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File: 117 KB, 1200x675, 6B22C281-DD98-42A1-A209-A92BE0F8B6E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11973334 No.11973334 [Reply] [Original]

Lebanon Explosion. Thoughts on what the cause was to make an blast like this?

>> No.11973338

Lebanese government is saying that it was a warehouse full of confiscated sodium nitrate.

>> No.11973341


>> No.11973343

i was about to post asking how big this explosion was. theres tons of videos.

every military video i've ever seen of exploding unexploded ordinance, or missiles landing, even MOABS, etc, dont look like this. this is HUGE.

so im wondering if people here can extrapolate the tnt equivalent of this explosion?

Here's some videos (sorry for the website i know it's one of those fucked up ones)





>> No.11973358

Its quite possible that it was a tactical nuke.
At least the shock wave sure looks like it.
If people start dropping dead out of the blue we will know.
As far as I know its a military warehouse so its not unheard to keep such thing,its fucking Lebanon after all.

>> No.11973359
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>> No.11973362
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>Its quite possible that it was a tactical nuke.
Are you fucking stupid?
Have you ever seen even a small nuke in video? the shit would be so hot and bright in the center it would make the sky look dark for a moment

>> No.11973363

unless it were detonated below the ground level

>> No.11973365

in my opinion it seems like this was caused by an explosive substance

>> No.11973368

it would still not look like that, at least the smoke cloud. Besides not all big explosions are nukes.

>> No.11973370


>> No.11973371
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>> No.11973388

Its definitely underground explosion.

>> No.11973391

Evidence for this?

>> No.11973402


>> No.11973413
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>> No.11973428

Very likely that it's just a huge amount of ammonium nitrate.
When these do happen, they often happen in ports/ships. Remember the Tianjin explosion in 2015? Same thing.

>> No.11973432
File: 363 KB, 3339x480, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how long the building survives after the initial fuckload of dirt in the air.

>> No.11973435

40kt TNT blast

>> No.11973436


Sodium nitrate isn't explosive, learn basic chemistry

>> No.11973438

Not a nuke. You can't hide the radiation level that would have been reported by now.

>> No.11973443

Thats what im saying.
If its radioactive we will know shortly and I will be wrong.

>> No.11973445

It's a harbour. You don't have "underground" storage in harbour.

>> No.11973447

wasn't there a massive warhouse explosion in america a few years ago like that?

>> No.11973449

These, far too large for even for a truck bomb. There was a fire in the warehouse and then the badly stored chemicals detonated.

>> No.11973451

im sure its nothing then

>> No.11973453

Watch this spot

>> No.11973464

He said what the Lebanese government stated, not his opinion. Learn basic reading comprehension.

>> No.11973479

It’s probably ammonium nitrate, but the initial reports by the gov claimed it was sodium. Different gov officials are also claiming there were fireworks stored in a warehouse next to the nitrate, so it seems like they’re still trying to pin down the exact details.

>> No.11973501 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 225x224, 1522052129564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just an accident, not worth thinking about

>> No.11973503

swamp gas

>> No.11973507
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>> No.11973545


30 seconds in

look at the damage and how far they are from the smoke. wtf

>> No.11973551

Can someone estimate the height of that pack of tower silos?

>> No.11973597

The shock wave must have been immense, what do the local earthquake monitors reveal?

>> No.11973621


3.3 at 0km depth https://earthquaketrack.com/p/lebanon/recent

reddit probably has the best video i've found

saying ~10 people dead btw. look at the buildings disintegrate right as the explosion happens, looks like it's straight of of a video game. i'd bet there's at least 10 people who's bodies were vaporized

>> No.11973645

If a big explosion happens and your pea brain cant comprehend the physics behind it so it automatically goes "NUKE" please stop trying to analyze explosion videos.

>> No.11973648

>saying ~10 people dead
it's at least 50 now, terrible stuff

>> No.11973652

nobody cares

>> No.11973653
File: 42 KB, 979x437, 121310133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shockwave and the amount of water vapor are suspicious. if it was ammonium nitrate there is no way that's just a few containers of it.
also fuck imperial retards for plaguing any information about shipping containers with their retarded units

>> No.11973673

Government figure I saw is 25 but no fucking way is it actually that low

>> No.11973711

Invent something useful then
Imperial units are practical, and we invented modren Containerization and we decide how to measure it.
Go actully build with your ha dis and you will see a mm is too small to mark a saw blade, but a fraction of an inch isn’t, and factions are easier to work with in your head then decimals

>> No.11973735


>> No.11973765
File: 1.41 MB, 3336x4343, NINTCHDBPICT000600024316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's the deal with the massive column of red smoke?

