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File: 293 KB, 524x449, HonklerJews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11955305 No.11955305 [Reply] [Original]

Is coffee bad for you?

>> No.11955306

It's too acidic so yes.

>> No.11955313

I don’t know.

>> No.11955359

Every part of that tweet is wrong.

>> No.11955368

Illuminati here

I have you fooled! you think it is the jews, but you have simply fallen for our illusion, hahaha. Do you not see that we do this on purpose, so that you place the word Jew instead of something that threatens us?

And oh yeah, we have 1000's of years managing this policy, your foolishness is my profit

>> No.11955404

(Non orthodox) Jews are the most successful native born group in America (our averages are only lower than cream of the crop recent immigrants).
Jews make up ~1.9% of the American population but 3/8th of the supreme court, 9/100 senators and 28/435 congresspeople.
The holocaust is illegal to question in a large number of European states and in Canada. Not in the US though.
Idk what other Jews want though.

>> No.11955419
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>> No.11955448

Ok rabbi

>> No.11955451

Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy. Its a reaction that as a group they've gotten used to acting on and fighting back with due to being constantly attacked as a people throughout history.

As a result this means they're more likely to intermarry, promote others they know to positions, shame the fuck out anyone in their family who marries a non jew, and any other survival tactics pass down through their family.

tl:dr Jews just play the game white elites do to minorities far better.

>> No.11955500

>Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy. Its a reaction that as a group they've gotten used to acting on and fighting back with due to being constantly attacked as a people throughout history.
>yeah totally not the cause for being expelled. that was out of nowere all the 500 times

>> No.11955509


>> No.11955520
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>> No.11955521

>Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy.
kind of is

>> No.11955525

Aren't German catholics the wealthiest USA group, followed by Irish catholics, followed by Jews? I think so.

>> No.11955530

Is there a reason /pol/fags feel the need to shit up every single board?

>> No.11955536
File: 90 KB, 500x1200, 1593598765438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bluepilled please go back to r*ddit where you belong.

>> No.11955540

Not if you take it black, or at least without sugar

>> No.11955563

Whites/Arabs/etc become dom culture in society. See out performed by Jews. Proceed to chimp out and attack. Its almost like a self full filling prophecy eh? And let me also ask this question, do you truly trust the history books is 100% accurate as reported? Are you a historian? I'd like to assume you picked up on the obvious fact winners write the history books and leave out a lot of facts. Hell US history leaves out a ton of shit on ours alone.
>meme post
>on a sci and debate chan

You must be above 100 IQ to post here. Or at least able to into critical thinking skills.

>> No.11955579

>non orthodox
Nice cherrypicking.

And you didn't show they are the wealthiest/safest/over-represented group.

>> No.11955586


This is a non-schizo board, and you should leave.
Or you could kill yourself and your entire bloodline.

>> No.11955592

What a fucking garbage thread.
To address the actual question posed in case anyone is curious. All research I've seen related generally seems to say that coffee may provide slight long term benefits and correlates with improved longevity. this is for black coffee specifically.
I'm sure there are plenty more even more relevant papers

>> No.11955595

>it's not a conspiracy, it's just Jews being more nepotistic than others while also inhabiting positions of power
>this shouldn't concern you that a group that views everyone else on the planet as hostile has positions of high responsibility
>you shouldn't object to this

>> No.11955602

ok but what about the illegal to ask questions thing.

>> No.11955605


>> No.11955620

It's less that I'm a new fag and more that I never come to /sci/. With good reason it turns out.
I apologize for not being a faggot though and discussing actual literature about the question that was asked instead of complaining about the Jews. I'll get right on that.

>> No.11955960
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>> No.11955968
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>> No.11955972

How is he cherrypicking? Orthodox anything have different priorities from general population.

>> No.11956058

It is when they use medias to shame in-group preference
Besides why were they persecuted?
Because first they refused to assimilate to society hosting them, second because their religion encourages predatory practices on non-jews.
The funny thing with the modern Zeitgeist is that we talk about oppression all day long but noone ever question why it emerges in the first place.

>> No.11956075

Jews have higher IQ and are just better than you goyim. There's nothig more to it.

>> No.11956083

Nah you didnt get the me me

>> No.11956141

No worries. We all start somewhere.

>> No.11956142

I fucking hate those retards on social media who share extremely unfunny comics like "me in the morning without coffee vs me after coffee" and even more I hate the retards who comment "OMG that's totally me xD xD". So yeah, coffee is bad for you since it turns you into a mentally crippled mouth breather on the lowest level of social conformity.

>> No.11956146

>it turns you into a mentally crippled mouth breather
Kek, chill out it's just coffee

>> No.11956179

Armenian genocide denial is also a crime in some places. This means it didn't happen?

>> No.11956193


>> No.11956260
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>> No.11956275

>Nice cherrypicking.
and singling out the absolute minority that's orthodox jews isn't cherrypicking? even there only some orthodox groups are poor. do you not even think about your answers, or are you simply trying to derail the topic?

>> No.11956278

>Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy.
it absolutely is, since it is done in secret, to the tune of viciously attacking everyone who points it out.

