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11934714 No.11934714 [Reply] [Original]

will i regret giving out my DNA? what could happen with that information out in the world?

>> No.11934734

likely not but the risk is that we don't know
these companies are "doing the best that they can to not tie your name to your DNA results" but we all know that's not true. people are worried about companies getting hold of this, potentially targeting you with higher insurance costs due to pre-existing conditions.
if biometric security becomes popular in the future, that can be dangerous when your own DNA isn't just owned by you.
law enforcement can get hold of your DNA to catalogue you
also at any time in the future the company can decide they just need money and sell your DNA

all things considered I, personally, am not too worried about any of these. but I think the uncertainty about tech in the future and what kinds of things peolpe could do with your DNA is a bit worrysome

>> No.11934779

most likely, but the real affect will be felt reincarnating into your future bloodline.

whoops not /x/ Your decendants will face the major risks, as insurance corpo's purchase this data for thier insurance premium calculation

>> No.11934850

>higher insurance costs
Do Americans really?

>> No.11935089

Balance risks on an open market, ensuring higher efficiency?

>> No.11935090


>> No.11935293

I wanted to do it but I don't want them to have my dna data, so I didn't do it.

>> No.11935566

Best case scenario: you are cloned in 300 years and get to fuck pornstars all day in your personal virtual paradise.

Worst case scenario: your genome gets hacked and leaked by hackers. Someone later works out that people with X mutation tend to be pedophilic coomers and with a scat fetish. You become a laughing stock and everyone avoids you.

>> No.11935889
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>> No.11935891

>Irish blood
you aren't white.

>> No.11935900

curse my anglo blood.
i have the anger of the irish and the ingenuity of germanics though. pretty happy with my composition.

>> No.11935902

Damn, I was hoping you were gonna get mad ngl

>> No.11935909

why would you pay someone to collect your personal information? right now, I don't think anything realistically bad could happen with it, but in the future when the study genetics has made more discoveries and technology, that might change (how it could change, I don't know). If biotic implants become a reality and not just a sci fi cliche, hackers could potentially use your DNA profile and those implants for nefarious purposes. All of this is so far into the future that you likely won't have to worry about it, but then again, 15 years ago if you told someone that lab grown beef is real and would be quickly approaching the point of being financially viable to sell sometime in the 2020s, everyone outside of those labs would have called you a retard.

>> No.11935944
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>> No.11935950

Woah, unequivocally based and highiqpilled

>> No.11935966
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See if there's a trace amount you can expand by tapping on it. I was surprised to learn I'm 0.2% nigger (am I allowed to say that word now?)

>> No.11935974

>North African
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11935995
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If you look more closely, Irish and British are counted as the same category because we've raped and pillaged them to the point where they have no unique DNA of their own.

>> No.11936016
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I'd rather get whole genome sequencing done. The shit you get from places like 23andMe is pretty limited.

>> No.11936026

Africans are commonly referred to as "nigger" or the more colloquial variant "nig-nog." True, it's closely associated with the slave trade and most slaves came from West Africa but people don't normally make this distinction.

>> No.11936034

North Africans aren't black though nor where they slaves in fact it's quote the opposite, they were slavers. Why would you refer to them as niggers?

>> No.11936045

Google image North African people

>> No.11936052

>Google images is how he determines the race of a countries group.
The majority of North Africa is Arab-Berber i.e not niggers. Even when you use google images, you get pictures of White and Brown people along with black people. The majority of North Africa is brown

>> No.11936054

Maybe you're thinking of South Africa?

>> No.11936057

Do people not know that North Africans Identify as Arab? They're considered white on the US census because they're considered Arab (Brown people are white on the census if you're from the MENA region.)

>> No.11936059

>being this much of a pedant

>> No.11936062

>Brown people are niggers
They're actually called sandniggers, or ragheads bro.

>> No.11936109

lol i’m no autist

>> No.11936116
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same guy you replied to.
it used to say west african, it updated to this.

>> No.11936247
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Also no health problems detected from my genetics whatsoever.

>> No.11936253

Our health insurance industry is a boondoggle.
Medicare for all should have been implemented 50 years ago.

>> No.11936327

I'm a diagnosed autist and it never detected that but apparently other tests do.

However, it did predict my eye colour and the fact that I have a dandruff problem. Also that I prefer salty flavours over sweet ones and have a bit of a unibrow (that I groom).

>> No.11936331

Is there any cool information you can learn doing this other than your ethnic background? I'm Indian and all my family is Indian. I don't need a test to know that.

>> No.11936342

Who gives a shit about yanks think about race, they certainly don't understand it nor they ever will.

t. HBD hyperracist

>> No.11936344

Not really, it's more a muh ancestor, and for twitterfags who like to enjoy the indoaryan warlord larp while they're almost bedridden söylent chuggers.

>> No.11936357

OP here, and nah man. it’s literally just that.

>> No.11936364

no one cares about your or my worthless DNA. You literally spit in a plastic container. Your spit, piss, shit, cum, blood, lip/cheek cells, and everything in between is all over the place already. If youre Tom Brady or Brad Pitt maybe be concerned. Sorry but no one really cares about Joe Schmoe

>> No.11936367

China subsidises their DNA sequencing labs so now they have millions of weaponisable DNA profiles.

>> No.11937250

They catch some genetic diseases, so you might learn you are a carrier.

>> No.11937279

It's mutual friendo,

millions of descendants of Irish are intertwined in the UK, did you know that your glorious Anglo postal boy Henry Cavills surname is Irish? Many such cases.

>> No.11937812

Of course. There is no privacy in the US, just a pretense. So when the insurance company gets your DNA profile and see you are susceptible to the lesser spodacious-B syndrome they will not offer you insurance.

Bazinga! Also, are the tests really that specific?
Also-also: can you get info on the admixtures from Neanderthals/Denisovans/etc?

North African could be Targui. Their origins are rather unclear.

>weaponisable DNA profiles
Russia, I hear, consider their DNA to be sensitive matter.

>> No.11938136
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>> No.11938140
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> Quick Guide to DNA tests!

> MyAncestry (DNA Test)

>> No.11938771

To 23andMe, you bet! Linked to google and other even less reputable corporations.

>> No.11939023

you know that someone literally hacked GedMatch servers this week right?

>> No.11939061

based Varg

>> No.11939067

What possible value does knowing this information hold for you? If you're concerned you might have a genetic disorder, you can be tested confidentially by medical professionals.

>higher efficiency
The efficiency is aimed towards extracting your wealth, not making a superior medical system or expanding access to one.

>> No.11939126

any non jewish companies doing this?

>> No.11939163

At the moment they're not retail focussed so you have to contact actual genetic testing labs and get a quote.