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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 154 KB, 768x604, Fruitarian-Humans-768x604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11932190 No.11932190 [Reply] [Original]

Please provide me a scientific explanation as to why humans are designed to eat everything.

Humans are closest to apes, correct? And yet apes eat mostly fruit. So shouldnt humans also be frugivores?

>> No.11932195

Humans are herbivores

>> No.11932215
File: 62 KB, 788x539, Screenshot_2020-07-23 ▷What Do Apes (Gorillas, Gibbons, Orangutans, ) Eat .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apes eat mostly fruit

>trolling outside of /b/

>> No.11932217

>And yet apes eat mostly fruit.
Not true, and our digestive tracts are dissimilar to many apes.

>> No.11932221

Our taste buds and basic eating limitations dictated how we eat which explains why we don't eat meat raw, we cooked it because we can't physically eat it normally nor does it taste good. Is the same logic for why a tiger, who doesn't have taste buds to taste sugar, never eats something sugary. I can prove humans can eat fruits by the simple fact that we have very good taste buds for sugar. Our limitations dictated what we can eat and what we aren't good at eating. The same applies for animals.

>> No.11932330

But anon we don't kill our prey with our teeth and our digestive system does not define our diet, pandas are well known as herbivores despite having a carnivorous-like digestive system

>> No.11932342
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That chart ignores that humans have been using tools & fire to process our food before we even became homo sapiens. You don't need to evolve better meat eating teeth if you instead evolved more dexterous that can create tools to cut up the meat; you don't need strong stomach acid to kill harmful bacteria if you evolved a brain smart enough to use fire to kill the bacteria, and so on.

Plus every single stone age tribe we have observed, from the Inuit of northern North American to the aboriginals of Tasmania, from the remote Amazon tribes to the Khoisan of southern Africa, were all regularly eating meat when the first people who knew how to write things down encountered them. If humans are 'supposed to be' frugivores, how come no group of humans (outside of a fringe movement in countries that have by historical standards huge amounts & varieties of food available) have decided to eat that way? Its not like the Sentinelese are being peer pressured by other groups to eat meat.

>> No.11932347
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>Capuchins~! Keep movin'!

>Capuchin~! Monkies movin!


Here's your answer OP

Smort monkes eat everything

>> No.11932348

>If humans are 'supposed to be' frugivores, how come no group of humans (outside of a fringe movement in countries that have by historical standards huge amounts & varieties of food available) have decided to eat that way? Its not like the Sentinelese are being peer pressured by other groups to eat meat.
This a bad point. Human intelligence glitches evolutionary logic. We’re not ‘supposed to’ shit in toilets or smoke or drive in cars. We just have an intelligence that facilitated certain needs in nature that we cleverly oriented toward other things. Leading to a different evolutionary path, seperate from the logic of mere survival. You can make herbivores eat meat, you can even conditioned them to, this doesn’t mean that that diet relates to their natural niche. Not a vegan btw.

>> No.11932369

Human brain developed as a result of high calorific intake coming from meat.
In other words, humans were dominant species & apex predators before they knew how to draw caveporn.

>> No.11932376
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The very fact that we can digest meat proves we're evolved to eat it. This isn't particle physics.

>> No.11932397

>trying to reason with vegantrolls
you're right of course but they never let facts get in the way of trying to shame you into ruining your health.

>> No.11932408

That's not how it works
You're a retard

>> No.11932412
File: 18 KB, 300x282, more-chimp-feet-300x282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all that chart is full of shit. Apes are omnivores, with a fruit-based diet but also capable of eating meat, which they do.

Also, Humans are not chimpanzees, though we are related. Chimpanzees are scavengers and omnivores that occasionally eat meat. We evolved as persistance hunters in the African savanna, we literally evolved to hunt and eat more meat.

It's the reason we have no fur (so that we can sweat more and cool off easily), that we walk upright rather than dragging our nuckles, that our feet are flatter and our toes smaller meant to make running easier.

