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12037671 No.12037671 [Reply] [Original]

What are some credible UFO researchers?

>> No.12037745

None. The idea of UFOs existing would be too big to cover.
The disturbances in our radio signals alone brought about by their arrival would be picked up by every radio stations

Conspiracy theories are often very retarded

>> No.12037774

Accounts from the military exists in literally every country where they have encountered crafts with seemingly impossible ways of propulsion. It's not like it's covered up, the information is out there, but no one cares.

Why would there be disturbances in our radio signals as a result of some extraterrestrial crafts coming here to visit?

>> No.12037814

Yes, exactly. You are a fool if you think that, with the amount of people needed to keep a working station going, info about UFOs and aliens would leak like a broken dam.

Soldiers, janitors, repairment, all of them would gladly tell secrets in exchange for extra bucks by selling such secrets with the other nations.
Leak footage would even happen on YouTube because that's some serious money you can make

Assuming they do exist

>> No.12038183
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>> No.12038189

Jacques Vallee. He’s especially useful as a skeptical researcher

>> No.12038260
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>Steven Greer

>> No.12038377

bullshit normie take. There are hundreds of instances of large organizations keeping secrets, for example the Manhattan Project. You also have no empirical way to test your hypothesis since successfully kept secrets cannot be counted.

>> No.12038387

Absolutely stupid.
Conspiracies have largely been the engine of history. They happen all the time, and what happens is when they're exposed or come out naturally, they get taken off the label conspiracy and just get referred to as history or fact and idiots continue saying conspiracies are retarded while almost every major government project requires secrets to be kept in exactly the same way, as >>12038377 pointed out.
What's more, if UFOs are sufficiently advanced, we can't even engage in neckbeard bluster about how we'd assume they'd interact with current technology, since they'd likely behave in such an advanced way it would appear completely unexplainable to us, so this whole radio argument can be thrown out right off the bat.

>> No.12038473


>> No.12038568
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Yeah, you're entire argument was
>it happened back in those days
>it must be beyond our grasp.
National secrets are easy as hell but we are talking about UFOs here.
As in objects that came from space to make a landfall on Earth. Something like that would easily be captured by every single space agency in the world. There are 75 space agencies and not including private companies that especializes in telecommuncations and satellite readings.

Every single one of which would be able to capture it based on its interferance with our radio communcations and its effects on our celestial bodies.

Are you prepared to say that the world is united in keeping them a secret?

The only way for UFOs to be plausible nowadays is
1. They are sufficiently advanced to hide perfectly but they also have no communcations with any local organized group.
2. They are too far away for accurate readings.

>> No.12038574

They couldn't keep the Manhattan Project secret for the Russian.

>> No.12038707

If you're (which is short for you are, by the way, not a possessive) talking about a massively advanced spacefaring civilisation which has decided to visit earth, there is absolutely zero reason to doubt that they'd be sufficiently advanced to completely avoid any detection.
Even an advance of one hundred years gave us the concept of a nuclear reactor, a concept completely beyond the grasp of those who would have been alive prior. Their only perception of radioactivity would have been an invisible thing that kills people which they can't currently explain, because they haven't mastered the concept of the atom yet. You're now proposing that an alien civilisation would be incapable of avoiding our sensors. Completely ridiculous when you're talking about such an overwhelming gap in technology.
Secondly, suppose we do detect one. We detect UFOs all the time. There are tons of USAF and Navy reports on them by now. Those were quite easily kept secret by those agencies until they chose to reveal them. So that argument that it would leak instantly is a total failure, because we know for a fact that they do encounter anomalies like that and successfully keep them secret.
Supposing they even confirmed these UFOs were alien in origin and even got their hands on one. Would that leak? Even then it's uncertain because the potentially enormous amount of value that would be is certainly plausible motivation to keep it top secret while it's studied. And even if someone does leak, what happens then?
Someone just says "hey guys we were contacted by aliens" and then he gets dismissed as insane or lying. Easy.

>> No.12038746

You misunderstand.
Hidding is easy if you are advanced enough
What I find moronic is the idea that aliens would attempt to communicate, organize, and partner with nations of the world and keep it hidden from everyone

Hiding national secrets is easy because it is just in your own border but hiding information about a celestial object that violates the airspace of multiple nations, that's stupid.

We don't take UFO experiences seriously because they are just stories and nothing more. But if it's certified maintenance workers at area 51 with cellphone images, that would be a different story.

>> No.12038754

Except that when one of them does come out and tell the truth, people like you ridicule them and call them a liar, you fucking moron. Nothing is ever good enough. Go do some actual serious research. This technology could change our lives forever, for better or worse, no matter who invented it.

>> No.12038757

It's not out of the question. It seems more likely than all of these witnesses lying. They have been caught on radar. They have shut down nuclear missiles. They have been observed. Nobody knows what they are, or the ones who do aren't saying. The FOIA has shown that this phenomena is real. Feel free to cover your eyes and plug your ears all you want. Some people are happier being ignorant.