>> No.11973767

reddit did the math, it appears to be around 1kt

on r/physics

>> No.11973775

could be sunset? what time was it locally?

>> No.11973789

6:30, shouldn't have been setting yet.

>> No.11973791

2000 are in hospitals all with major traumas

>> No.11973807

the power of /sci/

>> No.11973832

Aye lmaos?

>> No.11973834

What colour do nitrates burn as?

>> No.11973854

it could be nitrogen dioxide
but more likely it's just red brick dust
maybe both

>> No.11973858
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>> No.11973867
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>> No.11973870
File: 41 KB, 720x405, libano destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some spicy fireworks, bro

>> No.11973887

Why Lebanon though?

>> No.11973905

I seriously doubt the storage space was enough to house a kiloton worth of explosive material.

>> No.11973911

>confiscate large amount of rocket fuel/explosive precursors from Hezbollah
>store it all in a warehouse in the port
>offload fireworks into a nearby warehouse
>fireworks ignite for any number of reasons

>> No.11973940

In West, Texas which confusingly isn't in West Texas.

>> No.11973943
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>precursors from Hezbollah
>kills a high ranking kataeb official

>> No.11973947

1 thousand tonnes isnt even a lot for a port warehouse

>> No.11973956

>I seriously doubt
Bro, how much experience do you have with third world HAZMAT warehousing?

>> No.11973958

rolling for start of ww3 if dubs its haBBening

>> No.11973969

>Thoughts on what the cause was to make an blast like this?
That may be a rocket fuel blast
look at PEPCON disaster
They may have stored rocket fuel there, like ammonium perchlorate
my best guess
seems plausible

>> No.11973972
File: 78 KB, 853x480, IMG_20180928_101953 (Small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.38kg of ammonium nitrate is equivalent to 1kg of TNT...
1 kiloton = 1 million kg
Density of ammonium nitrate is 1700 kg/m3 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANFO))
1 000 000kg / 1700 kg/m3
~588 cubic meters
From >>11973653 a 45' high-cube container holds 86.1m3, so that's only 7 containers. Let's call it 8 containers with looser packing. Pic of 45' container. Totally plausible.

>> No.11973981

It is the most accurate statement in the thread and beautifully scientific.

>> No.11973983
File: 234 KB, 1200x675, beirut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"third world"? Pic is of Beirut. Curious what it looks like where you live.

>> No.11973990

derp, should be 2.38 times that. So a little over 16 containers. Let's call it 20 generously.

>> No.11973995

One shipping container is 30 tons of stuff. So you need only 30 for 1 thousand tonnes.60 for ammonium nitrate.

The biggest container ship is something like 26,000 containers per pop, your average one carries anywhere between a couple hundred to a couple thousand of these.

>> No.11974000

Zero,but there is always someone with two brain cells that runs the whole thing.
He must have seen the trouble coming.
If it really is accidental explosion

>> No.11974023

>Commie blocks
Anon there aren't any big businesses in Lebanon except oil. So yes they are 3rd world they are only relevant because of oil. They actually have no need for these industrial buildings because of how much fucking oil they have.

>> No.11974024

ah yep, you hit the weight limit first with ammonium nitrate

>> No.11974034

what's your definition of 3rd world?

>> No.11974052
File: 987 KB, 229x176, newman laugh 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there is always someone with two brain cells that runs the whole thing
No one winds up in warehousing because they have two brain cells to rub together.
t. 20 years of experience in supply chain management

>> No.11974071

I'm not playing semantics with you. If your country is only relevant because of oil then you're a third world country.

>> No.11974091

Here you idiots go

Lebanon is third world

>> No.11974270
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>to make an blast

>> No.11974294
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>> No.11974296

It was 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate.

>> No.11974297
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>> No.11974299
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>> No.11974320

Nah lol

What shit you on

>> No.11974329

how does something like that explode? is a small fire enough to set it off or would it need a specific detinator?

>> No.11974341

From what I've seen on OSINT twitter, the current theory is that somebody welding a stronger gate on the warehouse to prevent theft set off a fire which eventually led to the detonation.

>> No.11974354

There are multiple AN disasters that began as fires ans then turned to mass detonation

>> No.11974393

Nope. Nujes start with a white hot flash, this is a classic Big Red Fireball chemical explosion. There's no hiding the extreme temperatures in that initial flash of a nuke.

>> No.11974404

Smoke... there was a fire, which released smoke and triggered the blast.

>> No.11974414

Equivalent to a 3.3, according to news reports.

