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12033374 No.12033374 [Reply] [Original]

>Studying for the MCAT
>Still don’t understand Acid/Base Chemistry
What’s that one subject/topic that you can’t put your head around /sci/?

>> No.12033381

I can work through the mathematics of relativity at the undergrad level just fine, but I have no intuition for it. I'm just chasing variables around.

>> No.12033388

>in an applied physics phd
>still have trouble with magnetism inside materials
every time

>> No.12033415
File: 28 KB, 383x383, 45CE0F62-9838-407A-8CB9-41DDED17285E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of luck getting into med school anon. Any plans if that doesn’t work out? What did you major in?

>> No.12033467
File: 16 KB, 300x214, 37970F2A-77AC-4687-A8DE-4B659EA982B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon any support helps. I majored in Biology since high school me was scared of the word Biochemistry. When it comes to medical school it’s a matter of when not if I get in so I don’t really have any backup plans.

>> No.12033484


>> No.12033933


>> No.12033937

good luck anon, I'm in Europe but I got into medical school after studying hard for the entrance exam, I put my all into it and didn't give up, I wanted it as bad as you and was prepared to repeat if I failed. Now I go to a top 100 (internationally) school that's also the #1 in my country. So it pays off

>> No.12034331

on the fence about choosing to be a doctor, youngfag anon here. how'd you make the choice to sacrifice freetime? muh 4chan and animu on weekends vs being a doctor kek

>> No.12034899

Made an A in Physics 1&2, still don't know how magnets work.

>> No.12034905

>studying for MCAT
Don't go into medicine nigger.

t. Doctor, bail out now that you have time, you don't even know what the job is about.

>> No.12034911

Why do you want to become a doctor? And which specialization are you taking?

If you have doubts, medicine is not for you. Go for your dream, anon, not your delusions.

>> No.12034945

You don't use physics in medicine.

You don't use biology in medicine.

>> No.12035008

>What is nuclear medicine?
>Biology isn´t physiology
If you don´t know physiology as a physician, you are a quack.

>> No.12035017

/med/ is probably the lowest iq of the generals, no?

>> No.12035028

>What is nuclear medicine?
A field in which you follow the protocols made by other people to apply the radiotherapy. The doctor pretty much only monitors the location of the tumor to make sure damage is minimized, or in case other more imminent things go wrong.

Biology isn't physiology. HUMAN Physiology can be considered part of the field, but you are taught what you need in a physiology course. You never need bullshit like plant physiology, ecology, taxonomy, etc. Hell, even biochemistry is mostly irrelevant, you only need to know the overall model for drug families, the drugs themselves are particular cases to memorize.

>> No.12035031

are you by chance a physiologist? Just curious.

>> No.12035034

Don't wish him luck. He should have his head beaten in because he is taking the place of someone actually talented. Ironic. I know all this stuff and they wouldn't let me NOT because of GPA, NOT because of MCAT but because I didn't take a few required courses.

>> No.12035037

I won't lie, Medicine is a trade. As much of a trade as a mason's. People should stop treating medicine as a science or a smart people thing. You solve what's need to be solved, you train to identify shit.

>> No.12035049

I'm a doctor, not specialized at the moment. probably will take pediatrics if nothing else comes up. I say this because I also came with the Idea medicine was sciency shit, and it's not, it was a letdown back then, but I appreciate the field from the perspective dealing with people gave me. Medicine stands at the edge of science, knowing it can't know everything, and being unable to learn more without the cost of human lives.

>> No.12035053

>to apply the radiotherapy.
I suppose image diagnostics don´t exist then.
> You never need bullshit like plant physiology, ecology, taxonomy, etc.
That´s for microbiology and infectology.
> biochemistry is mostly irrelevant
It´s the future, just like genetics.
>you only need to know the overall model for drug families
>you don´t need to understand the disease´s physiopatholgy

>> No.12035055

That said, if you have your mind set in pursuing a career in this Trade, visit a hospital first. Borrow a coat, introduce yourself to a medic and follow him around. If you feel the slightest bit uneasy, medicine is not for you. This demands a lifetime, save yourself while you can.

>> No.12035056

Evidence based isn´t science?

>> No.12035059

Medics or Medical doctors are physiologists.

>> No.12035069

lmao, nigger. You don't need to know physics and measure shit to read images. You READ THE IMAGE, someone else handles the machine, a technician.

You don't need a course on biology to read the introduction of the fungi chapter in a microbiology book. In fact, You don't need to read the microbiology book either, just see the Gram positive/negative diagram. Your job is learning how the named bacteria causes damage, and that is called PATHOLOGY.

> It´s the future, just like genetics.
Your future is telling the patient to go to the genetic lab to take a test and they say "Gene 2.2b fucked" You remember what the MEDICINE book said about that and tell the patient "oh well, we can't treat you". Otherwise read the treatment on the MEDICINE book.

That's a course itself, you don't need a lick of biochem for that.

>> No.12035072

Evidence based is the cancer that is killing medicine. And no, Medicine isn't science, it's the application of science, i.e. technology.

>> No.12035085

You don´t need to study anything nigger.
You just need to be have rich parents and make them pay your way in a foreign country.
That doesn´t mean you can´t choose a better path.
>Your future is
Our future is getting replaced by machines.
>you don't need a lick of biochem for that.
Endocrinolgists and Sports meds would beg to differ.
>Evidence based is the cancer that is killing medicine
No no no, physicians forgetting that patients are people and not just a bunch of paychecks and lawsuits, burning out, big pharma/greedy corrupt business and quacks/alternative medicine are the true cancer.
The only thing EBM is guilty of is getting swarmed by politicians/conflict of interest.

>> No.12035087


>> No.12036385

Do you have any experience dealing with people?