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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 550x550, Disgusted hissing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12050374 No.12050374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>calculus class
>professor starts talking about BLM

>> No.12050381

We really need the calculus captchas desu

>> No.12050386

are you racist or something? why does it bother you?

>> No.12050397

just ask him to derive that analytic function

>> No.12050399

>are you racist or something? why does it bother you?
I spend my time and money on university to learn about math/science, not some black marxist organization.

>> No.12050403

>Kalculuz claszz

>> No.12050425

implement it yourself then

>> No.12050429

>studying in the usa

>> No.12050471

i dont get this. in my country professors dont talk politics. it is considered bad form. at least in stem and engineering, i hav neve incounterd political talk from a prof.

>> No.12050475
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>your prof

>> No.12050476

Do you live in china?

>> No.12050492

central/eastern europe. to be fair i have no idea what goes on in universities other than stem and engineering, so maybe all the shit is concentrated in the art, lit and sociology courses.

>> No.12050500

>Stop killing and enslaving lack people
>Black marxism

Low IQ stemoneky

>> No.12050505
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>about black lives
lol unironically falling for this woke bs.

>> No.12050507
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>> No.12050515


I'm honest to god asking you what do you think that picture means? what does the average nigger being poor and at constant risk of being shot for nothing by the police, have to do with what some soviet thought about the role of ideology in society?

>> No.12050518

>what does the average nigger being poor and at constant risk of being shot for nothing by the police
they aren't at all. most black people will never have a gun drawn on them by police.

>> No.12050523

>and at constant risk of being shot for nothing by the police,
this is nonsense.
>“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot,” Cesario said. “If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”
>“Our data show that the rate of crime by each racial group correlates with the likelihood of citizens from that racial group being shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot. It is the best predictor we have of fatal police shootings.”
>The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said.

>> No.12050525
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You're an actual retard, holy shit.

>> No.12050526


So everything they go through is fine as long as just >50% won't have a gun directly drawn at them?

Enjoy your failing empire and chaos retard

>> No.12050528

>I'm honest to god asking you what do you think that picture means?
it means that this woke nonsense we're seeing right now is the product of marxist infiltration of western institutions.
>what does the average nigger being poor and at constant risk of being shot for nothing by the police, have to do with what some soviet thought about the role of ideology in society?
because the institutions where they get their mis/information from are compromised. like with almost everything else in the west.

>> No.12050530

>So everything they go through is fine as long as just >50% won't have a gun directly drawn at them?
what part of
>The vast majority – between 90% and 95% – of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot. Ninety percent also were armed with a weapon when they were shot. The horrific cases of accidental shootings, like mistaking a cell phone for a gun, are rare, Cesario said.
did you miss? are you saying that 50% of black people are attacking the police?
>Enjoy your failing empire and chaos retard
not if we give brainlets like you the free helicopter rides that you deserve.

>> No.12050537

it's really funny because saint george was a retard who was hopped up on fent and resisted arrest. he was actually dying of an overdose well before the cops showed up. he even says he can't breathe well before the knee.

>> No.12050544

>People Get subjected to poverty and violence for centuries
>They react

Go take your meds you incoherent schizo.


Out of date and incomplete data. Maybe listen to black people every now and then, that's of course if you even consider them humans

>> No.12050552

>People Get subjected to poverty and violence for centuries
didn't stop the other minorities from doing so well like asians and jews who are wealthier and less violent than whites.
>Go take your meds you incoherent schizo.
you're a blind retard. his predictions have come to fruition. look around america, this is the crisis stage.

>Out of date and incomplete data. Maybe listen to black people every now and then, that's of course if you even consider them humans
lol so people's opinions who are subject to availability heuristic is what you call "complete data". lol retarded schizo.

>> No.12050555

>We created a near-complete database of fatal shootings in 2015 to test questions about racial disparities in FOIS.

>> No.12050569


None were as Horribly oppressed and left for themselves as black people.

His model could be applied within the history of any country over the course of a year. utterly useless and doesn't address any societal issues.

Yes, peoples opinions and experiences matter if you want to create a healthy and functioning society, and not be an american retard throwing blame on soviets and Marxists and anyone you can find to deflect from your absolute inhuman hatred towards black people.


Read the big blue box at the start you american chimp

>> No.12050576

you're stupid as fuck

>As Cesario and Johnson note, the article earned heavy criticism for its methodology. The article led to an exchange of letters in PNAS in January, and then in April, the journal issued a correction to the paper in which the authors acknowledged flaws in their analysis but stood by their central argument.

