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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12029049 No.12029049 [Reply] [Original]

turns out that even math isn't immune to pop-science faggotry !

>> No.12029051

what happened?

>> No.12029059

Yes, it isn't

>> No.12029063

what did he do? i saw a few of his vids and thought he did one of the better jobs out there. like as bearable as pop shit gets as he does actually go over the math albeit in the most introductory way.

>> No.12029069

his videos about linear algebra are pretty well designed

>> No.12029074

>the kutrzgesagt shill is back

>> No.12029077

>>the kutrzgesagt shill is back

>> No.12029079

this. I haven't really watched his other content, but the linear algebra series helped with the intuition.

>> No.12029083

His video about blockchain was pretty based. Made me finally understand what's going on there.

>> No.12029129

Don't know what you mean op, his new video seems alright
Or are you buttblasted because he did the video because of that weird youtube math shit?

>> No.12029136

some fan or the writer himself shills here occasionally. It's a shit channel with shit content. total pseud garbage with fancy animation and a voice actor to make it look good

>> No.12029142

His videos are pretty good. Sounds like you're mad because he makes math accessible to normies.

>> No.12029164

He’s an insufferable faggot but his animations are top notch

>> No.12029169

>wahhhhh, introductory concepts explained in a thought out and reasonable pace accompanied by helpful animations!!
stop being contrarian faggots you fucking losers. get over yourselves
look at the anons in the thread who have nothing but positive experiences with his videos. y'all niggas ain't nothing special

>> No.12029182


as if they are even remotely comparable

kutrzgesagt is purely glossy misinformation

>> No.12029190

you're the only one talking about him stinky piggot, but what I said above still applies
>glossy misinformation
maybe general so as to make it accessible, but I wouldn't call it misinformation

>> No.12029286

Numberphile is much worse, in particular the video about -1/12

>> No.12029935

Take your meds.

>> No.12029937

>y'all niggas
Go back.

>> No.12029942

That video is correct though.

>> No.12029962

literally only understand what linear algebra really means because of this guy. you can't animate a textbook. fuck off OP

>> No.12030003

> he needed animations to underdstand

>> No.12030408

I implemented neural networks from scratch to classify mnist, just by following his videos. Also understood and implemented fourier transform thanks to him.
So he understands and transfers the knowledge pretty well.

>> No.12030419


>> No.12030422

did you use matrix vector or scalar ops?

>> No.12030526


>introductory concepts explained in a thought out and reasonable pace accompanied by helpful animations
More like
>the very basics of a topic using as little math as possible acompanied with pretty animations thus avoiding the real thing and all it's difficulty, giving you the impression that you learned something while nothing of substance was actually said but instead some barely usefull facts with watever else had a good demonstration/show off and so you will eventually forget everything about it in 2~3 months
Yes, it is purely entertainment using math like a magic show. This is as much popsci as it gets. To be fair his videos are quite suitable for his target audience (people who haven't seen math since high-school and are never going to do math in their lives again). The real problem behind popsci is the attitude of the average person towards science and math. Everyone "loves" them but the average person finds them too dificult. They want to take part in them, it is considered high status by society to be involved in them this makes most people only care superficially about math, they care for the sake of caring, to be "cool". So they prefere to only see some "beautiful" results without any mention to the "boring" math behind it. How can something beautiful come out of something boring? The answer is that it's neither, it's just math, both are math. That would mean that the average person doesn't like math but that is something they will never admit because they are conditioned by society to "love" science and math. How can they not when it has improved our lives so much? Ted Kazynski would disagree but it doesn't matter to what extend it is true, it's in peoples heads. By stating they don't like math or science they would deny the foundation of modern society, a society based on the archetype of the weak victimised yet somehow smart nerd who while bullied unfairly and unable to deal with it will succeed later in life (they never do)

>> No.12030553

>>the very basics of a topic using as little math as possible acompanied with pretty animations thus avoiding the real thing and all it's difficulty, giving you the impression that you learned something while nothing of substance was actually said but instead some barely usefull facts with watever else had a good demonstration/show off and so you will eventually forget everything about it in 2~3 months

>> No.12030759

>in particular the video about -1/12
use a better definition of infinite summation you mong
>you can't animate a textbook
you have a brain dont you?
just fucking picture in your head happens to the basis vectors, god damn

>> No.12031288

Fuck off newfag
Its educational you dumb angry cunt. Not even gonna read your blog post. Stop being so mad at something objectively beneficial.

>> No.12031318

>Not even gonna read your blog post.
of course you don't, same reason you don't read a book
after all... your attention span is like, 5 seconds?!

>> No.12031343

>course you don't, same reason you don't read a book
>after all... your attention span is like, 5 seconds?!
First of all, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac. Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque. Quam id leo in vitae. Vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus. Eget magna fermentum iaculis eu. Dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae. Tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris. Pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non. Velit dignissim sodales ut eu.

Vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo. Placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi. Ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis. Consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut. Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae. Massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium. Et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget. Orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor. Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent.

Molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing. Sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non. At urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id nibh. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio. Nam at lectus urna duis convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet. Viverra vitae congue eu consequat ac felis donec. Ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed. Urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor.

>> No.12031370

his only bad video is on Bayes theorem, because he (like all IFLM nerds) is a Bayesian taliban that thinks it explains away the problem of inference in probability. But ignoring that part, its a good entry level statistics video. And his video on Fourier actually gave me a new perspective that i wasnt aware of.

>> No.12031452

Can you go a bit more in depth on why he didn’t cover the bayes theorem properly?

>> No.12031721

In case you didn't catch it the reason you forget his content it is written just above it. He shows some cool things and never goes into the how it's done part, if he does he does it very superficialy and omits many things. Do you remember a video of his from last year? If you do can you shortly present the topic? If not you haven't learned.

