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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 340x427, i_want_to_believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934987 No.11934987 [Reply] [Original]


>Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007, said that, in some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, “We couldn’t make it ourselves.”

>Mr. Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

What do you make of this?

>> No.11935006

Nothing. We can't make it.

>> No.11935008

They found aluminum foil that unfolds itself at the Roswell New Mexico crash site. I can't say any more.

>> No.11935076
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Is there more of this?

>> No.11935101


>> No.11935102

Please say more

>> No.11935113
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>What do you make of this?
Those off world vehicles were pulled out of my asshole and they get made at the battery manufacturer Exide, my former and brief employer, and probably Huawei too.

>> No.11935122
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>> No.11935133

I wish /sci/ could tear themselves away from dogma and give the topic a serious look. They've got seriously senior military, intelligence and academic personel coming forward. An ever growing amount of hard evidence (Nimitz comes to mind).

The Pentagon itself has even begun to share what's going on.

What if it's actually real? Don't be the academics that said the human body couldn't survive going faster than 55mph, that we're the center of the universe.

>> No.11935169

Are there any material scientists on /scI/? What would it take to conclude that a material couldn't have been produced here?

>> No.11935172

Can anyone recommend some Ayy documentary kino?

>> No.11935184

a geocentric model of the universe made perfect sense before telescopes were invented

>> No.11935185 [DELETED] 



>> No.11935190



>> No.11935192

a self-centric model of the "observable universe" still makes a lot of sense.

>> No.11935211

Lmao no one senior gives a flying fuck about easily manipulated and therefore low iq dogma tards who call themselves scientists. They’ll never amount to anything or contribute anything substantial because they lack spirit of imagination, critical faculties and ingenuity that real trailblazers (who do exist today) embody. They’re not worth wishing for, they’re just cope harder paper pushers. Now the irony that the pentagon is releasing all this every few months, in plain words ... the feeble minded fucks can’t process it lmao

>> No.11935228

Successful threads usually link the the source documents not commercial media sites. There are credible sitings like the nimitz incident. Even these just don't give anyone enough data to come to any real conclusions.

Stuff we do not understand moves around in the sky sometimes. Fact.

We do not know what. Most scientists seem to prefer to work with what they understand. Not things which are so poorly understood and with so little evidence that it may as well be speculation.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.

>> No.11935255


I don't blame scientists for avoiding the topic in a professional setting when they have careers to think about. But there is so much evidence coming out that it's become an elephant in the room rather than tinfoil hat territory.

>> No.11935261

Cope harder
How more direct can the pentagon be by saying on Fox News and the The New York fucking Times . direct quote: “OFF WORLD VEHICLES NOT MADE ON THIS EARTH.” It’s pretty pathetic that the denier (you) is now the conspiracy tard.


>> No.11935266

the evidence that these UFOs are actually alien life forms advanced enough and interested enough to visit us is minuscule at best. UFO is not a synonym for alien life

>> No.11935275


I agree, but the question remains.... what are they? I want the discussion of the topic to no longer be taboo. I'd like more research done to find these answers Ayys or not.

>> No.11935306

>I want the discussion of the topic to no longer be taboo

But anon, historically all paradigm shifting research has been taboo and feared in some way.
It is man kinds primal fear of the unknown that drives this. The only way to make it not scary and not taboo is to make it known. This requires work.

>> No.11935314

unironically inculcated stupid. shame you’ll never use your brain again.

>> No.11935352

its not taboo to discuss aliens. its taboo to jump to the conclusion that UFOs are aliens when there are plenty, much more simple explanations for most (admittedly, not all) UFO sightings

>> No.11935602

Based alien poster.

>> No.11935732

>swn probe you mercilessly then mutilate your cow (dick)
Just fucking taunt me from the sky already!

>> No.11935744

It’s birds

>> No.11935760

>The Pentagon
>it's just some guy
Nice desperation.

>> No.11935763

Educated stupid denies the 4 sided day

>> No.11935786

>shame you’ll never use your brain again.
worryingly ominous

>> No.11935883

the reason this is all happening now is that a private us company cracked a warp drive,so now we have a plausible scientific explanation for how the crafts could work.

you will hear more in the near term.

>> No.11935932

So someone actually made foil out of nitinol? That's pretty rad.

>> No.11936244
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This all comes down to a single guy claiming "I told the pentagon once of things that came from off earth"

The "Pentagon Findings" will be "we didn't find anything".

>> No.11936264

dat pic
>implying fucking with facial recog algos isn't a bonus of wearing face diapers
srsly tho get a full face respirator with p100 carts. ace2 is found in eyeballs and n95 pores are at least 230nm bigger than the virus. i don't even give a fuck that there is an unfiltered exhaust.

>> No.11936269
File: 217 KB, 540x396, 6f9ac3c74e19b6bb02c59b3c9460c385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all real, there were countless smoking gun incidents, and navies and airforces around the world have been aware of them for decades..

>> No.11936282

Yes the pentagon. For the past year and now going way further. So sad you can’t cope because your reality tunnel has been shifted to some shit way over your head. Denial smells so bad in here. Literally stinks of pseuds in denial.

>> No.11936290
File: 31 KB, 750x445, UFO-sighting-Alien-cube-ship-10-Situations-greater-than-Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are about to get X-com'd.
I hope you are fucking ready, because there is no getting off this ride

>> No.11936322


Warp space dynamics will probably get wrapped up in NDA's or suicided.

>> No.11936339

I actually supported the fact that UFOs are real. You frothing moron. I just said you need better content if you want a good thread.

Not "lmao here is this dodgy media site which has had to be edited several times already because it made false statements".

Seriously... Check your source material and you will see why you are not being taken more seriously. And get a grip on your emotions.

>> No.11936351

nah man,they're doing this with the backing of the state. trump thinks this should help his reelection chances. we may even get a demonstration on live tv if we're lucky. the space force will of course will be strongly featured.

>> No.11936362


That would be nice. They said they would announce at the end of July, tic toc.

>> No.11936371


>> No.11936980

No it didn't. Look at the paths of planets in the night sky. They take weird, spiraling paths and change their direction seemingly ranlomly. Now look at them from a heliocentric perspective. Just constant normal ellipses.

>> No.11937007

See >>11935760

>> No.11937671

This topic always annoys me on /sci/. There's always some tryhard douche that acts arrogantly skeptical and dismisses everything.

>> No.11937690
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would check what this retarded journo said to recognize it when it is reproduced from the mouth of a NPC normie but it is paywalled

>> No.11937700

>applying 21st century understanding of the planets to the 15th century

>> No.11937841

There are good reasons to be skeptical. Even the most skilled scientists can be terrible at making logical deductions about an item or event's true nature.

>> No.11937849

All this time and still no undeniable proof....

>> No.11937864

There's an absurd amount of evidence, personal testimony from military officers and unclassified intelligence reports, that some type of craft, which are not ours given their capabilities, have been interfering with military airspace and military bases, in particular those that house nuclear weapons, since WW2.

>> No.11937901

That's all fine, but I'm not sure that's necessarily evidence for extraterrestrials. It could be that what they're seeing are either experimental aircraft from other countries, or from our own secret programs that are so compartmentalized that no other parts of the government knows about it, leading those other parts to launch investigations, never knowing it was us all along fucking around. After all, if you wanted to test the response of a military to a new type of aircraft, the most controlled way of doing so would be to do it to your own military.

>> No.11937913

You sound exactly like that guy on Joe Rogan recently.

There's zero evidence of any of this. Zero. None. Nothing. There's no reason for us, the public, to believe any of it until at least one shred of evidence is produced.

If the Pentagon released an official statement saying we've found things from what's believed to be an extraterrestrial object, and then showed samples of it to the public and allowed parts of it to be tested by a lot of labs, then I would still be skeptical but a lot more willing to accept it could be real.

But there's none of that, and there's almost no chance there ever will be. This is one random former Pentagon subcontractor saying he believes they found an ET vehicle. That's it.

Whatever the Pentagon plans on releasing probably isn't going to contain any evidence or anything very interesting to anyone but the people who already believe.

