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12030552 No.12030552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any scientific evidence to suggest that there is a life after death?

>> No.12030557

Look, there is nothing after we die. We cease to exist. It's like it was before we were ever born.

>> No.12030566

>It's like it was before we were ever born.
How do you know what happened before you born?

>> No.12030574

Of course not, you idiot.

>> No.12030592

That's a very sad opinion to have. Are you OK?

>> No.12030594

How do you know? Have you died yet?

>> No.12030600

>Is there any scientific evidence to suggest that there is a life after death?
If anything, there is evidence *against* that.

>> No.12030606

I guarantee you don't have it and if you do you don't understand it.

>> No.12030623

Please share said evidence then

>> No.12030634

Cope. I’m not saying it’s not tragic, but as far as we know it’s massive cope.

>> No.12030654

>as far as we know it’s massive cope.
Lmao. Nothing after death is the biggest cope in existence. It basically allows people to have this Rick and Morty-esque "heck yeah nothing matters" hedonistic philosophy with no consequences. Almost all religions have some hell-like state, either temporary or permanent, based on your current life's actions. The perceived possibility to be tormented in ways unimaginable forever isn't a cope.

>> No.12030669

Define "cope".

>> No.12030680
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I disagree with the "cease to exist".

Don't worry, life will continue after you die. The idea that everything will just snuff out after YOU die, but no one else, is silly.

>> No.12030683

>Can the natural prove something that's unnatural?

>> No.12030685

>Nothing after death is the biggest cope in existence.
What is worse? That you'd be punished for your behaviour in your afterlife given some universal moral compass, or that nothing matters and that nothing the universe gives a shit about you?

>> No.12030687

The former.

>> No.12030690

>Please share said evidence then
1. Brain is the material cause of your consciousness, personality and whatnot. Evidence: brain trauma, lobotomy, etc.
2. Brain decays after death. Evidence: just look around you.
3. Ergo: when u ded, u ded.

>> No.12030698

>Brain is the material cause of your consciousness, personality and whatnot. Evidence: brain trauma, lobotomy, etc.
That's basically like saying that the TV signal gets noisy because the antenna is damaged, therefore the antenna is the source of the signal.

>> No.12030719

>That's basically like saying that the TV signal gets noisy because the antenna is damaged, therefore the antenna is the source of the signal.
Oh noes, not this metaphor again. OK, then what is your purported mechanism for your brain to work? (You is rhetorical, since it's clear you, my interlocutor, are actually retarded.)

Like everything around us is material we can even track krazy physical information flow via bosons. Why would your brain be any different?

>> No.12030721

holy shit can we just go back to fainting goats and WDHDI threads instead

>> No.12030737

What is worse than both of those possibilities is nothing mattering AND being taken for a ride while you're alive by self interested, schizophrenic or delusional charlatans who play on people's fears.
But you believe that you're following this moral compass? It gives you comfort thinking that you'll persist eternally while those you don't like will be punished. You claim that nihilists benefit from their belief, while benefiting from your own.

>> No.12030740

This affects you and everyone else. Of course people will debate the implications of whether there is or isn't life after death.

>> No.12030744

how about you go debate it on /lit/ or something then

>> No.12030747

>What is worse than both of those possibilities is nothing mattering AND being taken for a ride while you're alive by self interested, schizophrenic or delusional charlatans who play on people's fears.
In the end, it doesn't matter...

>> No.12030752

Where is your evidence that the brain is an antenna that picks up consciousness as a radio signal?

>> No.12030757

It's up to you really. If you're fine with being lied to that's cool.

>> No.12030760

I bet 10 Internet Points he's going to invoke an untestable hypothesis a.k.a. "faith" or "revelation".

>> No.12030826

One can be redpilled and still be happy and a source of happiness for others. Decide that existence is a good thing, not a bad thing. Then the lens will shift. Existence would not be possible without death. Death is permanent and you will never be conscious again. Knowing that, every second becomes sweet.

>> No.12030833

>One can be redpilled and still be happy
bro... I...

>> No.12030856

That's not what redpill means you idiot

>> No.12030861

You seem to be implying that death is what gives life meaning assuming that there is no afterlife and it's just a blank void. I disagree with that sentiment personally. We can derive meaning out of the most benign concepts. If every human lived for an eternity and experienced none of the pains the passage of time brings upon our bodies, would that be any more or less meaningless than the lives we lead now? I think life itself is what gives meaning to it, not the threat of our inevitable deaths.

>> No.12030876


In the box universe (the view from nowhen), you are identified as the thing that begins at your birth and ends at your death. Therefore "you" only exist in a limited timeframe. The stuff you're made of, both physical and mental will be recycled and be put to use somewhere else.

>> No.12030909

If a person could believe that life doesn't matter now, here, in this material Earth, stuck in a world of conflict, action, time and consequences, imagine how much more purposeless the afterlife would be. Heaven is just a pretentious hell. I would rather be welcomed by darkness than being in either.

>> No.12030987

Name a more ultimate redpill
You wanna discuss women instead? be my guest, very high level, seeing the simulation stuff

>> No.12031036

In order for simulation theory to not break the law for conservation of energy, it mandates reincarnation, and logic mandates it to be meritocratic i.e. Hinduism is right.

>> No.12031041

The only fear we have is by extension sourced, whether we are aware of it or not, from a fear of death. Unless we have this, we are never pushed to the depths and heights that make us truly experience what it means to be human.

>If every human lived for an eternity and experienced none of the pains the passage of time brings upon our bodies
A core argument of mine is that this is not possible. Existence is nice, yes. But it's temporary. All things pass. If this property was false, existence would be false. It's inherent.
It's pleasurable to hide from it, to imagine and fantasize, but that imagination is rooted in the fear. Death is not actually something to be afraid of. I know I'm not, I've grown accustomed to it through first and second hand experience. Of course you can't inherently experience death first hand, but you can taste it, I banged my head really hard, which after I came to was revelatory, that specific event among others amplified by the memory of my uncle who died by banging his head on the hospital floor after a seizure in his 40s.

>> No.12031047

I don't literally believe in or argue for simulation it's just a quip
although funny post

>> No.12031108

Luckily for you even under realism the energy of consciousness has to go somewhere after death. Does it join the aether? Does that imply a living Force?

>> No.12031131

The neural microtubules from which derive brainwaves are midichlorians!

>> No.12031175

yes, anon, if you die now, not all your cell and bacterias and virus die instantly, technically death = separation of functions, ...when you are alive u are just a bunch of atoms, bacterias and virus, etc working in 1 configuration, when you die those parts separate and creates another configuration, maybe part of your concious will remsin in dna bacteria, horrid hell, but....i was out of my body once, the mind is not on the brain

>> No.12031198


Nothing happens to your consciousness, because there is no such thing. There literally is no "you" for anything to happen to. There are just a bunch of cells in yout body following organic chemical reactions.

>> No.12031204

I have, 5000 times.

This is my 5001st iteration.

Everyone still sucks, but at least this is better than the universe where I died from getting fentanyl on my lip after busting a meth house.

Drank milk that day, and it was spoiled.

>> No.12031213

Want to meet up after this go around?

I'll save you a seat.

Blue Eisenhower November