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File: 409 KB, 1353x1423, _20200722_000040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12003813 No.12003813 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here who ended up going to an undermatched university but managed to secure a more suitable postgrad position?

I got royally fucked by an incompetent tutor over a unit grade but couldn't get the work internally verified because of covid
now I'm going to nottingham trent for pharmacology which ranks high on student satisfaction and teaching standards but has a shit reputation because ex-poly
I still have a placement year but fuck

>> No.12003893

bumping for pity

>> No.12004093

Bump because... what the fuck is that picture?

>> No.12004149

intentionally melodramatic woman hit by a rubber bullet.

>> No.12004160

A god-tier cum target

>> No.12004172


uh. she probably thought she got shot and cognized something terrible and life altering happened to her.

>> No.12004183

or just immature.
, sorry IT.

>> No.12004201

Not them, but I have little sympathy for anti-white rioters.

>> No.12004218

Now I do have a particular interest and perhaps fear of the EXTREME META /b/tard movement in american politics today... but she looks pro-white to me, retard. You know, what is she, even?
Anyways... I guess that makes you an unemotional, and except for when you're not pleasuring your little ding dong, dull psychopath.

>> No.12004223

Caring about the feelings of others beyond what is necessary to manipulate them into things that benefit you is a sign of stupidity and weakness.
It's how the world works.

>> No.12004232

Looks like lady split her head open and officer chungus is applying pressure.

>> No.12004240

Yeah, cause that's the only honest social truth and way to live. Good argument.

>> No.12004453

4channel, a nest of sociopathic authoritarians.

>> No.12004671

>t. Libertarian

>> No.12004677

she has dooms

>> No.12004684

The chan used to be pretty libertarian, seems like it just changes to be contrary to whats popular.

>> No.12004693

I think the lady was on her way from getting groceries, got blindsided by protestors, then got nailed by a rubber bullet or beanbag round.

>> No.12004783

Poor lady, I hope she's alright

>> No.12004891

Am I the only one who gets horror vibes from this image? Between the blood on her face that looks like it’s leaking from her eyes, nose and mouth and the reflection of that fat man with long hair looking like his face is missing because of his mask and sunglasses and just the general framing of the photo

>> No.12004894


That's because grad school is largely a scam anon. You're competing with less people.

>> No.12005759

dumb woman went shopping while the world was ending because why not

>> No.12005772
File: 239 KB, 500x514, 1542514147431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high on student satisfaction and teaching standards
this is some magic trick that unis do to get higher on league tables, like aberystwyth. im not totally convinced its true, or means anything, or if it is true if it's totally authentic in a meaningful way

she was walking home and got shot in the forehead by a police officer. her eyes are actually fine there but i imagine it hurts like a motherfucker

yes we all know you wouldn't be crying in a ball if this had happened to you

>> No.12005848

Guy, I'll admit that I looked up the story and found that she was probably a grocery shopper who get rubber-bulleted by cops for little or no reason.
You don't make it easy for people to admit to being wrong on points of fact when you go on lengthy, name calling rants at them based on a tiny amount of information.

>> No.12005854
File: 1008 KB, 1178x1282, Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 9.27.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes we all know you wouldn't be crying in a ball if this had happened to you
I mean, most men probably wouldn't. Probably most older women wouldn't either. For whatever reason, women cry easier.

Is that someone doing an ok sign with some sort of cloth over their head? What are they wearing on their head?

>> No.12006255

literally my gf when i punch her

>> No.12006261

sociopathic authoritarianism is the only thing that could save the us desu

>> No.12006321

She will not cry any longer when she never has to work again thanks to the payout from suing them.

>> No.12006950

Fair enough.
You have said some questionable things, pertaining to our humanity.
Maybe work on improving intuition and empathy or opening your mind up. It goes a long way.

>> No.12006976

uhuh blm is very free loving when they demand people lose their jobs, etc over some tweet.

>> No.12007357

My entire contribution to the thread was "Not them, but I have little sympathy for anti-white rioters." and then you spazzed out and called me a psychopath. Maybe take that gigantic beam out of your eye.

>> No.12007534

have sex

>> No.12007536

>t. chink

>> No.12007547

sock puppets are not people dumbass, nor do they justify your shitty attitudes.
blaming others and making excuses is for niggers.

>> No.12007555

I work on that and I'm no psychopath. Think about what you say.

>> No.12007933

Yeah. Went to a barely heard of University here in the states. Not sure if you're familiar with NCAA, but basically if your school is either ivy league or has an NCAA sports team, it has money and reputation. I did not go to one of those, but also my bill was like $20k total for 4 years vs $120k some of these reputable assholes get. Got an engineering job making $50k starting anyway.

>> No.12007943

>Bleeding from forehead, blood covered face and clothes
Naw, she gets to cry. That looks very painful :(

>> No.12007947

school prestige only matters if youre a dumbass

>> No.12008489
File: 210 KB, 553x1165, STqmuOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