>> No.12050577

>None were as Horribly oppressed and left for themselves as black people.
none of them have the leg up that black people have with affirmative action.

>His model could be applied within the history of any country over the course of a year. utterly useless and doesn't address any societal issues.
it shows that year, it's not useless you braindead retard. unless you want to argue that year was somehow an outlier.

>peoples opinions and experiences matter if you want to create a healthy and functioning society
most people get their opinions from the news which is heavily marxist infiltrated.

>and not be an american retard throwing blame on soviets and Marxists and anyone you can find to deflect from your absolute inhuman hatred towards black people.
or this perception is what you've been told by your stupid media.

>Read the big blue box at the start you american chimp
>“We appreciate the feedback that led us to clarify this sentence (4). To be clear, this issue does not invalidate the findings with regards to Pr(race|shot, X) discussed in the report.”

you're a stupid fuck.
>“We appreciate the feedback that led us to clarify this sentence (4). To be clear, this issue does not invalidate the findings with regards to Pr(race|shot, X) discussed in the report.”

>> No.12050580

>but stood by their central argument.
>but stood by their central argument.
>but stood by their central argument.
>but stood by their central argument.

>> No.12050586
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>> No.12050593

Yeah... we know. But they will never hear about that and it's not like they would care or even be able to process it.

>> No.12050614


Yes mainstream american media are not right wing, but rather Marxist Leninist Maoist socialists. You dumb fucking schizophrenic white nigger

>> No.12050617
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funny how you don't care about the absolute inhuman hatred towards white people blacks show.

>> No.12050620

there is barely any right wing media in the us. fox kinda. but you're just a gaslighting marxist retard, but i see through your bs.

>> No.12050627


American liberalism is not even close to being left, the most progressive of them are center right at best. And fox news is alt right, from the clips i see of them. I would never stream that garbage.

Americans should be banned from political discourse, left and right.

>> No.12050629
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>> No.12050634


Based AND Greenpilled

>> No.12050637

>American liberalism is not even close to being left,
lmao, more gaslighting. american "liberalism" isn't liberal but it is very left. the actual liberals in the us are the conservatives and libertarians who uphold capitalism and freedom. "liberals" are very authoritarian on the other hand who trade freedom for equality.

>Americans should be banned from political discourse, left and right.
correction. you pinko commies should get free helicopter rides.

>> No.12050638

>Using altright unironically
You must be fucking some woke faggot. Yes liberals are not marxists nor socialists what a fucking discovery.

>> No.12050643

actual liberals yeah, not "liberals" as the term is thrown around in the us. there is nothing liberal about the left. it is incompatible with freedom.

>> No.12050645


The only thing i share with communists is the absolute hatred for retards like you. Keep using woke jargon like gas lighting too you subhuman.

>> No.12050646

Fucking hell if i saw you in real life id fight you

>> No.12050651

Yea, congrants on at least going to wikipedia to read the definitions.

>> No.12050652

gas lighting isn't woke jargon, it's what you're doing to up hold your pinko brainwashed worldview, retard. lol you don't even know how brainwashed you are it's funny.
>The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light,[4] and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944.[5]

>> No.12050653

>this enlightenment ideology has no similarities at all to this enlightenment ideology!
>yes, they share the same end goal, the same understanding of reality, and operate by the same methods, but they differ aesthetically, so they're not the same thing!
Ideas do not exist in a vacuum, anon.

>> No.12050655

> libertarians who uphold capitalism and freedom.

Hahaha. Libertarians are fucking stupid. They'd sell freedom away as long as it meant fucking over the government. Litterally 0 understanding of how society nor capitalism works.

>> No.12050664


You do realize that 100% of psychologists are Marxists Hegelian, you're appealing to the authority of the very people making your life miserable.

>> No.12050665
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freedom is the lack of restraint or imposition. what you want to do is get your equal outcomes. and people have a distribution of ability which results in inequality. so to get your dipshit utopia you need to constrain the haves and take away their welath for the have nots.

>> No.12050671

>100% of psychologists are Marxists Hegelian
[citation needed] you know there is such a thing as evo psych which is very antimarxist, right? but go on with your lysenkoist delusions.

>> No.12050756

Who is killing and enslaving black people? Because nobody in America is, but blacks are in Africa. Blacks being killed by cops correlates with their violent crime rate.

