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File: 97 KB, 640x917, 1580305882668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12066833 No.12066833 [Reply] [Original]

We are hoopin today boys!

>> No.12066846 [DELETED] 

I shit on SpaceXs grave

>> No.12066848

>page 7
Fuck you retard, stop making threads

>> No.12066850


>> No.12066855
File: 160 KB, 788x1000, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait until page 10 dummy

>> No.12066857

why does Elon pay so many shills to talk about his shitty hobby rockets on 4chan?

>> No.12066861

wud fug

>> No.12066863

Lmao page 10 fags btfo

>> No.12066869


>> No.12066873
File: 23 KB, 250x411, 1596657526695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder if your now watching the spadre stream on mute and listening to the nasaflight commentary, you are not gonna make it.

>> No.12066880

Delete the thread fren. Click on the checkbox by the side of the image then click the delete button on the bottom of the page.
Nice pic btw.

>> No.12066888


>> No.12066898
File: 7 KB, 233x235, 1598567933047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12066899

How fucking long does propellant loading take jesus christ

>> No.12066902


>> No.12066903

...and checked

>> No.12066907

>Falcon X cancled
>2nd stage reusability canceled
>Red Dragon canceled
>ISS resupply delayed
>2 rocket explosions (something NASA hasn't had in 50 years)
>Crewed Dragon delayed
>Commercial crew delayed
>dragon capsule destroyed
>ITS canceled
>BFR iteration 1 and 2 canceled
>Starship hops constantly delayed and behind schedule
>taxpayer money stolen
Elon is a fraud and a hack

>> No.12066910

are they even loading? no visible frost

>> No.12066913
File: 76 KB, 249x264, hopper_cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spacex has set a record for scrubbing more missions in one day than most programs launch in a year

>> No.12066915

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.12066916

>NASA hasn't exploded any rockets in 50 years
they haven't flown any rockets in 50 years, anon
also you're forgetting about Challenger

>> No.12066918
File: 51 KB, 712x734, 1598448333559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw it crashes into the tank farm

>> No.12066920

Was it really scrubbed?

>> No.12066922

>people throwing $100 per second on the nasaspace cucks stream

>> No.12066923

>also you're forgetting about Challenger
and Columbia

>> No.12066924

>everything he said is factually correct

>> No.12066925

idk I'm watching drachinifel until someone here starts spamming hop imminent

>> No.12066929

did you hear it? somebody is screeching

>> No.12066930

that wasn't a rocket explosion, that was a reentry breakup

>> No.12066932

>Challenger was NASA's fault
that's a funny way to spell Rockwell Muskrat shill

>> No.12066933

its scrubbed boys and girls. pack it up

>> No.12066935


>> No.12066936

they worked for NASA, retard

>> No.12066942

It's one of those "everything you said is technically true but in aggregate gives an impression that is false" things, basically how CNN operates

Yes SpaceX delays and cancels shit left and right, but in the end SpaceX has put astronauts in space and Boing! hasn't. Starship is further along than Vulcan and Falcon is by far the cheapest ride to space.

>> No.12066945


>> No.12066951

You're our only hope for today, RocketLab

>> No.12066952

It's not that hard to figure out, I'll draw a picture in and post it in a minute. What's hard with propellant cross-feed is actually trying to get reusability to work well with it; cross feed is a great way to end up with a center core that goes waaay too fast to survive reentry without a lot of TPS.

>> No.12066956

>It's not that hard to figure out
People with degrees in fluid dynamics would beg to differ, but by all means. Draw a diagram in paint to convince them otherwise.

>> No.12066957

>When shuttle flies successfully it's NASA's accomplishment
>When shuttle explodes it's not NASA's fault

>> No.12066962

we actually made the speaker explain to normies what "F" means, feel proud frens ;)

>> No.12066963


>> No.12066967

Just wait for the diagram. SpaceX didn't do it because reusability was a better thing to optimize for (reducing cost of flying real payloads rather than bloatmaxxing for the biggest possible theoretical payload), and ULA didn't do it because it would cost money and the government didn't give them a giant cost-plus contract to do it.

>> No.12066978

I'm sure you can name the superior alternative

>> No.12066980

>people think it's scrubbed
They literally pressurize, depressurize, and depressurize the tank to press that fucker before every test lmao

>> No.12066982

you're not getting that center core back if you do cross-feed

>> No.12066983

tbf did we not spend all of last night spamming AHAHAHAA DELTA LMAO RESULTS OVER RHETORIC AHAGAHAHA

everyone shitposts on a scrub, getting defensive is pointless

>> No.12066984


>> No.12066988

ULA doesn't really have an excuse for that, since Delta IV is a finished rocket, not a prototype

>> No.12066994

every rocket is a prototype if you throw them in the ocean when you're done, show me a delta that's flown more than once

>> No.12066995


>> No.12066997

Delta had a post lite scrub, which means they can't launch it for another week or two lmao

>> No.12067002
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>> No.12067005

the design is finished, not experimental

>> No.12067007

Hopefully Musk can hop himself into jail for Fraud and Theft

>> No.12067009
File: 82 KB, 1024x758, EgrmlMEWAAAy2TR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12067012

Do they even get to reuse the RS-68s or are the ablative nozzles fucked?

>> No.12067015

t thunderf00t

>> No.12067018

>t. ory bruno
don't you have some rockets to throw into the ocean

>> No.12067027

musk has odd writing

>> No.12067029

It appears to be some form of arithmetic.

