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12024477 No.12024477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Legitimate discussion was going on, but the thread was deleted. Be sure to skim the last one before posting.

>> No.12024568


>> No.12024583


>> No.12024625

fuck off

>> No.12024656

fuck off

>> No.12024661

The things about 5 G that a lot of retards fail to understand is not that it’s some health risk giving us coronavirus (lol) but that it’s more of an issue about the volume of data/privacy, etc. There needs to be more studies done and laws implemented to protect individual rights and privacy before its rolled out. More public discussion about the risks and what it may mean for our privacy. Google the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act. It was recently introduced. If this legislation passes the USA is basically a dictatorship. It’s an anti speech and anti security bill that will use the constitution to wipe its ass. Good luck you faggots you’re gonna need it. I feel sorry for your country (I mean that genuinely).

>> No.12024670
File: 234 KB, 773x2351, Frey 2012 - Opinion Cell Phone Health Risk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you fool. It's not an either or, the health concerns WAY predate when people started to actually pay attention to privacy (despite numerous sci-fi authors tracing out our inevitable course like 70 years ago). It can be and is both.

Fucking hell. I don't know where this narrative is coming from, but you're being played. No, no, NO. One is not there to hide and discredit the other. That's just some dumbass narrative and if you did the damn legwork you'd realize that!

>> No.12024726

Take your god damn meds you fucking lunatic

>> No.12024731
File: 283 KB, 1020x1320, dec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, totally DECIMATED. How will they ever recover???

>> No.12024734
File: 464 KB, 1152x1584, opioid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn it off, anon. Just say no.

>> No.12024758

For anyone who isn't into this yet, a wavelength of 1 decimeter (1/10th of a meter) is ~3 GHz. 5 decimeters, 600 MHz. 1 meter, 300 MHz.


>> No.12024770
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>> No.12024879


>> No.12025531

Look, if you have 5 or more brain cells than its obvious that 5G causes fast internet and nothing else. Discussion closed.

>> No.12025536

At this stage, retards deserve their fate. And so do we if we allow you to drag us along on your dumbass ride.

Go fuck yourself. Your future is underneath someone's boot regardless.

>> No.12025553

How many times are you going to make this stupid thread. You got plenty of answers last time and the times before but they are not what you wanted to hear so you shit up the board with the same post over and over until you get what you like to hear. You truly are pathetic OP.

>> No.12025559
File: 217 KB, 793x638, Adey-qEEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times are you going to make this stupid post. You got plenty of answers last time and the times before but they are not what you wanted to hear so you shit up the board with the same post over and over until you get what you like to hear. You truly are pathetic Anon.

>> No.12025588
File: 73 KB, 720x476, battlenet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any end-user benefit? Download speeds increases are marginal for anything not fourth Industrial revolution panopticon internet of things.

>> No.12026251

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you but that isn't an excuse to shit up /sci/

>> No.12026288

What i do not understand about the health thing is it lacks sensible comparison.

Sitting at a desk all day poses serious health problems, we get kids to do this from a young age. So does dopamine from social media. So does eating calory-dense low nutrition food.

Im not saying EM waves have 0 effect. But compared to the things above I think they are very small. Is travelling in a plane more or less dangerous than using a cell phone regularly (the cancer risk)?

>> No.12026509

Upload speeds are huge. Normalfags will be all over 5G because of how fast they will be able to upload their snaps, IG stories, and clips.

>> No.12026523
File: 416 KB, 553x650, 1597867594413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the pills, schiz

>> No.12026537

We're in too deep for companies to openly admit that their cell phones and broadband are damaging their customers.

>> No.12026538
File: 54 KB, 640x379, EM_Spectrum_Properties_edit.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's the thing. Visible light doesn't cause any damage, right? So anything with a wavelength larger than visible light isn't harmful.
UV(B or C) rays are known to cause double-stranded breaks in DNA. Anything ultraviolet (again, UVB or UVC) or lower wavelength (so higher freq.) can cause cancer. Anything visible light or higher wavelength (so lower freq.) is not capable of causing cancer. Anyone who says otherwise has no idea what they are talking about, and I advise them to educate themselves about molecular biology and radiation-induced oncogenesis.
>>12024661 this anon is right on the fucking money. This is exactly what the problem with 5G is, and you fucking delusional data-deprived dipshits shilling your unfounded pseudoscience are muddying the real conversation and making all us privacy advocates look like nutjobs. So if your goal is to make any legit argument against 5G associated with schizophrenic conspiracytards in the minds of the average person, congratulations! You're really doing a great job.

