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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 360 KB, 1604x837, trans-f2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11980567 No.11980567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how exactly does modern science consider that going from left to right isn't a mental illness?

>> No.11980571

it does consider it a mental illness
Look up Gender Dysphoria, you completely retarded faggot

>> No.11980573

from female to (fe)male

>> No.11980583
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>> No.11980595
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I think he implied that political indoctrination (higher education) should be considered a form of mental abuse which results in obvious derangements.

>> No.11980607

Did I touch a nerve tranny? Feel like joining that 40%?

My point was modern medical science thinks that it is normal and right for someone with GID to undergo radical surgery, and not instead to receive the psychotherapy that used to get.

>> No.11980649

Why didn't you say that, you subhuman down syndromal cuck

>> No.11980692

To make you seethe, fucktard

>> No.11980734

Because I expected people to have a basic grasp of reading comprehension.
Though I suppose I forgot I'm on the board that's full of spergs that can't understand inexact language.

>> No.11980741

what is it that is causing it? this is /sci/ you should be capable of rational analysis?

>> No.11980818
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>what is it that is causing it?
Perhaps we should start by following the Money?

>> No.11980904
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>> No.11981789

honestly if anyone making breakthrough research on human sexuality it's probably that psychopath.

>> No.11981815

How can anyone even dispute this? It was in 1922, and it's still relevant in 2020. Really makes the noggin go joggin.

>> No.11981826
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>> No.11981836

First by understanding the strategy of lying Ford is using to manipulate stupid people like you. Groups of Jews are in everything, obviously, both good and bad. That’s because there are millions of them, and they are the world’s smartest people. They are successful at anything they try to do. Pointing out the technically true statement that these things have Jews involved is utterly meaningless, but since antisemites universally have very low intelligence they are manipulated by it.

You can do this for any group. The list of bad things white Christians are and have been involved in is hundreds of times longer than the same list of Jews. Pointing out a group’s flaws is extremely easy, and means nothing without context. All groups have flaws and bad members, and Jews have WAY fewer than the group Ford is shilling for here: Christianity. He was a pretty dumb guy.

>> No.11981839

remember when ACAB was a white skinhead thing? kids these days...

>> No.11981841

>white people do bad thing
>blame bad thing on joo

Truly intellectual elites, these /pol/ subhumans

>> No.11981850

Jews controlling finance is completely false everywhere, including the US, but it doesn’t stop you guys from repeating it.


>> No.11981876

Dr. John Money wasn’t Jewish. He was Christian/white. You will keep pretending he was Jewish and keep pretending your entire agenda wasn’t disproven kek
pol is a great argument for mandatory abortions

>> No.11981885

what are the percentages?

>> No.11981898

>Money was born in Morrinsville, New Zealand, to a family of English and Welsh descent
yup sounds about right

>> No.11981901

name five good jews

>> No.11981905

99% of them are good, same as any other group. 20% of Nobel prizes have been awarded to Jews; they’re responsible for most things your parasitic ass uses on a daily basis. Get bent you pathetic little coward.

>> No.11981909
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>> No.11981914

Jake, Joel, Anna, Ellie, and Nick are all pretty great.

>> No.11981927

this is something I’ve thought about a lot kek

>neonazis blame Jews for something
>turns out they weren’t Jewish but white
what happens next? do they switch their view to reflect the truth and start blaming whites or do they keep blaming Jews anyway?

/pol/ users mostly deserve to lose their lives in horrible ways and this explains largely why. they’re like a cancer on humanity

>> No.11981929

It is always always ALWAYS a cohencidence.

>> No.11981948

>it's more likely people lie about the Jews than the Jews lying about the people telling the turth about the Jews
Are you sure you're not the stupid one?

>> No.11981954

>everything evil is white people
>Jws can do no wrong, they are innocent scapegoats
You're the subhuman, try reading the Torah for once in your stupid life. They call themsleves secular but consider themselves a tribe, actually talk to a Jew for once in your life, they have an air of smug superiority all the time.

>> No.11981959

you dont know what a mental disorder is retard

>> No.11981967

>people that I disagree with must die
>too stupid to see they are the same as the "neonazi"

>> No.11981970

Ignoring the fact that people who hate Jews ALWAYS turn out to be psychopathic mentally unstable retards and that all neonazi propaganda is filled to the brim with lies; yes I would say it’s far more likely the people slandering them are lying. For many reasons, but the most convincing one is that objectively Jews have very low rates of criminality, which is an easy way to verify that all the propaganda against them
Is false.

