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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 170 KB, 792x680, stem_not_for_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11930771 No.11930771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the national museum of african american history and culture considers that niggers cannot think straight and science is not their thing. I will not go full racist like them and declare that those are unique white traits. jews and chinks seem to me pretty good at it. spics try their best. I will concede even that is not a general nigger handicap, but specifically afroamerican.

anyway, according to this (which is backed by the nmaahc) any kind of affirmative action in stem towards afroams is not just a waste of time and money, but white oppression and just fucking raysist.

is it time for finishing all this stupidity?

>> No.11930830

classic retard, spelling errors and all

>> No.11930841

>this stupidity
nigger STEM affirmative action or 'science is white' claims?

>> No.11931473

Can’t tell if /pol/ made that image

>> No.11931494
File: 474 KB, 799x2000, death spiral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the Smithsonian. They have an African American museum that created it as a handout. Pic is the entire infographic they made.

>> No.11931538

There's that old joke about the Onion.

>> No.11931652

>America has been majorily white for hundreds of years

>> No.11931810

>which is backed by the nmaahc

>> No.11931825

see: >>11931494

>> No.11931839

>a family structure consisting of a father and mother is white and therefore evil
>if you're brown and have a father, you're an uncle tom
>the concept of a father providing for the physical and material needs of a family is concept only present in white societies
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of religious groups who would disagree with you, considering it haa beem their model for well over a thousand years or more

>> No.11931850

I don't see it on the smithsonian website.
sounds fake

>> No.11931852

its really far down on the site

>> No.11931858

they modified the page after they realised how stupid they were

>> No.11931860

they may have taken it down, here's an archive:

>> No.11931864

Why are Jews so hostile to whites?

>> No.11931868

>implying they are
it's just leftards.

>> No.11931879

alright thanks bro.
now I know it's real.
what kind of jew?
there are plenty of conservative jews
what's stupid about it?
it seems pretty kind and polite.
maybe we should make one for them in return.

>> No.11931886

Loxism is a thing and Diangelo is jewish.

Shapiro is an odd guy. nor a big fan but he talks some sense when he isn't talking about israel or judaism.

>> No.11931893

>what's stupid about it?
It's more that it leaves them open to ridicule.

>> No.11931898

like how? (btw this is a genuine question I'm not very good at social cues and extrapolating what people mean)

>> No.11931913

I'm not good enough with words to describe it but maybe someone else can.
science must fall

>> No.11931918

I don't understand.

>> No.11931937

it's a mental illness

>> No.11931939

what is?

>> No.11931952
File: 108 KB, 680x510, EZ7qvK8UYAAj9FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke cultism

>> No.11931962

I don't get how any of the things listed in the pic is supposed to be a bad thing remotely. Individualism and Family Structure is integeral to human nature and key to sustained happiness. Current trends has it that we're driven more by doctrines based on identity, and the family structure has been completely demolished. We've managed to create a system where people are strongly discouraged from having children until they're well into adulthood, and we're living in a society increasingly driven by identity politics.
This shit has to boil over at some point, at some point we're gonna end up with a society where individual freedom has been completely stripped away, people are profiled entirely by their race and gender, anti-natalism reigns supreme, and the human race is gonna be completely fucked by a bunch of marxist intellectuals wanting to build their intersectionalist utopia and normies too brainwashed by the system to think for themselves. Let's just hope generation Alpha serves as a blowback to these degeneracies and a return to the natural order.

>> No.11931963

Sorry but you should probably discuss religion and culture in /his/

>> No.11931986

the left always eats itself, many of the cancel culturists have actually been devoured by their own kind.

>> No.11932639

A lot of that is true, but objectively good.
In justice, intent SHOULD matter. If someone dies while I'm giving an unconscious person CPR and one of the reasons was broken ribs, I should definitely not go to jail for murder.

The scientific method is an method that promotes community, truth, and falsifyibility. What's the use of anything else....is faith supposed to be a good way of determining truth?

Plan for future and time viewed as commodity---this can't even be considered white, unless they want to admit other races are mindless drones.

And holidays based on christianity and male leaders is a white thing? What about the entirety of Africa?

Imagine being a human being and thinking that decision making is a "white" thing to do. I cannot fathom being this separated from reality--is this also something a white person would say?

>> No.11932687

>winner loser dichotomy bad
sounds like something a sore loser would say

>> No.11932727

>I don't get how any of the things listed in the pic is supposed to be a bad thing remotely
Anything is bad when you try to codify it into law so you can force it on everybody.

>> No.11932765

Under the Emphasis on scientific mehod subcategory
>"rational linear thinking"
I do not think linearly. rational yes, but linear no.
besides that specific point, the culture being described seems respectable. the african americans did a good job making this graphic though in the entirety of it. (just the rinky dink use of "linear" is awful)

>> No.11932777

>the african americans did a good job making this graphic
They didn't make it. A white woman made it.

>> No.11932791

Isn't it kind of racist and or sexist to assume that a white woman can't be african americans?

>> No.11932799

based black white supremacists

>> No.11932812

>Diangelo is jewish
what made you think that? she's italian. you'd think the name would be a give away. and ben's not an odd guy for an orthodox. most orthodox are right wing. most jews in general are outside the US, secular liberal progressive jews are mostly a US phenomenon.

>> No.11932817

>They didn't make it. A white woman made it.
checked. since trips i'll take your word for it.
Her analysis on culture isn't bad. (also just noticed the flag needs to be mirrored because the blue square is left top always in vertical hang mode.

>> No.11933042

>A (((white woman))) made it

>> No.11933060

>Can’t tell if /pol/ made that image
that's the fucked state of things nowadays

>> No.11933089

>sounds fake
the fact that you think so is telling
I thought it myself too, and I found it and downloaded it from their web. now they have removed it ( but >>11931860 )

I used to be reasonably pro some sort of affirmative inclusion whatever bs. this single pic has been and incredibly eye opener for me. I did not realise how racist that point of view was. I say this unironically. I have some trouble coming to terms with this. but now I wouldn't move a finger to push math or logic reasoning into any afro american people.

>> No.11933098

Racism against certain racial groups increases with exposure to said racial groups.

>> No.11933099

much respect to you, anon.

>> No.11933101

No you dont get it
If you accidentally kill someone giving cpr and youre white and theyre black its murder, regardless of intent, because its another black dead at the hands of whites
If youre black and theyre white, you should get a small reward due to how this contributes to removing the white devil
If youre black and theyre black, the court should not be involved, you can work it out with their family
And if youre both white, then its murder because you still only were capable of that due to racist white supremecist power structures