>> No.11974448
File: 840 KB, 256x256, lebanon_explosion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11974469

remote claymore is my guess
the blast looks like 4-5 sticks tnt yield

>> No.11974495

There's no point in posting an audioless webm, I'll just post the yt link:

>> No.11974622

Has anyone calculated the yield yet? This looks like it's in the kiloton range.

>> No.11974664

did he died?

>> No.11974943

so that big hole in the cloud is because of the building or what?

>> No.11974944

It's a new volcano.

>> No.11975044

You're the guy who corrects people when they say:
"I literally waited in line for 3 hours"
And you say
"uh excuse me, did you really wait in line for 180 minutes exactly? Because you used the word 'literally'."

We all know what they mean by "third world". In fact, nobody even uses the term second world because the USSR doesn't exist.

>> No.11975070

So it's 2,700 tons of AN with a 3.3 richter scale explosion which lines up with the Texas City disaster where 2,200 tons of AN had a 3 on the richter scale.
This leaves one question. Why did the government of Beirut store that many explosives in an urban area instead of somewhere safer?

>> No.11975075


>> No.11975079

Did the fire actually start in a fireworks warehouse, and then trigger the ammonium nitrate? Or what is the explanation for the double explosion

>> No.11975140

You got it the first time. If you go frame by frame the large explosion originates in the building next door to the one on fire

>> No.11975145

It started in the fire warehouse, which is right next to the fireworks and explosives warehouse.
Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20.

>> No.11975149

They are stupid. Most countries store AN far away from cities.

>> No.11975181
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>Thoughts on what the cause was to make an blast like this?

>> No.11975185


>> No.11975251

Looked to me like it was a dirty bomb.

>> No.11975284

Definitely not a nuke because no flash of light.

>> No.11975442

An economy that consists of a primary sector that overwhelms the other sectors.

Africa for example, sells most of their raw resouces instead of utilizing them for production, it when buys services and goods from other countries. This is why people promote Africa because Africa is comprised of a bunch of future consumers.

>> No.11975465

Do you see that, anon? Not one person took your shitty bait. You have yet to master your craft.

>> No.11975504

Look up vids of the Pepcon disaster, it was ammonium perchlorate stored in plastic drums. Burned for a while and once the pile was heat soaked there was a massive detonation.

>> No.11975531

Ammonium nitrate has about a 15% yield vs TNT when detonating, so assuming all 2700 tons of AN blew up at once, it should be about equivalent to 405 tons of TNT.

>> No.11975858

>ammonium nitrate
it was exactly that.

>> No.11975863

News sources claim anywhere from 2-5 KT.

>> No.11975874

oh bullshit, it's 3 t TNT
= 0.003 kt

>> No.11975875

lmao no

>> No.11975885

random explosions are never that efficient, some corner blows up and throws the rest of the stuff around

>> No.11975887

lol yeah. Damn Lebanese. Like white people but always in engineering or economics, as well as usually being overly horny and aggressive due to their melanin vs. euros. If you ask me I say those swarthy blokes should stay in their sandpile country

>> No.11975911
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mario.... how could you

>> No.11975941

>3x hiroshima
absolute retard

>> No.11975968

Fuck off cunt

>> No.11975976 [DELETED] 

Beirut 2020: 3 t TNT
Tianjin 2015: 21.9 t TNT {**)
Hiroshima: 15000 t TNT
Nagasaki: 20000 t TNT

(**) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsmJAyFAAw

>> No.11975987

Beirut 2020: 3 t TNT = 0.003 kt
Tianjin 2015{**): 21.9 t TNT = 0.0219 kt
Hiroshima: 15000 t TNT = 15 kt
Nagasaki: 20000 t TNT = 20 kt

(**) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsmJAyFAAw

>> No.11976021

It would be nice if we can pull up a comparison
with the nitrate explosion in China some time
ago. In any case, it's a fucker of a blast.

>> No.11976045

>sodium nitrate.
They literally never said that. They said Ammonium Nitrate.

>> No.11976046

>a comparison
it's literally the previous post, autist

>> No.11976070

ammonium nitrate. god, there are so many retarded people on this site. far worse than reddit

>> No.11976077
File: 51 KB, 761x563, everything will be great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Old Gods are waking up...

>> No.11976089

Taco Bell was catering

>> No.11976115

My God what a year. We can't have a single month without seeing some catastrophic event fuck people up

>> No.11976127

>shockwave from an explosion looks like a shockwave from an explosion

>> No.11976145

you got me

>> No.11976165

>tactical nuke
>somehow only levels a couple of city blocks
Every day I say to myself "retards on /sci/ can't possibly get more idiotic than they already are and yet again I am astounded.

