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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11961640 No.11961640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we just admit black people are dumb already?

>> No.11961653
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>> No.11961660
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>> No.11961672
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>> No.11961675
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>> No.11961681
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>> No.11961698

If these are true why is /pol/ so retarded and mindnumbing?

>> No.11961710

Uncle adolf taught us that repetition works

>> No.11961778

even if that’s true who cares from a math perspective

>> No.11961800
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>> No.11961809

Because /pol/ is always right

>> No.11961813

Because /pol/tards are pathetic people who think that them being white (Something they were born with) means that they can just shit on everyone else and call themselves superior. They haven't accomlished anything in real life, so they belittle others so they can feel better about themselves (When have you ever seen an accomplished /pol/ poster other than someone wandering in the streets with a flag/creating a one person garden?).
Certainly, there is genetic diversity in the human species, and every races differs from one another. Does this mean we should hate them? No, the condition of individuals is dictated by nature. Would you get mad at the clouds for striking down lighting on your house?
I like the diversity of the human race, and different cultures. I think race-mixing should be discouraged, but I don't think that you should be hateful at all. It is merely nature.

>> No.11961828

Didn’t read don’t care
Stay mad niggerfaggot

>> No.11961832

>Doesn't read
It was already obvious you were illiterate when you posted before. You don't need to text-to-speech it again.

>> No.11961863

Because 22 million people browse this site and all the reasonable people who were trying to use /pol/ are drowned out by an innumerable amount of morons

>> No.11961867

Keep being mad, niggerfaggot, average IQ still 20 points and SAT score still 150 points below
And please do join the 41% and make it 42%

>> No.11961871

/pol/ is > 80% nonwhite you retard

>> No.11961872

Keep destroying your entire body with elevated cortisol levels. How someone can bear so much hate I do not understand.
Yield to nature and understanding now or degrade and become frail in the future.

>> No.11961876

Nah, even when /pol/ was /new/ it was a haven for stormtards.

>> No.11961878

Yes but they don't control every single thread. You just ignore the noise and look for the actual discussion.

>> No.11961884

You’re just projecting your feelings onto people who want their family, friends and nation to be healthy and thriving, while you’re a constructivist hedonist mess

>> No.11961904


Black people are inferior, yes, and the fact that they are 1 billion of the people on this Planet but contributed to less than 10% of all scientific breakthroughts prove that.
We are doomed when they become the majority, humanity will then end with the screams of thosr fucking worthless monkeys blaming the whites for the downfall of the Human race.
May all negroes burn for all eternity

>> No.11961949

I’m betting on the soulless insectoids of the East
White are high on empathy and can only start moving when in misery like Weimar Republic. The odds of being a great civilization whose people disappeared isn’t low

>> No.11961961


Fuck you white, asians are far superior than you will ever be.
It took europeans 1 thousand years to move out feudal era, it took Japan less than a century when they first encountered the United States.

Asians are genetically more intelligent than whites.

>> No.11962023

>move out feudal era
have you heard of china, anon?

>> No.11962051

There are smart people of every race. There are also stupid people of every race.

Generally people given less opportunity to learn when young will end up on the lower end. Genetics is a small part of a large equation that leads to your general intellect. The environment in which you are raised makes a much larger impact I believe.