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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 93 KB, 897x521, performanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12054429 No.12054429 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute retard - edition
Thread for the discussion of evidence based medicine. We discuss research, we DO NOT offer advice (the best and only one is to see your family physician), dive into the implications of semitic subversion into daily practice, make fun of premeds and dothead/chink gunners and shitpost.

>> No.12054454

pls cure tinnitus

>> No.12054480


>> No.12054523

Based but cringe.

>> No.12054543

red pill me on the best state/country to practice medicine

>> No.12054550

US midwest.

>> No.12054562


>> No.12054676

First cure cancer then you can start making threads here, useless medcucks.

>> No.12054680
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>No, I unironically want brainlet schizos to kill themselves and stop shitting up my comfy science/med threads
Nothing I've said is incomprehensible unless you are fucking retarded
You're the same idiot who feels that by not using a doctor, I've personally insulted him. I didn't have the foresight that the T-man would repeal Medicaid for all unable to work. You're lucky I'm at least smart enough not to have listened to you, you disgusting trash of a person. Hope I never somehow have a say about what happens to you.

>> No.12054709

Hello /med/
I'm 21 and got problems with my libido since I've been like 17. Just got my testosterone tested and I've got 7,050 ng/ml which is pretty great as I understand. Now how the FUCK do I have problems with libido with that number. I remember that the problems started when I did nofap for like two weeks and I remember that I tried to repair it by taking some herbal shit that's supposed to boost my test. I'm 21 and I feel like I'm 50 in terms of my desire to fuck chicks. And no I'm not gay nor bi. Athletic build 5'10 74kg
Help me

>> No.12054745

The cure for cancer is ageing, the cure for ageing is cancer. Dying is your fate, meatcuck.

Cope and seethe.

>> No.12054764
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Sweet dreams, schizo fuck.

>> No.12054772

Help me /med/ I'm having problems being a promiscuous sinner

>> No.12054774

You'll die being a retard. How does that make you feel?

>> No.12054777

If you don't want to fuck, don't fuck. I don't understand your problem.

>> No.12054787

I'm even better at ad hominems than you. What reason do you have to live?

>> No.12054800

Take my man's advice

>> No.12054814
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Insulin it is then.

>> No.12054823

I am so not retarded, if there is a God, I am not fated to live the rest of my life this way. I will get better, in spite of you, unfortunately. You are on my shit list.

>> No.12054861

Quality thread

>> No.12054863

Sure, but why don't you first:
>solve the RH then you can start making threads here, useless mathcucks
>find a TOE then you can start making threads here, useless physcucks
>solve materials science then you can start making threads here, useless chemcucks
>perfect CRISPR then you can start making threads here, useless biocucks
>solve the hard problem of consciousness then you can start making threads here, useless psycucks
>find a system of UBI that works then you can start making threads here, useless econcucks
>find out who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays then you can start making threads here, useless litcucks
>prove climate change is real then you can start making threads here, useless geocucks
>solve the question of whether britbongs were actually nignogs then you can start making threads here, useless hiscucks
>solve the questions in chapter 1 of your introductory textbook, then you can start making threads here, useless categorytheorycucks

Choose your field and task
Now fuck off and don't come back

>> No.12054865

>if there is a God
Big if
>I am not fated to live the rest of my life this way
Big cope

>> No.12054866


>> No.12054870

no such thing

>> No.12054873

Sleep, eat healthy, exercise and stop taking herbal shit.

>> No.12054876

Just get really fat and don't sleep.

>> No.12054879

>invert entropy go back in time
>tell yourself to avoid hearing damage
>tinnitus solved

>> No.12054884

rent free seethe

>> No.12054894

>Big if
If doesn't imply possibly-not, you goddamned moron who apparently doesn't belong here. If possibly-not is what you mean to claim, then prove it, mindlet.

>> No.12054901

Que le paso al pana de la Pic Related?
Also, How much does your typical MD spends in his College/MedSchool life?

>> No.12054969

>hey bro, stop blasting to those roaring thick riffs
I simply won't listen to myself.

>> No.12054981
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I won med school. What now ?

>> No.12055051

Any reliable text (textbook, guideline, etc) on rehydration of elderly patients with different chronic diseases?

>> No.12055096
File: 61 KB, 461x1024, 17-06-33-1598509061271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a recovery will this guy make from being shot in the arm?

>> No.12055114

lol just give them water

>> No.12055131

What if they're unconscious?

>> No.12055146

That will probably work and sadly cause the doctor to believe his medical schooling is what made the difference

>> No.12055235

Do you mean you earned your degree, or that you were admitted?

>> No.12055277

Well said. I would refer to my post about medicine having become a narcissistic and psychopathic religion a few threads ago. That's why he's insulted, you're trampling on hios grandiose false self. I mean he is a GOD afterall, and yet you say you don't need him? YOU? YOU don't need HIM? After he went to school for [years] and spent [amount] and did his residency at [prestigious location] to gain recognition and status by and within [field]. And yet here you are thinking you can even EXIST without his explicit permission?! He is GOD and you're just a NOBODY! How dare you refuse to provide the required narcissitic supply, how dare you trample on his grandiose sense of self importance, how dare you dominate and emasculate and humilate him like this?!!

>> No.12055306

Onions yo. Es el resultado de un simulador de examen a especialista.
El título de médico general se obtiene con cinco años de facultad, un año de interno y un año de servicio social.

I posted my results to be dumb-shamed in order to study more. Feel free to call me retard.

>> No.12055338

The exclamation point supercedes the question mark. Does it! Themoreyouknow.gif

>> No.12055374

Their kidneys are fucked.

Sorry, nobody writes actual practices for medicines, thanks to EBM all everyone does is wank over bullshit paper to bullshit paper

>> No.12055380

It's ok, anon. Nobody really knows what they're doing.

>> No.12055393
File: 212 KB, 800x600, spot9_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get into med?
i have zero passion for everything and i am a very unmotivated, uninspired, unsociable lazy person but i do have top grades. med has the highest requirements so it must be good, right?

>> No.12055478

It's not ok. The results I've been getting are bot in the top 20% which cuts me from getting making the list.
Doctors, IMO and regardless of their level, should never be contempt with being mediocre.

>> No.12055675

>ward is under control and stable
>nurses aren't retarded
>coffee is warm
>cool breeze from the window
>hospital food wasn't terrible today
I love hospital life.

>> No.12055679

Might as well be the same thing, barely anyone fails out of med school.

>> No.12055684

Good. Now check back in tomorrow and tell me how much you hate ward rounds and clinics. I'll be waiting, my son.

>> No.12055695

Universities should cut/defund the bottom 5% of each semester to encourage competition.

>> No.12055775

Where did you pick up on all your rehydration savvy during med school then? I'm not looking to become some guru, just read up on core principles I missed on or consciously skipped on in med school. I'm this close to asking some of my ICU buds to show me the way, but I'd like to educate myself if possible before I resort to becoming the laughing stock of the hospital.

>> No.12055782

universities don't fund the bottom tier students' education

>> No.12055794


>> No.12055803

The requirements for med are highly overinflated. You get in and you'll realise how soul-crushingly procedural and algorithmic it is (anybody who disagrees with this is lying to themselves or in denial). Do what you're interested in anon, you only live once

>> No.12055810

>med has the highest requirements
This is what pre-meds actually believe

>> No.12055942

and then you wake up

>> No.12055952
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Starting my clinical lab scientist rotations on monday, wish me luck

>> No.12056354

Public universities in my shithole do so.