>> No.11937917

If a warp drive is theoretically possible it wouldn't be able to be used for many centuries or millennia. There's zero chance anyone has a warp drive. It would require a large amount of negative energy/matter.

>> No.11937921

>There's zero evidence of any of this. Zero. None. Nothing. There's no reason for us, the public, to believe any of it until at least one shred of evidence is produced.
Because the government won't let us see the evidence, but let me tell you something, my ass has been incredibly sore lately. It's obvious the aliens have been anal probing me and erasing my memory.

>> No.11937928


This whole UFO thing falls flat on the ground when you bring un the purpose for aliens to visit us.

Why would they do it? If we are still alive it means they don't want to kill us, what else would they want with us?

>> No.11937942

>Why would they do it?

Possibly for similar reasons we study other much less intelligent species than us. It might be that for any intelligent life to evolve, it's necessary for them to have some sort of curiosity that drives them to understand their environment. If that is the case, then aliens will have their reason to study us: they're curious.

>> No.11937955


Well, that is a great point.

It's just that this whole community/field is filled with so many nutjobs that it tarnishes the real arguments behind it.

I hope if that if they are capable of reading and understading this may they take me away from the ignorance and stupidity of some humans. I would assimilate instantly.

>> No.11937962

Aliens don't exist.

>> No.11937963

I hate white people so much

>> No.11937969

The Pentagon told me why they're anal probing you. Well not the Pentagon, but a janitor who sometimes works at the Pentagon.

>> No.11937972

>There's zero evidence of any of this. Zero. None. Nothing.
Wrong. There dozens and dozens of intelligence reports from both the USA, UK, France, Brazil, Russia, and other countries. Dr Robert Hastings has wrote a book on the subject, UFOs and nukes, which painstakingly compiles all the evidence on this, but you won't read it because you're close minded.
Why do we visit/study primitive people or other animals without grossly interfering with them?

>> No.11937975

Maybe they’re like Jane Goodall observing chimps, where there’s no malice, no ill intention, no desire to interfere in our animal disputes or steal the resources we depend on, just a genuine curiosity and eagerness to learn about us.

Any alien species so predisposed to reactionary fear as to attack creatures from another planet would probably wipe themselves out as they started colonizing planets and getting suspicious of each other

That’s the best reason I can think off

>> No.11937986

Yea this anon hit the nail on the head. We are an interesting study piece. Think about how we would interact with an inferior sentient alien species. Just look at how we have interacted with less advanced civilisations here on earth.

We have matured over the centuries and if lmaos are real (and I do believe they are anecdotally) then they have too.

But op is still a quack who links terrible source material and honestly does a lot of damage to peoples perceptions by behaving like a loon.

>> No.11937987

>Jane Goodall
Have you seen pictures or video of a young Jane Goodall? I would have probed her, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.11938001

>UFO is not a synonym for alien life

>> No.11938011

>Why would they do it?
I don't know, but I think we should totally keep applying human motivations to extraterrestrials

>> No.11938110

Im confused. Where's the proof of aliens? It could easily just be some Russian experiment

>> No.11938229
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Those are coping fedora atheist that are
pseudo-intellectuals who deluded their self they are a genius because they don't have friends ,when they are just slightly above average with sociopath character traits, its cringe. Its the same retards who call everyone schizo.

>> No.11938236

Aliens always abduct rednecks and other trash because they realize they are expendable. Fact

>> No.11938238

I saw a UFO once when I was 11. That is all I am allowed to say.

>> No.11938242

There was one called "Love and Aliens" I think on YouTube. Also the episode of Unsolved Mysteries about that alien abduction in northern Maine.

>> No.11938247


>> No.11938337

I met a bunch of them on some DMT trips

>> No.11938597

Yuna-Klein Hyercube bender

>> No.11938623
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>> No.11938789

Guaranteed they talk to politicians, they talk to rednecks too but the rednecks are the ones trying to tell everyone. Then the politicians cover it up by saying how stupid the rednecks are.

>> No.11938850

>Is there more of this?
what ? white trash retardation ?

>> No.11938956

straight up the dumbest comment in the thread.

>> No.11939585

>There's zero evidence of any of this.
Lol. There's a recently leaked report that came out features 500 UFO sighings/encounters at nuclear facilities since the 1950s. Including scenarios were ICBM's were switched on/off all at once, which is technically not possible.

>> No.11939592

UFOs are NOT necessarily aliens. Not all can be, but most UFO sightings can be easily explained as natural phenomena

>> No.11939602

Aliens don't give a shit about this shithole planet.
UFO or that disc flying machine is actually from us.

>> No.11939613

Flying objects that have no conventional aerodynamic surfaces, no visible propulsion system, and can instantly accelerate from near motionless to hypersonic in an instant are not easily explained natural phenomena and they're not ours. Especially when they shoot beams of light down into ICBM silos and turn off our nukes. Is it Ayyylmaos? I don't know.

>> No.11939654
File: 102 KB, 1080x1345, 9EQuhBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The civilian government has no access to anything related to UFOs.

All of those programs are folded into SAPs that aren't even funded by Congress and subcontracted to private industry.

The report will go along the lines of "we looked and didn't find shit, durrr".

>> No.11939659

>Flying objects that have no conventional aerodynamic surfaces, no visible propulsion system, and can instantly accelerate from near motionless to hypersonic in an instant

>Especially when they shoot beams of light down into ICBM silos and turn off our nukes.

>> No.11939671

U.S. intelligence/military and the KGB.

>> No.11939684

The solution to the Fermi paradox is that we are not supposed to know about them

>> No.11939730

t. Grey alien

>> No.11939743

fpbp and underrated

>> No.11939746

nice source bro

>> No.11939748

Fuck off namefag

>> No.11939845
File: 14 KB, 340x180, lordh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The framing of these objects as "threats" I believe is just a need for continued funding to the researchers, ya know military-industrial complex

>> No.11939872

The Russian and American military and intelligence organisations are the best sources you can have on this topic.

>> No.11939877

They are framed as threats because that's how you get serious people in politics to listen. And they are threat, by definition. If something you don't know that can enter/leave your airspace or other sensitive locations in your country and you can't do shit about it, that's a potential threat.

>> No.11939879

>chernobyl/manhattan reference
Too specific. Fires happen all the time. Also Chernobyl was an accident.

>kill animals bigger than elephants
We do kill elephants tho. Mainly for ivory. OP doesn't seem to have much knowledge about the ivory trade in Africa.

>stupid politicians
Seems to be a democratic guy

>you won't be allowed off of this planet
But we've been to the moon.

OP is anti Semitic.

OP is definitely crazy.

>> No.11939880


>> No.11939901

Did you look into it or are you just saying bullshit because you don't like the sound of it?

>> No.11939926

I also wonder that the release of this information is a sort of flex on China, given the current situation and tensions rising, the allowing of this info to be released as a means of saying "dont go to war with us, we have tech from beyond"

>> No.11939940


The reason why we don't take UFO vids seriously is because they tend to be bullshit 99% of the time. 1% tends to be natural unexplainable phenomenon. The problem is
1) There isn't sufficient data
2) It isn't easily reproducible/confirm-able by multiple groups.

Just because some unexplained phenomenon happens, doesn't warrant it's classification as extraterrestrial. The term UFO literally means Unidentified, and by giving it an identity, it longer becomes a UFO.

>> No.11939941

You didn't provide a source you just named two organizations.

>> No.11939945

>But there is so much evidence coming out that it's become an elephant in the room rather than tinfoil hat territory.
Only the Nimitz has official videos. No other videos or documents have been released in respect to this subject matter.

>> No.11939952

>There's always some tryhard douche that acts arrogantly skeptical and dismisses everything.
Because they're doing real science 'work'. Anyone who claims they're being biased, has no idea how science works.

>> No.11939954

>the objects perform impossible manoeuvers
>isn't easily reproducible in lab settings

clearly these things are not bound by the laws of scientific rigor one would like them to be, hence why they are such an abberation

>> No.11939959

>Because the government won't let us see the evidence
>conspiracy theory

>> No.11939964

>clearly these things are not bound by the laws of scientific rigor one would like them to be, hence why they are such an abberation
Watch the videos. He gives a good explanation.

