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1196490 No.1196490 [Reply] [Original]

why do blacks have big penis?

is it because their ancestors didn't used pants, so females selected the bigger ones?

>> No.1196496
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>> No.1196500

wait a minute, op is onto something here

>> No.1196501

it's because all the melanin increases blood flow
also used as a weapon originally

>> No.1196511

because while the rest of us were adapting and evolving to become more intelligent and resourceful, the blacks were sitting around picking low-hanging fruit. They probably got the bigger penises to increase surface area to volume ratio to disperse heat while having sex.

>> No.1196512

Studies show that in primates, male genital size is larger among species in which the females are less monogamous. Asian families have kept tabs on their women to ensure faithfulness for the longest time hence smallest penises. Nigger and Teutonic women screw around a lot, hence the men develop larger penises and larger testicles which produce more semen to increase the chance that that male is the one that gets the female pregnant.

>> No.1196520

the ingenuity embedded in this post is absolutely groundbreaking

>> No.1196525

>>1196511t the bigger penises to increase surface area to volume ratio

bigger = less surface area per volume

>> No.1196528

Oriental - more contrained in action
African - unconstrained action

The size of penis is proportional to freedom of action.

>> No.1196532

>the ingenuity embedded in this post is absolutely groundbreaking

No it isn't. Smaller objects generally have higher surface area to volume ratio.

>> No.1196538

the same or very similar width though... longer and same width=more surface area to volume.

>> No.1196543


>> No.1196545

better archive this thread for it's relevance

>> No.1196553
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like rabbit ears on a desert jackal

but penises aren't like rabbit ears?

I dunno

>> No.1196554

>looks over threads on page 0
>this is the closest to a thread that relates to science

>> No.1196551

In Africa they cant buy cars, watches or designer clothes so the only symbol of status they can wear is a natural one. They cant compensate their small size buying expensive objects like non-african men.

>> No.1196564


>> No.1196569

Yes, generally.

>> No.1196570

they live in warmer climates. Less risk of it freezing and falling off

>> No.1196571
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study material

>> No.1196576

As a penis increases in size, we presume it becomes thicker. The rabbit ears remain thin as they get taller, and thus have thus surface area-volume ratio. Penis, like cell, does not do this because all of its dimensions increase instead of just two.

>> No.1196582

Because black penis don't absorb light.

>> No.1196585

also true, not only do larger ones disperse heat but smaller ones conserve heat.

>> No.1196586


I'll study this closely and report back with my findings.

>> No.1196589

because blacks have bigger vaginas.

>> No.1196600

You're all ignoring the fact that during sex the penis will be inside a cavity of equivalent heat.

>> No.1196592

not true. They get a lot longer and not much thicker.

>> No.1196604

I stand corrected. The surface area thing is valid.

>> No.1196608

Oh for fucks sake people, heat dissipation is NOT a major function of a penis.

In Africa they have status symbols, they're just shittier status symbols. Also take note of how important retarded status symbols are to blacks in the US. I have a theory that there are quite a lot of black men in the US with average or below average penises and that being a black man with a smaller penis would suck a lot.

>> No.1196613

we're talking about flaccid or semi-flaccid. There's an even bigger size difference when flaccid.

>> No.1196615

They don't.

>> No.1196616


>> No.1196620
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so teh penis doubles as a heat radiation apparatus


>> No.1196622

my guess is most of the ideas in this thread are correct... africans evolve to have EVERYTHING longer (arms, legs, torso) and roughly the same thickness and they also have stupid status signals because they are poor and have never had a truly decent society.

>> No.1196629

>>1196592They get a lot longer and not much thicker.

How many penises are in your sample group? Some penises are quite a lot thicker than others. Considering people frequently mate from behind and black women have gigantic asses it'd make sense for black men to need longer penises in order to clear the ass fat.

>> No.1196645
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since their butt are also bigger, they need big penis to keep the center of mass or else they would fall.

>> No.1196659

I'm surprised no one said sexual selection. Evilutionists use it to explain everything.
Which is just another reason why evolution is fail.

>> No.1196667

>I'm surprised no one said sexual selection

Why would sexual selection work only in Africa and not in Japan

>> No.1196684

evolution understanding fail. also, trolled

>> No.1196686

yeah... it's because there was no competition (remember they were just hangin out eating fruit) so they had to evolve somehow...

>> No.1196688

sexual selection was suggested in the OP dumbass

>> No.1196692

Japanese women like small penis.
African woman like big penis.

>> No.1196707


who reads the entire OP??

>> No.1196739


These evolutionists can invent any explanation, its more of a creative art than science.

>> No.1196802

Bringing in the classical argument here....

Well first of all a large phallus is always considered a symbol of more masculinity, virility and general strength.

Back in the day when slaves were sold, treated and bred like animals they were forced to stand naked many times (bet you didn't see those pictures in your elementary, secondary or preparatory school books) So the men who were chosen were the largest, the strongest, the most athletic and of course the ones with the biggest phalli.
Thus they were also bred, and bred... until slavery came to an end. Thus there was a surplus of "well endowed blacks".
Now we men tend to judge penis size by flaccid size, thus I do believe that the men with the largest FLACCID size were chosen by their soon to be masters and bred. Now flaccid size does not necessarily translate into larger erect size, yet most people are fooled into this clever optical ruse.

I sincerely believe that the "Black man = larger penis" supposition originated in the United States, as these were the breeding grounds of colonial slaves and post colonial slaves. I have not seen any records Pre 1500 hinting at this stereotype, nor any African paintings and or sculptures depicting their members with large phalli (The Romans did though).

Well those are my two cents, my scientific and my historical.

>> No.1196841

It's two fucking sentences, you lazy fuck.

>> No.1196883


Youre a fucking idiot.

>> No.1196924


enlighten me

>> No.1197862

gentlemen are we not overlooking the fact that studies show the difference between race is negligable - could it not be that porn recruits from poverty ..etc etc

>> No.1197876

oh....oh wow.


>> No.1200157

They don't. Every study of the subject has found blacks to average out within .1-.2" of whites. The asians have smaller penises though is sort of true, but again it's less then a half an inch difference.

Blacks tend to have larger flaccid penises because they lived in warm places where there is no need to worry about frostbite, unlike whites, which is why whites have a smaller flaccid size.