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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 233 KB, 1080x1182, 20200824_061154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12042888 No.12042888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is a scientific fact racist?

>> No.12042891

In which thread did you post this?

>> No.12042892

That was the OP

>> No.12042893

you cherrypicked one gorilla, who happens to be an extreme outlier, and compared him to an entire population (flattening a distribution to its average to make your point). that's extremely dishonest. that's like comparing Neil deGrasse Tyson to your average white guy and then making the claim "blacks have higher IQs than whites".

>> No.12042899

This. OP is racist and is trying to manipulate data in order to get this invalid point across.

>> No.12042902
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Ah, well. This makes it even more beautiful and you a glorious funposter. A toast for OP!

Jannies are jannies, reset your router until you get wide range ban, and then I'm not sure how to evade.

>> No.12042904
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>> No.12042919
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That gorilla was the first and as far as i'm aware the only gorilla that was tested and we have no reason to believe it to be an outlier as we have no evidence to the contrary
Based fuck jannies

>> No.12042931

agreed, but neil is at least 60% white. that's where he gets the IQ. a real outlier would be a native subsaharan with an IQ over 110

>> No.12042933

So "one gorilla had higher IQ than the average subsaharan african" would have been okay ?

>> No.12042948

that’s bad statistics based off of ignorance and no real frame of reference. Perhaps that’s the only gorilla tested because most gorillas are not capable of completing IQ tests. what you’re proposing is akin to saying that every unexplored planet has a 50-50 chance of having life, since there are only 2 options, life or no life. it’s bullshit

yes, because that’s a proven fact

>> No.12042953

He is most likely getting his information from The Bell Curve which is highly problematic. The Bell Curve used army entrance exams and called them ‘IQ tests’ despite the fact that they were no such thing. Then, because they weren’t IQ tests they made up some numbers in order to say ‘well if they WERE IQ tests they would probably give numbers like this then just published that as fact.

They threw out information that didn’t suit their narrative like how South African wealthy black children had a higher IQ than the white children in South Africa because wealthy black children compared to an aggregate of all white children wether wealthy or poor gives better numbers for those black children. Because, and this cannot be stressed enough, IQ tests are more an indication of upbringing and education than of nature and breeding.

The ‘average African’ used in The Bell Curve was a group of copper miners given IQ tests in the 1950s to test how well the tests were written. These uneducated African copper miners scored about 75 points average, then after only 6 months were given another IQ test and tested at 85 because, and I can’t stress this enough, they had never been given a test before and didn’t know what to expect. So the dishonest assholes who wrote the Bell Curve threw out the 85 IQ these same exact uneducated copper miners got the second time they took a test in their lives and claimed that 75 is the average IQ for Africans.

Seriously, the Bell Curve is garbage funded by Nazis, which is true, the US nazi party funneled money through a secondary organization to fund the book. It’s trash that has no place on /sci/ but the dumb ducks from /pol/ worship it as the book of their new religion.

>> No.12042957

>t. brainlets who don't understand stats

>> No.12042959

It takes awhile to teach a gorilla basic functions of course which makes any large scale testing very expensive but there was nothing that unique about the gorilla beyond it's upbringing

>> No.12042960

What stats?

>> No.12042969
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i think there is this one sjw jannie who get butthurt like no one else. he'll delete threads that actually are science but contain something that btfo of his political tribe. happens fairly regularly.

>> No.12043012

Tacko Fall is the smartest man EVER in the NBA. Plenty of high IQ subsaharan Africans you racist asshole

>> No.12043017

that gorilla would have had more education and other kinds of formative attention than most sub-Saharan Africans. seems like another large confounding factor, no?

>> No.12043020

It'd definitely be a factor but koko still outclasses even african americans which is surreal to the extreme

>> No.12043021


>> No.12043026

Most vpns have already been banned

>> No.12043037

>banned for racism
>on 4chan
Stupidest leftist garbage ive ever seen

>> No.12043039

I got banned for asking why don't math books emphasize in the discovery of the theorems rather than proofs. Apparently on-topic discussion is trolling now.

>> No.12043040

lol this fucking cope. if education is enough to get a gorilla above nigger standards, they maybe niggers are genetic retards, did you ever consider that?

>> No.12043041

that gorilla is also smarter than a lot of white people anon. why aren't you focusing on that?

>> No.12043043

Besides, isn't it racist to assume sub saharan africans are from a particular race? When people say americans are stupid, they're not trying to offend anyone for their skin color, I don't see how race is an issue here, maybe he's disrespectful to other cultures, but this is not /int/ either.