>> No.11939970

>Dr Robert Hastings
Google gives nothing about it.
If he even had a real doctorate degree, his name would've come up in a University website. You've already lost.

>> No.11939972


I'm more partial to believe the words of the pilots who'd witnessed it themselves, than some youtuber

>> No.11939973

>There's a recently leaked report that came out features 500 UFO sighings/encounters at nuclear facilities since the 1950s. Including scenarios were ICBM's were switched on/off all at once, which is technically not possible.

>> No.11939975

Among UFO nuts, it's speculated that Russia and China probably have some crashed stuff. In the 90s, after the Soviet Union collapsed some western journalists went to Russia and met with ex-KGB and high ranking military personal and bought classified documents from them, which they snuck out from Russia back to the USA. One such journalist was George Knapp. In one of the classified documents, a 250 page KGB report, it states that a UFO appeared at a Russian ICBM base in Siveria and soldiers fired an over the shoulder rocket at the craft, which made it crash. 5 Ayylmao occupants came out and shot the soldiers with some type of weapon, killing most of them by turning them into what appeared to be stone. There's also a recently declassified CIA memo on this. So there several independent sources confirming this story, including the CIA. Is it true? You decide.
Here is the link to the CIA memo.

>> No.11939979

Your question for sources is rather obtuse. You do understand there are literally dozens of cases, not just in the USA? Many with similar characteristics. You need to be more specific.

>> No.11939983

>unwarranted prejudices
You could've watched rather than shitting this thread. Also FLIRs are inaccurate.

>> No.11939985

We don't need pilots, the miltiary, aerospace engineers, radar system, the pentagon, nothing. We just need a youtube skeptic bro!

>> No.11939988

>according to KGB materials
And you know these could be feigned right?

>> No.11939992


>too afraid it may prove myself wrong
cope harder
Here's a video from a real pilot.

>> No.11939997

If you want to read cases, in which there are many corroborating witnesses and declassified FOIA documents, at the senior level in the military or intelligence community, you can read UFOs and Nukes by Hastings and UFOs and Generals by Kean. These books compile all the stuff neatly in one place for you, you can get them for free from Libgen.
But we both know you won't because you're just a brain dead "I'm so smart" skeptic.

>> No.11940001

LOL. Fravor is way high ranking and exoerienced than this chump. Go blow Thunder foots mouldy dick you little fat faggot bitch.

>> No.11940003

Okay we can do this all day heres an interview with the pilot WHO WAS ACTUALLY THERE


>> No.11940015

What the fuck, surely this is some bored cia agent making up bait

>> No.11940019

You know this is the real issue, the fact of the matter is that people like you will never be satisfied. No matter how many declassified documents or memos I'd post. Your mind is already made up from the get go.
It's true that it could be faked, but can you prove that? Because if you can't you're not really adding anything of interest. The CIA didn't seem to think it was fake, nor would it make sense for the KGB to fake a document and release it after the KGB ceased to exist as an organisation. This is the trouble with your type of skepticism, it's easy to pick up apart as there is no reason or logic behind it. It's just the "No u" of arguments. Now if this type of scenario was an isolated anomaly, maybe there would some credence your type of close minded skepticism. Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents and we have evidence from both sides, the USA and Russia. They were experiencing similar encounters independently of each other, which we were not able to corroborate until after the Soviet Union collapsed.

>> No.11940024

I asked you for sources of specific claims, you're the one who needs to be specific. Since you refuse to actually show what you're saying is correct, I can only assume it's incorrect.

>> No.11940026

The kgb story/document was already known before this CIA memo got declassified. What makes it interesting is that it means the CIA was very closely keeping tabs on what the KGB was doing.

>> No.11940040
File: 107 KB, 1080x172, aysss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this would actually quite easy to confirm, if we had the means to do it. There's 20 missing soldiers and photographic evidence. Where is it? Where is the full 250 report?

>> No.11940047

>Your mind is already made up from the get go.
Projection much?

>but can you prove that?
But can you prove the veracity of their claims?
Science works only on proofs, not on claims. There's not a single definitive proof of aliens.

>> No.11940050

>>but can you prove that?
>But can you prove the veracity of their claims?
>Science works only on proofs, not on claims. There's not a single definitive proof of aliens.
Can you scientifically prove that you actually exist and that you're not a figment of my imagination?

>> No.11940051

>I'm too afraid that my /pol/ agenda wll be btfo'd by some random jewtuber.

>> No.11940055

Oh yes. I can show photographic evidence.

>> No.11940058

/pol/tards are truly on another level.
Who let them in?

>> No.11940059

But that photographic evidence is created by my imagination. Nobody exists apart from me.

>> No.11940061

What /pol/ agenda? /pol/ hates UFOs and thinks they're a fake and gay psyop and distraction from the Jews.

>> No.11940062

But your evidence is only limited to your mind. Actual evidence runs much deeper. You would've 'imagine' even my blood type, age, gender, past history, which, as a matter of fact, you cannot.

>> No.11940068

You literally do not exist and are nothing but the invention of my own consciousness. You can't disprove my claim with science.

>> No.11940072

>circle around because I have no good argument

>> No.11940078
File: 483 KB, 1080x1749, sheeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I will see the idiotic "I LOVE SCIENCE" reddit skeptics of /sci/ get BTFO by /x/. Kek. What a time line. This article confirms that AATIP, the pentagon program for studying UFOs still exists. So now the real question is, is the pentagon completely incompetent? Considering /sci/tards believe youtube skeptics like Mick West and Thunderturd have debunked the pentagon videos, but the pentagon doesn't think so.


>> No.11940080

are not aliens.

>> No.11940082

I just wanted to make you aware of the fatal flaw in your reasoning.

>> No.11940085

Neither is there proof that aliens exist.

>> No.11940087

>le I'm so smart with my reddit skeptic talking points about UFOs not meaning aliens! It means unidentified!
If they're not ours, as the pentagon confirmed, and they defy our knowledge of aeronautics and physics. So what are they? There's not many options left, is there?

>> No.11940090

There's evidence that something with capabilities beyond what we have is involving itself into our affairs and has been doing for a long time. Now it's time to find out what it is and force the government to disclose everything they have in this topic.

>> No.11940091

>as the pentagon confirmed,
>I have no way of thinking. I just rely on other's ideas.

>> No.11940094

>There's evidence


>> No.11940096

The pentagon needs to hire this man, because they still have a UFO program running and they could not identify the objects in the videos. God, what would we do without a genius like Thundermuff and his youtube videos which are light years ahead of the scientists and engineers working for the Pentagon.

>> No.11940097

Read a book or two on the topic, but first you should have sex, incel. I can smell you and your filthy neckbeard from here.

>> No.11940098

>Read a book or two on the topic
Show me then?

>> No.11940099

This is just copying some random Russian newspaper story. It's meaningless. UFOtards will grasp at any straw and destroy their credibility.

>> No.11940102

The Pentagon is completely incompetent when it comes to not wasting money on a Senator's pork project, yes.

>> No.11940103

>first you should have sex, incel
Why do retards resort to saying so and so? Only a retard would ever say that.

>> No.11940110

We hate you more.

>> No.11940113

Nimitz encounters.
East coast encounters.
Rendlesham Forest incident.
Phoenix lights incident.
1990s Belgian UFO wave.
Fort Hood UFO incident(s)
Sandia Base UFO incident(s)
Nevada Test Site UFO incident(s)
Minot AFB UFO incident(s)
Malmstrom AFB UFO incident(s)
That's just a few. Happy hunting.

>> No.11940117

None of these are confirmed. They're just speculative sightings.

>> No.11940120

AATIP isn't a senators pork project, nor is it the only UFO program that the USA has. The US has about 20 intelligence agencies, which independently collect information on this topic. AATIP is a small fish in a giant ocean. Harry Reid is also not involved in the current incarnation of AATIP.

>> No.11940121

>None of these are confirmed. They're just speculative sightings.
Oh shit, you must have have looked into it all in 60 seconds and became an expert.

>> No.11940123

Again, no proof.

>> No.11940128

When can jannies clean up this thread?

