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12082096 No.12082096 [Reply] [Original]

Do physics programs breed arrogant bastards or do arrogant bastards naturally gravitate towards physics?

>> No.12082144
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I think they breed imo.
Physics is more difficult than a lot of other disciplines, but that difficult=/=useful in most applications.
Not necessarily a fan of XKCD but I think he nails it here.

>> No.12082162

the same people who make that mistake are the same people who will tease you for getting a test question wrong that was not covered in any of the problem sets

>> No.12082198 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082200

Physics > everything
so yes the arrogance is nurtured.

>> No.12082223


>> No.12082231

If ya think about it all science is basically physics...everythings particles if ya think about it...so they basically know everything. I'm no scienicist, but Micho kaku isn't arrogant so maybe a bad apple spoils the bunch...nuff said. by the way, love the comic

>> No.12082237 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082241

i think you already posted buddy, dont need to hear from you any more

>> No.12082243

not a lot of people fancy learning physics, its too boring and too nerdy to understand, too much math and calc.
you need to be born with a special talent to get good at physics so the arrogance do get into their heads.

>> No.12082250 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082268

I'm good at physics and it's the most boring fucking thing ever, even the stuff I thought would be cool like quantum mechanics and weird polynomials, groups and everything...seriously I cannot believe I went down this road to prove to people I'm smart, ended up proving I'm a dumbass that was taken by peer pressure. Word to the wise, it didn't get me laid either and now that I'm building a family my life is good, all I can think about is how I sold my soul to my ego and pride and got absolutely taken for a sap. Why did I need to prove to stupid people...that I'M the smart one? On the flip side it is more difficult to bs me if you're a mechanic or cs person or anything that I've had to apply it to, but you'll never, ever, win an argument with your wife. She don't give a fuck. especially if it's some halfwitted idea about consciousness of the universe and karma...jesus christ

>> No.12082280

Every physicist I've met isn't good enough to be so arrogant. And all of the good ones never end up being professors.

>> No.12082287

elitism is required to grab the high position jobs

>> No.12082289
File: 80 KB, 1280x1143, immmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts because it's true

>> No.12082302

Id rather not be elite if it meant I had to pretend I'm good. I'd rather just talk shit and make those elites look bad by being better than them.

>> No.12082307

listen buddy I don't know if your computer is as broken as a broken record...or if you're just a dingbat, irregardless, you sound as drunk as a poet on payday

>> No.12082314

do whatever you want, inspiring people is good but top level management appreciate people who can keep secrets.

>> No.12082322

The bio woman is very realistic lol

>> No.12082325

I've already experienced that lmao. I've never met anyone good at management in academia.

>> No.12082326 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082330

Epidemiology of a fucking flue
Get over this fucking nothing burger

>> No.12082335

Physicstards BTFO

>> No.12082345

ya know if you keep sayin that people are gonna start to believe you, even if you're a dingbat

>> No.12082350

IDK lads, this guy is making a pretty compelling argument

>> No.12082357

Based baiter

t. autists

>> No.12082358 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

Vaccines are poison.

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082370

Hey guys. I'm starting to think vaccines might actually be poison.

>> No.12082374

>so they basically know everything.
I doubt they know anything about physiology.

>> No.12082377 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12082434

it's all physics isn't it? they could know if they wanted to

>> No.12082439

You're assuming those two incels were arrogant bastards, and not just very, very autistic.

>> No.12082451

This. Possibly very good physicists who are awful at judging human behavior.

>> No.12082471

>difficult=/=useful in most applications
Yup. Modern physics has seemingly become too far removed from practical applications.

>> No.12082566


>> No.12082815
File: 6 KB, 270x187, 3821223F-C261-4525-82EB-B2E7AC9449F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the Quantum Physic Genius Meme
the real smart people go for the money

>> No.12082827
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, ADCF5C3A-26E8-4536-B44D-1DE5C02651C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Vaccines are poison.” Anonymous circa 2020

>> No.12082842

you can make money and be mr smarty pants it's just boring as fuck

>> No.12082857 [DELETED] 

Vaccines are poison.

>> No.12084004

antibiotic resistant bacteria has joined the chat

>> No.12084016

Nuclear weapons and MAD have kind of slain "war" though

>> No.12084058

"It’s easy to assume that natural secrets are the most important: the people who look for them can sound intimidatingly authoritative. This is why physics PhDs are notoriously difficult to work with—because they know the most fundamental truths, they think they know all truths. But does understanding electromagnetic theory automatically make you a great marriage counselor? Does a gravity theorist know more about your business than you do? At PayPal, I once interviewed a physics PhD for an engineering job. Halfway through my first question, he shouted, “Stop! I already know what you’re going to ask!” But he was wrong. It was the easiest no‐hire decision I’ve ever made."
-Peter Thiel (Zero to One)

>> No.12084500

I majored in Physics and at the undergrad level most people were chill. There is shutins but they usually don't have an annoying or holier than thou personality. Only one guy was super autistic in a bad way (he's probably going on to a PhD lmao).