>> No.12056403

Accelerated BSN student here, ask me how much I realized I hate nursing theory

>> No.12056560

i fucking hate PAs so much holy fucking shit

>> No.12056581

for some reason i find tinnitus to be relaxing

>> No.12056584


>> No.12056601

a general for medicine and you useless retards still haven't found a cure to covid19?

>> No.12056606


>> No.12056632

Why would I find a cure for the boomer killing machine?

>> No.12056832
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think I coomed too much and got an infection.Since yesterday I felt some random pain driven to the tip of my dick, didn't feel burning, it was more like something hit me or a sore muscle.

Now I coomed again and the pain increased a bit localized at one side of my pubic region, feels vague and in pulses, so I guess it's epidydimitis or some shit. I'm gonna start TMP 160/800, got any other tips or things i should be aware of?

>> No.12056976


>> No.12056977

I'm about to enter med school in my country (university is in the world directory of med schools and approved by the California board) and would like to have the chance to practise in the US someday. What are some ways to maximise my possibilities of getting accepted into a US residency program?

>> No.12057068
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is he going to make it?

>> No.12057106


it got amputated.

>> No.12057398


>> No.12057459
File: 269 KB, 680x459, 3FEA4505-C3BF-4C99-AC32-9B054AB35B54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll be fine

>> No.12057503

this probably belongs in a /sqt/ but there isnt one, can the puborectalis sling muscle be stretched or conditioned in cases of tightness?

>> No.12057608

Some types of tinnitus can be relaxing, like brown or white noise. Mine is a very high pitched "EEEEEEEEEE". Not relaxing at all.

>> No.12057640


>> No.12057646

>we DO NOT offer advice
fuck you

>> No.12057653

is there anything i should look up for quality information on this?

>> No.12057702

Pay up or fuck yourself.

>> No.12057836

Don't get me wrong that's just my thoughts.
Are radiologists just working with MRI, CT and they do all kind of scans and that's pretty much everything?

They usually, don't prescribe meds etc.?

>> No.12057845

Radio techs are machine operatives. Doctors who spec on radioimaginology are supposedly trained on high specialty techniques and interpretation of all forms of procedures.

>> No.12057856

not hating on nurses but why do they always look so unprofessional? also their facial structure is never class 1

>> No.12057858

>bro does this fluid look darker than normal to you?
>nah bro, its just overexposed

>> No.12057909

Help me niggers, my balls are at stake here. Why the fuck does it hurt only to the left side of my pubis.

>> No.12057940
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>shit abscess in my butt cheek filling up with shit again

>> No.12057974

Well you’ve obviously never met me then. Also post body.

>> No.12058018
File: 556 KB, 720x672, fb0e97407ecbb14b449bd2bd786ed74ec08a7fd32f4069896b7446ce2b70e315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be canadian
>want to get an mri of specific organ
>have to literally beg my doctor and be actually dying for them to even consider it because they are gatekeepers and the government wants to save money

>be american or swiss
>want to get an mri of specific organ
>all I need to do is go to an mri clinic and pay $1400 and they'll pretty much do any organ I want, in video format and email it to me in HD

Why can't we have a free market in healthcare with consumer choice, but with low prices?

>> No.12058038
File: 123 KB, 960x720, 40325420_2272444699463703_8007840302893105152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do a watered down human bio degree
>Anatomy/Physio majors
>Do an honours year because I quickly find out that without it, the equally worthless degree is even more useless
>Get a first class honours, but after a year of that I can't think of anything worse than working as a lab tech for 50k a year, nor have any real aspiration to get into medical research because of the lack of job security, also I'm not smart enough
I finished last year. Since then I've just been working retail and I've made no effort to look for work.

I don't even know what my options are? My GPA is great but I don't really want to go back to study. Any suggestions, I'm definitely sick of my deadend job.

>> No.12058108

> t. retard who paid $1400 for an MRI they didn't need

Hope you found a big overdiagnosis to worry about

>> No.12058121

>why can't the trained professional prescribe me something to treat whatever I've misdiagnosed myself!1!! I googled it twice!!1
We are living an era of stultification fueled by overinformation.

>> No.12058126

>i and i alone should be legally able to practice anything even vaguely medical regardless of the actual skill needed to operate it
bring back the barber-surgeon desu

>> No.12058165

Unironically yes. You don't have any grasp of the shit I've been through in order to get my degree. My young 20s will never come back and I find it insulting and infuriating when some nobody idiot that got his "diagnosis" from Google comes to my office and asks me to give him whatever he thinks he needs while throwing into the shitter years of practice and studying.
Idiots nowadays not only think they know more than a trained physician but on the rare case they get whatever shit they wanted and things don't go their way they, on top of everything, have the nerve to blame the motherfucking trained professional.
Go drown in a pool of snake oil lubricated cocks and fuck yourself.

>> No.12058174

omg i can't believe you're saying this #medicalabuse #spoonie #eds #chroniclyme

>> No.12058232
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not previous poster. just a coincidence. idiot patient self-administered levothyroxine. this did affect his symptoms. My question is: would levothyroxine cause ataxia in a healthy patient, or does it affecting the existing symptoms imply the issue is with the thyroid in the first place. (just avoiding prescribing carbimazole or arguing for a blood test with a latter day saint)

>> No.12058255

>picks science
>doesnt want to be a lab tech
>too dumb for reasearch

What are you doing with your life? I mean it was either lab tech or researcher from the get-go.

>> No.12058310

This is what I was afraid of

>> No.12058320

>i wasted my youth to do a job any idiot could likely be trained to do
>I will likely be replaced within the next 10-20 years by a nurse with 2 years training and an expert system put together by 5 or 10 good programmers and an army of pajeets.

>> No.12058377

I hate this word. Always made me wonder what I'm doing wrong. I mean, how the fuck is everyone else "conducting research"? Then I realized the average internet experience outside normie-tier facebook and reddit cat pictures is "conducting research." I unfortunately was never stupid enough not to recognize what I now know to be the deceptive formality of the term, like midwits who just accept and thrive in whatever environment is given them. Like faceberg. That website is so poorly-designed but they tapped into the normie market, who just accepted it as is. I'm sure these same normalfaggot retards "conduct research" with no qualms that they're not actually doing anything special.

>> No.12058380

>idiot patient
you're probably an idot

>> No.12058385

reading papers and forming your own conclusions is definitely "doing research"
it's easy to become more knowledge on a specific subject than a doctor thanks to the internet.

>> No.12058405

The only thing I can infer from this post, assuming you're not an idiot yourself, is that "idiot patient" is not accepted vernacular. I apologize. He's actually brilliant.

>> No.12058414

>implying CS trannies have the grasp of real world problems, let alone shit with huge black boxes like the unintelligible shit people say
>implying people don't turn AI retarded on purpose
>Implying some AI cripple will be more efficient at evaluating patients
>Implying making medicine more accessible is more profitable to the insurance cabal

Math Schizos and CS trannies should be hauling potato sacks in markets before starting their degree.

>> No.12058439

>ataxiacunt is back at it again
Get a job, scrub fuck.

