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11951493 No.11951493 [Reply] [Original]

what happens when we die bros
i don't wanna die

>> No.11951503

You shit yourself.

>> No.11951504

People say DMT feels like dying. So I guess you'll experience a psychedelic drug trip

>> No.11951508

who said that?

>> No.11951509

desu I think the same thing as before you're born, a whole lot of nothing

>> No.11951511
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>i don't wanna die
lol it's k. you gotta do enough with your tiem walking this hellhole to earn your death nigger. stop being a bitch and get to work.

>> No.11951524

>earn my death
as opposed too?

>> No.11951528
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whining aboot existing or not existing or w/e. there's shit you gotta do to make life seem worth it. i dont know what that is for you. i think i know what it is for me.

>> No.11951532

People who accept death are always lying to themselves in some way. I don't plan on dying, but if I do, I'll do it kicking and screaming.

>> No.11951535

i want to die but not stop existing.

>> No.11951536

that doesn't change the fact that im gonna die

>> No.11951537

Why do you care what happens when you die? You will simply stop existing. No memory, no nothing. Obviously you should avoid dying because life can be fun and satisfactory but it is not your concern what happens when you die.

>> No.11951538
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why worry

>> No.11951539

No one knows, if we had an answer you wouldn't be asking that question. Just don't worry about it .

>> No.11951550
File: 39 KB, 500x500, E74DED27-F678-4718-B3D3-61C40062AE0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most likely nothing. unless consciousness is a metaphorical property, when your brains dies so do you. though, this is just based and what we know about the brain and consciousness now, which isn’t a lot.

>> No.11951553

any guesses tho or hints of what happens with near death experiences?

>> No.11951556

meant *metaphysical*

>> No.11951559


>> No.11951566

Died in my dreams a couple times. Like went through the whole process. The only part that probably applies is that I was angry the whole way down.

>> No.11951569

You become one with the universe, I suppose.

>> No.11951578

What dead person told you that?

>> No.11951584
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>one with the universe

>> No.11951592

i think he ment it in the sense that like how before we were born we were just a unorganized collection of atoms and after we die we again become just an unorganized collection of atoms

not in the gay ass faggot "i become apart of da univers" shit

>> No.11951593

The particular judgment will be held in the place where each person dies, and the soul will go immediately to its reward or punishment. The rewards or punishments appointed for men's souls after the Particular Judgment are Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell.

>> No.11951597

how do you know this tho?

>> No.11951615
File: 78 KB, 940x646, john dies at the end david wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna die, Anon.
Someday you will face that moment. And at that moment you will face either complete nonexistence, or you will face something even stranger.
On an actual day in the future, Anon, you will be in the unimaginable.
It is physically impossible to avoid it.

>> No.11951634

It all plays out again, exactly the same. This is literally Groundhog's Day except every day is identical.

>> No.11951923

lots of things happen after you die, they just don't involve you anymore

>> No.11951931

Take one sleeping pill.
Take one hundred sleeping pills.

What's the difference?

>> No.11952609

Roe jogan

>> No.11952691

Lots of pussy, man. Literally oceans of pussy, white, black, asian, elf, catgirl, alien, whatever pussy you want is there.
Don't worry too much, it's going to be fine

>> No.11952749

id be ok with this

>> No.11953246


>> No.11953269

But you'll die without honor.

>> No.11953331

just dont die


>> No.11953531

You release DMT when you die. Death is a trip

>> No.11953555

This, I would rather experience eternal torture than non-existence. Qualia are too sensational.

>> No.11953573

Living things die, that's what they do OP. Best we can do is make the most out of it and not waste the life that's given to us.

>> No.11953858

What a load of materialist bullshit in this thread. What you are cannot be reduced to computations in the brain, the essence of you is immaterial (qualia, intuition, your ability to understand truth). So the question is: what happens to the immaterial essence of you once the material body it is associated to decays? Well, nothing, since it is not caused by the body itself, but only associated to it.

Read The Kybalion and stop being afraid of dumb things, the universe is amazing and there is plenty to learn.