>> No.12050921

are you anti-white or something? why do the /pol/ post bother? I say that /sci/ should be full of them for the sake of equality

>> No.12051001

I think sci use to have them right?

>> No.12051226

Yes. You'd have to be racist if you browse /sci/. It's not hard to understand FBI crime statistics anon.

>> No.12051277

>passing remark about blm
>autistic racist goes apeshit and makes thread
Reads like a book

>> No.12051291

Please implement this. I'm so bad at calculus, this might be the impetus I need to get good.

>> No.12051318 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 851x1280, George_floyd_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>career criminal and deserving darwin award recipient gets choked out for being retarded around police
>retarded cultist brainlets go apeshit and burn down half the country with >500k in damages in one city alone

>> No.12051325

>let’s make the captcha trivial for a machine to solve, but difficult for a human.
Reddit exodus when?

>> No.12051326
File: 127 KB, 851x1280, George_floyd_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>career criminal and deserving darwin award recipient gets choked out for being retarded around police
>retarded cultist brainlets go apeshit and burn down half the country with >500m in damages in one city alone

>> No.12051334

Layer it with a normal captcha to make it hard for everyone but humans who know calculus

>> No.12051341

I don't think he's talking about scientists but the ones that do therapy

>> No.12051343

Yeah, I’m sure a double captcha will just filter out the brainlets and won’t completely kill the board. /sci/ is slow enough as it is.

>> No.12051349

>over half my math department is eastern European
>have yet to hear one even remotely political statement in any of my classes
feels good man

>> No.12051355

My physics prof said both BLM and "white lives matter", so I have no clue what her political position is.

>> No.12051360

why is it so hard for americans to understand you are not supposed to die in police custody?

>> No.12051383

why is it so hard for retarded leftists to understand you're supposed to comply with the police to avoid problems with them?

>> No.12051489
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>calculus professor

>> No.12052023
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The only retard here is the one who clicks enter twice.

>> No.12052032

more girls than i expected but they are all gross physically and mentally

>> No.12052038

there a lot of women on reddit they’re just mostly physically repulsive. there are some women on reddit, all of them are repulsive in some crucial way. the internet like the frontier, battlefront, and clandestine monastery is for men only.

>> No.12052058

Holy shit, this is true.

>> No.12052193


>> No.12052886
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If you can get out and make calculus simple you've made it, having a language so complex so as to require the very nature of university lecture to be functionally employable in modern society is hardly achievable in societies who birthed velocity and magnitude and temporality in their languages, too which african societies did without in the first place. But they do force debt shackles on you, they could have a little dignity and provide the service you requested than otherwise

>> No.12052913
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>constant risk of being shot for nothing by the police

>> No.12052962


>> No.12053011

learn the history of the country of Liberia, whites built the same infrastructure for blacks and gave them a whole country and it's a now not any different than their original barren shitholes, meanwhile despite whites progressing with USA now niggers are destroying it again

>> No.12053550
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>> No.12053569


STEMs shouldn't be some cluster fuck of politics, if the professor gets hard talking about something like that they should be in political science or something like that.

I never understood why americans want to slam politics to every single thing, you get nothing done by doing that

>> No.12053592
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>> No.12053595

>boomer phys prof
>”I’m so progressive, I don’t even separate my laundry!”
He was nice at least and also got fired for snatching a test from a girl on her phone and apparently giving her a papercut

>> No.12053618
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>> No.12053621
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>> No.12053623

They're literally self-labelled Marxists
Nevermind, I see I'm talking to a retard

>> No.12053630

BLM isnt about black people it's about destroying and subverting our country.

>> No.12053634 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 780x530, blm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being shot for nothing

>> No.12053636

>Hahaha. Libertarians are fucking stupid. They'd sell freedom away as long as it meant fucking over the government. Litterally 0 understanding of how society nor capitalism works.
How so?

>> No.12053638
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Cool it with the reddit spacing you stupid chimp.

>> No.12053640

holy fucking BASED

>> No.12053641
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>> No.12053643

>fox news is alt right
what the fuck does that even mean you babbling retard

>> No.12053645
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>> No.12053648
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>> No.12053779

In america they shoot you or kill you on camera before you can come with them.

>> No.12053803

why not have a good dialogue with him
you clearly are more obsessed with his political bias then math

>> No.12053816

>stop enslaving black people

>> No.12053818


>> No.12053820

>yo whitey yo work iz hard n sheit
>you don't liek it when I tries to be ahead

what a retarded shitskin

>> No.12053854

Stop enslaving

>> No.12053856

>what is wolfram alpha

>> No.12054359

This is the only right answer.