>> No.11932420

>hurr durr me no rebarted you retrarded
4chan has a board just for you:

>> No.11932431

Also, guess who occupied the same niche as us as persistence hunters? Wild dogs and wolves. Hence why we domesticated them since our lifestyles were complementary and symbiotic.

>> No.11932491

people eat mostly grain

>> No.11932495

We dont kill with our teeth so they dont look like the carnivore and omnivore picture. Stupid nigger.

>> No.11932540
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>It literally says fruit is the apes preferred food

>> No.11932553

current paleoanthropological thought is that we evolved along rivers (or other 'transitionary' biomes), which has the effect on most animals of requiring a versatility (e.g. higher intelligence, balanced ability to navigate different terrains, etc)

>> No.11932561

Ice ages and vegetables don’t bode well.

>> No.11932578

Most of the similarities between the last 2 can be explained by the fact tbat we share common ancestors in a geologically tiny period of time.

>> No.11932581

>Human intelligence glitches evolutionary logic.
You sweet summer child you believe you are above nature just because you can think?

>> No.11932649

So what? I 'prefer' chocolate ice cream, but I don't eat it at every meal. I also 'prefer' a nice cold beer but I don't drink one every day.
Where you do think apes get their protein from, genius? Fruit doesn't have shit for protein.
You vegancucks need to eat a steak, the cognitive deficit is really starting to stand out.
Also we are not apes we are humans. That alone makes the entire silly question irrelevant to begin with.

Look, just because you got kicked out of /fit/ with this nonsense doesn't mean you get to try it here. At best you should go troll /b/ with it, there are dummies there that'll probably fall for it and argue endlessly, actually taking you seriously. Here? Not so much.
Time for you to go. Buh-bye now.

>> No.11932818 [DELETED] 

>Plus every single stone age tribe we have observed, from the Inuit of northern North American to the aboriginals of Tasmania, from the remote Amazon tribes to the Khoisan of southern Africa, were all regularly eating meat when the first people who knew how to write things down encountered them.
That is completely false. African food is almost completely plant based, with minimal amounts of meat. Similar with india, though they do eat milk.

>> No.11932820

What the fuck is this mental gymnastics? Apes prefer fruit. Their physiological anatomy points to their digestive system processing fruit. Why so triggered? Guess cause I'm right you dumb nigger

>> No.11932831 [DELETED] 

>Plus every single stone age tribe we have observed, from the Inuit of northern North American to the aboriginals of Tasmania, from the remote Amazon tribes to the Khoisan of southern Africa, were all regularly eating meat when the first people who knew how to write things down encountered them.
That is completely false. African food is almost completely plant based, with minimal amounts of meat. (and it's thoroughly cooked when they do, no half raw "rare" steaks.) Similar with india, though they do eat milk. North american indians lived off corn beans and squash. Maybe those outliers are not representative of the typical human diet, most of those live in otherwise inhospitable areas where nothing much would grow anyway.

>> No.11932835

>Plus every single stone age tribe we have observed, from the Inuit of northern North American to the aboriginals of Tasmania, from the remote Amazon tribes to the Khoisan of southern Africa, were all regularly eating meat when the first people who knew how to write things down encountered them.
That is completely false. African food is almost completely plant based, with minimal amounts of meat. (and it's thoroughly cooked when they do, no half raw "rare" steaks.) Similar with india, though they do eat milk. American indians lived off corn beans and squash. Maybe those outliers are not representative of the typical human diet, most of those live in otherwise inhospitable areas where nothing much would grow anyway.

>> No.11932866
File: 56 KB, 376x440, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan bad lmao argument

>> No.11932867

Fruit is bad for you

>> No.11932880

No. Humans need our food to be cooked in order to survive. People have tried eating raw diets, it simply cannot be done. Because we have evolved for cooking we eat whatever can be cooked. If something is too tough for our mouths to eat we will simply cook it down till it isn't.