>> No.11956292

5 is barely acidic compared to other things you eat and coffee is rich in polyphenols. coffee is one of the very few healthy habits in modern society, drink decaf if you can't sleep

>> No.11957204

>The conspiracy of Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy.

>> No.11957207

>ok but what about the illegal to ask questions thing.
Google Holocaust denial laws.

>> No.11957499

I see what you're trying to do anon, but this isn't it

>> No.11957530
File: 1.18 MB, 2894x2039, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kawayabug__62cdc2a47d721729fcc61747f93f5121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ethnic-religious group is the wealthiest USA group
What the fuck, really? Why didn't anyone tell me?

>> No.11957758
File: 65 KB, 244x352, nazi soy seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11957763

On avg or median maybe, but Jews are 60% of US billionaires.

>> No.11957773
File: 336 KB, 982x966, 12 year old stormfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the debate has been framed as a Nazi who doesn't believe people coordinate vs Nazis who do. Jews are white. Deal with it.

>> No.11957796

They are nowhere near 60% of billionaires, and they are nowhere near 5% of millionaires. It’s pure comedy how many lies there are in neonazi dogma.

>> No.11957808

It’s not illegal to question the holocaust anywhere. It’s illegal to deny crimes against humanity in several countries. In a few of them, the holocaust is mentioned along with commie crimes in the legislation. There is not one country with genocide denial laws that were made by Jewish people.

It’s crazy how much you lowlife pol cumstains lie.

>> No.11957819

except Israel of course. that’s the only country where Jews have legislative power.

>> No.11957831

jews are the worst nazis of all

>> No.11957845

how? Even the most desperate shills can’t come up with anything they did, just muh palestinians. And they’ve killed fewer pallies in the last 70 years than people have died in a single DAY during the holocaust.

>> No.11957853

so if my neighbor kills twenty people that makes it okay for me to kill one

>> No.11957857

neither is okay, but one is far worse than the other. also the Palestinians are to blame for everything.

>> No.11957871

Don't worry everyone loves the kikes. The muh holocaust didn't happen types are always overshadowed by the israel lovers in the right wing. The left wing is the one who sides with the palestinians because they're the underdogs.

>> No.11957873

My bad, 44%, retard

>> No.11957880

everyone isn't american

>> No.11957888

they’re not near 44% either. is that the number from one of those unsourced retarded /pol/ infographics? I think that one has some pyramid shape on it or something.

you are insanely dumb, I don’t get how anyone calls for /pol/ propaganda. there’s no level of stupidity that should make that possible.

>> No.11957892

who funds the anti-jewish shilling on this site? my only real guess is an Arab oil prince or something

>> No.11957899

This goes for every white country in the world and there is no greater kike lover than the white race.

>> No.11957902

no, the statement in that post is more or less exclusive to america

>> No.11957904

Its just edgy teens who hate jews.
Don't worry they'll grow up to enlist or fund wars for israel anyway

>> No.11957911

>wars for Israel
how come you guys never admit this isn’t a thing even though the USA pulls out of countries with no result for Israel. You have literally been completely disproven

>> No.11957939

>Nepotism isn't a grand fucking conspiracy
how is it not? as far as im concerned any plan of action by influential people that is not disclosed to the public is a conspiracy

>> No.11957945

it's a perfect example of a conspiracy, and if it's done on a grand level then it is in fact a grand conspiracy

the guy is just coping for some reason

>> No.11957949

jews were expelled because they managed to corner the financial market EVERY FUCKING TIME. If that doesn't scream IQ to you you are a fucking retard. They survived by the skin of their teeth as a minority in multiple countries and emerged fucking dominating the most intelligence heavy field of their time.

Whatever the jews are doing with the world I fucking support it and hope they win because there is not a smarter group on this rock right now.

>> No.11957952

I think his point is that literally everyone practices nepotism, and Jews are targeted for it because something about minority status confuses the brainlet mind.

>> No.11957956

They are smart, but they are also overrepresented in mental illness, and just being smart doesn't mean someone will do anything productive

>> No.11957958

They were mostly expelled for no reason at all, or for an issue on which were objectively in the right (like refusing to convert to Christianity)

>> No.11957966

they're targeted for it because they do it more blatantly

"everyone else does it" is not any kind of excuse

>> No.11957973

>not illegal to question the holocaust anywhere
>except under this law that conveniently covers it
Go back to twitter you fucking retard

>> No.11957974

They don’t do it more blatantly. You have no experience in the world, so let me explain something to you: damn near every person with a good job is a lucky parasite that was referred or hired by a friend or family member. There is ZERO connection between Judaism and nepotism. Your scumbag WASP neighbor only helps his friends and family.

>> No.11957978

It’s not illegal to question, it’s illegal to deny. And the fact that soviet Russia’s crimes are also illegal to deny kind of obliterates the conspiracy aspect of it dunnit

>> No.11957984

>everyone does it
again, not any sort of excuse that you can use to morally excuse anyone with

>> No.11957992

>you can question it bro
>but you can only come to one of two conclusions
Is this the power of /sci/?

>> No.11957994

it doesn’t excuse it, but it does remove it as a criteria to criticize any one group for it in particular. it’s like saying native Americans are had people because they drink. Well, everyone drinks. Drinking might be bad but if anything it’s a reflection of the entirety of humanity, not one group.

