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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1195508 No.1195508 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a high school math teacher, correcting my final exams. It's obvious that the students cheated their balls off on the exam. Now, I have the class again tomorrow. Should I
a.) make them take a new test
b.) just flunk them all on this one
c.) ignore it, since the final won't make enough impact on the final grades anyway

>> No.1195515

Ignore it. Leave students alone man

>> No.1195514

B, they deserve it

>> No.1195518

Honestly, make tests they can't cheat on next time.

>> No.1195524

Depends. What grade is it?

>> No.1195533

OP here:
It's an Algebra 1 class. mostly 9th graders, and lots of them have flunked the course anyway (they did NO work. don't look at me.) It's obvious to me that they cheated, but it wouldn't hold up to an outsider if they said "prove it."

>> No.1195531

all of them cheated?

>> No.1195536

flunk them out of the school for cheating

>> No.1195537

maybe talk to principal

>> No.1195538

Its your fault for not making different exams so they wouldn't be able to copy off each other

>> No.1195541

I reckon if you can't prove it then act as though they didn't cheat.
If complaints come in because they failed you may have to defend yourself and provide reasons for failing the class.

>> No.1195542

Give them another one, unannounced, and average the two scores.

>> No.1195543

Oh god, I wish I had algebra. Shits easy.

Anyways, it's highschool, nobody gives a crap and it most likely won't affect their lives; might as well wake em up to reality now. Flunk their asses.

>> No.1195549

can't. It's a low-income public high school. They practically have to pull a gun on the superintendent before they get thrown out. Grades won't do it.
Not all, but lots.

>> No.1195554

Don't fail them, but do make it patently obvious that you knew about it, and the only reason you didn't fail them is because they'd already fucked up so hard there was no point. Also let them know that this shit will not fly at higher levels, which I should think it wouldn't.

>> No.1195562

Pick out one question that requires a fair bit of work to be shown that most of them obviously cheated on. Make a similar question and have them all do it as a pop quiz, if there isn't rampant failure bring it up with the administration and flunk all of those little assholes.

>> No.1195557

I like this idea.

>> No.1195566

Write down their score using some algebra and if they can solve it, let them pass. If they can't, tell their parents. h3h3h3

>> No.1195574


I cant believe noone noticed!!

>pic related

>> No.1195591

OP here. I can't either. It was my subtle way of saying "fuckin' cheaters."

>> No.1195595

give them all full marks.

>> No.1195607


>> No.1195611

surprise test!

>> No.1195616

Not a teacher.

>> No.1195621

Just cheat back with your grading and give them whatever you feel like.

>> No.1195622

OKay. thanks for the advice. I just did some quick calculations: Even if i give all zeroes, it won't affect who passes and who fails all that much. The Final Exam is 10% of the year grade, so it won't change grades enough to put anyone over the hump to pass or drop anyone enough to flunk.
SO: I"m going to give the students the grade they "earned" on the final, make a second, short, mixed-question test for tomorrow, and count that as their final. And of course, I'm going to let them know that I'm not a complete idiot about the cheating, and that I'm severely pissed at them.

>> No.1195625

How do you figure OP's not a teacher?

>> No.1195626

Mr. Luis?

>> No.1195630

I'm hoping you're not my teacher...


>> No.1195632

You might get some shit if you give them a surprise test

just be prepared to stick to your guns

>> No.1195639

Mission Accomplished. Good work, /sci/.

>> No.1195659

You learned your lesson
Next time, give out 3 different tests with the same questions just ordered differently, and distribute them randomly... so if the fuckers wanna cheat they're gonna have to take a huge gamble

>> No.1195666

Fuck this.
Teach the bastards a lesson, like you are paid to do. Tell administration, and see what you can do. I'm sure your school has academic integrity standards or something that can fuck them over. Give them an exact copy of today's test, but with the numbers changed and the problems out of order, with as many different variations as you have students in your class. Watch them like a hawk. Grade them and see. Tell them that if they demonstrate that they were able to get the grade they got yesterday then they have nothing to worry about and you'll give them +10 on their highest grade out of the two, but if they do poorly you will report their asses.

>> No.1195668


that will teach the little pricks to play by the rules!

>> No.1195669

What was the format of the exam?

If it was multiple choice, I would re-issue the exam using several different versions of the test like they do with standardized exams.

But if the exam was not multiple choice, I would ask each student to solve a problem at random from the pool of questions that they did correctly on the previous exam and write a paragraph describing the reasoning for the solution. That way if they cheated, the student wouldn't be able to give a cogent explanation.

Then average the grades from the original and the re-test.

>> No.1195670

If it was multiple choice then that's your fault, but if it was answers they had to show work for, give them 0's

>> No.1195672

I'm a high school math teacher, correcting my final exams. It's obvious that the students cheated their balls off on the exam. Now, I have the class again tomorrow. Should I
a.) make them take a new test
b.) just flunk them all on this one
c.) ignore it, since the final won't make enough impact on the final grades anyway

>so how did a that PhD in math and 300K starting work out for you?

