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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 678x381, burger-king-impossible-whopper-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12067619 No.12067619 [Reply] [Original]

Does onions or it's derived products like for example imposible meat really feminize men or is it all just bullshit? Seems like if it's fine from a health standpoint it's superior to real meat given its reduced impact on the environment.

>> No.12067622

Yes impossible meat has estrogen

>> No.12067627

>reduced impact on the environment.
>feminize men
Sounds correct.

>> No.12067630

It's bullshit, the "onions food feminizes men" theory is based on faulty readings of studies and papers on estrogen content in onions-rich food.

>> No.12067634

"Men" have attributed their value through their ability to cook and eat various quantities of meat> When other people choose to not eat meat, those "males" have literally nothing to offer anymore, so they lash out by making up stories about emasculation and other bullshit.

>> No.12067637

It's bullshit.
>asian cultures eat it like crazy
>also constantly fighting each other, invented most martial arts despite also inventing plenty of weapons
The meat/dairy industry is afraid of being less profitable.

>> No.12067642
File: 152 KB, 753x499, Soy menace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminize men or is it all just bullshit?
It's obviously bullshit.

>> No.12067645

Do you really don't know that there's a difference between phytoestrogen and estrogen?

>> No.12067646

This. The meme started when /pol/ misinterpreted a study. It was quickly debunked but it's not like they care much about fact-checking or evidence so it stuck around. Also the meat industry has been trying its hardest to smear alternatives to meat because they threaten their bottom line, which only further poisons the well.

>> No.12067659

That was supposed to say onions, not fucking onion. I have no idea why autocorrect didn't like "onions".

>> No.12067662

Can you eat onions burger through a mask?

>> No.12067664

>Does onions or it's derived products like for example imposible meat really feminize men or is it all just bullshit?
Onions supposedly enhance testosterone. I wouldn't be worried about onions, it's the other shit in fake meat I'd be worried about.

>> No.12067665

What the fuck is going on, why does it change the s word to onions??

>> No.12067667

Word filters s.o. y to onions. Has for awhile now

>> No.12067669

That's because onions were memed as manly and onions as emasculating, so mods started to replace onions with onions to troll onions lovers and onions haters.

>> No.12067670


>> No.12067673

What about insect burgers?

>> No.12067679

Got it, so onions are bad, but onions are good? I'll eat onions instead of onions then.

>> No.12067699

>reduced impact on the environment.
capitalist lies

>> No.12067735


>> No.12067745


>> No.12067808

If you want a plant that actually does fuck with hormones by giving you extra estrogen, look up chasteberry.

>> No.12068377


>> No.12068393

If this was part of their grand agenda, they goofed by giving everyone s o y allergies with the vaccines. Unless that's part of how they plan to kill us off. Their final solution.

>> No.12068422

>not knowing about the filters
baka senpai desu

>> No.12068490

It's bullshit. Your diet would have to consist of almost entirely unprocessed soya for it to have any tangible effect. https://examine.com/nutrition/is-onions-good-or-bad/
Once it's turned into actual food that people eat the 'anti-nutrients' are all gone or degraded.

Also imagine being such a pussy that you think food is going to make you less of a man. If you're so close to being a woman already that you can't eat one meal with estrogen in it you're a faggot. How can you even have milk.

>> No.12068514

>Also imagine being such a pussy that you think food is going to make you less of a man.
It literally can.

>> No.12068606

Wrf is this the solution to nofap?

>> No.12068624
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>> No.12068639

>Do you really don't know that there's a difference between phytoestrogen and estrogen?

Plant based estrogen can make you more manly because they block estrogen receptors with a weaker version of what the body normally produces. It has very little or no effect.

Meanwhile on cattle and chicken farms, they are literally injecting estrogen into chickens and cows to fatten them up. THEY'RE LITERALLY PUTTING ESTROGEN IN YOUR MEAT, and you're all scared of onions? I swear it's almost as if this meme was invented by the meat companies to help sell meat. It might be the 1st time the advertising companies have so successfully harnessed the power of the meme, but it's not like they haven't been trying this shit for years.