>Not even gonna read your blog post. Stop being so mad at something objectively beneficial.
If you had read my post you would have understood that I am not angry. If you had read my post you would understand that it is only beneficial to those who want to satisfy their psychological needs of being "cool" and smart. The fact that you think this is somehow objectively beneficial tells me that you get those needs of yours satisfied by him and thus you reject any critisism in anger.
>you dumb angry cunt
Who is angry here? This is indeed a projection.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion with valid arguments. Now read my post.

>> No.12031844

Lmao what a projection

>> No.12031865
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>> No.12031892

If you're not angry then why have you been reeee'ing at this guy for the last 3 posts?

>> No.12031974

you sound like that one professor who makes his course as dry and as incomphrenesible as possible on purpose because "I didn't have it easy, so nobody should have it easy"

>> No.12032101

lol ok sure

My only posts are >>12030526 and >>12031721

It's not about having it easy, in popsci you don't have it at all. You are only shown some basic things and some results in order to impress you and make you feel smart, no learning takes place. As I said, I bet none of his viewers remember the topic of his videos 1 year ago and certainly no one can talk about them. Maybe you will understand when you encounter the same topics in college and maybe you will see how much he simply doesn't present or why you can't learn from his videos.

>> No.12032567

>satisfy their psychological needs of being "cool" and smart.
No one watches a math video on youtube and thinks their cool. I'd also suggest it's a stretch to think "wow I'm smart" after watching a math video. I think you're projecting and your criticisms are wildly misplaced

>> No.12032630

this. I hate anything pop, but his linear algebra videos are good. I wonder if I ever would have done that by myself, which I say, Yes because I am also doing computer graphics and it would have take me long to experiment and understand concept of determinant, scaling, mulitplications, linear combination etc but then I think real Algebraist already have this intuition without looking at stills or animation and I realise I am low IQ < 100 subhuman.

>> No.12032640

Yes his channel is dangerous and promote virtue signalling using maths. The retarded comments and number of likes tells you that. He should shut down his channel and instead publish papers for greater good.

>> No.12032646

Yes he should have a Mixim tutorial playlist where he explains how he himself understood those concepts.

>> No.12032761

>No one watches a math video on youtube and thinks their cool
Indeed, what I'm saying is that in society mathematicians and scientists are considered high status. People who are interested in math are considered inteligent and therefore "good". What I meant by the need to feel "cool" was the need to be a high status member of society, which is satisfied by those videos who treat the viewer like he has the ability not only to understand these concepts without the required math background but also like he can ask and answer complicated questions regarding them. In reality the questions asked and answered are always the most trivial of the topic. This also gives the viewer a false sence of intelligence making him believe he is smart even when he passively watches. This also satisfies the viewers need to have positive traits. This anon here >>12032640 >>12032646 gets it.

>> No.12033477

So basically
>people only "love math" to seem cool
>therefore they only know the "beautiful" results and have a surface level understanding of the subject
>an average person can't possibly take a deep dive into the "boring" parts of math and misses a huge part of mathematics
>therefore popsci and popmath is detrimental to math

>> No.12033693

3b1b is the most talented 'lecturer' on yt. I suspect you are a bitter contrarian that doesn't have the empathy to understand what a difference he's made in making concepts like machine learning and linear algebra palatable to the masses

>> No.12033701

Imagine feeling threatened that people learn new things with well made content
That's probably the degree 0 of intelligence.

>> No.12033706

He has literally done complete mathematical proofs on video so that's a real as you can get. You are probably talking about his most recent video though but I think that for every full proof video he gets a pass for a less tight general knowledge video. Especially given the fact that it would be impossible to take people from the axioms of group theory all the way up to the proof of the existence and uniqueness of the monster in a video or even a series of videos unless he dedicated the next years of his life to it.

>> No.12033810

pretty sure >>12032640 is being sarcastic, also pretty you're an angry projecting autist

>> No.12033835

>He has literally done complete mathematical proofs on video so that's a real as you can get
Which video(s) does he present rigorous proofs for the concepts he discusses?

>> No.12033855

He has a complete proof of the Wallis product formula. Not to mention that in videos in which he skims some details he links to complete proofs.

>> No.12033866

>a complete proof of a curiosity
Good to know.

I could also link to wikipedia which contains proofs every time I explain basic calculus concepts to retards in /sqt/ does that make me a responsible and beneficent educator of the public or is the lack of the "geometrically intuitive" animations and birdlike homosexual voice disqualify me? Do I need a patreon and to appear at talks at Pajeet universities as well?

>> No.12033873

>no u
sarcastic of not, the point remains

>> No.12033918

Why are you so mad at this? Dude's just making cute math animations. What even is your point? That he shouldn't?

>> No.12033951
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The guy literally posts paragraphs, explaining his opinion about 3b1b, while you lots calling him autistic hater
now you're asking what is your point?! lmao

>> No.12033971

The paragraphs he posted basically boils down to:
it's not real math because it's not dull and boring and it makes people feel smart (which is a bad thing because I said so)

Basically the opinion of someone who considers himself smarter than everyone, yet feels threatened when other people might learn a trick or two.

>> No.12034003

His videos remind me of my favorite professor in the math department at my university. Pretty enjoyable content.

>> No.12034021

You won’t learn any tricks from his videos. Spivak, Arnold, Cramer will teach you tricks. Feynman will teach you tricks. But, you won’t even learn how to rotate objects or analyze the asymptotic behavior of a function from those videos. You won’t learn any sneaky factorization or algebra tricks, you won’t learn any interesting substitutions, you won’t even learn how by to abuse orthogonality or the triangle inequality or how to use geometry to solve analytical problems. No, you won’t learn anything at all worth your time but you will learn how to listen and accept other people’s understanding of maths as god given.

>> No.12034087

People learn intuitive ways of solving or thinking about some problems from his videos, which is crucial to do any Mathematics.
You won't admit it because you think of yourself above all that and have negative priors deeply embedded in your thick skull.
Even if what you said was right, wasting your time criticizing the way people waste their time on youtube is the lowest form of intelligence you could ever display.

