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11984775 No.11984775 [Reply] [Original]

Program DNA so everyone can look however they want.

>> No.11985897

capitalism would ruin this

>> No.11985900

How is selling people what they want ruining it?

>> No.11985904


The westerns, aka wytes, are too weak to do so, they see this as "morally wrong".
At least the chinese are going nail this way before wytes do, while they cry about morals and morals

>> No.11985913 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone want to look like a nigger?

>> No.11985929

The human genome is a sacred thing. It should only be changed by random chance, or by sexual/natural selection. If you could completely change your genome, than your children's lives have no meaning. Tell me, why would you have children if they're being engineered to look nothing like you? Out of some irrational commitment to increasing the population? In a society where everybody can be great with just a few CRISPR injections, nobody is great.

>> No.11985956

This would never work, we're not smart enough to play God(theoretical).

>> No.11985957

pretty hard to do not as easy as people say.

>> No.11985986


>I won't make my children invurnerable from common diseases using CRISPR because of my morals from religion

I would be furious and would problably disown my parents if I were born in a world that CRISPR was already a thing but they didn't genetically enhance me because they are egocentrical cum slurping faggots who will tell everyone that their child was not genetically altered so they can feel intellectualy superior.

>Tell me, why would you have children if they're being engineered to look nothing like you?

If it came from you it is your child.

That is a really bad argument, ask Drake, the rapper, how he feels about his child looking nothing like him (He even did DNA exams to confirm)

Also, your reasoning is SOLELY based on an egocentric perspective anon, why wouldn't you want your child to look beautiful? As a father I would want my child to be happy and to be proud of his looks, not to look like a basement dweller.

>In a society where everybody can be great with just a few CRISPR injections, nobody is great.
>A society where everybody is clear from genetic problems or common diseases is not great

Oncd again proven a egocentrical pseudo-intellectual, sounding exactly like a liberal talking about race situation in America.

You can't harlt the betterment of humanity based on the morals of a single self-centered individual, or in case of the westeners that's all of them, that's why the chinese are going full speed.

>> No.11985991
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You do realize this would make life boring right?

This would completely eliminate attractiveness from the process of finding a partner. Making us either rely on being attracted to intelligence or personality or something else. This is gay and stupid.

>> No.11986000


>If all we were all beautiful and everyone had the partner of their dreams life would be boring

Somebody needs to take me out of this planet, I can't live with dumb people like these.

>> No.11986001
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>> No.11986005
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Ah yes not having excitement is a good thing! Finding a partner shouldn't be a rewarding process!

>> No.11986011

There's no rational basis for procreation period. People will do it because humans are not rational, and will love their offspring even if they are totally unrelated genetically because they're instinctively driven to.

>> No.11986014

>If it came from you it is your child.
Go watch GATTACA you asswipe.

>> No.11986026

This isn't about morals but about the dangers of removing randomization. By genetically engineering everyone into "perfect human beings", you prevent what could lead to the random birth of an ugly giga autist that might come up with revolutionary ideas. So while genetic engineering will create a stable and highly functional civilization in the short run, it threatens the randomized mutational creation of freaks and geniuses in the long run, which could lead to the stagnation of our species.

In contrast, soft eugenics with natural breeding allows you to gradually breed humans with certain attributes while the mutational randomizaion process remains. It takes longer but is much safer.

>> No.11986040

I would make myself white

>> No.11986047

The whole purpose of love is to preserve the genes that were given to your offspring.

>Implying Drake's feelings about his pure biological son are comparable to the (possibly thousands) of gene edits that would be made to your child
You're only going to divide society exponentially more based on income than race ever has. You obviously want to edit your own child, don't pretend like you have nothing to gain personally, talk about egocentric. Society can only praise individuals when we know they're a product of their environment AND their lineage, we are not equal.

>> No.11986385
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people aren't wise enough to know what they want and what's best for them. leave it in the hands of academia and no one will be getting anything which is good

>> No.11986551

other people can engineer their kids to be good-looking, and you can make sure your kids are not so that they will be ugly

>> No.11986554

you're just playing retarded, but I'm sure there are actual retards like this out there

>> No.11986918

I would make myself look like the only man I've ever loved, and then I'd be in love with myself, and he could never leave me.

>> No.11986924

Liberalism fuck off.

fuck GAY PEOPLE fuck gay ideas. fuck you.

go and drink unicorn spunk.

>> No.11986926

People don't know what looks "good" in their own sex. It helps to be gay, then you will not fuck yourself up like they did.

>> No.11987246
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>chooses to be black
Yeah not happening

>> No.11987263

I'm not racist, but given the choice, I'm pretty sure no one would actively choose to look black. Europeans and their appearance is the result of "society", which is another way of describing a very elaborate network of sexual selection. Europeans, having "societies", sexually selected each other to be beautiful. Now why other parts of the world didn't have these kinds of societies is another question. China had a "society" but it seemed to be driven by other considerations. Europe was probably just more "fucky" for whatever reason. Sorry, others.