>> No.12067030


>> No.12067033

they will try again in some hours

>> No.12067044

Seems like a double integral of a paraboloid over a rectangular region and then a matrix that could be lagrange multipliers for an optimization problem?
Idk I can't read shit. Seems like calc 2 stuff.

>> No.12067048

Exactly why SpaceX didn't do it

>> No.12067052

but think of the LIFT

>> No.12067053

Musk is obviously insecure about his lack of credentials because Musk haters bring it up every time they try to dismiss his accomplishments, so he's trying to rewrite the narrative about his academic history to prove that he has a formal education. He just wants to stop the "he just hires smart people" comment which I imagine is pretty annoying.

>> No.12067056

Crossfeeding would be better if you had a lot of heavy shit to move up in one go. Could probably get the ISS up in 4 trips. Then again so could starship.

>> No.12067057

he's absolutely a smart dude but his main skill is absolutely bringing very smart and motivated people together to get real work done

>> No.12067061

But he does have a double major in physics and economics and a masters degree.
Why would anyone bring this up to diminish him? You would have to be literally retarded.

>> No.12067065

Actually crossfeed works the best for getting lots of delta V, if you're trying for max payload you end up losing a lot of performance to gravity losses as your TWR decreases.

>> No.12067067

It's very clearly a calculation of the moment of inertia tensor

>> No.12067068

... of something. Dunno what.

>> No.12067071

So no hop today?

>> No.12067073

Idk, I'm not a physics fag.
The only clear thing here is that it is ink on a paper.

>> No.12067079

>very clearly
It's a meaningless jumble of foreign characters if you're not a math guy.

>> No.12067087

ma porco Dio

>> No.12067088

Well yeah you are right. Didn't mean to sound like an smartass. But anyway, that's what it is

>> No.12067089

He could only get good people working for space x once it was already successful. He couldn't even get a good chief engineer in the beginning and had to do that job himself.

>> No.12067090

>It's a meaningless jumble of foreign characters if you're not a math guy.
Math major here, I have a general idea of what it is but can't really read it.
Physics fags have sloppy and gay notations.

>> No.12067091

yeah that too

>> No.12067098

Pad cleared again 10 minutes ago.

>> No.12067108

It’s a shame to because I still remember watching orion EFT-1 launching on that

>> No.12067116

>What's hard with propellant cross-feed is actually trying to get reusability to work well with it; cross feed is a great way to end up with a center core that goes waaay too fast to survive reentry without a lot of TPS.

This. Crossflow stopped making sense the moment that reusability became possible.

>> No.12067119
File: 98 KB, 1036x345, tintin_speech_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12067121

What a shame it never had its chance in the late 60s.

>> No.12067123

Neat. Hope to see the inky blackness of space with my own eyes before I die.

>> No.12067125
File: 122 KB, 1024x683, 4151D46B-C58C-4E13-834B-B02E652C8EB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what they took from us we could have had a shuttle-buran mission

>> No.12067135

Crossflow would have been god-tier for the Space Shuttle. Imagine the Lockheed pregnant whale shuttle sandwiched between a pair of expendable hydrolox boosters fueling the orbiter via crossflow.

Crossflow would have been peak oldspacekino in the 70s through the 00s and probably would have become the standard (instead of booster/sustainer) if the USSR had gotten it's shit together and greenlit the UR-700 for a 1970-1972 flight.

The UR-700 would have given the Soviets the perfect opportunity to one-up Apollo because it would have had the launch capacity to fling a Salyut-sized hab module to the lunar surface. Imagine if instead of saving face via Salyut, the Russians had been able to instead save face via sending cosmonauts to a series of Salyut-style lunar surface stations for months at a time.

>> No.12067140
File: 800 KB, 1728x2160, Space_Shuttle_Discovery,_30,August,_1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today in history:
>1871 – Ernest Rutherford, New Zealand-English physicist and chemist, Nobel Prize laureate, is born (died 1937).
>1931 – Jack Swigert, American pilot and astronaut is born (died 1982).
>1984 – STS-41-D: The Space Shuttle Discovery takes off on its maiden voyage.
>2004 – Fred Lawrence Whipple, American astronomer and academic died (born 1906).

>> No.12067142

The US should have paid the 1990s Russians to reactivate Buran and Ptichka and build a 3rd as part of their ISS support.

>> No.12067143

>this is ULA's idea of reuse

>> No.12067147
File: 114 KB, 737x865, ur700a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then to up the UR-700, the USSR would then build the UR-700A which could carry up to 250 tons (predicted). Following that, an even more massive UR-700M for what I guess was for a Mars shot and could lift 750 tons into space.

Honestly so mad we never got this.

>> No.12067150
File: 53 KB, 1020x209, hybrid-rocket-motor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting close to buying parts for my first hybrid motor. What diameter case should I get? The max I'll go for is 2 inches.

>> No.12067156


>> No.12067164

>a pair of expendable hydrolox boosters
In all seriousness, if you're gonna do Shuttle with cross-feed, you don't need to bother fucking around with hydrolox anymore. It makes more sense to go for the easier-to-handle propellants because you don't have the ridiculous per-stage delta V requirement that turned real life Shuttle into a booster-sustainer. Ergo, methalox space whale orbiter flanked by twin methalox boosters, propellant crossfeed, and eventually, reusable booster propulsive landings.