>> No.11953873

>the essence of you is immaterial (qualia, intuition, your ability to understand truth).
then why the fuck didnt you experience qualia before your brain was made

>> No.11953912

Why do you think that you didn't?

>> No.11953930


>> No.11953942

Qualia intuition and your ability to understand truth can all exist in a materialist ontology.
Only literal brainlets claim that qualia and consciousness don't exist. Don't lump in legitimate materialists with low IQ dumbfucks

>> No.11953955

I'd rather be stuck in my crude material shell than an untethered wisp of tenuous awareness unable to comprehend the world I'm part of or even think the simplest of thoughts.

>> No.11953981

As soon as you die you loose consciousness and your cells start dying as well

>> No.11954015

>Qualia intuition and your ability to understand truth can all exist in a materialist ontology.
Yeah if you are a Sam Harris type brainlet

>> No.11954132

Probably the same as when you go to sleep or pass out - nothing

>> No.11954178

I came really close to dying once, due to internal hemorrhaging and shitty doctors. I had around 20 minutes to live and the airlift got me to a proper hospital in 13 minutes. I was intoxicated, but had otherwise maintained full consciousness without passing out right up until halfway through the helicopter ride, where things started slipping a bit.

Have you ever been put under with anesthetics for a surgery? Or have you ever had a dreamless sleep where you didn't have any recollection of being asleep (close your eyes one minute - next thing you know you open your eyes and it's the next morning).

That's what it started to get like. I didn't actually clinically die, but things got kinda dark and it felt like I was about to drift off to a black, dreamless, empty sleep.
Your brain does some funny stuff with metaphors at times (being so high up in the air, there was a thought that I was being carried by angels, although I was aware that it was more of a symbolic thought and that I was really being airlifted.
I'm fairly analytical and not particularly religious. I've done acid a few times and other psychedelics and while those brought me to some deep places within myself, it was not remotely similar.
I'm somewhat convinced that death is a dreamless sleep, essentially being 100% unconscious, as your brain activity stops and no longer simulates your experience of consciousness. At least, that's the idea that aligns best with my own experience and makes logical sense, although it is pretty materialist.

>> No.11954187

best post ITT

>> No.11954201

Youll wake up again as another consciousness but it wont be you. Where, when or what youll be is impossible to tell, but theres good reason to think youll awaken as something else.

You are either conscious or not conscious, and when youre not conscious, time is instant. So when youre dead, a trillion universe lifespan amount of time will past instantly. And within that time, chances are, youll awaken again as another conscious thing experiencing the universe, since we know that it CAN happen (its happened before, ie now), the question is how likely is it, and given that time is instant, probability isnt relevant.

>> No.11954313

This is actually the most logical post in the thread, while it is true that we cannot experience anything when we die, because our brains will be destroyed, you must understand that there is a chance above 0% that your consciousness resurfaces again, if this wasnt the case you wouldnt have been born in the first place.

>> No.11954318

>Yeah if you are a Sam Harris type brainlet
False. There is literally nothing about a materialist ontology that is incompatible with qualia. Why would you even claim this in the first place

>> No.11954364

these posts are both stupid because they're the dimwit interpretation of reincarnation
the way it actually works is that consciousness is like a flame, it can be extinguished and relit but it is always the same phenomenon

>> No.11954404

>Thats stupid!
>The way it actually works is some lord of the rings tier bullshit

>> No.11954416

Ok so here's what you can do. First you have to acquire resources and power. After this, the path diverges, because you can either try to work on a way to stop death (uploading consciousness to a computer/robot body, curing aging, etc.) or you can put yourself in cryosleep and hope that someone else will have done it by the time you wake up. The first option is better because you have some input in the cure and you have more control over whether it works, but it is still hard. The second way is easier and less work, but there is a chance that it doesn't happen

>> No.11954653


>> No.11954661

citation needed

>> No.11954670

My grandmother died recently. I just can't imagine that the person that was always there, just suddenly isn't anymore.

>> No.11954681

It's gonna be ok buddy.

