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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 510x209, 23andme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12085941 No.12085941 [Reply] [Original]

Is this service legit? I've heard rumors they fuck with your lineage for woke points.

>> No.12085946

fuck off back to retard land, retard

>> No.12085948

It's owned by the Google co founder's wife. Why would you give google your search history and your DNA to boot.

>> No.12085956
File: 57 KB, 645x729, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a science question, I need an expert's opinion.

>> No.12086880

Dude if you do that then say goodbye to freedom/ Do you want them to have access to your dna whenever they want? They will manipulate it

>> No.12086940

Why don't you just ask your grandparents?

>> No.12086961


It's legit.

Rumors come from people who's perceived reality does not align with the results.

>> No.12086982

>does not align with the results.
muh genes muh my ancestor is a fish

yeah ''''''''''results''''''''''''''

>> No.12086990

evolution is the biggest conspiracy ever. can you imagine how bluepilled someone mustve been to believe we evolve from chimps and fish?
this is why /pol/ is always right, liberals and dems are so mentally ill

>> No.12087029 [DELETED] 

then why do niggers look like monkeys?

>> No.12087181
File: 24 KB, 380x250, back-to-pol-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me
go back

>> No.12087225
File: 827 KB, 3200x1801, WGS cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get your whole genome done by a reputable private agency. No worrying about giving out your data, you get more information and the cost is not significantly more these days.

>> No.12087256

Honestly it's kind of shit when you could just get full genome sequencing for a few hundred extra which is easily a thousand times more valuable, especially if you have the time to research specific genes

>> No.12087285

None of them are legit.

>> No.12087290

Thanks anon this is really cool I had no idea.

>> No.12087298

Why do monkeys look like monkeys? RETARD

>> No.12087302

You have to go back.

>> No.12087318

lots of data on genetic components for stuff like alzheimer’s and schizophrenia.
Plus a free check for cancer markers and other diseases. Also I’m pretty sure you can submit anonymously.

>> No.12087320

yea duud. THEY will change your hair color.

>> No.12087331

Schizobro reporting in.
No but they could you out if you have bad (((views))), clone you, and have you say it was all a joke.

>> No.12087337
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>> No.12087340
File: 53 KB, 571x618, 1528352744667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the plebbitor
It's YOU who has to go back.

>> No.12087341

*could kill you

>> No.12087346
File: 38 KB, 679x283, 1599298894443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12087358

are they jewish?

>> No.12087359

AstraZeneca uses the data to create pharmaceuticals for diseases that don't exist yet

>> No.12087378

And do what, exactly?

If this science fiction dystopia narrative is the even the case, I doubt there is much to prevent them from acquiring your DNA.

>> No.12087426

Is that a question lol? Of course.

>> No.12087601


>> No.12087692

what do you think?

>> No.12087729

They're for sure no poles, germans or russians.

>> No.12087960

You are a dumbass god believing fatty who hasn't graduated from high school and lives in a small town with very little employment opportunities.
Good luck with life and may your genes go with you to your heaven.

>> No.12087967

None of this is a good argument for why one enormous company should hold that much information about you.
And yeah I'm sure your DNA is totally anonymous, when has google ever not had a great track record with ethics.

>> No.12087976

Ah yes give your dna away to be sold to health insurance companies what could go wrong

>> No.12087983

This is a liberal baiting btw

>> No.12087987

but /pol/ doesnt believe in evolution

>> No.12088079

how is this even possible? You mean they are losing about 1k per person. Assuming every youtuber and redditor on earth had a try, they are about -5bn $.

>> No.12088270

The CEO is the sister of the Youtube CEO, a jew.
DNA data is stored in Israel.

>> No.12088273

kys commie

>> No.12088280
File: 22 KB, 1000x872, 1599207114004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12088282

kys retard

>> No.12088499

You can download raw data and give it to another companies to analyze, so every corporation in world can access your DNA.

It's quite important for future designer babies that everybody donates a sample.

>> No.12088552

23 and me and the others like them do not sequence your whole genome.

>> No.12088568

They have done that in the past but not in the way most think. They didn't change anything in your lineage that was known. What they did was if you had some portion of your DNA that was not attributable to any particular population group, they'd mark it as African. They didn't do this to everyone, just people with very high European DNA percentages. So yes, they engaged in ideological fuckery to try to make people who are almost entirely white European think they had a black African ancestor. It was unethical, they got caught, and have stopped doing it. Anyone whose DNA was interpreted that way has had their record updated to show "unknown" which is accurate, instead of "East African" or so other sub-Saharan African region.

>> No.12088575

>Also I’m pretty sure you can submit anonymously.
Officially, no. They require your name and address but have no way of verifying it's correct other than mailing the test kit to that address. Certainly there are databases they can cross reference to see if someone with the name on the order matches the address so there are too many edge cases, such as you buying the test as a gift for someone else, for that to work. If you have other relatives on the site, your DNA will be matched up with their DNA so a fake name isn't going to help all that much. They might mix you up with a sibling but that's getting pretty close to you already. If multiple cousins, especially if they're on both sides of your family, have used the service, they can make some pretty good guess about what your results would be even without you ever submitting a test.

>> No.12088584

Almost everyone buys their health insurance through their employer or through a health exchange. In both cases rates are set on a group basis so even if the insurance company had your DNA and complete medical history, they couldn't change their rates.
Now life insurance companies, that's a different matter altogether.

>> No.12088592

The Golden State Killer was arrested because one of his distant relatives took one of these tests.

>> No.12088594

A few years ago the projections were for it to be around $10 by now but it appears to have flatlined at $1000. Wonder if there will be another breakthrough that will get it down to the $10 mark or if we're stuck at $1000ish due to some fundamental limitation.

>> No.12088613
File: 319 KB, 1080x1920, Results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're 0.1% nigger :(

>> No.12088627

Why is it I've never seen any other white people with a large majority French and German? It's all English and Irish.

>> No.12088633

Do you, by chance, live in the United States?

>> No.12088636

Yeah, where else would you this:>>12088613 ?

>> No.12088683

>outbreed sucessfull.

Or just poorly done analysis.

>> No.12088734
File: 26 KB, 520x443, WhitePeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your location has an effect on your observations.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about ancestry in the United States.

>> No.12088748
File: 51 KB, 321x292, Geographical Distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I'm guessing you probably live near these locations. This is all from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Americans

>> No.12088844

Literally the only thing this hellhole is good for after the election, just talking mad shit for giggles

>> No.12089911

>it appears to have flatlined at $1000.
It's actually been down to $600 for over a year (veritas genetics). The NIH graph seems to reflect public pricing rather than private.
>Based on the data collected from NHGRI-funded genome-sequencing groups...
>Commercial prices for whole-genome and whole-exome sequences have often (but not always) been slightly below these numbers.

>> No.12090689
File: 243 KB, 1136x851, 37A26F19-75F5-4404-AA09-E33B44F69D1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time...

>> No.12090706

I would definitely prefer if the databank did not go to a private company. But I think it’s huge to be able to do statistical analysis on dna for diseases and even psychological research. In my opinion this outweighs the risk of abuse. What can google do with my dna anyway? Create an army of superhumans?