>> No.12067167

going back to ethanol rockets WHEN

>> No.12067168

>Ergo, methalox space whale orbiter flanked by twin methalox boosters, propellant crossfeed, and eventually, reusable booster propulsive landings.
Are you trying to turn on everyone in this thread?

>> No.12067170

Never fucking ever. Look at MOMO and it's amazing melting plumbing.

>> No.12067173

>not going for ethanox so you can drink with your friends and laugh like mad men after a successful launch

>> No.12067176

Did SpaceX ever pitch a Falcon core for the advanced liquid booster for SLS?

>> No.12067178

>Intāsutera Tekunorojizu (kabu)

>> No.12067188

Venting again

>> No.12067197

I think it's already working.

>> No.12067206

why nobody is streaming it?

>> No.12067210

Open wide, baby.

>> No.12067211
File: 364 KB, 2048x1344, Saturn_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ - Rocketphilia General

>> No.12067213

Just watch the Lab Padre stream, its the best stream even though it looks like SN6 is having a fit.

>> No.12067214
File: 1.77 MB, 896x985, waifuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067215

lab padre is actually getting better than nasa cucks

>> No.12067217
File: 138 KB, 1500x1351, vulkan-family-0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with crossfed methalox and reusuable boosters.

>> No.12067218

If only their camera didn't have that shitty auto stability stuff that makes everything roll, it would be awesome.

>> No.12067222

Did I miss the launch(es)?

>> No.12067223


>> No.12067224


>> No.12067226

NSF is live again too now.

Estronaut will probably stream too if that's your thing.

>> No.12067228

How can anyone stand estronaut?

>> No.12067230

>Estronaut will probably stream too if that's your thing.
No thanks, I don't support China.

>> No.12067231


And since I'm already at it, this is the SAOCOM 1B stream. 60% chance of scrub though. Goes live in ~2:29 minutes or so.

>> No.12067234

Whoops. That's 2 hours 29 minutes. Not 2mins 29 seconds.

>> No.12067238

Are the two falcon 9 launches both from the cape?

>> No.12067240

First was scrubbed, second has a 60% chance of scrub. But yes, both are from KSC.

>> No.12067241
File: 91 KB, 250x472, oi_io.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfathomably based

the Republic of China in Taipei is the only legitimate government of all China

>> No.12067245

What has he said about China?

>> No.12067249

What kind of shuttle could you launch with F9's instead of SRB's?

>> No.12067251

didn't watch, but I think he was spouting support for the chinese space program during their mars launch and deleting dissent

>> No.12067253


>> No.12067254

side vent

>> No.12067255

During his stream of the Tianwen-1 launch, the chat was spamming memes about communist Chinese atrocities, and instead of doing the sensible thing by saying something like "I'm not interested in discussing politics, I just want to see rockets fly." he tried to excuse said atrocities.

>> No.12067257

Technically the F9 did launch the X37B shuttle

>> No.12067258

F9 only - Dreamchaser.

>> No.12067262

The BIG Shuttle.

>> No.12067266

Its like spamming memes about capitalist american atrocities on native indians...

>> No.12067267

He did no such thing! He said talking about politics wasn't what he wanted to do in the stream.

You are under no obligation to like Tim,but don't fucking lie.

Link to him excusing Chinese actions right now or fuck off.

>> No.12067275

Those atrocities eventually stopped though.
I mean we mostly ran out of indians so they had to.
China ain't running out of villages to use as landing zones anytime soon.

>> No.12067277

Who should i trust?

>> No.12067280

Should be roughly ~15 mins now.

>> No.12067281

Thanks Elon

>> No.12067282

chinese will stop when they are out of muslim minorities
there you have it

>> No.12067284

SN6 is venting!

>> No.12067285


>> No.12067287
File: 9 KB, 342x350, 38B0052F010D477CAEA581EF80741485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communist death camps
>will stop
only when communism falls

>> No.12067289
File: 92 KB, 976x549, _103795857_hare-richardansell-pc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067291

Siren going now

>> No.12067292



>> No.12067293
File: 845 KB, 730x731, Leon_Dusk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067296

10 mins

>> No.12067299

It can't fail if it wasn't *real* gommunism.
I didn't know their muslims lived in rural landing-pad villages but yeah

>> No.12067301

Holy fuck the madman is going to launch it and make it travel with wind

>> No.12067302

Siren sounded, less than 10 mins.

>> No.12067304

Not gonna detank at the last moment is it?

>> No.12067306
File: 1.85 MB, 168x224, 150 meter hop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067307

Siren sounded

>> No.12067309

they keep them in camps
at least learn whats what

>> No.12067310
File: 304 KB, 502x613, He_Lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12067311
File: 129 KB, 1242x1230, yelling_hopper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067312


>> No.12067314

Damn, the atmospheric distortion is BAD on labpadre’s cam today

>> No.12067315

and redpilled

>> No.12067317

it might undergo a rapid unplanned detanking and deflagration, every other launch in the last 24 hours has been cursed

>> No.12067318

It's windy, camera is probably shaking

>> No.12067320

Hop abort probably :/

>> No.12067323

~4 min

>> No.12067324

>at least learn whats what
Atrocities is a plural word anon, there's more than one.

>> No.12067325


>> No.12067326

I still love the fact that someone somewhere on the internet saved this dumbass picture that I drew

>> No.12067327


>> No.12067328
File: 47 KB, 177x344, stray_hopp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12067329


>> No.12067330

>build space pad where there's near always shit weather
What's their master plan here?

