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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11944539 No.11944539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with this fucking faggot??

>> No.11944552

While Marx's followers are universally pieces of shit, I don't think it's fair to call the man himself a "fucking faggot".

>> No.11944558

Musk or Marx?

>> No.11944566
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>> No.11944568


How is this /sci/? Fuck off to /pol/ fucking worthless faggot

Btw he is right

>> No.11944572
File: 8 KB, 231x218, E8D52972-7949-43E8-9FD6-317B4DA29E2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinkos and commies absolutely SEETHING.

>> No.11944579

Musk is actually redpilled on the JQ. His friend Peter thiel is also far-right, he founded palantir, the AI thing. 4th reich is gonna have massive funding baby. Robofascism when?

>> No.11944591

Musk knows. Communists funded black revolution in South Africa, and now he sees the same in America. Commies are a disease, a stain on human history.

>> No.11944605

Musk's company wouldn't be profitable without "emission credits", it's a joke.

>> No.11944612
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seethe more, commiecuck.

>> No.11944616

>musks company wouldnt be profitable if it wasn't profitable
damn dude wtf?

>> No.11944618

he'll move to china soon before america falls

>> No.11944620

being read on schmitt and yarvin doesn't make one a cringe 'redpilled on the JQ'

>> No.11944625

can't read huh? It wouldn't be profitable without government intervention.

>> No.11944632

I never believe a single person that says they read this book

>> No.11944633

what company would, retard

>> No.11944644

>Tesla revenue hit $6.04 billion during the second quarter of 2020, with about 7% of that, or $428 million, coming from sales of regulatory credits.

>> No.11944647

>Musk is actually redpilled on the JQ
Neither he nor Thiel are anywhere close to far-right. Thiel's managing director is Eric Weinstein.

We're on the verge of something closer to technocracy, but it won't be fascism. It'll be a hybrid capitalistic-socialistic democratic republic, run by someone with a similar policy and personality disposition as Andrew Yang (who Elon supported). It'll probably be a lot more capitalistic than socialistic (libertarian economic policy + strong ground floor safety net), and civil liberties will probably remain pretty much the same as they are now. Economic and foreign policy will be debated more than culture war issues. Swallow the greypill.

t. Jew who enjoys the work of both of them

>> No.11944648

based and this, so long as the woke cultists don't derail the west.

>> No.11944652

based. I can almost taste the salt on bluebird comment section

>> No.11944654

Died from hunger

>> No.11944656

revenue vs profit

>> No.11944659

every car company leeched by Musk socialist old ass

>> No.11944664

well there is also things, for example tax incentives and other subsidies to build a factory in a particular state. big companies like this get tonnes of government help

>> No.11944669

and are you trying to imply that makes him a hypocrite?

>> No.11944686

well both are money from tax payers

>> No.11944697

so? that's regulated capitalism. it's still capitalism. private property is still a thing. now if musk was to pretend he was a champion of free markets then that would be hypocritical. also as far as the taxpayer is concerned, subsidies going to companies that develop the country's technology are beneficial uses of tax money.

>> No.11944705

obviously its still capitalism. despite what many may think, socialism isnt just giving people free shit. the point is that subsidies to companies and things like welfare, tax credits for poor people, etc all can stimulate the economy. and are all "free shit" paid for by tax payers

>> No.11944706

correct, socialism is about abolishing your right to property.

>> No.11944713

ok, so you're retarded

>> No.11944722 [DELETED] 

no, you're retarded. having welfare, etc isn't socialism. socialism is strictly about communal ownership ie not having property rights on some level. communism is taking that to the extreme. for instance in socialism your right to sell your means own of production is owned by the community and not solely you which infringes on a right of private property.

>> No.11944724 [DELETED] 

*own means

>> No.11944726

no, you're retarded. having welfare, etc isn't socialism. socialism is strictly about communal ownership ie not having property rights on some level. communism is taking that to the extreme. for instance in socialism your right to sell your own means of production is owned by the community and not solely you which infringes on a right of private property.

>> No.11944736

He forgot that all his success depended on government subsidies. Yes even his car company.

>> No.11944739

see: >>11944697
also paypal.

>> No.11944752

You stupid fuck, every company is literally a subsidiary of the government. You can't incorporate without filing papers, paying fees, and taking an EIN. Do you live in your whore mother's basement or something?

>> No.11944765

>not science or math
Retards, the E in STEM stands for economics. And guess what? Marx was an ECONOMIST. This board has no hope.

>> No.11944767

0/8 b8 i sage your post

>> No.11944845

0% of Das Kapital talks about society under communism
You'd know this if you were literate

>> No.11944854

good bait. i cant wait to see the people who bite

>> No.11944857

You know that's disingenuous. Seethe more commiecuck.

>> No.11944862

Not really
100% of Das Kapital is just an accurate description of how the economy functions under capitalism

>> No.11944864
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>Musk is taking a shit on Marx's grave

Holy shit, we really are in the most kino timeline

>> No.11944873


>> No.11944878

Name one inaccuracy

>> No.11944923
File: 289 KB, 1765x831, EE513C3C-F85E-4AA1-BE70-D882B899FD5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same guy, but the literal first sentence of das kapital is a Tooker tier circular reference.

>> No.11944932

wow an economist disagrees with the incredibly flawed ideology of Marxism what a surprise, god you marks are retarded.

>> No.11944951

how is this on topic for /sci/

>> No.11945186

Here are some minor ones:
> Labour theory of value
The cost of an item is independent of the amount of labour (socially necessary or otherwise), and is due to supply and demand.
> historical materialism/dialectic materialism
Is ahistorical and psudoscientific. It's psudoscientific because it tries to make unfalsifiable claims (see Karl Poppers critique). Also there are plenty of historical examples of the super structure (which includes religion and science) completely dominating and modifying the base (means or production and their relationships).
>class conflict theory
Societies are composed of more than social classes fighting over scarce resources and trying to dominate each other. They are better described as populations held together by commonalities in language and culture. The derivative of this theory (conflict theory) is responsible for many of today's issues I.e. society is just groups (races, cultures, classes) trying to dominate each other/fight over scarce resources.
> communism in practice
He also based his ideal society on epicurean communes and a 19th century understanding of afican tribalism (funnily enough, the Kung! People murder every member who excels at anything). Organizing society along such lines (tribal, everyone hunts/farms) prevents specialization, and therefore scietific progress.
So yes, if you discount all the intellextual underpinnings of Marxism, it works!