>> No.12043044

It's only going to get worse. Next year Biden will make racism a misdemeanor

>> No.12043050

>they maybe niggers
Have you considered that they most likely do not necessarily have the education? Also, you should read about population sampling.

>> No.12043059

What was the IQ of that gorilla anyway? It only needed to be around 75 to be smarter than most nigger right?

>> No.12043065

the average IQ of African-Americans is 85-90, which makes the gorilla dumber than most blacks with comparable exposure to education.

>> No.12043067

This is all wrong. Literally everything you wrote is garbage funded by communists.

>> No.12043074

between 75 and 95 for koko

>> No.12043090

since when can you measure IQ between species?

>> No.12043097

OP uses his dick to do the same.

>> No.12043100

>because bell curve is the only thing showing that result

Oh boy here we go again

>> No.12043101

I have considered that and I consider it irrelevant. By law every child in the US must attend school until 16, which should be enough to make you smarter than a gorilla, but even if it isnt, blacks have the lowest standards for everything, being given free college, housing, food, transportation, etc., just for being retarded niggers. You should stop bringing up intro to statistics terms because they do nothing to alleviate the fact that niggers are niggers.

>> No.12043104

there are lots of white people with lots of education who are still not smarter than gorillas. exhibit A: our orangutang-in-chief. does that mean we should also get rid of white people? stupid racist frogposter.

>> No.12043111

lol fuck off nigger-lover. the only whites that are dumber than a gorilla are actual retards, so you should be able to admit that any black dumber than one is too. they changed the definition of retard once for blacks, from 85 to 70, and now they are doing it again, from 70 to 55, because niggers are that fucking stupid. No amount of education should make a gorilla more intelligent than the majority of a race. Anyone who still thinks niggers can be even remotely human, after 60 years of pandering, is an absolute imbecile.

>> No.12043126

>No amount of education should make a gorilla more intelligent than the majority of a race.
have you ever considered that IQ is an invalid concept when applied to gorillas? for example, there are 85 IQ people who have completed a bachelor's degree... is that something Koko could have ever completed? no. any test that makes a gorilla as smart as a human is flawed and retarded, and you're a moronic chud for believing it for even a second.

>> No.12043129

But didn't he come to the same conclusion about american blacks and whites?

>> No.12043132


>> No.12043150

lol have you considered that niggers are subhuman? some phylogenetic tests put them closer to bonobos than Europeans. IQ tests test your ability to recognize patterns, it is rather objective. that doesnt stop people from screeching it is "racist," well if an IQ test benefits whites and gorillas at the expense of niggers, doesnt that make niggers less than gorillas? the so called flaw in the test is nigger retardation, or conversely gorilla supremacy lol

>> No.12043155

the best part is how lefties always claim those tests to be white supremacist shit and so on when the data clearly suggests that asians and jews are on top( if that data is true or not is an other debate which I will not go into right now), but somehow it's always whiteys fault

>> No.12043165

Look at the average not outliers

>> No.12043171

>He is most likely getting his information from The Bell Curve which is highly problematic. The Bell Curve used army entrance exams and called them ‘IQ tests’ despite the fact that they were no such thing. Then, because they weren’t IQ tests they made up some numbers in order to say ‘well if they WERE IQ tests they would probably give numbers like this then just published that as fact.

I've noticed that the word 'problematic' when used as criticism usually means that the writer disagrees with the conclusion but can only find the merest fig-leaf of an argument to refute it. This seems to be no exception. The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is indeed not an IQ test but the correlation between the sub-tests they employ and IQ tests is statistically significant enough to be able to draw the conclusions they draw. It is subject discussed at great length by Richard J. Herrnstein, Charles Murray in the link below - in 24 years no one has found fault in its statistical analysis.


>> No.12043177

Good. Finally mods doing their job getting rid of the /pol/fags.

>> No.12043181

Basketball americans are smarter because they have more than 1/4 european admixture

>> No.12043196

based mod btfoing /pol/cels

>> No.12043199

That just shows that the mods know about the endless dogshit threads on /sci/ and don't care enough to delete them.
I thought the mods were just lazy, but they're idiots as well.

>> No.12043201


At least Trump does not have dyscalculia (unlike the former Prime Minister of South Africa).

Black South Africans really do have low IQs as this rigorous study of hundreds of black and white undergraduates at Johannesburg University shows. These black undergraduates are mostly suburban upper middle class, often privately educated and have every possible advantage, yet have an average IQ of 84. Given that undergraduates are about one standard deviation higher than the average that put the average black IQ at 70.