>> No.11932888

utter made up nonsense

>> No.11933072
File: 406 KB, 2160x2160, EY5L4wLVcAElLum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are closest to apes, correct? And yet apes eat mostly fruit. So shouldnt humans also be frugivores?
prove it then

>> No.11933353


>> No.11933361

Humans don't kill their prey using their mouths.
Any argument of humans not being evolved to eat meat because of out teeth is just wrong.

>> No.11933388

Essentially all of the meat that early humans ate were insects you dumb fucking retards.

>> No.11933579

Cooking makes no sense. Why do simulate digestion BEFORE consuming food? You realize that nutrition is lost by cooking food?

>> No.11933589

>Humans are gorillas

>> No.11933688
File: 33 KB, 259x425, 788a642c713d8903cae641e55bf29d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moose and deer are insects

>> No.11933701

>gancucks need to eat a steak, the cognitive deficit is really starting
look a retard

>> No.11933709

literal sniveling stupid fucking retard

>> No.11933724
File: 72 KB, 800x361, Homo Habilis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter

>"What we think is that this dietary change around 2.3 million years ago was one of the major significant factors in the evolution of our own species," Aiello says.

>That period is when cut marks on animal bones appeared — not a predator's tooth marks, but incisions that could have been made only by a sharp tool. That's one sign of our carnivorous conversion. But Aiello's favorite clue is somewhat ickier — it's a tapeworm. "The closest relative of human tapeworms are tapeworms that affect African hyenas and wild dogs," she says.

>So sometime in our evolutionary history, she explains, "we actually shared saliva with wild dogs and hyenas." That would have happened if, say, we were scavenging on the same carcass that hyenas were.

>But dining with dogs was worth it. Meat is packed with lots of calories and fat. Our brain — which uses about 20 times as much energy as the equivalent amount of muscle — piped up and said, "Please, sir, I want some more."

>As we got more, our guts shrank because we didn't need a giant vegetable processor any more. Our bodies could spend more energy on other things like building a bigger brain. Sorry, vegetarians, but eating meat apparently made our ancestors smarter — smart enough to make better tools, which in turn led to other changes, says Aiello.

>"If you look in your dog's mouth and cat's mouth, and open up your own mouth, our teeth are quite different," she says. "What allows us to do what a cat or dog can do are tools."

>Tools meant we didn't need big sharp teeth like other predators. Tools even made vegetable matter easier to deal with. As anthropologist Shara Bailey at New York University says, they were like "external" teeth.

Humans are literally Australopithecus that evolved to eat more meat. So take your vegan, anti-scientific troll chart out of /sci/.

>> No.11933729

See >>11933724

Go learn paleoanthropology

>> No.11933735

Our eating habits are closer to raccoons, certain bears or boars. It's advantageous to diversify and we have the teeth for it.

>> No.11933737

That theory has been falsified.

>> No.11933741

No it hasn't.

>> No.11933745
File: 259 KB, 1500x519, 1458291992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11933746

I eat meat, drink raw milk, eat oats, and eat lots of fermented foods like Kimchi and Kefir, my lifts are 1.5/3/3/4.5
If you can't bench a hundred pounds over your body-weight you aren't a man lmao

>> No.11933872

>I can't read and therefore make up stuff I can fight against

>> No.11934067

>So sometime in our evolutionary history, she explains, "we actually shared saliva with wild dogs and hyenas."
Tapeworms are transmitted through saliva ?

>> No.11934094

When we were bottom of the food chain we had to eat whatever. Which included meat leftovers/bone marrow. I'm sure with how weak humans were the ones who evolved and survived were the ones who didn't have a problem digesting whatever was right in front of them. Stronger species could be more picky.

>> No.11934221

Their eggs, yeah

>> No.11934619

>And yet apes eat mostly fruit.
Macaques often eat meat tho

>> No.11934698

The shitty ones do. Mongols had it right.