>> No.11954696

Thanks fren.

>> No.11954710

You won't die bro
quantum immortality bro
you'll live forever in your own infinite multiverse bro

>> No.11954722


>> No.11954814

if i just end up dying and nothing exciting happens i'm going to be pissed

>> No.11955006 [DELETED] 

no one is sure
that can either be exciting or frighting
we've grown so accustomed to this reality i think we forgot how absurd existence is.
What frightens me is i have no choice in he matter i have to play the game my body abides to the laws of this reality.

Sometimes materialism soothes me , sometimes religiosity, or sometimes spirituality
however, my mind still feels anxious.

>> No.11955068

The same thing that happened to you before you were born: nothing. It will be like it was for you billions of years before you existed. Some wise Roman philosopher named Lucretius once argued that the fear of death is irrational.

"To fear a future state of death, Lucretius argues, is to make the conceptual blunder of supposing yourself present to regret and bewail your own non-existence. The reality is that being dead will be no worse (just as it will be no better) than it was, long ago, not yet to have been born."


>> No.11955073
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This is honestly bothers me the most. I’m not that scared of dying itself, I just really want to know what the fuck happens in the future.

>> No.11955076

>after we die we again become just an unorganized collection of atoms
I plan to be freeze dried and mounted and be passed down as a creepy family heirloom.

>> No.11955119

>I just really want to know what the fuck happens in the future.
Better get to work on life extension anon.

>> No.11955138 [DELETED] 

no one is sure

That can either be exciting or frightening.
I feel we've grown too accustomed to this reality or maybe even grown to overestimate our understanding of this reality.
Fundamentally I think we understate how absurd existence is.

What frightens me is I have no choice in the matter, I have to play the game.
Sometimes materialism soothes me , sometimes religiosity, or sometimes spirituality.
My mind still feels anxious.

>> No.11955210

Being dead feels exactly how it felt before you were conceived.

>> No.11955503

How do you know that ?
OP, unironically when you die and you were a mathematician and enjoyed losing yourself into maths you just transfer your consciousness into an abstract space. You just become the kernel of your life and become immortal.
t. actually immortal person wandering around

>> No.11955510

You cease to exist forever.

>> No.11955518

I overdosed on heroin and was clinically dead for 3 and a half minutes before. The paramedics gave me narcon. There was nothing. It's like dreamless sleep, general anesthesia, or as it was before I was born. Death is nothingness.

>> No.11955522

>t. never even tried pot

>> No.11955571

An interesting concept I’ve thought about is that it isn’t scary that there’s nothing before we were born to us, because even in an infinite universe there is a defined point for every single person. Maybe that rules out free will, but everyone can say I was born there, at that time. So that possibly rules out a prior existence without ruling out a post-life one.

>> No.11955583

This gives me hope. Not to get /x/ on this board but maybe the logic isn’t supposed to sit in your head even though it’s sound. On paper, everything you said is 100% correct. Yet I’m still scared to die.

>> No.11955615
File: 597 KB, 2500x1689, Cryonics_institute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm not fucking going and I don't give a shit.

If when I'm 50-60 years we don't have mind uploading yet, I'll just cryogenically freeze myself and zap into the future.
I don't fucking care about what any of you say, bringing back people from cryonics now might not be possible, but it's a chance that I have, the other option is a 100% certainty of death.

>> No.11955616


If you tear away the memories from an individual you kill him, a new human is born.

Reincarnation is bullshit

>> No.11955623

>This bullshit

This is not science, if it can't be proven is not science.

>Muh materialist bullshit

The "materialist science" you claim to be bullshit created everything around you, you fucking mongrel, from the device you are using to write this fucking stupidity, the meds you take when you are ill, to the fucking vehicles you use.

Pansychists are not scientists and this type of shit is not welcome in /sci/

Go tear away your clothes and sit idle in a random place until you die, you are the universe and the universe is you, you are everything, no need to worry anon.
This is what you fucking retards believe in.

>> No.11955664

This. If I can't remember who I am then I'm not really me.