Take comfort in the fact that you're still anonymous.

>> No.12034379

You're the only dumb nigga arguing you're stupid insecure projecting point. Stfu faggot hahahah, every anon in this thread thinks ur gay just kys already and stop posting

>> No.12034877

>literal stanford grad
>works for the largest repository of free education for a couple years
>creates an open source graphics library to further mathematical education
>sees that this isn't enough and uses the afore mentioned library to start a youtube channel to reach a larger audience

no anon u must be right
hes apparently a cancer on earth because he wants to educate people

>> No.12035093

we're talking about 3blue1brown here

>> No.12035114

>People learn intuitive ways of solving or thinking about some problems from his videos, which is crucial to do any Mathematics.
No they really don't. You only learn by doing and by being encouraged to do by people that have mastered the subject. He hasn't mastered any topics of mathematics, he didn't even get a PhD or contribute any research of worth.
>Threatening and implying I'm stupid for making a post about a popular youtuber on an anonymous Papuan head hunting forum
Its the emotional reaction to people being told they are being ripped off that motivates me to reply every time the guy is brought up. I wouldn't say anything if there weren't feebs who would lash out at me for doing so.

>> No.12035761

they say quite alot of based stuff between the lines, like fuck your "oganic xy " trend or that communism leads to net unhappiness

>> No.12035767

I'm sorry but, there is a big big biiiig difference between accessible science lectures and pop-science.

>> No.12036095

yes and 3b1b is pop-science

>> No.12036249

His videos are perfectly fine.

Stop being a retard, OP, you talk like he's a disgrace for the scientific community or something.

>> No.12036269

What he does is give nicely animated intuitions for topics (which is something a professor with chalk in a lecture just can't do).
Yes, he isn't rigurous most of the time. Duh. That's not the point at all.

>> No.12036306

>completely missing the point of a youtube channel

>> No.12036569

>wah someone explained foundational math concepts well it's not fair!
Popular is bad we get it.

>> No.12036605

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.12036703

kek big if true

>> No.12036762


>> No.12036769


>> No.12037783

Consider it a primer, a poster for those interested in attending the full thing. Its not just a commercial but it also gives context to further information on the topic, context which is required for people to learn at all.

>> No.12038111


>No they really don't. You only learn by doing and by being encouraged to do by people that have mastered the subject. He hasn't mastered any topics of mathematics, he didn't even get a PhD or contribute any research of worth.

PhD here, and what you say doesn't make sense as it really just is an argument of authority. You do not only learn by doing and by being encouraged by complete masters of the subject. You also learn by getting new intuitions and concepts through novel ways of explaining them. 3b1b actually has some of the best infographics regarding the subjects he's discussing. That helped me a lot with notions of divergence and rotational.

As for what you or whatever anon said earlier about learning secrets tricks such as Feynman's factorization, there are only so many "tricks" to be taught, the real trick is to get a good overview of what you're actually working on. Other people discussing a subject that you already master will help you see and interpret things in a novel way as you discuss the basics with the hindsight you have. To be perfectly honest, I know some experience electrical engineers that would really use watching a few ElectroBoom videos.

>> No.12038129


Absolutely. And might I add, it is also a good and quick way of reviewing basics for someone who already knows the subject. It will either give you more confidence in what you know or you might get a new perspective of said basics; or hell, it will remind of you something you completely forgot.

>> No.12038209
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please be kind to each other :(

>> No.12038261

They’re the ones being rude I just said that his videos aren’t very good and don’t convey intuition where skill and practice are absent.
>PhD here
You tell me not to appeal to authority, I’m not appealing to authority I’m stating an obvious fact that you learn by mimicking the techniques of masters which is exactly how the office hours help session, PhD process and tutoring environment work by watching a more competent person do a difficult task in a skilled manner and then imitating them. Now you state you are credentialed and so have special knowledge of why you can ignore my critiques. What is the special knowledge?
>you learn by getting new intuitions
Firstly, you’d need to state what you mean by new intuitions. For me the idea of using topological and metric space ideas to understand continuity coming from just a calculus background was a “new intuition” that helped me understand ideas to do with optimization and integration more easily but that required reading lots of boring dreary preliminaries in multiple textbooks and doing ample exercises, I remember how much I hated doing that and how hard it was to gain insight this way. But, I doubt that I would have benefited from being spoonfed the “visual intuition” without being asked to think on my feet.
>that helped me
Ok that helped you I’m saying it doesn’t do anything substantive for most people. I would love to see the performance of most viewers solving intermediate level lin alg problems before and after his videos. Guarantee there is no significant improvement. However, a channel like Professor Leonard’s I’d bet good money that test scores go up after viewing his videos which is attested by the comments especially at the end of his Calc III series where you can see literally hundreds of people claiming just this.
>there are only so many tricks
there are innumerable tricks and secrets to learn in mathematics and the quantitative sciences

>> No.12038310

id say of the youtubers who try to make math accessible to the layman without ruining its integrity (no easy task mind you) he is the best

what did he do to mangle your panties this time OP?

>> No.12038353

Suck nigger dick faggot.

>> No.12038355
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>> No.12038368
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He's just a salty bish

>> No.12038428

Math has been getting pop-sci treatment for at least the past five years

>> No.12038915

sorry :(

>> No.12039179

Ah bloo bloo

>> No.12039234

That's a blind appeal to authority and a poor one at that. A PhD is a piece of paper saying that you spent several years beating your head against the wall to make a meager contribution to a specialized domain of knowledge in some field. It doesn't give you exclusive authority on the subject of mathematical visualization or even make you competent at it. Anything in the public domain can be reasonably expected to be understood by an enterprising member of the public, and research in general isn't owned by academia. Something tells me you're either in high-school or barely into your undergraduate education.

