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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12046575 No.12046575 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with retarded people? You know, friends or acquaintances who obviously lack the intelligence and mental prosperity you posses? Do you just ignore them? Tell them to fuck off? Sever ties with them? Try to educate them and fail over and over? What is an intelligent person supposed to do with dumb people? I tried to be nice to them but I can't take it anymore. It physically hurts me to listen to the ideas coming from their mouths.

>> No.12046580

Just fucking chill. You don't even need to be nice just say yeah sure buddy and do your own thing, in the end you doing your own thing and becoming more succesful will prove them, and if not then just let it be you don't have to convince everyone. And if you're an adult wh would you care, you have your own family to make now.

>> No.12046582

First op you're stupid.
Second just treat them like people.
Third, ask them questions related to the stupid shit they say instead of telling them they're wrong. That way they might actually get a chance to think.

>> No.12046586

Isolate your self, ignore them wait till you flesh rots away. And get ready for the endless sleep after death. Thats what i would do.

>> No.12046589

I feel you bro
>falling for mlm scams
>spamming tabloid shit from facebook
>taking five figure loans for a bitch who cheated on you 5+ times
>cheating on 10/10 fiancee with 2/10 pig
just keep em arm's distance and never become business partners

>> No.12046606

Solve their problems and proceed to do your thing.

>> No.12046621

I can treat them like people as much as I want but when they come back at me with moon hoaxes and Bill Gates conspiracies and try to convince me that the shit they watched on youtube about 5G is absolutely true then I kinda lose hope and want to move into Alaska to become a hermit, studying my shit in peace

>> No.12046630

Then do it faggot.

No one owes you shut, let alone intelligence. You either be cool and try and guide them or be a bitter anti social fag that never gets laid

>> No.12046642

I've given up on getting laid anyway, seems improbable given my social anxiety and Adrian Monk tier OCD

>> No.12046645

several studies on 5g showed an increase in heart and brain cancer. Maybe you should not dismiss everything because there are idiots construcitng conspiracy theories around it. Just like you shouldn't dismiss the possibility of a pedophile ring just because pizzagate was a hoax.

>> No.12046657

Did those studies also show 5G causes biological viruses and Bill Gates wants to use the vaccine against said viruses to implant quantum tracking chips into you?

>> No.12046822

Why are they your friends if you can't stand them?

>> No.12046837

Nice story incel

>> No.12046841
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dude, one day you may regret having fun of incels

>> No.12047410

Because it's still preferable to having 0 friends, or so I thought

>> No.12047551

Go join MENSA it’s full of cunts like you.

>> No.12047556

I'm too smart for those cocks

>> No.12048298
File: 78 KB, 764x599, worken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon. If you weren't retarded it would be obvious that this is precisely the point anon is trying to make. Having concerns about stuff like tech censorship, mass surveillance, or mandatory vaccines does not make you a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist who believes in lizards and thinks that COVID is a hoax. You can question the mainstream narrative and legitimate concerns and disagreements. Thats actually part of how the scientific method works - internal debate, dialogue, and disagreement. Questioning the scientific authority of an MSNBC news anchor with a BA in communications doesn't make you a schizo or even a conservative. In fact, a lot of people on Sci (pretty much anyone with a BS in any stem field) have more authority than either Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity when it comes to COVID.

COVID is real and the situation ahas been policized. Trump supporters and the GOP are pretending it doesn't exist, and SJWs and the democratic establishment are acting like its black death 2.0 and are literally saying that we will be on lock down, forever, anytime their is a flair up in COVID cases. As someone who actually knows evolutionary game theory and population dynamics, I can tell you that (1) our initial COVID response sucked ass and was too lax, but our current response is also too draconian and myopic, and (2) pretty much anyone with any background in biology, statistics, or math would tell you the same thing in private.

>> No.12048778
File: 184 KB, 1013x1200, billama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up who funds the World Health Organization. Bill Gates and his vaccine foundation are the second largest donor. now where do "democratic" governments get their covid-19 marching orders from? is it the W.H.O.? if it isn't, then from where? it is either Bill Gates, or it is central banks and the World Bank (google 'great reset'). so even if there is no fire, considering how much smoke there is, YOU are the retarded one if you're dismissing what people are saying because you have this bizarre belief that a billionaire who took over the entire personal computer industry in the 1990s couldn't possibly have any plans to dominate anything else

>> No.12048783

Bruh you still in your atheist phase lmao

>> No.12049013

Ask your family.

>> No.12049022

the secret is to realize that almost all people, including smart people, are fucking stupid. I consider myself a fucking idiot, it makes my life a lot easier.

>> No.12049034

Are you asking this question so your friends know what to do?

>> No.12049107

>world is full of house arrests and tracing apps
>tracking chips are so funny!
But the tinfoil hat - forced muzzles switch is even funnier.

>> No.12049118

You're not as smart as you think you are OP, be grateful you have people who want to spend time with you and love them while you can.

>> No.12049161
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>> No.12049386

It's not that I don't consider myself a bumbling idiot, I absolutely do. But I have a mental capacity that enables me to critically parse given information, and it's obvious to me that A LOT of people around me, in my life, do not have this same capacity. It's not that I don't love some of them, but they're driving me crazy with their idiocy sometimes and it's hard to pull away from it, especially when they demand your participation.

>> No.12049428

I feel you OP. My grandmother can't understand that her 75mg dose of a medicine can be taken as 50mg+25mg. She always says that tv shows about nature and ocean are fake, because she can't grasp the world beyond the places where she lived. She always says dumb shit, all the time. I try to ignore but sometimes it is impossible. Women in general tend to talk excessively about stupid nonsense, it drives me mad.