>> No.11976196
File: 167 KB, 1125x728, Eeo93GuUEAEXAv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just fireworks bro.

>> No.11976200
File: 462 KB, 1200x1905, Halifax_Explosion_blast_cloud_restored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halifax explosion was 2.9 kt

>> No.11976207

absolutely insane, 1000x Beirut

>> No.11976213
File: 272 KB, 768x432, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time? Dr.Freeman...

>> No.11976247


>> No.11976278

>hole bigger than ops mum
>it wasnt underground explosion

>> No.11976285
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>> No.11976289

that shockwave has probably weakened a lot of buildings in the area...I wonder how many will be condemned?

>> No.11976367

Nitrogen dioxide from the burning ammonium nitrate, this has happened in the USA as well.

>> No.11976384
File: 31 KB, 408x156, 1596606828546.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging from the flash of light here, the explosion was actually very small, definetly on the scale of a couple of tons of explosives

>> No.11976401
File: 124 KB, 408x468, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11976405

Couple thousand tons of moderately low velocity explosives.

>> No.11976428

what's the original source for the central video?
what's with the flash at 1s?

>> No.11976438

That looks exactly like the opening of Akira.

>> No.11976441

It wasn't high explosive. It was fertilizer and other low quality shit. Thousands of tons of the stuff.

>> No.11976443

there are a dozen or so flashes before the blast

>> No.11976446

Wtf is that building, is it just a solid block of concrete?

>> No.11976462

Grain elevator.

>> No.11976466

>generic white dudebro voices
>female voices with local chinese accent
is this what sex tourism sounds like?

>> No.11976470

Ammonium Nitrate is merely an oxidiser. What was the actual fuel source that was burned?
I don't think it was fireworks, since black powder is already formulated to have an ideal fuel to oxidiser ratio. Was unincorporated powder fuel in the fireworks warehouse set alight and oxidised by the AN next door?
any chemistry nerds around?

>> No.11976479

I wanna thank you all for your edits, analysis and contributions.

>> No.11976484

Grain elevators are known for some pretty gnarly dust explosions.

>> No.11976486
File: 185 KB, 1281x960, 1596612470877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.75 kilotons of ammonium nitrate.

>> No.11976487

thank you very much

>> No.11976489

Latest news say it was left in storage for 6 years.
And now it exploded after a fire which we dont know if it was in the warehouse it was stored in or the one next to it.

>> No.11976495

Gonna need some evidence?

>> No.11976497

t. retard

>> No.11976499
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>> No.11976524

yes you are

>> No.11976525

Third world basically means developing country in the modern era.

>> No.11976529
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>> No.11976530

thank you

>> No.11976532

Thats just some rando on twitter though.
I seriously hope this is not the source of my information.

>> No.11976533


>> No.11976534
File: 226 KB, 1920x1440, amonium nitrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can such a conflagaration of amonium nitrate have an impact on the environment or weather ?

>> No.11976540

Just cause some rando tipped you off, doesn't mean you can't research yourself...

>> No.11976543

Who wants to sell glass windows in Lebanon with me?

>> No.11976552

ayyy i like how you are thinking

alright thanks

>> No.11976554


>> No.11976555

>Grain elevators are known for some pretty gnarly dust explosions.
They are, but there's conclusive video footage that shows that the explosion's point of origin is inside a burning warehouse next to the grain elevator.

>> No.11976575

I think some of it was water vapor, no?

>> No.11976580


>> No.11976583

I'm amazed he lived.

>> No.11976587

Took me a while to figure out this is the FIRST explosion.

>> No.11976589

Did he? Or just his phone...

>> No.11976590

There was a Hawaiian anon who fucked his sister because of that warning.

>> No.11976591

you aren't any fun

>> No.11976593

Huh? There was only one.

You can hear a voice just before it cuts out.

>> No.11976598
File: 640 KB, 406x720, 1596623697838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one of the only videos of the first explosion.
Here's the 2nd explosion.

>> No.11976600

I think you have it the wrong way around, there was a hawaiian anon who got fucked by his sister because of that warning.
I've also heard evidence that it wasn't a false alarm. but choose to believe what you will

>> No.11976606

oh yeah, he's fine

probably back sipping mai-tais at his apartment with the new skylight

>> No.11976608


>> No.11976611

Need a citation for that. I've seen no other mention of an earlier explosion anywhere. Only that there was a fire first and then the huge detonation.

>> No.11976618


>> No.11976619

Here, this video almost shows both explosions.
This one starts with the tail end of the first big explosion before the YUGE one.

>> No.11976629

That simply looks like a smoke cloud from a fire at the start.

