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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 165 KB, 800x820, women are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12008781 No.12008781 [Reply] [Original]

Does the theory of evolution explain achievement gaps in the sciences?

>> No.12008786

gradualism or punctuated equilibrium?

>> No.12008790

Macroevolutionary theory, he’s talking about microevolutionary changes.

There’s no good evidence for punctuated equilibrium sadly. Gould really was a pseud retard.

>> No.12008794

No, my friend, what have YOU done? Stop hitchhiking on the shoulders of these white scientists you claim to hold in such appraise.

>> No.12008806
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>> No.12008825

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to say that constructing anti-Asian post on 4channel of all places isn't a great achievement - but is really scientifically significant? I don't think so. I appreciate your willingness to show me what you're capable but maybe you should abstain from making further posts on this board in future.

>> No.12008829

Why not just show iq graphs instead of brain weight you dumb retard monkey.

>> No.12008895

This is misleading. The reason why you see differences in IQ across sex (and race) is due to standardization as opposed to inherent differences. If you accept that there are differences between the two sexes (which isn't an unreasonable assumption), you would have to accept that those differences could affect some skills (including those evaluated in IQ tests). There is also the problem of socialization affecting what men are trained to do versus what women are trained to do, which can also affect IQ test.

The brain weight thing is a meme. I assume that that charts X axis is age. There are two factors that account for this, the fact that men are on average taller than women and the fact that women on average have more folds within their brain compared to men, which compensate for the issue of raw brain weight.

>> No.12008912

>pe btfo

>> No.12008924
File: 835 KB, 972x1243, Patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone out here that still cares about the quality of the posts on this board, remember to apply the I.H.R technique on these threads:
>identify /pol/ threads
>hide /pol/ threads
>report /pol/ threads

For the /sci/ oldfags:
Identifying these bait threads is pretty easy, with just reading the title and the content you can rapidly infer what actual discussion do they want to have and what narrative do they want to push. Do not waste time on arguing, either hide and report or shitpost it into oblivion. We must stop playing naïve; it is not "IQ thread", it is "we want to shit on niggers"; it is not "Climate change", it is "I want to speak pseudoscience". It is obviously common that these threads will relate to some political discussion (mainly those related to sex and race). Again, we are not /pol/ #2, this board should be math and science discussion, not whether or not you think masks are useful based on your dogma. Recognizing these threads and understanding that they are not science is the first step into solving this problem.

For the /pol/acks:
>inb4 boogeyman
You will answer that no matter how many times someone points that out; you will always say it in order to deflect obvious truth: that the post was done without the intention to discuss scientific inquiry and that it aims to uphold racism. Being here, it is not our duty to be against racism, but it is also not our duty to support it, much less dedicate 300 daily bait threads per week.
>"you So y for posting this" [insert wojak]
>automatic buzzword (rent free, you are not a woman, etc)

>> No.12008955

You underestimate the red states. It's necessary for some devil's advocate once in a while to build some resistance.

>> No.12009014

I have no idea what you're talking about but I've been here since day 1 back in 2010 and I completely support these threads. People like you on the other hand should fuck off and should stop trying to turn this into your leftist stronghold. Science is inherently empiricist and is therefor inherently racist and misogynist. It is physically impossible for a state of perfect equality to exist between genders and races, and a couple of differences should therefor exist. Agree? It is expected, and encouraged, but most importantly - scientific, for threads discussing these differences to pop up here. Because they are banned from everywhere else and the only place that allows them ends up being the infamous imageboard. This is the purpose of 4chan after all. You're trying to drag the outside PC blanket of censorship and cover 4chan with it. You will stop trying to do that and will start dealing with it. Some topics will cross both politics and science due to their generalized nature. That's just how it is. I don't see you telling climate change posters or 2+2=5 posters to fuck off back to /leftypol/ because there's a fat weight of politics attached to every such thread. You only do it to racial threads. It's obvious what's happening here.

As a proof of my actual presence since 2010: underwater base, space elevator, EK, a geuss

>> No.12009029

Nice non-sequitur into race.