>telling the truth
Does /pol/ look like a place telling the truth, or a place populated by literally the worst and least intelligent people alive?

>> No.11981973

It’s not hypocritical to say that evil people deserve to die. Wishing horrors on /pol/ means you’re a good person with an appreciation for justice. You’re an idiot.

>> No.11981975

I'm not White, nor am I neo-nazi, nor do I even believe anything "/pol/" says. I grew up around Jews and I observed their behaviors, they are all super wealthy and nepotistic. They are overrepresnted in everything, but that's okay, it's just because they are inherently god's chosen, not nepotism!

>> No.11981982

American Jews marry non-Jews 60-80 percent of the time. They’re the least tribal ethnic group by a wide margin. Christians are far more insular, and want everyone who doesn’t believe in their Marvel zombie origin story to burn for an eternity. Catholics are arguably the worst group in the history of human civilization.

>> No.11981990

Unfortunately for you I did too and know for a fact you are lying. And as for them all being super wealthy, objectively false.
55% of Jewish households have a net income of under 100k/year

>> No.11981993

Just like European whites have liberals and fascists, some will become anti-Jews just like liberals are anti-White. You're not making any sense. No one is claiming jews are a hive-mind, we're claiming that Jews are nepotistic, Jews can be individuals and deny the benefits other Jews might want to bestow upon them, but it doesn't change the fact that Jews are nepotisc and Whites are more individualistic overall.

>> No.11981999

All humans are equally nepotistic you utter moron. How many groups do you keep track of hiring their friends and family besides Jews? The only time you research nepotism is when they’re Jewish, but ALL successful people got there through nepotism.

>> No.11982003

> How many groups do you keep track of hiring their friends and family besides Jews?
kek that’s a good point. the only time incels look into it is when they’re jewish, so they think jews do it the most. textbook confirmation bias

>> No.11982006

There is empirical proof of their nepotism and you're utilizing "whataboutism"

You're talking about in-group bias, of course it exists, I'm talking about NEPOTISM, actual NEPOTISM.

You are just so brainwashed to not see it, your IQ is lower than the average Jew IQ that's why they can manipulate you with their higher verbal IQ. It probably feels good to defend them that's why you do it, you fail to realize you're just being a good little goy.

Even the CHinese are well aware of the Jew nepotism, only a dumb White liberal is blind to it.

>> No.11982008

Or better yet, the Talmud. You know, where the goyim are literally called cattle.

>> No.11982016

that’s not really in the Talmud, it’s incel/Muslim/neonazi propaganda.

Anyway jews marry non-jews the great majority of the time so obviously they don’t think they’re cattle. The other two Abrahamic religions - Christianity and Islam - are way, way more evil toward outsiders. Jews are saints in comparison.

Now damage control objective reality by crying about an ancient book you low IQ shill shit for brains.

>> No.11982017

These guys are not intelligent, they are literally too stupid to think objectively.

They believe Jews perform better overall because they are inherently smarter, they might think its' due to the selective pressures caused by centuries of persecution, but they fail to associate this with an increased tribalistic nature. They have insane cognitive dissonance so they will deny the facts just to appease their fragile minds.

>> No.11982019
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You know, those "incels" don't exactly cower in fear after people find their true identity, because they don't feel the need to parasitically get their way.

>> No.11982025


>> No.11982035

Jewish intermarriage proves definitively they aren’t very tribal. I get that you’re upset you spent years brainwashing yourself and finding out it’s entirely bullshit must be hard. A tip for the future: obsessively slandering an ethnic group online like it’s your “””job””” isn’t a hobby or passion. It just means you’re a fucking loser without morals.

>> No.11982043

how come a thread about transgender is guaranteed to turn into an antisemitic astroturfing thread, every time? I’ve never seen the slightest evidence jews are to blame for this phenomenon more than anyone else is.

>> No.11982047

You know nothing of Jewish Law. Half JEWS . Are considered Jews. Drake, Jussie smullet according to jewish law ARE Jews.

>> No.11982056

Look up John Money.

>> No.11982059

You defend them like it's your job, you're clearly a puppet a good little goy.