>> No.12067332

Cheap land

>> No.12067333

Go retrograde and nuke the mexicans

>> No.12067334

Abort abort abort, likely due to wind.

>> No.12067335

Git gud

>> No.12067336

>designing hoppers and rockets that can't launch in all weather
what do they mean by THIS?

>> No.12067337

>NSF and Tim in the same stream
>I'm putting together a team

>> No.12067338
File: 2.94 MB, 1910x1069, 420HOPIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.12067341

kinda miss the flare stack desu

>> No.12067343
File: 358 KB, 1500x2300, d0756c3065b3cbccc7244a67790862f293e5a038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good meme fren

>> No.12067346

It would be a real shame if some former ULA employees happen to go fishing right now near Starship. :^)

>> No.12067347


>> No.12067348


>> No.12067351
File: 65 KB, 656x656, f93f16c6a1204088526960bf1da70970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw soviets launch soyuz during a blizzard and NASA cancels rocket due to muh static charge in the air

>> No.12067353


>> No.12067354


>> No.12067357

ayo where the HOPS at nigga

>> No.12067358

Texas is more business friendly, the land was mostly empty and cheap, it's far south, and they can launch over water.

>> No.12067359

Soyuz originated as a 50s ICBM, it's over built as fuck. Starship might actually be able to match the launch anytime performance of Soyuz.

>> No.12067361

Go work for Boeing, jogg

>> No.12067362

Do not bulli the bun

>> No.12067363

if Republicans didn't destroy the earth and the environment, the weather would be a lot nicer

>> No.12067366


>> No.12067368


>> No.12067370

Wind stole your hop.

>> No.12067371

so is that it for the day or will they try again?

>> No.12067372

Is it aborted

>> No.12067373

They might try again.

>> No.12067374

They got several hours more.

>> No.12067375

The process vent farm vent to flight takes roughly ~50m.

>initial farm venting
~30 minutes
>Starship venting hard from side
~10 min
~10 min

So in the future remember this process.

>> No.12067377

t. My wife’s boyfriend explained politics to me one time

>> No.12067378

yup they aborted

>> No.12067379

They've got more than enough time to try again. Whether they do depends on what the issue was.

>> No.12067384

Apparenly, high wind.

>> No.12067391
File: 32 KB, 758x529, wind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wind will drop slightly over time, not sure if it will be low enough though.

>> No.12067400
File: 296 KB, 1174x1351, sad_hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hooop?

>> No.12067403

reeeeeeeeeeeeeee hop please

>> No.12067404

Those numbers are probably not good enough, but they won't be constant and won't be uniform over the entire region.
Earlier today it was less windy.

>> No.12067407
File: 113 KB, 500x667, hopwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12067416

we try again no worries

>> No.12067418


>> No.12067422
File: 9 KB, 295x171, gefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his end goal /sfg/?

>> No.12067427

Him? Well he's just no good.

>> No.12067432
File: 1.13 MB, 1587x1600, 1469768211966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASASpaceFlight has washed out colors, and LabPadre has fucked image stabilization.

>> No.12067433

Listen jack, wind was a bad dude.

>> No.12067435

Any engineer would instantly recognize it as something to do with rotational inertia.

>> No.12067441

They're gassing up the farm again.

>> No.12067455

Amazing, they've got a brap barn on-site?

>> No.12067459

Why do you think they have the taco trucks?

>> No.12067467
File: 90 KB, 422x768, ZL8pybX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit fast forward on the streams to make sure they aren't too far behind
>the clock goes ahead of real life

>> No.12067471

Did it hop?

>> No.12067472

It's only about 30 seconds ahead.

>> No.12067474
File: 20 KB, 400x213, panic-disorder-4604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not an engineer, but I'm pretty sure
just broke time.

>> No.12067482

Bros whats the window for the hop

>> No.12067485

meh, he probably has tunnel vision when it comes to space, doesn't see any of the politics when it comes to launching rockets

>> No.12067487

Always 8 to 8

>> No.12067491

He's in favor of more missions to space.

I loathe China's government, but I am still in favor of them having a space program. Competition is good.

>> No.12067492

Explains why he likes SLS and wants it to launch.

>> No.12067498

I agree, I'm just relaying what I heard.

>> No.12067499

Left S5 best design

>> No.12067502

>turn on any stream
>y'all intensifies

>> No.12067525

SN6 and tank farm activity seem to be winding down

>> No.12067529


>> No.12067530

Everyday Basedboy is unironically based.

>> No.12067541

>planes can land and be reused

So how is it expendable? Ablative wings?

>> No.12067543

uhhh should we tell him bros?

>> No.12067544

>open any /sfg/
>twitter nuspeak, all caps and other /v/ermin-tier retardation
That's 2020 for you I guess.

>> No.12067545
File: 119 KB, 588x441, Frog_Space_Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067546

hydrolox slush monoprop WHEN

>> No.12067548

4 5 0 l s p m o n o p r o p e l l a n t

>> No.12067555
File: 138 KB, 791x1024, bottle-rocket-791x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your ride, bro.
Pure Hydrolox monoprop.

>> No.12067556

What the fuck. 450? What non-existing monoprop are they using? Next gen monoprops hit around 325.

>> No.12067562

Probably something on the lines of sea dragon? Make it so massive that the innefiency doesn't matter much.

>> No.12067563

just mix the hydrolox in the same tank and its a monoprop now dude haha

>> No.12067564

Decomposing monohydrogen maybe?

>> No.12067568

4ASS's first orbital test article.