>> No.12039487

now you're gatekeeping what it means to help people? nigga you're fucking dumb. you're so dumb and getting bullied so hard for being a retard, anons are telling people to lay off like >>12038209
dumb fucking idiot, stop posting and jump off a building. shoo shoo stinky little piggot boy

>> No.12039803

shut the fuck up you salty fucking nigga. you cringe af

>> No.12040072

ITT: OP is mad that he doesn't belong to the target audience of a youtube video.

How can a pop-sci channel damage the institute of mathematics if its target audience consists of people who have no relation to it or any influence over it?

>> No.12040233

>You tell me not to appeal to authority, I’m not appealing to authority I’m stating an obvious fact that you learn by mimicking the techniques of masters which is exactly how the office hours help session, PhD process and tutoring environment work by watching a more competent person do a difficult task in a skilled manner and then imitating them. Now you state you are credentialed and so have special knowledge of why you can ignore my critiques. What is the special knowledge?
I'm not appealing to authority, on the contrary. i'm actually saying that I have a PhD and it's not relevant to the fact of having a PhD. Fucking everyone can be a PhD due to regulations making it so hard to fire you once you're qualified that even if you didn't do shit, the advisor would either have to write your thesis for you or you would simply get away with a shitty one.
Besides that, PhDs do not necessarily have more "knowledge" than a masters on such general notions. They may have specialized in certain domains, sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean that 1) they would be able to explain it in a pedagogical way (not everyone is Feynman) 2) that they actually grasp anything that is not directly related to their bibliographic research as phds. If that was the case, every tenured professor or lecturer with a PhD would be a good teacher, which we both know is not the case.
> but that required reading lots of boring dreary preliminaries in multiple textbooks and doing ample exercises
What you did was merely studing the subject. Which is what you eventually have to do if you want to be anything near competent. But for all the textbooks you've been studying, all the problems you've been solving, there will always be that one detail you may have missed. That's why we have paper reviews in scientific journals, that's why we have plenary talks in conferences. They're basic, sure, but they allow you to do a quick tour d'horizon that will then help you redirect your research.

>> No.12040303

> I would love to see the performance of most viewers solving intermediate level lin alg problems before and after his videos. Guarantee there is no significant improvement.
The fact that you gave me Prof. Leonard, a guy that is really just giving you math lectures (albeit in a very pedagogical way, i'll give you that), proves to me that you're really all about those grades. Academic scores do not necessarily correlate with a deep understanding of the subject, and what 3b1b does has nothing to do with improving your academic scores. 3b1b provides, through his talks and his infographics, a good way to understand things in a way that is different from what your average lecturer probably showed you. That's the whole point.

>Firstly, you’d need to state what you mean by new intuitions.
Take a complex problem. What are the ways you'd think of solving it ? What are the steps that you might believe are problematic ? Why is that problem complex ? What are the mental, mathematical, or physics tools you will use to solve those ? How do you visualize the problem ? All of the work you do before you take your pen and paper and start writing. That's what an intution is. A concrete example i'm familiar with is "How will an ultra wide band antenna working at 5GHz might look ?". Sure, you'll just pick up the classic textbooks in the field such as Balanis or Kraus, or even look through some scientific articles. Until one day a fucker that eerily looks like 3b1b tells you "what if you've been looking at this problem the wrong way" and you end up figuring out your own design for a wider band antenna.

Again 3b1b is a content aggregator. you're not fucking supposed to just take what he says and stop at that. For many viewers, it'll be the case, which isn't really bad ("the more you know"). For others, which i guarantee you is not only my case, you're listening to someone else's educated opinion on a certain field with good visual effects, 20 minutes on the train home.

>> No.12040559

>Academic scores do not necessarily correlate with a deep understanding of the subject
Academic scores demonstrate a competency with the subject, and in higher level graduate classes, one finds it difficult to achieve high academic scores (especially in mathematics) without a moderate-to-deep understanding of what is being taught. Of course this could depend on the instructor, but typically in a rigorous, theoretical course one cannot get by on just "intuition", and a high academic score demonstrates an understanding beyond intuition and "concept", which is what 3b1b shows in his videos.

Again 3b1b is a content aggregator. you're not fucking supposed to just take what he says and stop at that. For many viewers, it'll be the case, which isn't really bad ("the more you know"). For others, which i guarantee you is not only my case, you're listening to someone else's educated opinion on a certain field with good visual effects, 20 minutes on the train home.

This is a good line and I have nothing to disagree with here. In many ways, 3b1b treats many subjects as Eugenia Cheng treats category theory, and I think there is a risk there of giving a wrong impression (which it already does in my town).

>> No.12040896

based, I hate this guy guts.

>> No.12040945

That dude videos are more on point science wise than this whole retarded thread posted on a science dedicated board. Don't you get the irony?
It's not our fault if you have childish emotions and feelings, but please spare us from shit threads like these in the future.

>> No.12041295


>> No.12041386

3Blue is both a pioneer in math education and fairly over rated. For someone with such a passion for helping people understand maths for maths sake he sticks pretty hardcore to college curriculums designed to make productive worker bees; he even hand waves almost all the same important concepts for actually understanding the math completely, deeply and in order.

Most people view popsci as a way for normies to get in on the ‘cool’ and ‘smart’ aspects of science. This is the inverse, it normie sci: giving autistic people license to virtue signal their math fact memorization skills to normies.

>> No.12041408

>understanding beyond intuition and concept
>t. I memorized my way through school

>> No.12041540

>Academic scores demonstrate a competency with the subject, and in higher level graduate classes, one finds it difficult to achieve high academic scores (especially in mathematics) without a moderate-to-deep understanding of what is being taught

No. Just no. You can actually cram your way into a masters. In fucking Asia, you can even cram your way into a PhD by making incremental fucking papers. And even then, most if not all 3b1b topics are undergrad level, so your point doesn't really stand, besides the fact that not everyone that watches his videos are only studying maths tangentially and are okay with not delving too deep while still getting a good understanding of what's going on. You don't need to have a deep understanding of electrical engineering to be an electrician, but it's always nice to understand stuff works physically as it could possibly help you troubleshoot in a more efficient way. But would you need to (and would you want to) cram through masters degree level textbooks to get there ? Fuck no, a few videos and you'll probably be good.