>> No.12026620

>So here's the thing. Visible light doesn't cause any damage, right? So anything with a wavelength larger than visible light isn't harmful.
Really? That's your great proof? Gee, isn't it great to be so narcissistic that you think you know everything without even doing any research. Why did anyone even bother doing experiments when we clearly have God right here to ask. Thanks for clearing that up, God.

>> No.12026644

You’re a fucking retard dude

>> No.12026659

Do you know what resonance is?

>> No.12026663

UH, I know you are but what am I???

Follow the instructions in the OP. You're thinking about this like a primitive animal. No, something doesn't have to be DIRECTLY coming after you with sharp teeth or a club to cause an ultimate effect. Your mindset is on the same level as people thinking vision worked via the eye as a lens that shone light onto the mind. Despite knowing this is not how it works, modern day people still struggle with the idea of transduction and downstream amplification. There's another big word for you to learn. Transduction. You use the word "oncogenesis" yet don't seem to understand that there's tumor initiation and tumor promotion (in which RF can do both).

Let me know when you're ready to stop being an arrogant little bitch.

>> No.12026677

I am not the anon you two fags are arguing with. Just an observer. I don’t think you know how to do proper research, and I doubt you can interpret more than 10% of what you read while “researching” you uneducated idiots. What is your BSc/MSc/PhD in again?

>> No.12026680


>> No.12026683

Do you have proof it causes significant harm in humans? Or other animals? With the levels of radiation humans are exposed to.

Its impossible to prove something doesn't have an effect.

His point was damage in biological systems is largely due to bond breaking (be that in dna, cell structure etc). These bonds are not broken by the energy of the photons in 5G towers.

The best way I can see of testing this is rearing two sets of rats - one in a EM proof cage, the other subjected to levels of EM radiation the average human (in the technological west ie a city) is exposed to. Record differences in behavior between the populations and monitor their physical health.

>> No.12026692

>Do you have proof it causes significant harm in humans? Or other animals? With the levels of radiation humans are exposed to.
Damages sperm and testicles, shown both in test animals and humans. Sperm counts have fallen 50% from 50 years ago. I'm not saying EMF's are the entire cause, but I bet they're part of it.

>> No.12026696


Read the prior thread.

>These bonds are not broken by the energy of the photons in 5G towers.
Literally true, but not necessarily true. You can have kinetic breakage of bonds, and your can have indirect breakage via increased free radical levels.

And let me guess
Oh I don't know, maybe you should just read the research.

>> No.12026718
File: 75 KB, 852x421, VGCC-Pathways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of many propesed and plausible mechanisms. And by the way, here's the thing people forget: It doesn't even matter. It doesn't. Whether you can think of a mechanism that gives you the right feelzies makes no practical fucking difference at all if you run an experiments over and over and keep getting the same result.

>> No.12026726

And perhaps I should choose my words more carefully. It makes no difference if you expose many different animals, and humans, in many different ways, in many different countries, over the last 100+ years, and keep getting the same results. There's consistency even in the inconsistencies.

>> No.12026747

Look you can post research all you want. And a mediafire folder full of it. But it doesn't answer my question. Is there an experiment where radiation exposure similar to that of a city dwelling human is shown to have negative effects on any animal. Please link.

I know how to generate radicals, i know what they are etc etc. Id have thought biological systems are too large for kinetic bond breakage, occupying such energy states requires too much energy in a large unconjugated molecule.

>> No.12026770
File: 221 KB, 673x2510, Despiraling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related. There was indication DNA histone breakages, despite the claim that low intensity RF is too weak to even marginally disturb a single hydrogen bond. The reason for this is likely that water in biological systems is not liquid H2O in the way we think about it, it's more like quasicrystalline domains which behave more like a gel. 2.45 GHz in particular is in a high dielectric loss range of water, so seemingly, it causes the DNA molecule to thrash around, breaking off the histones.