>> No.11934727

We are the closest to apes but we don't come directly from them, we come from an ancestor that came from them. That ancestor was a scavenger that ate fruits and scavenged the leftovers of animals killed by other animals for protein. Basically, scavenger omnivores that ate a little bit of meat and bone marrow as well as fruits and vegetables. This fits quite nicely with the modern human who requires some meat, fruit and vegetables. The stronger the human, the more meat. Keep in mind that those apes that our early ancestors came from are also not exclusively herbivores and are perfectly capable of digesting meat, however they only use it as a secondary food source. The more us humans developed from that early scavenger omnivore stage though, the more we became endurance hunters that used tools to hunt animals and our extreme stamina to exhaust them. Of course, this was only possible with a higher need for nutritionally dense food and therefore we got skewed more toward meat to get enough protein and fat to build our muscle and brain to be able to perform such feats (tool use and endurance sprinting).
This is all very overkill as the only real evidence you need being the fact that we can effectively digest meat and require some nutrients that can either only be found in sufficient amounts in meat (such as the go-to, B12) or that can only be found in functional amounts in meat and other animal products (cholesterol)
Also, please don't forget when you're making the ape arguments that even though apes don't necessarily hunt for meat, they do chomp up any that is presented to them, especially when climbing in trees. They WILL eat eggs and chicks if they find nests and they are able to digest those.

>> No.11934989

How does a meat based diet make animals smarter? The smartest animals don't eat meat.

>> No.11934995

No such thing.

>> No.11935017
File: 156 KB, 760x443, woman-eating-meat-mouth-fork-grilled-beef-steak-shut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does a meat based diet make animals smarter? The smartest animals don't eat meat.
And that`s where you are wrong kiddo

>> No.11935038

What are humans? What are squids and whales? What are dolphins and crows? etc etc

>> No.11935046

Meat is good energy rich shit. We were able to make tools to kill things monkey can’t kill things as well as us since they are too dumb to make weapons. people who were able to kill animals and eat them had advantage. Our teeth aren’t made like tigers since our weapon aren’t our mouths. Same with our nails. We have tools. That’s why. We however though We have all the digestive shit for meat because we still need that shit to process meat. We can live off meat basically completely and only eat fruit once and a while. If I had to guess monkey can’t do that.

>> No.11935082
File: 62 KB, 512x402, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smartest animals, which you can see roughly on this chart as those with the highest brain to body mass ratio (those further upwards from the trendline), are roughly in order:

Humans (Omnivores that eat meat regularly)
Dolphins and Porpoises (Full carnivores)
Chimpanzees (Omnivores that eat meat rarely)
Other G. Apes (Omnivores that eat meat rarely)
Blue Jays (Omnivores that eat meat rarely)
Corvids (Omnivores that eat meat regularly)
Elephans (Vegetarians)
Octopus (Full carnivores)

So yeah nearly every smart animal out there includes meat in their diet, though intelligence tends to favor omnivores. Elephants are the only smart animals that don't eat meat.

>> No.11935088

is that wrong that our teeth are smaller just because we started eating cooked meat instead of raw meat (which is better digestive and makes chewing easier)? and also because of that our brain got bigger cause our digestive tracts doesnt have to work so much with cooked meat, redirecting to the brain the energy that it needed to soak up the nutrients?

>> No.11935130

Archaeologic wise our teeth got smaller since during or shortly before agriculture

>> No.11935141

Around half of the animals you listed don't eat meat, or eat meat on rare occasions. Therefore there is no correlation between meat eating and intelligence. Try again.

>> No.11935163

According to HwStuffWorks, the top 10 smartest animals are follows

1. Chimps (frugivore)
2. Dolphin (carnivore)
3. Orangutan (frugivore)
4. Elephant (herbivore)
5. Crow (omnivore)
6. Pig (omnivore)
7. Squirrel (herbivore)
8. Pigeon (herbivore)
9. Octopus (carnivore)
10. Rat (herbivore)

According to the meat eating = brain mass theory, we should see lions, tigers, etc at the top. But they aren't. Only 2 out of the list are carnivores. The smartest animal on the planet mainly eats fruit.

No correlation, totally debunked.

>> No.11935188

you start the digestion outside the stomach by cooking the food, you dingus... that is why fermented food is good for you as well, it relieves your digestive system of doing all the work

>> No.11935191

>The smartest animal on the planet mainly eats fruit.
But that's humans.