>> No.12043202
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Wait, so you're saying that an outlier in a particular sample (say S1) is more intelligent than the average of another sample (say S2), hence you can conclude that the average of S1 is more intelligent than the average of S2?

>> No.12043205

>jannies and mods are trannies and NIGGERS
more news at 11

>> No.12043221

Based mods. /p*l/ exists for a reason, go back there.

>> No.12043228

What is more fun to do on 4chan than post fun things "scientifically"?

>> No.12043235
File: 835 KB, 972x1243, Patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone out here that still cares about the quality of the posts on this board, remember to apply the I.H.R technique on these threads:
>identify /pol/ threads
>hide /pol/ threads
>report /pol/ threads

For the /sci/ oldfags:
Identifying these bait threads is pretty easy, with just reading the title and the content you can rapidly infer what actual discussion do they want to have and what narrative do they want to push. Do not waste time on arguing, either hide and report or shitpost it into oblivion. We must stop playing naïve; it is not "IQ thread", it is "we want to shit on niggers"; it is not "Climate change", it is "I want to speak pseudoscience". It is obviously common that these threads will relate to some political discussion (mainly those related to sex and race). Again, we are not /pol/ #2, this board should be math and science discussion, not whether or not you think masks are useful based on your dogma. Recognizing these threads and understanding that they are not science is the first step into solving this problem.

For the /pol/acks:
>inb4 boogeyman
You will answer that no matter how many times someone points that out; you will always say it in order to deflect obvious truth: that the post was done without the intention to discuss scientific inquiry and that it aims to uphold racism. Being here, it is not our duty to be against racism, but it is also not our duty to support it, much less dedicate 300 daily bait threads per week.
>"you So y for posting this" [insert wojak]
>automatic buzzword (rent free, you are not a woman, etc)

>> No.12043237

embarrassing post desu, good bait though

>> No.12043244

>report /pol/ threads
Jannies could ban me because the racism of a thread is determined by themselves.

>> No.12043247

you wasted our brainpower talking about useless shit
you deserved to be permabanned desu

>> No.12043259

Two things: 1) the outlier of a group as low as a gorilla should not pass the average of a supposedly vastly superior species (not niggers lmao). if a bug outscored a nigger, do you think it matters that it was an outlier?
2) it is uncertain that this gorilla was an outlier instead as it was the only one sampled, so stop pretending like your 10th grade AP stats garbage is a valid counteragrument

>> No.12043269

>it is uncertain that this gorilla was an outlier instead as it was the only one sampled
Alright. fine. So show me statistically that the average Gorilla is more intelligent than the average Black.

>> No.12043286

[math] \displaystyle
\color{red}{\mathsf{\text{(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)}}}

>> No.12043290

>the outlier of a group as low as a gorilla should not pass the average of a supposedly vastly superior species (not niggers lmao). if a bug outscored a nigger, do you think it matters that it was an outlier?
the highest IQ black is more intelligent than the average white, which is demonstrably true.
Thus your first condition is satisfied. In lieu of that, I can conclusively say
>the outlier of a group as low as blacks should not pass the average of a supposedly vastly superior species (whites)
Do you not see the hole in your own argument?

>> No.12043298

How to type like that?

>> No.12043306

I think mods banned him.

>> No.12043310
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>> No.12043356

retard, there has only been one gorilla sampled, that is impossible. what isnt impossible is showing that blacks are multiple standard deviations dumber than whites, but you refuse to accept this for some reason, blaming "socioecomic" factors, despite blacks being pampered and their own societies in africa being horrendous. the apartheid government was a nuclear power, why is south africa today a 3rd world country and the rape capital of the world? I thought it was a good thing apartheid ended.
the argument is that blacks are subhuman, which again has been proven in every population study. the gorilla outscoring the average nigger was meant to be an insult, and any white that is outscored by a nigger on an IQ test deserves the label of subhuman. it is demonstrably true that blacks are inferior to whites, again be any metric, yet you refuse to acknowledge this

>> No.12043364

>any white that is outscored by a nigger on an IQ test deserves the label of subhuman
So the average white is more retarded than the high iq black. Thus the average white (like you) is sub human. ok anon.

>> No.12043366

Type some racist or pedo bullshit and get banned

>> No.12043373

>retard, there has only been one gorilla sampled, that is impossible. what isnt impossible is showing that blacks are multiple standard deviations dumber than whites, but you refuse to accept this for some reason, blaming "socioecomic" factors, despite blacks being pampered and their own societies in africa being horrendous. the apartheid government was a nuclear power, why is south africa today a 3rd world country and the rape capital of the world? I thought it was a good thing apartheid ended.
Correct. Thus yu cannot say Gorillas on average are smarter than the aerage blacks because we haven't sampled enough Gorillas to conclusively state the same. You btfo'd your own logic.

