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11928287 No.11928287 [Reply] [Original]

How do we know that all ethnicities have the same capacity for intelligence?

>> No.11928296

go back to /pol/

>> No.11928304

I remember reading somewhere that people of all races that were raised in the same socio-economic situations and in the same country have around the same intellect. Don't know where I read it so it might not be a 100% accurate.

I'm of the opinion that other races living in other countries generally have lower intellect because of the lack of proper education and nutrition.

>> No.11928325

This is buillshit, as proven by twin and adoption studies.
Nigger children adopted by middle class whites still turn out to have nigger-level IQs.

>> No.11928334

get out of here /pol/ fag

>> No.11928342

Why does this topic make you resort to personal attacks? I assume you have reasons for believing what you do. Would you care to explain them to me?

>I'm of the opinion that other races living in other countries generally have lower intellect because of the lack of proper education and nutrition.
Why is that? Do you have any evidence to support this position?

>> No.11928346


>thinks skin tone and bone structure equates to intelligence

Confirmed brainlet.

>> No.11928354



>thinks skin tone and bone structure equates to intelligence

Confirmed brainlet.

>> No.11928368

>Why is that? Do you have any evidence to support this position?

Well, it's a proven fact that nutrition and up-bringing has a lot to do with intellect. A black kid from sub-Saharan Africa that's never been to school and barley eats is gonna be a lot less intelligent than a white one from the suburbs.

>> No.11928386


Intelligence is gained with experience, and a small of amount of that is passed to the descendants.

The people from the ancient times who are still present to this day are the most intelligent because they needed a lot of brain power to survive: the jews and the asians.

Africans, natives and their descendants are less intelligent because they needed less effort to survive.

White supremacists believe the colored people are forevered doomed to be beneath them because of genetics, like I said above, while genetics do play a role, they can't contain a species back IF they have the desire to develop and move foward.

>> No.11928389

Are you being intentionally obtuse? Be honest.
Ethnicity is more than skin tone and bone structure. MRI scans have shown that different ethnicities have different brain structures.

>> No.11928392

Do you even know what a fucking neuron is? Probably not since you came up with such a brain dead explanation. Where's you're evidence?

>> No.11928397

>it's a proven fact that nutrition and up-bringing has a lot to do with intellect
Could you provide a source which confirms that nutrition and up-bringing are the dominant factors contributing to achievement gaps between ethnicities?

>> No.11928414

Well stress and poverty can have an effect of brain development and aging.

>> No.11928418

>twin and adoption studies
People extremely miss the entire point of these studies (And the results/flaws)

>> No.11928419

>How do we know that all ethnicities have the same capacity for intelligence?
Nobody relevant has ever claimed this or disproved it. Fuck off, circlejerk on /pol/ then kys.

>> No.11928420

>Beliefs, especially about intelligence, can have large effects, both beneficial and detrimental, on cognitive performance. Many researchers have identified working memory capacity as a factor that limits performance on cognitively demanding tasks. There is considerable agreement among many researchers on intelligence that both nature and nurture play major roles in determining intelligence and cognitive performance, despite differences of opinion regarding the relative contributions of the two types of factors. The obvious conclusion is that those who aspire to increase intelligence or to enhance people's ability to perform cognitively demanding tasks, by instruction or other environmental means, are not tilting at windmills but are pursuing a reasonable goal.

Suzuki, L., Short, E., & Lee, C. (2011). Racial and Ethnic Group Differences in Intelligence in the United States. In R. Sternberg & S. Kaufman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 273-292). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511977244.015
Literally if you're this brain dead, you need to re-evaluate your life. This shit is even in a chapter summary.

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.11928427

Again, where is the evidence? Could it be that less intelligent people are just more prone to being impoverished and putting themselves into stressful situations?

>> No.11928430
File: 298 KB, 656x601, Æthelwulf_-_MS_Royal_14_B_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me guess, you got angry because I said that the people of color can develop? I mean, I would like to know what on my post hurt you?
It's really pathetic and it's really easy to play with white supremacists.


Germans were the scum of Europe during the Roman Empire, they were barbarians, filthy, violent savages and their villages burned together with their people when they defied the romans.

