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1201906 No.1201906 [Reply] [Original]

SO. The kepler mission just returned data describing almost 700 mother fucking exo-planets, most of which were about the size of earth. In 2014 we should have a telescope powerful enough to make spectrometric measurements and allows us to potentially glimpse another earthlike planet for the first time in history.

Who's excited?

>> No.1201910

Fuck yeah I am!

Now we just need to find Prothean ruins on Mars, and we're good to go!

>> No.1201915

Feels like we might catch a glimpse of other life.

>> No.1201918
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I was born too early.

>> No.1201933

We'd better get our asses to mars, then.

>> No.1201949

I was born 200 years too early or 200 years too late.

>> No.1201964

An d then we thaw out Charon and BOOM! Hello, galactic community.

>> No.1201983

This is immoral! God created earth and you are not allowed to visit the heavens uninvited. Colonizing other planets is a sin!

>> No.1201985


We wont even be able to reach these planets for who knows how long.

>> No.1201991

We'll reach them instantaneously using quantum teleportation.

>> No.1201995

That's OK, you're not coming.

>> No.1201998

I don't think any real Christians believe this, I think some of them don't even think there's anything beyond Earth's atmosphere.

>> No.1202003

Bible Verse, please?

>> No.1202006


>> No.1202020

Didn't the catholic church already explicitly state that they're cool with our space bros?

>> No.1202024

>quantum teleportation

More like:
Murder relocation rebuilder.

>> No.1202028

Sure looked like a joke to me. Did you guys fail to see that too?

>> No.1202029

>quantum teleportation

>> No.1202032

I bet the creators of mass effect will shit themselves if we actually find technology on mars.

>> No.1202048

Well, let's go find some shit, then.

>> No.1202043

My body...is ready.

>> No.1202042

Finding shit on Mars is an old sci-fi thing, the concept's been around for decades.

>> No.1202068

how many of them have water?

>> No.1202070

Back to school little one.

>> No.1202083


There's at least one that has water and could harbour life.

>> No.1202085
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>> No.1202098
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>> No.1202099

If you wouldn't suck moot's dick ur gay

>> No.1202114
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>> No.1202129
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>> No.1202156

Goddammit I leave for two minutes and my thread turhns into a penisfest GJ assholes.

>> No.1202169

we should message all 700 simultaneously with an ASCII image of the universe

>> No.1202177

>Who's excited?

You asked.

>> No.1202182

I could have been great 500 years back
It would be great 500 years into the future
but which should I pick?

>> No.1202186


>> No.1202191

500 years back = odds are you die of plague/famine/dysentery/sword by 13

>> No.1202194

and make sure we use an inverted system of messaging (darkness means 1, light means 0)

>> No.1202201

>about the size of earth

Earthlike worlds...? That means... Higher chance of humanoid sentients...


>> No.1202207


Just use radioglyphs ffs.

>> No.1202221

Oh you

>> No.1202237

I can't be the first, but ctrl-f tells me so.

feels good man.

>> No.1202261

What can we actually see with these telescopes, though? As exciting as it is, we can still barely see Pluto for pity's sake.

>> No.1202269

It almost won't matter what we can see. Shit's so far away.

>> No.1202288


Well, no, I don't believe that. I just want to know what we could decipher. We might be able to... What? Guess the atmospheric content of these planets?

As interesting as that is, forgive me for wanting HD images of life on an alien world up close like the camera is two feet away. Sure, that's unrealistic to hope for, but I want to see something my mind was not meant to comprehend.


>> No.1202298


We won't be able to see shit.

Observe, on the other hand... We will be able to determine the characteristics of their exoplanets, see if they are inhabitable.

But in the end, no matter how advanced your equipment is, you need to actually get there, and say "Yep, it's inhabitable". For all we know it could have a deadly atmospheric compound that didn't show up in the spectroscopy or some sort of alien life that can kill you in ways you couldn't even imagine.

>> No.1202364


Most likely that'll happen regardless. If we didn't evolve to the atmosphere, odds are good it'll contain SOMETHING that's deadly to us. Plus, odds are low we'll be able to eat anything there.

Also, Colonel Coffee Mug is an awesome name.

>> No.1202410


>Most likely that'll happen regardless. If we didn't evolve to the atmosphere, odds are good it'll contain SOMETHING that's deadly to us. Plus, odds are low we'll be able to eat anything there.

Yeah it's unlikely that the colonists will be able to digest alien proteins. Unless, of course, that we do science to them.

Eden Planets will be rare, and I think terraforming, while it might be awesome for dickwaving in front of aliens and saying "WE CHANGED AN ENTIRE WORLD HAHA", might not be viable for the timescale it takes. It might be better to just modify ourselves, humanity splitting up into different subspecies each one adapted to its own world.

Xenophilia ensues >:3~

>Also, Colonel Coffee Mug is an awesome name.

Thank you old chap.

>> No.1202440


If we can genetically augment ourselves to such an immense degree, it might be well possible for us to live indefinitely and, therefore, have the timescale necessary for terraforming be more reasonable.

Not cost-effective either way, though, so modifying works best.

>> No.1202539

>In 2014 we should have a telescope powerful enough to make spectrometric measurements
are you talking about the ELT?

>> No.1202548

Would that be the imaginatively named "extremely large telescope"?

>> No.1202569


The good thing about extreme lifespans is that we won't mind that it takes 40 years to travel to these planets.

>> No.1202590

>very large telescope (1998)
>extremely large telescope (2014)
>Fucking big large telescope (2027)
whats next

>> No.1202593

Lol how does I shot consciousness

>> No.1202595

Cool story bro!

>> No.1202618


>> No.1202639

It's kind of like
>Large Hadron Collider (2009)
>Super Large Hadron Collider (2019)
>Very Large Hadron Collider (2059)

>> No.1202654
File: 13 KB, 436x330, McdoLogoCorp1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super size that please

>> No.1202676

Super large is bigger than very large

>> No.1204365

FUCK YEAH can't wait to bone some space vixens.

>> No.1204379


w w W . a n O N _ x _ t a l K . s E _ R e m o v e _ X yhwcilfpbyxm ac sn qa zsb vzldurha

>> No.1204385

W W W . A N o n _ X _ T a L K . s E _ R e M O V E _ X azbsomfw bmp px qtrx m a vd iyux eagd yno urwe g

>> No.1204387

Obviously your soul transfers to your clones body!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.1204399

You sound like you could use a good raping.

>> No.1204400

Does OP have link to this information? This is the first I've heard of it. Or is he just outlining a hypothetical?

>> No.1204401
File: 21 KB, 200x246, face58_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1204402

W w W . a n O N _ X _ t A L K . s e _ R E m O V e _ x nppfnrm cbi oo rffifvy hm vxcm

>> No.1204409
File: 13 KB, 550x400, 029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



and is this earthlike as in earth-sized and at an earth-distance from the parent star? if so, holy shit hello life being a common denominator in the universe

>> No.1204413

>Implying that you didn't get my sarcasm

>> No.1204416

yup. Brothers in god, wherever they may be ect. I'd shit a cathedral if we found a couple sentient races with monotheistic religions, and some of them with a "messiah" some long period of time ago.

>> No.1204427

Only so they can try and convert them.

>> No.1204504

[citation needed]

>> No.1204927

found the source

apparently it's really helter skelter over at nasa

>> No.1204943

>detecting planets within 1-2 Re

>> No.1205172

In a single data release Kepler may have just doubled or even TRIPLED the number of known exoplanets!
So much for planets being a rarity!