Your point, from what I get, is that if you want to learn something, you just gotta whip up your textbook, pen and paper and you'll be good. And I agree with you, that's a good fucking start if you ever want to grasp something at a level beyond natgeo documentaries. But you can't do that for every fucking field you're interested in, grasping at straws until you do enough exercises to know what the fuck is going on.

And it's honestly just not bad content.

>> No.12041618

I brought of Leonard because in spite of the incredible simplicity of the topics he teaches people he does so effectively and with the intention of breaking down the entire process step by step for the sake of giving his students and viewers the capacity to solve problems. He wants you to understand how to do things rather than appealing to the why and he uses the most stripped down version of the analytical intuition involved at the higher level for motivating this, see for instance his discussion of the Frenet-Serret equations or the fundamental theorem of calculus, his lectures on Taylor series all of which are really good at doing what they're intended to, making people capable of handling these ideas in applied/computational settings. For the rigorous analog you have Michael Penn who provides again step-by-step detailed demonstrations of fundamental results in undergraduate mathematics including the actual proofs you'd need to supply in a homework assignment or on an exam for earning a grade. This is important because much of the intuition is bound up in the process of developing the proof and you would not truly appreciate much of the "intuition" as 3B1B would like you to think of it without knowing how this works and why it must work and there is no reason it could not work.
>Sure, you'll just pick up the classic textbooks in the field such as Balanis or Kraus, or even look through some scientific articles. Until one day a fucker that eerily looks like 3b1b tells you "what if you've been looking at this problem the wrong way" and you end up figuring out your own design for a wider band antenna.
For me intuition is the ability to immediately see why something must necessarily follow from basic ideas, and why we should use the structure of the theory as given to deduce further results or why it is we can easily solve a problem by using a set of models or assumptions that are reductive and easy to work with.

>> No.12041653

Based. You speak truth. These fags can't handle truth.

>> No.12041866

based, op will dismiss this post and keep whining

>> No.12042314

b-but...he has an ACCENT

>> No.12042507

He provides decent figures for my studies so that I don't have to. 10/10

>> No.12042520

link the playlist please

>> No.12042540

how so? because you don't like it?

>> No.12042607


Seriously though, I have watched some of his videos, and thought they were great.

>> No.12042689

yeah I hate him, he oversimplifies math, his calculus series is especially horrendous and teaches math in a way that should absolutely be never taught
he just tells you to think of something a certain way and never elaborates on why think of it that certain way and why that certain way of thinking holds water
6/10 channel

>> No.12042694

>all the midwits itt defending this shit channel because it gives them the illusion they're actually smart

>> No.12042697
File: 70 KB, 900x516, 04F36137-7BCE-404E-8F6B-73539F26BB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally angry because you feel threatened that “normies” have it easier now to learn what you’ve learned.

>> No.12042704


>> No.12042751

except he doesn't really teach anything properly, anger is justified because he's giving normies the illusion of competence and giving them false confidence

>> No.12042852
File: 33 KB, 220x220, 220px-Squarepusher.ultravisitor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't other autistic kids obsess over Maths and/or Physics? I'm not saying that there are not autistic kids that are interested in these things, but the ones that I've met in person are interested in video games or dumbfuck fandoms. I'm also not claiming I'm some super genius. I only have an IQ of 114. I suspect the reason why I'm not obsessed with these things is that my parents never let me play video games as a kid, so I just watched YouTube videos about Earth-like planets all day like a fucking sperg.

>> No.12042865

Probably because they have low openness to experience and started playing games at a young age

>> No.12042898

This is a fair take. I found his intuitive explanations of Linear Algebra to be interesting but overall mostly unhelpful in the task of helping me do well in the class. 3B1B is a good start, but nowhere near the finish line.

>> No.12043211

Probably a good take.

I think one can summarize that his content is optimized for the purpose of having Engineer majors say
>Wow, now I finally understand, I wish my stupid teacher would have explained it like that

>> No.12043223


>> No.12043367

no one is claiming that you fucking idiot

>> No.12043375

stinky piggot shoo now, I won't ask again!:(( disobedient little piggy you are

>> No.12043458
File: 142 KB, 1600x900, PlanetEarthDVDCover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a nature documentaries hate thread. I'll start. I fucking hate nature documentaries because they make the audience think that nature is "beautiful" and "magical" while in reality it's actually pretty monotone and boring. they never go into proper details. obviously people watch nature documentaries only to feel "cool" and "smart", but no learning takes place. they won't remember a single thing after a year has passed.

>> No.12043498

every popsci communicator faces the same paradox: most of their audience doesn't give a shit about their content and is just there to "get mindblown".

3B1B is one of the few who consistently tries very hard to break through this mentality. I don't think he succeeds but you can't fault the guy for trying.

>> No.12043503

I think there are some higher level youtubers, but anything requiring effort will not be watched - so by that logic there can't be anything "higher value" that's science/math and known enough to be discussed here.

>> No.12043511

willing to bet that planet earth is the reason why cordyceps fungi and birds of paradise are as well known as they are.

I like physics explained

>> No.12043516

But physics explained (theory) transitions into just math quickly too

>> No.12043532

this guy is one of the only youtubers that actually explains the concept in a deep way that sticks. him and michael penn

>> No.12043579

that's just physics my dude. at least he doesn't get bogged down in the math and fuck up the derivations like your typical half senile professor.

>> No.12043598
File: 2 KB, 100x100, AATXAJzRAc7gcgwt95u6hDSWpd0yCmy0M3J1ohe_6VsRVw=s100-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REEEE someone is trying to make math more accessible so I'm no longer special
Christ you faggot spergs are insufferable.

