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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11933969 No.11933969 [Reply] [Original]

Has studying science made you more liberal or conservative?

>> No.11933984

If anything it should make you more centre but maybe I'm biased because I'm double major in math phil

Also go back to pol bro

>> No.11934009

More liberal, definitely. I was already relatively liberal but studying mathematics has improved my ability to think and reason logically with data. This has made it obvious that liberals are right about just about everything.

>> No.11934013

>not being a political noneuclidean
Fuck off op and take your juvenile binary console war mentality with you.

>> No.11934022

Even race shit?

>> No.11934025

I'd say center-leaning conservative. Liberals, in general, are idealists. Science has taught me to be realist, but ideals are still often desirable when it comes to society.

>> No.11934027

I was a leftie before and I’m still a leftie now. I don’t really bring my subjects of interest (math and physics, double majored in math and CS in undergrad) into politics, but I think I can more easily tell when someone is bullshitting or fudging their argument now.
Anyway centrists aren’t nearly as big brain as they try and sell. Being a centrist for real (having an ideology split evenly between various issues) is fine enough , but having no argument other than “bwah both sides bad” is intellectually lazy.

>> No.11934038

Liberals and conservatives are both conservative for the most part. You don’t have to be a socialist proper to be a leftie, but what the US calls liberal is the farthest thing from the left there actually is.
Nobody, neither leftists nor conservatives, like liberals.

>> No.11934050

No, but studying etymology made me realize everyone who talks about politics is stupid, because the liberals all hate liberty and the conservatives all hate conservation.

>> No.11934065

Yes, obviously. Are you insinuating that there's a reason I wouldn't think the way I do?

>> No.11934076

You don’t mainly study science to develop your political views, you mainly study politics and its cousin subjects so I don’t think being good at science counts for that much. Obviously I’d recommend you branch out from just politics to develop your views and look into other subjects such as anthropology, economics, ethics, metaphysics, history, law, behavioural biology, logic, etc.
/sci/ is overly obsessed with their intelligence and especially tie it to their own field, so obviously they would think that it means scientists have superior political views, even though the most intelligent politicians such as Augustus and Bismarck weren’t known for any scientific accomplishments but rather for their political intelligence.

>> No.11934078

Economically I really don't give a fuck, cultural i've become a bit more right-wing. And i've definitely gotten way more racist.

>> No.11934100

Is there a reason /pol/fags feel the need to shit up every board?

>> No.11934110

Studying mathematics and science further made me question the concept of order. I had been raised a liberal, but my college years were nihilistic and fatalistic. In a way, it did a great job in effacing all of my belief structures, but once I was back at neutral I started to be pulled towards conservatism which I still lean towards today. I consider myself more of an environmental focused conservative, whatever the fuck that means. I suppose I find conservative idealogy more robust and leading towards a healthier, satisfying life rather than liberalism trending towards nihilism and meaningless. It's an unfair simplification, but I find most of the idealogy (altho I'm not religious) to be more useful to my own life.

>> No.11934121
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Why do amerilards treat liberalism and conservatism as if they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum? Do most of them even know what liberalism is?

>> No.11934205

Scientists have the most brainlet childish takes on politics.
The only based scientists are the game theorists and the biologists studying evolution.

>> No.11934313
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>> No.11934324

To understand /pol/fags on a deep level, you must remember that they are all deeply and fundamentally insecure. They are piles of human garbage that don't believe even their own shit so they need to constantly reaffirm it. Talking amongst themselves only works for so long before it loses all power. After that they get desperate and try to spar with normal people who don't hold extreme and retarded beliefs, and when that doesn't work they act all surprised. They are literally psychos, they belong in an asylum except even they wouldn't want them

>> No.11934347

It made me more centrist because I realized nothing in the Universe matters

>> No.11934358

Lol see >>11934027
“Nothing matters” is a brainlet position to take that dismisses both the pleasures of life as well as existential dread.

>> No.11934423

13% doing 50% crimes? And you say obviously

>> No.11934443
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This one simple trick short-circuits the left/right NPC.

>> No.11934484

There's literally an entire board dedicated to idiot children talking about politics.
Please do fuck off.

>> No.11934521

I was liberal before college. When in college i started working retail to support myself. Retail obviously made me hate everyone more, but especially blacks and a few choice other minorities. 100% of our calls to the authorities were shoplifting and other nigger nonsense. inb4 dey steal bc dey don't have nuffin''. I worked somewhere where we only sold luxury items; i.e. they weren't stealing eggs or milk. Hence i stopped being a liberal.