>> No.12067574

>"The concept for the Ariane Ultimate, pictured left, is a fully reusable Single Stage To Orbit, including an integrated fairing, a very high percentage of the 3D printed components, and hugely simplified ground operations, to the point where it can take off from a basic flat landing pad. Some ideas presented even include exotic, high-performance fuels, such as polymeric nitrogen."

>"Currently, it’s a topic researched for the post-2040s timeline, fostering many developments along the way aimed at reducing costs and increasing flexibility of not just the launcher, but the supporting ground infrastructure and the industry behind it all."

Don't take anything about that rocket as real. It's a hypothetical study.

>> No.12067581
File: 196 KB, 533x800, 1318923165045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently, it’s a topic researched for the post-2040s timeline
The fuck is the point, just speculate on warp drive shit it's all the same.

>> No.12067586

Shit is studied well in advance all the time, man. Just be aware of what it is. They're working on stabilizing polymeric nitrogen now for instance. If you know your organic chemistry, you know that nitrogen-nitrogen bindings is some really energetic shit.

>> No.12067588

Single bond nitrogen-nitrogen bond = ~160kJ/mol, triple bond nitrogen-nitrogen bond = 1MJ/mol. That's the highest potential energy binding found in nature outside a nuclear explosion. Stabilize that and use it as rocket fuel and you can should easily hit 450 Isp monoprop in theory at least.

>> No.12067591
File: 19 KB, 411x357, F43F9647-AAD6-4701-9DEE-F22D27293B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should honestly be meme’d way more than it already is. They are suggestion a monopropellant that reaches ISP levels of a hydrolox engine lmao. Might as well put a warp drive or a reactionless engine on the second stage

>> No.12067592


>> No.12067596

The theoretical fuel is the posts right above you, it's not exactly a warp drive and it's not exactly metallic hydrogen either.
But it's gonna take them some years to make it happen, I think.

>> No.12067599

So uh
no hop today?

>> No.12067601

Nope, road opened.

>> No.12067603

Bunnies went home

>> No.12067602

They have 3:20 left of their window.

>> No.12067605

Or not.

>> No.12067606

What ever happened to that non-toxic, high performance monoprop from Ignition! that the Air Force tested and then it disappeared?

>> No.12067612

Currently fueling USS Hillenkoetter's starfighter squadron

>> No.12067617

are you talking about cavea-b
iirc the problem was it had a tendency for the reaction to continue back into the tanks and make the whole thing explode so they kinda gave up on it after demolishing a few labs

>> No.12067623

when will ol musky start testing a nuclear upper stage?

>> No.12067626

Anyone got the 'cmon, launch!' comic? You know the one. Where it just sits there with that stupid look on its fairings while anon fumes.

>> No.12067633

Yeah that. Seems like a solvable problem.

>> No.12067638

Apocalypse Now inspires me. Why don't they just detonate some napalm to create a vortex that blows the wind away?

>> No.12067639
File: 175 KB, 640x828, lol (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12067653

>starlink cancelled
>hop cancelled
>saocom gonna get cancelled cause wind lol
what a shit day

>> No.12067654
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>> No.12067663

it'll all happen together another day please

>> No.12067678

Going for tomorrow's backup date

>> No.12067687

>3 launches set for today
>2 scrubbed
>1 increasingly looking like it will be scrubbed

>> No.12067691
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>> No.12067702

Damn bro you're right ULA is the clearly superior launch provider!
*Crickets chirping*

>> No.12067705
File: 25 KB, 616x478, hopps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hopps today?

>> No.12067709


>> No.12067714

26mph gusts says no.

>> No.12067722

Remember: expendable sparkplugs

>> No.12067724


>> No.12067728


damn you wind

>> No.12067741

Idk my gut tells me that Starship will be able to handle these winds normally, once it’s finished of course. I just don’t think elon wants to risk it with his prototype. Better to launch it when the weather is nice so you don’t get an unexpected failure.

Delaying a test by a day or two is way better than having the thing explode from some unforeseen weather and needed to rebuild from scratch

>> No.12067756

>Delaying a test by a day or two is way better than having the thing explode
Always, doesn't help these blue balls though.

>> No.12067765

i can help with that anon

>> No.12067771

But I store my propellant there

>> No.12067775

Well yeah. Why would you not want favorable conditions across the board? Although its not like things haven't exploded during a optimal test.

>> No.12067778

I store my propellant in bottles on the shelf.
And I need to pick up some new ones soon.

>> No.12067781

>Idk my gut tells me that Starship will be able to handle these winds normally, once it’s finished of course
That's not your gut. You either read it from Elon's tweet or read some info on Starship design specs.

>> No.12067782

>w-where are you sticking that fuel p-pump?!

>> No.12067783

whats the isp on jacking off to propel yourself

>> No.12067788

1.27 seconds of specific impulse on average.

>> No.12067791

>hey check this out I can cum so hard I can get into LEO

>> No.12067794
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>> No.12067795

>he cant do 3 seconds
take your supplements bro

>> No.12067800

>no nuclear lightbulb ships roaring around like mad cunts on hydrogen plasma

man we're wasted so much time as a species.