>> No.12038760

No one calls them a liar but people need evidences.
Give an image or documents and things would change.

I presume you have credible sources?
Otherwise go back to /x/

>> No.12038782

I'm not spoonfeeding you. All of these encounters are well documented and very well known. Military, pilots, presidents, civilians with nothing to gain. Go do some research before making such conclusions.

>> No.12038790

This is /sci/ not /x/
We believe in evidences not word of mouth

>> No.12038800

>None. The idea of stealth aircraft existing would be too big to cover.
>The disturbances in our radio signals alone brought about by their arrival would be picked up by every radio stations

>Conspiracy theories are often very retarded

>> No.12039003

>What are some credible UFO researchers?
contradictions, therefore nonexistent.
if you meant 'who', then you can find a list of them next to the list of credible unicorn researchers.

>> No.12039284

Who's suggesting they're partnering with governments though?
As far as I can tell most people seem to be speculating about these objects like the recent tic tac shaped one which behaves in a way which certainly suggests either a massive fuck up or that it is from a very sophisticated civilisation, considering there is no heat signature despite massive acceleration
I'm not suggesting that aliens are just rocking up to the White House to raid the fridge at midnight but I certainly don't find it totally implausible that we've been visited repeatedly and they just observe for a bit.

>> No.12039325

Big claims like the existence of alien life or alien technology require extraordinary evidence. It is not crazy or schizo or psycho to think that the existence of alien life is possible. We simply cant assume the existence of alien tech based off of the Nimitz encounter and other similar developments until it can be completely ruled out that it was done by humans. For instance, some type of "fake imaging" tech that makes it seem like the drone is breaking the laws of physics when its not, etc.

To speculate, it seems most likely that aliens would not visit solar systems themselves as that would be time consuming and put them in harms way. It would be much more likely that any first contact we would make with aliens would be a probe of some kind (of course judging likelihood is difficult and requires other assumptions).

Honestly this is why we should spend more money on exploration of our solar system because for all we know there is a factory producing Von Neumann probes on the backside of Uranus.

>> No.12039333

There are no credible ufo researchers at least in the scientific sense, but it's starting up now with things like SkyHub, which will use machine learning and various sensors to find ufos, and the Pentagon's UAP task force, which NASA has said would allow them to use their instruments. Basically, we have never had a real scientific investigation because we have never set our instruments to look for them.

>> No.12039337

P. S.
That doesn't mean we will find aliens, maybe we will learn of something we didn't know, find prosaic explanations, or nothing at all.

>> No.12039418

UFOs are all unpiloted Von Neumann probes, change my mind.

>> No.12039425
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>they just observe for a bit

>> No.12039685

Can you debunk this, /sci/?

>> No.12039752

Von Neumann was a faggot

>> No.12039832

Watch the whole thing

>> No.12040069

How many nukes have you built?

>> No.12040100

Not him, but I've deployed thousands of nukes in my life time. Some of them blocked the toilet.

>> No.12042448

Not as many as he has, but I've also taken less cock than he has too.

>> No.12042495

Why the homophobia

>> No.12042511

2- ....

>> No.12042519

Yikes sweaty

>> No.12042547
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I read and liked this book. It was well written and well organized and the prose was not schizophrenic at all.

>> No.12042582

>nick cock
They're not even trying to hide the agenda anymore

>> No.12042903
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October 1954
No gas caps
No seat belts

>> No.12043116

Are you retards thinking of Turing? Von Neumann has a wife and kids.

>> No.12043430
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>> No.12043463

He's a quack too.

>> No.12045079

Here is a complete list:

>> No.12045085
File: 58 KB, 580x395, gtfo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not spoonfeeding you.
GTFO, backupyour claims or.

>> No.12045098

based and skepticpilled

>> No.12045158

>Soldiers, janitors, repairment, all of them would gladly tell secrets in exchange for extra bucks by selling such secrets with the other nations.
They do. Just that not many people listen.

>> No.12045717

There are none. Ufology is just a paradigm shift from demonology.

>> No.12045880

I assume you have personally looked into the matter, and are not just repeating things your stemlord friends have told you?

>> No.12045959

There's a difference between being a homosexual and being a faggot

>> No.12047835
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This is what Nick Cook 'found' on his desk. The images are from a 3 part interview of Richard Dolan and Michael Schratt.

>> No.12048803
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part two

>> No.12048836

News articles are not science.

>> No.12049366

Joe Rogan

>> No.12050003

But the content is.

>> No.12050011

>But the content is.
Science fiction isn't science.

>> No.12050060

Too big to cover, unless the aliens were actively covering themselves as well.

>> No.12050598
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maybe they do

>> No.12050602

As a ufo witness, watching all you ignorants argue furiously with each other makes me candy car

>> No.12050642

>as a ufo witness
Settle down, hick.

>> No.12050882

No it's not. I don't see why math or experimental data. Just someone saying shit.