>> No.11957997

I live in Poland, currently a pariah in the EU for our right wing government and we have anti-holocaust denial laws that no one in the government is thinking of changing.

They were put in place in the 90's when after communism the place started being visited by western snake oil schizos peddling denial and let me tell you denying the holocaust is not very popular here because damn near everyone had relatives who saw the goddamned fucking thing. I live in a town that was being joked at for being heavily jewish and somehow, they all mysteriously left after the 40's.

>> No.11958001

the holocaust happened. that is an objective fact about history. this factors into the laws you’re taking about. 100% of holocaust deniers are evil political shills with an agenda.

you can question it. for example, mainstream history says between 5.1 and 7 million jewish casualties. 6 is just the average.

>> No.11958003

when one group does it disproportionately that invites criticism anon

>> No.11958007

they don’t do it disproportionately you fucking moron

>> No.11958011

yes they do you fucking moron

>> No.11958014

t. Incel educated by infographs made by basement Nazis

>> No.11958015

why does this make you so angry anon, it's almost like it's personal for you

>> No.11958021

>posts on science board
>doesn’t get that some people actually value truth, integrity, fairness, and moderation
>wants to shit up this board and the world with politics

>> No.11958024

>truth, integrity, fairness, and moderation
yes, i can tell from your posts that you value those lmao

>> No.11958026

unlike you I know how ridiculous it is to say one group practices nepotism more than another. nepotism comes from our tribal instincts and you find it in equal amounts everywhere. the association of nepotism with Judaism is completely irrational and stems entirely from propaganda.

>> No.11958030

>left sides with Palestine
Yet weirdly, while antifa are fine with attacking goyim outside events put on by right wing Jews that aren’t branded as Jewish, they don’t attack Jewish nationalist events. REALLY GETS THAT BRAIN CASE A RIPPLIN

>> No.11958040

No, it’s nepotism, greed and having a different moral compass

>> No.11958041

the results speak for themselves anon, they are more overrepresented in all sorts of advantageous positions than any other group

>> No.11958045

what are you even talking about? is this like how ISIS doesn’t attack Israel therefore they’re allies? /pol/ is always impressively stupid with their logic

>> No.11958046

>well you know everyone’s probably technically committed assault at some point so if you have an objection to me walking around punching every person I pass in the face that means you’re an idiot

>> No.11958049

Jews have won 20% of Nobel prizes. They’re overrepresented because they’re unbelievably intelligent, end of story

>> No.11958052

>this part of history is such an objective fact; such an obvious truth that it is illegal or extremely taboo to deny and investigate it
>truth fears no investigation

>> No.11958055

you are laughably stupid and uneducated. mostly they were expelled because the Catholic Church was/is evil and greedy.

>> No.11958057

and in politics and finance and everything else that matters

maybe some of us would prefer democracy and therefore point out the worst offenders against it anon

>> No.11958058

>I know how ridiculous it is to say one group practices nepotism more than another
Huh? Would on earth would you think positive and negative ethnocentrism would be consistent across groups? I literally don’t believe you’re that retarded. I think you’re pushing something.

>> No.11958059

>100% of holocaust deniers are evil political shills with an agenda.
Thought crime is pretty cool. Well that's what you need to do to stop people getting to the truth.

>> No.11958062

denial laws are in place because deniers are always monsters aligned with that ideology. joos didn’t make up any denial laws so your conspiracy doesn’t make any sense even hypothetically

>> No.11958067

Shooting the messenger is how we've gotten a growing movement of people who denounce science and citation requirements as mechanics of white supremacy.

>> No.11958071

>ISIS doesn’t attack Israel therefore they’re allies?
That’s literally true though. The Sunni Islamist movement and the Zionist movement are allies.
The former head of the Mossad got on TV and talked about giving Al Qaeda soldiers treatment in Israel’s hospitals.

>> No.11958075

Jews have low representation in politics, and their representation in finance is almost entirely a lie

Western banks are dominated by white Christians Europeans.

>> No.11958077

>100% of holocaust deniers are evil political shills with an agenda.
No, I was just gradually convinced that the evidence was weak and that there was strong reason to lie about it, and that the people whose word I was supposed to take were coerced or known liars.

>> No.11958079

overrepresentation does not refer to total numbers anon, it refers to proportional ones

>> No.11958080

you are unbelievably stupid

>> No.11958081

>banks are white
lmao in terms of logic your own dick is firmly lodged inside of your own mouth

>> No.11958084

Oh so when you shills say they control banking, you just meant they don’t control banking at all? Just muh representation? You switch between the two to deceive. God I feel slimy just by talking to you pathological liars.

>> No.11958087

I meant that it’s not high IQ, it’s nepotism.
Jews are vastly over represented even when taking higher verbal IQ into account because their initial numbers are so small that there are still far fewer high IQ Jewish people than high IQ white people.
Also are you going around using IQ to defend whites from claims of privilege, or just Jews? Why are you so keen to simp dishonestly for Jews even at the cost of slandering Europeans?

>> No.11958091

>you shills
have some self-awareness anon

>> No.11958095

If you deny the holocaust, you have to believe in a separate event which was faking it. Where are the confessions evidence and documents proving this conspiracy? How did hundreds of thousands of people agree to tell the same lie without speaking or planning in any way?