>> No.12058446

Im going to do something stupid and ask for a prognosis here since i cant get to a doctor
Started with lymph node swelling, incredibly painful
Next day lymph pain + a crazy bilateral pain near hip, if i pushed the pain eould come on slow but sharp and linger
Two days later stomach ache, right side near appendinx. No issues with excretion so iunlikely appendicitis
2 days later chest pain developes, mainly around and below heart, feels like theres a weight on my chest
Pain in right side continues, but also feels bilateral. Over past few days a new kind of pain that feels like being pinched under the skin is happening in random parts of the body: leg, back, torso.
More consistent pain in right thigh around satorius.
No fever, temp seems normal, no discoloration in urine. Breathing appears normal, bp idk

>> No.12058458

>implying someone somewhere wont eventually look at your salary and realise how much more money they could make not paying you to deliver shit service between reading papers.

>> No.12058530


>> No.12058669

thats some easy stuff nigga

>> No.12058707

US Midwest or somewhere in a big city as long as you don't mind commuting to work every day (assuming that you want to live in a house and not in the middle of the city)....and yea,Switzerland is a good idea too

>> No.12058713

Sarcosine. Phenylalanine. Ur welcome

>> No.12058746
File: 23 KB, 466x572, 1595588040080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz help,where can i find an anki deck for bones

>> No.12058924
File: 40 KB, 400x458, 2014_09_17_12_34_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, this shit hurts so annoyingly. Should I use anti inflamatories or not? Has anyone heard if they actually help infections spread?

>> No.12058934

You don't need that, each different bone is like 65 names. Use a dictionary instead, the etymology helps. For features you're supposed to study them along with the organs of the region. What are you having trouble with?

>> No.12058955

My salary is 600 bucks. I'm a med in the real world, not insuranceland. People who work at callcenters are paid the same.

>> No.12058990

I only start my first day of medschool on monday and i just checked what we have to learn for the first couple of weeks, seemed like alot of bones and smaller parts of them, maybe i just got overwhelmed without starting,
What do you recommend using anki for then?

>> No.12059005 [DELETED] 

>front and back vanity plates on his ford mustang blasting that nigger bass for all the neighborhood folk to annoyed with his holy presence
>cancel my 1pm. getting my tips frosted

>> No.12059021

>front and back vanity plates on his ford mustang blasting that nigger bass for all the neighborhood folk to be annoyed with his holy presence
>cancel my 1pm. getting my tips frosted

>> No.12059176

PALS & USML. It's designed to develop your long term memory through repetition, not the short term needed to pass the exams and fuck off.
If you ever feel like using basic anatomy for other than general practice then learn about bodybuilding and get your hands on some real ass bones.
Now fuck off, premed faggot.

>> No.12059532

First of all, are you sure medicine is for you? Have you ever been in a hospital and followed a medic around? Where do you live? If you live in the US, your goal will be passing the USMLE, then you'd ask seniors for qbanks and such, you will end up becoming a shit medic as well but that's how it is.

If you live anywhere else, the most important areas are anatomy, physiology, light reading on pharmacology, pathology, and finally medicine in which you'll have to memorize treatments.

>> No.12059567

Yeah, i am very sure of it, also have shadowed a traumatologist before. I live in Eastern Europe.

>> No.12059628

Pharmacology>everything else

>> No.12059670

Got accepted to PA school

>> No.12059692


>> No.12059700

May be more interesting, but it's worthless in practice.

>> No.12059717

Now i'm starting to get pain on the other side of my pubis as well.

>> No.12060010

>it's worthless in practice

>> No.12060021

Got any tips on what to do before starting. My program starts in February.

>> No.12060056

How did this happen, /sci/? I want to have children, how come i get absolutely no urethritis but bacteria colonize my fucking prostate.

>> No.12060181

Fuck bitches and get money. You'll miss both if you graduate.

>> No.12061010

How critical is research experience for getting into specialties?
I've done a little bit but had a shit supervisor who had no money and so made little progress. Also I think I fucking hate it.
Not even sure if I want to do a specialty, I prefer variety and don't want to be a public service hospital drone (I live in Australia btw).
Yet, there's still a part of me thinking I'm missing out on opportunities. What do?
>nice blog post

>> No.12061018

Follow your heart

>> No.12061037

I think to make the research actually worth something as a qualification for specialty I would have to do a PhD.
Fuck that shit. Haven't seen something more soul crushing.

>> No.12061041

Have you heard of Law School?

>> No.12061047


>> No.12061111
File: 69 KB, 460x690, a9nr426_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the surgeons cut something out of me (gallbladder, tumor, appendix, etc...), I should get to take that thing home with me right?

>> No.12061121

never should have let them vote

>> No.12061788

>> t. retard who paid $1400 for an MRI they didn't need
What if I did need it?

People should be allowed to purchase any medical scan they want at any time.
Anything else is fascism. Fuck gatekeeper shitstains.

You're a glorified dictionary and yes, you to can make mistakes. Fuck off gatekeeper.

>> No.12061828

How likely is it that a person who ODed on phenobarbital and is now in intensive care with unworking kidneys will survive? And if that person survives, will she need a kidney transplant or she may restore her organs' function?

>> No.12061841

If you did need it, your doctor would send you for one.

If you disagree with them you can always seek a second opinion or if you think they are negligent you can report them.

>> No.12061884

Is studying for more than 12 hours each day actually possible or are my classmates exaggerating?

>> No.12061906

They mean 3 hours of studying and 9 hours of facebook and netflix.

>> No.12061921

you should go to doctor

>> No.12061931

no they go into lab for histologic analysis

>> No.12062041

I've made a couple of marathonic days resembling a day of school but it is soul crushing after the sixth hour because words stop having meaning and shit.
Your classmates are either 150+ IQ geniuses with Ritalin addiction or full of crap. Regardless, you should only compare your performance with your former self and find the method best suited for your learning style.
>What if I did need it?
Then there would be a 1/1000000 chance you're not retarded.
>People should be allowed to purchase any medical scan they want at any time.
I agree a 100% with you. Just don't expect those services from communally founded non profitable organizations.
Next time you feel like demanding shit do it at a privately owned clinic with cash upfront; I've heard great things from Somalia (aka Ancapistan).
>You're a glorified dictionary and yes, you to can make mistakes
Considering you're a borderline retarded simpleton I'll take it as a compliment. Keep the seethe, broke ass denselord.

Now please fuck off and stop blaming physicians for the shortcomings of governments and economic systems.

>> No.12062208

Your forgot to add the broad and rich field of critical theory. Clearly the superior goal is to undo the enlightenment, unless you are a total criticuck

>> No.12062238

"I cant get to a doctor"

>> No.12062241
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1557038337475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the consensus on adult onset light cannabis use? I'm 21, currently. What's the risk factor?

>> No.12062361

Not an excuse.

>> No.12062401

It makes you retarded.
I saw it first hand with a friend of mine.
Plus cannabis is always laced with junk to appear as good quality which only has pile of other potential hazards.
Just dont do it.

>> No.12062410

I studied more that that and got burned out to a point of almost throwing the towel in my final year.
If you are clean student as in you actually want to learn,12h go by fast and there will be a ton of unlearned things after which you would not want to talk about it at all.
People who boast about what and how they do they most likely cheat straight up with knowing the questions upfront or cheat with drugs,or as >>12061906 said its all illusion of studying.
Just remember that everyone will pass and you are only studying for your own benefit.