>> No.11940131

The job of the pentagon is to assess threats and act accordingly. The pentagon could spy on you while you're jerking off to your anime cartoons and you wouldn't even know about it. So, yes, I am willing to defer to them when it comes to intelligence gathering over some weirdo youtube skeptic that has never had a gf.

>> No.11940134

You don't have any proof that there's no proof. That's just your subjective opinion.

>> No.11940136

>I regurgitate shit that others tell me. I have no natural filter in my head.
I feel truly sorry anon.

>> No.11940140

If you had proof, you would've shown it. You're just resorting to the same retarded ideology of
"do this when you have no proof. Spin the guy in circles".

>> No.11940143

No. The story was featured in a newspaper, that's what newspapers do, they publish stories when they hear about something. But there is an official KGB document on the incident.

>> No.11940145

Why are you so afraid of presenting the proof?
Just show it.
Are you a coward?

>> No.11940150

I'm not arrogant or stupid. I am not an expert in intelligence gathering. I don't have classified access to information like the pentagon does. I'm not a civil or structural engineer either, hence I would defer to a structural or civil engineer if I wanted to have a building built somewhere. That's how life works, you defer to others who have expertise that you don't have. If you don't, you're delusional, stupid, or/and arrogant.

>> No.11940153

Why are you so afraid that UFOs are real and could be Ayyys. Why does it scare you? What is that you're afraid of?

>> No.11940156

are you actually trying to comprehend the reasoning of aliens?
theres like a 10% chance the visitors are furries but for humans

>> No.11940157

Again, you're a coward for not providing any proof.

>> No.11940159
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It’s amazing how conditional skepticism can be

>> No.11940160

You're a coward for being scared of the Ayyyssss

>> No.11940163

Have you ever thought about what I said. I just called you stupid for blindly believing in what people say.

>I'm not a civil or structural engineer either, hence I would defer to a structural or civil engineer if I wanted to have a building built somewhere
Yes, because structural engineers use maths and physics to build stuff. They don't just come up with idea from their ass. If you do no believe in science, then you're a lost case.

>> No.11940165

>Since I have no proof, I shall run in circles

>> No.11940166

You've been provided of proof of physical, flying objects that display characteristics that our technology cannot. You don't want to accept it because you're afraid and want to LARP as a super intelligent reddit skeptic, and that's fine.

>> No.11940169

"I'm a so smart sceptic" people are so fucking cringeworthy.

Desperate to be taken seriously by academia, but having flunked that they larp as authorities on the scientific process on /sci/ and flail around trying to discount UFO sightings with a good degree of radar evidence and eye witness reports.

These objects exist, they aren't Russian (lmao at how anyone could even entertain that idea, the Ruskies are not in possession of their own craft that can accelerate at 1000g).

I think it's likely that they belong to aliens, it seems to be the most reasonable and non far fetched explanation.

Clandestine govt projects doesn't stack up. We're not talking about a highly classified aeroplane here. These are at least decades ahead of what we are able to possess, probably centuries.

>> No.11940170

Where's the proof?

>> No.11940171

The pentagon also uses science and mathematics for their operations. You just don't want to accept the information because you don't like the information, it's that simple.

>> No.11940173

Posted above, you made convenient excuses to not read it because it scares you.

>> No.11940175

Yeah but you've not provided any proof. Those are just incidents/sightings. Fucking retard.

>> No.11940177

You need to go read it, dummy. Run along now and read it like a good little boy.

>> No.11940181

/Sci/tards will not accept any evidence, no matter what, until skeptics and reddit tell them they should accept it.

>> No.11940182

What if that tictac was just a part of some black project? There were things called Black Manta, a triangle-shaped ufo with a revolutionary, anti-gravitic engine. If this was true, do you think that Pentagon would say: "Don't worry, it's just our top secret project. Not the alien tech."

>> No.11940184

Where's the proof?

>proof posted

But where's the proof

>proof posted

Yeah but where's the proof

You scared, scared little man.

>> No.11940190


The physics of how the tic tac operates are ridiculous, anon. The acceleration, change in direction, lack of exhaust or flight control surfaces etc

I don't think it's impossible not to be ours, but this seems so far ahead of what I expect our black budget ops could do. Where's a plausible engineering and knowledge discovery path that involves the US have this tech almost 20 years ago?

>> No.11940191

These incidents are worth investigation. That's my take.

If physical evidence from an alleged craft that seems to show technical prowess we don't posses turns up and is made available for investigation by academics it would go a long way to making this field more substantive.

>> No.11940193

Black triangles being secret American aircraft is just speculation. According to people who would actually know this stuff, i.e. Chris Mellon or Steve Justice (who actually managed black projects at Skunkworks) tic-tac does not belong the US. I also don't believe it's plausible that it's USA tech, that would basically mean an entire new field of physics and material science has somehow been hidden from the public.

>> No.11940194

Show me one scientific proof. At this point I think you don't even understand the meaning of the word 'proof'. You're just linking reports of alleged sightings.

>> No.11940198

The problem is that this type of stuff has national security implications, which naturally means it gets locked up in secracy.

>> No.11940199

>link reports
>call it proof
ok anon.

>> No.11940200

What does that mean? You mean you want me to show you a UFO in a lab being studied at MIT? Wtf do you want? Get you get dark matter or dark energy in a lab?

>> No.11940205

Show me a scientific paper that studies this craft in great detail. It should use scientific methods only. No fringe theories.
That's it anon. Show me only one.

>> No.11940210

The Pentagon and Senate intelligence committee think UFOs exist and pose a potential threat to national security. But some fat retard blowhard like you thinks they know better. Okay chump.

>> No.11940212

It should not be kept secret if it exists,and it seems that the gov is slowly realizing how silly it is to keep this stuff secret.

Incidentally,we may have figured out how to move around like these craft are alleged to, by using inertial-cancelling warp drives. We may get an announcement about that soon.

>> No.11940218

Again, no proof of aliens. You're going on and on about the gov. I don't care. Just show me one SCIENTIFIC PROOF. THAT'S IT. ONE PROOF.

>> No.11940219

If that's your litmus test, then you need to stop believing in a lot of things because I assure most things that you believe will not pass your litmus test. Unfortunately, because of the nature of UFOs, we can't exactly get one in a lab. And as the recent new York Times article stated, if the USA government has a crashed UFO, it's locked up tight and you're not going to see it anytime soon. You sound really immature and like a I love Science stereotype.

>> No.11940225

Again, one proof. If you do not know what is a proof, then here's one

I don't know. Show me one, then I'll believe you. I promise.

>> No.11940230

>I assure most things that you believe will not pass your litmus test

>> No.11940231

You're massive try hard retard man.
Here are the facts. UFOs are some type of craft that behave like nothing we have and involve themselves in our air space and facilities. The pentagon and senate intelligence committee has confirmed this. Whether you accept it or not, or continue to be a try hard cringe retard is up to you. But it's now a confirmed fact. Does it mean it's Ayyylmaos? No, not necessarily, but it could be Ayylmaos. Buy it could also be something else.

>> No.11940237

>The pentagon and senate intelligence committee has confirmed this
Where? Have they explicitly mentioned 'aliens'?

>> No.11940238

Like the fact you exist.
There is no scientific way of proving that you're not living in a simulation or in some dream created by an evil entity. But I'll wait until you show me a paper proving that you exist.

>> No.11940241

>AATIP isn't a senators pork project
It is openly a Senator's pork project:

>Initiated by then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)[11] as the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP) to study unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) at the urging of Reid's friend, Nevada billionaire and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow,[12] and with support from the late senators Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), the program began in the DIA in 2007 and was budgeted $22 million over its five years of operation.[3][4]
>AATIP, through a contract awarded to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), has generated a 494 page report that documents alleged worldwide UFO sightings over several decades.[17][18]

This project was not initiated by the Pentagon, it was initiated by the friend of a Senator whose company was then paid to produce reports for it. It is the dictionary definition of pork.

>nor is it the only UFO program that the USA has.
And how exactly does that inspire confidence when we know the Pentagon is so easily manipulated into wasting money on pork for at least one of programs?

>AATIP is a small fish in a giant ocean.
Then why are you referencing it?