>> No.12043380

Are there even modern IQ comparison studies done on say american blacks? Most I've seen use central african blacks as the comparison group which just isn't fucking fair to be honest but I'm open minded

>> No.12043383

>imagine being proud about fact that your race is on average smarter than gorillas

>> No.12043385

The human race is on average smarter than animals. This is a fact and everyone knows it. It is only you who's being proud at it as if you've achieved something very great against a mere animal.

>> No.12043393

nope, try again nigger-lover. why is it that every african nation is incompetent because of "corruption" if it is merely by chance? its more likely that a tendency for corruption is a quality of black genetics. why is it that there are no black inventions? chance? no, it is retarded black genetics. this is an anonymous forum, I cant understand why anyone would ever defend niggers here. there is simply no evidence that blacks are capable of acting civilly without a gun to their heads, which isnt really civil at all.
post where I said that. I have only ever said that blacks crying about biased tests fall apart when a gorilla, who is supposedly not even close to human intelligence, scored better than them. What logic is there to disprove the population-wide studies taken in every country over a century? None, but you deny them anyways.

>> No.12043394

It's like saying
>Hey mom, I'm sorry, I failed my math test. but at least I'm smarter than street dogs.

>> No.12043397

How the fuck are we supposed to know what the (USER WAS BANNED FOR) as an example if the jannie deleted that anyways? Want me to check the archive?

>> No.12043411

[math] \displaystyle
\color{red}{\mathsf{\text{(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)}}}

>> No.12043415

The font is different from actual bans you fucking newfag

>> No.12043417

Wow, you must be really fun at parties, faggot.

>> No.12043424

california prohibited IQ studies on blacks

>> No.12043440

>Between 1972 and 1977, Koko was administered several infant IQ tests, including the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale and form B of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. She achieved scores in the 70–90 range, which is comparable to a human infant that is slow but not intellectually impaired

>> No.12043501
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>comparing brains between different species

Where's my Dolphin Carl Friedrich Gauss?

>> No.12043504

>The Bell Curve which is highly problematic
This has been a great thread.

>> No.12043526

You are right, but why the fuck did you use the word problematic?

>> No.12043537

overrun by redditfags

>> No.12043538

He is not right and his use of problematic is indicative of the type of person who would use such arguments, ie, a deluded leftist.

>> No.12043549

>comparing juvenile brains to adult brains

>> No.12043560
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>> No.12043568

>these test's aren't white supremacist
>have you considered that niggers are subhuman

>> No.12043573

they are not you fucking idiot, how can you call it white supremacy when asians score better?

>> No.12043574
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>losing to a dolphin

>> No.12043584

Oh wait yeah you're right
but they don't call the IQ tests white supremacists
they call it racist
which you clearly demonstrate

>> No.12043590

I think everything that achknowledges race is inherently racist because races have traits and traits have value and thus races have traits that ar ebetter or worse. Everything is racist because nature is racist because we are different and that's a beautiful thing.

>> No.12043594

Yeah anything that generalizes people into races is racist
because races don't exists

>> No.12043601
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>> No.12043602

Why'd you post a picture of yourself?

>> No.12043614


ban evasion?
that's another ban then

>> No.12043617

please stop you're ridiculing yourself

>> No.12043620

I'm not the one who doesn't have an argument

>> No.12043631


>> No.12043634

Okay then why can forensic anthropology determine the person's race solely based on bonestructure?
Also why can you regionally assign different gene clusters on the Y chromosome with almost 100% accuracy?

>> No.12043642

it's both, the true /sci/entists knows that most of these things are true and yet we would never judge someone just based on race because we know how statistics work

>> No.12043655

>you cherrypicked one gorilla, who happens to be an extreme outlier, and compared him to an entire population (flattening a distribution to its average to make your point). that's extremely dishonest. that's like comparing Neil deGrasse Tyson to your average white guy and then making the claim "blacks have higher IQs than whites".
Or you know, saying "Hey look at this pale black man, look how smart he is. See - blacks are just as smart as whites!"

>> No.12043656

It's not because of bone structure
the people who did the mock up are doing it because of DNA sequencing
and the gene thing doesn't make race exist

>> No.12043661

>blacks are just as smart as whites
shush....don't say that. OP will start seething and sperging.