>> No.12062458

Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that I have a medical card and access to a dispensary regulated for heavy metal content in the soil, pesticides, etc. The literature I've seen on this subject, while inconsistent with regards to frequent adolescent use, doesn't seem to attribute light adult-onset smoking with long term cognitive impairment. I'd be interested in seeing evidence to the contrary. It's still risky, of course, given that research is still in its infancy. How frequently did your friend use it, and how old were they when they started?

>> No.12062489

>Then there would be a 1/1000000 chance you're not retarded.
People who know what they're doing and have money can get MRI scans to diagnose things doctors are too lazy to diagnose.
People who pursue their own health because the doctors they go to are lazy usually end up fixing their problems.
>Just don't expect those services from communally founded non profitable organizations.
I never implied this.

> I've heard great things from Somalia (aka Ancapistan).
LOL Are we really doing this.
Ok bootlicker.
Somalia is a failed socialist state and is currently underrun by warlords, not a free market.
We actually had a free market in healthcare in USA in the 50s and 60s and the prices were extremely cheap, the quality was high and the doctors actually cared about you.

>Considering you're a borderline retarded simpleton
Many of my health problems I managed to fix myself by reading medical studies because doctors are NPC robots.

>> No.12062498
File: 10 KB, 512x512, thinking-emoji-by-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had this cough for the past year. It's a dry cough.
It only happens randomly like 1-2 times a month or so and it only happens for like 1 minute. That's a small amount of time and it rarely happens, but it does happen and has been going on for some time.

What could be causing this?

>> No.12062505

extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis

>> No.12062521


>> No.12062620

we cant help you through internet, your best bet is to see doctor or die tryin

>> No.12062628

>I have had this cough for the past year. It's a dry cough.
persistent mild sarscov2 infection

>> No.12062634

Penile softiosis.

>> No.12062714

I wonder if she knows the big boobs, pale white skin and dark hair archetype is incredibly attractive.

I also wonder if she knows that a tattoo universally degrades the appearance. That stupid thing slapped on the bulk of her upper and inner thigh is tragic.

I could put up with some of this if there wasn't a mindless self mutilating component to the desperate search for identity. Yes yes, the broads you don't want are npow wearing a red flag, but how about this? How about we just don't have a bunch of women that need red flags?

Fuck this planet. It's a decadence which is almost Biblical. This has all happened before, many times.

>> No.12062728

You could try to get them from the pathology lab, they send it to them to check if you didn't have some hidden cancer. You could make the request before the procedure, specially since there's a posibility you want to take the piece to a private lab of your preference.

>> No.12062729

>US doctors are absolute shit and they wouldn't send people to studies even if they need it since the insurance company is harassing them about what they should and shouldn't send.

>> No.12062731

About tree fiddy.

>> No.12062733
File: 24 KB, 541x567, dasraite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12062750

Who knows what that shit is. It may go from lymphoma to some weird parasite fucking up your blood, most likely the parasite. You need tests, the very least blood count with reticulocites and platelets because why not, blood culture, thick smear, urine test. You need to go to the hospital, and if the pain is bothersome, you must go now.

>> No.12062757

Posts made by retards like >>12062750, create double retards like >>12062489.

>> No.12062763

The fact that he didn't want to go to the doctor in the first place proves he was a retard all along. I just gave him something to expect.

>> No.12062809

>I just gave him something to expect.
What are you on about, chief?

>> No.12062815
File: 1.70 MB, 2575x2726, 1563520966106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Medical system
>free market
Are you retarded?
These insurance cartels are the result of government intervention, nothing else.

>> No.12062817

how bad are crushed cherry pits for you? literally just ate like 5 accidentally lmao

>> No.12062820

Notice how you weren't able to respond to any of the points in my post.

Triple retard.

>> No.12062825

cyanide poisoning

>> No.12062851

5 is fine. You could probable eat like 50-100 before even noticing the cyanide

>> No.12062859

Why would I dignify you idiotic diatribes with a serious answer?
Your "arguments" rely on anecdotic experiences with zero academic value. By judging your lack of scholar argot I've already concluded you're a manual labourer or some retail drone.
Do you honestly expect me to waste my way more valuable time schooling you on medical protocols and conclusive diagnosis? Pay for your shit or fuck off.

>> No.12062877

GERD lose weight fatso

>> No.12062887

>Do you honestly expect me to waste my
Ahhhh, classic "holier than thou" doctor cop out.

>> No.12062910

>ad hominems (it's not just a fancy latin replacement for 'insult' as people who learned their logic by imageboard example seem to think)
Just checked, and I am unfooled that you've said anything. Looks like you need to waste yet more of your time, chief

>> No.12062922

Sup clamps

>> No.12063143

Has this thread ever died simply from no one posting?

>> No.12063328

source? or are you just talking out of your ass?

>> No.12063367

There's no way to save something like that. Half of the arm had no irrigation, there is not enough skin to cover the wound, his hand became a free-radical bomb that would give revascularization shock if attempted. It's dead Jim.

>> No.12064300 [DELETED] 

That's not me. Also, unclamp.

>> No.12064378

Where my vetchads at?

>> No.12064380


>> No.12064393

Clamps has been scarce around here after he got his dox dropped

>> No.12064568

Hyperthyroidism causes muscle weakness, especially in the proximal muscles. But does marked weakness in the proximal muscles indicate, among others, hyperthyroidism? How many diseases cause proximal muscle weakness?

>> No.12064675

Gofuckyourselfitis, dear ataxiascrub.

>> No.12064702

I haven't been on here in a while. What did I miss?

>> No.12064718

Just because this is 4chan doesn't permit you to be so rude. I remind you of the hypocritic oath.

>> No.12064833

Best resources for reading EKGs?

>> No.12064889

Let me remind you get a job, deadbeat degenerate.

>> No.12064976

Is it really? What makes you say this? I'm not fat at all, but I have some stomach issues and duodenal inflammation.

>> No.12064979

just do the antibiotic regimen. One of my testes swelled up almost double from a light infection i didnt manage well enough soon enough. symptoms just like that.

>> No.12064982

Not whoever that is, sorry.

>> No.12065133

>Let me remind you get a job,
I can neither talk, walk, nor even hold steady. What makes you think I don't have a job grunting at people as they enter walmart. What makes you think this is even a relevant thing to say. You have an underdeveloped mind and a juvenile attitude; I guarantee your opportunistic vitriol scares off the site any self-respecting medical student, doctor, or user in general to the point this entire thread is probably just one samefagging schizo who doesn't like real people penetrating his safe fantasy bubble (that's what she said); and if the mods care at all about this site, they'll b& you for life. You present like you're not even old enough to be here.

>> No.12065517

Any Maxfax here? Im a dental student thinking in specializing in oral surgery in the future. What do you think?

>> No.12065614


>> No.12065616

>Help you live past 40 and up to 80 with minimal health problems
Why are nonmedics so entitled?

>> No.12065644

hey doctors
can anyone help me out

i have all of the symptoms of bowel cancer listed here except for the last two ( https://www.cancer.org.au/cancer-information/types-of-cancer/bowel-cancer))
i also have a family history of bowel cancer, and i eat a lot of red meat and i am overweight (but not obese)

i talked to both my family and my gp about how i think i might have bowel cancer, but they both laughed it off saying i'm too young to have bowel cancer (i'm 18)
should i get a new gp, or am i just a hypochondriac?

>> No.12065670

Yes, get a new GP.

>t. swiss who can change his GP any time.