It's a fact that scientific regression happened when the romans fell to the germans, like they never replicated the aqueducts, roman cement, roman infrastructure, and roman art. Roman emperors had their images carved from marble with extreme details, anglo-saxon kings had their images drawn like a child's drawning. Pic related is King Aethelwulf of the anglos.

Fast foward to the 20th century the same people claim they are the supreme race of humanity.

Anyway, deny it or not, I know it's hard knowing your people are not the best, but take blacks and browns out of the existance, whites would be the lesser race of the planet, below asians and jews.

It's funny, you cry for proof, but you replied this post with nothing more but insults.

>> No.11928435

Can you for genetics? Can you even prove genetics plays any sort of role in gaps between ethnicities whatsoever? (I already know you can't)

>> No.11928439


>It's a fact that scientific regression happened when the romans fell to the germans, like they never replicated the aqueducts, roman cement, roman infrastructure, and roman art. Roman emperors had their images carved from marble with extreme details, anglo-saxon kings had their images drawn like a child's drawning. Pic related is King Aethelwulf of the anglos.

You are honestly on the spectrum.

Evidence as in where are you getting this information from?

The jannies really need to do there job.

>> No.11928441

>Well, it's a proven fact that nutrition and up-bringing has a lot to do with intellect.

Why didn't low IQs have the intellect about nutrition and proper upbringing?

>> No.11928443

I have evidence to support that it does.

>People of the same ethnicity are more likely to match for organ donations.
>Some ethnicities have evolved modified organs to suit their environments. There is no reason to assume the brain would be immune to these evolutionary forces.
>Some ethnicities have ~2% Neanderthal DNA while others have none. Neanderthals had larger brains than modern humans.
>African Americans and Europeans have been determined to have different brain structures through MRI scanning.
>General Intelligence (or g for short) has been found to be mostly an inherited trait through various twin studies. This conflicts with the hypothesis that intelligence is a cultural trait.

Why is your position the default assumption? Is there more evidence to support environmentalism? Where the fuck is it?

>> No.11928444

Did you just assume that all African Americans are living in poverty? Racist.

>> No.11928450
File: 66 KB, 500x564, you-will-always-be-an-amerimutt-amerimutt-meme-53579515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like I said, white supremacists are the lowest form of intelligence and always predictable.


There is something called history, I think you should look it up.

Denying the fact that the germans were the scum of the planet during the Roman Empire shows who is on the spectrum here.

>The jannies really need to do there job.

Wait, you want the jannies to ban me because I actually posted evidence and a well thought out text while all you can do is call me an autist? Your existance is pathetic.

>> No.11928456

>There is considerable agreement among many researchers on intelligence that BOTH NATURE AND NURTURE play major roles in determining intelligence
So by your own admission, not all ethnicities have the same capacity for intelligence. There is a nature component of the intelligence gap that will never be closed, and we don't even know how significant it is. It could be 20% or it could be 80% nature.

>> No.11928465

We don't.
you see mine is much higher than yours.

>> No.11928478

Why did you just throw a bunch of copy pasta completely irrelevant to what I just said? You literally can't think for yourself....
Even the Panizzon et al (which I should mention was published in Intelligence in 2014, so under editorial review of Richard Lynn himself), has no mention of ethnicities or race or anything that we were talking about. So like I said, I knew from the start you couldn't do it. You can only deflect, move goalposts, and regurgitate.

>> No.11928482

How do you know that whites have the greatest capacity for intellegence? Which is what I think you're implying here.
Asians have higher iqs on average

>> No.11928489

Nobody relevant has ever claimed this. You made this boogeyman yourself just so you can feel like the alternate equivalent of an SJW. And you're just as bad as them, make no mistake.

>> No.11928493

>hasn't posted a single piece of evidence
>complains about moving goalposts
Genetic and biological differences between ethnicities are irrelevant to this discussion? The heritability of intelligence is irrelevant?