>> No.11976631

thank you

>> No.11976638

This guy is saying its HMX / octogen based on the smoke color.

>> No.11976652

This year everything is 2020.

>> No.11976663

>supply chain management
not science or math

>> No.11976701
File: 191 KB, 828x965, 1596626578575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed ammonium nitrate

>> No.11976716


Why do you fucking people do this?
This isn't supposed to be a competition to see who can have the weirdest take.

>there is always someone with two brain cells that runs the whole thing.
Is there though? I would say that the history of storage accidents argues against that position.

I'm calling it as Jewish arson being as that's the type of thing they get up to and they've been in a pissing match with Hezbollah. But it could just be a mistake. We might never know, since neither Hezbollah nor Israel would fling the accusation or admit to it (Hezbollah doesn't want to have to go to war, and Israel doesn't want to look like civilian-killing A-hole terrorists).
It may have partially been a warning to Brendon O'Connell (an Australian critic of Israel), who was living next to the explosion site a few weeks back, but had moved locations at the time of the explosion.

>> No.11976822

na ne na ne/10
but why

>> No.11976827

I saw the video
there is no signature double flash

>> No.11976829

ammonium nitrate, not sodium

>> No.11976840

looks like a shit hole to me
Besides, chinks have got cities like that, didn't stop them blowing their shit up in Tianjin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=993wlZ6XFSs

>> No.11976855

well it is now

>> No.11976858
File: 295 KB, 934x838, Resized_1596570773116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a consensus? Could that much ammonium nitrate actually detonate all at once? It looks exactly like this ANFO test of 4000 tons.

>> No.11976869
File: 625 KB, 460x646, crater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could that much ammonium nitrate actually detonate all at once?
Once part of it hits criticality it'll set off the rest too in a chain reaction. So yes.

>> No.11976874

What triggered criticality?

>> No.11976876

You're telling me they stored 2-3 kt of ammonium nitrate in that shitty warehouse for 7 fucking years?
Some heads are gonna roll for this.

>> No.11976878

You cannot determine the chemical just by looking at pictures. Yes, it looks similar, but a lot of explosions will look like that.
We can rule out it being a nuke, though, since nuclear explosions look very different.

>> No.11976883

There's no confirmation of that. One suggestion I saw that made sense was that the firework like pops in the videos beforehand could have been blasting caps for the nitrate, it can be used for mining, ignited by a fire.

>> No.11976889

Yes. A classic case of "not my problem" and bureaucratic laziness and incompetence.

>> No.11976891

I don't think it was a nuke. I didn't realize ammonium nitrate would explode like that. How much more power does it get when you add fuel?

Were they storing them in the same warehouse?

>> No.11976896

Where was this taken? Which building?

>> No.11976900

time to update the mandatory safely briefing

>> No.11976901

An-fo is used as a blasting compound for mining.

>> No.11976904

Look at >>11976701 It looks like they just took everything off the impounded ship and stuck it in a warehouse with little to no care.

The one that exploded. See >>11976869 and that video. They all match.

>> No.11976915

shh, americans need to use their bastardized version of the word for natrium at every opportunity, even if it is a bad opportunity.

>> No.11976917

> Sources said a fire had started at port warehouse 9 on Tuesday and spread to warehouse 12, where the ammonium nitrate was stored. They said that a team that inspected the material six months ago and warned it could “blow up all of Beirut” if not removed.

Definitely criminal negligence. No conspiracy theories needed.

>> No.11976924

do you think he escaped? what's the time difference between the two blasts?

>> No.11976931

>I don't think it was a nuke
No, sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that YOU thought that, just that some people did.

>> No.11976945

>A NH4NO3 explosion requires three (3) things: (1) compression of the NH4NO3, (2) *fuel.* (usually diesel fuel), (3) a high explosive detonator. (Firecrackers won't do it!)
>Also, and most importantly, NH4NO3 smoke is not red, but nitric acid smoke is.
>We also need to be thinking about a, "high-order NH4NO3 *detonated* explosion" vs. a low-order NH4NO3 explosion."
>In both cases the NH4NO3 explodes, but they are two *very different* things. This was *very clearly* a high-order detonated explosion.

Can any chemist here confirm?

>> No.11976947

I already knew their economy was fucked but this is pretty bad kek. Will anyone actually be charged or is it all too corrupt? I read that Hezbollah controls that area is that correct?