>> No.12065689
File: 51 KB, 482x610, czerny_teaching_medical_students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those symptoms can be explained with haemorrhoids +/- IBS, go get a proper rectal examination. If you have symptoms of colon cancer then the disease is usually already advanced, most colon cancers if they are cured are detected during routine screening of old (50+) people.
The family history is only really significant if they had colon cancer at early ages (before 45) in your case, because there are some genetic diseases that cause colon cancer at early ages (e.g. Familial Adenomatous Pollyposis).
Overall it is extremely unlikely you have colon cancer, but if your symptoms are bothering you and you get regular blood in the stool then a proper workup is important to rule out IBD (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) or a diverticulosis. But given the fact that you have a likely low fibre diet and are overweight (hence you strain a lot on the toilet likely), your symptoms are likely caused by haemorrhoids; solution is to stop straining so hard on the toilet and eat a high fibre diet.

>> No.12065694

Im not gonna do maxfax but the only dentist at my medical school is going to become one and he's a chad

>> No.12065713

>>t. swiss who can change his GP any time.

>> No.12065725


>> No.12065733

>I'm a dent-
Your breed isn't welcome here.

>> No.12065869

t. C tier MS

>> No.12066011
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 2314643643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post more info about that?

>> No.12066299

scroll to the bottom then up until you see the apu comic

>> No.12066328

Any anons from germany? how do i get into residency there?

>> No.12066600

Can some of you guys explain how to cope with work life balance? Doctors are increasingly being treated like shit. wat do?

>> No.12066770
File: 75 KB, 311x311, 1468562003214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I was in that thread and completely missed those posts.

>> No.12066793
File: 96 KB, 1080x1120, 1586805299371[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What diseases are known to cause proximal muscle weakness?

>> No.12067102


>> No.12067179

>I can neither talk, walk, nor even hold steady
Yet you can bitch around 24/7 on a moravian welding forum. Also, let's not forget the fact that by lurking here you're a top degenerate undeserving of any compassion.
Know your place, trash.

>> No.12067227

So, you're doubling down and saying that because I lurk here, your infantile tantrums are warranted. Got it. In a better world, you would listen when I tell you to kill yourself. Unfortunately, you'll remain resilient fueled by pure stupidity. Does it thrill you to know there's someone out there who knows that you should die?

>> No.12067248

polymyositis too

>> No.12067449
File: 2.66 MB, 1404x1528, Screenshot 2020-07-04 at 20.07.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup boys

>> No.12067478
File: 883 KB, 1018x744, Screenshot 2020-08-30 at 21.48.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polyneuropathy, Guillan-Barrè Syndrome, Myasthenia gravis, Lymes disease.

Only brits know TONY

>> No.12067509

depressed, life is shit, people are shit, friends are traitorous scum. Im gonna become glorious be great for few years make big bank and leave it all to family and fuck off to the woods to live completely isolated from anyone and anything!

>> No.12067553

There won't ever be a cure for cancer but ever better ways to diagnose earlier all types of cancer and excise them surgically or with radiation

>> No.12067569

Now comes the hard part

>> No.12067583

Here in Italy there's a multi-answers quiz to pass to get in a specialization.
29000 candidates for 13000 contracts and those who don't get in can't do shit, mostly some substitution of family doctors.
I hate my life and I regret having studied medicine

>> No.12067587

Would bang. Shame for the tattoo, though

>> No.12068035

>Thread is vt calais version
>google says he lives in calais vt
holy shit it's actually a conspiracy

>> No.12068154

Odds are actually good then. In Mexico up to this year there were 10k seats for 50k doctors. Government decided to rise up to 18k this year but the applicants are now 60k and half of the contracts are either for rural medicine or family medicine.

>> No.12068184

What are you on about? tony the tiger. they're grrreat! frosted flakes
t. american

>> No.12069161

Lads, what's a good resource for looking up medications? Information about interactions, side effects etc.

>> No.12069253


>> No.12069300

what if the threads are start by him and clampposting is just a strategy to not make the thread die by accumulating the replies

>> No.12069303


>> No.12069414

Holy shit, lol

>> No.12069710

Your basic pharmacology textbook.

>> No.12069814

Oh le based americano

>> No.12069818

Your local dealer

>> No.12070099

Guys, what is it like to die of skin cancer? I have an appointment with a dermatologist soon, but I think I might have skin cancer and I want to know what I'm in for.

>> No.12070119


>> No.12070286
File: 163 KB, 303x566, 1598161089364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the same as dying of old age. Quit being a bitch.
>Implying you're an 80+ anon with advanced stage
>Implying that you are one of the ultra rare cases of skin cancer under 40 years old (presumably judging vy the fact that you know of this place)
>Implying that Dr Google (aka retarded you) gave you a correct presumptive diagnosis
>muh tantrums
I'm actually protecting you from your own stupidity and the fact that you are idiotic enough to not realize it makes me feel even more smug
>Does it thrill you to know there's someone out there who knows that you should die?
Not as much as knowing that there's a retard degenerate snorting Kirkland's B complex in an obscure flyover americunt redneck town
Stay buttmad baby deer walking ass retard.

>> No.12070309

It's just that I have very pale skin, my mom had melanoma, and I've had a bunch of new moles show up very recently and some of them are odd looking.

>> No.12070348

List of good /med/ countries.
New Zealand

>> No.12070417

anyone knows how to manufacture glutamine?

>> No.12070465

>I'm actually protecting you from your own stupidity and the fact that you are idiotic enough to not realize it makes me feel even more smug
>protecting you
>protecting you by throwing temper tantrums
You're right, I'm too much of an idiot to realize it.
>more smug
Mark of a stupid person. An intelligent person doesn't feel smug around inferior intelligence; a stupid person feels smug to cope with being stupid. see: every atheist ever
>in an obscure flyover americunt redneck town
From what is this inferred?

My replies are merely being glossed over, else you'd go sit and reflect at a pond somewhere.

>> No.12070493
File: 1.78 MB, 2648x4592, snap city.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have any edits for my back pain guide?

>> No.12070628

Medicine is guided by evidence and not by presumption. Yes, you have a higher risk than the average person but concerning yourself with a cancer you have no way to proof is nonsensical.
Everyone, by everything and everywhere is at risk of cancer yet the world isn't bedridden just waiting to die by Big C.
The only thing I can tell you is to follow your specialists instructions and worry about things as they come.
Live in the present and stop it with the worrying bitch attitude.
Stay buttmad.

>> No.12070638
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x608, 1586803264658[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between aspastic ataxia and muscle weakness?

>> No.12070651

I asked you a question in that post you didn't read you stupid twit.

>> No.12070725
File: 990 KB, 245x160, whhaaaaaaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what?

>> No.12070728

i think i have. and if it doesnt work i am willing to perish the thought of another experiment again.

>> No.12070735

>in an obscure flyover americunt redneck town
From what is this inferred?

>> No.12070742

He's just a degenerate city slicker. Stop giving him attention he neither deserves nor is able to learn from.

>> No.12070755

How does someone smarter than you think?

>> No.12070774

Smarter how?

>> No.12070802
File: 3.75 MB, 400x225, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wot m8?

>> No.12070821

Hey /med/ curious about this. Do you think there could ever be a scenario where covid mutates to be more lethal? I know the r0 is moderately high and there can be lots of complications/permanent damage to organs from the virus, but the overall death rate is still quite low. What I am wondering is, will be ever see people dropping like flies on the street?