I prefer Primer though.
Can't wait for him to get to the point where he models 'brain power', like planning ability to store food for later.
And compares how it changes between two blob tribes, one which lives in a seasonal region with harsh winters with scarce food, and another that lives in a land of little seasonal change and food all year round.

>> No.12043846

>i want to show off so i learned a useless language and bring it up randomly to get people to stop shitting on me being a pathetic pseud

>> No.12043891

pretty pictures dont count as education retard
giving someone a mental model is not educating them
its just giving them a mental model that they barely understand

>make math accessible to the layman
i constantly hear this shit, what the fuck is it even supposed to mean
math takes work, its cant be made accessible by anyone besides yourself

>How can a pop-sci channel damage the institute of mathematics if its target audience consists of people who have no relation to it or any influence over it?
>how can dunning kruger people ruin the name of something by claiming 2+2=5 and then saying its valid with total confidence

>proves to me that you're really all about those grades.
you just put those words into his mouth then
he didnt say "i want to see their grades" he said "i want to see how they learned nothing applicable from the video"

no, you wouldnt talk about it since you want to save face, but thats still whats happening

>trying to make math more accessible
there it is again
its a meaningless statement at best

>> No.12043950

>i constantly hear this shit, what the fuck is it even supposed to mean
>math takes work, its cant be made accessible by anyone besides yourself
Math in school is taught in a terrible way that doesn't make sense to a lot of people, so they ignore learning it any further.
By teaching math in a different way, one which shows more practical uses, those people can see the actual application of mathematics and work backwards into learning the actual math behind it.

Not everyone is a bookworm that wants to spend hours reading mathematical textbooks purely to mentally masturbate.

>> No.12044086

Are you trying to imply something?
>inb4 1488 get

>> No.12044121

also, if anyone is interested in visual explanation and intuition, look a this channel

you just hate the fact that he made some concept accessible and your knowledge isn't a black box.

>> No.12044140

you guys are why grigori perelmann won't leave his mums house

>> No.12044170

mathematicians: why can't people understand that math is fun and cool, I wish they would appreciate us more and stop making fun of us
also mathematicians: hey why is this dude making our sacred knowledge accessible, he should seriously stop before people start thinking math is fun and cool

>> No.12044234

>every documentary is about how nice nature is
How do you explain this, then:

>> No.12044262

>hey why is this dude making our sacred knowledge accessible
nothing in math is sacred knowledge
anyone can go get a fucking textbook off of libgen
this is a dumb meme, stop repeating it

>> No.12044266

>also mathematicians
autistic kings of the dunning kruger hill*

>> No.12044276


>> No.12044294

math is not science
3blue1brown does math
thus he can't be a pop-science channel

>> No.12044302

Mathematicians are just butthurt that CompSci nerds replaced a lot of their use with computers.
Why do you think Ted Kaczynski chimped out and started blowing up computer stores?

>> No.12044367
File: 25 KB, 474x257, CCbyRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you trying to imply something?
I don't know, am I?

>> No.12044467

t. autistic undergrad

>> No.12044476
File: 51 KB, 1214x404, african geology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh harsh winters theory
these 1488 faggots are all about geology until you start taling about soil types & access to precious metals

>> No.12044687

>make math accessible to the layman
I want to add in relation to this that when Ptolemy (the king I don't remember his number though) asked Euclid if there was a faster way to learn math without having to go through the basics, he replied that there is no royal road to Geometry which means that you literaly can't learn math if you don't start from the begining and slowly learn to the top, building upon your accumulated knowledge. A lot of popsci fags probably don't even know what a derivaitve is, yet the nigger called 3b1b makes videos about partial differential equations and Fourier Series. To learn that shit you need to know about Sturm-Liouville and boundary value problems, for which you need to know ODEs and they require at least single variable calculus (maybe even multi variable and linear algebra for some parts). You can't just skip straight to Fourier and PDEs. That's what Euclid was telling Ptolemy and that is why 3b1bs viewers don't learn math at all. I think a lot of popsci is just trying to make that royal road to its subject for the layman who doesn't know shit and at least for math this is just impossible.

>> No.12044751
File: 69 KB, 599x465, 7efafbc51a833a2db3c673f5c8cea2ec[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing grows on laterite
Except the world's biggest rainforest
And also didn't prevent Rhodesia becoming the breadbasket of the empire.

>> No.12044752

on experience

>> No.12045002

so what exactly is so bad about trying to explain stuff like Fourier transform to a layman ?

>> No.12045047

And salt deposits exist in africa. I know that there were trade routes through the sahara to the salt mines.

And metallurgy existed south of the sahara relatively early. They did use bronze, though not a lot, and almost went directly to their iron age during the first millenium BCE.

>> No.12045626

was this from memory? that is fucking impressive

>> No.12045652

It's completely useless to them and disembowels the concept for the sake of accessibility. If you don't know basic functional analysis/real analysis/abstract lin alg you can't understand what fourier transforms are and there is no changing that with graphics. Engis use them and don't know what they are but they have to take classes to learn to use them like the monkeys that they are. Normies watching infotainment videos aren't even reaching the level of "proficiency" of a retarded engineer.

>> No.12045674

you forget that 3b1b has an entire series on calculus

>> No.12045758

kek keep seething at big eng dick with your useless math degree little boy

>> No.12045760

>the old greek hags are right, modern academia has only gone downhill since then!
jesus dude

>> No.12045769

Pop-science is only a problem if it actually misleads in the subject. Having looked through his videos, I would say he doesn't do this, although often over emphasizes geometric intuition.

Many physics channels are guilty of this, I'd say. Science Asylum is one of the few that I will say doesn't mislead too much.