>> No.11976975

Dame da ne Dame yo dame na no yo Anta ga suki de sukisugite Dore dake tsuyoi osake demo Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai

>> No.11977021

That still doesn't add up. Nitroprill HD is "prilled" ammonium nitrate, designed to not break down into a powder easily. Getting any kind of yield from an anfo bomb requires using well powdered ammonium nitrate, which is the oxidizer, along with some fuel, usually oil or another hydrocarbon. A bag of ammonium nitrate might make a fire burn a lot hotter, but without preparation I don't see how it could have reacted so vigorously.

>> No.11977035

Ammonium nitrate going off in various forms isn't exactly unheard of. Plus, it had been sitting in an un-air conditioned warehouse for like 6 years before the explosion.

>> No.11977037

Mossad did it.
You ask why?
To make room for greater israel.

>> No.11977046

No, it will create a nice cloud though

>> No.11977054

I thought the same thing but it did burn for a while before exploding and it is a FUCK ton

>> No.11977060


Israel has nuked Beirut.

>> No.11977068

So I went to a /k/ thread about this and something caught my eye,
Those are their strategic grain silos and that's their main port.
They think a major famine is about to hit Beirut. especially in the wake of Covid

>> No.11977072

Also how poisonous is this cloud of nitrous oxides going to be?

>> No.11977091

>Thoughts on what the cause was to make an blast like this?
Corey Fons' niggerclan being ethnic Lebanese?

>> No.11977119

apparently Trump says it was a bomb...his generals don't think it can be a normal explosion or something.
It's trump so take from that what you will and I'm reading this 3rd hand

>> No.11977155

>taking anything Trump has said in the last 4 months seriously

>> No.11977161

sufficient heat over time

>> No.11977173

guy knows a fair amount about construction and building demolition so he's more qualified than average, I still don't understand how you could create such a massive crater from a fertiliser explosion?

>> No.11977176

Any chemist here?
How far do I have to be so that I am safe from all the chemicals in the air

>> No.11977191

It was a pajeet dropping a tactical nuke on the street

>> No.11977243

depends on the wind direction,
hey biologists, with all that nitrogen will there be a toxic algal bloom?

>> No.11977260

>2NH4NO3 2N2 + O2 + 4H2O
not a chemist but nitrogen + oxygen + water is prolly not bad. i don't how much nitrogen you need for it to become a serious problem

>> No.11977288


>> No.11977301
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>> No.11977325
File: 71 KB, 960x540, beirut libano crater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is your firecracker crater bro

>> No.11977367

So it wasn't caused by empty grain storages...

>> No.11977430

imagine 9/11 but with modern phone cameras and social media, I wonder if there would be a different response?

>> No.11977432

how many of those grain silos are intact? they're going to need to save what they can of them

>> No.11977439

If you can't smell it and it's not dusty you're fine.

>> No.11977449

>I wonder if there would be a different response?
different from what?

>> No.11977470

not starting a bunch of pointless wars

>> No.11977478

yeah, sure

>> No.11977498

now we're getting somewhere

>> No.11977521

holy fuck

>> No.11977537

Not impossible

About 50/55 sec in

>> No.11977542

Because we are Lebanon
We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

>> No.11977558

Because we are Leb/anon/
We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

>> No.11977569
File: 27 KB, 640x480, thats the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11977753

I think the scale and mushroom cloud confuse people.

Theres a word for the dynamic of mushroom clouds; it escapes me atm but I know its a known mathematically describable effect. Something to do with heat and air obviously.

>> No.11977984
File: 24 KB, 484x390, gamer zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys did someone call?

>> No.11977996


>> No.11978310

I was just tired of them arguing about something irrelevant to the thread. But you're right if someone uses the word literally in place of figuratively I would judge them hard (but obviously not sperg out over it in public).

>> No.11978432

Not getting bombed LOL

>> No.11978748

Great reference

>> No.11978845


>> No.11979267

I always love when people point out bad shits about to happen, and no one ever does anything about it.

>> No.11979308

You are just exemplifying a common thinking error. When bad shit is about to happen and someone does prevent it, you don’t see it in the news. Nearly all things like this could be successfully prevented from happening and you wouldn’t know about it.

>> No.11979317

If you inferred that it's always the case from my previous statement, then that wasn't implied.

>> No.11979343

Uh Beirut explosion was anywhere from 500 tons to 3 kilotons

>> No.11979934

Guy knows how to sell a condo, that's about the extent of his knowledge about buildings.

>> No.11979945

>Thoughts on what the cause was to make an blast like this?
Religious people -> government corruption ->wars and massacres

>> No.11980030

This shit was stored right next door to a fireworks factory, the latest is that the fire started in the fireworks factory. Take one fireworks factory with whatever shit they had stored + the chemicals they had on site, add in 2,7 ktons of ammonium nitrate. You get a blast of this size no problem.