>> No.12068643

>asian cultures eat it like crazy
They are also known for being effeminate

>> No.12068653
File: 37 KB, 948x699, 1594241920006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still don't know söy gets censored to onions

>> No.12068671

Almost all of the research on soi is funded by soi companies. I assume when it's consumed in a traditional way, i.e. fermented, it's probably fine, but to think it's okay for basically all of our food to have soi in it is a stretch. It's also being fed to livestock, where it's shown to cause cancer.

>I swear it's almost as if this meme was invented by the meat companies to help sell meat.
Soi was a 30 billion dollar industry in the USA alone last year, when it wasn't even on the radar two decades ago. You don't find that concerning at all? Why do you think the meat industry is shady, but you're giving a total pass to the soi industry? The fact is money is involved, big business is involved, so it should all be viewed with skepticism.

>> No.12068673 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 945x315, 126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, you must be new here. Welcome to 4chan, you'll find this a friendly place to talk with people online.

And if you disagree with me, remember nobody ever leaves this place. you're here forever

>> No.12068677
File: 396 KB, 945x315, 126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, you must be new here. Welcome to 4chan, you'll find this a friendly place to talk with people online.

And if you disagree with me, remember nobody ever leaves this place. you're here forever

>> No.12068684

what plants will give me extra testosterone

>> No.12068688

Welcome to 4chan, reddit newfag. Enjoy your permanent stay.

>> No.12068741

Because someone on /v/ offended one of the soi moderators and they filtered it to onion.

>> No.12068754
File: 822 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I didnt know psuedo sciences and this board was filled with so many soifags.
Get outta of my board faggots this board was meant for people with tetestorone not reddit soibois.

>> No.12068872 [DELETED] 

>Soi was a 30 billion dollar industry in the USA alone last year, when it wasn't even on the radar two decades ago.

Why should I care if the meat industry has a major competitor now? I don't have any invested in meat stocks, let alone money at all to invest in anything. The meat industry will just have to learn to be poor like the rest of us.

>> No.12068876

>Soi was a 30 billion dollar industry in the USA alone last year, when it wasn't even on the radar two decades ago.
>You don't find that concerning at all?

Why should I care if the meat industry has a major competitor now? I don't have any invested in meat stocks, let alone money at all to invest in anything. The meat industry will just have to learn to be poor like the rest of us.

>> No.12069064

Why not eat your food in pill form it's odorless color less tasts like shit so you probably loos weight.I don't think this burger will catch on first health food is loaded with salt second it's not meat I've hade dozens of fake meat products thay all suck even thr super expensive 10 a pound kind.If you're worried about being healthy stop eating sandwiches at all. vegetarian are sickle weak nervous people poping vitamin and complaining to thair mental health workers many of them are my friends always talking about this or that new super food as I Cary thair camping supplies up the hill holding a beer.Cows have evolved over millions of years becoming tastier and more tender insuring thair non extinction and producing tons of fertilizer farmers need .If you woried about killing Cows because thair cute and fluffy remember roaches have feelings to.

>> No.12069068

Compare a man from Mongolia where they eat mostly meat with somebody from say, Southern China

>> No.12069138
File: 531 KB, 1201x889, 1524314613223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true. they were mocking his stupid keyboard that he kept posting

>> No.12069188


>> No.12069197

I thought it was because it was genuinely getting over used, same with s m h, t b h, and f a m. Those have basically gone away at this point, but with s o y- it’s still around a LOT. Can you imagine how annoying this site would be without the word filter to deter it?

>> No.12069214
File: 52 KB, 800x450, 1585178851223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that feminizes men is other men

>> No.12069233


>> No.12069246

fucking newfags either lurk more or get the fuck out.

>> No.12069281

Big söy lobbied for it.

>> No.12069366

>faulty readings of studies and papers on estrogen content in onions-rich food.
Specifically they read about the phytoestrogen content and go "oh my god, it's got 600,000 units of estrogen!" and don't consider that genistein is orders of magnitude less potent than estradiol

>> No.12069383
File: 137 KB, 772x1000, MV5BNWVmZDE2NmQtZWU5OC00MzUzLTg2MTUtZTQ4NzUwNDljYTFjL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the japanese eat more onionSOY per capita than most of the world combined
does this look like a onionSOYboy to you?