The only other thing I noticed was that a lot of people would over exaggerate the difficulty of physic classes. I was a 4.0 student so take my words with a grain of salt. It's just that early classes reinforces the more difficult courses so it's hard to get behind. Even ODE class usually has a whole section on SHM which is regurgitated from general physics. On top of that you experience it in optics. Really the only new material upper level undergraduate courses are thermodynamics and quantum. If you had a stats class that reinforces both of those courses.

>> No.12084588

>If ya think about it all science is basically physics
sort of. This viewpoint is widespread; "if you just mathematically extrapolate from physics, it will solve all problems". If you want to understand why this is actually wrong, read "More is Different: Broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical nature in science" by P.W. Anderson.

>> No.12084712

nuff said

>> No.12084719

lmao good luck with that biological systems are imperfect and have a degree of randomness (sometimes this randomness is predictable i.e. has a trend but this isn't always the case)
I'll sit here and wait for a physicist to dissect a complex signaling pathway by extrapolating math regarding particles. It'll be a fun eternity. Meanwhile a chemist would stand a chance at analyzing it and your average cell bio or molbio already has the pathway memorized.
I had to take an organic chemistry lecture that the uni for some reason hired a physics person to present it. It was agonizing and embarrassing, he was fired shortly afterwards. He kept confusing resonance structures with other concepts and had no working knowledge of structures, couldn't draw a species based on the IUPAC name alone, it took him painfully long to go over a reaction mechanism and he barely understood what the transition states represented. Physicists would do themselves a favor by learning to stay in their lane. You don't see biofags trying to explain quantum mechanics.
That being said, the best explanation of quantum mechanics I ever got was from a chemistry nerd. I believe chemistry majors are the truest chads there are. Their understanding of concepts is very useful and functional and they know what level of detail is important and what isn't, while being capable of getting really in-depth when needed.

>> No.12084722

how shit of a college do you have that you dont have the power to prevent parties at your college. my school has suspended shit tons of people for partying so far. they have a police force they use to enforce these rules where i am.

>> No.12084729

But BIO created Bioweapons like WuFlu.

>> No.12084732

It's maybe because they are not arrogant and epidemiology is easy and not intellectually challenging.

>> No.12084804

That was economics' fault though.

>> No.12084813

You could know all there is to know about concrete and know nothing about bridges.

>> No.12084828

How are you measuring how good those physicists are? Becoming a professor is akin to making it to the Olympics. You have to be among the best in the world in research and those who become the best are those who cant stop thinking about their research problems. So I really have no idea what value judgement you're using here

>> No.12084927

May I ask the reason as to why you speak like a nigger?

>> No.12084930

cringe and biofag cope

>> No.12084940

the chemist says nothing because he knows his degree is the greatest

>> No.12084959

meanwhile there are camwhores with no college education making 150k a month

>> No.12084962

zoomers are so gay, scared of the flu

>> No.12084979

Depends on the school

>> No.12084984

You are so fucking naive it's hilarious. To be a professor you hve to kiss ass. I've literally competed in problrm solving with professors and won... clearly that's not why they're there

>> No.12085222

wow really, tell us more

>> No.12085281

To be fair, that randomness can probably be calculated through concentration and activation energy (taking into account the concentration of catalysts and other processes that can acts as sinks of certain substances, of course.). I'd imagine the eternity lies in running their computations though.
But I'm not a physcist nor a biologist, so maybe I'm wrong. That got me thinking though, how do bio reasearchers even find these pathways in the first place?

>> No.12085324

They develop God complex imo

>> No.12085368

Medicine >>>physics though

>> No.12085376

I have a geology degree and I promise you there are problems in geology that cannot be solved by physics. The problems are far too complex.

One simple one which has existed for thousands of years is this one.

It rains X amount in a year. How much water will be available in a river for farmers to use downstream?

To answer this question with physics you need to know:
The width of every meter of the river
The surface angle of every meter of the river
The depth of every meter of the river
The geology of every meter of the riverbed
The groundwater recharge of every meter of the riverbed
The plant life in every meter of the river
The plant life on the shoreline of every meter of the river
The rate of every meter of evapotranspiration
Which is effected by the amount of sunlight the river receives each day and the air humidity around the river every day

Remember every bird that takes a drink in your river and every teenager fishing in your river will alter it's total volume.

Good luck physics fags.