>> No.11955774

Because it's the logical and rational answer.
Consciousness is not some mystical thing that survives without your brain. In fact, if I punched you in the head hard enough it would permanently diminish.

>> No.11955791
File: 67 KB, 750x500, 6b397a958e4b7fcb3416c0c35fae0c66e3f2398d9f67624d49c4970f3c4cf2c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of this baseless conjecture that I can only express my digust by posting this image.

>> No.11955803

Consciousness is apart of the universe, it's a natural part of a universe with intelligent beings. Brains are the physical hardware that channel this metaphysical force. You just lose your hardware, but in the end we all exist together as a natural part of creation.

>> No.11956297

But is it then that people are scared of death because of the experiences and memories they have?
Surely if reincarnation is real then it doesn't matter if you don't retain memories from your previous life, since you'll be creating new ones anyway.
Matter of fact, retaining memories would be detrimental, because you would constantly compare between previous and current life.

>> No.11956375


Yeah, no shit you wont be yourself again. Youre dead. But its not bad, you are experiencing yourself now and for all you know you could have been some ancient alien who feared the exact same death but you're fine now. It remains impossible to imagine and worse, it still doesnt answer the question of existence, but consciousness is the only thing you can experience, literally, so when you die, you will instantly become another self awareness in another organism whos been born/developed the brain capacity through growth or chance.

>> No.11956382

In your last moments, the fear subsides. You fear death for a very underwhelming reason; dying means you cant pass on your genes/help your genes prosper and pass on through someone else. All animals evolved to avoid dying simply because those who didnt, died very very quickly and didnt pass on their genes. And it must have happened when life was in its very earliest stages. We're just unlucky enough to have the abstraction capabilities to try and make sense of it

>> No.11956401
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Has science ever proved whether the afterlife actually exists?

You'd think after so many NDEs going around and people claiming to go to heaven/hell or seeing Jesus that a consensus would be reached by now.

>> No.11956431

heres a redpill about death - its impossible to be dead, only existence is possible.

>> No.11956631

I wanna die and meet my mama

>> No.11956685

You're born again in a parallel world, where people are born from ass

>> No.11956697

Be famous, you'll be remembered

>> No.11957221

We'll never get that far with all the edgy atheists nowadays who are atheist just because any sort of theism means respecting an authority figure.

>> No.11957359

these retards hear something they like about their drugs and keep on repeating it like parrots.
>but man astral projection lets you time travel and meet other spiritual beings!!!
>but maaan yesterday i smoked dmt while on the high peak of my lsd trip and i was transferred into a different universe where i met my past and future self and talked to god himself!! and I AM GOD!
>but man, dmt is found in every living thing and your brain produces it when you die!


>> No.11957392

hopefully not hell

>> No.11957918

The pain will go away

>> No.11957971

I will finally be free of this degenerate world. It would be nice if there was an afterlife so I could meet my mum and dogs again, but other than that, I don't care.

>> No.11958082

mostly that

>> No.11958122

You can't know for sure if "you" did or didn't tbqh

>> No.11958127

God takes you at his right hand

>> No.11958149

Why do retarded pseud druggies say things like this

>> No.11958153

Has anyone said telomeres?
Mine should be fucked and short predicting a short life span

>> No.11958173

imagine after you die your consciousness survive but you can't experience anyhing, can't see, hear or talk, you are stuck alone with your thoughts in darkness forever

>> No.11958185

I hope there's an afterlife.
The peak of a DMT trip it feel like heaven to me.
I hope I go there.
Can't say for sure though.

>> No.11958187

As opposed to just lying there and feel worthless

>> No.11958859

Dying is like falling asleep and never waking up. The opposite of having waken up, but not remembering having ever slept.

>> No.11958884

Time didn't exist to you before you were born and it won't exist after. You'll return to the state of not existing. Assuming the universe has some sort of reset function, you'll probably end up being reborn in an insane amount of time which to you is nothing.

>> No.11960056

how do you peak on a dmt trip?
its an instant experience and lasts for a couple of minutes