>> No.12069526

I've been on 4chan since 2010

>> No.12069538

Asians in general are based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXYTslG1IEE

>> No.12069542

this is why they don't want you to eat too much onions

>> No.12069543
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x4599, 1597287871191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.12069558
File: 5 KB, 140x210, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you forgot this

>> No.12069562


>> No.12069568

he was a fag lol

>> No.12069591

>brought to you by my sub-100IQ simulator neural network

>> No.12069596

what's more manly than pinning another grown male down and fucking it? you sound insecure anon, and, if im going to be quite honest, onionSOY

>> No.12069613

Fucking a woman?

>> No.12069645

Fucking hell, just go back.

>> No.12069654

>I don't have any invested in meat stocks, let alone money at all to invest in anything
You mean:
>I don't have any money to invest at all, let alone shares in meat stocks

>> No.12069887


>> No.12069992

this is bullshit you absolute retard, onions has been eaten for decades by women who wanted more estrogen to increase boob size for example, and it appeared to work.

>> No.12070175
File: 320 KB, 790x620, pepe dead eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the s word
kill yourself redditfag

>> No.12071693

>I don't have any invested in meat stocks, let alone money at all to invest in anything.
But the companies who have billions invested in soi have just as much reason to manipulate results as the meat industry. Really, what they're trying to do is to get you to eat the shit byproducts that they didn't know what to do with. You shouldn't eat that anymore than you should eat spam.

>> No.12071926

Why is S ... O ... Y filtered but the n-word is not?

>> No.12071948


>> No.12072512

Partially correct. There was some shitty study that came out of Iran of all places that said that eating o.n.i.o.n.s. enhanced testosterone, and many picked up that ball and ran with it. Of course it was a study done with rats, and it all became a meme, with fools chowing down on many raw onions a day. Truth of the matter is it slightly retards estrogen, doesn't 'enhance' testosterone.

S.o.y. on the other hand, regardless of the estrogen thing, really isn't that great for mammals as a primary protein source. THere are problems..

>> No.12072520
File: 286 KB, 1280x966, 1594065653005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the people that put meme arrows in youtube comments aren't they

>> No.12072536
File: 71 KB, 640x807, yuqr50jkye841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't tell if these soibois genuinely just came here from the r-word place and think anyone cares about their stale takes on what is or isn't pseudoscience by le racist /pol/ boogeyman or if they are just trolling particularly well
I'm leaning towards the latter though

>> No.12072537


>> No.12072893

I thought SCI was Hi IQ but all I see is plant based shilling with out a single citation or explanation to opinion.

>> No.12072938

because you're a stupid reddit roody poo

>> No.12073023

>I thought SCI was Hi IQ
Why? Was it the constant bait threads? The homework threads? The "what should I major in" threads? Or was it the constant smugposting from Math and CS majors who curiously seem to spend all their time shitposting instead of doing math or computer science?
Face it anon, this board is shit. It's just that the rest of the internet is somehow worse.

>> No.12073134

Honestly that comment came out of a chart I saw that showed an IQ level for each board /x/ was at the low end and /sci/ /his/ /lit/ was at the high end.

Back in 2010 I would hang out on b and people would post amazing infographs and useful info. Now it's like a loosely orgqnized reddit.

>> No.12073144

> a chart I saw that showed an IQ level for each board

>> No.12073147


>> No.12073644


>> No.12073951

It's just food, its not that deep.

>> No.12073959
File: 51 KB, 600x467, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12075265

I guarantee that micro plastics, benzine's and aromatic hydrocarbons you're exposed to every single day are doing far more to your body than some beans.

>> No.12075274

I should add glyphosate to the list too

>> No.12075275

Soi is one of the highest carriers of glyphosate.

>> No.12075282

Most of what id assume you would say is your personality is determined by the already performed hard wiring of your brain. Food wont change you into a sissy

>> No.12075291

That would make you schizo though.

>> No.12075296

>He convinces himself he couldn't be brain-castrated by his diet.

Just wait until you aren't allows to eat anything other than grasshoppers, atrazine laced corn, and glyphosate soaked onions and wheat.

>> No.12075314

Right, glyphosate causes schizophrenic-like symptoms

>> No.12075318
File: 34 KB, 842x689, Correlation-between-schizophrenia-prevalence-and-glyphosate-applications-to-corn-and-soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.