But education also made me more rightwing. Learning about the great civilizations and accomplishments of our ancestors, be they European, Asian, Arabic, etc., made me respect more the days before forced diversity/ liberalism and cultural marxism. Lastly, studying maths made me more cold and calculated of an individual. I could care less that Shanequia get reparations, or that Susie has two moms, or that Billy thinks he belongs in the womens' bathroom, when math is so beautiful and powerful and omnipresent. Any of the phonies itt claiming to be dedicated to STEM and still be LiBeRaLs are just that - phonies. They're the redditor types more worried about the numbers of transgender black non-binary LGBTBBQ women of color getting STEM PHDs than actual STEM; i.e. not real scientists let alone 4chan(nel)ers and they should get the fuck off this board.

>> No.11934557

Actuary here.
I'm just as "ist" "phobic" as I was. But that's probably because I'm not Anglo or Western European, just studied there.

>> No.11934564
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Academia has the tendency to churn out liberals not just because of the propaganda factor, but because academics become so accustomed to the bourgeoisie university life and working in society's ivory towers they lose touch with the real world. They don't ever go on the 'bad side of town' per say. Life is just peachy.

I always love when i see something like pic-related, or something on the local news about some based-boi grad student getting pulled off his bicycle and robbed at pistol-point by Daquarius. "But my thesis about how Western Civilization must become more diverse was on that laptop!" kek.

>> No.11934587
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>> No.11934655

We live in a deterministic universe with no free will. No amount of debating will change anything.

>> No.11934687
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was transhumanist ancap before undergrad and still am. grew out of a hs ansyn phase well before undergrad.

>> No.11934689

The positions of electrons at any one time are stochastic, though.

>> No.11934697

the more i learn, the more right I'm becoming. Most humans are literal retard monkeys, and without control, they will destroy civilization.

>> No.11934702
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It made me anarcho-primitivist. I realized that civilization is nothing more than the domestication of humans and the destruction of nature. Humans should be naturally free in the wild.

>> No.11934735

Primarly conservative, but with many liberal views aswell. Studying science really hasn't changed it much, moreso just strengthened my view.

>> No.11934766

>..." typed Anon into his computer

>> No.11934776

That's a logical fallacy.
For example, just because I have a few rental properties doesn't mean me being an ardent communist is somehow hypocritical.

>> No.11934777

>le 13/50 xD
old. dead. meme.

>> No.11934784
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hey it's that retard lmfao.

>> No.11934787

If you actually studied then you'd realize that game theory is always in play and humans are naturally competitive even when competition doesn't benefit them, which makes liberal ideals impossible to implement. We'd need to genocide the extant mankind in favor of something engineered to not be as shitty, or you need to use panopticon totalitarianism. Do you support this? Otherwise we could flash change everything to be liberal utopia, and within a few decades it would collapse due to the system instability.

>> No.11934820

>50 minutes of apologia

>> No.11934856

cope and seethe.

>> No.11934861

More libertarian.

>> No.11934863


>> No.11934868

Extremely liberal society wise, center (I'm just against private property, I don't support freegibs or sitting in eternal hippie assemblies)

>> No.11934881

It's been at least 5 years since the new-newfags invaded and /pol/ STILL doesn't know how statistics work.

>> No.11934910

I don't think my education has changed my political views, but certainly studying society and it's emerging trends have made me more socially conservative.
I used to not care if someone was gay. Now I sometimes throw up in my mouth and disassociate with all gays.
I used to be okay with first trimester abortions. Now I don't support abortion even in the case of rape or mothers health.
I used to support uplifting black communities. Now I still support uplifting black communities, only to place them down in Africa.
On the other hand, I am now more economically leftist. Maybe because I see more people struggling, and I want to help non-degenerates down on their luck. Or maybe I just want to fuck with the Js.
But studying STEM I don't think has had a big influence.

>> No.11934928

the result of getting an engineering degree has had the effect of pushing me to the left.

>> No.11934941

my political views are better represented on an oriented manifold in [math] \mathbb{C}^3, z \rightarrow (z, z^2, z^3), |z| <1 [/math], oriented by [math] \omega=dx_1 \wedge dy_1 [/math].

>> No.11935175

Thats a complex political view :^)

>> No.11935682

It has made me realize that science and politics are fundamentally different and incompatible. The hard sciences absolutely do not give a shit what you think, want, or feel. The interpretation of scientific data and what it means for society at large is a strictly philosophical subject, and thus any political topic that brands itself as “science” is merely some party’s philosophy masquerading as “science”. That’s not to say there’s no merit to scientifically informed opinions and philosophy, but science itself shouldn’t be able to push you one way or another.

>> No.11935728

why are you so obsessed with this "race shit"? do you feel inferior?

>> No.11935734

>hate everyone
ah yes, thats your problem. and then you ended up on /pol/.
and now you hate everyone even more.
what i don't get is why do you faggots leak to /sci/? what does attract your small brain here?