For comparison, the bomb Breivik used was a diesel/ammonium nitrate bomb, that one only weighed ~950kg. That was placed in a truck, yet managed to damage several blocks. Explosive force of roughly half a ton of TNT.

>> No.11980044

>even taking black powder into consideration
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11980071 [DELETED] 

3 t effective

>> No.11980103 [DELETED] 

the explosion was inefficient,
the actual explosive effect was between 0.2 and 0.5 kt

>> No.11980113

the explosion was inefficient,
the actual explosive effect, aka yield, was between 0.2 and 0.5 kt

>> No.11980141


israeli terrorist attack

>> No.11980431

Based silo engineers

>> No.11980469

There's a news interview with him just after 9/11 talking about how strong a building she was with interlocked steel plates and how unrealistic it was for it to just fall like that, your mileage for this statement will vary depending on how much you've read up on 9/11 but take it for what it's worth, Trump knows his way around construction.

>> No.11980500

thoughts? well it is that way >>>/pol/

>> No.11980518

>Trump knows his way around construction
lol, he can barely fart straight

>> No.11980522

How many decibels does it take to shatter windows? Can your ears recover from such a loud shockwave?

>> No.11980524

>This shit was stored right next door to a fireworks factory
that's so monumentally retarded it's actually pretty funny

>> No.11980528

Criminally negligent as fuck, but it's Lebanon. Came on a Russian ship with a Moldovan flag, boat and cargo was apparently taken into arrest for some shit with papers and the cargo was just tossed there 6 or 7 years ago. They had begged the government to remove it for years.

>> No.11980779

Imperial system is the most retarded system. Shut up faggot.

>> No.11980931


>Brendan O'Connell

Totally worth blowing up Beirut to get him

>> No.11981000

It was clearly Israel.

>> No.11981050

missile or planted explosive?

>> No.11981152

You need enough AN burning long and hot enough for thermal expansion to apply internal pressure, you aren't going to get 20kg or even 100kg of AN to undergo Deflagration / Detonation Transition but with a big enough pile, say one of those giant sacks it can undergo DDT at which point you get sympathetic detonation of those around it.
AN on it's own without any hydrocarbon have a Relative Effectiveness Factor of about 0.4 meaning 1kg of AN detonating has similar destructive power of 400g of TNT.

>> No.11981155

~1psi of overpressure will break windows, at ~3psi people start to get fucked up.

>> No.11981157

what would happen if you directed a missile into this heap of hot AN?

>> No.11981162

A conventional warhead like a Mk84 would cause sympathetic detonation but there is no reason to suspect it as the fire conditions were enough to set it off.

>> No.11981168

reading comprehension: 0

>> No.11981191

This is the most retarded part of the whole thing, local farmers would have been more than happy to get free AN even if they had to pay the transport fees.

>> No.11981207

Worried it'd end up in the hands of various militias, no doubt. I would be.
But I wouldn't be leaving it next to a fireworks factory and vital infrastructure for 6+ years.

>> No.11981222

Even then all you need to do is have someone you trust (cops or military) drive a spreader truck over the field while a water truck follows. As soon as AN gets wet on soil it dissolves into the soil.

>> No.11981225

>someone you trust
Again, this is Lebanon.

>> No.11981227


>> No.11981232

isn't that true of most of the islamic world?

>> No.11981233

>apparently Trump says
How the fuck can you quote what this retard says?
I'm serious when I say it should be classified as flood.

>> No.11981237

Yeah, but Lebanon is a bit special what with Hezbollah practically being the army and the government in portions of it and so on and a million other groupings having stakes in it.
It's hardly what I'd call a stable country.

>> No.11981276


>> No.11981315

soooo.... Israel?

>> No.11981324

Fertilizer is a hell of an explosive

>> No.11981340

So israel seems to be responsible

>> No.11981347

For destabilizing Lebanon? Absolutely. For the explosion? No idea.

>> No.11981363

And where's your PhD in explosives?

>> No.11981375

The explosion is one of the best ways to do it.

>> No.11981448

He literally said he discussed with his generals and they thought it a very suspicious explosion. if the United States army doesn't have expertise in blowing shit up I don't know who does. maybe more information has come to light since then, check for yourself.

>> No.11981637

Are those the same generals that said invading Afghanistan was a good idea and that Iraq had WMDs?

>> No.11981659

Anyone want to bet Iran will get the blame if it is officially called an attack?

>> No.11981666

>Iran blamed for attacking their ally Lebanon
seems you might want to point your finger at a different middle eastern country.