>> No.11940243

>you're not living in a simulation or in some dream created by an evil entity.
Ockham's razor disproves it.
There's just too much assumptions going on.

>> No.11940245

No, the newspaper story claims they're is a KGB document. Nice critical reading. You can find all sorts of schizophrenic nonsense in declassified CIA memos, that doesn't mean the CIA ever said any of it is true.

>> No.11940249

>But I'll wait until you show me a paper proving that you exist
But I asked you first. So......
Whatever anon.

>> No.11940250

They never said it's aliens, but they also never said it's not aliens. Given that these UFOs are displaying features that we do not have, you can make a plausible arguments that it's not us. But we don't know at this point, at least at the unclassified public level, hence why legislation is being created and investigations are continuing. The senate received classified briefings on UFOs, including crashed UFOs, as the NYT confirmed. We don't have access to that information. You seem really naive, in a weird autistic way.

>> No.11940254

Please show the evidence the objects can accelerate with 1000 g instead of whining about how no one takes you serial.

>> No.11940255

LOL, just admit you've recently started your try hard science phase. You remind me of the YouTube atheist scene from the early 10s.
Occams Razor doesn't prove or disprove anything. It's just a tool. Just because there is more assumptions in one scenario doesn't mean it's false.

>> No.11940258

UFOtards will never ever present any evidence, instead they will just whine about how no one believes their fairy tales.

>> No.11940260

THis thread represents just how muddied the waters are in terms of talking about UFOs.

No one will be able to post proof, only indirect evidence. Given how strange some of that is,I but also how ambiguous and shrouded in secrecy it is,I think our attitude should be "wait and see" and not a full-throated denial or affirmation.

It doesn't help that nutjobs and cranks infest the UFO community. People with a proper skeptical attitude, who remain open minded and don't jump to conclusions, are sadly rare. I feel very isolated. I think a lot of it is that passion clouds judgement.

>> No.11940267

Meant for

>> No.11940269

Anon ffs, don't say stupid shit. Artillery shells with on-board electronics can be accelerated at 7500 G. A human has survived brief exposure to over 200 g.

>> No.11940270

the video does not show anything weird, no acceleration or direction change. The reports where the object mirrors the movement of the fighter sound exactly like a parallax effect where a small object that's moving slowly appears to be moving fast and farther away in response to how the viewer moves.

>> No.11940271

Definition of Occam's razor
>a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities
Occams razor doesn't prove or disprove aliens, but it does mean that until we have more evidence, its more reasonable to assume aliens DONT exist

>> No.11940272

But you're have not presented any evidence since the past hour or so. In all of this time you could've linked one and converted me. But you failed to do even that job.
Don't show me proofs of aliens. Show me that these sightings were accurate from multiple sources. Both, inside and outside.

>> No.11940274

AATIP is still on going and Harry Reid has nothing to do with it anymore. And actually, your interpretation does not prove anything of the sort. Three high ranking senators started AATIP, not just Reid.

>> No.11940277

after reading the retards ITT, most people don't understand this difference and it is worth pointing out

>> No.11940278

"UFOs exist" is a meaningless statement you tards use to try to confuse people into thinking aliens exist.

>> No.11940279
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Thank you anon, for helping me fight these tards.

>> No.11940283

Well, the US government is partly to blame for this. The Robertson panel suggested that the CIA should do everything in their power to discredit the topic and kill the publics interest. Naturally, that pushed most normal people away and left a vacuum for the nut jobs to fill up.

>> No.11940289

UFOs, flying objects with capabilities and technology that we do not have, exist. I never said it's aliens, that's your projection.

>> No.11940293

>UFOs are some type of craft
Many UFOs have been shown to be bugs, reflections, optical illusions, CGI, etc. So this blanket statement is objectively false. If you don't know what something is you don't know what it is.

>> No.11940295

You too anon.

>> No.11940296

Same fagging autist

>> No.11940300
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>> No.11940306

Everyone understands this distinction, it's cringy skeptics and popular science people like Tyson and Le Science man that make this statement like it's profound. When we say UFOs or UAPs, we are not talking about balloons, conventional aircraft, stars, planets, or anything like that. We are talking about some type of craft. Everyone knows this, but skeptics are so invested in denial that they do everything they can do muddy the waters and stop any potential debate, as seen in this thread with one guy not willing to even accept that UFOs, as some type of craft, exist. Unless I show him a paper and a UFO in a lab. It's rediculous and shows the double standard that is being played by ardent skeptics, who are bordering on religious dogma at this point.

>> No.11940311

That's cool and very true, but I'm not interested in those type of UFOs and neither is the pentagon.

>> No.11940313
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>> No.11940314
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Not him, but you are literally the worst kind of retarded, the kind that thinks he is smart.

Of course there is no definitive evidence for aliens. Otherwise there would be statements from politicians on the issue and how they plan to deal with it, et cetera. There would literally be nothing else on the news if there was definitive evidence.

So what? Does it mean that everything else ... all the reports that emerged since the Roswell incident basically, we can safely discard all of that?

If you said to somebody 10 years ago, that the NSA is spying on friendly governments and US citizens you would be labeled a conspiracy theorist and laughed at. You would also not be able to produce anything remotely resembling evidence.

>> No.11940315

/sci/ getting BTFO by the Pentagon
>In regards to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force mentioned in Times, Gough confirms the Department of Defense "is creating a task force to gain knowledge and insight into the nature and origins of UAPs," as well as their "operations, capabilities, performance, and/or signatures."

>The mission, Gough says, "will be to detect, analyze, catalog, consolidate, and exploit non-traditional aerospace vehicles/UAPs posing an operational threat to U.S. national security and avoid strategic surprise.

>> No.11940323

I am here too, a believer for my own reasons. But without concrete evidence there is not much I can add. Most of this seems like emotional back and forth without much evidence for or against.

There are legitimate sightings like nimitz though. Anyone who denies something with so many reputable witness accounts is refusing to consider possibilities.

Some people want to believe and others do not. Nothing can really be done about it either way without more information and the skies have been clear for decades.

>> No.11940327

>Not him, but you are literally the worst kind of retarded, the kind that thinks he is smart.
I never claimed to be part. I am indeed retarded.

>If you said to somebody 10 years ago, that the NSA is spying on friendly governments and US citizens you would be labeled a conspiracy theorist and laughed at. You would also not be able to produce anything remotely resembling evidence.
But that's not far fetched in the logical sense. But there's less reasons to believe that alien crafts do exist and travel at 'warp' speeds.

>> No.11940328

if you've actually read the thread instead of autistically spazzing out because magical space negro has also said the same thing, you would very clearly see most of the posts ITT do not understand it. I'd link all of the posts that are assuming that because UFOs exist, aliens must as well, but you're too much of a cocksucking faggot to read anything that goes against your dogmatic belief in aliens buttfucking you with a probe

>> No.11940331

Think if they're friendly they'd take humans back to their planet with their superior technology? Maybe humanity's sea faring starts with borrowed technology

>> No.11940333


>> No.11940334


>> No.11940344

I'm entirely willing to accept that these craft are not Ayyys, it's plausible, but the technological disparity is so high compared to what we have that I think Ayss could actually be a more probable explanation. There's also a large historical narrative around this topic, which makes the man made explanation look less plausible. Much more assumptions and conspiracy theories involved in the man made explanation. In the end, we don't really know. We need to look into more seriously and it seems we are heading in that direction.

>> No.11940353

>AATIP is still on going and Harry Reid has nothing to do with it anymore.
Because he retired, so what? Is it somehow good that the Pentagon continues to waste taxpayer money on a project that started as pork? For all we know Bigelow our some other porker is still getting paid money to pump out bullshit.

>And actually, your interpretation does not prove anything of the sort. Three high ranking senators started AATIP, not just Reid.
My interpretation? It literally says "at the urging of Reid's friend, Nevada billionaire and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow." Nice desperation.

>> No.11940355

>UFOs, flying objects with capabilities and technology that we do not have, exist.
That's not what UFO means. A UFO is an unidentified flying object, although even that is a misconception since "UFOs" are actually UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena. They don't have to actually be flying or objects.