>> No.11982060

Genes and beliefs are both diluted this way regardless of religious laws. It is an objective fact that American Jews are the opposite of tribal. The reason you follow jewish law is so you can blame Judaism if one of these people does something wrong. pretty damn funny

>> No.11982065

I did, he’s not Jewish. See: >>11981927

So you’re going to switch to blaming ethnic whites for transgenderism now correct?

>> No.11982066

Jews are the opposite of tribal? How can you say that with a straight face?

>> No.11982069

This site is raided at all times by antisemitic shills and when someone shows up to defend truth and logic and morality from you losers you say THEYRE the puppets? lmao what a pathetic creature you are. your parents should be jailed for bringing you into this world.

>> No.11982073

john money wasnt jewish. money is a Irish surname too.

>> No.11982074

Because they literally marry outside of their group more than they marry inside of it. That is the exact opposite of being tribal. If you exclude the funny hat wearing poor Jews, 80% of them marry non Jews and 60% are atheists. They are the least tribal group in the USA, by far. Are you retarded?

>> No.11982075

Almost like Jews are responsible for it?


Just a coincidence that non-Jew birth rates are rapidly declining while Jew birth rates in Israel are healthy.

>> No.11982077

Spencer talks about the White Problem.

>/pol/ users mostly deserve to lose their lives in horrible ways

>> No.11982080


>> No.11982081
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Why is it that when someone does something bad, they're white, but when they do something good or are victims of a shoah or something, they're jewish?
And don't you pull the "uhhhh u do the same thing incel nazi" bullshit, because we talk shit about whites who support parasites like you.
And wanna know why I can tell he's a jew? His last name is literally Money. Fucking Money. What kind of (actually) whitr people have last names with precious metal names in them?

>> No.11982087

If you blamed Jews for transgenderism because you thought John Money was Jewish, does that mean upon finding out he was white that you will now start blaming whites for transgenderism? If you answer yes you will have to start chilling against whites full time, if you answer no you will be admitting you are an irrational, biased, lying scumbag with bad intentions. Yikes, sorry dude.

>> No.11982089


>> No.11982090

To be fair, jews are basically the 56% meme because nonjews are allowed in so long as the mom is a jew.

>> No.11982100
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Whites don't act as a single group and don't try to undermine native populations. They don't group up like bacterial colonies, they just do shit themselves.
You know where to go, summerfag, and don't let the door penetrate you on the way out, faggot.

>> No.11982101

I love how /pol/ is so unintelligent they say things like this with a straight face. I cannot stop laughing IRL.

Yeah I wasn’t joking, /pol/ users are the
>least intelligent
>least moral
>most dishonest

people I can imagine existing in the modern world. All the violence they try to push on other people is exactly what they deserve. /pol/ users deserve no empathy because they are not people, they are objects.

>> No.11982102

honestly the only people on the planet who don't practice nepotism are genetic dead ends.

>> No.11982105


>> No.11982110 [DELETED] 

>accidentally blame Jews for trannies because you’re so dumb you think the last name money means they’re jewish
>go full damage control because now you logically have to blame whites die trannies
funniest thread I’ve seen in a while

>> No.11982112
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Feigning condescendence doesn't make you look smart, it just radiates your faggotry.

>> No.11982114

I’m not feigning shit you retard. NO ONE is dumber than /pol/. Literally fucking no one. You are the bottom of humanity. It doesn’t get worse. You’re weak, evil, stupid liars.

>> No.11982118

Wait I thought we were just so dumb we propagate falsehoods without knowing them, now we're cognizant of spreading falsehoods that we are just evil liars. I think you just outed yourself you fucking kike!


>> No.11982119
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>> No.11982125
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And this is why anyone beyond indoctrinated whites hates jews. Parasitic ways. I know you're samefagging.
Your 'higher than thou' act will end. Many people have awoken to your bullshit. You can cry "POL" all you want, it won't stop the more observant of zoomers from realizing that many jew'd acts were merely ways to gain political power.

>> No.11982126

Unironically one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. /pol/ users aren’t even pseuds, it’s more like they’re just NPCs.

>> No.11982130


>> No.11982131

>assumes an entire group of people has identical motivations and intellegence
/pol/ ranges from a solid 60-90 IQ the 90 IQ crowd usually knows most of their talking points are lies but spread them simply because of racism. The 60 IQ crowd just believes everything without question, I wonder which you are.