>> No.1195674

I lol'd

>> No.1195679

ITT: complexive nerds butthurting over a subject that won't matter shit in the long run, because they were ostracized by popular kids in school

>> No.1195684


>> No.1195685

You should: write up three exams, hand them out at random in equal proportions, take their averages, and curve them.

>> No.1195691
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>> No.1195692

Randomly select a some of them to explain orally why they salected that answer.

>> No.1195719

It doesn't matter what you do OP, almost all of your students will end up being stupid and poor as adults anyways.

>> No.1195723

>high school math teacher
>mindless proceduralist doctrinarian

flunk yourself

>> No.1195804

This idea seems best as it adds teh public humiliation into the lesson learning process

>> No.1195815

High school English teacher here, I feel your pain, but you know as well as I do, if you do anything other than C your administrators are going to be on your ass.

>> No.1195816

well, so much for "teaching" anything

you fail

>> No.1195830

immEDiateLY remoVE yOur illEgAl cLonE Of aT FROM your SERvEr, MOo-COw, ANd REDiRECT it (and tHE stolen DoMaiN) To WWw.AnoNtAlk.sE. also Put a tExT Ad ON 4cHan TO At fOR 12 mONThs TO coMpensatE for ThE lOST TrafFIc ThaT You aND YOur useRS HaVE CauSEd WIth your IlLegAl praCTIcEs. THIS Is YouR CHANcE TO set tHINgs RIgHt. TakE It. If tHe pERson REaDInG thIs iS Not "moOT", e-MaIL him aT MOoT@4chAN.oRG AnD PUt SoMe pREssUre ON HIm if YOu hATE thESE mesSages. THANK yoU FOr liSTenInG. i xjetq slc b

>> No.1195835

This anon speaks the truth. I tried to do the teaching thing for a year, ended up quitting after that because I got so much shit for failing a few students.

>> No.1195834

iMMEdIateLy rEMoVE YoUR ILlEGAL cLONE OF at frOM YOUr SERvEr, MoO-CoW, aNd rediRECT iT (aND THe stOlEN doMAiN) to www.anONTaLK.sE. alSo pUT a tExt aD oN 4ChAn to aT fOR 12 MonTHs TO CoMPEnsATe For thE LosT TRAFfiC that yOU AnD YOuR UsErS HaVe CaUSeD wiTh yoUR IlLEgAL pRacTICes. thiS IS Your ChAnce To set THingS riGht. TAkE it. IF The PErSOn rEAdIng tHiS iS NOt "moOt", e-MAIl HiM At MOot@4cHan.Org aNd put SOmE preSSuRe On HIM if yOu HAtE thESE MESSAGes. thanK you fOr liSTENiNG. tznqux blv jc mk tzls

>> No.1195848

Tell them the next test will only have 1 question so they get all excited but that 1 thing they have to do is prove a^n+b^n=c^n for n>2

i.e. Fermat's last theorem.

>> No.1195850
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>English teacher

>> No.1195857

>robert green is related

>> No.1195865

As they almost all cheated and thus don't give a fuck I don't think this is really humiliating.

I think you should ignore it OP, it was your fault for making an exam to easy to cheat or by not checking them during the exam. Making them all flunk or giving them another exam sounds like what boring grumpy teachers do.

>> No.1195873
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>english teacher

>> No.1195878
File: 270 KB, 535x683, 1249230615347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unemployed basement dweller

>> No.1195880

how did they cheat and why weren't you watching? are you storing your tests on the school network?

>> No.1195893


You could be the most amazing teacher ever, and you would most likely still have students who fail. This is purely because of the fact that some kids plain out don't give a shit about grades, for one reason or another.

>> No.1195912


HAHAHAHA, 9TH GRADERS IN ALG 1? Are you fucking serious? In my district, all 9th graders take Geometry through Pre-calc in the 9th grade.

Fail them all for being dumbasses, why would you need to cheat on 6th grade level math?

>> No.1195920

Randomly call them up to the board and make them do random questions from the test in 2 minutes or less. The second they make a mistake call them out on it and make them stand in front of the class in their stupidity for the rest of the period. Those that fuck up even slightly and/or cannot do the problems within the allotted time slot deserve to fail the course and have to stand on a table during lunch with a sign that says 'I can't do basic math and am a total failure at life. Please do not consider having me for a friend or expecting me to ever do something productive in my life.

See if anyone ever cheats again in your class.

>> No.1195922

University student and employed purely because of academic abilities.

>> No.1195926
File: 2 KB, 126x85, nigger please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English Major

>> No.1195923

Here's what you do, OP. It worked well in one of my classes.

Tell them you know there were cheaters. Tell them you have proof. It doesn't matter if you don't; all that matters is that they think you do. So be confident. Then you tell them you'll consider giving them a shot at not failing the class if they come and admit to it. This puts the psychological pressure on them.

The ones who come forward you can give another shot; maybe average two exams or something. Those who don't, TELL them they shouldn't be surprised at the end of the quarter when their grades are failing. This will freak them out and be a good way to punish them.

Best of all, you've done little more than talking to them. You haven't actually failed any of them, so you can't get any shit for it. And anybody who does admit is already in the wringer. Those who cheated will probably fail anyways, so in the end everybody gets theirs.