>I never said it's aliens, that's your projection.
No you never said it but that's what you're implying. Don't be coy.

>> No.11940357

So please tell me how you determined that the "UFOs" (UAPs) you're interested in are actually flying objects.

>> No.11940361
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>/sci/ got BTFO by the Pentagon saying nothing

>> No.11940365

I never said that UFOs are necessarily man made. As we cannot identify many of these phenomena, we should look to more realistic explanation than aliens from another solar system. After all, some could be scratches on camera lenses, celestial bodies, odd birds, or dust (not to mention that many of the people who claim to see UFOs and interacted with aliens are lying through their teeth). I'm not denying the existence of aliens, what I'm saying is that we should look to other things we can test before assuming aliens did it. If we aren't able to explain these phenomena, then we could reasonably start talking about more "creative" explanations as potential fact. Also, until one of these alleged space ships are found and made available to researchers and engineers, instead of 2nd and 3rd hand accounts from questionable people, it's science fiction to discuss how advanced these aircraft are compared to our tech.

>> No.11940367

>Is it somehow good that the Pentagon continues to waste taxpayer money on a project that started as pork?
Got any proof about that? Assuming you're briefed into the program. Tell us more, you seem to know everything.
>My interpretation? It literally says "at the urging of Reid's friend, Nevada billionaire and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow." Nice desperation.
Yes, your interpretation. You're trying to insinuate that this is some bizarre money making scheme, when in reality 21 million is chump change for Bigelow. Why wouldn't they hire Bigelow aerospace or related scientists? Hiring private contractors is what the government has been doing since the 1950s. The fact that Reid and Bigelow knew each other is not evidence of anything, other than the fact they knew each other. But you seem to have classified information and know stuff that I don't, so please substantiate your bizarre conspiracy theory with evidence.

>> No.11940370

These guys have no idea what they're talking about. They calculate acceleration from the Nimitz video without realizing the apparent movement is due to the camera losing its lock on to the target, making the object appear to move right then accelerate to the left. It's just camera movement. The rest of the calculations are from anecdotal evidence requiring several assumptions, like two radar returns being of the same object without any evidence.

>> No.11940372

>After all, some could be scratches on camera lenses, celestial bodies, odd birds, or dust (not to mention that many of the people who claim to see UFOs and interacted with aliens are lying through their teeth).
Most of them are, it's the 1% that are not that is of interest. If you want to talk about bugs or lenses, go make a thread about it.

>> No.11940379

>They calculate acceleration from the Nimitz video without realizing the apparent movement is due to the camera losing its lock on to the target, making the object appear to move right then accelerate to the left. It's just camera movement.
Yeah and you know this because some fat guy with a neckbeard told you on a youtube video, and he himself deduced this while sat at home. While the US Navy and Defence department could not, even though they have access to classified information and their own scientists/experts.

>> No.11940381

It's bullshit.


>> No.11940390

Mick West is bullshit. It seems most of the die hard retarded skeptics are just parroting West and Thundermuff. Do you fags have any self awareness of how delusionally arrogant you are? You literally believe you know better than the US Navy and DoD because some guy on youtube, who just sits in his room, told you.

>> No.11940392

I don't take anything seriously that Mick "Seagull" West says.

>> No.11940393

Don't forget the source next time.

>> No.11940395

>we're going to seriously analyze UAP data and use it for our strategic advantage

>> No.11940399

the paper takes it into account
>The ATFLIR has a zoom feature that can change the field of view. In the Nimitz video frames analyzed, the zoom is first set to unity in the NAR mode so that the angular field of view is 0.7∘. However, at Frame 16, the zoom changes to two, so that the angular field of view in the NAR mode changes to 0.35∘.
>ATFLIR orientation was fixed at a zenith angle of 5∘ above the aircraft axis and at an azimuthal angle of 8∘ left of the aircraft axis

>> No.11940413

>Got any proof about that?
Of what? That they continue to spend money on it? That it started out as pork? The former you already admitted to and the latter I already showed.

>You're trying to insinuate that this is some bizarre money making scheme, when in reality 21 million is chump change for Bigelow.
I didn't say it's a moneymaking scheme, I said it's pork. Do you understand what that means? It means a pet project funded by taxpayer dollars for a Senator's friend.

>Why wouldn't they hire Bigelow aerospace or related scientists?
Yeah why wouldn't they hire the guy they created the project to hire because he's a friend of a Senator? Amazing logic.

>> No.11940416

>That it started out as pork?
That's your opinion and a wild conspiracy theory like I've shown. I'm sorry, but maybe you should go to /x/ or /pol/. I'm not interested in conspiracy theories.

>> No.11940419

>Yeah and you know this because some fat guy with a neckbeard told you on a youtube video, and he himself deduced this while sat at home.
Not an argument, try again.

>While the US Navy and Defence department could not
Where exactly did the Navy or DoD say that they couldn't figure out that the object wasn't accelerating? You're confusing your retarded source for the Navy and DoD.

>> No.11940433

>the paper takes it into account
What you quoted doesn't show that they took that into account that.

>>ATFLIR orientation was fixed at a zenith angle of 5∘ above the aircraft axis and at an azimuthal angle of 8∘ left of the aircraft axis
How does this respond to what i said?

>> No.11940436

How does that BTFO /sci/?

>> No.11940440

>Mick West is bullshit.
If Mick West is bullshit then you're... what's below bullshit? Pig shit? Anyway, not an argument, try again.

>You literally believe you know better than the US Navy and DoD because some guy on youtube, who just sits in his room, told you.
Please explain what Mick West said that contradicts the Navy or DoD.

>> No.11940441

Because /sci/ believes UAPs are Seagulls, bugs, and camera artifacts.

>> No.11940444

>Where exactly did the Navy or DoD say that they couldn't figure out that the object wasn't accelerating?
The DoD has confirmed multiple times that they could not identify the objects in the 3 videos, despite having access to the radar data, flight logs, and all the other classified shit. Yet here you are telling me that Mick West has worked out exactly what it is from watching a grainy video.

>> No.11940448

Mick West says it's seagulls and another jet, meanwhile the DoD says otherwise.

>> No.11940449
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Oh good, then I don't have to take your posts seriously. Nice joke.

>> No.11940451

Found this interview w/ Eric W Davis

>> No.11940462

>What do you make of this?

That OP is making an appeal to authority?!? A gorillion PdDs is no substitute for actual fucking evidence.

>> No.11940464

>What you quoted doesn't show that they took that into account that.
Then what are they talking about?

>> No.11940472
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>tfw the only reputable ufo researcher I knew of is now dead

What are some other people to follow?

>> No.11940474


>> No.11940475

Jacques Vallee and anyone involved with TTSA.

>> No.11940479

Holy fuck, a seagull just flew over my house! Mick West has zero credibility.

>> No.11940484

Why are you posting a link to some cucks twitter?

>> No.11940488
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>> No.11940498

>That's your opinion and a wild conspiracy theory like I've shown.
No, it's not my opinion, it's public knowledge. And you haven't shown shit.

>“The whole contracting process for this program was irregular from start to finish,” Steven Aftergood, Director for the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, tells Popular Mechanics. “[The AAWSAP contract] sounds like it was a good deal for the contractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the military or the public got their money’s worth.”

>Robert Bigelow, a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid, received most of the money allocated for the Pentagon program.

>> No.11940504

>Because /sci/ believes UAPs are Seagulls, bugs, and camera artifacts.

>> No.11940505

>The DoD has confirmed multiple times that they could not identify the objects in the 3 videos, despite having access to the radar data, flight logs, and all the other classified shit. Yet here you are telling me that Mick West has worked out exactly what it is from watching a grainy video.
No, Mick West did not say he knows exactly what it is. Did you even watch his videos?

>> No.11940508

Where did the DoD say otherwise?

>> No.11940512

It's public knowledge, but your interpretation of that public knowledge is your own conspiracy theory. I'm looking at the same public information as you are, but I'm not seeing the same nefarious conspiracy theory as you are.

>> No.11940516

>Then what are they talking about?
They simply say the zoom changes the field of view. You can read, right?

>> No.11940518

LOL none of those are reputable.