>> No.11982135

Sure thing buddy, any day now the obese neckbeards and Muslim rape gangs will rise up and expose le joo menace

You realize how rare it is for someone to be too stupid to notice the fallacies and lies in your narratives? I’ll give you one piece of advice out of respect for your poor parents: get a real hobby that isn’t slandering an ethnicity online. you’re a fucking loser that everyone hates but if you get some self awareness you might be able to turn things around. Good luck

>> No.11982137

Hey shekelberg, Sub-saharan Africa called, they want a lawsuit for the false IQ crediting.

>> No.11982140

honestly you have a point 60 is pretty generous for some of these people

>> No.11982141

>Sure thing buddy
Ah, white plebbitor. Go back and stay there.

>> No.11982145

I feel bad for insulting pol, I bet most of you are bullied virgins that coped badly. Do things to increase your self esteem: weight lifting, reading, find a productive hobby. Crying about Jews on the internet feels good acutely because it gives you someone to blame and makes you feel like you belong (with Internet nazis) but it’s harming you and stunting your growth in the medium and long term.

>> No.11982149

10 years from now you can be a strong, smart man with pride, or you can be a fat Cheeto-encrusted virgin loser with a terabyte of anti jewish propaganda infographs. Make your fucking choice.

>> No.11982156

retarded schizo jew projecting on muh Christians.

>> No.11982168

Christians have done absurd amounts of incredibly fucked shit over the centuries, but you'd have to be a complete schitzo to blame the entire group for the actions of a few individuals. Though the leadership of the catholic church has been pretty fucking evil pretty consistently.

>> No.11982174

>Do things to increase your self esteem: weight lifting, reading, find a productive hobby.
Are you seriously implying we can't do that while being aware of parasites like you?
Yeah, believe it or not, neckbeards aren't the only ones aware of your trickery. And if I were (((you))), I'd probably refrain from telling people like me to self improve because, well:
>Gym Bros More Likely to be Right-Wing Assholes, Science ... https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/j5e3z7/gym-bros-more-likely-to-be-right-wing-assholes-science-confirms
No, we're alphas showing the normals who haven't completely fallen towards NPCdom that you were never the victims.
I wouldn't even have been shit talking jews if it weren't for you going "UGH, WHITE PEOPLE BAD, JEWISH PEOPLE GOOD!" in a thread about "higher education" leading to decreased mental stability.

>> No.11982184

/sci/ ranges from a solid 60-90 IQ the 90 IQ crowd usually knows most of their talking points are lies but spread them simply because it feels good. The 60 IQ crowd just believes everything without question, I wonder which you are.

>> No.11982185

>being right wing means you’re a neonazi brainwashed by incel infographics
lol, I recognize your posts from how dumb they are. no one is insulting white people. no one has said a single bad thing about white people. you guys are like SJWs of the right

>> No.11982192

/sci/ was a pretty high quality board without even memes until a few years ago when /pol/ noticed they hadn’t ruined us yet. 4chan boards are good before the Jew-obsession crowd finds them, then they became stupid, annoying, and filled with bad conversation and memes. /pol/ directly ruined this board.

>> No.11982197
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>> No.11982204

unironically true now that /sci/ is basically just /pol/ astroturfing. I mean just look at the top threads.

>> No.11982208

stopped reading at the first one.

Congress is 88 percent Christian, and has only been higher in the past. Every single thing the US congress has ever done has been entirely controlled by white, male Christians: exactly the group /pol/ claims is oppressed.

>> No.11982209

pretty based, considering how much it makes nazis like you seeth you definitely don't need to be jewish to support that law.

>> No.11982210
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Why is it always nut cases jews projecting their retardation it must be all the inbreeding.
Its hilarious how jews can't handle Whites/Europeans being God's chosen people and being the smartest ,most successful group of people. At the end of the day jews have contributed nothing to the world but giving themselves participation awards. Christians have at least funded science and actually the reason why we even still have science since the Churches were the only record keepers. The jewish history summed up is just being parasitic, book burning knowledge and trying to bring war to peaceful Christian nations for being more successful than jews ever could hope.

Its going to really funny when israel is destroyed by Iranians , because Iranians have out smarted jews in every instance. We all know jews think killing children to Occupy Palestine is a "win" they won't last. At the end of the day jews and commie scum will die in the most horrible way for their evil crimes against humanity.

>> No.11982212

That Elon musk thing perfectly highlights how stupid pol is. Thousands of responses, a tiny number of them are over sensitive Jews. Screenshot, pretend tweets are significant. It’s hard to adequately describe how stupid this proves you are.