>> No.12045934

A layman doesn't have the required knowledge to learn it. People itt are claiming that people can learn from his popsci videos.
Yes he does, he also has one on linear algebra. I haven't watched either but these are just two of the preliminaries for PDEs. That really limits him in what he can present in PDEs, so he only presents the heat equation (he also presents Fourier series in the same video) and I doubt that he even mentions the non homogenus problem cause that requires the other things I wrote. Also I doubt his calculus and lin algebra series teach them to a sufficient degree cause his intro to differential equation video pretty much sums up to:
>lel they are *FREACKIN* hard to solve
>you can solve this one by integrating twice
>here is le ebic phase space
>present less than half of the basic idea of stability
>OMG dif eq can describe love!!!
>ebic numerical method to solve PDEs with ebic bython
>You are ready for some heckin PDEs now!!
In contrast here is what he didn't even mention:
>first order non linear equations
>first order linear
>second or higher order linear with constant coefficients
>second or higher order linear
>existance and uniqueness of solutions
>using power series to solve linear equations
>systems of equations
>Almost all of stability
>sturm liouville and boundry value problems
Are you retarded or did you just stop reading at the Greeks? If you think it's possible to teach math starting from the most advanced things like Fourier or PDEs and work your way down to calculus and elementary arithmetic, you are fucking retarded. It's impossible to do that and that is why people don't learn from his videos.

>> No.12046036


>> No.12046130

>just fucking picture in your head happens to the basis vectors
yea you can’t fucking tell me you know what a determinant does from its definition

>> No.12046195

wait, he doesn’t? It’s been like 2 years since I watched the series.

>> No.12046200

I want PBS Infinite Series back!
(Preferably with Kelsey.)

>> No.12046207

no one ever said you should rely solely on that channel for your math education.
It’s simply a great addition to have someone move around the sliders to quickly see how stuff behaves.

>> No.12046212

or a segway to get them to learn more about the topics? Or, like in most cases, a neat addition for students that are learning the topics in school.

>> No.12046241

>If you don't know basic functional analysis/real analysis/abstract lin alg you can't understand what fourier transforms are
you can understand what a FT does and use it without even knowing what a base is. I used it in my first semester with a 2 minute rundown of my prof.

>> No.12046245

>A layman doesn't have the required knowledge to learn it.
a layman doesn't want to "learn it", he wants to see some basic ideas out of curiosity. like if your non-math friend asks you about your phd and is willing to listen for 10-20 minutes. so what exactly is so bad about making such videos?

>> No.12046247

I can tell you are a retarded engi because you didn’t read the post, you take a class on mathematical methods in physics or “introduction to fourier transforms” or something along those lines in engineering and they teach you how to mindlessly apply the fourier transform. However, that is not at all what he advertises his videos to be conveying which “intuition” except you would need functional and harmonic analysis to understand the fourier transform intuitively.

>> No.12046267

I guess you missed the
>People itt are claiming that people can learn from his popsci videos.

His videos do try to teach the topics but of course they fail miserably not only to teach the layman but also to teach anyone cause he simply tries to skip stuff and doesn't even present other important things.

>> No.12046270

>you are an engi
physics, not that it matters.
>you would need functional and harmonic analysis to understand the fourier transform intuitively
I'm sticking with my opinion here. You don't need anything to intuitively understand FTs.
They take a signal and give you its spectrum. Knowing your functional analysis helps (a lot) in what you can do with them, but you don't need it to see that you can get contributions of frequencies, for example.

>> No.12046299

you can learn a lot from his videos. for example if you're a STEM student failing your linear algebra course because you can't see the ideas, only mindless manipulations with matrices. or did you mean "learn" in the sense "substitute a textbook or proper course"? yeah, I think nobody claims that.

>> No.12046314

If you can’t do anything with the knowledge it isn’t real.
If you want mathematical intuition you need functional and harmonic analysis. He neither teaches you graduate level analysis nor does he teach you how to use FT because its fucking infotainment and not real instruction. You people keep confusing interesting videos with useful and worthwhile education. Michael Penn educates people, khan academy trains people, 3B1B does neither.

>> No.12046322

>mathematical intuition
>shifting the goalposts

you don't need to know how do do a FT by hand to use it. You'd use an implemented FFT anyway.

>> No.12046345

to add to that, his videos are not supposed to replace studying. They are a great addition while diving into a topic. I don't know why you're acting like it's supposed to be a lecture.

>> No.12046356

because you only learn from doing and by demonstration from people that do the thing in front of you. the advanced special intuition grad students and professors meme about comes from doing. you cannot convey it cheaply and freely to the public by visualizing a stripped down and decontextualized version of the concept. no amount of analogies will allow you to understand QM and no amount of CAS visualizations of linear transformations will explain the spectral theorem adequately. It’s obnoxious that people conflate his videos with intuition, they are even self styled as the “essence of x” which is disgustingly pretentious considering the essence of calculus and linear algebra are both analytical and algebraic respectively ie non-visual and bound of in abstract (non-visual) reasoning.

I don’t give a fuck if retards want to vegetate and absorb fake insight on YT. It’s only the claim that you learn from that shit in a way that’s either not available in texts and lectures, absolutely false go to a good school or read a good textbook, or that’s some special advanced intuition, false and bullshit intuition is verified by extraordinary reasoning and no one comes away from those videos capable of intuiting higher level structures, this enrages me and should be challenged. The quality of math and science education in America has fallen precipitously due in large part to educating fuckwits that don’t belong in university or even highschool and appealing to the false preferences of the public. People say “i’m a visual learner” but would struggle with the most basic geometric exercises taught to 8th years in an early 20th century eastern euro technical school. They say they like applications but god forbid you make anyone use calculus to do physics. Faggots like 3B1B pretending to geometrical wisdoms flaunted in front of 90 visual-spatial iq dipshits that can’t unfold a box in their heads.