Holocaust deniers are without exception absolutely retarded. You are even less intelligent than flat earthers.

>> No.11958096

because either he's a jew, or maybe his bull is, who the fuck knows, but he's making it very obvious he has a strong personal stake in this

>> No.11958106

if you're a holocaust denier even with a shred of integrity you have to accept that at least three million jews were murdered, because the figures for Einsatzgruppen and Aktion Reinhard are rock solid, down to actual after action reports. Does killing three million innocent people somehow absolve them from the crime if its not 6 million? Of the jews they actually feared almost none ever died in a mass grave ditch like Babi Yar where they were shooting 30 thousand a day and which is extensively documented with actual photos and numbers.

>> No.11958109

Great comeback cuntflaps

He’s like this jew IRL: https://youtu.be/mvJJOQpXmv4
Trying to tell me that Goldman Sachs isn’t Jewish...

They didn’t initially agree to the same lie. The lie cohered over time.
I’m clearly not retarded. I’m actually highly intelligent. What’s your background?

>> No.11958110

> If you deny the holocaust, you have to believe in a separate event which was faking it. Where [is the evidence]
kek never thought of it this way. so many layers to the pol dumb

>> No.11958112

To the smartest group goes the spoils. Its simple. Europeans are the brawn, jews are the brains.

>> No.11958114

if you're so smart, then why did you just need so many words to say "yes"?

>> No.11958115

Goldman Sachs is Jewish, one of the few that is. It’s also not in the top 30 largest banks globally. All huge banks are run by white euros and Chinese with few exceptions. “Jewish banking” is a complete lie and highlights how stupid the entire neonazi narrative is

>> No.11958117

If antisemite whites are highly intelligent why have jews been shitting on them every day since world War 2?
You lost we won. The strong control the weak thats how the world works.

>> No.11958123

You absolutely are retarded, and that was a pathetic response. Oh the lie cohered over time? Where’s the paper trail for the biggest conspiracy in human history by thousands of times. You are dumber than my pet, no joke.

>> No.11958125

>They didn’t initially agree to the same lie. The lie cohered over time.
So tell me, when Himmler made this speech saying "we are exterminating the Jews", which is recorded on audio, was he part of the Holohoax Jewish conspiracy?

>I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation": the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. "The Jewish people is being exterminated," every Party member will tell you, "perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha!, a small matter." And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all the others are swines, but here is a first-class Jew. And none of them has seen it, has endured it. Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1000.

> We have the moral right, we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us. But we do not have the right to enrich ourselves with even one fur, with one Mark, with one cigarette, with one watch, with anything. That we do not have.


>> No.11958126

Because Jews can do whatever they want to whites and get away with it. Israel can blow up any American ship tomorrow and you won't do shit.

>> No.11958129

kek mark zuckerberg can’t even get away with running his website

>> No.11958131

The narrative of the holocaust has been extremely organic over the court of it's "refinement" - let's say - both as told by survivors and historians who has studied it. Also, I'd note, it isn't that difficult to control the base facts of a narrative when only fairly few people had access to the material evidence early on.

>> No.11958130

i am not american anon

>> No.11958132

Don't worry bro. These antisemites have no power. We control both sides of the political scene. The right wing loves jews because Israel kills muslims. The left wing loves jews because of the holocaust. We literally cannot lose.
These cucks are only denying the holocaust because they think it will make the left wing hate jews. Its pathetic to see them try to get leftists on their side.

>> No.11958144

Are you joking? Literally nothing has been done to him. Congress asks him if it would be bad to restrict his platform as a public space and when he says it would be they just agree.

>> No.11958148

He is getting away with it right now and will for the foreseeable future.
Big technology companies are untouchable. They're carrying America on its back.
Without big tech america is nothing but one big overpriced military with no funding.
The nasdaq is at all time high because of tech, not because of industry. The dow is shit because its only boomer industry. You don't matter you rural hick. Nobody wants your corn syrup. Its not what puts the American economy on the map. Now vote republican, enlist and die for israel like a good protestant christcuck you fucking inhuman goy.

>> No.11958151

This is HILARIOUS. you think it’s possible to lie about an event witnessed by 5 people, let alone hundreds of thousands?

you will never see a neonazi denying the holodomor by the way, even though there’s way less evidence. I wonder why. Maybe because their denial is about a political agenda and not evidence?

>> No.11958156

>muh wars for Israel
I like how even though the US has pulled out of the ME several times and Israel never gained anything from the deployments, shills still persist with this lie. it’s impossible to prove /pol/ wrong because their beliefs aren’t based in evidence to begin with.

>> No.11958158

are all americans as retarded as you? legitimate question here <:3

>> No.11958159

I'm not a denier, per se, and rather or not it happened is totally immaterial to me. That said, you clearly don't know how historiography works in matters like this, just as you clearly don't know how the camps themselves worked.

>> No.11958161

>pulling out
>several times
Now enlist and die for Israel when trump starts a war with Iran or turkey.

>> No.11958162

Iraq war was for Israel right? What was the outcome for Israel? Let me guess, something vague and pointless and unfalsifiable with no result like “uhh err uhh umm destabilizing enemies!”

