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File: 386 KB, 796x1255, vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12044866 No.12044866 [Reply] [Original]

>dude why do some people not want to take the corona vaccine

>> No.12044898

Fuck off karen go back

>> No.12044902

I'll be honest lol
I'll take the vaccine if it means I can go back to normal life. I don't care if it works or not.

>> No.12044950

inb4 clamp schizo

>> No.12045102

First off, you're comparing coronavirus to anthrax, which makes me chuckle. Secondly, anthrax vaccines are not administered to the general public because of the larger risk factor. Military pilots had to take it because of potential bioterrorism. So you tell me, would you rather risk exposure to anthrax and face certain death, or risk a vaccine that prevents anthrax poisoning and risk a bad reaction?

>> No.12045144

Fuck off back to plebbit you bumbling retard.

>> No.12045149

Fear of the unknown, skepticism of authority

>> No.12045161

I'm not obese so I don't really give a shit.
also I'm social distancing.
The vaccine is honestly retarded.
prevention is in not spreading it. which will also reduce the risk of spreading other common maladies.
I like this new normal, in fact it's not good enough. we need more distancing and more quarantining.
NO contact 100%
fucking perfect.
treatment would be better than a vaccine.
I wouldn't take that kind of vaccine until everyone else did and did so for years.

>> No.12045207

schizoposters btfo

>> No.12047039

Fake news. Vaccines are safe and effective, therefore they did not cause any reactions except living past two years old.

>> No.12047216

>I'll take the vaccine if it means I can go back to normal life. I don't care if it works or not.
You think you got to this point by coincidence? This was the intention all along, make life as miserable as possible so people will be lining up round the block to get a rushed vaccine just so they can go back to actually living. Any inhibitions about the long term effects, or even the effectiveness at all, will be gone, because it's the light at the end of the tunnel.

Don't conflate the idea of vaccination with the idea that all vaccines are safe and effective. Normal vaccines are trialed for years before being rolled out for general use. And even then, they can fuck up (eg. vaccine derived polio). Rare, sure, but so is the risk of death with kung flu.

>> No.12048588
File: 285 KB, 1080x1306, 20200825_145758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all vaccines are safe bro trust me

>> No.12048754

now thats an idiotic post

I'm gonna wait as long as I can for more field testing, I'm certainly not gonna be the first to take it but I'm glad a lot of people are eager to take it first, this gives more field testing much faster and the safer it is for me

>> No.12048780

>I'm certainly not gonna be the first to take it
I'm assuming high risk individuals and medical personnel will be the first ones to have access. It's going to take time to produce hundreds of millions of doses.

>> No.12048798

I'm not taking it because my experience with flu vaccine was worse than any cold I ever had.

>> No.12048901

What happened?

>> No.12048910

Anthrax doesn't mean certain death, dumbass.

>> No.12048978


Clear distinction, faggola. If you're so confident, why don't you go huff some anthrax? Cause yaknow, 80% is not certain death at all. After all, it isn't 100%! Americans...

>> No.12049003

Nice to know it doesn't mention infective dose, ld50 or the average exposure to cause that fatality rate.

>> No.12049030

Take it up with the FDA, then. Sounds like you're the expert here.

>> No.12049097

High fever for a week and noticeable sickness for almost a month. Every cold I had before or after was not causing a fever for more than day or two with other symptoms rarely lasting for more than a week. So this thing which appeared directly after flu vaccination was one of the worst experiences in my life. Don't do them since then (and some people I know had unpleasant experiences with it too).

>> No.12049280

bro you starting with the conclusion...

>> No.12049702

The vaccine isn't to protect you, it's to protect others from you.

>> No.12049709

>the gas chambers are not to protect you, they are to protect others from you

>> No.12049770

It's easy. Smart people promote vaccines but dont' take them, as making others immune to the virus will make it so no one can pass it to you, and you don't get the life-wrecking side effects of the vaccine.

You could argue that they could make it so that they will start to track who took the vaccine and discriminate and limit you on the basis of that, but that remains to be seen.

>> No.12049777

Remember when all we had to do was stay inside for a few weeks to ensure that hospitals weren't overloaded? Now I am going to be forced to take a rushed vaccine for a disease with a sub 1% fatality rate under threat of state violence, developed and coordinated by some seriously suspicious characters and organisation. Cool and normal.

>> No.12049786

All this affair showed that forces which promoted it can really do anything. Tomorrow they will say to stay home just because and everyone will oblige.

>> No.12050114

Modern vaccines that are much more rigorously tested because they get sued are not the same as a vaccine made over 70 years ago.
'Some vaccines made in the USA between 1955 and 1961 were found to be contaminated with SV40, from the growth medium and from the original seed strain. Population level studies show no evidence of any increase in cancer incidence as a result of exposure, though SV40 has been extensively studied. A thirty-five year followup found no excess of the cancers putatively associated with SV40'

>> No.12050117

Do you have brain damage?
What do you think a vaccine is?

>> No.12050119

>life-wrecking side effects of the vaccine
like what?

>> No.12050144

Imagine unironically defending the government forcing you under extreme duress to get a vaccine that hasn't even been in development for a year against a virus with a laughable fatality rate for anyone under 80.

>> No.12050151

the vaccine will be a microchip.

>> No.12050165

>just because
No thanks.

>> No.12050745

>Modern vaccines that are much more rigorously tested
Usually they are. Watch Pfizer pay some politicians to be the first one to release a vaccine by skipping some "trivial" testing. They'll never pay for it because corporations, specifically C level staff, are never held responsible for anything unless they cheat the banks and exchanges.

>> No.12050766
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 1569302027278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOOOO you can't heckin rush a heckin vaccine, what about inhibitions about the long term effects, or even the effectiveness at all, will be gone, because it's the light at the end of the tunnel. We need to do things right, slow and ethically. Also you can't infect the sample with the active virus that's unethical. We need to drag our feet on this like the flu vaccine and test by infection rates instead of actually infecting them so we wind up with a meme placebo piece of shit that doesn't work.

>> No.12050841

>take this experimental drug / vaccine or we'll kick you out lol
God the military is garbage.

>> No.12050989

>because they get sued
in the USA there is a law almost entirely forbidding such suits

in lieu of remedy by lawsuit, the gov't has a program where you can assert you've been injured and get a payout.