>> No.11940520

Then it should be easy for you to show one thing he said is wrong. But you won't, because you literally have no argument.

>> No.11940524

The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as "unidentified."

>> No.11940525
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>> No.11940532

All of those are reputable. What are yourcredentials faggot? Vallee has worked at a high level both in science and in business. He's got a big hedge fund right now in Sillicon Valley and is respected by people there. TTSA has top level people from Aerospace companies and the intelligence community. If a guy in charge of Lockheeds Skunkworks or a CIA officer in charge of designating drone strike targets for the president to approve isn't credible, then I don't know who is.

>> No.11940534

The DoD said you're wrong, Mick. Now go away and go shill your videos somewhere else. Getting really desperate for those measly skeptic bucks if you're shilling yourself on here.

>> No.11940535
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What's more likely:

1. A handful of schizos starting with the Barney and Betty Hill abduction saw weird lights in the sky (from satellites, weather balloons, classified x-plane projects, etc.) and construed them as ayyylmaos based on a stereotype from science fiction novels, leading to the conspiracy theories.

2. The entirety of astronomers, astrophysicists, governments, and experts in the field, hundreds of thousands of people, that have been looking for ayyylmao signals since the 1950s are all lying as part of a grand conspiracy.

>The precise origin of the Grey as the stereotypical extraterrestrial being is difficult to pinpoint. In the 1893 article "Man of the Year Million", science fiction author H. G. Wells envisioned the possibility of humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings who were perhaps one meter tall, with big heads and large, oval-shaped pitch-black eyes. In his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon, Wells described Selenites (natives of the Moon) as having grey skin, big heads, and large black eyes. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food for the Martians, who were the antagonist characters in his 1898 novel The War of the Worlds.

>In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science fiction novel called Den okända faran ("The Unknown Danger"), in which he describes a race of extraterrestrials: "...the creatures did not resemble any race of humans. They were short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, and weak chins. What was most extraordinary about them were the eyes—large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze. They wore clothes made of soft grey fabric, and their limbs seemed to be similar to those of humans."[This quote needs a citation] The novel, aimed at young readers, included illustrations of the imagined aliens.

>> No.11940536

It's not my interpretation, you literal retard. It's the definition of pork. You're in denial.

>> No.11940538

False dichotomy and strawman.

>> No.11940540

Where did Mick say it's identified? How is this hard for you UFOtards to grasp?

>> No.11940541

Mick West argues one video is a bird and another is IR flare. Why are you being deceitful, little Micky Dicky?

>> No.11940547

Then show me an actual alien spacecraft and or proof of their technology.

>> No.11940548

We will always hate you more.

>> No.11940549
File: 681 KB, 1080x1859, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over /sci/.
/x/ was right and you were wrong.
Just accept your loss at this point. Have some dignity.

>> No.11940553

Show me dark matter and dark energy.
Show me the big bang.
Show me the universe.
Put them in a lab bro, because if you can't it's not real.

>> No.11940558
File: 119 KB, 3213x2681, entropy-21-00939-g006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then continue to ignore the zoom change for their analysis?
>The first kinematic model assumes that the UAV started from relative rest and accelerated with a constant rate of ax to the left.
As you can see, they took the zoom change into account.

>> No.11940559

This basic misunderstanding of science is why you don't belong here.

>Show me dark matter and dark energy.
Has been detected in laboratory conditions
>Show me the big bang
Has been proven through redshift observations
>Show me the universe
The observable universe has been, as the name indicates, observed and measured

>> No.11940562

Fucking ALIENS are not natural phenomena, they are a LIVING SPECIES that would be able to produce tangible evidence IF THEY EXISTED.

>> No.11940563

>>Show me dark matter and dark energy.
>Has been detected in laboratory conditions
>>Show me the big bang
>Has been proven through redshift observations
>>Show me the universe
>The observable universe has been, as the name indicates, observed and measured
Wait, so you didn't actually get the Big Bang in a lab, you just observed things from far away and made deductions... Hmmmm sounds almost exactly like the UFO evidence. Hmm, why the double standard, big brain? Are you perhaps biased?

>> No.11940567

>All of those are reputable.
No they're all quacks.

>What are yourcredentials faggot?
What are yours?

>Vallee has worked at a high level both in science and in business. He's got a big hedge fund right now in Sillicon Valley and is respected by people there.
How exactly does CS and finance qualify him to identify UAPs? What a massive moron. First you squawk about credentials and then you completely fail to give any relevant ones.

>TTSA has top level people from Aerospace companies and the intelligence community.
Yes I'm sure their talents are being well used to create scifi YouTube videos.

>> No.11940568

>Has been proven through redshift observations
>he observable universe has been, as the name indicates, observed and measured
Let me add more to help you out.
CMB - The literal blue print of our universe.

Hubble's law - Literal law for the bang

>> No.11940569

>Wait, so you didn't actually get the Big Bang in a lab, you just observed things from far away and made deductions... Hmmmm sounds almost exactly like the UFO evidence. Hmm, why the double standard, big brain? Are you perhaps biased?
The very article linked in the OP says retrieved metals and other substances purported to be of alien origin were studied and proven to be of Human origin. So no, no double standard.

>> No.11940570

>The DoD said you're wrong, Mick.
my name isn't Mick, schizo. Where did the DoD say he's wrong?

>> No.11940571

>Wait, so you didn't actually get the Big Bang in a lab, you just observed things from far away and made deductions
What's different is that we have numerous - rather thousands - of proofs that it has happened. There's mathematical proof all over the place.

>> No.11940575
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1587891473646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even worse is that people are gullible enough to believe this bullshit. No wonder coronachan is fucking up America.

>> No.11940576

>Has been proven through redshift observations
>Hubble's law
Isn't that only evidence for the expansion of the observable universe? How exactly is that *proof* of a big bang?

>> No.11940579

>Mick West argues one video is a bird
No he says it could be a bird.

>and another is IR flare.
That doesn't mean it's identified.

Why are you lying?

>> No.11940580

show me the mathematical proof

>> No.11940582


Maybe read wiki sometimes, since you're incapable of reading scientific literature.

>> No.11940583


>> No.11940584
File: 53 KB, 403x448, cvbbmwwe4rzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gibberish
Totally reputable and scientific

>> No.11940587

TTSA has real scientists working for the company and access to a billion dollar military lab, you're just an undergrad. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11940592


>> No.11940599

I'm not seeing any mathematical proofs

>> No.11940601


>> No.11940602

I have no doubt aliens exist, but I also have no doubt they're NOT currently on earth.

Al UFO sightings are just that, Unidentified Flying Objects. If it were for sure aliens, they wouldn't be called UFOs, they'd be identified as aliens.

>> No.11940604

We have thousands upon thousands of credible UFO cases, from different countries and with corroborating witnesses and physical/radar evidence. Unfortunately most of it gets classified. People on /sci/ aren't even willing to admit that the Nimitz tic-tac was a real thing, despite the fact we know the radar data has been classified and the corroborating personal testimony from many credible people.

>> No.11940606

Please explain how what you quoted or the image you have shows they took the zoom creating apparent motion into account. It appears you don't even understand your own source since you keep quoting irrelevant parts.

>> No.11940607

You want more?

>> No.11940612

We observe cosmic expansion which is predicted by the big bang model, but that is not direct proof of big bang.

>> No.11940613

>We have thousands upon thousands of credible UFO cases
But you to fail to provide conclusive proofs. They're just reports. No studies have been done by reputed scientists.

>> No.11940614

Go shill your videos on reddit, Mick. >>11940602
>Al UFO sightings are just that, Unidentified Flying Objects. If it were for sure aliens, they wouldn't be called UFOs, they'd be identified as aliens.
We call them unidentified because we can't confirm where they are from or who is in control of them. But we have evidence of their capabilities and can discern the differences they have with conventional aircraft or other aerial phenomena.

>> No.11940617

lmao. Ever heard of the CMB?

>> No.11940619

If there was a single peer reviewed study proving the presence of ayyys /sci/ would be the first to jump on board. A grainy video of a thing floating in the sky and an unreliable eyewitness testimony is not proof enough, sorry anon.

Show me technosignatures and actual evidence.