>> No.11958169
File: 20 KB, 278x432, mass extermination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at actual history, which /pol/tards have no idea about, its pretty funny.

The German SD(Sicherheitsdienst) was a party-owned counter-intelligence service that actually got into trouble for reporting german oppinion polls on the nazi regime and was in long-standing conflict with Goebbels and in open conflict with Streicher over Der Sturmer, which the SD felt was vulgar, counterproductive and insane for their rabid antisemitic views. The final solution never materialised until 1943 and Wannsee, at which point Heydrich, the ambitious head of SD, was long dead killed by the Allies. It was only then that Himmler was able to secure ideological power and push for outright genocide - the man was an occultist and outright loon, exactly what you accuse le elite of being. At this point, his own Waffen SS generals were refusing to use SS rank names in official reports because they felt closer to Wehrmacht.

At this point we are well past the 2 million jews killed mark, Himmler is getting reports that people who are shooting this much Jews are notoriously unreliable and prone to psychopathic outbursts, the thing is just not sustainable with the methods available. Note that prior to that if you were well known you could get released from Auschwitz on terms of having bad health. This all changes in 1943 along with the German defeats on the Eastern front. Hitler stops caring, they all know this shit is lost.

Reports are no longer reliable because everyone knows that they may be held accountable for the shit they are doing so after 1943 there are no longer verifiable records, things are done word of mouth. In summer 1944 Auschwitz receives Hungarian jews and is at the peak of its efficiency in killing people. Crematoriums are no longer enough, after the war local inhabitants say en masse that the pyres of summer 1944 made the area unlivable due to the stench. Everyone knew it. Poland reported genocide officially in 1942.

>> No.11958182

>Poland reported genocide officially in 1942.
Yeah, thanks to the effort of the Polish Catholic resistance officer who infiltrated Aushwitz and wrote that report. The Allies at first refused to believe it was true and they dismissed it as exaggerated Polish propaganda. And the Soviets hated everything coming from the Polish government in exile.

So much for the /pol/ narrative of a unified conspiracy.


>> No.11958208

all /pol/ shit from their racism to their historical revisionism is based on a cartoonishly simplified version of reality.

>> No.11958209

I can't imagine why destroying arab countries benefits Israel. Hmm I wonder why that would ever happen.

>> No.11958220

technically everyone benefits from that, since Islam is literally evil.

>> No.11958227

Thanks for confirming my argument. Its nice to see obedient goyim.

>> No.11958233

You can rationalize it any way you want. As long as you kill the people that Israel hates, you're a good person.

>> No.11958236

based Schopenhauer concluded that Islam is literally the McDonalds of religion combining the absolute worst features of religion that were ever invented

>> No.11958245

Based. Fuck leftypol shills. I support israel too.

>> No.11958250

it’s not really that Israel hates Arabs, it’s more than Arabs hate Israel. Israel has a significant Muslim population, 20% I think. Muslims have a better life in Israel than in any Muslim country. How would jews be treated in a Muslim country?

>> No.11958258

Exactly. Thats another reason anyone who has any doubts about jews being the master race should shut up. Jews are only defending themselves. Why do you hate jews and deny the holocaust?

>> No.11958265

Oh wait sorry. You agree with me already.
Don't bother replying to this >>11958258
You like jews so its alright.

>> No.11958293

Pretending to be an idiot does you no favours.

Austotten is an ambiguous word that means “root out”.
Iirc, a couple of days after that Goebbels was writing in his diary about moving them to Madagascar or somewhere else. This gives credence to me that the long term intention was actually expulsion.
Perhaps to Siberia, where a Jewish Autonomous Oblast already existed.
I’m also not an intelligence supremacist, so calling me a retard over and over doesn’t particularly get under my skin.

I’m not claiming Jew-critical whites are intelligent, although their average IQ probably *would* be higher than the white average.

>> No.11958301

>The Allies at first refused to believe it was true and they dismissed it as exaggerated Polish propaganda
Could that maybe be because it wasn’t true and was exaggerated Polish propaganda?

>> No.11958311

> I’m not claiming Jew-critical whites are intelligent, although their average IQ probably *would* be higher than the white average.
I cannot fucking believe anyone is this delusional

>> No.11958312

Who else is playing both sides in this thread?
This is hilarious.

>> No.11958321

>Iirc, a couple of days after that Goebbels was writing in his diary about moving them to Madagascar or somewhere else. This gives credence to me that the long term intention was actually expulsion.

I addressed this in my post above. At first, none of them were considering actual genocide seriously it was "idk lets just ship them to madagascar" and even the fucking SD was in conflict with Streicher over the cartoonish pleb shit he was publishing in Der Sturmer. It was the slippery slope. Himmler was probably the single most evil individual in NSDAP and after Rohm as iced he had hitlers ear. They all got rotten with power and yes they did everything they are accused of

>> No.11958333


>It's a reaction to being attacked

but why were they attacked?

>> No.11958342

Mostly for “killing Jeebus,” refusing to convert, or utter nonsense like starting the Black Plague and blood libel. There were a few occasions where some bad action by Jews triggered persecution, but even in that case they were treated absurdly harshly by cartoon evil Catholics and sometimes Muslims.