>> No.12070858

There's no way to know for certain. Newly mutated agents cause all this shitstorm because there's no way to tell how will they react against each population.
A virus measure of success is its ability to blend with its host, replicating and spreading while causing the less harm possible. Aggressive viruses like ebola, generally, stay isolated in the same area because the patients die before they get to travel somewhere else.
The only thing I can guarantee is that the next pandemia will also be a virus and will also come from Asia. Since the aviary SARS the trend has been too much of a coincidence and every couple years the CCP disposes millions of animals infected by newly mutated agents.

>> No.12070901

>why deer
>"it's you rofl"
>and you are
>..."the hunter"
>and I'm the prey
>because I deserve it because I lurk here
>why not the mother deer
>which you can achieve by answering my fucking questions
I can have this conversation much easier myself. I've already filtered it, but can't filter you irl. So I'm gonna need you to stfu on your end.

feature request for 4chan x: filter posts by whether they contain any words with more than x syllables

>inb4 hurr dbeer xddd

>> No.12071145
File: 379 KB, 725x945, 1569822950448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look pal your seething was funny at first but rn is giving me enough pity for me to be blunt with you.
Your idiotic actions and academic disability have already lead you into fucking your nasal mucosa (by snorting B complex lmao) and worsening your symptoms by taking tyroxine. Chances are you'll eventually fuck your shit beyond repair if you keep reading whatever idiotic answers this scrub MSs give you.
I myself will make a personal effort to misguide you and hand you the wrong information in order to derail you from your search. You'll waste time searching idiotic shit that could've been used on looking for a non profit foundation or a job that would afford you a competent physician. Take the logic approach and leave, it's for your own well being.

>> No.12071167

Why is covid denial so rampant in the USA?

>> No.12071207

You're asking the wrong question. I mean what do you really expect? There are a lot of reasons, among them, the fact that covid is bullshit. Once we get that out of the way and get a real comversation off the ground, we can start discussing globalism, whether a social and economic reset was needed, and whether we should follow the script being laid out for us. Those old questions. Where are wre we, what are we, where are going, why are we going.

>> No.12071252

I've lost two distant relatives to that shit. The mother of a friend died by atypical pneumonia pb SC2. Granny of a friend got sick, was tested positive but made it through.
A couple months ago I had a minor fever followed by cephalalgia and lumbalgia that went away the following day. Didn't confirm the diagnosis because I wasn't at risk and desu was a bit scared.
It doesn't take a medic to confirm a raise on atypical pneumonia and link them to the chink outbreak.
Honestly I don't know why would anyone deny the obvious. I'm not retarded or american.

>> No.12071299

No, the source of your difficulty understanding is that you actually are retarded. Small minded, self centered, uncreative, and retarded. Let me expand your mind a bit.

-Assume the pathology we associate with covid exists
-Assume planned and opportunistic use of this situation
-Realize that covid can exist in some sense in one region, and not another.
-Realize that numbers can be both artificially inflated (fabricated), and reflect something real.
-Realize that the effects associated with covid can be caused by other things. You can have two different pathologies being called by the same name.
-Realize that the incentive for a pretext to mask (hah) a rapid economic and social reorganization exists.
-Realize that despite all this, the actual case mortality is icnredibly low, transmissability is low, infectivity is low. Nothing has reliably shown that asymptomatic carriers suffer deleterious effects via some other avenue, though this was my first assumption early on.

And I'll only briefly mention the possibility of syethetic biology, biomimetics, and nanotechnology with you. You'll respond as though you're sane, snicker, mock, and make your little remarks and so on. Truth is, you're just like most people throughout history. Way behind the curve, but arrogantly and mutually self assured that you know exactly where you are and what the world really is. Despite spending most of your life waiting for someone else to tell you how it is, and to have it appaear as though everyone agrees.


>> No.12071326

The three doctors apparently insufficiently trained in hearing symptoms confused muscle weakness with ataxia (at what point are these the same thing), e.g. my perpetual imbalance is weakness in the muscles that control the balls of my feet. Doctors should and don't have ready a whole fucking host of follow-up questions for "I feel weird bro." "How so?" "Just weird..."

It's hyperthyroidism. Will blood test to be sure. If not, it's gss (runs in family), in which case, considering symptoms have stalled and I'm not already dead after a few months, as doctor-recommended, will snort ~100 million allogeneic adipose-derived MSCs. If that doesn't work, allogeneic NSCs. If that doesn't work, autologous iPSCs. If that doesn't work, autologous NSCs. If that doesn't work, then I will kill myself because fuck this stupid game where e.g. children masquerade as doctors >>12071145. One of these will work, because reality is infinite; God only need be possible; therefore God exists. and I'm me. Only the profoundly stupid and arrogant person believes they are the way the universe experiences itself -- only for this instant.
Will report back.

>> No.12071351

ironically* arrogant

>> No.12071359
File: 61 KB, 601x275, Memoryholed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a physician or MD student lol. You're a fucking retard and it's just obvious. Please get out of this thread. As OP has said /med/ is a....
>Thread for the discussion of evidence-based medicine.
You're not practicing that. At all.

There are quite a few reasons. First and foremost psychological warfare/disinformation. The fact that a lot of Americans, unfortunately, have a poor education and are incapable of critical thinking is a major contributing factor too. They prefer to think in terms of emotion rather than logic and that is reflected in the fact that they rather listen to politicians instead of epidemiologists and physicians for public health advice. Leadership is an issue. For example, see pic related. Their president for months continued to deny the seriousness fo the virus, refused to bother encouraging the population to abide by public health recommendations, and pushed a medication (hydroxychloroquine) which has been found to not benefit covid patients (in fact for some it worsened their condition and increased mortality). The USA is a very backwards place. No other nation on Earth has politicized public health to the extent the USA has. We are witnessing the early stages of the downfall of their society I'm afraid. These riots are not helping either and they are absolutely fueling the spread. The actual number of cases is probably a lot higher than what is officially recorded and due to politics they are now reversing guidelines on covid testing and you're apparently not allowed to even ask possible covid patients if they attended the protests/riots. A diseased society beyond saving. Just stop worrying and let nature take its course. This is a survival of the fittest situation now. There is no use in trying to reason with retards.
Sorry for your losses med bro, stay safe.

>> No.12071367

>You're not a physician or MD student lol. You're a fucking retard and it's just obvious. Please get out of this thread. As OP has said /med/ is a....
Nice reply. Fine, I'll leave you to your echo chamber safe space.

>> No.12071394

is there any way to give my body an advantage if I get covid? I’m fucking perplexed as fuck my psychological health has never been worse. I live in Florida which is basically hell. Half my family think the virus is fake despite the fact that my father was hospitalized with covid and after recovering has trouble breathing and increased heart palpitations and chest pain. And my friends practically don’t give a fuck and are continuing on as normal. I zoomed with 2 of them yesterday and even despite their noticeable dry coughing they say they are fine. I’m just demoralized I don’t understand how stupid people can be to deny the existence of a pandemic the virus has been recorded in nearly every country and I just wanna fucking slam my head through the wall.

>> No.12071437

Your family and friends sound fucked. There are a few things you can do. First and foremost I'd recommend you take vitamin D daily. One trend observed is that vitamin D deficiency is linked with higher covid mortality/complications. You could take n acetylcysteine as well which is good for immune system function, acts as a mucolytic and anticoagulant. I take 1500mg daily. Also vitamin C, zinc, and quercetin. I'd also recommend you check out a youtube channel called Medcram, I based my daily regimen off of one of those videos. It's run by an American physician and he produces excellent evidence-based, informative content. Prevention is key though. If you can get your hands on N95's, do so.

