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File: 134 KB, 1600x900, surgical-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11960736 No.11960736 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ do you know the exact science of wearing a mask and it helps stop the spread of covid-19?

>> No.11960739

search "mask use pandemic" on google scholar retard how hard is it to do that?

>> No.11960788
File: 432 KB, 1125x1161, 1596061119264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no science supporting the central bank propaganda that the whole world covering their mouths while the financial system collapses will prevent covid-19 from spreading

>> No.11960844

>uncovered mouth
>cough contents go everywhere

>covered mouth
>cough contents don't go everywhere as much

>> No.11960851

the economy isn't doing too bad though, and masks and proven to reduce the spread. I don't think it's a bad idea. Masks are a good tool in general.

>> No.11960853

Oh boy covid is a disease you can't see it but it's there...

have you ever heard of air OP do you know what air is?

You can't see air but it is there all around you.

Covid can be inside of your coughs or sneezes or even your breath when you talk, so if you have a mask on then the air leaves and enters from the sides of the mask and the top and bottom instead of the front so it doesn't go into somebody's face when you talk to them.

Put glasses on,

breathe without a mask and see what happens.

Put the mask on and glasses on and breathe with the mask on heavily

If the top of the mask is open then the glasses will fog up because it is the same as breathing on the glasses because your air is coming out the top instead of the front now.

>> No.11960855

Actually there is, you just don't like it.

>> No.11960856

some still has to go through the mask too, so you can breathe. So that's a limitation. But I wish people would think more about mask design.

>> No.11960858

It slightly filters the air around you and virtue signals that you care about other people's health. In all reality you're more likely to get covid19 through your hands, your face, and contact with your clothes - but a mask is a convenient cheap thing that government can make mandatory to give the false impression that a wildfire pandemic is under control when it's not.

Most of us are going to get covid19 at some point, if we haven't' already gotten it, and it will come from your groceries or imperfect handwashing that will transfer it to you mouth. Mask is a symbol to placate sheep that they're safe and to give the government brownie points.

>> No.11960870

I have no comment on the political situation surrounding masks and social control. However, from a scientific perspective, people should be wearing masks that are effective if we want them to be safe.

>> No.11960938

Show it.

>> No.11961015
File: 99 KB, 761x759, 1595556609888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed]

>> No.11961027

low IQ post pretending to be high IQ

>> No.11963304


viruses don't just float out of people's mouths and normal civilised people will cough into something not directly at peoples faces

more proof that all these new spikes are the result of brown people with no basic hygiene

>> No.11963403

What's the point of reducing spread when we're all gonna get infected eventually ? I bet we all did by now but pointlessly wear masks that most people don't even change or wash. It's unironically better to get immunity.
>inb4 no proof for immunity
There is literally no proof for anything with this virus. One day I read couple of articles claiming one thing and the next day a totally opposite thing.

>> No.11963421

>If the top of the mask is open then the glasses will fog up
This. It sucks wearing glasses with a mask, I can't see shit through the fog. Of course, this is somewhat dependant on air temp. as well.

>> No.11963551

Didn't you hear? Herd immunity is a good thing but you have to wear a mask to stop the spread, but immunity doesn't even work for Covid but we have to wait for the vaccine, which will probably be mandatory.

It's a major crisis; a virus so deadly that up to 45% of people who get it exhibit no symptoms whatsoever, and the chances of dying are infinitesimal unless you're a geriatric or have no immune system. That's why we have to shut down economies, institute curfews and distancing orders, and force everyone to wear a mask, so that that most vulnerable segment of the population doesn't die slightly earlier than they were going to. This is a perfectly reasonable approach to public health, and we should all embrace the new normal.

>> No.11963577

I dont know how most dumbasses haven't gotten to the point yet but masks dont help prevent YOU from getting the virus, but help prevent others from getting it if you have it. The mask stunts the distance particles from your mouth move out when you breath. We know this due to heat mapping mask use. Selfish snothats only think about themselves and how every action benefits them. And before you ask, you could have the virus and not know it, as symptoms could not appear for up to a month after contracting. This isn't some weird scheme by the government, and I dont know how you could even assume it was. What could the government possibly gain from mask use? Mask sales? Most stupid bullshit claim. Just classic anti-government npc rabble. Learn to stop being self-centered assholes and think for yourselves. It's why you have no friends

>> No.11963586

Post the specific scientific studies you are citing to support your case. Nigger.

