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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12001122 No.12001122 [Reply] [Original]

>uni starting again
What's your tips and tricks /sci/?
I'm one class behind, how do I not mess up like last year? I was pretty much running without any schedule and barely studied at home.
How do I not fall into instant dopamine voids and study for at least 5 hours a day by myself every day.
So far my plan looks like this
>no alcohol
>going to all classes
>7 hour sleep, 11-6

>> No.12001124

none of those matter in comparison to not going on 4chan

>> No.12001139

I personally like to pull into the campus parking lot in my camero with the top down blasting ZZ Top at full volume.

>> No.12001150

yeah, the generals honestly help me out though. I have two laptops.
Study laptop has 4channel blocked, older laptop has nothing blocked. Should just put a rule like I'm only allowed to use my older laptop until the clock is 18:00 or something and stop before 22:00

>> No.12001181

Do as much work and study as possible in the library, (or at least somewhere outside of your room). Having a place that’s ritualistically set aside for work makes it a lot easier to focus than it would be in the place you associate with playing video games and jerking off. Rules are good, but make sure you don’t throw the whole system away when you inevitably break one.

>> No.12001239

even though this may sound arrogant. if you re-read what you wrote and then use your brain, you'll have the answer.

>> No.12001278

Sleep average 8 hours. It's worth it. Nothing drains focus like longterm sleep deprivation, even if 7 hours is a pretty mild / sustainable level. I mean, at least make it back on the weekends.

If you listen to music, make sure you're not getting more distracted searching for music than working. Ditto in looking for answers online (StackExchange always gets me).

>> No.12001287

I honestly usually feel tired if I get 8

>> No.12001407

7 hours sleep is way to short, at least for me

>> No.12001971

literally just study.
that's all that matters. don't wait until you "feel like it", don't even skip a day.
If after years you are still struggling with that, like me, find a way into spirituality and meditate before, or get into religion, all those could help you actually live by the rules you set yourself.

>> No.12002579

I'm in the last year of undergrad maths without any work experience/research experience.

Pray for me

>> No.12003076
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Same, I'm still going to try to get some kind of research experience but there's little hope for me thanks to corona-chan and my mediocrity

>> No.12003913

Coffee and donuts in the morning, no sugar or caffeine 8 hrs before sleeping.

If you need "snacks" then eat some nuts.

>> No.12003979

haha o man don't remind me haha

>> No.12004669

Maybe try either 7.5 or 9 hours. Sleep cycle duration on average amounts to ~90 minutes.

>> No.12004975

7.5 is for schizos
6,9 or bust

>> No.12005004

>Should just put a rule like I'm only allowed to use my older laptop until the clock is 18:00 or something

Time Locking Containers are extremely useful if you're trying not to get distracted

>> No.12006945

7.5, idk maybe I'll try 11 to 6:30 but I'll likely wake up naturally before that and will listen to my body