>> No.11928501

>are there differences in IQ varying by genetically distinct groups
>genetics aren't real socioeconomic factors are the reasons for the disparity I accidentally acknowledged
>twin studies
>skin color has nothing to do with intelligence
>skin color is genetic, bone structure is genetic, different genetically distinct groups of people have distant organs even. we aren't cookie cutters. We are affected in numerous ways genetically.
>insert proof
>ad hominem
>also why is it that some people that live in the most fertile lands haven't advanced at all meanwhile others living in barren winter lands have done almost all of the advancement?
why are these conversations so filled with unscientific opinions?
What's wrong with a simple question? there's nothing political about science.
it just is.
why is knowledge bad?
being purposefully ignorant isn't very scientific.
it's just a question, scientists ask questions all the time and search for answers.

>> No.11928503

>Nobody relevant has ever claimed this.
Go out on the street and start asking people if there is a genetic component to racial disparities. What do you think will happen? People are not allowed to believe anything but 100% nurture.

>> No.11928510

Where did the OP say that?
also which whites (europeans)? there are many races and ethnicities in Europe.
Also it's likely asians that are more analytically intelligent.

>> No.11928511
File: 19 KB, 847x557, 864BCEF9-C841-49DB-A91D-A2D1D76E4C30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Asians have higher intellects than whities
Albinomutts btfo

>> No.11928513

The image is implying that the whites are the best by having them at the center
Also this is a common /pol/ argument

>> No.11928518

>waaaaaaaaaah /pol/ is mean, and I can't refute the studies

there there, lefties

>> No.11928521

what do you mean?
we've acquired this data and now we can investigate the reasoning.
you guys seem to be adding some kind of personal element with really doesn't add anything.

>> No.11928524

You're still missing something important. Kind of the crux of your entire argument in fact. Just one study, even in your wildest alt-right fantasy journals. I want to see that ethnic differences in intelligence are due to genetics. I want it so bad, it never comes. I see some ethnic genetic differences, I see differences in intelligence metrics, I just want to know if the genetics is the reason for the differences. Just the two existing isn't enough. (it's enough for you though)

>> No.11928529

>the street
Really digging deep there. Just like an SJW reeing over a microaggression or some shit.

>> No.11928532

I'm not from /pol/ but that's interesting.
but also the image seems to simply depict different ethnicities and their cultural and phenotypical differences.
It seems like you implied something irrelevant and not directly stated. Likely due to your own personal biases which aren't very important to the question.

>> No.11928540

Okay. Let's come up with an ethical study that would lay the question to rest. What do you propose?
How would you account for the nebulous omnipresent ether known as System Racism? Any ethical study you could come up with would be confounded by this get-out-of-jail-free card.

>> No.11928542

Just stop the retarded act

>> No.11928543

Australian Abbos are proof of concept. Absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.11928548

What act?
also i'm black btw not sue if that matters
I'm interested in science and I'd like it if we talked about the science rather than this derailed unscientific conversation on a science board.
how so?

>> No.11928555

>Not from /pol/
>Seems to be potraying the cultures of the world
So it's a coincidence that they had a handsome white man but all the ugliest of the other races? Give me a break
You whites always compare your iq to blacks but ignore the asians with higher iqs than you. Cherrypicking to the extreme

>> No.11928557

>99% of people believe something for which there is no evidence
>you will lose your job and become a pariah if you question it
>this is completely irrelevant
What do you think is going to happen over the 50 years as developed countries replace their populations with the Third World? Would these policies still be pursued if people knew that there was a genetic component?

>> No.11928558

1) Sounds like you just handwave systemic racial issues that are well-known to exist.
2) I don't even need it as an out. It's possible to identify the genes and how they manifest as intelligence (if they exist).

>> No.11928559

>confuses nature and nurture with race

Seriously kill yourself.

>> No.11928564

Ok which system is racist? Is it the Illuminati who wants to keep the black man down?

>> No.11928566


Ok, but where's your empirical evidence? You're on the /sci/ board not /pol/, you can't just claim that something is fact without evidence, you fucking tard.

>> No.11928570


>Yes Asians have higher intellects than whities
Albinomutts btfo

And where is this from? Anyone can make a bell graph.

>> No.11928576

I'm not about to educate you on systemic racism. It would take all day and you would ignore all of it. I guess you win this one.