>> No.11981701

I'm not saying Iran did it, I'm saying if the US is going to claim it was an attack they are going to blame Iran even if just in the media rather than any official capacity.

Having played with high explosives myself and done a couple of hundred hours reading on the topic I have no doubt it was AN undergoing DDT from a prolonged fire.

>> No.11981735

Hypergolic fuel for Scud-family short-range ballistic missiles.

>> No.11981807

What chemical compounds come out the exhaust of hypergolic rockets that produce red smoke?

>> No.11981809


>> No.11981816

All of them.

>> No.11981827

It that a product of Nitrogen and Oxygen?
Any chance something with the chemical formula NH4NO3 could break down like this NH4NO3 N2O + 2H2O?

>> No.11981846

If anything, they'd use it for explosives. Not for fuel. Diesel + AN = boom. Roughly half the explosive yield of TNT.

>> No.11981874

Why people use a legit explosive as a fertilizer?
Seems dumb and dangerous.

>> No.11981895

This thread does a great job showing how many subhuman Muslim/white incel shills are patrolling this board. There are more than a billion Muslims and the reason all of their countries are violent, evil dystopias is Israel? Then how come muslims have a better life in Israel than any Muslim country?

>> No.11981899

Plants need nitrogen and need to be able to break the bonds to free that nitrogen with fairly low energy. The cheap compounds that fit the bill also contain oxygen thus can be explosive under the right conditions.
Look up how much AN is produced globally then look at a list of AN explosions, so long as you aren't pants on head retarded the risk is minimal.

>> No.11981903

Oh come on, my cousin served in the UN forces in Lebanon in the 80s.
Israel fucked that country up good and continues to do so.

>> No.11981911

It's no secret that Israel is in possession of tactical nukes and missiles. They also hate arabs because most of them belong in europe thanks to their european admixture and european yiddish.

>> No.11981916

Israel has been invaded and attacked by Muslims constantly since its inception and you don’t see them a dysfunctional shithole with an evil culture. At what do muslims take personal responsibility for all their countries being dystopias?

Human trash like you deserve to be air stopped into these places you defend. Scumbag hypocrite rat.

>> No.11981918

Nice revisionism.
Remind us all how Israel was founded. No, not by the UN charter which you ignored.

>> No.11981921

Okay but please don't nuke the remaining countries around you. Lebanon was enough. We get it. Sorry bro.

>> No.11981931

I don’t care how israel is founded, it’s so objectively superior to every Muslim country. I can’t think of anything more evil than giving Israel to Islam to be destroyed and turned into another wasteland of the worst humanity has to offer. you are scum and I really hope you get what you deserve.

>> No.11981934

>I don’t care
No of course you don't. Because it's inconvenient that your state was founded by a terrorist organization committing acts of terrorism on a civilian population.

>> No.11981949 [DELETED] 

As far as I know Jews moved into Israel completely peacefully. Palestinians started murdering them (blew up a bus among many other things), lost the ensuing conflict, fled, and then started acting like victims.

You are an awful, awful person and a pathetic attempt at revising history. Muslims are not victims. They are an objectively horrible culture that celebrates evil. Anyone who defends them is slime. If god were real anyone shilling for Palestine would be immediately transported there to get robbed, raped and killed. You are one of the worst people alive.

>> No.11981960

You may want to brush up on your history, especially regarding Irgun which morphed into IDF.
They cleared out entire villages by going house to house tossing in grenades. That's what your most moral army in the world did while forming Israel.

Spare me your "you are evil" shit. I'm not a muslim nor do I support them. But I sure as fuck do not support the state of Israel.

>> No.11981985

I’m Lebanese and even i’d call us a third world. The whole Middle East is a third world. Shithole countries for sure.

>> No.11982024

I agree some of the things israel has done look immoral, but only if you ignore the context of Muslims being Muslims. Only 6k+ Palestinian civilians have died since 48. That’s pretty impressive on Israel’s part.

>> No.11982194

Using hypergolics in a fuel-air bomb would be one utterly fantastic way to get yourself tried at the Hague for war crimes lol.

>> No.11982269

It would also defeat the whole point of thermobarics in the first place. By using atmospheric oxygen they don't need to carry oxidizer in the explosive making them lighter / smaller for the same yield. If you are carrying a hypergolic mix all you have done is made a very low v-det explosive and even the thermal effects would be limited due to a low v-det explosive still burning in milliseconds.

>> No.11983303


>> No.11983559

I fear for what europe will look like in 50 years...

>> No.11983561

it's basically a fucking american military base and rathole for every jewish degenerate on the planet

>> No.11984040

There's no flash in any of those.