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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 547x561, images - 2020-08-11T070142.834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11995292 No.11995292 [Reply] [Original]

Science is killing racism. Thanks to molecular biology.

>> No.11995298

What the fuck are you talking about, that image doesnt explain what you mean

>> No.11995400

We same cells. Yours is similar to mine.

>> No.11995438

Except Science, like religion both in theory should tell us racism is bad, but people use both to justify it.
Its almost like people are bad and not science or religion

>> No.11995730

t. midwit with a ba in biology

Racism is absolutely supported by science

>> No.11995739

similar to chimps as well lol

>> No.11995908

Are u a lefty tard or just a troll?
Real advanced biology actually explain how different we are. Those are just anonymous bricks.

>> No.11996078

from where do you derive your belief that "racism is bad"?

>> No.11996169
File: 812 KB, 1136x2200, 08-01-03-1568612777657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science is killing racism.
HAHAHAHAHA! (Loud laugh in genetics from all leftists idiots unironically believing that "All people are equal")

>> No.11996172

>Whites have higher rates of CF then blacks

Holy shit guys are blacks the real ubermensch???

That's what you sound like.

>> No.11996195
File: 148 KB, 1058x1334, 15-12-17-1571479869944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are blacks the real ubermensch?
No. They are rather only group of very self-confident and agressive idiots with low EQ and low IQ .

>> No.11996212
File: 321 KB, 403x900, 1593324856146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White Americans
>Native American Genocide
>Slavery and Lynchings
>Revolutionary War
>Civil War
>Vietnam War
>War on Terror
>Mass Shootings
>School Shoothings

African Americans
>shitty street gangs

You sure their MAOA Gene's isn't defective?

>> No.11996214

The golden rule.

>> No.11996241
File: 189 KB, 445x749, greenbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites are in majority carrying an allele that makes them see other people as mentally defective.

>> No.11996252

>White Americans
>>Native American Genocide
>>Slavery and Lynchings
>>Revolutionary War
>>Civil War
>>Vietnam War
>>War on Terror
>>Mass Shootings
>>School Shoothings
>African Americans
>>shitty street gangs
>You sure their MAOA Gene's isn't defective?

False argument. Niggers are not smart enough to invent the technology needed or form the social structure in order to do anymore damage than a BigJewMediaCo provoked chimp out.

>Native American Genocide
Native American's lost a fight over resources.
>Slavery and Lynchings
White people eliminated the ancient, largely Semitic practice, of slavery.
>Revolutionary War
>Civil War
??? So we can pretend niggers are human. I agree this was a huge mistake made by white people.
>Vietnam War
After watching the Jews kill tens of millions of Russians how could you not be scared of Communism?
>War on Terror
This is a mutual war of ideology.
>Mass Shootings
Statistically niggers commit far more than white people but BigJewMediaCo would have you believe otherwise
>School Shoothings
See above regarding BigSatanicJewMediaCo. These are exceptionally rare events that are used by the media to manipulate people.

You are really dumb.

>> No.11996262

>These are exceptionally rare events
More common than terrorist attacks though.
Shitskins are the true masterrace.

>> No.11996269
File: 180 KB, 677x678, 1593329470478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lipstick on a pig is still a pig. White Americans still have a bigger body count anon no matter how much you try to pretty it up. Again are you sure these MAOA Genes aren't defective? Because if the most dangerous thing African Americans can achieve are shitty street gangs then this entire debate is a nonstarter.

>> No.11996303

It seems Africans are so good at shitty street violence, it's their biggest export.

>> No.11996306

As opposed to an export of complete destruction? I'd take shitty street violence over that any day.

>> No.11996312

>complete destruction

>> No.11996336

What complete destruction ?

>> No.11996341

>he doesn't know the difference between cell biology and molecular biology
High schoolers get off my 4channel

>> No.11996368

See Vietnam, Korea, Asia Minor, North Africa, etc.

>> No.11996372

I don't really get what you're trying to assert here, those places still exist, and South Korea is doing pretty well.

>> No.11996380

>Implying we understand how these genes work
>Implying we have mapped even 1% of the genes related to intelligence

>Go to source
>Look up genes
>Asians lack these genes, they are on the same rates as Blacks
>Yet Asians do better than Whites and Blacks on IQ
>Infographics' racist drivel and bogus conclusions fall apart

>> No.11996381

this is /sci/, why you are here nigger?

>> No.11996403

Asians are kind of weird. The main theory is that they have "parallel mutations" which essentially more than compensates for lacking the genes whites have. For instance:
>A new allele of ASPM arose sometime in the past 14,000 years (mean estimate 5,800 years), during the Holocene, it seems to have swept through much of the European and Middle-Eastern population. Although the new allele is evidently beneficial, researchers do not know what it does.

>However statistical analysis has shown that the older forms of the gene are found more heavily in populations that speak tonal languages like Chinese or many Sub-Saharan African languages.[38]

>Other genes related to brain development appear to have come under selective pressure in different populations. The DAB1 gene, involved in organizing cell layers in the cerebral cortex, shows evidence of a selective sweep in the Chinese.

>> No.11996406

>Computer Science major
This is bait right, do you realize that you and your people will be remembered and persecuted for spewing such a retarded theory in sci for the eternity?
Im a biofag and I don't mess with advanced CS or math because I don't want to be btfo, do the same.

>> No.11996667
File: 138 KB, 1136x524, Chinese are nation of cheaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet Asians do better than Whites and Blacks on IQ

Asians dont do better and rather ARE NOT smarter than whites . They are only CHEATING BETTER during tests and in everyday life!

Asian cultures are mostly cultures based on lies and dishonesty!



>> No.11996891

>Cheating is now officially a criminal offence in China.