It's all in the document. At least, a lot is, certainly enough. Up to you whether you check it out.

>> No.12026779

How much of your folder have you actually read Mr. Gish?

>> No.12026784

Russian garbage that even the Russians would laugh at
1990 study on rats, not relevant

>> No.12026792

Gish galloping doesn't apply to non-realtime conversations. You've had more than 2 years now to read up if you are who I think you are, Mr. Sealion.

I've read all of the files. Of the papers in _Index.txt I've probably read ~70%. I haven't worked on this in a while, but I'm getting back into it.

>> No.12026795

See this thread: >>12025590

>> No.12026796

>You've had more than 2 years now to read up if you are who I think you are
Okay, which anonymous poster on an anonymous website am I?
Back to the topic at hand, why include a paper in your index if you haven't read it?

>> No.12026802

I got tired of people claiming no work had been done in this area, so I just generated a list of the files I had (hence no special characters, truncated titles), I figured it would be a useful extension to the NMRI and EPA bibligiographies. The idea was to potentially make an EMF-Portal like database to better visualize certain connections, learn pubmed's API and tie it in, but I never got around to it.

>> No.12026805


>> No.12026817

Excerpt. More on emf-portal in particular:

Additional resources, databases, and history:
This contains ~1600 papers sorted as Author Year - Title. A future version may be categorized and sorted in some other way, but just searching for keywords (eg ctrl+f) in titles works well. The ideal would be a database with ability to rapidly visualize connections between data. EMF-Portal does some of this and has undertaken the massive endeavor to catalogue many of these parameters, but not quite to this extent.

Summaries, history, news:
[m][BioInitiative] 2014 - BioInitiative Report
I've added full section bookmarks to my version so the contents and structure of the document can be easily viewed as a glance.

https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/studies.asp (Contains 15,000+)
A note on emf-portal. emf-portal reported issues with funding late 2018 (if I recall). Shortly after:
In the database dump as of May 5th 2020 I found a number of papers on specific techologies weren't present, this file was 1,323,675 characters (51,602 lines). As of July 13th 2020, it was down to 1,052,989 characters (41,061 lines).

The DTIC, CIA, NASA, etc archives.
The DTIC is missing certain items. Archive.org has mirrored their site, it is more complete for now.


Finding antennas
Some indication of where 5G is being deployed

>> No.12026825
File: 586 KB, 774x809, 1585620284609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berhabs u meant me :DDD

>I got tired of people claiming no work had been done in this area
Translation: You got tired of having SERIOUS DISCUSSIONS and being disagreed with so you gave up and resorted to copypasta and other nonsense

https://pastebin.com/aYNv0zFc for any newfags joining us

>> No.12026853

>https://pastebin.com/aYNv0zFc for any newfags joining us
Say what you want about my mediafire, but just imagine creating that pastebin.

>> No.12026866

has visible light spectra ever been demonstrated to cause harm in humans? if so, please post papers published in a reputable, peer reviewed journal and i will gladly admit being wrong

>> No.12026889

>link papers
"Nuh uh."
>link a few more papers, explain historical context, link related documents
"Nuh uh, nope. Doesn't make sense to me, don't like it, not true."

Surriuz disscushions 2020 :DDDDDD

>> No.12026902

Oh and how could I forget.
"Gimme gimme gimme."

Nah my dude, nah. I've got better things to do than be sealioned and called retarded by retards.

>> No.12026917

Imagine if this autism were focused on something interesting.

>> No.12026946

> The idea was to potentially make an EMF-Portal like database to better visualize certain connections, learn pubmed's API and tie it in, but I never got around to it.
Why not do that instead of posting on 4chan? It's a better use of your time than arguing with the few anons who care to reply.

>> No.12027046

See the LED and blue light txt, and read the document "controlled offensive behavior". See also near the end of the 5G section on LED streetlights. That's just blue light and retinal damage, melatonin and so forth, but flickered patterns of light have other effects. See.... I believe, ctrl+f "ptolemy" in the document, near the end.

>> No.12027638

You'll still be just seen as a luddite since most people are smartphone zombies who are fine with not having any privacy.

>> No.12027646
File: 507 KB, 640x311, 1594445988224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious discussions
>Expecting anyone to take people like pic related seriously