>> No.11928577

is this an acronym?
>handsome white man but all the ugliest of the other races?
that seems to be very personally subjective and not a very scientific or relevant conversation bordering on racism.
>The picture/poster shows five men representing five different cultural spheres: an American Indian, an Australian Aborigine, an African, an Asian and an European.
>The European, standing in the center, dominates the scene and thus shows the Eurocentric world view of the time (early 20th century)
also so?
that's not a scientific article.
and again derailing and not relevant.
I believe this is what goal post moving means and well as straw manning.
>You whites always compare your iq to blacks but ignore the asians with higher iqs than you
I'm not white, which is also irrelevant.
and again the question was inclusive to all ethnicities and races including asian races.
Yes asians are measured to have a greater analytical intelligence, and I'm curious why.
we have the data, so then I am interested in why.
>Cherrypicking to the extreme

>> No.11928578

Is there some way we can lock /pol/ into their containment board to keep them from shitting up other boards?

>> No.11928581

Well no shit, fucking crack babys from low IQ crack addicted parents are going to have low IQs. The question is are there black people with average and high IQs? If yes,then black people can become as intelligent as white and asians. Just weed out the dumb ones somehow.

>> No.11928582

>It's possible to identify the genes and how they manifest as intelligence
We are only beginning to develop the technology to do this. Given the current political climate, do you think it's realistic that researchers will be very enthusiastic about pursuing this line of investigation? Besides, it's considered settled science by most.
Is it right that most people believe all ethnicities to be equally intelligent despite there being a clear lack of supporting evidence? Is that what you believe or are you agnostic?

>> No.11928584

When you believe in systemic racism and not the blaring fact that the rich made racism up to control anyone below them.


>> No.11928588

>How would you account for the nebulous omnipresent ether known as System Racism?
that doesn't really have much to do with science.
but you could use scientific results and tools to create an optimal path (applications) for a specific outcome.
science really doesn't say which outcome is supposed to happen.
supposed isn't real when it comes to ethics.
because ethics aren't real.
>are well-known to exist.
yes documentation is very scientific.
much else involvement from that isn't very.

>> No.11928589

>Just weed out the dumb ones somehow
So almost all of them? Genocide it is, then

>> No.11928590

It would require a very brutish and uncompromising eugenics program.

>> No.11928594

Its called evolution you fucking idiot. He said something that most people would cringe at but if black people are indeed genetically not as smart as whites, we can further select for intelligence so blacks can be on par with intelligence wise with whites etc. Sounds pretty reasonable.

There's a difference between being a race realist and just being a brain dead racist.

>> No.11928596

Holy shit are you really are that stupid? Did you have to work on it.

>> No.11928599

>Just weed out the dumb ones somehow.
that's more socio-political/government than science bro
>political climate,
what does that have to do with science?
> right
haha please no religion this is about science
you realize you just claimed there is a system of racism right?

>> No.11928602

Well said.

>> No.11928605

I understand that you /pol/tards do not know what evidence is, but where is you empirical evidence?

>> No.11928609

Your complaining about low IQ nigs but you yourself are literal 90 IQ white trash. To dense to even get a simple argument. I mean dude , you are dumb as shit.

>> No.11928610

that previous guy was talking about memetics not DNA n shit
what's wrong with the current black?
there really nothing wrong with being less intelligent, you're thinking very Eurocentrically and religiously

>> No.11928612

Everyone should be agnostic when there's no evidence either way. To suggest racial IQ determinism is to no longer be agnostic. We should equally ridicule anyone suggesting everyone is equally intelligent (I literally haven't seen anyone say this btw). However, we do know of environmental racial disparities that definitely exist, and we should all want to remediate them as much as possible.

>> No.11928614

No, I claimed that there is a wealth system that does what is can to stay wealthy. It happens world wide not just the US; get fucking real and stop focusing on the US.

>> No.11928622

It's a fact
Meds master race

>> No.11928624

>the rich made racism up to control anyone below them

>> No.11928628

I can't believe you're an actual human. You still haven't given empirical evidence or data on why your information is accurate.

>> No.11928629

>political climate,
>what does that have to do with science?

