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File: 44 KB, 680x472, ezgif-7-efbaf82e3676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12056415 No.12056415 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit? Am I doomed to be stickman my whole life or can I really just eat more and lift to become a chad?
t. 6'3" 175lbs

>> No.12056419

kind of legit, but like any human being you're not restricted to one of these three categories and are likely on a spectrum somewhere between them. and as you age and your metabolism changes you'll likely gravitate towards the chunkier option.

>> No.12056441

Start lifting faggot

>> No.12056470

It's descriptive not prescriptive. Never gonna make its use it as an excuse for not lifting.

>> No.12056492

It is legit bullshit up there with Myer-Briggs that is dressed up with the pseudo-science that is psychology. The guy that ran the test just wanted to look at a bunch of naked undergrads (seriously https://www.nytimes.com/1995/01/15/magazine/the-great-ivy-league-nude-posture-photo-scandal.html))

>> No.12056493

Hardcaps are tightly correlate with wrist/angle diameter

>> No.12056555

Ask /fit/. Irc there's individual differences in how much fat vs. muscle you will put on and you can figure out what you are by measuring something, I think BMI vs. body fat. Obviously you can increase the amount of muscle you put on by lifting and that's really what you should do as becoming chubby isn't healthy.

>> No.12056626
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Yes, how did you even get that far lmao...
t. 6'3" 138lbs

>> No.12056648
File: 933 KB, 922x2048, 20200828_135611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you turn 25 and do a roid cycle. 95% of men cannot look "good" (like in a hollywood movie) without roids. It's just a fact. You want big shoulders? You want to feel more confident and happy? You want to have girls flocking to you? (Women say they dont like muscles but after 1 drink I assure you they drop this act).

Just do a clean 8-10 week Test-E cycle of 250mg per week and a Nolvadex PCT. Roids are one of the cheapest and safest drugs you can get. Get your hormones checked before during and after. DO NOT listen to the dyel shills on this board who will reply to this post with things like "hurr you will ruin your endocrine system hurr your balls will shrink hurrr no one likes a meat head".

Roids are the thinking mans choice. Women use make up, men use roids. At 6"3 you will look fucking boss on roids my man I'm 6 and a half inches and I'm so pleased with my gains. And if anyone calls you a meat head/roider you can literally hit them so hard their skull explodes. Do your research first.

>> No.12056653

poast physique

>> No.12056680

I have too many identifable tattoos.

>> No.12056683

I'm similar in terms of height and weight, and I don't think I'm particularly stick-y. I don't have a ton of muscle definition other than my legs, but I'm not crazy skinny. I was in the 150-160 range for awhile, and that was actually skinny.

>> No.12056685

Nobody gives a shit who you are

>> No.12056703


>> No.12056750

If you're skinny, it's probably because you don't eat enough. And that's because you feel less hunger. Dometimes you may feel like you've eaten a lot, but that's nowhere near the amount of food a fatter person would need to think it's a lot. You feel satisfied with less food and thaat's controlled by hormones; your hunger and your satisfaction, as well as what your body does nutrients you consume.

>> No.12056755

ok lol

>> No.12056768

Any advice re source for Test-E?

>> No.12056803

Doesn't mean anything. You can find examples of all 3 body types who look fantastic.
Brad Pitt would be an example of an ectomorph. I mean the concept is bullshit anyway but still.

>> No.12056842


Damn you're only half a foot tall? Are you Daniel Dovities younger brother?

>> No.12056853


Here you are this is a URL "dark.fail"

>> No.12056859
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>> No.12056916
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Am I doomed to be a unique, as in never to be repeated in part or in full, representation of life UNLESS I share it consciously and willingly with others?

Yes, OP. It is as true for you as every other unique life. The divine ones though are those that work with what they are given rather than fight for what they will ALREADY and OBVIOUSLY get when they die because then they would have less to offer others.

However if you don't care about what you have to offer others or only want to offer others one thing primarily then obviously you'll simply meet or pair with people who want that primary thing. It's making sure that people have at least 2 more reasons that's the trick I've been able to demonstrate and share with others.