>> No.11935762

made me stop being a politicuck

>> No.11935797

before studying math and physics : leftist cuck
after studying math and physics : far right chad

>> No.11935818

It has completely neutered my political interests. I have realized that people who make everything about politics are some of the most uninteresting people alive. These same people are also incapable of understanding nuance and complexity, thus making them look ridiculous and stupid a lot of the time.

>> No.11935855

Nothing really. It made me more anti-theist if anything.
I guess you can argue that having to critically think and reason helped me examine and understand different positions more, and overall, I am more libertarian now than ever.

>> No.11935898

>insults the person but not the argument
Every. Time. Most of these /pol/ retards repeat each others talking points but when things are explained to them against their worldview, they'll shrivel back and say "look he fat zug zug"

>> No.11935931

studying has made me become more libertarian, but in the best interest of keeping money flowing to my university and others, I vote for leftist politicians (McDonalds isn't gonna pay me to research topology)

>> No.11935957

More or less this.

>> No.11935967

I'm from /pol/. i came here because i heard there were seething leftists. have (you) seen any?

>> No.11935996

Neither. If anything it has made me permanently confused.

Right now I can't consider myself a liberal nor a conservative, since the amount of information out there is so big I just can't judge it as false or true.

>> No.11936010

the scientific funding model is literally communist

>> No.11936025

Neither. I'm a Marxist now.

>> No.11936031

>bwah both sides bad
Yeah because if the way we conceptualize and govern a state isn't bipolar where almost exactly half of the population clings to either side like flies cling to shit, we're simply doing it wrong.

>> No.11936135

More economically left, unrelated to my studies I have become more socially libertarian.

>> No.11936143

>trying to gatekeep 4chan on 4channel

>> No.11936155

More racist

Also made me see women as more of a mess.

>> No.11936165

made me realize politics is retarded. there's no point in caring about it. and pls can everybody shut up, i just want to look at my equations

>> No.11936179

i'm a chinese nationalist but i call myself a maoist to fit in with the baizuo losers in my physics classes

>> No.11936191

>gatekeeping is bad when it's keeping shitters out
you're the type of people to shit on your neighbor's lawn and then ask why their porch smells so bad

>> No.11936201
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Much more right wing. I went from being a libertarian to a sort of conservative autocrat in line with Neoreaction.

>> No.11936202

>>gatekeeping is bad when it's keeping shitters out
It's not bad, it just makes you look fucking stupid.
>why are 4chan users on my 4chan board? REEEEEEE GET OUT!

>> No.11936203

Studying Physics has made me intensely more religious.

>> No.11936211

More religious with the religion you were born with?

>> No.11936214

Was libertarian, still libertarian. Didn’t change my political views at all because science, if factual, has very little place in politics. It’s clear that all sides in politics (primarily American politics) tend to pick and choose which scientific facts to promote and which scientific facts to label as simply “the other side’s opinion.”

Basically agreeing with >>11935682

>> No.11936239

At first science made me think all religion was a joke, but the more you learn the harder it becomes to deny all the coincidences.

>> No.11936243

I started in the green, but I am a monarchist now.

>> No.11936274

Yeah, I was raised Catholic and was like bare minimum religious. I went from being a theistic-leaning person to thinking that atheism is probably impossible.

>> No.11936317

Sorry to spoil it, anon. But we just have no clue and no way of knowing so far.
Not knowing how and why we exist doesn't magically make God real, but also doesn't dismiss him. However, once one religion says a bunch of sacred texts are straight form god, then those can be questioned and examined to determine if it can realistically come from an all-knowing god or written by primitives with enough warnings and fables of punishments to coerce people into believing their cult.

Atheism is defined as simply the rejection of god. Not the positive statement "that there is/are no god(s)." Some strong atheists would claim that, but I haven't seen anything that convinced me that there is 0% a god exists. I am sure, however, that none of the religions I examined can possibly come from an all-knowing god, hence why I reject that idea. Simple as that. I haven't even seen enough evidence of deism.

Believing in a god subsequently implies that I should take his word as fact, which sounds like an appeal to authority rather than examining and studying facts to reach a conclusion.

>> No.11936319

>studying numbers and logic processes has made more more emotional
welp, you're retarded

>> No.11936350

It kinda opened my eyes to understanding politics in a less one-layer way. I respect liberals for having their hearts in the right place but I've realized it also deludes them to some crazy extremes. Conservatives have a better sense for what's practical in society and tend have a lot more stable ideas but lack the motivation to repair what's wrong in their ideology as long as it's not hurting them. Although it's a gross oversimplification, I think there needs to be a balance between the two sides. fuck, I can already hear Reddit foaming at the mouth for my center-leaning world view.