The leading open-access journal in the field of intelligence research, the Journal of Intelligence, has a policy listed on its website since 2018 that states, “The journal will not publish articles that may lead to or enhance political controversies and the editors will judge whether that is the case.” In other words, the journal’s editors will reject manuscripts that could be politically controversial—regardless of the quality of the science.


Since when are agnostics not allowed to suggest anything? I've always used this thought experiment already, but suppose you were to go out in the street and start asking people if it's possible that there is a genetic component to racial disparities. How do you think most people would respond? In an agnostic society a typical response would be "yeah sure, it's possible".

>> No.11928633

Ok, well then what "race" are the rich? It's not going to be the same for every country.

>> No.11928636

what does that have to do with science?

>> No.11928638

>the rich made racism up to control anyone below them
this is what you said
what race the rich are seems to not really matter

>> No.11928645

>There's nothing wrong with being less intellegent

>> No.11928656

Then we agree on the same thing. The middle east bros are literally all the same "race", but are still "racist" to one another due to tribes and shit, but yet the Saudis are the richer one that fuel that shit.

>> No.11928661

Just publish somewhere else. If some no-name pseud journal gets credit for a huge legitimate discovery, it would be an embarrassment to the big journals. There are journals with literal eugenicists running the peer review too.

>> No.11928674

because wrong isn't measurable and thus not science, making this a religious argument.
I'll admit to poor word usage.
rather it doesn't matter.
what does this have to do with science though?

>> No.11928682

Nothing. Just a side rant.

>> No.11928717
File: 29 KB, 480x480, A937D289-4B57-4D1C-A0A5-A3EADF24AEE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty fucking stupid to assume ethnicities are literally skin deep and not looking further into it/denying the validity any proof against it.

>> No.11928747

Because to suggest otherwise would be waaaaaaaysis and white supreeeeeemist

>> No.11928755

>no-name pseud journal gets credit for a huge legitimate discovery
implying it wouldn't just be swept under the rug

>> No.11928775

Not really, I mean, if you can provide information and evidence that support or argue a statement doesn't make it racist.

That's what anyone just stating things in this thread aren't doing, which therefor makes their statements invalid.

For example; don't do this:
... it kind of keeps going

Further example; do this:

>> No.11928786

Casual reminder that every race's intelligence fit's into bell curves and if you're reading this most likely you are average to retarded. That's math and science for ya

>> No.11928877

Have Asians ever invented anything original on their own? They seem to just copy the west.

>> No.11928985

>That's what anyone just stating things in this thread aren't doing, which therefor makes their statements invalid.
Lol if we provide evidence or research people will just ignore it. Fuck sakes on /his/ I dumped whole bunch of documents with me personally writing out the page numbers of importance and basically hand holding some motherfucker and he was like "I won't read it" because he was adamant Portuguese Angola was perfect.

>> No.11929029
File: 105 KB, 808x491, race and crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11929145

that's not how /threading works.
Also zip codes predict it better

>> No.11929146

race distribution on those zip codes?

>> No.11929158


>Have Asians ever invented anything original on their own? They seem to just copy the west.

Asians invented gun powder and noodles. Just two examples of things that changed to world into what we know today.

Whites steal achievements like blacks claim they were egyptians lmao.

>> No.11929207

You mentioned religion twice now, wtf is up with your cringe fedora attacks on religion? Religion has no problem with less smart people, you fucking mong.

>> No.11929215

you're too stupid to understand.

>> No.11929361

>Africans, natives and their descendants are less intelligent because they needed less effort to survive.
My parents were born and raised in Africa and this is total bullshit. Why do people think Africa is some Garden of Eden?

>> No.11929490

I'm sure you people will find it and post it on /sci/. I await your return.

>> No.11930003

fuck off, or answer his question

>> No.11930009

>I remember reading somewhere
no you never did you liar

>> No.11930011

>muh race is only skin deep!
why are there so many NPC's here all of a sudden?

>> No.11930015
File: 74 KB, 742x745, brainmfggr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there really nothing wrong with being less intelligent
commie retard spotted

>> No.11930023


>> No.11930026

you are literally retarded. lol

>> No.11930826

The people that sacked rome are not the same people that live in germany today.