It’s funny that people bother trying to argue Jews were at fault for their persecution, during a time when Catholics were straight up evil. Like how are joosbad for refusing to convert.

>> No.11958366

what does that mean, corner the financial market? what are some examples of this happening and leading to their expulsion? I always hear this without any further explanation.

>> No.11958379 [DELETED] 

>Austotten is an ambiguous word that means “root out”.
No, it's not ambiguous, it means erradication.
Look up on any dictionary.

Not to mention parts of the speech were he literally mentions "dead bodies", and "killing these people" and not allowing his soldiers to steal "marks, furs or watches" from the "bodies" of the Jews. What he is talking about is clearly not metaphorical and refers to exterminating people.

>I’m also not an intelligence supremacist
This is not a thing. Intelligence is seen as a universally positive trait.

But your claim is that it was a unified narrative.
When in reality the first to report on it was a Polish Catholic who was later executed by the Soviets.

Was the Greek Jew who smuggled photos of Auschwitz also in on the conspiracy? Which one is it? Worldwide conspiracy or a historical fact with evidence that gradually begun to emerge from various independent sources?

Did the Jooz fake Himmler's voice in the audio above? Did they fake his private notes? The telegrams reporting the trains entering and leaving Auschwitz empty? Etc, etc?

>> No.11958386

>Austotten is an ambiguous word that means “root out”.
No, Ausrotten is not an ambiguous word, it means erradication.
Look up on any dictionary.

Not to mention parts of the speech where he literally mentions "dead bodies", and "killing these people" and not allowing his soldiers to steal "marks, furs or watches" from the "bodies" of the Jews. What he is talking about is clearly not metaphorical and refers to exterminating people.

>I’m also not an intelligence supremacist
This is not a thing. Intelligence is seen as a universally positive trait.

But your claim is that it was a unified narrative.
When in reality the first to report on it was a Polish Catholic who was later executed by the Soviets.

Was the Greek Jew who smuggled photos of Auschwitz also in on the conspiracy? Which one is it? Worldwide conspiracy or a historical fact with evidence that gradually begun to emerge from various independent sources?

Did the Jooz fake Himmler's voice in the audio above? Did they fake his private notes? The telegrams reporting the trains entering Auschwitz with people and leaving empty? Etc, etc?

>> No.11958387

Drink iced coffee through a straw and it erodes your enamel less.

>> No.11958389

I'm drinking it now and I feel fine.

>> No.11958390

you got trolled

>> No.11958438

yea okay

>> No.11958480

of course it does. it defends the narrative of the original sin - that is nationalism, hate of jewish religion, communism, homogeneity (esp. for whites), rejection of talmudic ideals (feminism, transgenderism) and so on. if you support any of these, you are a litchural nazi (except for communism, for the time being).
in devising this jews have made themselves eternal victims and immune from public criticism. nazis and everything they represent is now the ultimate evil and thus the opposite, liking jews, globalism and so forth, is the ultimate good.

it's a shame the brits gave israel to jews. then pulled america, already corrupt by the time of ww2, into the war. jews are pulling the strings and they are the syangogue of satan. they hate freedom of speech because their lies and exaggeration would be exposed and their work, ruined.

>> No.11958484

Like many Israel-endorsed actions in the Middle East is was a matter of preserving regional oil interests which ensure Israeli energy security.

>> No.11958494

>oy vey a tiny minority controls my entire master race I'm the victim here
Schizo captchas when

>> No.11958499

sounds like a vague explanation that a liar would come up with because they have no real evidence for their claim.

>> No.11958501

honkpill nihilism

>> No.11958504

>The left wing loves jews

Serious lefties are massively anti-zionist and there is a small revisionist movement. Even BLM, as petty as it is, is anti-Israel to its core.

>> No.11958507

Idiots in general are anti-israel. It’s actually really funny how true that is, across political lines.

>> No.11958513

>It’s not illegal to question, it’s illegal to deny.
See it not illegal to question the bible yo only are not allowed to reach any conclusion that is not
>The bible is 100% true and the word of god!

>And the fact that soviet Russia’s crimes
Fun question, do you think having things unquestionable is a good thing? For example what if we made it impossible to reach and other conclusion that there are only 5 elements?

I'm curious.

>> No.11958520

If you believe ethnic cultures should have home countries as vehicles of self-determining and to preserve themselves, Israel is arguably fine but you should consider the many Jews - including zionist ones - which push mass immigration and global cosmopolitanism in the west to be abhorrent.

If you don't believe ethnic cultures should have home countries as vehicles of self-determination and to preserve themselves, then Israel's being an ethnostate built on militarily seized land and responsible for countless human-rights abuses should be grounds for their condemnation.

>> No.11958521

the logic is that if your “conclusion” is that it did not happen, you are an insidious evil snake with an evil agenda. I don’t necessarily agree with the laws but I definitely understand why countries affected by Nazism would have zero tolerance for denial of their crimes.

>> No.11958529
File: 2.26 MB, 4000x4704, SoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are pulling the strings and they are the syangogue of satan
This is literally impossible!
Read your bible its literally impossible for jews to be the synagogue of satan!