>> No.11936372

I was hardcore right wing before I discovered Chomsky. Chomsky swung me back left, I'm an idealistic anarchist but practical left winger. Personally, however, my actions are those of a right winger - hard work, self-reliance and working on yourself to succeed.

>> No.11936381

Do you think that eating the real flesh of God every Sunday makes more sense than atheism ? Or are you not actually religious ?

>> No.11936382


>> No.11936393

Before studying science I disliked the government, but now I still dislike the government.

>> No.11936418

My time studying science and now working in the field has turned from a conservative to a left winger.

>> No.11936563

Genetics unironically made me fascist

>> No.11936575

race realism made me far right. liberal students made me even more far right. the realisation that gayness is hardly caused by genes, only that genes might program you to be more sexual allowing for more interactions thus more possible gay interactions which influence you to end up gay. It's almost definitely socially determined. Science has taught me to never ever trust anyone and their retardation and that most """sciences"""" don't know shit. We've only figured out classical physics and that's it, no one knows how brains work, trannies are not medically sound at all, psychology is a massive scam to deal with the stresses induced by our garbage civilization. God exists and cannot ever be proven because that would destroy the concept of faith. Magic probably exists but also cannot be proven because it is faith based. Demons exist too.
Stem really did a number on me.

>> No.11936578

imagine living in a society ape-men who get free welfare for being too dumb and criminal to work and saying that someone who complains about it must be 'feeling inferior'. lmao cuckoid.

>> No.11936593

Lol leftie apologia is not an argument. I can spew a diatribe in defence of shitting on the street too.

>> No.11936622

Same, my apathy for politics grow stronger for every day that passes.

>> No.11936627
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Libertarian. There's too many laws. They all hinder scientific progress.

>> No.11936672

Except Vaush's apologia or diatribe of defence has bases on sociology. Most of the things he says are pretty basic 101 and backed by decades of research. I've never seen any /pol/tard attack his arguments because they know it's unfounded and not grounded in reality. That's why their argument generally stems from "lol he fat" or "lol his gf fat".

>Science is fake and jew controlled
>Magic and Demons are real though
I hope you're trolling cause that's a 10/10 but I don't think you are.

>> No.11936681

Hahahahahahahahahahaahaha. It's like /pol/ but irl and inverted.

>> No.11936693

who said that science was jew controlled Do you think sociology is actually real? Antropology? Seriously? Those are not sciences at all.
Magic and demons are as real as God.

>> No.11936737

> /pol/ but irl and inverted.
Except one has bases on reality the other blames everything on Jews.
I know if only thing about sociology you've heard is bunch of conservative news, you'll obviously call it fake, like Evolution.
But if you take read or study about it it's actually pretty interesting on how human's behave based on their environment. There's a crash course on youtube if you wanna take a look. Who knows? Maybe you'll debunk entirety of sociology and remove it from every curriculum.
>who said that science was jew controlled
> most """sciences""""
We all know what the fuck you mean with the quotes, buddy.

>Do you think sociology is actually real?
It's just a scientific study of human behaviour and societies. Just like how I think econ is real or psychology. These studies are more complex than math 1+1. Of course most brainlets have a hard time grasping this. So, yes.

>Magic and demons are as real as God.
Yeah and none of these have any evidence. I was being nice by leaving out God the first time.

>> No.11936888

>Except one has bases on reality the other blames everything on Jews.
One is dialectical materialism with jews as the antagonist and another is dialectical materialism with whites as the antagonist.
I don't listen to conservatives as I don't understand how conserving a status quo but just a decade ago is somehow a justifiable position.
I don't take sociology seriously because it either supplies useless niche studies with questionable control groups and results that are inapplicable to anything, or generalised reaching conclusions that would make an economist blush from fucking open polls that are not replicable and in hindsight have results and suggestions that seem all too convenient for the leading political push at the time. No, I don't take propaganda organs seriously, lmfao.

>> No.11936932

>because it either supplies useless niche studies with questionable control groups and results that are inapplicable to anything
Could you give example of these?

>> No.11937000

Race shit has nothing to do with liberalism you /pol/tard fuck off
God I hate American politics

>> No.11937091

Well I became a communist while studying physics, but I was a socialist when I started so uh

>> No.11938190

easy on soi bugs

>> No.11938191

>Learning about the great civilizations
>studying stem
wtf bro

>> No.11938572

>But if you take read or study about it it's actually pretty interesting on how human's behave based on their environment
And yet you still forget about genetic and biological factors. Leftcucks always talk about 'muh socioeconomic factors' but they always ignore biology and genetics. You think human behavior is actually 100% based on economic and social factors? Don't be retarded.

>> No.11938618

>what are electives