>> No.12009033

>Just ignore that men have generally larger skulls and therefore larger brains

Your argument is like saying to ignore the difference in muscle mass between them, it's just a meme. Men and women should compete in sports together. No more female olympiads ever.

>> No.12009035


>muh /pol/ bogeyman

IQ threads have existed as long as /sci/ has.

>> No.12009036

Yes, its a meme because women have more brain folds compared to men to compensate and is one of the reasons why most intelligence tests show women and men performing evenly.

>> No.12009044

More brain folds mean their thinking is different.

Your argument, again, is like saying women have more body fat to compensate for the muscle.

>most intelligence tests show women and men performing evenly


>> No.12009086

Not, him but I have been in this board since the beginning too. It has never been as intense as it actually is though. And judging by the way you've written your post (as if this is a matter of who is a leftist and who is a right-winger) I can assert this is not about upholding science for you, is it? Look, for me it's pretty simple, I want this board to go back to how it was before: 1 race bait thread (JUST ONE for the love of god) and the rest actual math/science threads (albeit with your typical 0.9999 = 1, EM Drive and -1/12 threads).

And even though you may have been here since the beginning, do you actually know science? And more importantly, do you know anything about biology (not introductory knowledge) and epigenetics? Because even if we were to support these threads you have to admit that the quality of the discussion is extremely low and it tends to get troll-y. It was not uncommon back then like 4 or 5 years ago to see the same disproved arguments being used over and over again abusing the fact that no one can tell anyone here "hey look back at the old thread they disproved you". And with that fucking lack of honest discourse you have the balls to tell anyone else "oh it's just /leftypol/ fucking us over"? Fuck off schizo, we point that shit out every. single. time. Every single board in 4chan complains day and night about how /pol/ tends to change the direction of the threads into just becoming two things: trolling, and SJW complaints. NO ONE in the fucking website complains about those opinions existing, but oh boy you love to exploit every opportunity you have to push your narrative because you jerk off every single day to being "proven right" by irritating every other anon until they let you push your autism.


>> No.12009097

Your post is not an unique IP to the thread. This already tells me enough without you posting the second part of your post. Just don't bother at this point.
If you dislike seeing racial discussion so much, literally just go to reddit. It's exactly what you're looking for. On the other hand, I enjoy seeing it because I see it nowhere else. We had our leftist phase of /sci/ with the "inane trolling garbage" mod of 2014-2016, who by the way completely killed this board. It was boring, it was dead, and it was not fun. Not any more "scientific" or on-topic either. All other boards grew while the post count here halved in two years. I'd much rather not go back to that.

>> No.12009105

At least boards like /a/ have managed to maintain a good level of moderation. When Crunchyroll released their own "anime" you fags came to the board to shit it up with your "hurrrr look at this politics politics politics" and guess what?, BANNED. Threads deleted. And thus discussion never went to become a constant spiral of complaints, complaints, complaints and more political complaints pushed by 9 autists from the same discord who see the internet as a place for indoctrination and not as a place of normal discussion.

And hey, you may act like every place in 4chan is the same, but you know it's not. Boards like /a/ and /lit/ have managed to maintain at least a modicum of respect for the rules of the board and their level of discussion, while not perfect, is miles ahead than that of /v/, /tv/, or /g/. And you know (because by the way you write and get defensive anyone knows you lurk /pol/) that you can open these exact same threads over there and get your circlejerk to approve whatever you say, so at least have the decency to protect this board from becoming just another piece of shit like /v/.

>> No.12009132
File: 33 KB, 1349x197, hurr durr samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it is annoying dealing with your type. I don't have to fucking justify wanting to see actual scientific discussion in the science board. And don't come up with that bullshit of "well it's because we at least discuss it" you lying piece of shit. In the last 3 weeks we've had racial bait thread followed by racial bait thread followed by racial bait thread. And if you lurk those threads you would know perfectly well how they devolve into just posting wojaks, race memes and what else. Totally indistinguishable from your typical /pol/ thread, but sure, it is "science". Don't also pretend like you argue in good faith. If you get disproven the first shit you do is wait until the thread dies, and open another one with the exact same bullshit. You don't care about discussion, you don't care about science, you just want to troll freely and be "proven right" by getting as many (You)s as you can.