Lastly I know it's difficult to cope but seriously your mental health is important too. Don't let the madness drive you mad. I try to meditate every morning and evening which has helped my stress levels a lot.

>> No.12071438

Thanks for leaving retard! Go back to /pol/, low IQ golem.

>> No.12071455

imagine being American and unironically denying covid 19 LOL.

>> No.12071460

I will make certain that you suffer. You'll bitch and whine, but you'll know you had it coming. Then God-willing, you'll remember I said this.

>> No.12071473

Who let the edgelord Walmart greeter in the thread?

>> No.12071481
File: 564 KB, 720x788, Wallmutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he fell for the covid 19 is fake disinfo due to his low IQ so he thinks he's smarter than people who go through 8-12 years of schooling to become physicians lol.

>> No.12071486

You're going to end up in a psychiatric ward soon, schizo.

>> No.12071503


>> No.12071536

Thanks for auto invalidating and sorting yourself out. Pls don't come back.

>> No.12071545

>"can neither talk, walk, nor even hold steady"
>his own muscles are giving up on supporting his sad fucking existence
>seeks medical advice on 4chan because wagie Walmart salary can't pay for doctor shopping
>throws threats around like an internet tough guy

At least Ryan threw around articles to sift through and had me review current literature on cord clamping.

>> No.12071548

So now 3 qualified physicians are wrong but you, who presumably lack a degree on higher education know better after a 4 min toilet read with Dr Google? You're desperate lmao
>Will report back
Doubt (X)
Aldoe, if you do, I'll make sure to misguide your retarded attempts.

>> No.12071568

The reality is that you are already suffering probably from some sort of mental illness. Regardless you have low intelligence. You are a failure who will die alone with nothing to show for your life. Extremist politics and misinformation has rotted your brain. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.12071659
File: 93 KB, 255x247, 1598844121786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12071827

>first day in non online classes
>group of people talking about how med school is so much easier than they thought it would be
Being a brainlet is rough med anons

>> No.12071902 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 845x720, 1586803390111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just answer the question you modish retard.

I know who you are.

Let me guess, at one point you unironically considered yourself a pagan; you think baby back bitch is a happening term; you actually stay /fit/ but you're also a manlet; and you or a brother have worked in a bar.
You are far too stupid to have gotten good grades in or even have gone to medical school. At best, you're a C student.
You're oblivious to the fact that the only one here who acts like a jackass, and yet you remain somehow, like a tumor.
>yfw I'm right about all this shit

>> No.12071909
File: 69 KB, 845x720, 1586803390111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just answer the question you modish retard.

I know who you are.

Let me guess, at one point you unironically considered yourself a pagan; you think baby back bitch is a happening term; you actually stay /fit/ but you're also a manlet; and you or a brother have worked in a bar.
You are far too stupid to have gotten good grades in or even have gone to medical school. At best, you're a C student.
You're oblivious to the fact that you're the only one here who acts like a jackass, and yet you remain somehow, like a tumor.
>yfw I'm right about all this shit

>> No.12071913
File: 208 KB, 1006x678, 1509063861410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat, stomach starts hurting
>eat, stomach stops hurting
Nigga, which one is it now?!

>> No.12071932

lol, my word is catching on with the golem.

This isn't the person who you were responding to, but he's got it right. Sometimes it's simply too late even for "I told you so."

>> No.12071958

please read this >>12068958

>> No.12071959


Respond to:

>> No.12071980
File: 16 KB, 290x514, virgin walk clampschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12072041
File: 30 KB, 252x251, 1589244008571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the seethe babby deer.

>> No.12072057
File: 403 KB, 600x900, 139010157254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love those diapers.

>> No.12072305

Don't pay any attention to the /pol/ schizo. Someone who prefers to listen to politician/businessman for scientific advice over qualified physicians is a retard.
hydroxychloroquine does not work. Just because a drug has a fancy sounding name and your president pushes it as a miracle doesn't change the objective scientific reality. Why would you trust a retard who allowed your country to become the most diseased society on Earth?

>> No.12072325

Why would we want to cure the best tool to cull boomers and retards like you?

>> No.12072357

>down getting contact lenses for the first time in four years
>went better than expected with putting them in and removing again
>but can't see clear at all
Is that normal for contacts?
General walking around is nice and clear but with faint shadows of double image. Reading text on screen is borderline impossible tho.

>> No.12072397

Seething schizo. Did you honestly think you could just come into this thread and post shit you googled or learned from Trumptard schizo threads on /pol/ and we were gonna roll out the red carpet for you? Fuck off you Amerimutt.

>> No.12072399

Take your meds or else you will be forced to

>> No.12072405

>Reading text on screen is borderline impossible tho.
>Is that normal for contacts?
Yeah mate totally. Lenses are supposed to defeat the purpose of fixing your sight.

>> No.12072496

You are a weirdo.

>> No.12072718
File: 70 KB, 699x960, 1598940381607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone debunk this?

>> No.12072727
File: 25 KB, 866x450, giilikduh7j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up schizo. Your delusions cannot overrule objective scientific reality. Your health will suffer from covid and you will die sooner than most. If anything, covid is a gift, the perfect tool to remove retards like you and boomers from the gene pool faster.

>> No.12072733

You can't argue with religion.

>> No.12072753

Not even him but as an agnosic the burden of proof is on you when it comes to religious matters. You do realize this yes?

>> No.12072754

You just need to find women worthy of your seed, you're actually exactly what a healthy person should be like. Your libido naturally returns when you're dating someone you like.

>> No.12072757


>> No.12072766


>> No.12072769

I don't define or distinguish religion based on topic or category, I consider it in terms of organization and how faith feeds into belief and behavior.

>> No.12072854

>the amount of disease decreased with improving material conditions
What's to debunk? Doesn't mean vaccines don't work. In fact those graphs seem to show vaccines working.

>> No.12072870

the graph points out that they're useless because the disease usually goes away on its own

>> No.12072934 [DELETED] 

The people telling you Covid is overblown and a hoax don't have a medical education. Pic related, a mutual friend of someone on Facebook. She's a massage therapist with literally no medical education. She avoids all the research on health complications from covid, instead insisting that public health measures are tyranny. She can't understand the simple fact that covid exacerbates existing medical conditions contributing to death.


>> No.12072949
File: 415 KB, 897x655, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people telling you Covid is overblown and a hoax don't have a medical education. Pic related, a mutual friend of someone on Facebook. She's a massage therapist with literally no medical education. She avoids all the research on health complications from covid, instead insisting that public health measures are tyranny. She can't understand the simple fact that covid exacerbates existing medical conditions contributing to death. She ignores anyone who points to research showing healthy young adults dealing with permanent lung damage, blood clotting, fatigue, etc.


>> No.12072967
File: 383 KB, 946x656, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also spreads videos like "Dr. Confesses the Truth About Covid" and this type of nonsense. It's laughable. The doctor who had his video spread all over Facebook, Eric Neptute, isn't even a real doctor. He is a chiropractor. No medical education. No MD. No DO. Not even a fucking MBBS from a diploma mill in India. Ignore ignorant boomer schizos who spread misinformation. They are gullible idiots who can't objectively analyze medical data. We can thank the USA for leading the way in fuelling the misinformation we are seeing here.

