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12037411 No.12037411 [Reply] [Original]

pigs are very smart, much smarter than dogs or cats. yet we, the human supremicist hegemon, keep them enslaved and murder them at will to feast on their flesh. human supremacy commoditizes pig lives and fails to recognize the agency of pigs.

should pigs be respected? do pig lives matter?

>> No.12037418
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>> No.12037420
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>> No.12037436

>the human supremicist hegemon, keep them enslaved and murder them at will to feast on their flesh. human supremacy commoditizes pig lives and fails to recognize the agency of pigs.

Humans are the gods of the new world order. Nature is our greatest servant, but a servant nonetheless. If pig lives are ruined so that humans can enjoy bacon, so be it.

>> No.12037437


>> No.12037456

they don't deserve morals because they cant reciprocate morals and any morals we give them will be a one way street.

>> No.12037460

actually pigs are highly trainable and can learn “good” behaviors. even more so than dogs

>> No.12037710

bump. where are my veganbros?

>> No.12037719

God gave us dominion over all animals on this earth. Read Genesis and some philosophy before coming back to /sci/.

>> No.12037742

>Read Genesis
i did and my conclusion was that it is an old work of fiction that has nothing to do with reality, including the Mattership of Pigs Lives

>> No.12037752


>> No.12037761


>> No.12038895

This primitive, profoundly arrogant, and borderline psychotic line of thinking is right in line with economics, selfish growth worship, consumerism, and materialism. It's a big part of the reason why humans are destined for extinction in the near term.

In other words, you're a fucking moron who revels in your ignorance. You simply do not want to know and are not interested in discovering what role human beings can have in maintaining a long term stable and sustainable relationship with the world, in favour of your own gluttonous consumption.

It's understandable how such a line of thought would produce a human being with a competitive advantage over others, and how in world without technology it might be necessary to think that way for survival, but if we are to continue to exist on this planet with all the technology at our disposal, this kind of thinking needs to be replaced by a desire to fit into and understand our place as a small part of an extremely complex system which is probably beyond our capacity to fully understand.

>> No.12039166


>> No.12039172

>one of the smartest animals
>eats mostly grain
ketofags BTFO

>> No.12039173

matter to who?

>> No.12039174

If we don't kill them, then they get killed by wolves, coyotes, alligators, dogs, foxes and plently of other predators. Prey dies whether we kill them or not, so we might as well be the ones to kill them to gain something from it.

>> No.12039248

And Santa gives us gifts every holiday season.

>> No.12039250

You ever come across a wild pig/boar bro? Ain't no wolf gonna prey on that crazy pig.

>> No.12039270

>The grey wolf is the main predator of wild boar throughout most of its range. A single wolf can kill around 50 to 80 boars of differing ages in one year.[3]
Wild boars have predators all over the place. Bears, Tigers, Leopards, Komodo Dragons etc.

>> No.12039273


>> No.12039281

Part of me wants to agree with you, it is important to consider the future of humanity, but on the other hand I've only got so much time in this mortal coil, and I'm going to enjoy it. Show me a pig with depression and anxiety over it's lot in life, and I'll consider the plight of the swine, but until then I'm going keep eating bacon.

>> No.12039286
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Catfish lives matter more.


>> No.12039297
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>> No.12039300

based, humans should just abandon killing livestock for slaughter.

>> No.12039329
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>Someone actually made that

>> No.12040133

Wat about the ants in the field or our friends the Roach I suspect you yous raid or some kind of pesticide on them,if your idea piges are intelligent Ang should not be kill then I wonder if your anti war as well a noble idea but this idea can lead to slavery of a nation and its people.Im glad you like pigs I like them as well fried baked and covered in barbecue sauce.Recant studies show plants have feelings as well rock music can kill a plant,and Mozart or classical music can promote groth.If I worried about every ant and plans I stepped Ion I would need meds.pigs unlike the few specie's of now extinct non tasty animal will thrive in number do to man's generous help breading and sheltering them.On a side note you mention cats viscous Hunter's that toy with thair victims bird Snake as you say murder them dogs as well are not Vegetarian or pigs .

>> No.12040138

no lives matter

>> No.12040140

Can't tell if it's satire or not but why not let them roam freely like deer or moose?

>> No.12040442

Absolutely, other farm animals like cows also can show conscious behavior towards humans they grow up with. I try to only buy from local farms because I know the owners try and take care of their animals before death, and that they need the money more than big corporations that stuff as many animals into a box as possible and let them suffer. I still eat factory meat, but I try and be conscious of my decisions and try to limit supporting the big companies

>> No.12040461

I wonder how catfish tastes...

>> No.12040536

Makes us not ashamed. The scientific method cannot lie against the truth, that's why it was and is accepted. The problem is people rarely prove their assumptions, so I'll undertake the proof of our dominion. No creature makes decisions to smelt steel, regardless of qualms about farmer ants and tool stealing octopi. Furthermore no creature invents new signs even when taught sign language. This comes from their innate inability to imagine unexperienced processes. Monkey see; monkey do. Therefore humans can be the only agents of science, and by extension the only functional quantum observers. If the universe won't collapse a wave for a cow then the cow and it's life are like the wood and the steel, we can appreciate they're beauty in nature, but they're really just objects to be acted upon and bent to the will of Men. Who knows the spirit of man that ascends upward, from the spirit of a breast that descends downward to the Earth?

Secondly for our brothers reading this thread. In the image of God created he him. The image of God is the difference between the mind of a man and the mind of a beast. The man can perform science and lawmaking, the creatures cannot. Read up on elephants raping rhinoceroses, God gave them a culture, but they lost it to the Ivory trade, and now they behave more basely than they used to. All good and perfect gifts are from above.

Finally for the foe reading this: just because I can find a dumb atheist doesn't mean I think you're an idiot, nor does it mean I can't share a beer with that same atheist. Wisdom is keeping an open mind till your last breath.

>> No.12040562

>Read Genesis and some philosophy before coming back to /sci/.
Sorry, I prefer The Selfish Gene.

>> No.12040770

Atleast that human lives doesn't.

>> No.12040807

>Makes us not ashamed.
But you absolutely should be ashamed. I didn't read much of the rest of your bullshit.

>> No.12042541

meat = murder
dairy = torture
Murder is a natural thing. Torture, though, is not. For that reason, I do buy meat occasionally, but never dairy
Answering your question, I think it's fine for them to die. I just don't want them to suffer

>> No.12042563

Live doesn't matter. Its an delusion. Thew quality of your life matters but not live. You are delusional if you believe that Live has any value for ethnics or morals.

In an pure physical perspective not even the quality of you life matters.