>We had our leftist phase of /sci/ with the "inane trolling garbage" mod of 2014-2016 [...] It was boring, it was dead, and it was not fun.
Here we go again with the bullshit. "Leftist" only because off-topic discussion was not allowed and "boring" because you were not allowed to troll. Great way to push a narrative, maybe a prize is warranted. And it was boring only for you bitch. We had the Putnam threads which were at least somewhat active before. There were more math shitposting threads even if they were just people complaining about Youtube shit. But the most important thing: THE BOARD WAS STILL ABOUT FUCKING SCIENCE.

>> No.12009176

I neither post in nor even open the racial threads. I opened this one because it has the soijak picture that I find funny, because it's true, and wanted to see if people got angry, and they did.
However, I would appreciate it if this discussion became normalized and more civil. And I would appreciate it if your kind stopped trying to censor it. You may think of some localized examples of who said what and all that, but I have an experience of an entire decade here and I've seen it all. I actually also was on your side back then and thought that the religious, IQ and /pol/ threads were too obnoxious and were killing /sci/ from being the math & physics board that it was supposed to be. They weren't. The mod assigned to cleanse the board from that ran it into the ground. My kind stopped coming, your kind stopped coming and the /pol/ kind stopped coming. One post per hour was fucking depressing. At the end, it turns out that no one actually wanted to see the KC-tier science board. Why would we when the entire rest of the internet is that?

>Here we go again with the bullshit
What bullshit? I'm just stating historical facts. Not my fault that you weren't here. And the putnam threads were dead circlejerk of two posters that 404'd after 10 posts of them talking to themselves. It's good that the guy who posted them did so, but it turns out that no one actually cares about that.

>> No.12009195

So it's just a matter of quantity over quality for you? You want this board to become like /v/ or /tv/ just for the sake of "not being boring"?
Because if that's the case I'd personally rather having a slow board. I've never heard people in slow boards complaining about them being slow as long as they can discuss what they like.
>censor it
If you knew how to behave there would be no need for censoring. You may want to receive "civil discussion" when those guys start acting civil.
>What bullshit? I'm just stating historical facts. Not my fault that you weren't here
I already said I was. Guess my experience doesn't matter because yours is more important or something.
>it turns out that no one actually cares about that
If (You) do not care it is not our obligation to cater to you. Again, this is a science board not a fucking circus for those who want the dopamine obtained by trolling constantly. If you get too bored with actual science, then guess what? Maybe it's just not your board.

>> No.12009284

>Again, this is a science board not a fucking circus for those who want the dopamine obtained by trolling constantly. If you get too bored with actual science, then guess what? Maybe it's just not your board.
Ah right, a redditor newfriend who has no idea how 4chan actually works and probably came here in 2016. Well I'm not going to really judge you because I was like this once as well. I'm just going to tell you what's exactly going to happen and you can either accept that or waste energy in futile attempts trying to prevent it: this board will keep repeating the exact same shitposting mantras that it has for the past 10 years. 0.999..., popsci ecelebs, religion, qualia, IQ, races and so on. Nothing you ever do will stop people from posting it. PhDs will get bored and they themselves will come post it. Why? Because that's the point of 4chan. It's a background noise of shit and piss which attracts people with its laid back accessibility, and from the increased quantity of people and their post activity, you get a rare fluctuation of a quality one materializing once in a while. The more posts you have, the more and higher quality posts will appear among them. Even the Haruhi problem is a product of this exact dynamic, as 2011 was probably peak unmoderated shitposting and homework spam.

You will never order a board in a state of full quality, of half quality, or even a tenth of quality. You do not understand the metabolic cost of maintaining that level of order. It would follow the fate of the putnam threads: from the 15 regulars, you'd go to 10 because there's zero memes and culture that's reeling in new posters, then 5, then 2, and finally the guy just goes to page 10 alone. The same thing happened to the whole board in the dark age of the inane trolling garbage mod. The metabolic cost of maintaining the order but also propping up the cultural banner to be funny and inviting was so high that no one actually met it, and the system began decaying.

