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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11958172 No.11958172 [Reply] [Original]

In 300 words or less, discuss the Turing Paradox (the quantum Zeno effect) and its relation to (pick one or more):
> string theory
> topology
> black holes

>> No.11958259


>> No.11958298

How is this thread /x/?
Are you a projecting EU schizo?

>> No.11958316
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>string theory

>> No.11958324
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There is no "quantum" anything. It's not poorly understood near magic effects of some mythical theoretical particle. It's simply electrons being so small they can move through any material at the path of least resistance, because nothing can exert 100% perfect electrical control over them. It's current leakage. It's nothing but current leakage. It's current leakage in short channel devices, and it happens at literally every feature size, it is not exclusive to small FinFET devices like upcoming 5nm EUV FinFETs. Even planar devices have extremely high degrees of leakage through their channels, directly under the gates, electrons still leak out. Yet despite this the transistors still function.

Quantum mechanics has done exactly nothing for any tech we have. Tech is made by engineers and most of the basis of our electrical tech was invented over 100 years ago. QM has contributed nothing to tech. Only engineers and classical physics contribute to tech development. QM proponents try to claim quantum computers, but since QM is nonsense, quantum computers are also nonsense. Quantum computers do not exist and never will. The """""quantum""""" computers they claim have been demonstrated are not quantum, and they have yet to actually prove they are in fact operating using any special physics or that they are in fact hugely faster in practice and reality.

>> No.11958330

you should try asking shit like that on reddit instead

>> No.11958338
File: 89 KB, 558x364, ''black hole'' believers .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black holes
Knock it off, schizo. And yes the belief in "black holes" is truly schizo, as "black holes" violate Einstein's Relativity theories (let's just pretend they're correct), yet in the institutionalized "settled science" dogma, they simultaneously believe in Relativity. And "black holes" (as defined by the "black hole" believers themselves) can't exist in a Big Bang Universe, yet they simultaneously believe in the Big Bang. And by the official "black hole" """science""" there can't be /multiple/ "black holes" in the same universe simultaneously, yet they believe there are. It's 100% schizo and idiotic.

Institutionalized "settled science" followers are basically religious - they ignore any science and facts which contradicts their belief system.

To everyone who wish to learn and educate themselves, here's an excellent scientific paper describing the problems and contradictions with "black holes" and Relativity: https://files.catbox.moe/b3aur6.pdf

And here are great educational videos for those who don't want to read (all the following is based on /real science/ and observations of reality, as opposed to the "settled science" dogma):




























>> No.11958340
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>> No.11958344

This. Quantum computing meme is a scam and a total meme. Why people still buy into the quantum bullshit is beyond me. It's a math trick that explains some things we currently don't understand. That's it. Media and (((scientists))), not to be confused with actual scientists, push this bullshit to fabricate a branch of science that seem "cool" and "out there" but when you look at the maths you see it for what it is; a giant mess of workarounds that doesn't explain anything, but makes accurate enough predictions for most uses.

>inb4 SSDs wouldn't work without quantum physics
No, SSDs don't work because of magical quantum bullshit. The maths tells us they work but we don't currently understand /the physical manifestation/ of that math. Quantum mechanics just describes relationships between physical objects we don't understand. The relationships are approximations, not reality. Just because it looks like an electron can change the past, or just because it looks like fullerene can be in two places at the same time, just because it looks like particles sometimes pop onto the other side of an insurmountable energy barrier /doesn't mean that's actually the reality of the situation/.

Don't fall for the quantum meme.

>> No.11958346

you said string theory and sci follows trends that were based on people always getting credit so nothing is ever established now its all place holders for the next batch of answers every 2-3 years

so string theory being invalidated with no evidence of it being wrong is accepted here

>> No.11958348


>> No.11958404
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If schizos should fuck off then why are you still here?

>> No.11958409

Electric Universe is not science, Thunderbolt's is not a real scientific organization, SAFIRE is a scam

>> No.11958412

String theory isn't even wrong. That's how bad of a theory it is. If you're unfamiliar with the term "not even wrong" which from the beginning was about string theory, just search Google for "not even wrong" and you'll see most of the results are about string theory.

>> No.11958414

Oh and Hitler gassed 6 million jews.

>> No.11958419

Explain the black body radiation spectrum without quantization, or the Compton effect without wave-particle duality, or electron diffraction, or anything in modern physics without Quantum Mechanics. You can't, now shut the fuck up about thing you don't even approximate to begin to understand you dumb cunt.

>> No.11958422

And there it is.
Imagine being so fucking pathetic that you make up an entire bullshit cosmology just because you're angry that GR was finalized by a jew.
You don't care about understanding the universe. You don't care about science. You don't belong on /sci/

>> No.11958424

finally an IQ above 110 in this thread

>> No.11958427

These EU dumbfucks literally believe Kirchoffs law is false.
Watch, this faggot is gonna post sky scholar claiming Kirchoffs law is false

>> No.11958429

Classical physics + plasma physics explains all of those things. No need for imaginary quantum fantasies.

>black body radiation

>> No.11958434
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>> No.11958436
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GR has shown itself to be complete nonsense.

>> No.11958442

Is the most thoroughly substantiated theory in physics.
Schizo nonsense is not science

>> No.11958443
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So has SR.

>> No.11958449
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Jewish fantasy physics isn't physics nor science. We live in a real universe, consisting of real stuff, operating on the laws of physics. We don't live in an imaginary universe consisting of imaginary stuff operating on imaginary physics.

>> No.11958452

Yes, which is why EU isn't real and GR and QM are real.

>> No.11958460

I'm gonna reply to you one more time and that's it, I'd rather not lose brain cells talking to some thick rando. Plasma physics as a field is built on quantum mechanics and magnetohydrodinamics, it doesn't work without our current understanding of modern quantum theory, classical calculations cant account for a variety of phenomena occuring in all kinds of plasmas.

>> No.11958464

Schizo videos made by the thunderbolts project and low grade memes are not science.
Thoroughly tested and replicated physics being studied by millions of scientists around the world in hundreds of countries and hundreds of years of experiments published in scientific journals and peer reviewed is real science.

>> No.11958668

what a shitty post

>> No.11958771

Are you dense? You opened the thread with a salad of /x/-tier trash. Then you get upset people call you out? You must be really stupid.

>> No.11959035
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/sci/ you disappoint me. i realize it was ludicrous to thinn this board would be conducive to actual scientific discussion informed by peer-reviewed research, rather than inane defenses of conspiracy theory grade flat earthism. EU? what the fuck is this infowars tier bullshit? retarded ‘disputation’ of research that has been proven since the 20s? pathetic.......

>> No.11959094

>what the fuck is this infowars tier bullshit?
what the fuck is this? infowars has made tons of accurate predictions
the chemicals in the water literally change the gender of frogs, apologize for comparing infowars to this eu trash

>> No.11959397

cute butt

>> No.11959455

>newfags so fucking new they cant identify a homework thread
Each and every one of you needs to fuck off back to plebbit.