I know that your reading comprehension is this
>jews .... synagogue of satan
However there is a reason ultra nazi Christians are
This is literally the only option for an antisemitic christian to take.

>> No.11958530

If you are 'playing both sides', then you are a 'denier' by default since you're exploring views that aren't officially allowed.

>> No.11958534

Israel @ 70% Jewish: “ethnostate!”
Sweden @ 80% white: “genocide!”

/pol/ doublethink transcends hypocrisy. It’s more like you aren’t human.

>> No.11958538

Are you retarded or just pretending to be?

>> No.11958546
File: 161 KB, 751x488, B2B53BA7-24BD-47FF-8FA1-296B5E37D648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s not a single western government in which Jews have the power to legislate immigration, so these alleged hypocrites don’t matter. Obviously some Jews are pro immigration since some of everyone is pro immigration, but they’re neutral at most.

>> No.11958550

If Israel were a white country you would say it has been genocided by immigration. Not even /pol/ cel logic can get you out of this one, no matter how shameless and willing to lie you are.

>> No.11958556

>countless human rights abuses
lol, you fucking shill rat

>> No.11958557

>I don’t necessarily agree with the laws but I definitely understand why countries affected by Nazism would have zero tolerance for denial of their crimes.
The problem is that this only fuel's Neo-Nazis.

Lets put it into another example what if there was a law like this:
>the logic is that if your “conclusion” is that it did not happen, you are an insidious evil snake with an evil agenda.
>You can question blood libels of the jews however denying the FACTS that jews did murder is not allowed.

You understand how this is fuel for counter cultural movements?

PS: I'm not even questioning the holocaust, it happened. I'm only telling you how stupid this is. Also Neo-Nazis are real faggots about being obsessed over the holocaust like this.

>NOOO! The Holocaust could not happened!
These people are ridiculous.

>> No.11958560

I'm pretending to be retarded and I'm playing both sides.

>> No.11958561

he destroyed you and this is a pathetic attempt at damage control.

>> No.11958564

Now this is a Zionist shill.
Denying the war crimes of Israel should be illegal in your country.

>> No.11958577

every time I hear about this stuff it’s bullshit. Like “Israel bombed a hospital” yes because hamas intentionally sets up in hospitals so the world’s dumb fucks will her manipulated by headlines. You’re an idiot. Even if we take the worst possible scenario in which Israel intentionally attacked civilians, only 6500 have died since 1948. So even in the worst possible scenario more people died in a single day of the holocaust than in the entire 70 year history of the conflict. Dumb fuck.

>> No.11958590

>every time I hear about this stuff it’s bullshit. Like “Israel bombed a hospital” yes because hamas intentionally
You are a real Nazi you know that? Perfect copy of a nazi. Will do everything to defend Zionism and its crimes.

>es because hamas intentionally sets up in hospitals so the world’s dumb fucks
Lets read from the other side
>Hitler is indecent of the holocaust he told jews to get out yet they did not, the jews holocausted themselves by their own actions

>only 6500 have died since 1948
You don't take absolute numbers! Percentage of the population.

Remember Stalin killed more then Hitler!

>> No.11958612

The modern Jew is not the same that is talked of within the Bible. Instead their religion stems from Babylon and is better known as Rabbinic Judaism.

Let me make this simple for you and everyone else. What is the most corrupted and attacked religion on the planet? Christianity. What religion to this day is being demonised for anti-Semitic hate speech? Christianity. The way I see it Christianity IS the enemy of the modern "Jew". No other religion comes close. Islam works with them to take over Europe and white nations, referred to as the "broom of Israel". No, Christianity seems to me the last bastion for religion. Watch this video to get a good idea of how heavily targeted and subverted Christianity is in the modern day:


>> No.11958626

remember as well that there is more than one faction of Jew.

>Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Zealot...

The modern elite Jew religion as I said stems from the blood-libel Jews (Satanists) from Babylon (and probably before).

>> No.11958640

You clearly don't know how policy of this kind arises, numerous Jewish-led policy and political advocacy groups exist in the west which support it machinery of mass immigration. Granted, it is capitalism and not Judaism which is responsible for both said immigration and the general decline of Western culture.

>> No.11958647

Genocide is a dynamic, not a static. Israel will - in accordance with current policy - maintain a Jewish majority into the foreseeable future. Sweden and several other European nations will see the native ethnicity become a minority within 3 generations if current trends continue.

Nice shit posting, though, as though numbers without context tell a story or mean anything.

>> No.11958698

The fact that you keep wheeling around to jacking off over IQ rather than looking at contributions to society or moral decency makes me think that you're Jewish.

>> No.11958806

How is it not illegal to question if it's illegal to deny you fuckwit.

>> No.11958870

In many cases it was because money lending was illegal, especially for Christians. But money lending is quite necessary in sufficiently advanced/commercial societies. And in many cases, the Jews ended up doing it, because it was more acceptable for non-Christians. Being a small subgroup with a monopoly on usury leads to being rich and hated pretty quickly.

>> No.11958935
File: 67 KB, 500x400, POL9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are white. Deal with it.
Oh yeah, you sure are white until someone criticizes you for being white.