>> No.12049442

While they're dumb, you're also dumb and very naive. I'm so smart because I learnt and regurgitated a discipline but learning about other topics makes me uncomfortable especially if I suspect it might question the structures and ideas I've become so comfortable with.

>> No.12049448

>She always says that tv shows about nature and ocean are fake
They literally often are though

>> No.12049454

I can understand some dementia in a grandmother, but in my case it's young adults making preposterous claim and trying to get me to play along. Then when I act as the voice of reason they gang up on me with their bullshit and it's just exhausting. I ignore it to the extent possible but it's easier said than done.

>> No.12049479

I mean, she says that the animals are fake. Whales, dolphins, sharks, all fake. If it is an animal that resembles something she saw somewhere, well, then it might be real.

>> No.12049483

Sounds like your friends are wise people.

>> No.12049497

Anon I can guarantee that you are not as smart as you think you are
Just lighten up and stop being such a massive faggot
If your friends are still too cringe for you just ghost them that's what I did to my retarded pseud friends

>> No.12049502

My coworkers and boss always do dumb shit as well. I used to predict something not good would happen and warn people "this won't work". The tragedy happens, I say "I told you so, remember?" and then the fuckers next day repeat the same mistakes... I just don't give a damn anymore - but I get mad on their stupidity, it is hard to control this instinctive reaction.

>> No.12049511

The trick is to not burn bridges don't call them fucking retards or anything just reduce your interactions with them until you don't even talk anymore I did this and the pseuds I mentioned before still consider me their friend but I don't have to deal with them anymore

>> No.12049512

All these
>you are not as smart as you think

For fucks sake, I'm not claiming I'm Einstein, but just knowing what a fucking limit is makes me smarter than most of my douchebag friends who haven't read a book since junior school. It's not about pride, it's about objectivity. They may excel in some area where I don't, but as far as general intelligence goes, yes, I'm smarter. And I shouldn't have to apologize for that either.

>> No.12049525

Why should your general inteligence ever matter?

>> No.12049537

Sorry if I was too antagonizing
Just ghost them if you don't want to deal with their shit anymore

>> No.12049543

It enables me to critically parse information. So I can immediately recognize flaws in, say, the moon hoax conspiracy. It's just flawed, and I spent countless hours trying to explain to people why they're retarded for believing such dumb shit, but I realized quickly that to recognize this as truth you also need some basic education in stuff like physics, chemistry, math, history, even photography and filmography, and what have you. I can make my conclusions based on all this knowledge I've gathered during the course of my life, whereas my so called friends simply don't have these tools.

>> No.12049556

intelligence isn't a chief virtue if you feel spite towards your friends that overwhelms your appreciation of them otherwise then you either do not really like them or are fundamentally a lowly and twisted subhuman. This is like being bothered that your friends aren't as handsome or athletic as you are and hating them for it. There's nothing they can do and there's nothing particularly virtuous about you for being better endowed in this way by chance. Expose yourself to a larger number of intelligent people and you'll realize many of them lack the qualities you found appealing in your "friends". Also stop shitting up the catalog you fucking faggot reddit nigger

>> No.12049563

I didn't say you were specifically, but I get what you people are coming at. As far as ghosting, it's hard when those people are your life-long acquaintances, I mean some guy I know since I was 6 is claiming ridiculous shit like "space isn't real", and being very serious about it because 3 youtube videos with 17 views each said so. And it's even harder or impossible when it's your family members.

>> No.12049569

Because the rest of the threads on /sci/ are so extremely high IQ

>> No.12049587

That's quite the predicament then
You can't just ghost a guy you've known since you were 6 or your family
You might be kinda fucked anon I don't know what you can do

>> No.12049590

consider it a case of the tragedy of the commons and be the change you want to see in the world by refraining from making retarded bait threads like this

>> No.12049593

I figured it's a common problem smart people have, I don't see how it's an irrelevant topic. If it bothers you so much you can hide it.

>> No.12051028

i have always considered myself more or less average in terms of intelligence, but even i have been confronted with this problem. some of my friends come at me with shit like 5g causes covid, and fail to understand that an electromagnetic wave cant reorganise matter and turn it into a virus with a long evolutionary history. they somehow fail to grasp basic cause and effect sometimes. i have considered just ghosting my non uni friends, but they are at heart good people. it is a tough situation i think we all face sometimes. i cant give you advice, just my sympathy

>> No.12051115

I think you're confusing smart with not stupid.
It's the stupid people that make life an ongoing slapstick routine. average people are usually p chill

>> No.12051131

>if 5G is harmful then you should wear a tinfoil hat
>tinfoil hat prevents coronavirus from getting on your hair
>lower chance to get infected or to infect others
Your friend is wiser than you.

>> No.12051151

i stand corrected

>> No.12051235
File: 10 KB, 244x206, brainlet interlectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bill gates conspiracy proves low IQ

>> No.12051338

There's literally nothing wrong with Bill Gates, people just need a scapegoat for anything

>> No.12051427

Sure, Bill.

>> No.12052230

Use them and take advantage of them.

>> No.12052252

>implying that stupid people aren't super easy to manipulate and use

>> No.12052258

Whenever I see this I always close the tab, it's like an inauspicious bird sign or going bust in cards more than twice in the same night. You know something's wrong and you just have to escape for a while.