>> No.11987298

>improving the demand for intelligence and personality, and therefore leading to the improvement of such qualities in humans, is a bad thing

>> No.11987321


example picture is a result of the limitation of current capabilities.

>> No.11987329


>olde england
>anglo men hated viking men because they bathed more than once a week, wore and cleaned different clothing, brushed their beards
>which made anglo women pursue them

standards of beauty change. once everyone is "perfect" the standards will change.

>> No.11987340

>oh no i'll need to actually have a personality instead of relying on looks to coast thru life

>> No.11987357

>Europeans, having "societies", sexually selected each other to be beautiful.
Many Europeans are ugly, anon, and they also vary significantly in appearance. You're unlikely to mistake an Italian for a Swede.

>> No.11987373

Many europeans are ugly, but no non-Europeans are beautiful.

>> No.11987378

>but no non-Europeans are beautiful.
Agree to disagree.

>> No.11987389

You can agree or disagree. Either way, you're wrong.

>> No.11987466

It will happen whether you like it or not.

>> No.11987481

Agree to disagree.

>> No.11987539

no, people look absolutely atrocious when they are given the character creator in mmos

>> No.11987605
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Push enough propaganda and you can get people to believe in anything. People who pride themselves on being "resistant" to influence are the most easily swayed.

>> No.11987610

>Why would anyone want to look like a nigger?
The eternal question

>> No.11987615

Malcom X would disagree.
I AM racist, although I still believe blacks deserve to exist as their own people. I am positive others agree with me.

Everyone will choose to look more attractive and be smarter, but that doesn't mean everyone will be white. You can still be attractive and black.
With proper gene editing technology, I'm sure you could become very smart and black to. Maybe then I wouldn't have to be racist anymore. I hope so.

>> No.11987635

Malcolm X basically had white people features. It's just his skin that had a lot of melanin.

>> No.11987660

Would anyone here (and if you're non-white, please admit it) actually design their baby to look black?

>> No.11987667

We shouldn't have separate races, because that's the source of all this strife. Everyone should look the same. Everyone should be one race. I'm not saying that one race should be the white race. I'm saying miscegenation and racemixing are actually a GOOD thing, because they will finally yield this one race that won't be at war with itself the way that it is now. I don't care what this race looks like. I've had enough sex with enough people at this point that I simply DON'T CARE what people look like. Let them look like the ugliest swamp creatures I DON'T GIVE A . RATS . ASS. Just let all this pointless skin-color based nonsense end once and for-fucking-EVER.

>> No.11987744

People will find some new feature to fight over if everyone's skin was the exact same shade. Tribalism is an innate part of us, as much as it causes problems.

>> No.11987763

>people buying what they want is not in their best interests
>people buying what they're told to by a small group of elites is

>> No.11987768

But at least we'll have one fewer things to fight over.

>> No.11988487
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You're fucking retarded.
What part of "we will find another thing to fight over" did you not understand? There are is an uncountable amount of differences to choose from.

>> No.11988515

I came here to see this reply.

>> No.11988689

You are either average or ugly looking and a loathsome bootlicker cuckold white knight for privileged people, or you’re privileged scum who doesn’t want better, more deserving people to have your immoral advantages and luck. either way you would lose everything in a world with any justice or goodness.

>> No.11989647
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yes the medical fascist elites are lying to you. radon energy drinks and opium aren't bad for you and tiger scrotum makes your dick longer, wake up sheeple.

>> No.11990530

too bad it's nigh impossible to do anything useful by 'programming' DNA. Gene therapy barely works as is. Approval process for cosmetic gene surgery is likely going to be long. The real world isn't like bioshock.

>> No.11991938

The source of the conflict is not skin-deep anon.

People fight over history. Minor cultural differences. It doesn't matter.
What you want is beyond "black mirror" levels of dystopian. You want the complete erasure of everything worth living for. Human automatons devoid of any uniqueness.
That's the only way to completely eliminate the conflict you fear.

I value diversity, in that each nation holds heir own people. Imagine a world where somalis didn't HAVE to escape their country because they were smart enough to maintain a decent government... or where nationalism didn't inspire animosity towards or among minority groups, because there were no minority groups. I believe Japan is this way. They have no hatred towards anyone, really. They value what each culture has to bring to the table.

The northern European nations used to be this way, but suicidal legislation will bring that to an end. They'll end up just like America; endless conflict between groups that can never coexist.
That's your ideology.
It will create infinitely more violence than you hope it could prevent.

I feel like I'm wasting my breathe, since >>11987744 said it so concisely.

>> No.11991953

>Everyone should be one race.
Nobody's buying racemixing. Mixed race people have some of the lowest fertility rates in the world.