>> No.11935195

>You realize that nutrition is lost by cooking food?
You actually gain nutrition in some cases. All the nutrition in the world doesn't do you any good if it comes right out the other end undigested.

>> No.11935232

I fucking love crows.

>> No.11935338

>rat herbivore
>using frugivore like its not just omnivore modified
>If I keep cutting corners the cube will surely look like a sphere!

>> No.11935445

Makes no sense. Tigers and lions eat meat exclusively, but they're dumb as shit - why didn't they develop intelligence?

>> No.11935452

>even though apes don't necessarily hunt for meat
patently false

>> No.11935461

>Tigers and lions eat meat exclusively, but they're dumb as shit
They're smarter than their prey. But judging animal intelligence is not an exact science.

>> No.11935463


Chimps love meat. They don't eat much because they're bad hunters.

>> No.11935474

You are correct that apes will hunt for meat if possible, just saying that they won't do it if it's not readily available. They're not very good hunters and therefore it's more of an opportunistic thing (unless it's bird nests, they'll raid those and eat whatever biological matter they can find, absolute chads)

>> No.11935482

>Pigeon (herbivore)
>Rat (herbivore)

Rats are oportunistic carnivores, so are pigeons. You're full of shit.

>> No.11935491
File: 47 KB, 800x801, Pitangus_sulphuratus_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birbs love meat

>> No.11935496

Veganism only has power if you grant that animal lives have meaning outside of their utility to humans as sources of food,companionship,or beauty/scientific study. I don't. We are the absolute masters of all life on earth by virtue of our intelligence. That's not wrong or right-it just is. Morality doesn't enter into it.

>> No.11935504

Niggas out there eatin booty and suckin cock
humans eat anything

>> No.11935572

So why shouldn't we consume less intelligent humans?

>> No.11935742

>Rats are carnivores
No they arent rofl. Who are you trying to kid here? Rats are technically omnivores but they are really herbivores if you look at the majority of their diet which are grains and veggies. Have you ever seen a rat eating meat? lol

>> No.11935758

Insects are a big chunk of rat diet.

>> No.11935764

Low quality meat, and prions.

>> No.11935774

>Rats are technically omnivores
Thats what both the ppst you cited implied. Did you drop HS or ar you esl?

>> No.11935790

I used to give my pets rats meat to eat but that's beside the point
what does that mean?
if 51% of their diet is seeds and the rest are insects that defintly means they are omnivore even going as high as 90% plant still omnivores.

>> No.11935848

Hes just low on protein

>> No.11935852

You can call them omnivores all you want but in reality if they mostly eat veggies and grains they are really herbivores in function

>> No.11935856

Ok, you're retarded

>> No.11935880

Humans can eat a wide range of foods. Teeth do not dictate your diet overall.
Horses eat chickens
Pandas are vegan.
Cats eat grass.
etc etc

>> No.11935936
File: 2.43 MB, 750x1334, BBEBBBAA-DAFA-4661-8C69-483F1C1C7F1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being on a science board and never taking highschool biology

Enzymes break bonds based on bond chemistry and molecule size/shape
Energy comes from enzymes breaking bonds
If a molecule has bonds you can’t break, it has a shape such that you can’t break any bonds
Cooking breaks the bonds you cant break
You now have access to bond you CAN break

>> No.11935952

ITT: Autistic mathematicians struggle with basic anthropology.

This board is stupid as fuck. Imagine thinking you can understand science without understanding yourself.

>According to HowStuffWorks


>> No.11935963

There's a sweet spot for cooking meat. Medium rare in read meat is ideal, you break things down a bit and sterilize thoroughly but don't destroy too much protein. Cooking is excellent for vegetables though, because humans suck so much as digesting plant matter. Were it not for cooking, beans and potatoes would be inedible.

>> No.11935993
File: 32 KB, 500x484, 325y5432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, all the animals I listed except elephants eat meat. You are trying to push your agenda (typical politization of science observed nowadays) while I am devoted to scientific objectivity. Try again.