>> No.11963588

>no friends
Such desperation. Wear your mask, goy. Stay at home. Wear the goggles. Stay away from friends and family. Download the tracing app. Get the vaccine every 3 months. Implant the immunity chip.

It's only a minor inconvenience, why do you want to kill grandma?

>> No.11963612

literally schizo rambling

>> No.11963621

Covid spreads by respiratory droplets. Masks help contain them.

>> No.11963624

>viruses don't just float out of people's mouths
No, but spit does, you're just not seeing the fine particles. Breathing and talking both release droplets and aerosols.

>and normal civilised people will cough into something not directly at peoples faces
Like a mask? Because if you're coughing into your elbow then you're not really doing anything, and if you cough enough that you carry around a cough rag, then why are you leaving the house?

>> No.11963625

>a virus so deadly that up to 45% of people who get it exhibit no symptoms whatsoever
That's actually a very low asymptomatic rate compared to many viruses if true.

>> No.11963669

Yeah, it's strange that this level of schizo rambling is coming straight from the mouths of politicians, public health officials, and all you panicked faggots. Normally it's confined to the small percentage of actual schizos.

>> No.11963730
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>> No.11967534

If the virus is in stagnant air the virus will land on the material of your face covering and stay there. If there is a force propelling the virus infested air a typical face covering will only reduce the virus by a small amount because the virus can permeate through the material but this amount will be much less than if you didn't have any face covering. Just keep your mouth closer and nose breathing as calmly as possible, usually some meek people get startled when someone coughs or sneezes near them which effectively leaves an opening for the virus to enter, if you are this type of person, you need to stay away from people and be prepared for random sneezes or coughs.

>> No.11967551

It does, but it's fairly insignificant in comparison to reducing traffic, public gatherings, handwashing, social distance etc.

>> No.11968216
File: 42 KB, 800x480, erdos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to expect better of this board. It seems this place really took a shit in the recent months.

>> No.11968415

It's called the bullshit asymmetry principle and the burden of proof, look them up first before demanding someone else do all the work disproving your dumbass schizo shit you pathetic underage faggot.

>> No.11968418

I remember when the corona situation in the West wasn't yet critical and American MSM was focusing on the Trump impeachment theater and condemning corona alarmists, most of 4chan was for precaution, panic, stocking food, masks, etc. And now this. Really shows this place is just contrarian central, just another model of NPCs programmed to oppose the more common model of NPCs in every single issue.

>> No.11968875



>> No.11968906

The corona situation in the West still isn't critical. It will never be critical. When are you faggots going to stop pretending like it's the goddamn bubonic plague?

>> No.11968913

I hope your (grand)parents die from it caused by you.

>> No.11968952
File: 58 KB, 670x677, 1594550166344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's summertime and reddit has just flushed out its retards, they are migrating here en masse

>> No.11969025
File: 90 KB, 540x536, 1591126881716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell like the goverment is lacing the masks with poison in side the polymere matrix. Once dampened and heated through exhale the poisonous fumes evaporate and can be inhaled. This is a mask kkill scenario. They are following the Georgia guide stones and want to reduce the population to an easly manageable size.

>> No.11969042


What in the fuck are you talking about you fucking negro.

The US has 300 million people but only a mere 100 thousand died since this started.

Are you brain dead or are you brain dead?

China would be more interested in that but they still until this day have the largest population in all of history, and it doesn't seem they are going somewhere anytime soon.

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.11969046

can some smug moron please post the jeans piss comic already so we can pretend the thread is over

>> No.11969080

In other words people should wear respirator masks and not masks where air rushes out of the corners every time you exhale?

>> No.11969504

My grandparents are already dead. I don't think they would have been too put out by dying at 80 from coronavirus rather than dying at 80 from cardiac arrest.

>> No.11970153

>coverd mouth
>not sick
>nothin nowhere

>covered mouth
>nothin nowhere

>uncovered mouth
>not sick
>nothin nowhere

>uncovered mouth
>6ft diameter