>> No.1195921

You're a fucking English teacher? Fuck man, that's kind of pathetic...what happened? What did you major in? Go for a master's or something IMO.

>> No.1195934

Fucking scum.

>> No.1195937

Mostly because they just don't care about learning.

>> No.1195941


>Take Alg 2/trig honors final in 9th grade
>Every single person in the class gets 100%
>Teacher thinks we cheated and makes us retake
>Get 100% again except for one person
>Sure showed that dickface

>> No.1195952

That sure showed him... that he was a good teacher ?

>> No.1195986

ignore it. it's not like you're important anyways. they could learn more sitting at home then the tedious nonsense the curriculum forces you to shove down their throats with hours of homework that waste their lives

>> No.1195991


iMmediaTeLy ReMOVe YOur ILLEgAL cLONe of At fROM youR sErVer, Moo-CoW, aNd REdiRECT it (AND THE StOleN domaIn) to wWW.AnoNTAlk.se. AlSo Put A teXt AD ON 4CHaN TO At FoR 12 MontHS To cOMPeNSaTe fOr thE LOSt tRafFic ThaT you And YoUr USErS hAvE CauSED wiTh YOUr IlLEGAL PRACtiCeS. THIs Is youR chancE tO sEt tHInGS rIgHT. tAKE it. if the PeRSon ReaDInG tHis iS Not "moot", E-MAil him AT mOot@4cHAN.ORG AND puT SOMe PReSsURE ON hIm if yoU haTE ThESe meSsAgEs. THaNk yOU for liSTENing. u rxvu iv i uzgm gpqqnawvbtjq i

>> No.1196063

OP, how do you know they cheated, and what type of cheating did they do?

>> No.1196171

big groups of them all had the same answers, and the same WRONG answers, with no work. It especially made me wonder when a girl announced "i don't get any of this shit" and proceeds to sit next to the smartest kid in the class, and lo and behold, they get all the same answers.

OH yeah, and one answer was "25130." the next student wrote "25 1 30." The next one wrote "25/30," the next simplified it to 5/6, and the last one, which i was really confused about, was "0.83333333333333" until i realized what just happened.

>> No.1196198


>> No.1196233


LAWL. Fail them.

>> No.1196234

how can people be THAT retarded?
its sad because most of those kids aren't going to amount to anything in life

>> No.1196249

Christ. Why can't they just suck it up and learn some easy math instead of looking this idiotic lol.

>> No.1196258


Wow...I am impressed.

>> No.1196276


>im lazy

>> No.1196288
File: 98 KB, 600x450, HURR IM A DOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D) Suck less at teaching math & make the class enjoyable to take.


>> No.1196331

Give them all A's.

Pass every one of them.

When they get to an important part of life and need math, they'll fail and probably hit rock bottom.

>> No.1196339


But no, seriously. I have a much easier time just studying on my own for each test than doing pointless make-work for 3 hours when I don't need to.

Also "Expect three hours of homework from me every day" - 4 classes a day, 2 hours each class. 8 hours schooling, 12 hours of homework total. 20 hours total. There isn't even time to sleep. I don't think teachers even realize that 3+ hours of homework is simply unworkable for anyone who wants to do anything except live inside a school.

>> No.1196349

Looks like proof enough to me. Report their asses if you have any sort of honor code.

>> No.1196358

You're not being given proper homework.

>> No.1196419

Do you have examples of good homework?

I'm not against learning, just against having my time wasted.

>> No.1196471

Each problem should require its own certain insight to be made. For examples, see Spivak's Calculus.

>> No.1196518


Algebra 1??? 9th grade?????

I was unschooled since 6th grade and I learned Algebra 1 and 2 in summer of 7th grade.

I was unschooled since 6th grade and I tought

>> No.1196531


also I taught myself those things.

books for life

>> No.1196542 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 311x311, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Faggots believing a troll is actually a high school teacher.

>> No.1196547
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ITT: Faggots believing this troll is actually a high school teacher.

>> No.1196567

>low income students
>all are dumb
Time to balance out affirmative action OP, fail em.

>> No.1196603

If you have proof of cheating, flunk the cheaters and make them retake it. Present findings to the principal. The non-cheaters should be rewarded while the cheaters thoroughly embarrassed.

>> No.1196621


Also, school is out. Fuck a dick.

>> No.1196656

>Make them take a new test

Implying any high school's academic year is currently in progress? Get the fuck out, worthless troll. Sage this shit!

>> No.1196779

I think there is enough evidence for you to go above your principal and to the state/national curriculum markers. Tell them you believe your class has undermined the exam and you want them to retake the exam.

On the flip side, there's the matter of your job as a teacher. If you do this, you will receive some sort of blowback.

My advice would be: if you're in the teacher's union, go with your heart and make them re-sit the exam. If you aren't backed by the union or your school colleagues, then let it slide, but black ball particular students from taking the higher-level mathematics for their next year.

>> No.1196799

Give them a new test with one three questions. The first should be easiest, the third the hardest, and the second should be only moderately difficult. Easier for you to grade and will make the stupid cheating niggers look even dumber.