>> No.11982217
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A tiny amount that writes for various media outlets that shill weimar bullshit.

>> No.11982226


So you are that much of a loser you get offended when someone says facts about jewish supremacist being evil that just makes you evil.

You jewish supremacist shills sure are obvious and stupid, but evil jewoids always are.

>> No.11982228

no one believes anything you say because you have an agenda to lie and exaggerate at every possible opportunity. /pol/ places so much stock in tweets because you have zero real evidence for anything you say

>breaking news, two different religions conflict with each other! Jooz bad and wrong, primitive Guatemalans good right!

You are so hilariously dumb

>> No.11982231

>projecting jew
schizo babble

>> No.11982264

>>11981836 >>11981841 >>11981876 >>11981927
Why are you all talking about jews?
Nothing in >>11980818 says Money was a jew.

Are you trying to imply that a pedophile is jewish just because he has a big nose?
That says more about you than it does me.

>> No.11982273

The Henry Ford post after that was the beginning of the anti-joo shilling in the thread. Also any time something like transgenderism comes up you can be sure there were be multiple /pol/ astroturfers in the thread spinning a narrative about le jouz. Lastly, I’ve seen neo-nazis claiming Money was Hebrew in the past.

Are you really that naive or just being deceptive?

>> No.11982292
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>55% of Jewish households have a net income of under 100k/year
Oh wow, half of jewish households make less than $50/h, they are truly destitute
How many make less than 80k? 60, 40, 20k?
Did you even read your own article?
>Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern Orthodox Jews had a median household income of $158,000, while Open Orthodoxy Jews had a median household income of $185,000 (compared to the American median household income of $59,000 in 2016).

>> No.11982306


The people in the article weren't expelled for their jewishness, in the way the anon at the bottom gleefully wants you to believe, but for actions totally unrelated to Jewry. But check this out:

"The group did leave San Juan La Laguna and currently resides in the Ninth Zone of Guatemala City, where the raid took place.

Several probes have been conducted in the past into goings on within the closed community — dubbed “the Jewish Taliban” — with reports of violent behavior and under-age marriage.

Guatemalan law allowed marriage from the age of 14 when Lev Tahor moved to the country. It was raised to 18 in November.

The community is headed by Israeli Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans, who left Israel in 1990. During the 1990s, he served two years in prison in the US for kidnapping a boy. Some time after, his community settled in Quebec and later Ontario. Some members then relocated to Guatemala.

In recent years, relatives of Lev Tahor disciples have reported on the use of violent control methods such as forcing young girls to marry older men, corporal punishment and use of psychiatric drugs, Haaretz said."


Lev Tahor shuns technology, its female members wear black robes from head to toe leaving only their faces exposed, and its leadership is virulently anti-Zionist.

>> No.11982329

Human brains are extremely complex and highly evolved, and neurology is a relatively new field. What we do know is that transgender people have existed throughout history within many unrelated cultures, the only thing "new" about it is its visibility. We have data showing that around 30% of monozygotic twin pairings with one transgender twin result in both twins having dysphoria. There's also John Money's "experiment" where he forced female socialization on David Reimer from childhood (he eventually committed suicide), which demonstrates that people can't be "brainwashed" into becoming transgender (n=1, but still). Aside from sexuality, we also know that sex phenotypes aren't just based on XX/XY- for instance, you could have an XX individual in which the testes-determining factor (TDF) gene is planted into the X chromosome during meiosis.

>> No.11982372
File: 220 KB, 541x642, trans regret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that a significant number of trans people regret it and go back.

>> No.11982397

The data points to anywhere between 0.3%(see above) to 8% (2015 US Transgender Survey) rates of detransitioning. It's higher in young children and adolescents, but everyone knows that kids are brainlets by definition and don't know what they want.

>> No.11982489

Fucking rough to get cancer at such an early age.

>> No.11982934

it is mental illness.

>> No.11982976

this is blatantly wrong

>> No.11982981

holy shit does ever board have these pissing match threads between ideologues? Honestly fuck off. Transgenderism is a delusion

>> No.11983021

i tought this was a thread about people cutting their cock off

>> No.11983035

It's a thread where /pol/tard shit all over it, like all other threads

>> No.11983140

I'm not against it, but it's a damn shame when they are just making themselves less attractive.