>> No.12067803



>> No.12067804



>> No.12067805
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>> No.12067814

seems like Saocom might fly still

>> No.12067821

man she must've sneezed hard

>> No.12067824
File: 51 KB, 670x472, technology_goggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrubX can't do anything right
How typical lmao, at least Elon tried, let pack it up before we miss the SLS launches

>> No.12067826

With an ejaculate specific impulse of 1.27 seconds, you would need a mass ratio of over 1.8e305. Assuming your dry mass is the average human male mass of 87.6 kg, that would mean the propellant mass would be 1.61e307 kg. Which is over 1e254 times more than the total mass of the observable universe.

Taking ejaculate density of 1000 kg/m3, the total volume required to store the propellant would be 1.61e304 m3. Split between two spheres would result in the diameter of just one of those to be 2.49e101 m, or 2.63e85 lightyears (note that the observable universe is 9.3e10 lightyears in diameter.

So in order to ejaculate into orbit, you would need more cum that there ever is in the universe with testicles that are so large that they can store multiple universes into them. The mere act of orgasm would be so vast that it would be impossible for a human to perceive it in his or her lifetime.

>> No.12067827

think im done with spacex bros, all scrubs and biting off more than they can chew, at least with Boeing and NASA we know what we're going to get.

>> No.12067836
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When the fuck they start putting letters in math

>> No.12067842
File: 141 KB, 1020x1320, 2040-calendar-portrait-1020x1320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah let me just mark it on my calendar

>> No.12067843

2e3 = 2*10^3 = 2000

>> No.12067845
File: 75 KB, 725x545, You know which country 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average human male mass of 87.6 kg
I wonder (((who))) could be skewing this number.

>> No.12067846

SAOCOM propellant loading commenced

>> No.12067858

launch thread up in a couple min

>> No.12067865

Why is there no anime about rocketry?
>tfw no space anime that follows a group of schoolgirls who build and launch rockets together after school.
fund it

>> No.12067869
File: 111 KB, 1019x744, The_Roster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon (tm)

>> No.12067874
File: 70 KB, 509x450, rocket girls yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Girls, anon. Small launch company based on the equator saves mass by sending a tiny Jap schoolgirl as their test pilot.

>> No.12067876

I think your weight is inconsequential compared to being able to coom so much that the Big Bang looks like a sad wet fart in comparison.

>> No.12067890

A funnier answer would have been "Around 6th grade", but I'm glad you know this shit instead of me having to.

>> No.12067893

an anime about rocketgirls could be amazing
>tall, slightly intimidating ara ara Saturn 5-sama who has fits of sadness over her feeling of being abandoned before fully fulfilling her destiny
>tiny and innocent Electron-chan and her best friend Falcon-9, who is boisterous,a little clumsy,but fiercely determined
>New Glenn is frequently mentioned but never actually shows up
>Falcon-heavy, who is scatterbrained and often late but very strong
>near the end of season 1 enters Starship-chan, who has steel skin and glowing blue eyes and autistically talks about mars all the time

>> No.12067903

6th? We started in 4th back when I was a kid. That was a long time ago though.

>> No.12067907
File: 219 KB, 2600x1200, saocom1b_fairing_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

launch thread!

>> No.12067908

for once, a legitimate reason to shoehorn a loli into an anime plot!

>> No.12067910

t-21 minute

>> No.12067912

I didn't see scientific notation in the classroom until college.

>> No.12067916

>protagonist's SLS, class president who has extremely rich parents and her sidekick delta 4 trys to sabotage the other rockets up and coming success.

>> No.12067924

Now you're cooking with RP-1!

Fuck man how do i get the japanese to make this? They made an anime about schoolgirl horse racing and guns, this is like ten times better an idea.

>> No.12067966

>2nd millennium

>> No.12067971

If you put little girls in it, they will watch it. I still don't understand Strike Witches or Girls Und Panzer but to each his own.
iirc it ends with a failure to ignite for deorbit, stranding the one girl in LEO. Then the backup pilot gets flown on a second capsule and guts it on the spot to make room for the stranded pilot and they splash down together.

>> No.12067982

Whoops, misquoted and meant to hit

>> No.12067985

>Not an obnoxious ojou-sama with OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO laugh

>> No.12068002

>unwarranted smugness
>refusal to ever admit fault
>high-maintenance gf ("No dear I said a GOOD restaurant, where you can eat gold leaf")
>has never once appeared on time to anything

>> No.12068004

weather is go

>> No.12068011


>> No.12068032



>> No.12068056

Hoping a private company will make a Soyuz-esque launcher once the real deal inevitably,sadly,leaves service. What a fucking beast the Soyuz has been.

>> No.12068074
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Fuck ULA

>> No.12068085
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>> No.12068087


>> No.12068092
File: 381 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-08-30 SAOCOM 1B Mission(14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12068096

how the fuck can flatties actually recover?
It's the first completely uninterrupted feed of F9 Langind

>> No.12068101

The gridfins during the landing were insane

>> No.12068103


>> No.12068117

Something something fisheye lense.

>> No.12068134

reliable reusable rockets letting us not give a fuck about flying over land and launching from west coast when bros
I suffer having to travel across the fucking country if I ever want to hear a proper BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP

>> No.12068138
File: 1.17 MB, 1273x1030, Saocom Sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye!

>> No.12068140
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Trust in Titanium

>> No.12068146
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>> No.12068155
File: 2.64 MB, 1734x2454, __aihara_yuzu_and_aihara_mei_citrus_drawn_by_fujisaki_ribbon__27918d4607db4c6183c4d6118ce849eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mission marks SpaceX’s first launch to a polar orbit from the East Coast, and the first polar launch from Florida in decades.