>> No.12085433

Any good physicist agrees with you. The shittier a physicist the less they know their limitations

>> No.12085457

Medfag cope

>> No.12085461
File: 181 KB, 1080x1374, Screenshot_2020-09-05-00-28-23-544_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says that others are coping

>> No.12085473

There's a famous example in hydrology where a community in Arizona removed the native plants from a creek and planted grass. The creek tripled its size flooding the community.


In geology we use Empirical math formulas to answer these questions. We've got databases going back 120 years in the US of river volume to rain ratios and we use that to solve the problem. We can't use it to plot out how much water flowed down a river channel on Mars though, but it can be used to tell farmers what to expect in an upcoming season.

>> No.12085485

You have to go back, kid.

>> No.12085487

Programs in general breed AND attract them- all academia is heavily cancerous

>> No.12085545

Not really, just upped the consequences exponentially. There is still conflict, so your point is wrong.

>> No.12085674

>Do physics programs breed arrogant bastards or do arrogant bastards naturally gravitate towards physics?
Physicist here. We just earn the right.

>> No.12085683

Biology created the spic-nig cycle.

>> No.12085714

Ok graph and r value monkey

>> No.12085779

>physichads completely intelectually outclassing every other field, to the point they're now centuries or even millenia ahead of them
that's really based
vertex operator algebras are the 21st century's lie algebras

>> No.12085787

Compare the amount of war deaths before and after nuclear weapons

>> No.12085812

>1900-1950, per decade
>1950-2000, per decade

>> No.12085825

This post is like saying
>Does gold attract value or do valuable things become gold?
Neither. Gold is just valuable. Physicists are just superior.

>> No.12085916

T. Literal nazi

>> No.12085919

>implying nuclear weapons cannot kill bacteria

>> No.12086258

>chemistry """"Chad""""
>is a mute
>"secretly I am superior."
Good one mate

>> No.12086903


This is because the question you introduce is more of an engineering question.
Most physicist (at least the good ones) won't claim that they can solve this problem exactly.
What they can claim is to understand (with a little bit of data) which of the parameters affecting the river capacity are more important.
The water extracted from fishing in the river is minuscule against the gain from rains.

You use empirical data from tables, and you have such and such accuracy to the data and to the extrapolations, a good physicist (or a team of them) may derive an equation to describe this data with not many parameters and a good accuracy.

If you want to see what physicist can do in geology look up Reverse Desertification or Oasification.

>> No.12086921

You’re going to end up dying on a ventilator unless you wise up.

>> No.12086928

Depends on the job you seek. A degree in physics is a guarantee of a good salary doing SOMETHING, but you actually need to be very good at what you do and Able to come up with new shit, In order to be a very elite physicist working with aliens and shit. You need an IQ of like 160+ And you need at least an M.S. physics with an M.S. computer science and multiple publications of new science to be a heavy-hitter. Do that, and the works will suck you off 24/7.

>> No.12086937

probably what someone said about the first cannon, too

>> No.12086938

Physicists created the machines they used.

>> No.12086941

I could solve that in 30 days with a good simulation. The fact that you think it’s impossible tells me you are ignorant.

>> No.12086995

99% of men jsut live to provide for a woman and the state

you are one of those.

>> No.12087001

Once you divorce your wife you'll see that you were always at the tip of the intelligence curve and didn't stand out from average breeder whatsoever.


>> No.12087007

>I believe chemistry majors are the truest chads there are.
chemistry is utter crap and it is the field of NPCs who want to feel smart. All those retards end up doing yogurts or cosmetics.

>> No.12087023

>Do physics programs breed arrogant bastards
As an intellectually (and physically) arrogant bastard, I say yes.
"There is a power in their use of Math, and the precision of
their measurements, that transcends the power of the softer sciences."
– Robert Jastrow (on physicists), "Science Digest" (September 1983)

>> No.12088222

Literally (and I swear to god I'm not joking) literally almost shit myself through my sweat pants reading this one

>> No.12088267

They find these pathways through molecular biology. Charecterize them through biochemistry. Then understand them with biophysics.

The simulation "randomness" is exceedingly complex and involves the n-body problem taken to an extreme. Trying to do simple models of the system like what you want is not nearly enough of an analysis to even get the basic processes in biology down. Protein folding is a fucking nightmare even with good simulations and super computers.

t. Biophysicist working in a lab studying quinary protein interactions

>> No.12088434

No, engineers did. A physics professor wouldn't be able to manufacture a reliable assay kit even if you gave him four years.
>b-but engineers rely on knowledge produced by physicists!!
Not at all. We as a civilization were building bridges and buildings thousands of years before Lebniz, Newton, Lagrange, and Hamilton developed a mathematical formulation of classical mechanics. We were making beer and bread thousands of years before the formulation of statistical mechanics.
Physicists exist only to answer "why", which is the least important question. "How" is what gets stuff done.