>> No.11935998
File: 205 KB, 403x433, 235324223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to HwStuffWorks
Opinion discarded

>1. Chimps (frugivore)
Chimps are omnivores, not frugivores. They eat meat occassionally such as insects or bushmeat. Even cannibalism has been observed among chimps.
>3. Orangutan (frugivore)
Omnivores, like chimps
>5. Crow (omnivore)
Crows have been observed since time immemorial eating human remains after battles. Hence, why we associate them with death.
>6. Pig (omnivore)
>7. Squirrel (herbivore)
>8. Pigeon (herbivore)
>10. Rat (herbivore)
Not nearly as smart as the animals I listed.
My list (>>11935082) is based on current science comes from a combination of:
1. Brain to body mass ratio (all above average)
2. Ability to pass the mirror test (passed by corvids, crows, dolphins, octopus, elephants, chimps, apes)
3. Observed tool use (observed in chimps, great apes, corvids, blue jays, dolphins, elephants, not in octopus)
4. Complex behaviours showing a more evolved theory of mind such as such as teaching their young (dolphins, chimpanzees, blue jays), mourning the dead (blue jays, dolphins, chimpanzees, elephants), or recreation (playing) without a survival purpose (such as dolphins playing with bubbles or having recreational sex)

A single of these criteria doesn't define intelligence but the combination of them paints a pretty full picture.

>According to the meat eating = brain mass theory, we should see lions, tigers, etc at the top.
There is no such theory. There is no unified theory of evolution. There is no goal to evolution. Evolution is driven by random mutations.

If you are talking about observed trends, intelligence seems to favor omnivores that eat meat, but there's always a dolphin (carnivore) or elephants (herbivore) breaking such easy categorizations.

>The smartest animal on the planet mainly eats fruit.
That's us.

>No correlation, totally debunked.
You are the one claiming a correlation.

>> No.11936017

>There is no such theory. There is no unified theory of evolution. There is no goal to evolution. Evolution is driven by random mutations.
And before someone tries to construct this argument into some strawman, I'll expand. What I mean by this is that the goal of evolution is survival of the fittest. There is no predetermined shape or form an animal must take to survive, except what is shaped by the environment and their own evolutionary history. There is no "superior stage" of evolution and no "end goal" to evolution.

Trying to paint herbivores as superior or more evolved is beyond retarded, elephants are the only herbivores that make it on a shortlist of smartest animals.

>> No.11936047
File: 331 KB, 1725x1836, Aphelocoma_californica_in_Seattle_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another addendum for the sake of correctness:
The type of jay that rises above the others in intelligence is the California Scrub Jay. So replace "blue jay" for "California Scrub Jay" on my post for the sake of correctness.

Probably the smartest birds of them all, rivaled only by crows and African Grey Parrots. Amazing such large brains can fit on such a small birb.

>> No.11936050

>Chimps are omnivores
No they are not. Even mainstream biology concurs that chimps are frugivores
>but they eat meat!
Only on rare occasions. They main diet is fruit, nuts and seeds. Same with Orangutans

>> No.11936066
File: 172 KB, 565x396, 1590351516259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no goal to evolution. Evolution is driven by random mutations.
The goal of evolution is survival of the fittest. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11936069

>Chimpanzees are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals.

>> No.11936071 [DELETED] 

See >>11936017

An strawman before you finished

>> No.11936075

See >>11936017

>> No.11936124

With that logic, half of the animal kingdom are omnivores. Gtfo. On RARE occasions they eat meat. It's a fucking rarity, even mainstream biology all agree fruit is their preferred food source.

>> No.11936175

It's because we are literally genetically engineered by ancient aliens.
Nothing about humans makes sense in the context of the natural world without this fact.

