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12072486 No.12072486 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you wanted to die by direct lightning strike. How would you go about this? What is the probability that you would succeed at all?

>> No.12072489

>go into a storm
>dig a big metal rod into the ground
>hold the rod
then your chance of getting struck is probably 50/50 because you either get struck or you don't.

>> No.12072491

but that's the pole getting struck, not you directly

>> No.12072493

the odds of a person getting struck by lightning without the lightning first hitting something else? very very low. humans aren't a much more efficient path than anything else
the question was if you wanted to die.

>> No.12072499

let's go with getting directly struck by lightning was a 100% guaranteed access to heaven or some shit. If you spent your entire life dedicated to getting struck do you think it would eventually happen or would it happen to only X amount of people in their lifetime?

>> No.12072513

Empire State building

>> No.12072515

I mean touch the lightningrod at the top during a storm

>> No.12072541

I think i know an mountain who fits your needs. He has also a giant radio antenna on top if you are to bored to wait, you just can hold on the metal.

>> No.12072549

Finding ways of getting hit is easy
Ensure the hit would kill is hard
Because you are like 60-70% water, you would only recieve 40-30% of the lighting's voltage

If you are holding a metal pole, chances are much more of the volt would head straight to the rod and into the ground. Electricity don't like living creatures because we are insulators and would avoid us until we are the best route possible

Best I could suggest is to stand in a vast open plain or take a row boat in the sea. There, you are the easiest path into the ground/sea water and should recieve max possible voltage

>> No.12072550

In summer you have a chance of an storm about all 1 - 4 days. I think there are around 4-30 Strikes per Storm, who all go down on an relative narrow area. I guess you need just a week during a stormy year to get a strike at lest ones. (and keep in mid there is always the antenna if you are bored waiting)

>> No.12072554

100% or 0% it either happens or it doesnt

>> No.12072567
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I'm about to 100% faggots like you.

>> No.12072615

except this wouldn't work because the metal rod is a more direct route to ground than you are, hence the current does not flow through you.

do what the 50/50 geek says except lie on the ground on your back holding the rod oriented vertically above either your head or your heart. then the rod either gets struck directing the current through your head or heart into the ground or it doesn't so the chances are 50/50

>> No.12072624

I suppose you could increase your odds by standing in the middle of a field every time it thunders.

>> No.12072648

Chances of receiving a strike can increase if you scream "I am dumb ! I am dumb !". God hates dumb people.

>> No.12072913

That's how my nanny died when I was 6 years old. She left our house during a thunderstorm and then someone found her body split in half and burned. Seems like gay death desu. Launch yourself into the sun. The journey towards it.

>> No.12073824

launch model rockets during a thunderstorm. The lightning likes to follow the exhaust trail.

You could also visit that one lake in South America which has a permanent lightning storm.

>> No.12073848

Unreliable. The best you can do is to chase storms and try different methods to attract the lightning bolt to pass through your body.

>> No.12074211

>found her body split in half and burned. Seems like gay death desu.
I dunno man, in terms of different ways to go that seems pretty based
gay death would be more like choking on a peanut or something

>> No.12074254

There's way cooler deaths. I would put death by lightning at 6.5 on a scale of 10 most awesome deaths. Top deaths would be insane things like being strapped to a nuclear salt bomb or something that ruins the whole earth. But they don't have to be spectacular. Being the first person to travel to the sun and burn up, becoming part of the star is also a very cool death.

>> No.12074283
File: 1.66 MB, 700x457, coom secured.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much points is his death?

>> No.12074550

Kite, storm, metal wire.

>> No.12074555
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>> No.12075294

Buy several of the largest, lightest model rockets you can. Attach them to a spool of the thinnest wire you can. Fire them off and become bacon.

>> No.12075444

There are lots of mountain ranges that get hit with electrical storms almost every afternoon in the summer. I don't know where OP is, but if he climbs a local high point and stays there for a few hours every afternoon he's got pretty good odds of being struck by lightning.

>> No.12075587

Put a thimble on your thumb and just before the lightning strikes, remove the thimble

>> No.12075631

The fucking sudden heat from the air around turning to plasma sure will fuck you up. It could melt your hands onto the rod but it won't kill you. You'll most likely if you are lucky, at best just get an arrhythmia heartbeat. If you are super lucky, which isn't too common for lightning strikes you would get cardiac arrest but the heat would burn your eyes for looking in the direction of the rod. So you'll be permanently fucked but not dead.

>> No.12075657

Climb on top of the biggest radio tower on a large flat region during an electrical storm.