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12016546 No.12016546 [Reply] [Original]

How do I protect the environment the most effectively?

>> No.12016564

>implying any of it deserves to be protected

>> No.12016585

Protect from what?

>> No.12016611

Be radical or dont, just remember it will still sting you back

>> No.12016630

Only if you sting it

>> No.12016648
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destroy dam

>> No.12016943


>> No.12016971


Suicide basically.

>> No.12017050

Document and genetically sequence everything so we can preserve and revive species post-extinction.

>> No.12017052
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Remove Jewry, if not physically eliminating them then at least make sure they have zero influence in society and politics.

Drastically cull non Native European peoples (especially Africans and Chinese).

Stop deforestation.

Build SAFIRE plasma reactors.

>> No.12017068
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Destroy the modern Judeo-Christian (and Atheism/Anti-theism) derived scientific religion, and replace it with a modernized quasi-scientific Nature cult.

>> No.12017081

1: Learn how to safely store pathogens for an extended period of time.
2: Stash some COVID 19 in a safe place until the current pandemic is over.
3: Re-release it to shut down the world economy and all the pollution it creates all over again.
Repeat as neccesary

>> No.12017098

On your own, you can do quite a lot. But always on a small scale. The way to really make an impact is literally to raise awareness and convince others to join the cause. Unfortunately this is also why environmental types are often despised. The key is that there is a difference between being persistent and being annoying. You should be focused on educating people first and foremost, so they understand WHY the environment needs protection, which is essential if you want them to join your cause. But you have to do this in a way that is not condescending, which there is an art to.

On a more practical level, it is vital to also focus on practical solutions, rather than just talking about the issues ad nauseam. Investigating possible solutions is important in its own right, but when people can see that progress is actually being made, it inspires confidence in the overall movement. There is a real danger in any kind of activism or any field really is getting stuck down dead ends. Is it taking too long to reduce plastic consumption? Then start focusing on more efficient ways of processing plastic waste. Is it too hard to prevent global warming? Look into ways that we can repair the damage that is already done, rather than just stopping the processes which are causing it.

To get the ball rolling make sure you educate yourself first, get up to date with the current literature (you may already be at this stage). Engage with online dialogue and get involved. Find out where things are actually happening, advancements are being made, research is being done. Look for the people who are solutoin-focused, and are actually passionate and want to make a difference. Continue to educate yourself and establish connections with those in the relevant fields. Eventually you will start to see where there are opportunities, places for innovation and new ideas. You can then begin to hone your focus towards specific places where you can lend your knowledge and skills.

>> No.12017100

Actually mass murder and genocide.

>> No.12017104

End capitalism.

>> No.12017106

Communism isn't any better for the environment.

>> No.12017108

Kill as many brown people as possible.

>> No.12017150

>Unfortunately this is also why environmental types are often despised.
No, they're despised because unlike environmental scientists, all big name "environmentalists" are hypocritical retards who fly around in their private jets, drive around in hummers, eat prime steak every meal, but tell you that you're killing the planet for owning a car and need to eat the bugs.
The kind of environmentalists people respect are ones who actually practice what the preach, and instead of trying to cram it down your throat, merely show you the kind of eco-friendly things they themselves do.

>> No.12017201

>On your own, you can do quite a lot. But always on a small scale. The way to really make an impact is literally to raise awareness and convince others to join the cause. Unfortunately this is also why environmental types are often despised.
It's because large companies are responsible for the overwhelming majority of emissions, but the messaging is for individuals to change their behavior. People think linearly despite emissions looking more like a pareto distribution. Make personal changes if you must but don't pretend it's changing anything.

>> No.12017228

Well you can vote with your wallet a little bit. If people start buying more electric cars, companies will have to innovate and put more electric cars on the market or they will be left behind. If people only by meat from local sources that treat their animals well, or buy alternatives to meat altogether, those industries will get ahead and the traditional ones will be forced to change or go out of business eventually.

Whats bad about eating bugs btw?

>> No.12017269

>Well you can vote with your wallet a little bit.
No you can't.
>Whats bad about eating bugs btw?
They're gross.

>> No.12017285

Typical 4chan, can only think in black and white.

>> No.12017308

ok schizo

>> No.12017312

>i don't want to own private property
lol loser

>> No.12017512

Like Greta thrunburg? She sailed to the US to avoid using a plane

>> No.12017517

>get to sail around the world in your 0.01%er parent's hundred million dollar yacht to scream at the actual working class to eat bugs

>> No.12017612
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Pic related

>> No.12017613

Based ecofash

>> No.12017616

Who said she was?

>> No.12017761

>How do I protect the environment the most effectively?
By consuming less energy. Insulating the house is a good start.
And more thouroughly by consuming less.

>> No.12017854
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Go on a murder spree and kill yourself when you get caught. Unfortunately this is the most efficient action a single person can take. Long term we're going to be OK, but lots of people will still die from coastal flooding.

>> No.12018139

Stop consuming. Don't have children.

>> No.12018344
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Introduce contraceptives and abortion to 3rd world countries that breed like rabbits