>> No.11936315

>half of the animal kingdom are omnivores
Yes - that`s the point. Because obviously there are advantages to the ability to consume meat, otherwise a much smaller percentage of animals would posses that trait.
To explain for you, brainlet:
Keeping everything necessary in place to consume meat in addition to a plant-based diet is quite "expensive". As such the ability to consume meat would likely have withered away in most species if it didn`t convey an evolutionary advantage to those animals who have it.
Now think about it before posting another muh "51% is plants" shitpost

>> No.11936803

try eating fruit only and let other people try to eat meat only. I know pretty well who's gonna suffer first.

>> No.11936812
File: 25 KB, 450x445, The Ruiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are designed to eat everything
Successful survival strategy. It worked.

>> No.11936818
File: 210 KB, 1200x1137, Ayy Lmao Crop Circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are literally genetically engineered by ancient aliens

>> No.11936820

But they aren't, brainlet. Chimps are classified frugivores because the majority of their diet is fruit, and fruit is the preferred food source. Therefore, they are frugivores, and none of your mental gymnastics changes this fact.

>> No.11936822

Because one day a few hundred thousand years ago, humans figured out that hunting big animals and eating them was way easier than chowing down on bananas and bark beetles. What was initially a fad diet caught on and now everyone (who isn't a fag) loves the great taste of meat.

>> No.11937001

>With that logic, half of the animal kingdom are omnivores.
Well would you say someone who occasionally eats meat is a vegetarian or vegan?

>> No.11937178

Again, when Europeans (or for that matter Ethiopians who had their own writing system, or Arabs on Africa's east coast) showed up and wrote things down, every tribe they found hunted, fished, or raised live stock; the Masai are famous for their cattle. Any lack of meat in Indian's diets was caused by their population growth outstripping agricultural productivity, leaving little extra food to feed livestock (aside from the sacred cows, who were vital to plowing & milk) - they would still eat goat, mutton, fowl, and fish, just in small amounts.

And not all Native Americans lived off of corn/beans/squash, and even those tribes that did have that trio as the basis of their diet would hunt & fish as well. Then you had the Great Plains tribes with their bison-heavy diet, or the natives of the Pacific NW who lived along the salmon run rivers, and ate tons of fish. And I am pretty sure the Aztecs didn't domesticate the turkey just for fun. Likewise with Andes mountain tribes domesticated the guinea pig for food.

>> No.11937203
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dolphin have fin like shark, dolphin fish not mammal.

>> No.11937468

>Chimps like eating fruit
>Chimps have the ability to eat meat, which has an evolutionary cost associated with it. In conclusion this means that chimps get an advantage from having the ability to eat meat
Did your completly fruitbased diet harm your brain or something? The two statements above aren`t contradictory.
How about you try arguing against what I said instead of crying about muh gymnastics?

>> No.11937545

What cost? Thre is nothing special you need to consume meat. It would likely cost to evolve not being capable of eating it.

>> No.11937594

Chimps are classified as omnivores, not pure frugivores. Their role in seed dispersal is minimal, which is the actual criteria to classify a species as frugivore.

>> No.11939348

It's wellnknown in mainstream science that chimps are frugivores. Not sure why you are taking this so personally.

>> No.11939385

Chimps eat meat all the time dingdong.

>> No.11939389
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Why we evolve so many systems involved in long distance running and throwing if not to chase down prey.
No other animal prey or predator has done this like we have.

>> No.11939395

>American indians lived off corn beans and squash.
Lmao, yeah the Saanich of the Salish sea were totally dining on crops that grew tens of thousands of kilometers away and not on the abundant fish and deer like all their stories talk about.
Pemmican and smoked fish were super important foods all along the Pacific Northwest.

>> No.11939925

>It's wellnknown in mainstream science that chimps are frugivores.
I've mostly seen them described as omnivores, or omnivorous frugivores. I wouldn't lump them in with true frugivores.

>> No.11939950

We evolved

>> No.11939965

sheep are capable of eating meat too. are sheep omnivores?

>> No.11940086

Rats are very intelligent animals though.

>> No.11940823

They're certainly opportunistic omnivores.
Do you know the difference between a herbivore and obligate herbivore?

>> No.11941330


pandas hunt pikas once in a while