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11993908 No.11993908 [Reply] [Original]

How many friends does /sci have?
>inb4 0
Is it considered harmful for society? How does society feel about people who live in recluse?

>> No.11993934

knew a girl who had 0 friends. Tried to become friend with her but she thought im hitting on her and wanted to fuck her.
I wanted to fuck her yes but can't hurt to become at least friends.


>> No.11993939

>0 friends
not possible

>> No.11993941

She was ugly, fat and retarded.

>> No.11993945
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My best friends are jannies.

>> No.11993950


Does my mom count? I went off to university and have moved a few times for work. I have 0 friends. Even at work I'm surrounded by surly Boomers. I sacrificed a social life for this?

>> No.11993966


>> No.11993969

what do you count as friends? I have one friend who I call all the time since we can't see each other while at work I have people I'm glad to be by but don't hang out with or call.

>> No.11993974

Family members don't count.

>> No.11993990

Freind is one who is fully aware of your belief system and either support or empathize with your everyday statements and you don't retreat back when your belief system is challeged by that person but rather you enjoy exploring what his opinions are and you are ready to change your beliefs.
Also that person might be someone whom you think is intellectually as good as you are. You don't share your opinion to random office colleague to enage in challenging your belief system. If you do you are not narcissist and have low self confidence. You must be narcissist with high self confidence to only befried those you deemed worthy.

>> No.11994054

I had friends before I moved. Have had zero for about half year though

>> No.11995420

I had more, but I got really mentally ill for a while

>> No.11995867

i might be losing my last and longest friend
idk its unfortunate, hes becoming toxic, i think its motivated by his own insecurities, his criticisms of me are always knee jerk and kindof random, we havent seen one another in a while, and its disappointing, i see more him projecting upon me either his issues or issues of people around him
while simultaenously playing this zero sum attention game, like a fucking girl, and being narcissistically attached to some laughable radical political game. i think a lot of this is because hes around people who agree with him, and i dont
its unfortunate, this is like 5 years of friendship going down the tubes in a rather pathetic way. id always considered him smart, we're both super high iq, and its why we were friends to begin with. unfortunately hes choosing ideology over at intelligent conversation, and all i ever do is cope when i disagree, and i can feel the anger if i choose to actually engage him head on on any of this bullshit. he just wont hear it, really sad

>> No.11995874
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>> No.11995878

0 friends. Like Tesla, I considered animal companions as valuable as human relationships, but unfortunately both of my cats passed away recently.

>> No.11995883

>Tried to become friend with her but she thought im hitting on her and wanted to fuck her.
>I wanted to fuck her yes

>> No.11995909

Tesla had friends though.

>> No.11995939

>Tesla had friends though

Not really at the end. He was a business partner with Westinghouse and Mark Twain, but later he was completely forgotten.

>> No.11995950

Lot's of people die alone, i'm young and alone. Tesla was chad by comparison.

>> No.11996064

I only write with him once a month and otherwise just send each others memes and we never meet because he has his own friends that I'm not interested in and I have my stuff to do

>> No.11996074

If we're going by this definition then i have 0 friends

>> No.11996125

I have 5 close friends from secondary school, couple close online friends from video games. All male.
My circle of friends are a mix and match of every race/gender/whatever but they're mostly people who I can have a decent conversation with but not people I'd go out of my way for, mostly.
I'm also a gigavirgin lole

>> No.11996129

You guys are my only friends

>> No.11996146

4 close friends from undergrad
1 close friend from HS
5 close friends in grad school
5 close internet friends

Then a bunch of satellite acquaintance type people. Those who I would call friends but aren't the ones I'd feel comfortable talking about heavy stuff with.

I'm a friendly guy I guess.

>> No.11996154

only person im close to is my girlfriend and maybe my family

>> No.11996173
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>planning on getting at least 100 years old
>trying to live as healthy as possible
>all studies say the most important thing for a healthy life is social interaction and having a partner
>tfw introvert and start to hate company after just 2-3 hours

>> No.11996197

Right, we get it, she was American.

>> No.11996229
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0 and I have no idea how to change that. Every time I try to be social I just make a fool of myself.
Life is suffering.

>> No.11996290

Many. But I have 3 best friends. We've known each other since the age of 10. It's a comfy feeling actually.

>> No.11996601

I had an experience with a confidential informant and can say without question that I will never trust a soul outside of my family again with anything more than casual conversation.

>> No.11996702

Based illiterate autist

>> No.11996732

1 friend who I see once a week in person.

It's very bad for you. I have to really try to participate in life, whereas for most people life comes to them whether they like it or not. I'm not depressed but being a total recluse has trade-offs.