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.12068159

They will stay in denial until it will become affordable enough to fly on a Starship which is when they will be committing suicide in droves.

>> No.12068162

Yuzu = polar orbit
Mei = Falcon 9

for anyone that doesn't get it

>> No.12068163

Where the fuck is the Delta 4 heavy

>> No.12068166
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>> No.12068173



>> No.12068175
File: 16 KB, 320x320, space pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delayed due to a hold at T-3.

>> No.12068176

died from complications of morbid obesity

>> No.12068183

>that condensation coming from the shockwave from the gridfins
>that gridfin movement to divert to the landing pad
im gonna coooooooooooooooooooooooom

>> No.12068200
File: 759 KB, 1920x1080, fuuuuuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best unmanned spacex launch ive seen

>> No.12068205
File: 189 KB, 1444x449, chink booster vs falcon heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon Heavy first double RTLS was still the best.

>> No.12068210

point taken

>> No.12068245
File: 256 KB, 623x289, 3920DF67-0AF6-4A2A-8D30-9BFDDACB5C80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship is a 6’5 Volleyball player with frizzy bleached silver hair

>> No.12068246

This was another wonderful ULA flight.

>> No.12068257
File: 715 KB, 629x758, space feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tall, slightly intimidating ara ara Saturn 5-sama who has fits of sadness over her feeling of being abandoned before fully fulfilling her destiny
>tfw I will never marry her

>> No.12068264


>> No.12068267
File: 812 KB, 629x462, ou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12068270
File: 416 KB, 1388x2082, CBC173B9-3DE3-4A7F-8C29-03B57735AD60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw you will never marry a qt3.14 Mulatto Falcon 9 Block 5

>> No.12068274


>> No.12068277

How can ShitX even compete with perfect ULA launches like this?

>> No.12068278

imagine the sound

>> No.12068285


>> No.12068291
File: 36 KB, 640x960, 7E3D8F01-C33F-4CE1-A415-347FAE06BE77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockets are female right?

>> No.12068293

This, how will SpaceX ever complete? Both launches and their hop got scrubbed meanwhile ULA pulled off another flawless mission.

>> No.12068301
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2020-08-30_19-59-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polar launches are rare as it is, really wish they had cameras on so we could see Antarctica...

>> No.12068315

No we wait for Rocket Lab's big return in a few hours

>> No.12068344

Is the hop canceled for today?

>> No.12068350

>stream cut during deploy

>> No.12068379

I have zero faith that we will ever get that to work, honestly. We can't even stabilize liquid acetylene, bros.

>> No.12068385
File: 63 KB, 474x474, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna marry grid fins!

>> No.12068386

>Seems like a solvable problem.
Just pump the monopropellant at a velocity higher than the detonation wave velocity of that chemical.

>> No.12068389

Yeah did you miss the post-2040s hypothetical timeline of the vehicle bit?

>> No.12068390

we do a pretty good job of that one actually

>> No.12068399

oxyacetylene rockets WHEN?

>> No.12068402

why do you have to do this to me?

>> No.12068403

>Yeah did you miss the post-2040s hypothetical timeline of the vehicle bit?
No, I did not. IDGAF if you give chemists a thousand years, single-bonded nitrogen won't ever be something that we can make and store in a stable enough manner that it can be used as a rocket propellant.

>> No.12068406
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>> No.12068407

>My ancestor :)

>> No.12068412

Road closures cancelled for 31st and 1st, fuck the ULA wind machine

>> No.12068421


>> No.12068451

beep boop

>> No.12068510


80 minutes

>> No.12068537

>68 mins

>> No.12068538

No launch thread for Electron?

>> No.12068552
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>> No.12068562

Nothing's stopping you

>> No.12068567
File: 1.74 MB, 3440x1440, screenshot68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12068572


Thread up:

>> No.12068595

Does Rocketlab have any future plans past Electron and photon? I'd love to see them diversify past the smallsat build and launch market.

>> No.12068596


>> No.12068597

I think they want to scale up to at least be competitive for ISS resupply contracts and more US government payloads, which is why they have a Wallops launchpad in progress.

>> No.12068605

hey beck did you fix the rocket

>> No.12068609

We stopped hiring Indians.

>> No.12068642
File: 551 KB, 964x912, 1456621427070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At T+72.284, the right SRB pulled away from the aft strut attaching it to the external tank. Later analysis of telemetry data showed a sudden lateral acceleration to the right at T+72.525, which may have been felt by the crew. The last statement captured by the crew cabin recorder came just half a second after this acceleration, when Pilot Michael J. Smith said, "Uh-oh."
>In Mission Control, there was a burst of static on the air-to-ground loop as Challenger disintegrated. Television screens showed a cloud of smoke and water vapor (the product of hydrogen+oxygen combustion) where Challenger had been, with pieces of debris falling toward the ocean. At about T+89, flight director Jay Greene prompted his Flight Dynamics Officer (FIDO) for information. FIDO responded that "the [radar] filter has discreting sources", a further indication that Challenger had broken into multiple pieces. Moments later, the Ground Control Officer reported "negative contact (and) loss of downlink" of radio and telemetry data from Challenger. Greene ordered his team to "watch your data carefully" and look for any sign that the Orbiter had escaped.
>The crew cabin, made of reinforced aluminum, was a particularly robust section of the orbiter. During vehicle breakup, it detached in one piece and slowly tumbled into a ballistic arc. The forces involved at this stage were probably insufficient to cause major injury.
>At least some of the crew were alive and at least briefly conscious after the breakup, as three of the four recovered Personal Egress Air Packs on the flight deck were found to have been activated.
>Some experts believe most if not all of the crew were alive and possibly conscious during the entire descent until impact with the ocean.
Talk about irl nightmare fuel... who develops a crew safety feature to survive then not have any method of slowing it down for water impacts... they trained the fucking crew to swim and no-one asked about the cabin itself surviving a water impact...

