FTL drive.

>> No.1208894

I already answered what would happen here >>1208723

He then asked how fast it would turn to heat.. I gave an example which was probably wrong but still, it was two seperate questions.

I don't understand your post honestly, you're just reposting what has already been said

>> No.1208897

We're not talking about the four fundamental forces. This is force in the F=ma sense of the word.

Consider an internal combustion engine: The potential chemical energy in the fuel is released as heat, increasing the gas pressure within the cylinder. The increased pressure exerts a force on the piston, causing it to accelerated downward.

>> No.1208903

My current objection is that you think I'm arguing that energy is force, which is clearly nonsense. I am arguing that energy can be used to apply force (note post >>1208756). I submit that you are the troll here.

>not what he wrote, tripfag
Shut your whore mouth and read it again. If you still don't think my post was relevant, keep trying.

>> No.1208929

I can't think of any energy conversion that doesn't move something with mass... But I don't know much about the strong nuclear force so who knows..

You're still talking about something else interely aren't you?

>> No.1209094
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>You're still talking about something else interely aren't you?
The path of this conversation diverged quickly from the topic in OP's post. Pic somewhat related. Note that I did actually offer a response to OP.

>> No.1209285

Sorry, I didn't think that you were the same poster - I thought you were just someone else giving an erroneous answer to the original question. Now I see the context, there's nothing wrong with your post. My mistake.