>> No.11940624

Want more?

>> No.11940627

Can someone give me a TL;DR version of this thread?

>> No.11940628

>TTSA has real scientists working for the company
So? I can hire real scientists to make paintings with their shit.

>> No.11940629

We've literally sent stuff up to observe

>> No.11940632

>They're just reports. No studies have been done by reputed scientists.
Actually, there is quite a few scientists that take the subject seriously. But given the stigma around the subject and how difficult is it to actually study this subject, given the nature of these craft and how they are connected to national security. Garry P Nolan is a top scientist at Stanford, he has a lab there named after him, and he's been working on a paper on people who have had physical contact with UFOs or have been abducted. He believes actual physical evidence is left on humans after they are abducted or come into contact with UFO craft. He's still working on it and won't release the paper until the science is done thoroughly.

>> No.11940635


>> No.11940640

What would the graph of Model 1, which assumes constant rate of acceleration over the whole time frame, look like if they didn't take the zoom into account?

>> No.11940649


>He's still working on it and won't release the paper until the science is done thoroughly.
That's good. Better than ufofags who claim they have conclusive proof of faggots.

>> No.11940652

literally not mathematical proofs

>> No.11940659

Yeah Garry Nolan disproved that skeleton, which UFO fags claimed was an alien. He accepts that the UFO phenomenon is real, but he's not a kook or a crazy person. He's a scientist. UFO kooks accused him of being a disinformation agent when he proved that skeleton was terrestrial.

>> No.11940660

>Go shill your videos on reddit, Mick.
Keep your delusions to yourself, schizo.

>But we have evidence of their capabilities
Then post it already.

>> No.11940661

How sagedo some of the people ITT read this image, then have the ability to say that people understand the difference between aliens and UFOs with a straight face? These people are the ones leading the alien truther movement, not scientists and academics
why make another thread talking about UFOs when this one is already here? Assuming that the 1% of unexplained UFOs/UAPs are aliens is fantastical at best and maliciously anti-science at worst

>> No.11940664

It's literal observable evidence. You can literally see it up there.
also >>11940607

>> No.11940669

>Assuming that the 1% of unexplained UFOs/UAPs are aliens is fantastical at best and maliciously anti-science at worst
If the tic-tac isn't alien, then what is it? Because we didn't have that tech in 2004 and we don't now.

>> No.11940670

you claimed it's mathematical proof

>> No.11940672

There would be no acceleration, because the apparent motion is due to the camera. How is this hard?

>> No.11940673

You clearly have never thought about the CMB, have you?

>> No.11940677

literally not mathematical proof

>> No.11940678


>> No.11940685

you don't understand what a mathematical proof is

>> No.11940696

Have you read it? It explains about it.

>> No.11940699

have you ever read a mathematical proof?

>> No.11940701


>> No.11940703

Alright. Goddamnit, I give up. I'm tired. Tell me O' holy Einstein.

>> No.11940711

>As of 2020, the aerial phenomena recorded from the Nimitz and Roosevelt events are characterized by the US Department of Defense as "unidentified". Widespread media attention to these events has motivated theories and speculations from private individuals and groups about the underlying explanation(s), including those focused upon pseudoscience topics such as Ufology. Regarding the pseudoscientific explanations, writer Matthew Gault stated that these events "reflect the same pattern that's played out dozens of times before. Someone sees something strange in the sky...and the public jumps to an illogical conclusion."

>Mundane, non-pseudoscientific explanations include instrument or software malfunction/anomaly/artifact) interpretive error, or common aircraft or aerial device, with the science writer Mick West stating that the reported objects in these incidents are "most likely...a relatively slow-moving object like a bird or a balloon," and that "the jet filming it is moving fast, so this creates an illusion of speed against the ocean." West stated that the GIMBAL video can be explained as footage of a distant plane with the apparent rotation actually being the glare in the IR camera rotating.

>> No.11940718

Tell me, this >>11940701
is also not mathematical

>> No.11940736

>mick west
That whole article and mick wests bullshit falls apart the moment you find out that they were seeing those UFOs over weeks or months for up to HOURS at a time. The statistical probability that they mistook UFOs for other aeroplanes or software malfunction for UFOs for weeks and months is practically zero.

>> No.11940747

>they were seeing those UFOs over weeks or months for up to HOURS at a time

>> No.11940754


>> No.11940762

>The statistical probability that they mistook UFOs for other aeroplanes or software malfunction for UFOs for weeks and months is practically zero.
Since you apparently worked out the statistic for this chance, care to share them? I'll suck the cock of every UFO believer if you can show us how you came to this statistical conclusion

>> No.11940763

The pilots, radar technicians, and everyone else involved. You telling you haven't even done elementary research and you're involving yourself the topic? The guys off the East Coast, where the gimbal video was filmed, saw these UFOs for months. They even saw them later on in the middle east when they went out on deployment.

>> No.11940776

As I've said >>11940327
>I am indeed retarded.
You won. I've lost.

>> No.11940778

It's a figure of speech, but you get my point. The idea that multiple pilots, radar operators, and other personal were seeing or tracking the same UFOs for weeks and months, yet it was just IR flare or a software malfunction is absurd. The nimitz was tracking UFOs for two weeks before David Fravor saw it visually, along with 3 other pilots, and Chad Underwood filmed it.

>> No.11940788

And there was more than in tic-tac that was tracked on radar. According to the highest ranking guy who was in charge if the radar systems, the tic tacs would come in from high in the atmosphere and sit around. They checked their systems over and over again because at first they thought it was an error, but the tic-tacs did not go away. It was over a week later when a tic-tac appeared at the same time as training operation, which is why Fravor and another jet were sent after it.

>> No.11940803

glad to hear you know you are retarded

>> No.11940813

Alright, what's your take on this?

>> No.11940817

Also, should I just kms?

>> No.11940819

Isn't the GIMBAL the one that fits a rotating plane? And that one was in 2014, it could fit modern technology.

>> No.11940825

>The pilots, radar technicians, and everyone else involved.
So they all saw an object slowly moving or IR glare from a distant plane? Source please. And how does this affect Mick West's analysis?

>> No.11940829
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>> No.11940853

No, you didn't get my point. You want to have a scientific discussion on UFOs and aliens, and you claimed to have statistics. Present any sort of solid evidence (hearsay and conjecture are not solid) for your beliefs, or they are just beliefs, not fact

>> No.11940866


>> No.11940871
File: 2 KB, 259x255, Neg1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they didn't take the zoom into account, the red graphs for Model 1 and 2 would look like this.

>> No.11940918

possibly the worst thread on 4chan atm

>> No.11940921


>> No.11940938

Why? You're really stupid. If they took zoom into account there would be no acceleration at all. It would just be a straight line, constant velocity.

>> No.11940978

If any one saith, that the marriage state is to be placed above the state of virginity, or of celibacy, and that it is not better and more blessed to remain in virginity, or in celibacy, than to be united in matrimony; let him be anathema.

>> No.11941150

boi I sure would like to see some of those videos with 'evidence'. if you're referring to those 3 the pentagon released, they've all been busted already.

>> No.11941165

tic tac video has been busted... https://youtu.be/3viYcYPRdu4

>> No.11941198

Model 1 is just x(t) = 1/2at^2 +x0

>> No.11941217

Retard. How many times do I have to tell you, when you take into account the zoom there is no acceleration in the data.

Do not reply to me again with the assumption that the object accelerated without explaining why. You drooling mongoloid.

>> No.11941254

I'm not talking about the raw data points but the kinematic models.

>> No.11941704

Why would I care about models that don't follow the data? Why would I care about a model that contains an assumption not shown in the data? You dumb fuck.

>> No.11941707

You don't hate, you're envious. Now, conversely, we hate you because you breathe our air.

>> No.11941789
File: 71 KB, 1635x1333, Zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why this is so hard for you to understand. Here, I made you a picture.

>> No.11942098

Regardless of how correct the model is, the graph of x(t) = 1/2at^2 +x0 from t=0s to t=1s wouldn't have that jump if they didn't take zoom into account. How hard is that for you to understand?

>> No.11942133

Its soft disclosure

>> No.11942136

Consider suicide