>> No.11992011

>everyone will choose to look more attractive
How naive. What exactly will "more attractive" look like? There is only 1 standard of attractiveness and we all would head towards it. We disagree about it most of the time, but we all unanimously agree that there is ugly and beautiful. If all of humanity could choose how they looked, we would all look like anime characters, with only small irrelevant features like colors and hairstyles differentiating us. Nature prevents this though.

>we shouldn't have separate races
Absolutely terrifying to think people hold this opinion. I want nothing to do with you. I'm me, my own person, I'm not going to be a part of the grey blob that is you. Fuck off. Thankfully you're wrong any way, humans have only gotten more and more diverse. Humans are now branching off into so many different trees of ethnic mixtures (due to rapid technological growth) that our genetic diversity will be limitless and will evolve mankind to the next frontier. Talks of black bald lesbians being the only race in the future are laughable troll theories that are completely fucking wrong (just lol). The truth is the opposite, ethnicities are getting so vibrant that genetic belonging is becoming irrelevant, and nations are now serving a more economical job to citizens a than a social one. This is why individualism is increasing so much, humans are adapting to our new accessible world caused by transportation, the internet, and global capitalization.

We don't need blood tribes anymore, they no longer serve a purpose. We can now just form communities of higher reasons (beliefs) with much more freedom and power than tribes ever had. Social groups are tools, and humans have made better tools, meaning better social groups.

Mono race theory is completely impossible now.

>> No.11992105
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Fuck yeah.

>> No.11992118
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Much like hoe dog breeders have ruined most breeds to make the dog look aesthetic and marketable, humans are going to be breed to be week and defenseless against the natural world.

>> No.11992255
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Humans aren't dogs, future humans will be bred/augmented for intelligence, health and fitness. Unfortunatly some degenerated sub-groups will exist, that will breed people/modify humans to their liking. But the true danger stems from autocracies that will bred people to have a innate sense of loyalty to the state that bred them (China).

>> No.11992539


I heard through the grapevine and have been doing research like throwing magnets at iron railings. Nothing too exclusive just simple. Well what I heard was that many countries have shut off their conferences because of that philosophy. It started with Europe making accusations at certain countries because they don’t share same genetic diseases or predisposed to. Europeans painted themselves as natural and everyone was blemished. Which is their haplo theory. That native Americans descend from all migrating groups from Africa to Europe to Asia to Americas. 4 specific migrations etc. However some got mad at more preposterous conclusions and confusions and not willing to accept. So they put a firewall up and said you can’t come to us but we can go to you. So all flights are said to be remotely navigated where they are brought down and people taken sound asleep for the duration. Or until transcripts are passed and they find allocation. Supposedly there were more hate crimes. Aguanta Nam Era. Le vie. Most debates are about who has custody in what sea and whichway crossing. It is speculated right now to be Nicaragua or Honduras. Basically it is a sanction just as well as biological pathogens. It’s gotten so bad families of victims etc have had to create political ground for the initiative and red zones. Or restricted sites (quarantine) again because haplo. Or else they’d be killed as biological host. It’s not something that is new but is a taboo because of legal discrepancies and ulterior motives such as creating war and forced displacement of native haplos. Many don’t come to the US because US houses copies with slightly different details.

>> No.11992570


So in theory most people who are migrating to the US are either from Taigas, high planes (low quality arable soils with no maritime routes) or Deserts. US and Asia are at war for Bering strait route. Sub Saharan Africa and South America (south of Mexico) are at war because of the beginning and end theory.

>> No.11992606


For example in international sports many players are from different region than their respective nation. They however have an article attached to their documents that allows them the right of way. They however can’t have sex because it is a disrespect to their diplomatic program. It weighs weighs. And endowments are closely monitored. So they give up stuff for the sake of diplomacy. For example there are legal venues that describe this such as different political sphere filing different claims for the same legal name of a disease. Some are prioids. Others are high tech nano scaled devices. Some don’t accept the existence of them. The idea is that they have their legal articulation. Ever heard the phrases everyone is born with everything it just develops in some.

>> No.11992875

>There is only 1 standard of attractiveness
Attractiveness can be qualitatively measured by how closely a persons facial structure falls in line with a certain "golden ratio" layout, dependent on your sex. This metric is not dependent on race. A black whom's face follows the golden ratio will be more attractive than a white whom's doesn't.
However, more to your point, this doesn't mean everyone attractice "looks the same". I'm guessing you can physically tell the difference between Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, and Chris Hemsworth, despite all their faces following the ratio enough to be considered very attractive.

I get your point of view though. (There's a Twilight Zone episode you're probably thinking of). I just disagree with it.
As much as people want to be attractive, I don't think they'd ever want to look the same as everyone else. At least not individualistic white people. That kind of fear is the whole reason that episode of Twilight zone was written in the first place.

>> No.11993539
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Can't wait for a real world futanari.