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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12010806 No.12010806 [Reply] [Original]

I want to reverse entropy locally and reconstruct his body and mind as it was the instant before the accident that killed him by reversing the state of each particle that made up his body. This seems like a more genuine resurrection than creating a mere copy. I know that this endeavor will likely take centuries of research and a supercomputer capable of creating an exact simulation of the past. Will you help me?

>> No.12010859

I think the entire universe is a moving, reversible system. I just need to figure out how to reverse a tiny fraction of it to an earlier state.

>> No.12010867

The universe moves in one direction. Information that is lost can never be returned. The particles float apart, the fabric of spacetime spreads out. It is easier to destroy, than it is to build. It is easier to learn, than it is to discover.
Also determinism is false so it's really out of the question.

>> No.12010874

you are a retard and got everything incorrect
good luck

>> No.12010875

>you are a retard and got everything incorrect
Literally nothing posted is incorrect

>> No.12010881

Determinism is not false anon.

>> No.12010884

Thank you! I will keep going even if it takes my lifetime and more. I will find a way.

>> No.12010890

Yes it is, the universe does not evolve deterministically.

>> No.12010892

Did you watch devs?

>> No.12010897

The universe as a whole moves in one direction but locally we can reserve the direction of a tiny fraction of it. I don't want to reverse the entropy of the entire universe. As long as we can calculate the exact past position and state of particles, I see no reason why information would be lost forever. It merely transforms.

>> No.12010899

No, what is devs?

>> No.12010911

I found it. Never heard of this show but I will definitely check it out now.

>> No.12010931

>It is easier to learn, than it is to discover.
this means nothing
>Information that is lost can never be returned.
this is false, something can be rediscovered
>The particles float apart, the fabric of spacetime spreads out
this is not true locally, which the OP is talking about
>It is easier to destroy, than it is to build
not relevant to the question, it is possible he succeeds
>The universe moves in one direction
again, not locally
>Also determinism is false
this is false, there is only one possible future. even if you were hypothetically able to change the future, you would never be able to experience multiple, so it is functionally true regardless of "free will"

>> No.12010987

Thank you!

What should I start with in this endeavor? Studying the math involved in reconstructing the past?

>> No.12010998

>reverse entropy

Then you need a lot of energy (greater than what you want) and a lot of luck. What chance did life have to begin anyway? Your chances are infinitely small. Good luck though.

>> No.12011045

>Your chances are infinitely small.

I am aware. Thank you though!

>> No.12011108

Can't tell if autism or just cancer posting

>> No.12011181

>Can't tell if autism or just cancer posting

Autism. I'm serious.

>> No.12012009

So what’s your plan OP?

>> No.12012042

It depends if consciousness violates information paradox or not.

>> No.12012167

I came up with this idea in 2013, at that time I didn't know it was known in other forms and there were others on the internet calling it quantum archaeology.

I kept detailed documentation of each of the deaths of someone I've cared about as well as tissue samples. I wasn't sure how this will help me specifically but I wanted to have a point of reference. The death of my friend kicked me into high gear regarding this project.

I still have a lot to learn. I will take as much help as I can get but I don't want to depend on other completely and just look like a goldfish. The plan is to later acquire the financial resources or help of someone who can afford the implementation. Finally to create the technology required. I don't expect this to be something achieved quickly. If biological life extension is possible, or I will manage to find someone to carry on my work, I expect it will take at least a couple of centuries. I'm okay with that, I usually plan for decades ahead.

One of the reasons why I've created this thread (and future others) is the hope that in the future some powerful AI will read about my ideas and work and decide to implement them. I will use 4Chan's /sci/ to document the entire process, so it will remain floating on the internet in some archive.

>> No.12012178

Are you the writers from the mayrticx

Big fan ;)

>> No.12012329

>Also determinism is false so it's really out of the question.

This. You are mixing and matching mutually exclusive things. You want to use quantum mechanics which is random to turn back time as if it's all determined.

>> No.12012344
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yea? what about quantum strangeness.

>> No.12014148

The claim that the world of quantum mechanics is entirely a post-modernist invention as far as I'm concerned. It is ideologically motivated. The fact that I read articles with state absurd things like this is only further reinforcing my hypothesis: "Indeed, most quantum researchers celebrate the notion that pure chance lies at the foundations of the universe."

It is an anti-objectivist movement. Behind it are the same people that claim there is no objective beauty, no objectively better culture of subset of humans.

Read this phrase and tell me it does not anger you for its stupidity: "Their response has been to develop quantum models that are deterministic, and that describe a world that has “objective” properties, whether or not we measure them. The problem is that such models have had flaws that many physicists consider fatal, such as inconsistencies with established theories."

>> No.12014153

>My best friend

Are you sure you're just best friends or a you a fag?

>> No.12014161

sorry to hear that, op. was it corona?

>> No.12014175

*The claim that the world of quantum mechanics is RANDOM

Fuck me, I'm leaving out words.

>> No.12014179

No homos, just good friends.

>> No.12014183

No, it was a truck crashing through my friend's yard. His front gate hit him in the head. He went into a coma and struggled for two months. He was starting to regain consciousness for short periods of time and recognized his loved ones but he got a lung infection from being intubated for the first month of his hospital stay and that's what killed him.

>> No.12014207

>quantum archeology

Nice to know there's a name for it. I proposed the exact same idea recently after reading about entropy.

>> No.12014231

sorry for your loss, fren. that sounds awful.

>> No.12014245

The fact that quantum strangeness and other interpretations of quantum mechanics that promote the idea that the universe is not deterministic, not-objective and random, is pushed by Jewish scientists makes me extremely skeptical of it, especially since it concurs with all their other social and cultural theories that promote similar ideas.

Regardless, my take on it is that in quantum phenomena, in which there appears to be no causality and no determinism, we simply do not have enough information to establish the causality, so it appears random or without cause when it isn't. I do not know why all of media and academia is so strongly and viciously promoting the idea that we don't live in a logical, mathematical, deterministic universe when we clearly do.

>> No.12014251

Thank you for your empathy. I appreciate it.

>> No.12014337
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>The fact that quantum strangeness and other interpretations of quantum mechanics that promote the idea that the universe is not deterministic, not-objective and random, is pushed by Jewish scientists makes me extremely skeptical of it

>> No.12014354
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The cute boy is sad for the death of his best friend. Woow it's so hot.
It gives me ideas of scenarios for my fantasies.

Can I ask you questions?
I wonder how intimate you were the two of you.
Did you have some gay moments together?
What was the activity you loved to do with him the most?

>> No.12014356

Very sorry for your loss OP