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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11929235 No.11929235 [Reply] [Original]

>He thinks Biology is Science!

>> No.11929238

science is philosophy

>> No.11929334
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>science is philosophy

>> No.11929366

Meteorology is applied astrology

>> No.11929392

It also means philosophy is science. They are two heads of the same coin.

>> No.11929417

it isnt?

>> No.11929420


>> No.11929457

mammals are also cats then

>> No.11929470

Science is a branch of philosophy.
Empirical natural philosophy.

>> No.11929475

science in 2020 is just applied feminism

>> No.11929485

biology is the most important science, remember, if you die, you lose!

>> No.11929492


>> No.11929523
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Found the biology major.

>> No.11929536


>> No.11929565
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for you

>> No.11929634

It is not, sorry friend. You can change your major now (:

>> No.11929659

computer science is the only science, all other can be reduced to the study of the computations of the universe so applied computer science to the concrete case of the universe

>> No.11929702

the endgame of biology is to produce immortality and therefore it is the most vital science and, if harnessed to it's full power, the discipline most capable of defying the laws of nature.

>> No.11929972

Biology is objectively a hard science.

>> No.11929977

Computation is not fundamental and doesn't even exist.
Computation is a representation of a physical state of a system. Physics is fundamental, not computation (again, computation doesn't even exist).

>> No.11929979

based brainlet

>> No.11929980

Platonism is not true and computation doesn't exist.

>> No.11929981

holy based and brainletpilled

>> No.11929983

I'm far smarter than you.

>> No.11930220

>biology is not a science
>most publications in an average 'Science' journal are biology-founded

>> No.11930242


>> No.11930255
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What? No I don’t!

>> No.11930261

When humans assign a bit of information to some physical state, all we are doing is agreeing on a set of representations and using that to pass information back and forth. It does not exist as a thing in itself.

We can take a coin on a table and claim that "heads up" is equal to an on bit and "tails up" is equal to a zero bit, and then we can define a logic on that system so that we can use it to pass information between ourselves. That's "computation". But it does not, at all, exist as a thing in itself. What actually exists is the physical state of the system as an evolution of the wavefunction of the particles that consistence the material that we are using to "compute" something. The actual computation is a human abstraction corresponding to phenomenological experiences in our mind. It does not exist at all.

We can do the same thing to any other system, sliding the wooden piece on an abacus to the left or right is a "bit" of information, or turning an electrical transistor on or off, etc. All of these can be used to represent two states of an idea that humans pre defined.

NONE of them are actually real things in themselves, and none of them are in any way related to each other in terms of their physical existence. The "computation" is a human construct, just like language or math.

You don't understand this because you are not intelligent at all.

>> No.11930284


>> No.11930287

You have a low IQ. Makes sense that you study computer "science".

>> No.11930874

have a load of this based smootherino.

>> No.11931206

>NONE of them are actually real things in themselves
nothing is, anon.

>> No.11931345

so, you don't want people to understand biology for some reason?

what agenda could you possibly have?

are you using biological or chemical warfare tactics, and trying to keep them a secret through social engineering?

>> No.11931573

You Errant Schizo.

>> No.11931699

>You Errant Schizo.
> Errant
> Schizo.


OP a social engineer confirmed.

>> No.11931828

>Immagine needing to add the word science at the end of the subject so people are sure that they're doing actual science
>Daamn i love my chemistry science
>How is your physics science going?
You know who else have the word science at the end?
>Fucking political sciences

>> No.11932113

Whats your iq?

>> No.11932137
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 76F65EA5-0EB1-4400-8E10-0D95B39BF6E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anti-ageing poster
Keep up the good work my man

>> No.11932965


>> No.11933029

Seething. We will shape the man of the future, not you pathetic comscitards or engineers.

>> No.11933047

We’re going to make the bugman of the future.

>> No.11934234

compsci fags can make skynet instead, and the engineers can make the terminators

>> No.11936140


>> No.11936230

>The year is 2050
>Comscichads and Engineers have all uploaded their minds into computers and rule over the machine world while non-transcendent bioniggers perish
>*b-but muh man of the future"
>said anon as his body explodes from the pressure caused by 80000k Brontobyte comscichad's supreme boostglock core 200 escape-valve polished Cybercock tm.

>> No.11938039

>posting asian women
Fuck off right back to your favorite subreddit and stay there.