>> No.12073024

You cannot possibly extrapolate what the data trend may have been without vaccines.

What we do know is that vaccines almost never cause illness, but what they do do is create a T cell and antibody response to a specific pathogen, and that reinfection after a vaccine for most pathogens is highly unlikely.

>> No.12073081
File: 595 KB, 1138x709, Low IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please except my apology

>> No.12073377

what do you have against boomers? once you’re old you don’t deserve to live?

>> No.12073388

it was still overblown af, we would have less damage if there was not 24/7 media and govt panic.

>> No.12073391
File: 442 KB, 610x341, Q Retards Congregate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby boomers destroyed the economics of western society. They are a generation of selfish, narcissistic sociopaths living in the past who parrot anti-intellectual bullshit on facebook en masse and think they are knowledgable on contemporary global issues. Fuck baby boomers.

>> No.12073409


>> No.12073521

why do you think you are not the same? what you said can be applied to any generation after boomers.

>> No.12073816

Let's see.
>Mid 20s
>Unable to afford 1 bedroom apartment in my city (700k on average)
>Houses even more (over 1 million easily for a house that is a tear down
>Cost of tuition went up, had to take loans to pay for my undergrad despite $24/hour job
>Cost of med tuition went up, so I'm in debt 250k (line of credit from the bank)
>Boomer once called me ungrateful and lazy for not being able to afford my own home at 25
>Now boomers are spreading anti covid stuff on facebook, refusing to listen to basic public health guidelines
>now I'm a slave and my day-day is more dangerous because retards don't believe the existence of a virus that I see the serious consequences of every day on the wards
> will have to wait 6 years until I am done the rest of school+ residency to finally get a 300k-400k job, but will still need to pay off debts that I had to take on because of the boomers
>won't be able to get a house and start a family most likely until my later 30s
>Economy will probably get worse because the boomers are spreading disease while not understanding that if they could just shut the fuck up and worn a mask we could have prevented this entire lockdown from going on for so long
Thanks boomers, you truly are the worst generation in history. Behind the times with technology and understanding modern medicine, ahead of everyone else in terms of stupidity, selfishness and consumerism. Just roll over and die already so the zoomers can take your jobs that you hold onto because you were too dumb to invest in real estate in the 80 so now you need to work well past retirement to keep paying rent to your Chinese landlord.

>> No.12073826

Just move somewhere that's cheap. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Why are you so attached to a piece of Earth?

>> No.12073837

>Just move somewhere that's cheap.
Because the medical school I got accepted to is in a fucking expensive city and I had no other choice you fucking boomer retard.

>> No.12073847

>no other choice
sure you didn't, buddy. sure you didn't.

>> No.12073858

>Boomer retard doesn't understand the competitiveness of medical school admissions has increased because boomers increased immigration 100 fold thus making us compete with rich high IQ Chinese and Indian students
>Doesn't understand that you must apply broadly
>Doesn't understand that not every western country has 150+ medical schools to pick from
You're a fucking idiot. Go back to posting facebook anti covid bs you absolute fucking retard. By the way covid is even more dangerous if you're a boomer so keep avoiding those masks retard!

>> No.12073863

Kek, based

>> No.12073934

you're an idiot.

>> No.12074173

I'm no medfag/biofag, but your graph only shows death rates in time. AFAIU, vaccines have other purposes too, like reducing the effects viruses have on people. the fact that people don't die from a virus doesn't necessarily mean that the virus is not a risk. also, your graph says nothing about treatments.

>> No.12074177
File: 9 KB, 259x195, 1586803171853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too stupid to know when you've been embarrased, like some kinda fucked energizer bunny. No matter the retort, it just goes right over your head, but you're too autistic to stop. You just keep going and going and going. You then "win" these screeching contests because you simply outlast everyone.

You've made it so I'm not sure anymore if stupidity is actually a superpower. Think about it as hard as you can: going through life seeing only what makes sense to you; defining logic and reason as what makes sense to you; believing science is on your side; any dissent is immediately merely dismissed as anti-[any of those things] or in the case of this thread, anti-medicine? anti-doctor?. All the while your bubble's integrity, resilient to outside forces, is maintained by weapons-grade stupidity. Come to think of it, this is the leftist superpower. I could see why leftism is so appealing.

Anyway, you should notice I'm not quoting you anymore. You're not gonna read and understand my replies; I'm not gonna read yours. It's not like now's going to be the time your latent intelligence finally shines through :^) I can take the high road or, this actually isn't used enough for it's simplicity and elegance

fuck you

unrelated but how someone could find you if they feel relieving you of your post would do the world a service because who knows how many people this guy has hurt. This is not a call to do this:

1. go back every thread, find the poster being a jackass, and make note of any identifying information
2. write simple program in something like python to analyze word usage in all previously found posts
3. sort resultant worldlist by numer of times used ascending
4. write webcrawler to ...crawl entire internet for use of these words in same frequecy
5. sort found writings by likely match of person
6. read every one and see if the writer is a top-tier jackass, and make note of identifying information
7. post on r/4chan with programs pre-written
8 ????
9 wait

>> No.12074187

Wow the schizo is unhinged! Don't you have a Q Anon covid denial rally to attend you stupid fucking low IQ mutt? >>>/pol/ get the fuck out of here.

>> No.12074240

What are you on about? There's no way you read and understood anything in that short time. A bot could be programmed to reply this
Yes, 3 unqualified doctors didn't listen to my symptoms and therefore are wrong, you stupid idiot.

>> No.12074252

In case you have not got the message nobody here gives a shit about your schizoid anti-intellectual nonsense. All you have done is deny covid, bitch about leftism (even know I am not a leftist myself), and swear at people due to your inferiority complex. People like you are mentally ill, toxic, and unstable and you belong in a psychiatric ward. Go take your seroquel.

>> No.12074256


>> No.12074309

>ad hominem: the post

>> No.12074311

>Buttblast: The post
Cry some more babby.
t. not that guy

>> No.12074322

And you haven't posted ad hominems in this thread you unhinged lunatic lol?
Remember this? >>12071460
>I will make certain that you suffer. You'll bitch and whine, but you'll know you had it coming. Then God-willing, you'll remember I said this.

You're a fuckin lunatic lol. Do you want me to call the police on you and tell them there is a schizo on the internet threatening people because he's off his meds? Becaue saying "I will make certain that you suffer" is a direct threat to my safety and actually illegal.

>> No.12074332

New thread >>12074327

>> No.12074594

>They are a generation of selfish, narcissistic sociopaths living in the past who parrot anti-intellectual bullshit on facebook en masse and think they are knowledgable on contemporary global issues.
I agree but for different reasons.
Baby boomers are all socialist bootlickers and central bank supporting brainlets.

>> No.12074597

Yet you still support central banking like a commie retard lmao

>> No.12074632

I don't support central banking but what fucking choice do I have you absolute faggot?

>> No.12074647
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what fucking choice do I have you absolute faggot?
You could get off your knees and vote Libertarian?

>> No.12074677

I'm not an American but if I were I'd probably vote for her

>> No.12074692

Okay cool then.


>> No.12074705

Libertarians are generally ok but they always have some kind of twisted bullshit views that ruin it. I'm sure if I bothered to google your 3rd party meme candidate who will never win anything I could find some flaws :)

>> No.12074716

I became more and more Libertarian the more I learned economics, specifically austrian economics.