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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11989912 No.11989912 [Reply] [Original]

schizos, underages, everyone who comments on the internet wants their ideologies approved by others and want to be acknowledged as a smart / funny, whatever "person"

what the fuck do you gain from it? it only proves that you are unable to exist without psychological support of others and if you gain any sort of rush off it, it only means that your real life is non existent and due to it your brain is so fucked up it treats your comment as an achievment and rewards you for it -> you are mentally ill and should change the way you exist or just kill yourself

>> No.11989921

You're doing God's work, don't let anyone tell you to grow up

>> No.11989933

Grug wants to survive and reproduce. If Grug has friends and group Grug can survive better and reproduce easier. Grug wants to be liked by group and friends so group gets bigger or groups more willing to help him. Is it that hard to follow?

>> No.11989939


Can everything we do just boil down to evolutionary psychology?

Can't we just pretend otherwise?

Oh yeah I'm on /sci/

Back to /x/ I go

>> No.11989943

Unless you go into real schizo shit, it’s the most reasonable explanation why people go look for other people’s approval.

>> No.11989946


No, I agree. I go a step further and delve into sociobiology.

But, muh qualia, u'know?

>> No.11989947

Yes you would not only not have science for espousing this view you'd be killed yourself for it. I can only thank people study outside this herd mentality mindset.

>> No.11989949

That's too derivative. The axioms of sociobiology can't handle why 1+1=2 for all species if you want to get higher maths.

>> No.11989954

>>>or just kill yourself
I can't, there's nothing to attach the rope to on the roof of my room.

>> No.11989961

decent point and i guess it applies well for social media, even for the tiktokers who dream of getting recognized & becoming rich..

however, it doesnt apply for anonymous places at all, even though you can observe the same attention whoring behaviour

>> No.11989962

Yes we observe attention whoring and grandstanding w no purpose in 4chan.

>> No.11989964


Why can't we pretend the tiktok whores suck energy out of the simps?

Why do we have to boil it down to a mating ritual gone haywire?

>> No.11989991

one can float ideas, formed or half-formed, in order to see what counter-points emerge
it could be considered an interactive learning process. and it is not unenjoyable to gain understanding

>> No.11989992

your point being?
tiktok is a popularity contest, i once asked a 18y/o girl why she keeps posting all these meaningless videos on a daily basis (she linked me to each of her uploads as soon as she uploaded it), her response was "because i have to get more likes than xy" in their world more likes means they are more worthy and this ego buff helps them....somehow?

>> No.11989997


Do popularity/beauty contests establish the pecking order in females?

And males, too, but homos make everything make no sense.

>> No.11990001

"floating ideas" is a bit different from reposting the same post over and over again like the "is coffee good for you?" fag or the countless schizos coming from /x/ to shitpost about astral projection only to fish for the comment that says "yes its real i did it too m8 its just that the gov doesnt want everyone to know it exists"

>> No.11990020

This whole thread

>> No.11990050

>reverse card
just because a thread grabs your attention it wont make it attention whoring, the subject is as real as it can get

>> No.11991899

10/10 post. I highly approve of your core message and I intend to forward a screencap of your post to everyone as many people as God allows.

>> No.11992183
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I think its all funny because its cosmic justice about to happen to all the vermin who are now in the open who have been slithering in the shadows the leftist will be killed and destroyed by their own hubris. The blacks,browns, jews and asians with the rest of the subhumans are about to face reality and will be facing mass starvation, disease and war without a glimmer of hope or help from White People just their own subhuman failures. These subhumans always claim they are equal so they were given a chance and they lit themselves on fire in the process while pointing fingers at White People for having souls. Its Gods justice in action and White People will be watching from a far smiling while they build their new empire stronger away from the vermin like they always have done but the gates will never open to foreign subhumans again because they will be extinct from the Universes Justice itself the blacks,browns, jews and asians begged for ironically the Universe answered. I smile about this as it unfolds because they have proved White People are Superior and are favored by the Universe itself.

>> No.11992198
File: 108 KB, 680x510, usethispictobtfopoltards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992200

Great observations I too smile about the Universe justice about to be released on these evil nergroids and mongoloids.

>> No.11992205
File: 155 KB, 1079x1064, burn commies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992209


>> No.11992214

Here's your (You).

>> No.11992216

you just proved their point jews are kissing their own blacks golems feet.

>> No.11992231

>We whites are superior beings!
>That said, we have spent the last 2,000+ years being controlled by Jews (but we're still superior, I promise!)
>And in the last 60 years, we have bent the knee to liberals who teach about how whites are wrong (but we're still superior, I promise!)
>And for the past few months we've destroyed out own culture at the behest of non-whites (but we're still superior, I promise!)

Get outta here lol. Work on fixing your race's existential issues (how's that birthrate doing?) before you puff your chest about how superior you are.

>> No.11992248
File: 56 KB, 442x512, WhitesAreSuperior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992258
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>> No.11992275

I will not deny that the white peoples that lived in the world before the 1900s accomplished some spectacular things, and have had an major impact on history. But the whites of today just aren't the same. I've studied European history in some detail, and I think the combination of WWII and the Cold War "broke" white people. Don't take it from me, look around you! In Europe, whites are being replaced and they don't even fight it. In America, the left isn't even pretending anymore, and whites just take it. You guys are like birds compared to the dinosaurs that were prewar Europeans. I don't hate whites, I pity them.

>> No.11992449
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