>> No.12046360

It’s ironic too that he pretends to teach calculus in this intuitive visual manner when Zorich which is a brutal eastern euro style combined calc and analysis text actually does just this but there are hardly any pictures at all in the entire two volume book set and yet you gain incredible geometric insight into analytical concepts from doing very fucking hard physics and analysis problems and proofs. Keep in mind a lot of these viewers literally cannot do a fucking trigonometric integral without fucking up so teaching them super secret transformations of the plane to represent change of basis does nothing for them practically speaking.

>> No.12046376

I think you missed the point of his channel, anon

>> No.12046451
File: 5 KB, 315x49, Google It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one lazy fuck.
If you didn't know who it was, just reverse image search ffs.

>> No.12048042

nigger iq level post

>> No.12048061

you dumb idiot HAHAHAA

>> No.12048066

I wish lol
>lorem ipsum text generator

>> No.12048072


>> No.12048075

niggers are smarter than stinky piggies anon

>> No.12048128


>> No.12048145

>missing the joke this hard

>> No.12048320

If it helps you pass your exams then that's all that actually matters.

>> No.12050282

did you just compare a fucking pop-sci video to a russian textbook on mathematical analysis?

>> No.12050307

It doesn’t help anyone pass exams.
Yes. The latter is capable of improving mathematical intuition and the former is a sink for the attention of idiots.

>> No.12050361

can you please tell what do you think is the goal and target audience of 3B1B videos?

>> No.12050369

So, the alternative is keep all such math hidden away in the attic. What is even to inspire further study of such concepts then? The only possible such damage a video can do is if it misleads. I don't see this in his videos.

>> No.12050370

Conveying the “intuitive and visual” aspects of abstract formal mathematical concepts to the public in a manner they have been “denied” by the deficient and outdated educational system and providing entertainment and inspiration to any and all that would like to experience the “deeper” aspects of mathematics. It accomplishes well it’s second aim, the first is a hilarious pretension to special insight that the guy doesn’t have and that can’t be transmitted via python animations.

>> No.12050372

No, you can easily access countless lecture series, wikipedia articles, lecture notes, OCW pages, and free online textbooks explaining mathematics all the way up to the research level online. This is how you learn math. Infotainment only misrepresents and degrades specialized technical knowledge.

>> No.12050409

I am well aware of that but only after math was introduced as something that could actually be interesting by such videos. At worst, you get someone that develops an ego in the subject. This type of person likely wouldn't have entered math anyway. So, where is the real downside?

Given your list of ways to find out about a math concept, you essentially cast it away in obscurity before you've dared to enter anything related to higher math. Before then, have fun with epsilonics.

Also, I think it's clear 3b1b doesn't 'teach' math and he emphasized that in 'the essence of' series, he adds a certain perspective to it. Whether you think it's the right of wrong way (sometimes I think it's right, sometimes I think it's too geometry heavy) is a different question.

I will say that it is utterly pointless to try to explain something like homology to someone without the prereq, but calculus? Linear algebra? DE and FT? These last two you don't have to enter functional analysis to study-they got you immediately in physics books in QM. Sure, functional analysis will aid its understanding later but physics students are there to do physics.

>> No.12050448

I’m not sure I follow your logic, you’re denigrating “epsilonics” as if the process in analysis is somehow regressive or insufficient for understanding which is something I’ve never felt was true. You say that i’m relegating higher math to obscurity but from the view count on MIT OCW series and prominence of sites like stackexchange it seems that many people in the general public know perfectly well how to learn on their own. Is it the responsibility of academics to popularize mathematics and science in your view? We have countless accessible pathways for exposing highschool students and post-graduate laymen, Nature even runs explainer articles on a weekly basis for all kinds of technical topics. So, perhaps there is a necessity for hs educators to spend more time providing ample extra references to students as is common in undergraduate math settings.

I send that 3B1B has really two well defined goals, the second that I gave is something he has succeeded very well in. I’m sure that far more people are now aware of and intrigued by fourier series and the heat equation because of his videos. That was not my critique of his channel and would be an absurd point to trifle over given how many inferior explainer videos exist on youtube.

Linear Algebra and Differential equations are taught in a barbaric unintuitive unrigorous factory style in most major universities to scores of untalented drones that fill the ranks of engineering and software firms in America. Making some concessions for the real thing, Arnold and Axler style renditions of these undergraduate topics is an under exploited avenue for education. Michael Penn, a content creator I’ve brought up twice in this thread, does exactly this presenting roughly Pugh/Abbott level Real Analysis with proofs, examples and background motivation targeted at a general math adjacent and undergrad math audience.

>> No.12051056

Hey guys here is my fav 3b1b video, hope you like XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuVqxCSsE7c

>> No.12051188

who cares about math, molecular biology is the only thing that matters
You don't need to know math or statistics to use machine learning either

>> No.12051290

instead of just bitching you should have specified what exactly the problem is.

>> No.12052110

He was obviously a disingenuous little faggot from the day he posted that exponential growth coronavirus video.
Anyone capable of explaining the prime number sprials:
... should be more than capable of understanding and explaining the actual statistical trickery going on with the exponential increase in infections being reported.
But no, he instead tool the retard mainstream panic fag route of treating the reported numbers as being 1:1 correlated with actual infections increasing, totally ignoring the increase in testing.

>> No.12052125

The problem is that OP feels insecure.
How do we solve that, /sci/ bros?

>> No.12052306 [DELETED] 

>if you are unclamped join this server

>> No.12052315

all serious work done on molecular structures is done by biophysicists, structural bio, protein physics, biophysical chemistry all make use of heavy doses of statistical physics and nonlinear analysis both of which require math.

>> No.12052680

>>lel they are *FREACKIN* hard to solve
>>you can solve this one by integrating twice
>>here is le ebic phase space
>>present less than half of the basic idea of stability
>>OMG dif eq can describe love!!!
>>ebic numerical method to solve PDEs with ebic bython
yeah it also put me off
he should've just stopped at calculus

>> No.12052723

Their only good vids are those about ants. They should stick to ant-based content.