>> No.11959008
File: 446 KB, 750x750, showers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The law doesn't doesn't say you can't question it it says you can't deny it so your argument is invalid

You're a fucking retard and your argument sucks AIDS infested nigger ass: (1) you're splitting hairs and playing meaningless language games when you predicate you're argument on the distinction between the word 'deny' and the word 'question', (2) you're point is about languages is actually nonsensical because literally most of the laws that you're referring to are written in non-English languages and hence the distinction between 'deny' and 'question' is not even clear due to translational ambiguities and amphibolous interpretations. (3) Your point is still irrelevant either way because even if, as you claim, these laws specifically prohibited 'denial' and not 'questioning' that is still a restriction on free speech. Nobody gives a shit what the reason is. In the west we have the right to free speech and that should always be true in the west and across the globe. Uneducated and pussified faggots like you are detriment to human civilization and don't have the right to dictate what respectable people think or believe. (4) You're a fucking loser and I guarantee you have morally and factually incorrect beliefs and opinions yourself. If we aren't going to throw people like you in jail along with flat earthers or Armenian genocides deniers, then we shouldn't be throwing Holocaust deniers in jail either. Their is a lot more evidence for a spherical planet or the Armenian genocide then roller coasters of death and Nazi German mechanized masturbation death machines that the hook-noses. If we're going to start imprisoning people for thought crimes we should at least start with scientific facts rather than the reports of authors like Elie Wiesel.

>> No.11959009

*that the hook-noses complain about*

>> No.11959039

>anyone who is not an Israel Nationalist or Zionist is a schizophrenic Christian conservative nutjub

Ironically you're being as presumptuous and 'closed minded' as all those 'inbred country republican hicks' who you hate so much (I'm not a republican or conservative btw). Israel is shitty country and Mossad and the CIA are the two most destructive evil, and subversive agencies in the world. Plenty of people on the left, myself included are skeptical of Israeli policy and activities as well as the influence Zionist cultural bias in the media and entertainment. You yourself obviously aren't very educated on politics, the social sciences, or current events but Israel and Israeli Zionist influence has been a central concern of the progressive left for literally decades. Noam Chomsky has himself talked about these issues for years and he is one of the few Jewish people on earth who is permanently banned from entering Israel and he has been denounced by the Israeli government and leader. I used to get copies of the CPUSA Newspaper and they constantly had articles about Israel and the gaza strip and the west bank and Hamas and tunnels, and etc.

You are just a boring and uneducated milquetoast corporate Democrat. You're not a real leftist or a progressive and you're not willing to engage in authentic debate or discussion. If you were approaching this discussions in good faith then you wouldn't automatically assume that you're some educated, liberal genius and moral Saint whereas you're opponent is just some dumb, evil, inbred racist hick who reads the bible like a fucking dumb ass. You're not better than anyone. You're not that smart. You're not that educated. Be a little more humble and actually attempt to understand why someone would have differing beliefs rather than just categorically labeling them as a 'retard' or a 'Christian' or 'uneducated', etc.

>> No.11959064

Israel is 70% Jewish on paper because the remaining 30% are all Palestinians who have lived on that land for over 2000 years. The ashkenazis Jews already have a homeland in New York, California, and DC and even their own 'Oblast' in Russia which they have never used. They can go there if they are in need of land for their so-called 'settlements'. Palestine has never belonged to the Asheknazi Jews. The local Jews, the Jews of the Old Yoshuv and the Sephardim deserve their own small nation in the land of Palestine (which, since 1948 has been illegitimately referred to as 'Israel'). Sweden has also belonged to the Swedish people for a very long time. Their are even fewer Swedes on Earth than Jews. Everyone deserves their own homeland. The demographics of Israel that you cite only support accusations against Israel because much of that 70% consists of Ashkenazim colonists who literally migrated from Europe and stole homes from Palestinian families. I do not hate European Jews, and I am actually Russian and Jewish on my father's side (he was an immigrant). I think all people deserve something like a homeland and some level of political autonomy including Ashkenazi Jewery, but their homeland is not Israel and their position in Palestinian history isn't comparable to the role of Swedes in Swedish history or the roll of Palestinians in Palestinian history or of Syrians in Syrian history.

>> No.11959086

>Armenian genocides
Funny how Jews only mention the Armenian genocide when they use it as a tool to hide behind. The rest of the time they get really angry that anyone else is getting any attention in that realm. Kind of like how Jews also get upset when it's mentioned how many non-Jews were killed in WWII. Everything must be about Jews and their pity party. Disagree? Go to jail!

>> No.11959091

I'm as liberal as they come but the first part is completely true. Just look at the Supreme Court in the US. 3 out of 9 justices are Jewish. That's insane.

The second part is complete bullshit though, that goes without saying.

>> No.11959099

Yeah, well I'm German-Jewish on my Father's side, my Grandfather claimed eastern Jews were degenerates until he himself was called degenerate and subhuman by the nazis. Israel is the homeland, have you not been paying attention? The blacks despise us, every day I see more anti-semitism from them than anywhere else. Some home New York is, the place is fucked from the protests, getting harassed by a pack of blacks is not an enjoyable experience. At least in Israel there's some semblance of peace.

>> No.11959234

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