>> No.12054666
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Bad thread.

>> No.12054796
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>calculus class
>professor starts talking about BLM

>> No.12054821

in no country on earth are police officers told to knee someone in the neck, especially when they complain about not being able to breathe.

you can think George Floyd was a piece of shit who is better off dead and think that the cop who kneed him is also garbage. somehow retards like you can't make that distinction and see the world only in left/right.

>> No.12054836
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>in no country on earth are police officers told to knee someone in the neck, especially when they complain about not being able to breathe.
except in Isreal, but don't you dare point that out goy or you're being an evil anti-semite nazi

>> No.12054994

>in no country on earth are police officers told to knee someone in the neck
china, russia, arab emirates, turkey, etc.

>> No.12055629
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but sci said I was a schizo for telling them this was happening for the last 5 years. I guess now that it was in a video game the infantile retards on this board here take it as fact. morons

>> No.12055665

white people ended slavery brain dead nigger. It was niggers who enslaved other niggers and sold them to Jews that brought them to the west. Why don't you tell that to the niggers in Libya still enslaving other niggers today. No gibs for crying to and telling them though right?


The days of white guilt for lowland gorilla IQ retards are over mate. We did everything we could to help you learn to live like humans in a civilized society but niggers just can't muster it so now is time for violence I guess. Hope you are ready :)

>> No.12055685
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>> No.12055718

he was fucking baiting calm the fuck down you're not even the guy he was baiting, I was.

>> No.12055746

stfu faggot

>> No.12055752
File: 51 KB, 720x757, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u mad?

>> No.12055773

no I agree with what he says it was just a waste of time like this post

>> No.12055780

Used to be that way in the US too, but not in the current year. The chair of my department was criticized and eventually wrote an apology email for essentially telling faculty and grad students they shouldn't feel like they need to address issues related to BLM and protests in their classes.

>> No.12055789

>waste of time
Where do you think you are?
One of my professors went out of his way to not only ignore the Floyd riots but to explicitly reiterate that we had to focus on finals and that protesting wasn't an excuse for not studying.

>> No.12055804
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>> No.12055807

Wolfram Alpha starts having trouble when you give it Complex Analysis questions, so let's have the captcha do that

>> No.12055821
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>> No.12056142

Bruh in my country I literally study economics and the professors have never directly talked about contemporary politics. AS in we talk about theories and and you know, economics, but no names of political parties or any direct reference to anything the goverment has done or said in the last ~20 years. They occasionally shit talk certain policies like rent control or whatnot but they dont gp "rent control is bad and all parties that support are tardy (such as X,Y and Z)." Instead they just went "rent control is the second worst thing that can be done to the housing capital of a nation, after bombing it."

>> No.12056149
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>"anyone right of Stalin is right-wing!"

>> No.12056156

selecting for low impulsivity high logical-symbolic reasoning NEET’s is exactly what this board needs. it’s not simply the brainlets that need to be extirpated, the normalfags with obligations also must be driven out

>> No.12056364

If I recall, someone pointed out that the reason why the media went bonkers over this was because they wanted this to be the BIG news story that would turn the election in favor of Biden after he got caught with the "if you don't vote for me your not black" quote. If this wasn't election year(and the fact that people got crazy for self isolation from the wu-flu) it wouldn't have been as much of a major deal, shame it had to be one big misunderstanding(even though the cop still should have known better not realizing somethings was wrong with him rather than kneeing him).

>> No.12056388

Oh no you had to hear about a topic for 5 minutes

>> No.12056390

Do I get a refund for those 5 minutes?

>> No.12056410

you are a stone cold retard and shouldnt be able to talk about anything, in fact you should be banned from this entire website

>> No.12056413
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>Holy shit, this is true.
take your meds schizo, the ADL has everything under control for you goyim

>> No.12056650

What about it anon? BLM is a good movement

>> No.12056661

All of you stemmonkeys are fucking ludicrous. You guys dont realize that this movement is for sake of black people.

>> No.12056662


>> No.12056677
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Go back to r/ChapoTrapHouse, trannies.

>> No.12056686
File: 380 KB, 2400x2600, 4a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually go on /leftypol/

>> No.12057257

you shouldn't admit that loud. Vaush is the biggest lying weasel little dunning-kruger retard on the internet (like all communists). I hope you both catch a bullet to the head and soon

>> No.12057265

I hope you get your head pulped by a riot cop fucking faggot