>> No.12068646

>he doesnt stack some parachutes on the crew module

>> No.12068648

The Shuttle was a mess.

>> No.12068655

I don’t see why the couldn’t have made the crew cabin it’s own pressurized module, and added at least a parachute on it. Literally would’ve been as easy as placing a wall at the back of it with the rest of the orbiter. I’m not even talking about an abort system I’m just talking about making it it’s own pressure vessel with a parachute.

>> No.12068692

too complex, would have delayed the program
please understand

>> No.12068693

I wonder if they could have bailed out if they were wearing the later LES suits. Probably not enough time for all of them to do so.


>> No.12068698

The more I read about the shuttle the more I question how it came to be in the first place. That thing was so dangerous

>> No.12068711

Basically Congress wouldn't keep funding the Saturn V, Nixon killed the actual useful parts of the STS architecture like the Saturn based nuclear space ferries, and then the Air Force stuck their dick in the whole process insisting on single orbit pass snatch and grab capability that gave us the clusterfuck of the eventual design.

>> No.12068811

To be fair it was not dangerous when the engineers could ensure the shuttle launched under reasonable conditions but the NASA administration and upper contractor management were so desperate for launches that they went out of the recommended launch conditions thinking they were somehow more knowledgeable than the men who built and tested the rockets, the biggest scandal being Challenger with NASA administrators and Morton Thiokol managers intimidating and overriding the engineers into launching well out of spec of the SRBs capability and the subsequent attempted coverup until hero's like Allan McDonald spoke up and uncovered the entire shitshow.

>> No.12068862

>Successful Electron launch this weekend
>Delta IV abort
ULA btfo

>> No.12068863

I'll complain about stabilizing Liquid ozone then.

>> No.12068866

Reminder for tomorrow.

>Starlink launch
>Elon (and others) speaking @ ExploreMars
>Starship backup dates cancelled due to high winds

>> No.12068868


>> No.12068926
File: 5 KB, 260x680, scrub2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to occasionally clean your rockets.

>> No.12068934

Why don't they clean them anyway? Doesn't that soot cause drag and add a little weight?

>> No.12068941

Launch when?

>> No.12068952

Starlink on Tuesday is the closest.

>> No.12068977

no, it's not soot it's singing

>> No.12068980
File: 2.27 MB, 5184x3888, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12068991
File: 16 KB, 281x388, feynman-challenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once they did something out of spec and it didn't fail, it essentially became the new spec.

>> No.12068997
File: 369 KB, 1366x2048, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats ULA on beautiful launch and landing.

>> No.12069003

OSHA approved

>> No.12069005
File: 338 KB, 750x634, 53F5F79E-B7C5-4F89-A406-842385F755BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, give me some geologypills. How the fuck did it form? Why does Titan have such an absurd atmosphere?

>> No.12069017

Loads of nitrogen that is hard to strip down by solar radiation, also far away from sun.

>> No.12069037


>> No.12069043

Ten years ago the countdown to the next rocket launch was measured in months. Now we measure in weeks and days. What a time to be alive.

>> No.12069056

Next goal is hours
Maybe one day we can get to minutes

>> No.12069141


>> No.12069147
File: 396 KB, 803x872, index.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger-ass astronomers
>how do you mitigate the damage from megaconstellations
>just don't do it lol
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.12069149
File: 213 KB, 807x907, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the rest of that report

>> No.12069152

Yeah I was wondering this too. By the time Elon is (supposedly) launching dozens of starships a day, will a countdown even be necessary? They don’t give countdowns for plane takeoffs. I suppose they will give the crew a 15 minute countdown or something because you’re gonna want to be seated and strapped in by the time those engines let loose

>> No.12069158

Astronomers should know their place. The future now belongs to engineers and geologists who will be zipping around the solar system and setting up constellations around each habitable solar system body.

>> No.12069162

Sore losers need to just build more space telescopes.

>> No.12069167

As a satellite enthusiast, fuck the stars

>> No.12069180


>> No.12069232

Unlike planes, rockets have little margin for course correction, so some sort of launch window is necessary, and it can become especially narrow of you want to meet or avoid something already in orbit.

>> No.12069241

>spaceX has accomplished more in 10 years than oldspace has in the last 40
It should be illegal for Billionaires to destroy government contractors

>> No.12069342

Well the recommendations are sound actually. If everyone and his mother launches his own constellation when the kg/leo price goes way down it will be a clusterfuck.

>> No.12069350

Yeah I agree, there needs to be a limit at some point. Obviously bezos will do it. I’d imagine it will help him expand amazon servers and whatnot. And pretty soon every schmuck is going to want their own satellite and their own constellation.

>> No.12069470

How come "astronomers" attack satellite constellations but not their very own bugman cities for light pollution?

>> No.12069537

We need to get past this awkward phase to a point where astronomers will be able to use multiple kilometre wide telescopes in space. With a few being maintained planetside as backups and possibly historical landmarks.

>> No.12069608

Cause they bugmen.

>> No.12069629

new bread