>> No.11996792

>he needs friends
>he hasn't slowly lost all of his friends during his 20s
I'm a very social guy, I make friends wherever I go and had a huge group of close high school friends. Regardless, we all started growing in completely different directions after high school and drifted apart. Most of them we just slowly stopped talking, others, tensions grew and we had big blowout arguments that ended the friendship on the spot, and only 1 that still is cool with me, I still talk to. After that though I really don't feel the need for friends any more, I really enjoy the time I spend with myself and all else I simply have my girlfriend or banter with anons on here, or even my acquaintances at work or in class. I think friends serve a purpose to the developing mind, they act as a vital support group for teens until they become independent, and then they break off and seek mates, pushing friends aside. This is why people "get serious" about dating after high school and their partners become their life. I do still think humans have friendships when they grow up I just believe their importance drops like a rock, far below mate and kids. I still do have a couple friends, but we don't spend nearly as much time together as we used to (why would we? We're busy). I tried doing that with my best friend and it ended horribly. He turned into an incel, had different opinions on everything, slowly turned into resentment, and then he just fucking hated me. 10 years, gone just like that. And no, there's not much you can do to change where your friends are heading. I tried and it was pointless, I had to witness my easy going and based friend slowly turn into a loser right before my eyes. I just woke up one day and he was a completely different person, one that I did not like at all.

>> No.11996809

Besides family, 0. I had some when I was younger but the older I’ve gotten the more paranoid of people I’ve become. I don’t trust their intentions. I don’t trust anyone in my family either, but I can’t get rid of them. The only person I care about in this world is my 4 year old niece, only because I want children but can’t ever have them. Though, she is inherently a drama queen and frequent liar— much like my sister. Really just a horrid personality. No sense of curiosity, just a constant manipulation of others.

>> No.11997403

its unfortunate that, as time passes and we grow apart from our friends, that we cant use this distance as something to itself talk about / predicate the friendship on
people are so insecure, it gets in the way of everything. either youre like me or youre a reminder of a competing spiritual essence and you need to be forgotten
its like everyone, or groups of people, are all competing to turn those around them into things that are like themselves
its nauseating
its unfortunate because the alternative, an honest conversation about it, isnt something that anyone is really open to doing, long term, because there are, ostensibly, socio-emotional consequences to not going along with this mutual infecting
its narcissism, i think founded from economic insecurity, and in my case at least, was funneled into a political ideology agree with me or die ultimatum

tldr: smart people arent any less retarded than retards, theres an emotional quotient that is far more important when it comes to relationships

>> No.11998147

no close friends, only some acquaintances.

>> No.11998153 [DELETED] 
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X_1 is a Uniform[0,b]
X_2 is a Uniform[b,3b]
X is a mixture of X_1 and X_2 such that
X = 0.75*X_1 + 0.25X_2

What is the median of X ?

>> No.11998250

>I really enjoy the time I spend with myself
Same. There's times I do wish I had a group of friends to be social with. I had that in the recent past, but they always wanted to do something, and I turned down most of the invites. I'm cool with hanging out once a week or even once a month, but most people take that as an insult.

>> No.11998293

Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god. — Aristotle

>> No.11998429

They choose to not have friends to receive the extra attention of being "the girl with no friends"

>> No.11998556

I'm a beast uwu

>> No.11998619

Like I sit with people during math class, I have some people I can ask if they want to go see a movie with me but other than that...

>> No.11998671

I speak to people, but properly, 2. They are also coincidentally the only people who actually listen to what I say and respond to it rather than breaking down into circular arguments and crimestopping if I state a fact considered controversial by the status quo (not /pol/ shit; uni is full of reprehensible people that say and promote some disgusting things)

>> No.11998961
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I only consider someone a friend if I know I can trust them with my life/not cower in fear when shit gets real. So, none.

>> No.11998977

>Having a partner
Bullshit, having a batshit crazy wife will drive you to the grave faster than anything.

>> No.11999029

Lets yiff anon

>> No.11999042


>> No.11999212

same. most npc have time and patience to share opinion in coffee break to get validation but in return they get challenged and they either quickly tailor to new opinions(mostly is the other person is girl) or they loop through continous back and forth of opinions wasting each other's time.
For me I know my counterparts haven't read any book in year, their opinios are mostly TV based and they are quick to get brainwashed even by me, so I never engage; 0 friends.

>> No.11999219

Do they satisfy this?

>> No.11999284


I am a very straightforward person on these things and every one of those people I have very frank conversations with them all. The acquaintances are the ones who I consider to be people I don't want to go into conversations like that.

>> No.11999460

So basically she was right and you're mad she went for a muscled funny Chad instead of a loser like you

>> No.11999517

>having a partner
Really, that's important for a healthy life?
Does a waifu count?

>> No.11999533

A lot of friends, i didn't ask for them because i'm silent because i'm annoying by nature but i accepted and adapted to their ways though (all of them gave me the knowledge i was looking for too), God is a weirdo

>> No.11999569

I have 6 close friends, and maybe another 6 friends, people I get along with and talk to on a semi-regular basis.

>> No.12001863

What do you mean by choosing an ideology over an intelligent conversation?