>> No.12057066


>Jesus of Advertising

>> No.12057103

Its been shown multiple times now that your gains potential literally depends on your wrist diameter.

>> No.12057107
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Thank fuck I am 6'5" and I have the Largest Christian Wrists Ever Recorded.

>> No.12057138


>> No.12057143
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>> No.12057168




>> No.12057176


im screwed then. im extra skinny fat now at 6'1 and when i lost shit loads of weight (high cardio fitness) i was skinny as fuck but had a layer of fat around my stomach still. at least i could see the actual muscle on my arms as there was little fat left...but my face was skeletor mode. only time i was proper slim looking was as a child. soon as i hit 14 i started layering winter coats around my abdomen. no matter how much brotein i took in and how heavy i lifted i still didnt get that bulky. did get a few comments from people asking if i hit the gym though. my wrist are fucking puny however, i have rubbish grip strength, i fucking hate it.

>> No.12057179


also it was nice hearing from a co-worker that i was "muscular before then got sick and lost it"...so maybe it was noticeable to other people.

>> No.12057202

Is this a new /fit/ meme?

>> No.12057218

>Its been shown
Show me

>> No.12057267
File: 42 KB, 1200x600, endomorph into mesomorph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't lift, you likely fall into one of these categories.
These average body shapes come from your developed skeletal structure from genes, and muscles building naturally with the random monotony of life
This is why each muscle group tends to differ in size; some people barely exercise, some end up doing more outdoor work, some do a lot of running.
When you begin lifting, you strengthen and build muscle mass in a more distributed way, and can focus certain muscle groups over others in order to change your profile.

pic related, arguably an endomorph (with more muscle mass on his abs then the rest of his body) building muscle mass in his pecs, delts, lats, and traps to give a more mesomorphic appearance.

>> No.12057314

based. fun fact for the bio anons, theyve done studies where they examined the leydig cells of steroid users vs controls: the steroid users have YOUNGER leydig cells.
i used a cycle at 18, along with some other things like adex and masteron, it permanently enhanced my masculinity. fuck low IQ cucks who fall for the propaganda and fearmongering

>> No.12057636

put on some clothes then faggot

>> No.12057650

shrink wrote im an ectomorph but later on i ate quetiapine and became skinnyfat :(

>> No.12057680

Bodybuilding touches money; their bro-science is field tested anthropometry.
I've ran my details into a few calculators to consistent results.

>> No.12057699
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 1511340824194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ectomorph manlet

>> No.12058711

imagine not being a mesomorph

>> No.12058785
File: 35 KB, 167x220, devilish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are dooomeed
join the stick army

>> No.12059167
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>> No.12059170
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>> No.12059174

Still looks like a manlet kek

>> No.12059179
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>> No.12059192
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>> No.12059216

It's a meme, there are body types but the way you react to lifting is not really dependent on it. You can be naturally beefy but unable to build muscle (exercise non-responder, 25% of people) or stick bug with amazing muscle-building abilities. What matters is the density of satellite cells. You can't know how you're faring unless you get a muscle biopsy. 25% of people can't build muscle

>> No.12060647


I started out skinny and hit endomorph in my late twenties. Never stopped working out but for some reason expanded. ( Not saying muscles, as I was bed ridden for a year at one point )

Now every girl is attracted too me and its great. I'm putting on a belly now, despite still always working out, heavy job. ( Age I assume ) and more ladies are hitting on me.

I'll take it as long as I can. Being skinny was worthless for attracting hot ladies. It seemed to only ever attract land whales and black chicks.

>> No.12060655

It's not. I am "endomorph" and I lose fat extremely easy

>> No.12061555
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>> No.12061574

ectonigga has the most aesthetic, balanced, and functional physique desu

>> No.12061576

blur em out

>> No.12061640
File: 325 KB, 240x640, 1151217934411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a pleasure to kek in this rotten shithole