>> No.12009324

Brain folds are the reason humans are as intelligent as they are. Why do you think elephants or whales pale in comparison to human intelligence despite having bigger brains?

Wikipedia oddly enough summarizes the research in this area pretty well. Most tests show the two sexes scoring equally, and tests that do show differences show very small differences. Which is an accurate way to understand the role biology has with sex; there are differences, but they are much smaller than people think.


>> No.12009423

>For verbal fluency, females have been specifically found to perform slightly better in vocabulary and reading comprehension and significantly higher in speech production
>significantly higher in speech production
LOL, not surprising. Looks like women are superior after all

>> No.12009435

Have you considered that the structural instability of board culture is inherent to the medium and the life cycle of image boards and internet forums prohibits consistent balance between trolling and quality posting?

>> No.12009635
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Did you even read it?

>> No.12009918
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How to spot someone from /pol/
a) they have common sense
b) they'll actually ask for your proofs and not take what you say at face value
c) they don't hold and immediately jump to shitlib value judgements in order to sully controversial science
d) they actually have an understanding of politics and philosophy outside of fundamental materialism
e) they're funny and have life experience, probably get laid

>> No.12009924
File: 153 KB, 1125x930, goy vs soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009989

Priests don't say this. The idea that science and religion are opposed to one another is a manufactured lie.
Believers of a world designed such that we're able to understand it have been the most influential people in scientific history. The recent fad of thinking that either the world is impossible to understand, and we can at best predict it, or that we're god-like in comprehension and there's nothing beyond us, are recent attempts to have science without god.

>> No.12010242

>Most tests show the two sexes scoring equally,
Most IQ tests are done on children but when adults only are measured then makes have about four point advantage.

>> No.12010244

Holy mother of reddit if you don't like these threads then don't come here you absolute spastic. Or just post your "another IQ thread" frog and call it a day. Stop shitting up this thread with your delusions

>> No.12010976

Yes. Did you read the number of articles suggesting there isnt a sizable difference? You have posted only one of several hypothesis on the issue.

>> No.12010982

Thats a pretty small difference.

>> No.12011014

nergligible difference that can be explained by environmental factors like men rather being in technical fields that require math and thus improving their intelligence over the course of their lifespan while women are groomed into being useless sluts or housewives (not anymore).

>> No.12011025

You are mistaking cause and effect. Men are in those fields because they have higher IQ not other way around.

>> No.12011298

No. This is merely an artefact of subtest selection. If you test 18 year olds on something like the Ravens Progressive Matrices, the men perform better, but if you test them on verbal, the women do better.
There are gender differences in narrow cognitive abilities (just like the are with race).
That's how commercial IQ tests like the Wechsler are artificially manipulated to produce no gender differences to avoid political controversy; they can simply weight reach section of the test so that there are enough verbal and spatial tests that gender differences in each subtest each out cancel out. Any Marie cognitive ability that shows to large of a gender difference like 3D mental rotation is completely excluded from the test obviously.

The gender differences he's talking about of a few IQ points on the Ravens is for adolescents who haven't started tertiary education yet (16 yr olds). I don't think you can role out 4 IQ disparity at age 16 due to educational differences between the sexes.

>> No.12011491

is there anything more annoying than /pol/ whiners?
just go back to reddít already

>> No.12011495

>I want this board to go back to how it was before: 1 race bait thread (JUST ONE for the love of god)
That has never been the case you LARPing retard.

>> No.12011633
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>anime tranny lecturing anyone

>> No.12011699

>middle panel talks about IQ
>third panel talks about brain mass
stop pretending you care about science

>> No.12011706
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Pick one brainlet

>> No.12011722

how fucking dare you use Patchy's name in vain
she would look at you in disdain for saying to hide possible knowledge
fucking pathetic

>> No.12011936
File: 24 KB, 527x659, 93F92FCC-226E-4F88-91E9-CF980B89B9F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, blacks on average have lower IQ, but so do /pol/tards who are somewhere in the 90 IQ category. Honestly, I think it’s more embarrassing to be a failure to your race than be a failure by virtue of your race

>> No.12011956
File: 97 KB, 739x331, fig1-satscoreshighschoolgradesandassessmentsofcollege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12012084

>Even after controlling for SAT scores and student socioeconomic backgrounds, conservative students consistently did worse in their university classes than liberal students, despite having higher average scores at the high school level.
Thanks for the paper and stunning comeback. Sadly I can't even use it against you because /pol/tards are largely mental midget collar workers

>> No.12012109

>did worse in their university classes than liberal students
man i wonder why

>> No.12012112

>Of the 11,878 subjects who had scores on all ASVAB subtests, 917 also took the SAT and were the primary focus in this study. There was a significant correlation between SAT and ASVAB IQ (r = .820, p < .001).

>> No.12012229
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I love the uni is just a marxist indoctrination sour grapes cope, really makes me tingle and feel good about my place

Whether the takeaway from this is that people who performed well on their SAT finally rejected the embarrassing far right phase in their life in uni, are somehow too braindead to translate this into something actually meaningful in higher learning, or something third, it doesn't change that most people on pol are embarrassingly low iq and an embarrassment to all whites

>> No.12012247

>lefty teachers are easier graders on lefty students
>i love the conspiracy theory that colleges are organized in a satanic cult to resurrect marx and the soviet union
nice jump, are you on the track and field team?

>> No.12012275

this post made me laugh, you're okay. but sucking up to your professor has and always will be a thing and if you somehow can't utilise that you deserve to be left in my dust. thankfully I'm not in a country where this has to be centred on politics, like I don't even know which direction the people in my group are leaning

>> No.12012319

Well then why hasn't Reddit died yet?
I agree that they 4chan is great because of the more lax moderation and is a natural antidote to Reddit but that doesn't mean it will die when you include more moderation.

>> No.12012369


>> No.12012399
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>aggregate scores

>> No.12014056

>after controlling for SAT scores
why? We are talking about academic achievement. Why would they control for academic achievement.?

>> No.12014060
File: 120 KB, 919x480, 1596955572196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha shitlibs are both dumber and uglier.

>> No.12015755

Also the biggest reason why more Men are in hard science academia while more women are educated is that theres more men with 140+ IQ, but there;s laos more men with < 90 IQ.

Women average let's say half a SD lower to men, but they have a thicker concentration of these sorts with a tighter range.

>> No.12016687

>meme says IQ
>chart says brain weight
It seems the /pol/yp is projecting once again

>> No.12016742


>> No.12016747

legit shops.

science= modern day theology

>> No.12016752

I was thinking the same thing. Correlating brain weight to IQ is such an elementary mistake that it's embarrassing .

>> No.12017167
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>> No.12017698

>pick one
IQ science

>> No.12017890

nice try zoggle

>> No.12017899

it's not if it's the same species. the brain weight difference not correlating to intelligence is only sensible when there is a vastly different pns that can explain why elephants despite being retarded have bigger brains.

>> No.12017901

the chon will rise again.

>> No.12018937

post skin nigger

>> No.12018988
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>It's another /pol/tard thread

>> No.12019098

Yes OP. If you believe human evolution is "right wing" or "/pol/", you're an anti-science shitlib.

>> No.12020055
File: 40 KB, 1012x717, Happy 4th of July.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a lot easier for conservatives to deny being anti-science if there wasn't a huge science-related crisis going on that conservative anti-science has made immeasurably worse

>> No.12020279


/pol/mutts deserve the rope

>> No.12020345

Weight means nothing, women have tiny hands but they don't use that advantage, as a matter of fact we (men) are replacing most of them even in their traditional (biological oriented) roles lmao, even fags want to have an Uterus ahahahaha
>millions marching hugging their chinese friends against coronavirus
>thousands flee New York
>left oriented WHO doesnt help US scientists until march
>left oriented WHO is against facemasks
Don't lie please, go back to the psych ward

>> No.12020699

It has more to do with the fact that western women prefer to be cumslut prostitutes. In more traditional societies participation of men and women in hard science is more or less equal. You see this with first gen immigrants as well.